def get_state_instance(self, request): if request.method == 'POST': if 'ban-jrs' in return TemporaryBanSanction( else: return BanSanction(request.POST) elif request.method == 'DELETE': return DeleteBanSanction( raise ValueError('Method {0} is not supported in this API route.'.format(request.method))
def get_state_instance(self, request): if request.method == "POST": if "ban-jrs" in return TemporaryBanSanction( else: return BanSanction(request.POST) elif request.method == "DELETE": return DeleteBanSanction( raise ValueError(f"Method {request.method} is not supported in this API route.")
def modify_profile(request, user_pk): """Modifies sanction of a user if there is a POST request.""" if not request.user.has_perm('member.change_profile'): raise PermissionDenied profile = get_object_or_404(Profile, user__pk=user_pk) if profile.is_private(): raise PermissionDenied if request.user.profile == profile: messages.error(request, _(u'Vous ne pouvez pas vous sanctionner vous-même !')) raise PermissionDenied if 'ls' in request.POST: state = ReadingOnlySanction(request.POST) elif 'ls-temp' in request.POST: state = TemporaryReadingOnlySanction(request.POST) elif 'ban' in request.POST: state = BanSanction(request.POST) elif 'ban-temp' in request.POST: state = TemporaryBanSanction(request.POST) elif 'un-ls' in request.POST: state = DeleteReadingOnlySanction(request.POST) else: # un-ban state = DeleteBanSanction(request.POST) try: ban = state.get_sanction(request.user, profile.user) except ValueError: raise HttpResponseBadRequest state.apply_sanction(profile, ban) if 'un-ls' in request.POST or 'un-ban' in request.POST: msg = state.get_message_unsanction() else: msg = state.get_message_sanction() msg = msg.format(ban.user, ban.moderator, ban.type, state.get_detail(), ban.note, settings.ZDS_APP['site']['litteral_name']) state.notify_member(ban, msg) return redirect(profile.get_absolute_url())
def import_users(self): print("\nImporting users...") with self.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS users_count FROM fluxbb_users") users_count = cursor.fetchone()['users_count'] print("{} users to be imported".format(users_count)) # TODO add location support into the new site cursor.execute('SELECT ' ' AS user_id, ' 'fluxbb_users.username AS username, ' ' AS email, ' 'fluxbb_users.url AS website, ' 'fluxbb_users.signature AS signature, ' 'fluxbb_users.show_sig AS show_signature, ' 'fluxbb_users.registered AS registration_date, ' 'fluxbb_users.last_visit AS last_visit, ' 'fluxbb_users.admin_note AS admin_note, ' 'fluxbb_users.title AS title, ' 'fluxbb_groups.g_title AS group_name, ' '(' ' SELECT fluxbb_users.username' ' FROM fluxbb_users' ' WHERE = fluxbb_bans.ban_creator' ') AS ban_creator_username, ' 'fluxbb_bans.expire AS ban_expiration, ' 'fluxbb_bans.message AS ban_message ' 'FROM fluxbb_users ' 'INNER JOIN fluxbb_groups ON fluxbb_groups.g_id = fluxbb_users.group_id ' 'LEFT OUTER JOIN fluxbb_bans ON fluxbb_bans.username = fluxbb_users.username ' 'ORDER BY') imported = 0 for row in cursor.fetchall(): if self.decode(row['username']) is 'Guest': continue user = self.create_user(self.decode(row['username'])) profile = user.profile # User data = self.decode(row['email']) user.date_joined = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(row['registration_date']) user.last_login = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(row['last_visit']) profile.last_visit = user.last_login # Groups user.groups.add(self.member_group) group_name = unicode(row['group_name'], self.encoding) if group_name == 'Administrateurs': user.groups.add(self.admin_group) user.is_superuser = True elif group_name == 'Gardiens' or group_name == 'Modérateur': user.groups.add(self.staff_group) elif group_name == 'Animateur': user.groups.add(self.animator_group) # Profile profile.title = self.decode(row['title']) if row['title'] is not None else '' = self.decode(row['website']) if row['website'] is not None else '' # TODO Markdown conversion profile.sign = self.decode(row['signature']) if row['signature'] is not None else '' profile.show_sign = bool(row['show_signature']) # Avatar # FluxBB doesn't store the avatar URL, but retries each time to find the file type, # checking if the file exists for the three allowed extensions. Yes. avatar_url_pattern = '{}.{}' extensions = ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'] for extension in extensions: avatar_url = avatar_url_pattern.format(row['user_id'], extension) r = requests.get(avatar_url) if r.status_code == 200: profile.set_avatar_from_file(StringIO(r.content), filename='avatar.{}'.format(extension)) # Administrative note imported as a karma note with score = 0 if row['admin_note']: KarmaNote(user=user, staff=user, comment=self.decode(row['admin_note']), value=0).save() # Bans if row['ban_creator_username']: if row['ban_message']: ban_message = self.decode(row['ban_message']) else: ban_message = 'Bannissement : aucun motif donné' # A ban with an expiration date if row['ban_expiration']: days = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(row['ban_expiration']) - if days > 0: state = TemporaryBanSanction({ 'ban-text': ban_message, 'ban-jrs': days }) karma_score = -10 else: state = None karma_score = 0 else: state = BanSanction({ 'ban-text': ban_message }) karma_score = -20 if state: try: moderator = User.objects.filter(username=self.decode(row['ban_creator_username'])).first() if not moderator: moderator = User.objects.filter(username=ZDS_APP['member']['bot_account']).first() ban = state.get_sanction(moderator, user) state.apply_sanction(profile, ban) KarmaNote(user=user, staff=moderator, comment=ban_message, value=karma_score).save() profile.karma += karma_score except ValueError as e: self.stderr.write(' Unable to import ban for {}: error: {}'.format(user.username, e)) imported += 1 percentage = int((float(imported) / float(users_count)) * 100) self.print_progress("[{}% - {}/{}] Importing user {}...".format(percentage, imported, users_count, user.username)) print("\nDone.")