async def test_cmd_compile_all_rules_no_workspace(initialize_msg,
                                                  open_streams, test_rules,
    ''' Ensure CompileAllRules only compiles opened files when no workspace is specified '''
    notifications = []
    expected = {"result": None}
    expected_msg = "wrong usage of identifier \"cuckoo\""
    file_path = test_rules.joinpath("code_completion.yara").resolve()
    contents = dedent("""
    import \"cuckoo\"
    rule ModuleCompletionExample { condition: cuckoo }
    did_change = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "textDocument/didChange",
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": helpers.create_file_uri(file_path),
                "version": 42
            "contentChanges": [{
                "text": contents
    execute_cmd = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "workspace/executeCommand",
        "params": {
            "command": "yara.CompileAllRules",
            "arguments": []
    # keep non-existant test workspace
    # to ensure YARA rules actually get properly identified
    init_ws = json.loads(initialize_msg)
    init_ws["params"]["rootPath"] = None
    init_ws["params"]["rootUri"] = None
    init_ws["params"]["workspaceFolders"] = []
    # initialize server with the workspace we want to work from
    reader, writer = open_streams
    await yara_server.write_data(json.dumps(init_ws), writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    await yara_server.write_data(initialized_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    # notify the server of a file change
    await yara_server.write_data(json.dumps(did_change), writer)
    # finally, execute command
    await yara_server.write_data(json.dumps(execute_cmd), writer)
    response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    while response.get("method") == "textDocument/publishDiagnostics":
        response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    assert response["result"] == expected
    assert len(notifications) == 1
    assert notifications[0]["uri"] == helpers.create_file_uri(file_path)
    assert len(notifications[0]["diagnostics"]) == 1
    assert notifications[0]["diagnostics"][0]["message"] == expected_msg
Esempio n. 2
async def test_references_wildcard(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure wildcard variables return references to all possible variables within rule they are found '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 30,
            "character": 11
        "context": {
            "includeDeclaration": True
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_reference(params, document)
    assert len(result) == 2
    for index, location in enumerate(result):
        assert isinstance(location, protocol.Location) is True
        assert location.uri == file_uri
        if index == 0:
            assert location.range.start.line == 19
            assert location.range.start.char == 9
            assert location.range.end.line == 19
            assert location.range.end.char == 19
        elif index == 1:
            assert location.range.start.line == 20
            assert location.range.start.char == 9
            assert location.range.end.line == 20
            assert location.range.end.char == 20
Esempio n. 3
async def test_references_rules(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure references to rules are returned at the start of the rule name '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 42,
            "character": 12
        "context": {
            "includeDeclaration": True
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_reference(params, document)
    assert len(result) == 2
    for index, location in enumerate(result):
        assert isinstance(location, protocol.Location) is True
        assert location.uri == file_uri
        if index == 0:
            assert location.range.start.line == 5
            assert location.range.start.char == 5
            assert location.range.end.line == 5
            assert location.range.end.char == 18
        elif index == 1:
            assert location.range.start.line == 42
            assert location.range.start.char == 8
            assert location.range.end.line == 42
            assert location.range.end.char == 21
Esempio n. 4
async def test_hover_dirty_file(initialize_msg, initialized_msg, open_streams, test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure a variable's value is provided on hover for a dirty file '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    unsaved_changes = "rule ResolveSymbol {\n strings:\n  $a = \"test\"\n condition:\n  #a > 3\n}\n"
    did_change_msg = json.dumps({
        "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "textDocument/didChange",
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "contentChanges": [{"text": unsaved_changes}]
    hover_msg = json.dumps({
        "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "textDocument/hover", "id": 2,
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "position": {"line": 4, "character": 3}
    reader, writer = open_streams
    await yara_server.write_data(initialize_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    await yara_server.write_data(initialized_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    await yara_server.write_data(did_change_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.write_data(hover_msg, writer)
    response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    # TODO: build JSON decoder to convert JSON objects to protocol objects
    assert response["result"]["contents"]["kind"] == "plaintext"
    assert response["result"]["contents"]["value"] == "\"test\""
    await writer.wait_closed()
Esempio n. 5
async def test_exceptions_handled(initialize_msg, initialized_msg,
                                  open_streams, test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure server notifies user when errors are encountered '''
    expected = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "window/showMessage",
        "params": {
            "type": 1,
            "message": "Could not find symbol for definition request"
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    error_request = json.dumps({
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,  # the initialize message takes id 0
        "method": "textDocument/definition",
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": file_uri
            "position": {}
    reader, writer = open_streams
    await yara_server.write_data(initialize_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    await yara_server.write_data(initialized_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    await yara_server.write_data(error_request, writer)
    response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    assert response == expected
    await writer.wait_closed()
Esempio n. 6
async def test_compile_on_save_true(caplog, init_server, open_streams, test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure diagnostics are returned on save when 'compile_on_save' set to true '''
    expected_msg = "syntax error, unexpected <true>, expecting text string"
    expected_sev = protocol.DiagnosticSeverity.ERROR
    new_config = {"compile_on_save": True}
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    change_config_msg = json.dumps({
        "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "workspace/didChangeConfiguration",
        "params": {"settings": {"yara": new_config}}
    save_file_msg = json.dumps({
        "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "textDocument/didSave",
        "params": {"textDocument": {"uri": file_uri}}
    reader, writer = open_streams
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, "yara"):
        await init_server(reader, writer, yara_server)
        await yara_server.write_data(change_config_msg, writer)
        await yara_server.write_data(save_file_msg, writer)
        response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
        diagnostics = response["params"]["diagnostics"]
        assert len(diagnostics) == 1
        assert diagnostics[0]["message"] == expected_msg
        assert diagnostics[0]["severity"] == expected_sev
        assert ("yara", logging.DEBUG, "Changed workspace config to {}".format(json.dumps(new_config))) in caplog.record_tuples
    await writer.wait_closed()
async def test_format_alt_tabsize(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure a text edit is provided on format with tabSize set '''
    expected = dedent("""\
    rule Oneline : test
        $a = "test"

    oneline = str(test_rules.joinpath("oneline.yar").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(oneline)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": file_uri
            "position": {
                "line": 29,
                "character": 12
            "options": {
                "tabSize": 2
    result = await yara_server.provide_formatting(message, True)
    assert len(result) == 1
    edit = result[0]
    assert isinstance(edit, protocol.TextEdit) is True
    assert edit.newText == expected
Esempio n. 8
async def test_renames(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure variables can be renamed '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    # @dstring[1]: Line 30, Col 12
    new_text = "test_rename"
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 29,
            "character": 12
        "newName": new_text
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_rename(params, document, file_uri)
    assert isinstance(result, protocol.WorkspaceEdit) is True
    assert len(result.changes) == 3
    acceptable_lines = [21, 28, 29]
    for edit in result.changes:
        assert isinstance(edit, protocol.TextEdit) is True
        assert edit.newText == new_text
        assert edit.range.start.line in acceptable_lines
def test_create_file_uri(test_rules):
    ''' Ensure file URIs are generated from paths '''
    test_rule_path = str(test_rules)
    expected = "file://{}".format(
        quote(test_rule_path.replace("\\", "/"), safe="/\\"))
    output = helpers.create_file_uri(test_rule_path)
    assert output == expected
Esempio n. 10
async def test_dirty_files(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure server prefers versions of dirty files over those backed by file path '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    unsaved_changes = "rule ResolveSymbol {\n strings:\n  $a = \"test\"\n condition:\n  #a > 3\n}\n"
    dirty_files = {file_uri: unsaved_changes}
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files)
    assert document == unsaved_changes
Esempio n. 11
async def test_no_hover(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure non-variables do not return hovers '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "position": {"line": 25, "character": 12}
    result = await yara_server.provide_hover(message, True)
    assert result is None
Esempio n. 12
async def test_code_completion_unexpected(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure code completion doesn't return items or error out when a symbol does not have any items to be completed '''
    code_completion = str(test_rules.joinpath("code_completion.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(code_completion)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "position": {"line": 8, "character": 25}
    result = await yara_server.provide_code_completion(message, True)
    assert result == []
Esempio n. 13
async def test_hover(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure a variable's value is provided on hover '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "position": {"line": 29, "character": 12}
    result = await yara_server.provide_hover(message, True)
    assert isinstance(result, protocol.Hover) is True
    assert result.contents.kind == protocol.MarkupKind.Plaintext
    assert result.contents.value == "\"double string\" wide nocase fullword"
Esempio n. 14
async def test_format_keep_whitespace(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure a text edit is provided with untrimmed whitespace '''
    expected = dedent("""\
    rule Oneline : test 
            $a = "test" 

    oneline = str(test_rules.joinpath("oneline.yar").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(oneline)
    # spacing should be preserved
    dirty_files = {file_uri: expected}
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(oneline)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": file_uri
            "position": {
                "line": 29,
                "character": 12
            "options": {
                "trimTrailingWhitespace": False
    result = await yara_server.provide_formatting(message,
    assert len(result) == 1
    edit = result[0]
    assert isinstance(edit, protocol.TextEdit) is True
    assert edit.newText == expected
Esempio n. 15
async def test_code_completion_module_function(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure code completion returns a properly-formatted snippet string when a module entry is a function '''
    expected = [
        protocol.CompletionItem("is_dll", protocol.CompletionItemKind.FUNCTION, detail="pe.is_dll()", insertText="is_dll()")
    code_completion = str(test_rules.joinpath("code_completion.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(code_completion)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "position": {"line": 26, "character": 17}
    result = await yara_server.provide_code_completion(message, True)
    assert len(result) == len(expected)
    assert result == expected
Esempio n. 16
async def test_no_hover(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure non-variables do not return hovers '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 25,
            "character": 12
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_hover(params, document)
    assert result is None
Esempio n. 17
async def test_no_references(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure server does not return references if none are found '''
    alienspy = str(test_rules.joinpath("apt_alienspy_rat.yar").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(alienspy)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 47,
            "character": 99
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_reference(params, document)
    assert result == []
Esempio n. 18
async def test_code_completion_overflow(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure code completion doesn't return items or error out when a position doesn't exist in the file '''
    code_completion = str(
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(code_completion)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 9,
            "character": 25
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_code_completion(params, document)
    assert result == []
Esempio n. 19
async def test_code_completion_regular(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure code completion works with functions defined in modules schema '''
    code_completion = str(test_rules.joinpath("code_completion.yara").resolve())
    expected = [
        protocol.CompletionItem("network", protocol.CompletionItemKind.CLASS, detail=""),
        protocol.CompletionItem("registry", protocol.CompletionItemKind.CLASS, detail="cuckoo.registry"),
        protocol.CompletionItem("filesystem", protocol.CompletionItemKind.CLASS, detail="cuckoo.filesystem"),
        protocol.CompletionItem("sync", protocol.CompletionItemKind.CLASS, detail="cuckoo.sync")
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(code_completion)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "position": {"line": 10, "character": 15}
    actual = await yara_server.provide_code_completion(message, True)
    assert len(actual) == len(expected)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 20
async def test_no_definitions(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure no definition is provided for symbols that are not variables or rules '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 27,
            "character": 12
        "context": {
            "includeDeclaration": True
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_definition(params, document)
    assert result == []
Esempio n. 21
async def test_format_notify_user(test_rules, uninstall_pkg, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure the formatter notifies the user if plyara is not installed '''
    expected_msg = "plyara is not installed. Formatting is disabled"
    oneline = str(test_rules.joinpath("oneline.yar").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(oneline)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": file_uri
            "position": {
                "line": 29,
                "character": 12
    await uninstall_pkg("plyara")
    with pytest.raises(ce.NoDependencyFound) as excinfo:
        await yara_server.provide_formatting(message, True)
    assert expected_msg == str(excinfo.value)
Esempio n. 22
async def test_format_no_imports(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure imports are removed from provided rules. They should not be affected by formatter '''
    rulefile = str(test_rules.joinpath("code_completion.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(rulefile)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": file_uri
            "position": {
                "line": 9,
                "character": 12
    result = await yara_server.provide_formatting(message, True)
    assert len(result) == 3
    assert all([isinstance(edit, protocol.TextEdit) for edit in result])
    full_text = "\n".join([edit.newText for edit in result])
    # should only be two imports - one for cuckoo and one for pe
    assert full_text.count("import ") == 0
Esempio n. 23
async def test_cancel(initialize_msg, initialized_msg, open_streams,
                      test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure a task can be cancelled before it returns '''
    # initialize the server
    reader, writer = open_streams
    await yara_server.write_data(initialize_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    await yara_server.write_data(initialized_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    # execute a task that shouldn't complete on its own
    alienspy = str(test_rules.joinpath("apt_alienspy_rat.yar").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(alienspy)
    msg_id = 1
    message = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": msg_id,
        "method": "textDocument/hover",
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": file_uri
            "position": {
                "line": 38,
                "character": 15
    await yara_server.write_data(json.dumps(message), writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    # cancel that task
    cancel = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "$/cancelRequest",
        "params": {
            "id": msg_id
    await yara_server.write_data(json.dumps(cancel), writer)
    response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
Esempio n. 24
async def test_definitions_variables_regular(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure definition is provided for a normal variable '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 24,
            "character": 12
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_definition(params, document)
    assert len(result) == 1
    assert isinstance(result[0], protocol.Location) is True
    assert result[0].uri == file_uri
    assert result[0].range.start.line == 19
    assert result[0].range.start.char == 9
    assert result[0].range.end.line == 19
    assert result[0].range.end.char == 22
Esempio n. 25
async def test_format_keep_newlines(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure a text edit is provided with extra newlines '''
    expected = dedent("""\
    rule Oneline : test
            $a = "test"


    oneline = str(test_rules.joinpath("oneline.yar").resolve())
    with open(oneline) as ifile:
        file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(oneline)
        dirty_files = {file_uri: "%s\n\n\n" %}
        message = {
            "params": {
                "textDocument": {
                    "uri": file_uri
                "position": {
                    "line": 29,
                    "character": 12
                "options": {
                    "trimFinalNewlines": False
        result = await yara_server.provide_formatting(message,
        assert len(result) == 1
        edit = result[0]
        assert isinstance(edit, protocol.TextEdit) is True
        assert edit.newText == expected
async def test_cmd_compile_all_rules(initialize_msg, initialized_msg,
                                     open_streams, test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure CompileAllRules compiles all YARA rule files in the given workspace using the "executeCommand" action '''
    expected = {"result": None}
    execute_cmd = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "workspace/executeCommand",
        "params": {
            "command": "yara.CompileAllRules",
            "arguments": []
    # change workspace from non-existant test workspace to our test_rules
    # to ensure YARA rules actually get properly identified
    init_ws = json.loads(initialize_msg)
    init_ws["params"]["rootPath"] = str(test_rules)
    init_ws["params"]["rootUri"] = helpers.create_file_uri(str(test_rules))
    init_ws["params"]["workspaceFolders"] = [{
    # initialize server with the workspace we want to work from
    reader, writer = open_streams
    await yara_server.write_data(json.dumps(init_ws), writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    await yara_server.write_data(initialized_msg, writer)
    await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    # finally, execute command
    await yara_server.write_data(json.dumps(execute_cmd), writer)
    response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    # diagnostics are sent as notifications, and there may be an arbitrary number depending on test files
    while response.get("method") == "textDocument/publishDiagnostics":
        response = await yara_server.read_request(reader)
    # once all the diagnostics are finished, we should get our final response, which should be null
    assert response.get("result", {}) == expected
Esempio n. 27
async def test_code_completion_module_dictionary(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure code completion returns a properly-formatted list of strings when a module entry is a list of dictionary keys '''
    actual = []
    expected = []
    options = [
        "Comments", "CompanyName", "FileDescription", "FileVersion", "InternalName",
        "LegalCopyright", "LegalTrademarks", "OriginalFilename", "ProductName", "ProductVersion"
    for option in options:
        snippet = "version_info[\"{}\"]".format(option)
        detail = "pe.{}".format(snippet)
        expected.append(protocol.CompletionItem(option, protocol.CompletionItemKind.INTERFACE, detail=detail, insertText=snippet))
    code_completion = str(test_rules.joinpath("code_completion.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(code_completion)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {"uri": file_uri},
            "position": {"line": 18, "character": 15}
    actual = await yara_server.provide_code_completion(message, True)
    assert len(actual) == len(expected)
    assert actual == expected
Esempio n. 28
async def test_definitions_private_rules(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure definition is provided for a private rule name '''
    private_goto_rules = str(
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(private_goto_rules)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 9,
            "character": 14
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_definition(params, document)
    assert len(result) == 1
    assert isinstance(result[0], protocol.Location) is True
    assert result[0].uri == file_uri
    assert result[0].range.start.line == 0
    assert result[0].range.start.char == 13
    assert result[0].range.end.line == 0
    assert result[0].range.end.char == 28
Esempio n. 29
async def test_definitions_variables_length(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure definition is provided for a variable with length modifier (!) '''
    peek_rules = str(test_rules.joinpath("peek_rules.yara").resolve())
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(peek_rules)
    message = {
        "params": {
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": file_uri
            "position": {
                "line": 42,
                "character": 32
    result = await yara_server.provide_definition(message, True)
    assert len(result) == 1
    assert isinstance(result[0], protocol.Location) is True
    assert result[0].uri == file_uri
    assert result[0].range.start.line == 40
    assert result[0].range.start.char == 9
    assert result[0].range.end.line == 40
    assert result[0].range.end.char == 22
Esempio n. 30
async def test_code_completion_regular(test_rules, yara_server):
    ''' Ensure code completion works with functions defined in modules schema '''
    actual = []
    code_completion = str(
    expected = ["network", "registry", "filesystem", "sync"]
    file_uri = helpers.create_file_uri(code_completion)
    params = {
        "textDocument": {
            "uri": file_uri
        "position": {
            "line": 9,
            "character": 15
    document = yara_server._get_document(file_uri, dirty_files={})
    result = await yara_server.provide_code_completion(params, document)
    assert len(result) == 4
    for completion in result:
        assert isinstance(completion, protocol.CompletionItem) is True
    assert actual == expected