Esempio n. 1
def plot_results():
    # Add in deleted obs
    deleted = np.in1d(X[:, 1], yatsm.X[:, 1], invert=True)

    plt.plot(dates[deleted], Y[plot_index, deleted], 'ro')

    # Get qualitative color map for model segment lines
    # Color map ncolors goes from 3 - 9
    ncolors = min(9, max(3, len(yatsm.record)))
    # Repeat if number of segments > 9
    repeat = int(math.ceil(len(yatsm.record) / 9.0))
    fit_colors = brewer2mpl.get_map('set1',
                                    ncolors).hex_colors * repeat

    # Direction for prediction x
    step = -1 if reverse else 1

    for i, r in enumerate(yatsm.record):
        # Predict
        mx = np.arange(r['start'], r['end'], step)
        my =['coef'][:, plot_index],
                    make_X(mx, freq))
        mx_date = np.array([dt.fromordinal(int(_x)) for _x in mx])

        plt.plot(mx_date, my, fit_colors[i])

        idx = np.where((yatsm.X[:, 1] >= r['start']) & (yatsm.X[:, 1] <= r['end']))[0]
        sklearn_lasso = sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=20).fit(yatsm.X[idx, :], yatsm.Y[plot_index, idx])

        plt.plot(mx_date, sklearn_lasso.predict(make_X(mx, freq).T), fit_colors[i], ls='dashed', lw=3)

        # from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
        # Pdb().set_trace()

        if r['break'] != 0:
            break_date = dt.fromordinal(int(r['break']))
            break_i = np.where(X[:, 1] == r['break'])[0]
            if not plot_ylim:
                _plot_ylim = (Y[plot_index, :].min(), Y[plot_index, :].max())
                _plot_ylim = plot_ylim

            plt.vlines(break_date, _plot_ylim[0], _plot_ylim[1], 'r')
            plt.plot(break_date, Y[plot_index, break_i],
                     'ro', mec='r', mfc='none', ms=10, mew=5)
Esempio n. 2
def preprocess(location, px, py, freq,
    """ Read and preprocess Landsat data before analysis """
    dates, files = find_stack_images(location,

    x = np.array(dates)
    Y = read_pixel_timeseries(files, px, py)

    # Filter out time series and remove Fmask
    clear = np.logical_and(Y[fmask, :] <= 1,
                           np.all(Y <= 10000, axis=0))
    Y = Y[:, clear][:fmask, :]
    x = x[clear]

    # Ordinal date
    ord_x = np.array(map(dt.toordinal, x))
    # Make X matrix
    X = make_X(ord_x, freq).T

    return X, Y, clear