Esempio n. 1
def encode_json(obj, fd=None, indent=None, sort_keys=True, **kwargs):
    r"""Encode a Python object in JSON format.

        obj (object): Python object to encode.
        fd (file, optional): File descriptor for file that encoded object
            should be written to. Defaults to None and string is returned.
        indent (int, str, optional): Indentation for new lines in encoded
            string. Defaults to None.
        sort_keys (bool, optional): If True, the keys will be output in sorted
            order. Defaults to True.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to json.dumps.

        str, bytes: Encoded object.

    if (indent is None) and (fd is not None):
        indent = '\t'
    # Character indents not allowed in Python 2 json
    indent = indent_char2int(indent)
    kwargs['indent'] = indent
    kwargs['sort_keys'] = sort_keys
    if 'cls' in kwargs:
        kwargs.setdefault('default', kwargs.pop('cls')().default)
        kwargs.setdefault('default', JSONEncoder().default)
    if fd is None:
        return tools.str2bytes(json.dumps(obj, **kwargs))
        return json.dump(obj, fd, **kwargs)
    def get_field_units(self, as_bytes=False):
        r"""Get the field units for an array of fields.

            as_bytes (bool, optional): If True, the field units will be returned
                as bytes. If False the field units will be returned as unicode.
                Defaults to False.

            list: Units for each field in the data type.

        if self.typedef['type'] != 'array':
            return None
        if getattr(self, 'field_units', None) is not None:
            out = copy.deepcopy(self.field_units)
        elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], dict):  # pragma: debug
            raise Exception("Variable number of items not yet supported.")
        elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], list):
            out = []
            any_units = False
            for i, x in enumerate(self.typedef['items']):
                out.append(x.get('units', ''))
                if len(x.get('units', '')) > 0:
                    any_units = True
            # Don't use field units if they are all defaults
            if not any_units:
                out = None
        if (out is not None):
            if as_bytes:
                out = tools.str2bytes(out, recurse=True)
                out = tools.bytes2str(out, recurse=True)
        return out
Esempio n. 3
    def func_serialize(self, args):
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args (dict): Python dictionary to be serialized.

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

        lines = []
        for k in args.keys():
            v = args[k]
            if not isinstance(k, (str, bytes)):  # pragma: debug
                raise ValueError(
                    "Serialization of non-string keys not supported.")
            iline = tools.bytes2str(k) + self.delimiter
            if isinstance(v, list):
                indent = ' ' * len(iline)
                arr_lines = []
                assert (len(v) == 2)
                assert (v[0].shape == v[1].shape)
                for i in range(len(v[0])):
                    arr_lines.append(self._array_fmt % (v[0][i], v[1][i]))
                v_units = [str(getattr(vv, 'units', '-')) for vv in v]
                arr_lines[0] += f"\t! [{'; '.join(v_units)}]"
                iline += (',\n' + indent).join(arr_lines)
            elif isinstance(v, str):
                iline += "\'%s\'" % v
                iline += json.dumps(v, cls=JSONReadableEncoder)
                if hasattr(v, 'units'):
                    iline += f'\t! [{v.units}]'
        return tools.str2bytes('\n'.join(lines))
Esempio n. 4
    def _send_direct(self, msg, topic='', identity=None, **kwargs):
        r"""Send a message.

            msg (str, bytes): Message to be sent.
            topic (str, optional): Filter that should be sent with the
                message for 'PUB' sockets. Defaults to ''.
            identity (str, optional): Identify of identified worker that
                should be sent for 'ROUTER' sockets. Defaults to
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to socket send.

            bool: Success or failure of send.

        if not self.is_open_direct:  # pragma: debug
            self.error("Socket closed")
            return False
        if identity is None:
            identity = self.dealer_identity
        topic = tools.str2bytes(topic)
        identity = tools.str2bytes(identity)
        if self.socket_type_name == 'PUB':
            total_msg = topic + _flag_zmq_filter + msg
            total_msg = msg
        total_msg = self.check_reply_socket_send(total_msg)
        kwargs.setdefault('flags', zmq.NOBLOCK)
        with self.socket_lock:
                if self.socket.closed:  # pragma: debug
                    self.error("Socket closed")
                    return False
                self.special_debug("Sending %d bytes to %s", len(total_msg), self.address)
                if self.socket_type_name == 'ROUTER':
                    self.socket.send(identity, zmq.SNDMORE)
                self.socket.send(total_msg, **kwargs)
                self.special_debug("Sent %d bytes to %s", len(total_msg), self.address)
                self._n_zmq_sent += 1
            except zmq.ZMQError as e:  # pragma: debug
                if e.errno == zmq.EAGAIN:
                    raise AsyncComm.AsyncTryAgain("Socket not yet available.")
                    self.special_debug("Socket could not send. (errno=%d)", e.errno)
                    return False
        return True
Esempio n. 5
 def on_message(self, ch, method, props, body):
     r"""Buffer received messages."""
     body = tools.str2bytes(body)
     if self.direction == 'send':  # pragma: debug
         raise Exception("Send comm received a message.")
     with self.rmq_lock:
Esempio n. 6
def array_to_table(arrs, fmt_str, use_astropy=False):
    r"""Serialize an array as an ASCII table.

        arrs (np.ndarray, list, tuple): Structured array or list/tuple of
            arrays that contain table information.
        fmt_str (str, bytes): Format string that should be used to structure
            the ASCII array.
        use_astropy (bool, optional): If True, astropy will be used to format
            the table if it is installed. Defaults to False.

        bytes: ASCII table.

    if not _use_astropy:
        use_astropy = False
    dtype = cformat2nptype(fmt_str)
    if len(dtype) == 0:
        dtype = np.dtype([('f0', dtype)])
    info = format2table(fmt_str)
    comment = info.get('comment', None)
    if comment is not None:
        fmt_str = fmt_str.split(comment, 1)[-1]
    arr1 = consolidate_array(arrs, dtype=dtype)
    if use_astropy:
        fd = sio.StringIO()
        table = apy_Table(arr1)
        delimiter = tools.bytes2str(info['delimiter'])
        apy_ascii.write(table, fd, delimiter=delimiter,
        out = tools.str2bytes(fd.getvalue())
        fd = sio.BytesIO()
        fmt_str = tools.str2bytes(fmt_str)
        for ele in arr1:
            line = format_message(ele.tolist(), fmt_str)
        # fmt = fmt_str.split(info['newline'])[0]
        # np.savetxt(fd, arr1,
        #            fmt=fmt, delimiter=info['delimiter'],
        #            newline=info['newline'], header='')
        out = fd.getvalue()
    return out
Esempio n. 7
def test_str2bytes():
    r"""Test str2bytes."""
    vals = [('hello', b'hello'), (b'hello', b'hello'),
            (('a', 'b'), (b'a', b'b')),
                'a': 'a',
                'b': 'b'
            }, {
                'a': b'a',
                'b': b'b'
            }), (['a', 'b'], [b'a', b'b']),
            (['a', ['b', 'c']], [b'a', [b'b', b'c']])]
    for x, exp in vals:
        assert_equal(tools.str2bytes(x, recurse=True), exp)
Esempio n. 8
    def get_testing_options(cls, read_meth=None, **kwargs):
        r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class.

            read_meth (str, optional): Read method that will be used by the test
                class. Defaults to None and will be set by the serialier.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent
                class's method and the serializers methods for determining the
                default read_meth and concatenating the sent objects into the
                objects that are expected to be received.

            dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs:
                kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for comms tested with the
                    provided content.
                send (list): List of objects to send to test file.
                recv (list): List of objects that will be received from a test
                    file that was sent the messages in 'send'.
                contents (bytes): Bytes contents of test file created by sending
                    the messages in 'send'.

        out = super(FileComm, cls).get_testing_options(**kwargs)
        if 'read_meth' in cls._schema_properties:
            if read_meth is None:
                read_meth = cls._schema_properties['read_meth']['default']
            out['kwargs']['read_meth'] = read_meth
        if read_meth == 'readline':
            out['recv_partial'] = [[x] for x in out['recv']]
            if cls._default_serializer == 'direct':
                comment = tools.str2bytes(
                    cls._schema_properties['comment']['default'] + 'Comment\n')
                out['contents'] += comment
            seri_cls = cls._default_serializer_class
            if seri_cls.concats_as_str:
                out['recv_partial'] = [[x] for x in out['recv']]
                out['recv'] = seri_cls.concatenate(out['recv'],
                out['recv_partial'] = [[out['recv'][0]]]
                for i in range(1, len(out['recv'])):
                            out['recv_partial'][-1] + [out['recv'][i]],
                out['recv'] = copy.deepcopy(out['recv_partial'][-1])
        return out
Esempio n. 9
    def func_serialize(self, args):
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args: List of arguments to be formatted or numpy array to be

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

        if (((self.extra_kwargs.get('format_str', None) is not None)
             and isinstance(args, list))):
            args = format_message(args, self.extra_kwargs['format_str'])
        return tools.str2bytes(args)
Esempio n. 10
    def func_serialize(self, args):
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args: List of arguments to be formatted or numpy array to be

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

        if self.format_str is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Format string is not defined.")
        args = self.datatype.coerce_type(args,
        if self.as_array:
            out = serialize.array_to_table(args,
            out = serialize.format_message(args, self.format_str)
        return tools.str2bytes(out)
Esempio n. 11
    def func_serialize(self, args):
        r"""Serialize a message.

            args (dict): Python dictionary to be serialized.

            bytes, str: Serialized message.

        out = ''
        order = sorted([k for k in args.keys()])
        newline_str = tools.bytes2str(self.newline)
        for k in order:
            v = args[k]
            if not isinstance(k, (str, bytes)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Serialization of non-string keys not supported.")
            out += tools.bytes2str(k)
            out += self.delimiter
            out += json.dumps(v, cls=JSONReadableEncoder)
            out += newline_str
        return tools.str2bytes(out)
Esempio n. 12
    def update_serializer(self, extract=False, skip_type=False, **kwargs):
        r"""Update serializer with provided information.

            extract (bool, optional): If True, the updated typedef will be
                the bare minimum as extracted from total set of provided
                keywords, otherwise the entire set will be sued. Defaults to
            skip_type (bool, optional): If True, everything is updated except
                the data type. Defaults to False.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are processed as part of
                they type definition and are parsed for old-style keywords.

            RuntimeError: If there are keywords that are not valid typedef
                keywords (currect or old-style).

        old_datatype = None
        if self.initialized:
            old_datatype = copy.deepcopy(self.datatype)
        _metaschema = get_metaschema()
        # Raise an error if the types are not compatible
        seritype = kwargs.pop('seritype', self.seritype)
        if (seritype != self._seritype) and (seritype !=
                                             'default'):  # pragma: debug
            raise Exception("Cannot change types form %s to %s." %
                            (self._seritype, seritype))
        # Remove metadata keywords unrelated to serialization
        # TODO: Find a better way of tracking these
        _remove_kws = [
            'body', 'address', 'size', 'id', 'incomplete', 'raw', 'commtype',
            'filetype', 'response_address', 'request_id', 'append', 'in_temp',
            'is_series', 'working_dir', 'fmts', 'model_driver', 'env',
            'send_converter', 'recv_converter', 'typedef_base'
        kws = list(kwargs.keys())
        for k in kws:
            if (k in _remove_kws) or k.startswith('zmq'):
        # Set attributes and remove unused metadata keys
        for k in self._schema_properties.keys():
            if (k in kwargs) and (k != 'datatype'):
                setattr(self, k, kwargs.pop(k))
        # Create preliminary typedef
        typedef = kwargs.pop('datatype', {})
        for k in _metaschema['properties'].keys():
            if k in kwargs:
                typedef[k] = kwargs.pop(k)
        # Update extra keywords
        if (len(kwargs) > 0):
            self.debug("Extra kwargs: %s" % str(self.extra_kwargs))
        # Update type
        if not skip_type:
            # Update typedef from oldstyle keywords in extra_kwargs
            typedef = self.update_typedef_from_oldstyle(typedef)
            if typedef.get('type', None):
                if extract:
                    cls = get_type_class(typedef['type'])
                    typedef = cls.extract_typedef(typedef)
                self.datatype = get_type_from_def(typedef)
            # Check to see if new datatype is compatible with new one
            if old_datatype is not None:
                errors = list(
                    compare_schema(self.typedef, old_datatype._typedef) or ())
                if errors:
                    raise RuntimeError((
                        "Updated datatype is not compatible with the existing one."
                        + "    New:\n%s\nOld:\n%s\n") %
        # Enfore that strings used with messages are in bytes
        for k in self._attr_conv:
            v = getattr(self, k, None)
            if isinstance(v, (str, bytes)):
                setattr(self, k, tools.str2bytes(v))
Esempio n. 13
    def get_testing_options(cls,
        r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class.

            table_example (bool, optional): If True, the returned options will
                be for an array of elements representing a table-like structure.
                Defaults to False.
            array_columns (bool, optional): If True, table_example is set to
                True and the returned options will be for an array data type
                where each element is an array representing a column Defaults to
            include_oldkws (bool, optional): If True, old-style keywords will be
                added to the returned options. This will only have an effect if
                table_example is True. Defaults to False.
            table_string_type (str, optional): Type that should be used
                for the string column in the table. Defaults to 'bytes'.

            dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs:

            * kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for comms tested with the
              provided content.
            * empty (object): Object produced from deserializing an empty
            * objects (list): List of objects to be serialized/deserialized.
              extra_kwargs (dict): Extra keyword arguments not used to
              construct type definition.
            * typedef (dict): Type definition resulting from the supplied
            * dtype (np.dtype): Numpy data types that is consistent with the
              determined type definition.
            * contents (bytes): Concatenated serialization that will result from
              deserializing the serialized objects.
            * contents_recv (list): List of objects that would be deserialized
              from contents.

        if array_columns:
            table_example = True
        if table_example:
            assert (table_string_type in ['bytes', 'unicode', 'string'])
            if table_string_type == 'string':
                table_string_type = 'unicode'
            if table_string_type == 'bytes':
                np_dtype_str = 'S'
                rows = [(b'one', np.int32(1), 1.0), (b'two', np.int32(2), 2.0),
                        (b'three', np.int32(3), 3.0)]
                np_dtype_str = 'U'
                rows = [('one', np.int32(1), 1.0), ('two', np.int32(2), 2.0),
                        ('three', np.int32(3), 3.0)]
            out = {
                'kwargs': {},
                'empty': [],
                'extra_kwargs': {},
                'typedef': {
                    'items': [{
                        'type': table_string_type,
                        'units': 'n/a',
                        'title': 'name'
                    }, {
                        'type': 'int',
                        'precision': 32,
                        'units': 'umol',
                        'title': 'count'
                    }, {
                        'type': 'float',
                        'precision': 64,
                        'units': 'cm',
                        'title': 'size'
                (b'# name\tcount\tsize\n' + b'# n/a\tumol\tcm\n' +
                 b'# %5s\t%d\t%f\n' + b'  one\t1\t1.000000\n' +
                 b'  two\t2\t2.000000\n' + b'three\t3\t3.000000\n' +
                 b'  one\t1\t1.000000\n' + b'  two\t2\t2.000000\n' +
                2 * rows,
                'field_names': ['name', 'count', 'size'],
                'field_units': ['n/a', 'umol', 'cm']
            if include_oldkws:
                    'format_str': '%5s\t%d\t%f\n',
                    'field_names': ['name', 'count', 'size'],
                    'field_units': ['n/a', 'umol', 'cm']
                out['extra_kwargs']['format_str'] = out['kwargs']['format_str']
                if 'format_str' in cls._attr_conv:
                    out['extra_kwargs']['format_str'] = tools.str2bytes(
            if array_columns:
                out['kwargs']['as_array'] = True
                dtype = np.dtype({
                    'names': out['field_names'],
                    'formats': ['%s5' % np_dtype_str, 'i4', 'f8']
                out['dtype'] = dtype
                arr = np.array(rows, dtype=dtype)
                lst = [
                    units.add_units(arr[n], u)
                    for n, u in zip(out['field_names'], out['field_units'])
                out['objects'] = [lst, lst]
                for x in out['typedef']['items']:
                    x['subtype'] = x['type']
                    x['type'] = '1darray'
                    if x['title'] == 'name':
                        x['precision'] = 40
                        if x['subtype'] == 'unicode':
                            x['precision'] *= 4
            out = {
                'kwargs': {},
                'empty': b'',
                'dtype': None,
                'typedef': cls.default_datatype,
                'extra_kwargs': {},
                'objects': [b'Test message\n', b'Test message 2\n']
            out['contents'] = b''.join(out['objects'])
        return out
Esempio n. 14
 def _init_before_open(self,
     r"""Initialize defaults for socket type/action based on direction."""
     self.reply_socket_lock = multitasking.RLock()
     self.socket_lock = multitasking.RLock()
     # Client/Server things
     if self.is_client:
         socket_type = 'DEALER'
         socket_action = 'connect'
         self.direction = 'send'
     if self.is_server:
         socket_type = 'DEALER'
         socket_action = 'connect'
         self.direction = 'recv'
     # Set defaults
     if socket_type is None:
         if self.direction == 'recv':
             socket_type = _socket_recv_types[_default_socket_type]
         elif self.direction == 'send':
             socket_type = _socket_send_types[_default_socket_type]
     if not (self.is_client or self.is_server):
         if socket_type in ['PULL', 'SUB', 'REP', 'DEALER']:
             self.direction = 'recv'
         elif socket_type in ['PUSH', 'PUB', 'REQ', 'ROUTER']:
             self.direction = 'send'
     if socket_action is None:
         if self.port in ['inproc', 'ipc']:
             if socket_type in ['PULL', 'SUB', 'REQ', 'DEALER']:
                 socket_action = 'connect'
             elif socket_type in ['PUSH', 'PUB', 'REP', 'ROUTER']:
                 socket_action = 'bind'
                 if self.direction == 'recv':
                     socket_action = 'connect'
                 elif self.direction == 'send':
                     socket_action = 'bind'
         elif self.port is None:
             socket_action = 'bind'
             socket_action = 'connect'
     if new_process:
         self.context = zmq.Context()
         self.context = context or _global_context
     self.socket_type_name = socket_type
     self.socket_type = getattr(zmq, socket_type)
     self.socket_action = socket_action
     self.socket = self.context.socket(self.socket_type)
     self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
     self.topic_filter = tools.str2bytes(topic_filter)
     if dealer_identity is None:
         dealer_identity = str(uuid.uuid4())
     self.dealer_identity = tools.str2bytes(dealer_identity)
     self._openned = False
     self._bound = False
     self._connected = False
     self._recv_identities = set([])
     # Reply socket attributes
     self.zmq_sleeptime = int(10000 * self.sleeptime)
     self.reply_socket_address = reply_socket_address
     self.reply_socket_send = None
     self.reply_socket_recv = {}
     self._n_zmq_sent = 0
     self._n_zmq_recv = {}
     self._n_reply_sent = 0
     self._n_reply_recv = {}
     self._server_class = ZMQProxy
     self._server_kwargs = dict(zmq_context=self.context,
                                retry_timeout=2.0 * self.sleeptime)
     super(ZMQComm, self)._init_before_open(**kwargs)
Esempio n. 15
def format_header(format_str=None,
    r"""Get header lines for a table based on table information.

        format_str (bytes, str, optional): Format string describing how the
            table should be formatted. If not provided, information on the
            formats is extracted from dtype.
        dtype (np.dtype, optional): Structured data type specifying the types
            of fields in the table. If not provided and format_str not
            specified, the formats will not be part of the header.
        comment (bytes, optional): String that should be used to comment the
            header lines. If not provided and not in format_str, defaults to
        delimiter (bytes, optional): String that should be used to separate
            columns. If not provided and not in format_str, defaults to
        newline (bytes, optional): String that should be used to end lines in
            the table. If not provided and not in format_str, defaults to
        field_names (list, optional): List of field names that should be
            included in the header. If not provided and dtype is None, names
            will not be included in the header.
        field_units (list, optional): List of field units that should be
            included in the header. If not provided, units will not be

        bytes: Bytes lines comprising a table header.

        ValueError: If there are not any format, names or units specified.

    # Set defaults
    fmts = None
    if format_str is not None:
        info = format2table(format_str)
        if len(info['fmts']) > 0:
            fmts = info['fmts']
            if delimiter is None:
                delimiter = info['delimiter']
            if newline is None:
                newline = info.get('newline', None)
            if comment is None:
                comment = info.get('comment', None)
    if dtype is not None:
        if fmts is None:
            fmts = nptype2cformat(dtype, asbytes=True)
        if field_names is None:
            field_names = [n.encode("utf-8") for n in dtype.names]
    if delimiter is None:
        delimiter = _default_delimiter
    if comment is None:
        comment = _default_comment
    if newline is None:
        newline = _default_newline
    # Get count of fields
    if fmts is not None:
        nfld = len(fmts)
    elif field_names is not None:
        nfld = len(field_names)
    elif field_units is not None:
        nfld = len(field_units)
        raise ValueError("No formats, names, or units provided.")
    # Create lines
    out = []
    for x in [field_names, field_units, fmts]:
        if (x is not None) and (len(max(x, key=len)) > 0):
            assert (len(x) == nfld)
            x_bytes = tools.str2bytes(x, recurse=True)
            out.append(comment + delimiter.join(x_bytes))
    out = newline.join(out) + newline
    return out
Esempio n. 16
 def on_message(self, _unused_channel, basic_deliver, properties, body):
     r"""Buffer received messages."""
     self.debug('Received message # %s from %s: %.100s',
                basic_deliver.delivery_tag, properties.app_id, body)
     body = tools.str2bytes(body)