def get(term): language = utils.get_language() key = 'places_' + language places = memcache.get(key) #@UndefinedVariable if places == None: attractions = [x for x in db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Attraction LIMIT 1000")] for x in attractions: x.place_type = 'airport' if'Airport') > 0 else 'sight' if language == 'ru' and x.name_rus != None: x.name_local = x.name_rus else: x.name_local = hotels = get_hotels() places = attractions + hotels memcache.add(key, places, 24*60*60) #@UndefinedVariable if term != None and term != '': result = [x for x in places if ( != None and or (x.name_rus != None and x.name_rus.lower().startswith(term.lower()))] if len(result) < 10: result.extend([x for x in places if ( != None and > 0) or (x.name_rus != None and x.name_rus.lower().find(term.lower()) > 0)]) return result else: return places
def load(start_location, end_location): language = utils.get_language() key = 'rusbus_' + start_location.to_url_param() + '_' + end_location.to_url_param() + '_' + language data = memcache.get(key) #@UndefinedVariable if data != None: return data existing_cookie_used = True cookie_key = 'rusbus_cookie' cookie_header = memcache.get(cookie_key) #@UndefinedVariable opener = urlopener.URLOpener('', cookie_header) if cookie_header is None:'RusAvtobus: starting session') start_session(opener) existing_cookie_used = False data = retrieve(opener, start_location, end_location, language, key) if data is None and existing_cookie_used: # existing cookie might have expired, try with new one logging.warn('RusAvtobus: existing session expired, starting new session') existing_cookie_used = False opener = urlopener.URLOpener('') start_session(opener) data = retrieve(opener, start_location, end_location, language, key) if data is not None and not existing_cookie_used: memcache.add(cookie_key, opener.cookie_header, 60*60) #@UndefinedVariable if data is None: logging.error('RusAvtobus did not retrieve data') else: memcache.add(key, data) #@UndefinedVariable return data
def get_walking_step(start_location, end_location, end_name = None): step = None direct_distance = estimate_distance(start_location, end_location) if direct_distance > 150: language = utils.get_language() params = { 'origin': start_location.to_url_param(), 'destination': end_location.to_url_param(), 'sensor' : 'false', 'mode': 'walking', 'language' : language } url = '' + urllib.urlencode(params) result = urlfetch.fetch(url) if result.status_code == 200: route = json.loads(result.content) if route['status'] == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT': logging.warn('OVER_QUERY_LIMIT while fetching walking directions') elif route['status'] == 'ZERO_RESULTS': # no route found pass else: instructions = [] duration = 0 distance = 0 for leg in route['routes'][0]['legs']: for leg_step in leg['steps']: instructions.append(clean_walk_direction(utils.remove_html_tags(leg_step['html_instructions']))) duration += int(leg_step['duration']['value']) distance += int(leg_step['distance']['value']) step = common.RouteStep() step.direction = ', '.join(instructions) step.duration = int(duration / 60) step.distance = distance else: logging.warn('Walking route failed: ' + str(result.status_code)) if step == None: #google not needed or failed step = common.RouteStep() step.distance = estimate_distance(start_location, end_location) * 1.4 step.duration = int(step.distance / 80 + 0.5) if end_name != None: walk_text = _('Walk to') + ' ' + end_name if step.direction != None: step.direction = walk_text + ': ' + step.direction else: step.direction = walk_text elif step.direction == None: step.direction = _('Walk') + ' ' + utils.distance_to_string(step.distance) step.transport = None # walk step.start_location = start_location step.end_location = end_location step.has_map = True return step
def get_hotels(): language = utils.get_language() key = 'hotels_' + language hotels = memcache.get(key) #@UndefinedVariable if hotels == None: hotels = [x for x in db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Hotel LIMIT 1000")] for x in hotels: x.place_type = 'hotel' if language == 'ru' and x.name_rus != None and x.name_rus != '': x.name_local = x.name_rus else: x.name_local = memcache.add(key, hotels, 24*60*60) #@UndefinedVariable return hotels
def get_transit_route(start_location, end_location, engine = 'o', force = ''): language = utils.get_language() key = 'route_' + start_location.to_url_param() + '_' + end_location.to_url_param() + '_' + engine + '_' + language + '_' + force data = memcache.get(key) #@UndefinedVariable if data != None: return data distance = estimate_distance(start_location, end_location) if distance != None and distance < 2000: walk_route = get_walking_route(start_location, end_location) if walk_route != None and walk_route.get_duration() < 30: memcache.add(key, walk_route, 60*60) #@UndefinedVariable return walk_route subway_route = None if engine == 'o' or engine == 's': subway_route = get_subway_route(start_location, end_location) if subway_route != None and distance > 5000: memcache.add(key, subway_route, 60*60) #@UndefinedVariable return subway_route routes = [] if engine == 'o' or engine == 'r': routes = get_rusavtobus_routes(start_location, end_location) if engine == 'g' or routes is None or len(routes) == 0: routes = get_google_routes(start_location, end_location) if subway_route != None: routes.append(subway_route) if force.find('train') >= 0: routes_with_train = [x for x in routes if x.has_transport('Train')] if len(routes_with_train) > 0: routes = routes_with_train if force.find('nosharetaxi') >= 0: routes_without_sharetaxi = [x for x in routes if not x.has_transport('Share taxi')] if len(routes_without_sharetaxi) > 0: routes = routes_without_sharetaxi if len(routes) > 0: route_optimal = min(routes, key=lambda x: x.get_cost()) memcache.add(key, route_optimal, 60*60) #@UndefinedVariable return route_optimal
def get_subway_route(start_location, end_location): language = utils.get_language() route = router.get_route(start_location, end_location) if route == None: return None steps = [] for leg in route: step = common.RouteStep() step.duration = int((sum([x.distance for x in leg.steps[1:]]) + 30) / 60) step.start_location = common.GeoPoint(leg.steps[0], leg.steps[0].station.lng) step.end_location = common.GeoPoint(leg.steps[-1], leg.steps[-1].station.lng) step.start_name = leg.steps[0] if language != 'ru' else leg.steps[0].station.name_rus step.end_name = leg.steps[-1] if language != 'ru' else leg.steps[-1].station.name_rus step.transport = common.Transport(leg.transport, str(leg.line), stops = len(leg.steps) - 1) step.has_map = True steps.append(step) route = common.Route(steps) process_transit_route(start_location, end_location, route) if route.get_walk_duration() < 40: return route
def clean_walk_direction(direction): language = utils.get_language() result = direction if language != 'ru': result = translit.translify(result) return result.replace(_('/M10'), '').replace(_('/M18'), '')
def process_transit_route(start_location, end_location, route): language = utils.get_language() # Add end walk end_walk = get_walking_step(route.directions[-1].end_location, end_location) if end_walk.duration > 0: route.directions.append(end_walk) first_subway = True index = 0 while index < len(route.directions) and index < 100: step = route.directions[index] previous_step = route.directions[index - 1] if index > 0 else None next_step = route.directions[index + 1] if index < len(route.directions) - 1 else None if step.transport != None: if step.transport.is_train(): station = router.resolve_name(step.start_name, 'Train', step.start_location) if station != None: step.start_name = station.name_rus if language == 'ru' else step.transport.start_code = station.name_rus = step.start_location.lng = station.lng station = router.resolve_name(step.end_name, 'Train', step.end_location) if station != None: step.end_name = station.name_rus if language == 'ru' else step.transport.end_code = station.name_rus = step.end_location.lng = station.lng if not step.transport.is_subway() or first_subway: from_location = previous_step.end_location if previous_step != None else start_location tostop_walk = get_walking_step(from_location, step.start_location, _(step.transport.type).lower() + ' ' + _('stop') + ' ' + step.start_name) route.directions.insert(index, tostop_walk) index += 1 if step.transport.is_train(): new_step = common.RouteStep(_('Buy the train tickets to') + ' ' + step.end_name + ', ' + _('wait for the train'), 15, '', common.Transport('Train', price = step.transport.price)) route.directions.insert(index, new_step) index += 1 step.transport.price = None if step.transport.is_subway(): if first_subway: new_step = common.RouteStep(_('Enter subway station') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(step.start_name, step.transport.line_number) + ' (' + _('buy the tokens if needed') + ')', 5, utils.duration_to_string(5) + ', ' + utils.price_to_string(27), common.Transport('Subway', price = 27)) else: to_text = _('Change to') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(_('line') + ' ' + str(step.transport.line_number), step.transport.line_number) + ' ' + _('station') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(step.start_name, step.transport.line_number) new_step = common.RouteStep(to_text, 4, utils.duration_to_string(4)) route.directions.insert(index, new_step) index += 1 step.transport.price = None first_subway = False if step.transport.stops == 0: route.directions.remove(step) continue # Set price for land transport if step.transport.type in ['Bus', 'Trolleybus', 'Tram']: step.transport.price = 23 elif step.transport.type in ['Share taxi']: step.transport.price = 35 # Make trolleybus less optimistic if step.transport.type == 'Trolleybus': step.duration *= 1.4 # Add 3/4 of service interval duration if not step.transport.is_subway(): if step.transport.interval != None: step.duration += step.transport.interval * 3 / 4 else: step.duration += get_default_service_interval(step.transport) * 3 / 4 # Do not show the map for change walks inside subway if step.is_walk() and previous_step != None and next_step != None and \ previous_step.is_subway() and next_step.is_subway(): step.duration = 4 # subway change is 4 minutes else: step.has_map = step.start_location != None and step.end_location != None if step.transport != None: if step.is_subway(): step.direction = _(step.transport.type) + ': ' + utils.subway_color(_('line') + ' ' + step.transport.line_number, step.transport.line_number) + \ ' ' + _('to') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(step.end_name, step.transport.line_number) elif step.transport.is_train(): step.direction = _(step.transport.type) + ' ' + _('to') + ' ' + step.end_name else: step.direction = _(step.transport.type) + ' ' + step.transport.line_number + ' ' + _('to') + ' ' + step.end_name # Improve walk to direction if step.is_walk() and next_step != None and not next_step.is_walk(): stop_text = _('station') if next_step.is_subway() else _('stop') step.direction = step.direction.replace(_('Walk to') + ' ', _('Walk to') + ' ' + _(next_step.transport.type).lower() + ' ' + stop_text + ' ') index += 1 # Find all subways subways = [step for step in route.directions if step.is_subway() and step.direction != None] if len(subways) > 0: # Add 4 minutes to exit subway subways[-1].direction += ', ' + _('leave the subway') subways[-1].duration += 4
def do_about(request, response): view.to_html(None, 'about' if utils.get_language() != 'ru' else 'about_ru', request, response)
def do_booking(request, response): view.to_html(None, 'booking' if utils.get_language() != 'ru' else 'booking_ru', request, response)
def place_name_local(self): return self.place_name_rus if utils.get_language() == 'ru' else self.place_name
def hotel_name_local(self): return self.hotel_name_rus if utils.get_language() == 'ru' and self.hotel_name != '' else self.hotel_name
def get_language_link(path): language = utils.get_language() name = _('EnglishRu') if language == 'ru' else _('RussianEn') code = 'en' if language == 'ru' else 'ru' lang_path = path.replace('/' + language, '/' + code) return '<a class="language" href="' + lang_path + '">' + name + '</a>'
def address_local(self): return self.address_rus if utils.get_language() == 'ru' else self.address