Esempio n. 1
    def decode_data(cls, msg, typedef):
        r"""Decode an object.

            msg (string): Encoded object to decode.
            typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to decode the

            object: Decoded object.

        lines = backwards.as_str(msg).splitlines()
        metadata = {'comments': [], 'element_order': [], 'property_order': {}}
        if lines[0] != 'ply':
            raise ValueError("The first line must be 'ply'")
        # Parse header
        e = None
        p = None
        type_map = {}
        size_map = {}
        obj = {}
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            if line.startswith('format'):
                metadata['plyformat'] = line.split(None, 1)[-1]
            elif line.startswith('comment'):
                out = line.split(None, 1)[-1]
                if out.startswith('material:'):
                    obj['material'] = out.split(None, 1)[-1]
            elif line.startswith('element'):
                vars = line.split()
                e_sing = vars[1]
                e = singular2plural(e_sing)
                size_map[e] = int(float(vars[2]))
                type_map[e] = {}
                metadata['property_order'][e] = []
                obj[e] = []
            elif line.startswith('property'):
                vars = line.split()
                p = vars[-1]
                type_map[e][p] = ' '.join(vars[1:-1])
            elif 'end_header' in line:
                headline = i + 1
        # Parse body
        i = headline
        for e in metadata['element_order']:
            if e == 'material':
            for ie in range(size_map[e]):
                vars = lines[i].split()
                iv = 0
                new = {}
                for p in metadata['property_order'][e]:
                    if type_map[e][p].startswith('list'):
                        type_vars = type_map[e][p].split()
                        count_type = translate_ply2py(type_vars[1])
                        plist_type = translate_ply2py(type_vars[2])
                        count = count_type(vars[iv])
                        plist = []
                        iv += 1
                        for ip in range(count):
                            iv += 1
                        new[p] = plist
                        prop_type = translate_ply2py(type_map[e][p])
                        new[p] = prop_type(vars[iv])
                        iv += 1
                assert (iv == len(vars))
                i += 1
        # Check that all properties filled in
        for e in metadata['element_order']:
            if e not in metadata['property_order']:
            for p in metadata['property_order'][e]:
                assert (len(obj[e]) == size_map[e])
        # Return
        return PlyDict(obj)
Esempio n. 2
class SerializeBase(tools.YggClass):
    r"""Base class for serializing/deserializing a Python object into/from a
    bytes message.

        newline (str, optional): One or more characters indicating a newline.
            Defaults to '\n'.
        comment (str, optional): One or more characters indicating a comment.
            Defaults to '# '.
        datatype (schema, optional): JSON schema defining the type of object
            that the serializer will be used to serialize/deserialize. Defaults
            to default_datatype.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword args are processed as part of the type

        initialized (bool): True if the serializer has been initialized either
            by input arguments specifying the type or by infering the type from
            a processed message.

    Class Attributes:
        has_header (bool): True if the serialization has a header when written
            to a file.
        default_read_meth (str): Default method that data should be read from
            a file for deserialization.
        is_framed (bool): True if the serialization has a frame allowing
            multiple serialized objects to be recovered from a single message.
        concats_as_str (bool): True if serialized objects can be concatenated
            directly as strings.
        encoded_datatype (schema): JSON schema defining the type of object
            produced by the class's func_serialize method. For most classes
            this will be {'type': 'bytes'}, indicating that the method will
            produce bytes suitable for serialization.


    _seritype = None
    _schema_type = 'serializer'
    _schema_subtype_key = 'seritype'
    _schema_requried = ['seritype']
    _schema_properties = {
        'seritype': {
            'type': 'string',
            'default': 'default',
            'description': ('Serializer type.')
        'newline': {
            'type': 'string',
            'default': backwards.as_str(serialize._default_newline)
        'comment': {
            'type': 'string',
            'default': backwards.as_str(serialize._default_comment)
        'datatype': {
            'type': 'schema'
    _oldstyle_kws = ['format_str', 'field_names', 'field_units', 'as_array']
    _attr_conv = ['newline', 'comment']
    default_datatype = {'type': 'bytes'}
    default_encoded_datatype = {'type': 'bytes'}
    has_header = False
    default_read_meth = 'read'
    is_framed = False
    concats_as_str = True

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if ('format_str' in kwargs):
            drv = tools.get_subprocess_language_driver()
            if drv.decode_format is not None:
                kwargs['format_str'] = drv.decode_format(kwargs['format_str'])
        if isinstance(kwargs.get('datatype', None), MetaschemaType):
            self.datatype = kwargs.pop('datatype')
        super(SerializeBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        kwargs = self.extra_kwargs
        self.extra_kwargs = {}
        # Set defaults
        if self.datatype is None:
            self.datatype = self.default_datatype
        elif ((isinstance(self.datatype, dict)
               and (self.datatype != self.default_datatype))):
            kwargs['datatype'] = self.datatype
        # Update typedef
        self.initialized = False
        if isinstance(self.datatype, dict):
            self.datatype = get_type_from_def(self.default_datatype,
        if getattr(self, 'encoded_datatype', None) is None:
            self.encoded_datatype = self.default_encoded_datatype
        if isinstance(self.encoded_datatype, dict):
            self.encoded_datatype = get_type_from_def(self.encoded_datatype,
        self.initialized = self.is_initialized()

    def is_initialized(self):
        r"""Determine if the serializer has been initialized by comparing the
        current datatype against the default for the class.

            bool: True if the current datatype is different than the default,
               False otherwise.

        return (self.typedef != self.default_datatype)

    def before_registration(cls):
        r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior
        to registration."""
        # If the serialization cannot be concatenated, then it is not framed by
        # definition and would be meaningless if read-in incrementally
        if not cls.concats_as_str:
            assert (not cls.is_framed)
            assert (cls.default_read_meth == 'read')

    def object2dict(cls, obj, **kwargs):
        r"""Convert a message object into a dictionary.

            obj (object): Object that would be serialized by this class and
                should be returned in a dictionary form.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored.

            dict: Dictionary version of the provided object.

        return {'f0': obj}

    def object2array(cls, obj, **kwargs):
        r"""Convert a message object into an array.

            obj (object): Object that would be serialized by this class and
                should be returned in an array form.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored.

            np.array: Array version of the provided object or None if one cannot
               be created.

        return None

    def concatenate(cls, objects, **kwargs):
        r"""Concatenate objects to get object that would be recieved if
        the concatenated serialization were deserialized.

            objects (list): Objects to be concatenated.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored.

            list: Set of objects that results from concatenating those provided.

        return objects

    def get_testing_options(cls,
        r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class.

            table_example (bool, optional): If True, the returned options will
                be for an array of elements representing a table-like structure.
                Defaults to False.
            array_columns (bool, optional): If True, table_example is set to
                True and the returned options will be for an array data type
                where each element is an array representing a column Defaults to
            include_oldkws (bool, optional): If True, old-style keywords will be
                added to the returned options. This will only have an effect if
                table_example is True. Defaults to False.

            dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs:

            * kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for comms tested with the
              provided content.
            * empty (object): Object produced from deserializing an empty
            * objects (list): List of objects to be serialized/deserialized.
              extra_kwargs (dict): Extra keyword arguments not used to
              construct type definition.
            * typedef (dict): Type definition resulting from the supplied
            * dtype (np.dtype): Numpy data types that is consistent with the
              determined type definition.
            * contents (bytes): Concatenated serialization that will result from
              deserializing the serialized objects.
            * contents_recv (list): List of objects that would be deserialized
              from contents.

        if array_columns:
            table_example = True
        if table_example:
            rows = [(b'one', np.int32(1), 1.0), (b'two', np.int32(2), 2.0),
                    (b'three', np.int32(3), 3.0)]
            out = {
                'kwargs': {},
                'empty': [],
                'extra_kwargs': {},
                'typedef': {
                    'items': [{
                        'type': 'bytes',
                        'units': 'n/a',
                        'title': 'name'
                    }, {
                        'type': 'int',
                        'precision': 32,
                        'units': 'umol',
                        'title': 'count'
                    }, {
                        'type': 'float',
                        'precision': 64,
                        'units': 'cm',
                        'title': 'size'
                (b'# name\tcount\tsize\n' + b'# n/a\tumol\tcm\n' +
                 b'# %5s\t%d\t%f\n' + b'  one\t1\t1.000000\n' +
                 b'  two\t2\t2.000000\n' + b'three\t3\t3.000000\n' +
                 b'  one\t1\t1.000000\n' + b'  two\t2\t2.000000\n' +
                2 * rows,
                'field_names': ['name', 'count', 'size'],
                'field_units': ['n/a', 'umol', 'cm']
            if include_oldkws:
                    'format_str': '%5s\t%d\t%f\n',
                    'field_names': ['name', 'count', 'size'],
                    'field_units': ['n/a', 'umol', 'cm']
            if array_columns:
                out['kwargs']['as_array'] = True
                dtype = np.dtype({
                    'formats': ['%s5' % backwards.np_dtype_str, 'i4', 'f8']
                out['dtype'] = dtype
                arr = np.array(rows, dtype=dtype)
                lst = [
                    units.add_units(arr[n], u)
                    for n, u in zip(out['field_names'], out['field_units'])
                out['objects'] = [lst, lst]
                for x in out['typedef']['items']:
                    x['subtype'] = x['type']
                    x['type'] = '1darray'
                    if x['title'] == 'name':
                        x['precision'] = 40
            out = {
                'kwargs': {},
                'empty': b'',
                'dtype': None,
                'typedef': cls.default_datatype,
                'extra_kwargs': {},
                'objects': [b'Test message\n', b'Test message 2\n']
            out['contents'] = b''.join(out['objects'])
        return out

    def read_meth(self):
        r"""str: Method that should be used to read data for deserialization."""
        return self.default_read_meth

    def seri_kws(cls):
        r"""Get a list of valid keyword arguments."""
        return list(
            set(list(cls._schema_properties.keys()) + cls._oldstyle_kws))

    def typedef(self):
        r"""dict: Type definition."""
        return copy.deepcopy(self.datatype._typedef)

    def encoded_typedef(self):
        r"""dict: Type definition for encoded data objects."""
        return self.encoded_datatype._typedef

    def input_kwargs(self):
        r"""dict: Get the input keyword arguments used to create this class."""
        out = {}
        for k in self._schema_properties.keys():
            v = getattr(self, k, None)
            if v is not None:
                out[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
        for k in self._attr_conv:
            if (k in out) and isinstance(out[k], backwards.string_types):
                out[k] = backwards.as_str(out[k])
        return out

    def serializer_info(self):
        r"""dict: Serializer info."""
        out = copy.deepcopy(self.extra_kwargs)
        for k in self._schema_properties.keys():
            if k in ['datatype']:
            v = getattr(self, k, None)
            if v is not None:
                out[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
        for k in out.keys():
            v = out[k]
            if isinstance(v, backwards.string_types):
                out[k] = backwards.as_str(v)
            elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
                out[k] = []
                for x in v:
                    out[k].append(backwards.as_str(x, allow_pass=True))
                out[k] = v
        return out

    def empty_msg(self):
        r"""obj: Object indicating empty message."""
        return self.datatype._empty_msg

    # def is_empty(self, obj):
    #     r"""Determine if an object represents an empty message for this serializer.

    #     Args:
    #         obj (object): Object to test.

    #     Returns:
    #         bool: True if the object is empty, False otherwise.

    #     """
    #     emsg = self.empty_msg
    #     return (isinstance(obj, type(emsg)) and (obj == emsg))

    def get_field_names(self, as_bytes=False):
        r"""Get the field names for an array of fields.

            as_bytes (bool, optional): If True, the field names will be returned
                as bytes. If False the field names will be returned as unicode.
                Defaults to False.

            list: Names for each field in the data type.

        if getattr(self, 'field_names', None) is not None:
            out = self.field_names
        elif self.typedef['type'] != 'array':
            out = None
        elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], dict):  # pragma: debug
            raise Exception("Variable number of items not yet supported.")
        elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], list):
            out = []
            any_names = False
            for i, x in enumerate(self.typedef['items']):
                out.append(x.get('title', 'f%d' % i))
                if len(x.get('title', '')) > 0:
                    any_names = True
            # Don't use field names if they are all defaults
            if not any_names:
                out = None
        if (out is not None):
            if as_bytes:
                out = [backwards.as_bytes(x) for x in out]
                out = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in out]
        return out

    def get_field_units(self, as_bytes=False):
        r"""Get the field units for an array of fields.

            as_bytes (bool, optional): If True, the field units will be returned
                as bytes. If False the field units will be returned as unicode.
                Defaults to False.

            list: Units for each field in the data type.

        if self.typedef['type'] != 'array':
            return None
        if getattr(self, 'field_units', None) is not None:
            out = self.field_units
        elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], dict):  # pragma: debug
            raise Exception("Variable number of items not yet supported.")
        elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], list):
            out = []
            any_units = False
            for i, x in enumerate(self.typedef['items']):
                out.append(x.get('units', ''))
                if len(x.get('units', '')) > 0:
                    any_units = True
            # Don't use field units if they are all defaults
            if not any_units:
                out = None
        if (out is not None):
            if as_bytes:
                out = [backwards.as_bytes(x) for x in out]
                out = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in out]
        return out

    def numpy_dtype(self):
        r"""np.dtype: Corresponding structured data type. Will be None unless the
        type is an array of 1darrays."""
        out = None
        if (self.typedef['type'] == 'array') and ('items' in self.typedef):
            if isinstance(self.typedef['items'], dict):
                as_array = (self.typedef['items']['type']
                            in ['1darray', 'ndarray'])
                if as_array:
                    out = definition2dtype(self.typedef['items'])
            elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], (list, tuple)):
                as_array = True
                dtype_list = []
                field_names = []
                for i, x in enumerate(self.typedef['items']):
                    if x['type'] != '1darray':
                        as_array = False
                    field_names.append(x.get('title', 'f%d' % i))
                if as_array:
                    out = np.dtype(dict(names=field_names, formats=dtype_list))
        return out

    def initialize_from_message(self, msg, **metadata):
        r"""Initialize the serializer based on recieved message.

            msg (object): Message that serializer should be initialized from.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are treated as metadata that
                may contain additional information for initializing the serializer.

        if ((self.initialized or metadata.get('raw', False)
             or metadata.get('incomplete', False))):
        cls = guess_type_from_obj(msg)
        typedef = cls.encode_type(msg)
        typedef = cls.extract_typedef(typedef)

    def initialize_serializer(self, metadata, extract=False):
        r"""Initialize a serializer based on received metadata. This method will
        exit early if the serializer has already been intialized.

            metadata (dict): Header information including type info that should be
                used to initialize the serializer class.
            extract (bool, optional): If True, the type will be defined using a
                subset of the type information in metadata. If False, all of the
                type information will be used. Defaults to False.

        if ((self.initialized or metadata.get('raw', False)
             or metadata.get('incomplete', False))):
        self.update_serializer(extract=extract, **metadata)
        self.initialized = (self.typedef != self.default_datatype)

    def update_serializer(self, extract=False, skip_type=False, **kwargs):
        r"""Update serializer with provided information.

            extract (bool, optional): If True, the updated typedef will be
                the bare minimum as extracted from total set of provided
                keywords, otherwise the entire set will be sued. Defaults to
            skip_type (bool, optional): If True, everything is updated except
                the data type. Defaults to False.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are processed as part of
                they type definition and are parsed for old-style keywords.

            RuntimeError: If there are keywords that are not valid typedef
                keywords (currect or old-style).

        old_datatype = None
        if self.initialized:
            old_datatype = copy.deepcopy(self.datatype)
        _metaschema = get_metaschema()
        # Raise an error if the types are not compatible
        seritype = kwargs.pop('seritype', self.seritype)
        if (seritype != self._seritype) and (seritype !=
                                             'default'):  # pragma: debug
            raise Exception("Cannot change types form %s to %s." %
                            (self._seritype, seritype))
        # Remove metadata keywords unrelated to serialization
        # TODO: Find a better way of tracking these
        _remove_kws = [
            'body', 'address', 'size', 'id', 'incomplete', 'raw', 'commtype',
            'filetype', 'response_address', 'request_id', 'append', 'in_temp',
            'is_series', 'working_dir', 'fmts', 'model_driver', 'env',
            'send_converter', 'recv_converter', 'typedef_base'
        kws = list(kwargs.keys())
        for k in kws:
            if (k in _remove_kws) or k.startswith('zmq'):
        # Set attributes and remove unused metadata keys
        for k in self._schema_properties.keys():
            if (k in kwargs) and (k != 'datatype'):
                setattr(self, k, kwargs.pop(k))
        # Create preliminary typedef
        typedef = kwargs.pop('datatype', {})
        for k in _metaschema['properties'].keys():
            if k in kwargs:
                typedef[k] = kwargs.pop(k)
        # Update extra keywords
        if (len(kwargs) > 0):
            self.debug("Extra kwargs: %s" % str(self.extra_kwargs))
        # Update type
        if not skip_type:
            # Update typedef from oldstyle keywords in extra_kwargs
            typedef = self.update_typedef_from_oldstyle(typedef)
            if typedef.get('type', None):
                if extract:
                    cls = get_type_class(typedef['type'])
                    typedef = cls.extract_typedef(typedef)
                self.datatype = get_type_from_def(typedef)
            # Check to see if new datatype is compatible with new one
            if old_datatype is not None:
                errors = list(
                    compare_schema(self.typedef, old_datatype._typedef) or ())
                if errors:
                    raise RuntimeError((
                        "Updated datatype is not compatible with the existing one."
                        + "    New:\n%s\nOld:\n%s\n") %
        # Enfore that strings used with messages are in bytes
        for k in self._attr_conv:
            v = getattr(self, k, None)
            if isinstance(v, backwards.string_types):
                setattr(self, k, backwards.as_bytes(v))

    def update_typedef_from_oldstyle(self, typedef):
        r"""Update a given typedef using an old, table-style serialization spec.
        Existing typedef values are not overwritten and warnings are raised if the
        provided serialization spec is not compatible with the type definition.

            typedef (dict): Type definition to update.

            dict: Updated typedef.

        for k in self._oldstyle_kws:
            used = []
            updated = []
            v = self.extra_kwargs.get(k, getattr(self, k, None))
            if v is None:
            # Check status
            if ((k != 'format_str')
                    and (typedef.get('type', None) != 'array')):
            # Key specific changes to type
            if k == 'format_str':
                v = backwards.as_str(v)
                fmts = serialize.extract_formats(v)
                if 'type' in typedef:
                    if (typedef.get('type', None) == 'array'):
                        assert (len(typedef.get('items', [])) == len(fmts))
                        # if len(typedef.get('items', [])) != len(fmts):
                        #     warnings.warn(("Number of items in typedef (%d) doesn't"
                        #                    + "match the number of formats (%d).")
                        #                   % (len(typedef.get('items', [])), len(fmts)))
                as_array = self.extra_kwargs.get(
                    'as_array', getattr(self, 'as_array', False))
                typedef.update(type='array', items=[])
                for i, fmt in enumerate(fmts):
                    nptype = serialize.cformat2nptype(fmt)
                    itype = OneDArrayMetaschemaType.encode_type(
                        np.ones(1, nptype))
                    itype = OneDArrayMetaschemaType.extract_typedef(itype)
                    if (fmt == '%s') and ('precision' in itype):
                        del itype['precision']
                    if as_array:
                        itype['type'] = '1darray'
                        itype['type'] = itype.pop('subtype')
                        if (((itype['type'] in _flexible_types)
                             and ('precision' in itype))):
                            del itype['precision']
            elif k == 'as_array':
                # Can only be used in conjunction with format_str
            elif k in ['field_names', 'field_units']:
                v = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in v]
                if k == 'field_names':
                    tk = 'title'
                    tk = 'units'
                if isinstance(typedef['items'], dict):
                    typedef['items'] = [
                        copy.deepcopy(typedef['items']) for _ in range(len(v))
                assert (len(v) == len(typedef.get('items', [])))
                # if len(v) != len(typedef.get('items', [])):
                #     warnings.warn('%d %ss provided, but only %d items in typedef.'
                #                   % (len(v), k, len(typedef.get('items', []))))
                #     continue
                all_updated = True
                for iv, itype in zip(v, typedef.get('items', [])):
                    if tk in itype:
                        all_updated = False
                    itype.setdefault(tk, iv)
                if all_updated:
                    k)  # Won't change anything unless its an attribute
            else:  # pragma: debug
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unrecognized table-style specification keyword: '%s'." %
            for rk in used:
                if rk in self.extra_kwargs:
                    del self.extra_kwargs[rk]
            for rk in updated:
                if rk in self.extra_kwargs:
                    self.extra_kwargs[rk] = v
                elif hasattr(self, rk):
                    setattr(self, rk, v)
        return typedef

    def func_serialize(self, args):
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args: List of arguments to be formatted or numpy array to be

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

        raise NotImplementedError("func_serialize not implemented.")

    def func_deserialize(self, msg):
        r"""Deserialize a message.

            msg: Message to be deserialized.

            obj: Deserialized message.

        raise NotImplementedError("func_deserialize not implemented.")

    def serialize(self,
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args (obj): List of arguments to be formatted or a ready made message.
            header_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments that should be
                added to the header. Defaults to None and no header is added.
            add_serializer_info (bool, optional): If True, serializer information
                will be added to the metadata. Defaults to False.
            no_metadata (bool, optional): If True, no metadata will be added to
                the serialized message. Defaults to False.

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

            TypeError: If returned msg is not bytes type (str on Python 2).

        if header_kwargs is None:
            header_kwargs = {}
        if isinstance(args, backwards.bytes_type) and (args
                                                       == tools.YGG_MSG_EOF):
            header_kwargs['raw'] = True
        self.initialize_from_message(args, **header_kwargs)
        metadata = {'no_metadata': no_metadata}
        if add_serializer_info:
            self.debug("serializer_info = %s", str(self.serializer_info))
            metadata['typedef_base'] = self.typedef
        if header_kwargs is not None:
        if header_kwargs.get('raw', False):
            data = args
            if self.func_serialize is None:
                data = args
                data = self.func_serialize(args)
                if (self.encoded_typedef['type'] == 'bytes'):
                    if not isinstance(data, backwards.bytes_type):
                        raise TypeError(
                            ("Serialization function returned object " +
                             "of type '%s', not required '%s' type.") %
                            (type(data), backwards.bytes_type))
                    metadata['dont_encode'] = True
                    if not no_metadata:
                        metadata['metadata'] = self.datatype.encode_type(
                            args, typedef=self.typedef)
        if ((self.initialized
             and (not tools.check_environ_bool('YGG_VALIDATE_ALL_MESSAGES')))):
            metadata.setdefault('dont_check', True)
        out = self.encoded_datatype.serialize(data, **metadata)
        return out

    def deserialize(self, msg, **kwargs):
        r"""Deserialize a message.

            msg (str, bytes): Message to be deserialized.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the deserialize
                method of the datatype class.

            tuple(obj, dict): Deserialized message and header information.

            TypeError: If msg is not bytes type (str on Python 2).

        if (((self.func_deserialize is not None)
             and (self.encoded_typedef['type'] == 'bytes'))):
            kwargs['dont_decode'] = True
        if ((self.initialized
             and (not tools.check_environ_bool('YGG_VALIDATE_ALL_MESSAGES')))):
            kwargs.setdefault('dont_check', True)
        out, metadata = self.encoded_datatype.deserialize(msg, **kwargs)
        if (self.func_deserialize is not None):
            if metadata['size'] == 0:
                out = self.empty_msg
            elif not (metadata.get('incomplete', False)
                      or metadata.get('raw', False)):
                if 'metadata' in metadata:
                    for k, v in metadata.items():
                        if k not in ['type', 'precision', 'units', 'metadata']:
                            metadata['metadata'][k] = v
                    metadata = metadata.pop('metadata')
                if not self.initialized:
                    self.update_serializer(extract=True, **metadata)
                out = self.func_deserialize(out)
        # Update serializer
        typedef_base = metadata.pop('typedef_base', {})
        typedef = copy.deepcopy(metadata)
        if not ((metadata.get('size', 0) == 0) or metadata.get(
                'incomplete', False) or metadata.get('raw', False)):
            self.initialize_serializer(typedef, extract=True)
        return out, metadata

    def enable_file_header(self):  # pragma: no cover
        r"""Set serializer attributes to enable file headers to be included in
        the serializations."""

    def disable_file_header(self):
        r"""Set serializer attributes to disable file headers from being
        included in the serializations."""

    def serialize_file_header(self):  # pragma: no cover
        r"""Return the serialized header information that should be prepended
        to files serialized using this class.

            bytes: Header string that should be written to the file.

        return b''

    def deserialize_file_header(self, fd):  # pragma: no cover
        r"""Deserialize the header information from the file and update the

            fd (file): File containing header.


    def consolidate_array(self, out):
        r"""Consolidate message into a structure numpy array if possible.

            out (list, tuple, np.ndarray): Object to consolidate into a
                structured numpy array.

            np.ndarray: Structured numpy array containing consolidated message.

            ValueError: If the array cannot be consolidated.

        np_dtype = self.numpy_dtype
        if np_dtype and isinstance(out, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            out = serialize.consolidate_array(out, dtype=np_dtype)
            warnings.warn(("Cannot consolidate message into a structured " +
                           "numpy array: %s") % str(out))
        return out

    # def format_header(self, header_info):
    #     r"""Format header info to form a string that should prepend a message.

    #     Args:
    #         header_info (dict): Properties that should be included in the header.

    #     Returns:
    #         str: Message with header in front.

    #     """

    def parse_header(self, msg):
        r"""Extract header info from a message.

            msg (str): Message to extract header from.

            dict: Message properties.

        return self.datatype.deserialize(msg, no_data=True)
Esempio n. 3
def table_to_array(msg, fmt_str=None, use_astropy=False, names=None,
                   delimiter=None, comment=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    r"""Extract information from an ASCII table as an array.

        msg (bytes): ASCII table as bytes string.
        fmt_str (bytes): Format string that should be used to parse the table.
            If not provided, this will attempt to determine the types of columns
            based on their contents.
        use_astropy (bool, optional): If True, astropy will be used to parse
            the table if it is installed. Defaults to False.
        names (list, optional): Field names that should be used for the
            structured data type of the output array. If not provided, names
            are generated based on the order of the fields in the table.
        delimiter (str, optional): String used to separate columns. Defaults to
            None and is not used. This is only used if fmt_str is not provided.
        comment (str, optional): String used to denote comments. Defaults to
            None and is not used. This is only used if fmt_str is not provided.
        encoding (str, optional): Encoding that should be used in Python 3 or
            higher to extract information from the message. Defaults to 'utf-8'.

        np.ndarray: Table contents as an array.
    if not _use_astropy:
        use_astropy = False
    if fmt_str is None:
        dtype = None
        info = dict(delimiter=delimiter, comment=comment)
        dtype = cformat2nptype(fmt_str, names=names)
        info = format2table(fmt_str)
        names = dtype.names
    fd = backwards.BytesIO(msg)
    if names is not None:
        names = [backwards.as_str(n) for n in names]
    np_kws = dict()
    if info.get('delimiter', None) is not None:
        np_kws['delimiter'] = info['delimiter']
    if info.get('comment', None) is not None:
        np_kws['comments'] = info['comment']
    for k, v in np_kws.items():
        np_kws[k] = backwards.as_str(v)
    if use_astropy:
        # fd = backwards.StringIO(backwards.as_str(msg))
        if 'comments' in np_kws:
            np_kws['comment'] = np_kws.pop('comments')
        tab =, names=names, guess=True,
                             format='no_header', **np_kws)
        arr = tab.as_array()
        typs = [arr.dtype[i].str for i in range(len(arr.dtype))]
        cols = [c for c in tab.columns]
        # Convert type bytes if python 3
        if not backwards.PY2:  # pragma: Python 3
            new_typs = copy.copy(typs)
            convert = []
            for i in range(len(arr.dtype)):
                if np.issubdtype(arr.dtype[i], np.dtype('U')):
                    new_typs[i] = 'S' + typs[i].split('U')[-1]
            if convert:
                old_arr = arr
                new_dtyp = np.dtype([(c, t) for c, t in zip(cols, new_typs)])
                new_arr = np.zeros(arr.shape, new_dtyp)
                for i in range(len(arr.dtype)):
                    if i in convert:
                        x = np.char.encode(old_arr[cols[i]], encoding='utf-8')
                        new_arr[cols[i]] = x
                        new_arr[cols[i]] = old_arr[cols[i]]
                arr = new_arr
                typs = new_typs
        # Convert complex type
        for i in range(len(arr.dtype)):
            if np.issubdtype(arr.dtype[i], np.dtype('S')):
                new_typs = copy.copy(typs)
                new_typs[i] = 'complex'
                new_dtyp = np.dtype([(c, t) for c, t in zip(cols, new_typs)])
                    arr = arr.astype(new_dtyp)
                except ValueError:
        if dtype is not None:
            arr = arr.astype(dtype)
        np_ver = tuple([float(x) for x in (np.__version__).split('.')])
        if (np_ver >= (1.0, 14.0, 0.0)):
            arr = np.genfromtxt(fd, encoding='bytes', autostrip=True, dtype=None,
                                names=names, **np_kws)
            arr = np.genfromtxt(fd, autostrip=True, dtype=None,
                                names=names, **np_kws)
        if dtype is not None:
            arr = arr.astype(dtype)
    return arr
Esempio n. 4
def discover_header(fd, serializer, newline=_default_newline,
                    comment=_default_comment, delimiter=None,
                    lineno_format=None, lineno_names=None, lineno_units=None,
    r"""Discover ASCII table header info from a file.

        fd (file): File object containing the table.
        serializer (DefaultSerialize): Serializer that should be updated with
            header information.
        newline (str, optional): Newline character that should be used to split
            header if it is not already a list. Defaults to _default_newline.
        comment (bytes, optional): String that should be used to mark the
            header lines. If not provided and not in format_str, defaults to
        delimiter (bytes, optional): String that should be used to separate
            columns. If not provided and not in format_str, defaults to
        lineno_format (int, optional): Line number where formats are located.
            If not provided, an attempt will be made to locate one.
        lineno_names (int, optional): Line number where field names are located.
            If not provided, an attempt will be made to locate one.
        lineno_units (int, optional): Line number where field units are located.
            If not provided, an attempt will be made to locate one.
        use_astropy (bool, optional): If True, astropy will be used to parse
            the table if it is installed. Defaults to False.

    header_lines = []
    header_size = 0
    prev_pos = fd.tell()
    for line in fd:
        sline = backwards.as_bytes(line.replace(
            backwards.as_bytes(platform._newline), newline))
        if not sline.startswith(comment):
        header_size += len(line)
    # Parse header & set serializer attributes
    header = parse_header(header_lines, newline=newline,
    # Override header with information set explicitly in serializer
    for k in serializer._oldstyle_kws:
        v = getattr(serializer, k, None)
        if v is not None:
            header[k] = v
    header.setdefault('format_str', None)
    if (delimiter is None) or ('format_str' in header):
        delimiter = header['delimiter']
    # Try to determine format from array without header
    str_fmt = b'%s'
    if ((header['format_str'] is None) or (str_fmt in header['format_str'])): + header_size)
        all_contents =
        if len(all_contents) == 0:  # pragma: debug
            return  # In case the file has not been written
        arr = table_to_array(all_contents,
                             names=header.get('field_names', None),
        header['field_names'] = arr.dtype.names
        # Get format from array
        if header['format_str'] is None:
            header['format_str'] = table2format(
                arr.dtype, delimiter=delimiter,
        # Determine maximum size of string field
        while str_fmt in header['format_str']:
            field_formats = extract_formats(header['format_str'])
            ifld = backwards.as_str(
            max_len = len(max(arr[ifld], key=len))
            new_str_fmt = backwards.as_bytes('%' + str(max_len) + 's')
            header['format_str'] = header['format_str'].replace(
                str_fmt, new_str_fmt, 1)
    # Update serializer
    # Seek to just after the header + header_size)
class AsciiMapSerialize(DefaultSerialize):
    r"""Class for serializing/deserializing name/value mapping.

        delimiter (str, optional): Delimiter that should be used to
            separate name/value pairs in the map. Defaults to \t.
        newline (str, optional): Delimiter that should be used to
            separate lines. Defaults to \n.


    _seritype = 'ascii_map'
    _schema_properties = {
        'delimiter': {
            'type': 'string',
            'default': backwards.as_str(_default_delimiter)
        'newline': {
            'type': 'string',
            'default': backwards.as_str(_default_newline)
    _default_type = {'type': 'object'}

    def func_serialize(self, args):
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args (dict): Python dictionary to be serialized.

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

        out = ''
        order = sorted([k for k in args.keys()])
        for k in order:
            v = args[k]
            if not isinstance(k, backwards.string_types):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Serialization of non-string keys not supported.")
            out += backwards.as_str(k) + self.delimiter
            if isinstance(v, backwards.string_types):
                v = backwards.as_str(v)
            out += json.dumps(v, cls=JSONReadableEncoder)
            out += self.newline
        return backwards.as_bytes(out)

    def func_deserialize(self, msg):
        r"""Deserialize a message.

            msg (str, bytes): Message to be deserialized.

            dict: Deserialized Python dictionary.

        out = dict()
        lines = (backwards.as_str(msg)).split(self.newline)
        for l in lines:
            kv = l.split(self.delimiter)
            if len(kv) <= 1:
            elif len(kv) == 2:
                if kv[1].startswith("'") and kv[1].endswith("'"):
                    out[kv[0]] = kv[1].strip("'")
                        out[kv[0]] = json.loads(kv[1])
                    except BaseException:
                        out[kv[0]] = kv[1]
                raise ValueError("Line has more than one delimiter: " + l)
        return out

    def get_testing_options(cls):
        r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class.

            dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing.

        out = super(AsciiMapSerialize, cls).get_testing_options()
        out['objects'] = [{
            'args1': int(1),
            'args2': 'this',
            # Should these be separate messages, allowing append?
            'args3': float(1),
            'args4': [int(1), int(2)]
        out['empty'] = dict()
        out['contents'] = (b'args1\t1\n' + b'args2\t"this"\n' +
                           b'args3\t1.0\n' + b'args4\t[1, 2]\n')
        return out
Esempio n. 6
def cformat2nptype(cfmt, names=None):
    r"""Convert a c format string to a numpy data type.

        cfmt (str, bytes): c format that should be translated.
        names (list, optional): Names that should be assigned to fields in the
            format string if there is more than one. If not provided, names
            are generated based on the order of the format codes.

        np.dtype: Corresponding numpy data type.

        TypeError: if cfmt is not a string.
        ValueError: If the c format does not begin with '%'.
        ValueError: If the c format does not contain type info.
        ValueError: If the c format cannot be translated to a numpy datatype.

    # TODO: this may fail on 32bit systems where C long types are 32 bit
    if not (isinstance(cfmt, list) or isinstance(cfmt, backwards.string_types)):
        raise TypeError("Input must be a string, bytes string, or list, not %s" %
    if isinstance(cfmt, backwards.string_types):
        fmt_list = extract_formats(backwards.as_str(cfmt))
        if len(fmt_list) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Could not locate any format codes in the "
                             + "provided format string (%s)." % cfmt)
        fmt_list = cfmt
    nfmt = len(fmt_list)
    if nfmt == 1:
        cfmt_str = fmt_list[0]
        dtype_list = [cformat2nptype(f) for f in fmt_list]
        if names is None:
            names = ['f%d' % i for i in range(nfmt)]
        elif len(names) != nfmt:
            raise ValueError("Number of names does not match the number of fields.")
            names = [backwards.as_str(n) for n in names]
        out = np.dtype(dict(names=names, formats=dtype_list))
        # out = np.dtype([(n, d) for n, d in zip(names, dtype_list)])
        return out
    out = None
    if cfmt_str[-1] in ['j']:
        out = 'complex128'
    elif cfmt_str[-1] in ['f', 'F', 'e', 'E', 'g', 'G']:
        # if 'hh' in cfmt_str:
        #     out = 'float8'
        # elif cfmt_str[-2] == 'h':
        #     out = 'float16'
        # elif 'll' in cfmt_str:
        #     out = 'longfloat'
        # elif cfmt_str[-2] == 'l':
        #     out = 'double'
        # else:
        #     out = 'single'
        out = 'float64'
    elif cfmt_str[-1] in ['d', 'i']:
        if 'hh' in cfmt_str:  # short short, single char
            out = 'int8'
        elif cfmt_str[-2] == 'h':  # short
            out = 'short'
        elif ('ll' in cfmt_str) or ('l64' in cfmt_str):
            out = 'longlong'  # long long
        elif cfmt_str[-2] == 'l':
            out = 'int_'  # long (broken in python)
            out = 'intc'  # int, platform dependent
    elif cfmt_str[-1] in ['u', 'o', 'x', 'X']:
        if 'hh' in cfmt_str:  # short short, single char
            out = 'uint8'
        elif cfmt_str[-2] == 'h':  # short
            out = 'ushort'
        elif ('ll' in cfmt_str) or ('l64' in cfmt_str):
            out = 'ulonglong'  # long long
        elif cfmt_str[-2] == 'l':
            out = 'uint64'  # long (broken in python)
            out = 'uintc'  # int, platform dependent
    elif cfmt_str[-1] in ['c', 's']:
        lstr = cfmt_str[1:-1]
        if lstr:
            lint = int(lstr)
            lint = 0
        lsiz = lint * np.dtype(backwards.np_dtype_str + '1').itemsize
        out = '%s%d' % (backwards.np_dtype_str, lsiz)
        raise ValueError("Could not find match for format str %s" % cfmt)
    return np.dtype(out)
Esempio n. 7
 def func_deserialize(self, args):  # pragma: no cover
     r"""Method that deserializes using eval."""
     if len(args) == 0:
         return []
     x = eval(backwards.as_str(args))
     return x
Esempio n. 8
 def _func_deserialize(self, args):  # pragma: no cover
     r"""Method that deserializes using eval."""
     if len(args) == 0:
         return self.testing_options['empty']
     x = eval(backwards.as_str(args))
     return x
Esempio n. 9
def ygginfo():
    r"""Print information about yggdrasil installation."""
    from yggdrasil import __version__, tools, config, backwards, platform
    from yggdrasil.components import import_component
    lang_list = tools.get_installed_lang()
    prefix = '    '
    curr_prefix = ''
    vardict = [
        ('Location', os.path.dirname(__file__)),
        ('Version', __version__),
        ('Languages', ', '.join(lang_list)),
        ('Communication Mechanisms', ', '.join(tools.get_installed_comm())),
        ('Default Comm Mechanism', tools.get_default_comm()),
        ('Config File', config.usr_config_file)]
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Display information about the current yggdrasil installation.')
    parser.add_argument('--no-languages', action='store_true',
                        help='Don\'t print information about individual languages.')
    parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
                        help='Increase the verbosity of the printed information.')
    args = parser.parse_args()
        # Add language information
        if not args.no_languages:
            # Install languages
            vardict.append(('Installed Languages:', ''))
            curr_prefix += prefix
            for lang in sorted(lang_list):
                drv = import_component('model', lang)
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + '%s:' % lang.upper(), ''))
                curr_prefix += prefix
                if lang == 'executable':
                    vardict.append((curr_prefix + 'Location', ''))
                    exec_name = drv.language_executable()
                    if not os.path.isabs(exec_name):
                        exec_name = tools.which(exec_name)
                    vardict.append((curr_prefix + 'Location', exec_name))
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + 'Version',
                curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0]
            curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0]
            # Not installed languages
            vardict.append(("Languages Not Installed:", ''))
            curr_prefix += prefix
            for lang in tools.get_supported_lang():
                if lang in lang_list:
                drv = import_component('model', lang)
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + '%s:' % lang.upper(), ''))
                curr_prefix += prefix
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "Language Installed",
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "Dependencies Installed",
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "Interface Installed",
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "Comm Installed",
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "Configured",
                curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0]
            curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0]
        # Add verbose information
        if args.verbose:
            # Conda info
            if os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX', ''):
                out = backwards.as_str(subprocess.check_output(
                    ['conda', 'info'])).strip()
                curr_prefix += prefix
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + 'Conda Info:', "\n%s%s"
                                % (curr_prefix + prefix,
                                   ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
                curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0]
            # R and reticulate info
            Rdrv = import_component("model", "R")
            if Rdrv.is_installed():
                env_reticulate = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)
                env_reticulate['RETICULATE_PYTHON'] = sys.executable
                # Stack size
                out = Rdrv.run_executable(["-e", "Cstack_info()"]).strip()
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "R Cstack_info:", "\n%s%s"
                                % (curr_prefix + prefix,
                                   ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
                # Compilation tools
                interp = 'R'.join(Rdrv.get_interpreter().rsplit('Rscript', 1))
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "R C Compiler:", ""))
                curr_prefix += prefix
                for x in ['CC', 'CFLAGS', 'CXX', 'CXXFLAGS']:
                    out = backwards.as_str(subprocess.check_output(
                        [interp, 'CMD', 'config', x])).strip()
                    vardict.append((curr_prefix + x, "%s"
                                    % ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
                curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0]
                # Session info
                out = Rdrv.run_executable(["-e", "sessionInfo()"]).strip()
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "R sessionInfo:", "\n%s%s"
                                % (curr_prefix + prefix,
                                   ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
                # Reticulate conda_list
                if os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX', ''):
                    out = Rdrv.run_executable(
                        ["-e", ("library(reticulate); "
                    vardict.append((curr_prefix + "R reticulate::conda_list():",
                                    "\n%s%s" % (curr_prefix + prefix,
                                                ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
                # Windows python versions
                if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
                    out = Rdrv.run_executable(
                        ["-e", ("library(reticulate); "
                                    + "R reticulate::py_versions_windows():",
                                    "\n%s%s" % (curr_prefix + prefix,
                                                ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
                # conda_binary
                if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
                    out = Rdrv.run_executable(
                        ["-e", ("library(reticulate); "
                                "conda <- reticulate:::conda_binary(\"auto\"); "
                                "system(paste(conda, \"info --json\"))")],
                                    + "R reticulate::py_versions_windows():",
                                    "\n%s%s" % (curr_prefix + prefix,
                                                ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
                # Reticulate py_config
                out = Rdrv.run_executable(["-e", ("library(reticulate); "
                vardict.append((curr_prefix + "R reticulate::py_config():",
                                "\n%s%s" % (curr_prefix + prefix,
                                            ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join(
        # Print things
        max_len = max(len(x[0]) for x in vardict)
        lines = []
        line_format = '%-' + str(max_len) + 's' + prefix + '%s'
        for k, v in vardict:
            lines.append(line_format % (k, v))"yggdrasil info:\n%s" % '\n'.join(lines))
Esempio n. 10
    def set_env(cls,
        r"""Get environment variables that should be set for the model process.

            logging_level (int, optional): Logging level that should be passed
                to get flags.
            language (str, optional): Language that is being compiled. Defaults
                to the first language in cls.languages that isn't toolname.
            language_driver (ModelDriver, optional): Driver for language that
                should be used. Defaults to None and will be imported based
                on language.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent
                class's method.

            dict: Environment variables for the model process.

        out = super(MakeCompiler, cls).set_env(**kwargs)
        if language is None:
            # This should be the first language that is not the build tool
            language = cls.languages[1]
        drv = language_driver
        if drv is None:
            drv = components.import_component('model', language)
        compiler = drv.get_tool('compiler')
        compile_flags = drv.get_compiler_flags(for_model=True,
        linker = drv.get_tool('linker')
        linker_flags = drv.get_linker_flags(for_model=True,
        for k in [
                'env_compiler', 'env_compiler_flags', 'env_linker',
            kwargs.setdefault(k, cls._schema_properties[k]['default'])
        out[kwargs['env_compiler']] = backwards.as_str(
        out[kwargs['env_compiler_flags']] = backwards.as_str(
            ' '.join(compile_flags))
        # yggdrasil requires that linking be done in C++
        if (((compiler.languages[0].lower() == 'c')
             and ('-lstdc++' not in linker_flags))):
        out[kwargs['env_linker_flags']] = backwards.as_str(
            ' '.join(linker_flags))
        if kwargs['env_compiler'] != kwargs['env_linker']:  # pragma: debug
            out[kwargs['env_linker']] = backwards.as_str(
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Functionality allowing linker to be specified "
                "in a separate environment variable from the "
                "compiler is untested.")
        return out
Esempio n. 11
class PlySerialize(SerializeBase):
    r"""Class for serializing/deserializing .ply file formats.

        write_header (bool, optional): If True, headers will be added to
            serialized output. Defaults to True.
        newline (str, optional): String that should be used for new lines.
            Defaults to '\n'.

        write_header (bool): If True, headers will be added to serialized
        newline (str): String that should be used for new lines.
        default_rgb (list): Default color in RGB that should be used for
            missing colors.


    _seritype = 'ply'
    _schema_subtype_description = ('Serialize 3D structures using Ply format.')
    _schema_properties = {
        'newline': {
            'type': 'string',
            'default': backwards.as_str(_default_newline)
    default_datatype = {'type': 'ply'}
    concats_as_str = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        r"""Initialize immediately as default is only type."""
        super(PlySerialize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.initialized = True

    def func_serialize(self, args):
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args: List of arguments to be formatted or numpy array to be

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

        return backwards.as_bytes(self.datatype.encode_data(
            args, self.typedef))

    def func_deserialize(self, msg):
        r"""Deserialize a message.

            msg: Message to be deserialized.

            obj: Deserialized message.

        return PlyDict(
            self.datatype.decode_data(backwards.as_str(msg), self.typedef))

    def concatenate(cls, objects, **kwargs):
        r"""Concatenate objects to get object that would be recieved if
        the concatenated serialization were deserialized.

            objects (list): Objects to be concatenated.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored.

            list: Set of objects that results from concatenating those provided.

        if len(objects) == 0:
            return []
        total = objects[0]
        for x in objects[1:]:
            total = total.merge(x)
        return [total]

    def get_testing_options(cls):
        r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class.

            dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing.

        out = super(PlySerialize, cls).get_testing_options()
        obj = PlyDict({
            'vertices': [{
                'x': float(0),
                'y': float(0),
                'z': float(0)
            }, {
                'x': float(0),
                'y': float(0),
                'z': float(1)
            }, {
                'x': float(0),
                'y': float(1),
                'z': float(1)
            'faces': [{
                'vertex_index': [int(0), int(1), int(2)]
            objects=[obj, obj],
            empty=dict(vertices=[], faces=[]),
            contents=(b'ply\n' + b'format ascii 1.0\n' +
                      b'comment author ygg_auto\n' +
                      b'comment File generated by yggdrasil\n' +
                      b'element vertex 6\n' + b'property double x\n' +
                      b'property double y\n' + b'property double z\n' +
                      b'element face 2\nproperty list uchar int vertex_index\n'
                      + b'end_header\n' + b'0.0000 0.0000 0.0000\n' +
                      b'0.0000 0.0000 1.0000\n' + b'0.0000 1.0000 1.0000\n' +
                      b'0.0000 0.0000 0.0000\n' + b'0.0000 0.0000 1.0000\n' +
                      b'0.0000 1.0000 1.0000\n' + b'3 0 1 2\n' + b'3 3 4 5\n'))
        out['concatenate'] = [([], [])]
        return out