def _annoying_angles(self,): _sun_angles = [] _view_angles = [] for fname in self._sun_angles: #nodatas = [float(i.split("=")[1]) for i in gdal.Info(fname).split('\n') if' NoData' in i] try: nodatas = ' '.join([i.split("=")[1] for i in gdal.Info(fname).split('\n') if' NoData' in i]) except: nodatas = None ang = reproject_data(fname,, srcNodata = nodatas, resample = \ 0, dstNodata=np.nan, outputType= gdal.GDT_Float32).data _sun_angles.append(ang) for fname in self._view_angles: try: nodatas = ' '.join([i.split("=")[1] for i in gdal.Info(fname).split('\n') if' NoData' in i]) except: nodatas = None ang = reproject_data(fname,, srcNodata = nodatas, resample = \ 0, dstNodata=np.nan, outputType= gdal.GDT_Float32).data _view_angles.append(ang) _view_angles = np.array(_view_angles) _sun_angles = np.squeeze(np.array(_sun_angles)) if len(self._view_angles) == len(self.toa_bands): if self.a_z_order == 1: self._vaa = _view_angles[:,0] self._vza = _view_angles[:,1] else: self._vaa = _view_angles[:,1] self._vza = _view_angles[:,0] elif len(self._view_angles) == 2*len(self.toa_bands): self._vaa = _view_angles[:len(self.toa_bands)] self._vza = _view_angles[len(self.toa_bands):] if os.path.exists(str(self.sun_angles)): if self.a_z_order == 1: self._saa = _sun_angles[0] self._sza = _sun_angles[1] else: self._saa = _sun_angles[1] self._sza = _sun_angles[0] elif len(self.sun_angles) == 2: self._saa = _sun_angles[0] self._sza = _sun_angles[1] self._sza = self._sza * self.ang_scale self._saa = self._saa * self.ang_scale self._vza = self._vza * self.ang_scale self._vaa = self._vaa * self.ang_scale self._vaa, self._vza, self._saa, self._sza = map(np.deg2rad, [self._vaa, self._vza, self._saa, self._sza])
def do_cloud(cloud_bands, cloud_name=None): toas = [ reproject_data(str(band), cloud_bands[0], dstNodata=0, resample=5).data for band in cloud_bands ] toas = np.array(toas) / 10000. mask = np.all(toas >= 0.0001, axis=0) valid_pixel = mask.sum() cloud_proba = cl.predict_proba(toas[:, mask].T) cloud_mask = np.zeros_like(toas[0]) cloud_mask[mask] = cloud_proba[:, 1] cloud_mask[~mask] = -256 if cloud_name is None: return cloud_mask else: g = gdal.Open(cloud_bands[0]) dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( cloud_name, g.RasterXSize, g.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte, options=["TILED=YES", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE"]) dst.SetGeoTransform(g.GetGeoTransform()) dst.SetProjection(g.GetProjection()) dst.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray((cloud_mask * 100).astype(int)) dst.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(-256) dst = None g = None return cloud_mask
def _parse_aux(self,): auxs = [self.global_dem, self.mask.astype(float)] scales = [self.ele_scale, 1] for i in range(len(auxs)): var_g = self._var_parser(auxs[i]) dat = reproject_data(var_g,, srcNodata = 0, resample = \ 0, dstNodata=np.nan, outputType= gdal.GDT_Float32).data auxs[i] = dat * scales[i] self._ele, self._cmask = auxs self._ele[np.isnan(self._ele)] = 0 self._cmask[np.isnan(self._cmask)] = 0 self._cmask = binary_dilation(self._cmask, structure = np.ones((3,3)).astype(bool)).astype(bool)
def _resamplers(self, ): """ Define the sresamplers used for resampling different gdal files or objects to required resolution and size. """ self.nearest_resampler = lambda fname: reproject_data( fname, self.example_file, xRes=self.aero_res * 0.5, yRes=self.aero_res * 0.5, srcNodata=None, outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, resample=0, ).g # GRIORA_NearestNeighbour due to version changes... self.bilinear_resampler = lambda fname: reproject_data( fname, self.example_file, xRes=self.aero_res * 0.5, yRes=self.aero_res * 0.5, srcNodata=0, outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, resample=1, ).g # GRIORA_Bilinear
def _annoying_angles(self, destination): mg = destination _sun_angles = [] _view_angles = [] for fname in self._sun_angles: try: nodatas = " ".join([ i.split("=")[1] for i in gdal.Info(fname).split("\n") if " NoData" in i ]) except: nodatas = None ang = reproject_data( fname, mg, srcNodata=None, resample=0, dstNodata=np.nan, outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, ).data _sun_angles.append(ang) for fname in self._view_angles: try: nodatas = " ".join([ i.split("=")[1] for i in gdal.Info(fname).split("\n") if " NoData" in i ]) except: nodatas = None ang = reproject_data( fname, mg, srcNodata=None, resample=0, dstNodata=np.nan, outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, ).data _view_angles.append(ang) _view_angles = np.squeeze(np.array(_view_angles)) _sun_angles = np.squeeze(np.array(_sun_angles)) if len(self.view_angles) == len(self.toa_bands): if self.a_z_order == 1: self._vaa = _view_angles[:, 0] self._vza = _view_angles[:, 1] else: self._vaa = _view_angles[:, 1] self._vza = _view_angles[:, 0] elif len(self.view_angles) == 2 * len(self.toa_bands): self._vaa = _view_angles[:len(self.toa_bands)] self._vza = _view_angles[len(self.toa_bands):] if os.path.exists(str(self.sun_angles)): if self.a_z_order == 1: self._saa = _sun_angles[0] self._sza = _sun_angles[1] else: self._saa = _sun_angles[1] self._sza = _sun_angles[0] elif len(self.sun_angles) == 2: self._saa = _sun_angles[0] self._sza = _sun_angles[1] self._sza = self._sza * self.ang_scale self._saa = self._saa * self.ang_scale self._vza = self._vza * self.ang_scale self._vaa = self._vaa * self.ang_scale
def _mask_bad_pix(self): # snow_mask = blue > 0.6 if os.path.exists(str(self.cloud_mask)): cloud_g = gdal.Open(str(self.cloud_mask)) elif type(self.cloud_mask).__module__ == "numpy": cloud_g = array_to_raster(self.cloud_mask, self.example_file) cloud = reproject_data( cloud_g, self.example_file, xRes=self.pixel_res, yRes=self.pixel_res, xSize=self.full_res[1], ySize=self.full_res[0], srcNodata=np.nan, outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, resample=0, ).data cloud = cloud.astype(bool) RED = None BLUE = None SWIR_1 = None NIR = None GREEN = None if 3 in self.boa_bands: BLUE = (self._toa_bands[np.where( self.boa_bands == 3)[0][0]].ReadAsArray() * self.ref_scale + self.ref_off) if BLUE is not None: water_mask = BLUE < 0.05 snow_mask = BLUE > 0.6 # del BLUE else: self.logger.error( "Blue band is needed for the retirval of aerosol.") if 2 in self.boa_bands: NIR = (self._toa_bands[np.where( self.boa_bands == 2)[0][0]].ReadAsArray() * self.ref_scale + self.ref_off) if 1 in self.boa_bands: RED = (self._toa_bands[np.where( self.boa_bands == 1)[0][0]].ReadAsArray() * self.ref_scale + self.ref_off) if (RED is not None) & (NIR is not None): NDVI = (NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED) water_mask = (((NDVI < 0.01) & (NIR < 0.11)) | ((NDVI < 0.1) & (NIR < 0.05)) | (NIR <= 0.0001) | (RED <= 0.0001) | np.isnan(NIR) | np.isnan(RED)) del NIR del RED del NDVI elif NIR is not None: water_mask = NIR < 0.05 del NIR elif RED is not None: water_mask = RED < 0.05 del RED if 6 in self.boa_bands: SWIR_1 = (self._toa_bands[np.where( self.boa_bands == 6)[0][0]].ReadAsArray() * self.ref_scale + self.ref_off) if 1 in self.boa_bands: GREEN = (self._toa_bands[np.where( self.boa_bands == 4)[0][0]].ReadAsArray() * self.ref_scale + self.ref_off) if (SWIR_1 is not None) & (GREEN is not None): NDSI = (GREEN - SWIR_1) / (SWIR_1 + GREEN) snow_mask = ((NDSI > 0.42) | (SWIR_1 <= 0.0001) | (GREEN <= 0.0001) | np.isnan(SWIR_1) | np.isnan(GREEN)) del SWIR_1 del GREEN del NDSI mask = water_mask | snow_mask | cloud | (BLUE > 1) ker_size = int(2 * 1.96 * self.psf_ystd) mask = binary_erosion(mask, structure=np.ones((3, 3)).astype(bool), iterations=5).astype(bool) # mask = binary_dilation(mask, structure = np.ones((3,3)).astype(bool), iterations=30).astype(bool) mask = binary_dilation(mask, structure=np.ones((3, 3)).astype(bool), iterations=30 + ker_size).astype(bool) mask[:30, :] = mask[:, :30] = mask[:, -30:] = mask[-30:, :] = True self.bad_pix = mask
def do_aot_tcwv(aot_bands, tcwv_bands, cams_dir, obs_time, sun_ang_name, view_ang_name, dem, tcwv_name=None, aot_name=None): toas = [ reproject_data(str(band), tcwv_bands[0], dstNodata=0, resample=5, xRes=120, yRes=120).data for band in aot_bands ] toas = np.array(toas) / 10000. mask = np.all(toas >= 0.0001, axis=0) time_ind = np.abs((obs_time.hour + obs_time.minute / 60. + obs_time.second / 3600.) - np.arange(0, 25, 3)).argmin() prior_uncs = 0.1 prior_scale = 46.698 prior_f = cams_dir + '/'.join([ datetime.datetime.strftime(obs_time, '%Y_%m_%d'), datetime.datetime.strftime(obs_time, '%Y_%m_%d') + '_gtco3.tif' ]) var_g = gdal.Open(prior_f) prior_g = reproject_data(prior_f, tcwv_bands[0], dstNodata=0, resample=1, xRes=120, yRes=120).g g = var_g.GetRasterBand(int(time_ind + 1)) offset = g.GetOffset() scale = g.GetScale() tco3 = prior_g.GetRasterBand( int(time_ind + 1)).ReadAsArray() * scale + offset tco3[:] = np.nanmean(tco3) * prior_scale saa, sza = reproject_data(str(sun_ang_name), tcwv_bands[0], dstNodata=0, resample=1, xRes=120, yRes=120).data / 100. vaa, vza = reproject_data(str(view_ang_name), tcwv_bands[0], dstNodata=0, resample=1, xRes=120, yRes=120).data / 100. raa = vaa - saa sza = np.cos(np.deg2rad(sza)) vza = np.cos(np.deg2rad(vza)) raa = np.cos(np.deg2rad(raa)) ele = reproject_data( dem, tcwv_bands[0], dstNodata=0, resample=1, xRes=120, yRes=120).data / 10000. X = np.vstack([toas[[9, 8]], np.array([sza, vza, raa, tco3, ele])]).reshape(7, -1).T iso_tcwv = Two_NN(np_model_file=file_path + '/emus/S2_TCWV.npz') tcwv = iso_tcwv.predict(X)[0].reshape(toas[0].shape).astype(float) bad = (tcwv < 0) | (tcwv > 8) | (~mask) | np.isnan(tcwv) tcwv[bad] = np.nanmedian(tcwv[~bad]) bands_min = [ 0.11572497, 0.08986528, 0.07280412, 0.05007033, 0.06228712, 0.06849915, 0.07015634, 0.06554198, 0.06809415, 0.02089167, 0.00080242, 0.04392302, 0.03012728 ] bands_max = [ 0.32072931, 0.30801709, 0.32420026, 0.38214899, 0.3951169, 0.41631785, 0.44391895, 0.42444658, 0.46161492, 0.19927658, 0.00870671, 0.39533241, 0.32505772 ] for _, toa in enumerate(toas): mask = mask & (toa >= bands_min[_]) & (toa <= bands_max[_]) X = np.vstack([toas, np.array([sza, vza, raa, tco3, ele])]).reshape(18, -1).T gbm = joblib.load(file_path + '/emus/lgb.pkl') aot = gbm.predict(X).reshape(toas[0].shape).astype(float) aot = np.exp(-1 * aot) shape = toas[0].shape if mask.sum() > 3: aot_min, aot_median, aot_max = np.nanpercentile(aot[mask], [5, 50, 95]) good_aot = (aot >= aot_min) & (aot <= aot_max) indx, indy = np.where(good_aot.reshape(shape)) myInterpolator = NearestNDInterpolator((indx, indy), aot[good_aot]) grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:shape[0]:1, 0:shape[1]:1, ] aot = myInterpolator(grid_x, grid_y) aot = smoothn(aot, isrobust=True, TolZ=1e-6, W=100 * ((aot >= aot_min) & (aot <= aot_max)), s=10, MaxIter=1000)[0] else: aot = np.nanmedian(aot) * np.ones(shape) if tcwv_name is not None: g = gdal.Open(tcwv_bands[0]) ySize, xSize = tcwv.shape dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( tcwv_name, xSize, ySize, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16, options=["TILED=YES", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE"]) dst.SetGeoTransform(g.GetGeoTransform()) dst.SetProjection(g.GetProjection()) dst.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray((tcwv * 1000).astype(int)) dst.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(65535) dst = None g = None if aot_name is not None: g = gdal.Open(aot_bands[0]) ySize, xSize = aot.shape dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( aot_name, xSize, ySize, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16, options=["TILED=YES", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE"]) dst.SetGeoTransform(g.GetGeoTransform()) dst.SetProjection(g.GetProjection()) dst.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray((aot * 1000).astype(int)) dst.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(65535) dst = None g = None return aot, tcwv
def _do_chunk(self, ind): toa_g = self._toa_bands[ind] geo = toa_g.GetGeoTransform() x_size, y_size = toa_g.RasterXSize, toa_g.RasterYSize boas = [] uncs = [] for i in range(self._chunks): r = i * 1. / self._chunks x_start = int(r * x_size) xmin = geo[0] + r * x_size * geo[1] r = (i+1.)/ self._chunks x_end = int(r * x_size) xmax = geo[0] + r * x_size * geo[1] x_off = x_end - x_start toa = toa_g.ReadAsArray(x_start, 0, x_off, int(y_size)) _g = gdal.Warp('', toa_g, format = 'MEM', outputBounds = [xmin, geo[3] + y_size * geo[5], xmax, geo[3]], resampleAlg = 0) xRes = yRes = int(geo[1]) xps = [self.xap_H[ind], self.xbp_H[ind], self.xcp_H[ind]] for j in range(3): xps[j] = reproject_data(xps[j], _g,xRes=xRes, yRes = yRes,xSize=x_off, \ ySize=y_size, resample = 0, outputType= gdal.GDT_Float32).data xap_H, xbp_H, xcp_H = xps toa = toa * self.ref_scale + self.ref_off y = xap_H * toa - xbp_H boa = y / (1 + xcp_H * y) xhs = [self.xap_dH[ind], self.xbp_dH[ind], self.xcp_dH[ind]] for j in range(3): #var_g = xhs[j] xhs[j] = reproject_data(xhs[j], _g, xRes=xRes, yRes = yRes, xSize=x_off, \ ySize=y_size, resample = 0, \ outputType= gdal.GDT_Float32).data.transpose(1,2,0) xap_dH, xbp_dH, xcp_dH = xhs del xps; del xhs dH = -1 * (-toa[...,None] * xap_dH - \ 2 * toa[...,None] * xap_H[...,None] * xbp_H[...,None] * xcp_dH + \ toa[...,None]**2 * xap_H[...,None]**2 * xcp_dH + \ xbp_dH + \ xbp_H[...,None]**2 * xcp_dH) / \ (toa[...,None] * xap_H[...,None] * xcp_H[...,None] - \ xbp_H[...,None] * xcp_H[...,None] + 1)**2 toa_dH = xap_H / (xcp_H*(toa * xap_H - xbp_H) + 1)**2 del xap_H; del xbp_H; del xcp_H; del xap_dH; del xbp_dH; del xcp_dH aot_dH, tcwv_dH, tco3_dH = [dH[:, :,i] for i in range(3)] del dH tmp = [] for unc_g in [self._aot_unc, self._tcwv_unc, self._tco3_unc]: unc = reproject_data(unc_g, _g, xSize=x_off, ySize=y_size, resample = 0, outputType= gdal.GDT_Float32).data tmp.append(unc) aot_unc, tcwv_unc, tco3_unc = tmp; del tmp unc = np.sqrt(aot_dH ** 2 * aot_unc**2 + tcwv_dH ** 2 * tcwv_unc**2 + tco3_dH ** 2 * tco3_unc**2 + toa_dH**2 * 0.015**2) del aot_unc; del tcwv_unc; del tco3_unc boas.append(boa) uncs.append(unc) boas, uncs = np.hstack(boas), np.hstack(uncs) boa_name = self.toa_dir + '/' + '.'.join(self.toa_bands[ind].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0:-1]) + '_sur.tif' unc_name = boa_name.replace('_sur.tif', '_sur_unc.tif') projectionRef = toa_g.GetProjectionRef() geotransform = toa_g.GetGeoTransform() self._save_band(boas, boa_name, projectionRef, geotransform) self._save_band(uncs, unc_name, projectionRef, geotransform) if ind in [self.ri,,]: return boas else: return None