Esempio n. 1
def do_routing(request, response):
    # get request parameters
    from_location = maps.GeoPoint(*[float(x) for x in request.get('from').split(',')])
    to_location = maps.GeoPoint(*[float(x) for x in request.get('to').split(',')])    
    view_mode = request.get('out', 'html')

    # produce data        
    data = router.get_route(from_location, to_location)
    # populate the requested view
    if view_mode == 'json':
        view.to_json(data, response)
        view.to_html(data, 'routing', request, response)    
Esempio n. 2
def get_subway_route(start_location, end_location):
    route = router.get_route(start_location, end_location)
    if route == None:
        return None
    steps = []
    first_subway = True
    for index, leg in enumerate(route):
        if leg.transport == 'Subway':        
            if index > 0:
                if first_subway:
                    to_text = 'Walk to subway station ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[0], leg.line)
                    walk_time = max(int((leg.steps[0].distance + 30) / 60), 3) 
                    step = RouteStep(to_text, walk_time, utils.duration_to_string(walk_time),
                                     None, steps[-1].end_location, 
                                     GeoPoint(leg.steps[0], leg.steps[0].station.lng), True)
                    to_text = 'Change to ' + utils.subway_color('line ' + str(leg.line), leg.line) + ' station ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[0], leg.line)
                    change_time = max(int((leg.steps[0].distance + 30) / 60), 3) 
                    step = RouteStep(to_text, change_time, utils.duration_to_string(change_time))
            if first_subway:
                step = RouteStep('Buy the tokens if needed and enter subway station ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[0], leg.line),
                 5, utils.duration_to_string(5) + ', ' + utils.price_to_string(27), Transport('Subway', price = 27),
                 GeoPoint(leg.steps[0], leg.steps[0].station.lng)) #start location is needed for start walk
                first_subway = False                
            if len(leg.steps) > 1: # The change might be the first move => don't add a 0 steps way 
                step = RouteStep()                                
                step.direction = 'Subway ' + utils.subway_color('line ' + str(leg.line), leg.line) + ' to ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[-1], leg.line)
                step.duration = int((sum([x.distance for x in leg.steps[1:]]) + 30) / 60)
                step.addinfo = utils.duration_to_string(step.duration)  + ', ' + str(len(leg.steps) - 1) + ' stops'
                step.transport = Transport(leg.transport)
                step.start_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[0], leg.steps[0].station.lng)
                step.end_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[-1], leg.steps[-1].station.lng)
                step.has_map = True
            if index > 0:
                to_text = 'Walk to ' + str(leg.transport).lower() + ' stop ' + leg.steps[0]
                walk_time = max(int((leg.steps[0].distance + 30) / 60), 3) 
                step = RouteStep(to_text, walk_time, utils.duration_to_string(walk_time),
                                 None, steps[-1].end_location, 
                                 GeoPoint(leg.steps[0], leg.steps[0].station.lng), True)
            step = RouteStep()                                
            step.direction = leg.transport + ' ' + str(leg.line) + ' to ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[-1], leg.line)
            step.duration = sum([x.distance for x in leg.steps[1:]]) / 60
            step.addinfo = utils.duration_to_string(step.duration) + ', ' + utils.price_to_string(23)
            step.transport = Transport(leg.transport, price = 23)
            step.start_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[0], leg.steps[0].station.lng)
            step.end_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[-1], leg.steps[-1].station.lng)
            step.has_map = True
    start_walk = get_walking_route(start_location, steps[0].start_location)
    if start_walk.get_duration() > 0:
        steps.insert(0, start_walk.directions[0])
    end_walk = get_walking_route(steps[-1].end_location, end_location)
    if end_walk.get_duration() > 0:
    if start_walk.get_duration() + end_walk.get_duration() < 40:
        return Route(steps)