Esempio n. 1
def visitor_eq(e):
    if z3.is_eq(e):
        yield e
        for ch in e.children():
            for e0 in visitor_eq(ch):
                yield e0
Esempio n. 2
def fixedpoint(M, bad):
    fp = z3.Fixedpoint()
    options = {'engine':'spacer'}

    xs = M.variables()
    xsp = M.variables('prime')
    sorts = M.sorts() + [z3.BoolSort()]
    inv = z3.Function('inv', *sorts)
    err = z3.Function('err', z3.BoolSort())

    for zi in xs + xsp:

    inv_xs = inv(*xs)
    inv_xsp = inv(*xsp)
    fp.rule(inv_xs, M.init(xs))
    fp.rule(inv_xsp,, xsp) + [inv_xs])
    fp.rule(err(), bad(xs) + [inv_xs])

    if fp.query(err) == z3.unsat:
        inv = fp.get_answer()
        assert inv.is_forall()
        body = inv.body()
        assert z3.is_eq(body)
        fapp = body.arg(0)
        assert (z3.is_app(fapp))
        args = [fapp.arg(i) for i in range(body.num_args())]
        assert len(args) == len(xs)
        expr = (body.arg(1))
        return (z3.unsat, args, expr)
        return (z3.sat, None, None)
Esempio n. 3
def unique_eq_terms_on_const(const, exp, eq_terms=None, done_exp=None):
    def insert(e):
        found = False
        for t in eq_terms:
            if z3.eq(t, e):
                found = True
        if not found:
            return True
        return False

    def process_eq(e1, e2):
        if z3.eq(e1, const):
            ret_val = z3.simplify(e2)
            assert z3.is_app(e1)
            if not (z3.is_app_of(e1, z3.Z3_OP_ADD)
                    or z3.is_app_of(e1, z3.Z3_OP_SUB)):
                return None
            is_add = z3.is_app_of(e1, z3.Z3_OP_ADD)
            arg0 = e1.arg(0)
            arg1 = e1.arg(1)
            if z3.eq(arg1, const):
                if is_add: ret_val = z3.simplify(e2 - arg0)
                else: ret_val = z3.simplify(arg0 - e2)
                if is_add: ret_val = process_eq(arg0, e2 - arg1)
                else: ret_val = process_eq(arg0, e2 + arg1)
        return ret_val

    if eq_terms is None: eq_terms = []
    if done_exp is None: done_exp = []

    for e in done_exp:
        if e.eq(exp): return  # sub-dag is already processed

    if z3.is_eq(exp):
        arg0 = exp.arg(0)
        arg1 = exp.arg(1)
        if has_const(arg1, const):
            arg0, arg1 = arg1, arg0  # swap
        if has_const(arg0, const):
            t = process_eq(arg0, arg1)
            if t is not None:
                if insert(t): yield (t, exp)
                else: yield (None, exp)
    elif z3.is_app(exp):
        for i in range(exp.num_args()):
            for (t, eq) in unique_eq_terms_on_const(const, exp.arg(i),
                                                    eq_terms, done_exp):
                yield (t, eq)

Esempio n. 4
def checkLength1(M, bad, count):

        fp = z3.Fixedpoint()
	options = {'engine': 'spacer'}


	xs = M.variables
	sorts = M.sorts + [z3.BoolSort()]
	inv = z3.Function('inv', *sorts)
	err = z3.Bool('err')


	bad_state = [z3.And(bad(xs) + [xs[-1] == count])]

	fp.rule(inv(*xs), M.init)
	fp.rule(inv(*, inv(*xs))
	fp.rule(err, bad_state + [inv(*xs)])

	r = fp.query(err)
	if r == z3.unsat:
                inv = fp.get_answer()
		assert inv.is_forall()
		body = inv.body()
		assert z3.is_eq(body)
		print("BODY:", body)
		fapp = body.arg(0)
		assert (z3.is_app(fapp))
		args = [fapp.arg(i) for i in range(body.num_args())]
		assert len(args) == len(xs)
		expr = (body.arg(1))
		print(z3.unsat, args, expr)
		return (z3.unsat, args, expr)
		return (z3.sat, len(inv.children()), None)
Esempio n. 5
 def mk_app(self, f, args):
     if z3.is_eq(f):
         return args[0] == args[1]
     elif z3.is_and(f):
         return And(*args)
     elif z3.is_or(f):
         return Or(*args)
     elif z3.is_not(f):
         return Not(*args)
     elif z3.is_add(f):
         return reduce(operator.add, args[1:], args[0])
     elif z3.is_mul(f):
         return reduce(operator.mul, args[1:], args[0])
     elif z3.is_sub(f):
         return args[0] - args[1]
     elif z3.is_div(f):
         return args[0] / args[1]
     elif z3.is_lt(f):
         return args[0] < args[1]
     elif z3.is_le(f):
         return args[0] <= args[1]
     elif z3.is_gt(f):
         return args[0] > args[1]
     elif z3.is_ge(f):
         return args[0] >= args[1]
     elif z3.is_to_real(f):    # TODO: ignore coercions?
         return args[0]
     elif z3.is_to_int(f):
         return args[0]
     elif == '=>':
         return implies(args[0], args[1])
         dom_types = [self.mk_sort(f.domain(i))\
                      for i in range(0, f.arity())]
         cod_type = self.mk_sort(f.range())
         fun_type = reduce((lambda X, Y: type_arrow(Y, X)), \
                           dom_types, cod_type)
         func = self.mk_fun(f)
         return func(*args)
Esempio n. 6
 def mk_app(self, f, args):
     if z3.is_eq(f):
         return args[0] == args[1]
     elif z3.is_and(f):
         return And(*args)
     elif z3.is_or(f):
         return Or(*args)
     elif z3.is_not(f):
         return Not(*args)
     elif z3.is_add(f):
         return reduce(operator.add, args[1:], args[0])
     elif z3.is_mul(f):
         return reduce(operator.mul, args[1:], args[0])
     elif z3.is_sub(f):
         return args[0] - args[1]
     elif z3.is_div(f):
         return args[0] / args[1]
     elif z3.is_lt(f):
         return args[0] < args[1]
     elif z3.is_le(f):
         return args[0] <= args[1]
     elif z3.is_gt(f):
         return args[0] > args[1]
     elif z3.is_ge(f):
         return args[0] >= args[1]
     elif z3.is_to_real(f):    # TODO: ignore coercions?
         return args[0]
     elif z3.is_to_int(f):
         return args[0]
     elif == '=>':
         return implies(args[0], args[1])
         dom_types = [self.mk_sort(f.domain(i))\
                      for i in range(0, f.arity())]
         cod_type = self.mk_sort(f.range())
         fun_type = reduce((lambda X, Y: type_arrow(Y, X)), \
                           dom_types, cod_type)
         func = self.mk_fun(f)
         return func(*args)
Esempio n. 7
    def _back_single_term(self, expr, args):
        assert z3.is_expr(expr)

        if z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Quantified back conversion is currently not supported")

        res = None
        if z3.is_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.And(args)
        elif z3.is_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Or(args)
        elif z3.is_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Plus(args)
        elif z3.is_div(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Div(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_eq(expr):
            if self._get_type(args[0]).is_bool_type():
                res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
                res = self.mgr.Equals(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_iff(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Xor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_false(expr):
            res = self.mgr.FALSE()
        elif z3.is_true(expr):
            res = self.mgr.TRUE()
        elif z3.is_gt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_ge(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_lt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_le(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_uminus(expr):
            tp = self._get_type(args[0])
            if tp.is_real_type():
                minus_one = self.mgr.Real(-1)
                assert tp.is_int_type()
                minus_one = self.mgr.Int(-1)
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], minus_one)
        elif z3.is_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Minus(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Not(args[0])
        elif z3.is_implies(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Implies(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError
        elif z3.is_const(expr):
            if z3.is_rational_value(expr):
                n = expr.numerator_as_long()
                d = expr.denominator_as_long()
                f = Fraction(n, d)
                res = self.mgr.Real(f)
            elif z3.is_int_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                res = self.mgr.Int(n)
            elif z3.is_bv_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                w = expr.size()
                res = self.mgr.BV(n, w)
                # it must be a symbol
                res = self.mgr.get_symbol(str(expr))
        elif z3.is_ite(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Ite(args[0], args[1], args[2])
        elif z3.is_function(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Function(self.mgr.get_symbol(expr.decl().name()), args)
        elif z3.is_to_real(expr):
            res = self.mgr.ToReal(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAnd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVOr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVXor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNot(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_neg(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNeg(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_concat(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVConcat(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ult(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_uleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_slt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_extract(expr):
            end = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            start = z3.get_payload(expr, 1)
            res = self.mgr.BVExtract(args[0], start, end)
        elif z3.is_bv_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAdd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVMul(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_udiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sdiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_urem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVURem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_srem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSRem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshl(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShl(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ashr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSub(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_rol(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ror(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_rol(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_ror(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_sext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVSExt(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_zext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVZExt(args[0], amount)

        if res is None:
            raise ConvertExpressionError(message=("Unsupported expression: %s" %
        return res
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: shadown/pysmt
    def back(self, expr):
        assert z3.is_expr(expr)

        if askey(expr) in self.backconversion:
            return self.backconversion[askey(expr)]

        if z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Quantified back conversion is currently not supported")

        args = [self.back(x) for x in expr.children()]
        res = None
        if z3.is_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.And(args)

        elif z3.is_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Or(args)

        elif z3.is_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Plus(args)

        elif z3.is_div(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Div(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_eq(expr):
            if self._get_type(args[0]) == types.BOOL:
                res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
                res = self.mgr.Equals(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_false(expr):
            res = self.mgr.FALSE()

        elif z3.is_true(expr):
            res = self.mgr.TRUE()

        elif z3.is_gt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GT(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_ge(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GE(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_lt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LT(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_le(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LE(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Minus(args[0], args[1])

        elif z3.is_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Not(args[0])

        elif z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            if expr.is_forall():
            raise NotImplementedError

        elif z3.is_const(expr):
            if z3.is_rational_value(expr):
                n = expr.numerator_as_long()
                d = expr.denominator_as_long()
                f = Fraction(n, d)
                res = self.mgr.Real(f)
            elif z3.is_int_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                res = self.mgr.Int(n)
                # it must be a symbol
                res = self.mgr.get_symbol(str(expr))

        elif z3.is_ite(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Ite(args[0], args[1], args[2])

            raise TypeError("Unsupported expression:", expr)

        if res is None:
            raise TypeError("Unsupported expression:", expr)

        self.backconversion[askey(expr)] = res

        return res
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: 0Chuzz/pysmt
    def _back_single_term(self, expr, args, model=None):
        assert z3.is_expr(expr)

        if z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Quantified back conversion is currently not supported")

        res = None
        if z3.is_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.And(args)
        elif z3.is_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Or(args)
        elif z3.is_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Plus(args)
        elif z3.is_div(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Div(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_eq(expr):
            if self._get_type(args[0]).is_bool_type():
                res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
                res = self.mgr.Equals(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_iff(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Iff(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Xor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_false(expr):
            res = self.mgr.FALSE()
        elif z3.is_true(expr):
            res = self.mgr.TRUE()
        elif z3.is_gt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_ge(expr):
            res = self.mgr.GE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_lt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_le(expr):
            res = self.mgr.LE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_uminus(expr):
            tp = self._get_type(args[0])
            if tp.is_real_type():
                minus_one = self.mgr.Real(-1)
                assert tp.is_int_type()
                minus_one = self.mgr.Int(-1)
            res = self.mgr.Times(args[0], minus_one)
        elif z3.is_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Minus(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Not(args[0])
        elif z3.is_implies(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Implies(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_quantifier(expr):
            raise NotImplementedError
        elif z3.is_const(expr):
            if z3.is_rational_value(expr):
                n = expr.numerator_as_long()
                d = expr.denominator_as_long()
                f = Fraction(n, d)
                res = self.mgr.Real(f)
            elif z3.is_int_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                res = self.mgr.Int(n)
            elif z3.is_bv_value(expr):
                n = expr.as_long()
                w = expr.size()
                res = self.mgr.BV(n, w)
            elif z3.is_as_array(expr):
                if model is None:
                    raise NotImplementedError("As-array expressions cannot be" \
                                              " handled as they are not " \
                    interp_decl = z3.get_as_array_func(expr)
                    interp = model[interp_decl]
                    default = self.back(interp.else_value(), model=model)
                    assign = {}
                    for i in xrange(interp.num_entries()):
                        e = interp.entry(i)
                        assert e.num_args() == 1
                        idx = self.back(e.arg_value(0), model=model)
                        val = self.back(e.value(), model=model)
                        assign[idx] = val
                    arr_type = self._z3_to_type(expr.sort())
                    res = self.mgr.Array(arr_type.index_type, default, assign)
            elif z3.is_algebraic_value(expr):
                # Algebraic value
                return self.mgr._Algebraic(Numeral(expr))
                # it must be a symbol
                res = self.mgr.get_symbol(str(expr))
        elif z3.is_ite(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Ite(args[0], args[1], args[2])
        elif z3.is_function(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Function(self.mgr.get_symbol(expr.decl().name()), args)
        elif z3.is_to_real(expr):
            res = self.mgr.ToReal(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_and(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAnd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_or(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVOr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_xor(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVXor(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_not(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNot(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_neg(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVNeg(args[0])
        elif z3.is_bv_concat(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVConcat(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ult(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_uleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVULE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_slt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sleq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSLE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ugeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgt(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGT(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sgeq(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSGE(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_extract(expr):
            end = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            start = z3.get_payload(expr, 1)
            res = self.mgr.BVExtract(args[0], start, end)
        elif z3.is_bv_add(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAdd(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_mul(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVMul(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_udiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVUDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sdiv(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSDiv(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_urem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVURem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_srem(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSRem(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshl(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShl(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_lshr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVLShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_ashr(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVAShr(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_sub(expr):
            res = self.mgr.BVSub(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_bv_rol(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ror(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_rol(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRol(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_ext_ror(expr):
            amount = args[1].bv_unsigned_value()
            res = self.mgr.BVRor(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_sext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVSExt(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_bv_zext(expr):
            amount = z3.get_payload(expr, 0)
            res = self.mgr.BVZExt(args[0], amount)
        elif z3.is_array_select(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Select(args[0], args[1])
        elif z3.is_array_store(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Store(args[0], args[1], args[2])
        elif z3.is_const_array(expr):
            arr_ty = self._z3_to_type(expr.sort())
            k = args[0]
            res = self.mgr.Array(arr_ty.index_type, k)
        elif z3.is_power(expr):
            res = self.mgr.Pow(args[0], args[1])
        if res is None:
            raise ConvertExpressionError(message=("Unsupported expression: %s" %
        return res