Esempio n. 1
def remove_tag(editor):
	Gracefully removes tag under cursor
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
	content = editor.get_content()
	# search for tag
	pair = html_matcher.get_tags(content, caret_pos, editor.get_profile_name())
	if pair and pair[0]:
		if not pair[1]:
			# simply remove unary tag
			editor.replace_content(zen_coding.get_caret_placeholder(), pair[0].start, pair[0].end)
			tag_content_range = narrow_to_non_space(content, pair[0].end, pair[1].start)
			start_line_bounds = get_line_bounds(content, tag_content_range[0])
			start_line_pad = get_line_padding(content[start_line_bounds[0]:start_line_bounds[1]])
			tag_content = content[tag_content_range[0]:tag_content_range[1]]
			tag_content = unindent_text(tag_content, start_line_pad)
			editor.replace_content(zen_coding.get_caret_placeholder() + tag_content, pair[0].start, pair[1].end)
		return True
		return False
Esempio n. 2
def go_to_matching_pair(editor):
	Moves caret to matching opening or closing tag
	@param editor: Editor instance
	@type editor: ZenEditor
    content = editor.get_content()
    caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()

    if content[caret_pos] == '<':
        # looks like caret is outside of tag pair
        caret_pos += 1

    tags = html_matcher.get_tags(content, caret_pos, editor.get_profile_name())

    if tags and tags[0]:
        # match found
        open_tag, close_tag = tags

        if close_tag:  # exclude unary tags
            if open_tag['start'] <= caret_pos and open_tag['end'] >= caret_pos:
            elif close_tag['start'] <= caret_pos and close_tag[
                    'end'] >= caret_pos:

        return True

    return False
Esempio n. 3
def go_to_matching_pair(editor):
	Moves caret to matching opening or closing tag
	@param editor: Editor instance
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	content = editor.get_content()
	caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
	if content[caret_pos] == '<': 
		# looks like caret is outside of tag pair  
		caret_pos += 1
	tags = html_matcher.get_tags(content, caret_pos, editor.get_profile_name())
	if tags and tags[0]:
		# match found
		open_tag, close_tag = tags
		if close_tag: # exclude unary tags
			if open_tag['start'] <= caret_pos and open_tag['end'] >= caret_pos:
			elif close_tag['start'] <= caret_pos and close_tag['end'] >= caret_pos:
		return True
	return False
Esempio n. 4
def remove_tag(editor):
	Gracefully removes tag under cursor
	@type editor: ZenEditor
    caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
    content = editor.get_content()

    # search for tag
    pair = html_matcher.get_tags(content, caret_pos, editor.get_profile_name())
    if pair and pair[0]:
        if not pair[1]:
            # simply remove unary tag
                                   pair[0].start, pair[0].end)
            tag_content_range = narrow_to_non_space(content, pair[0].end,
            start_line_bounds = get_line_bounds(content, tag_content_range[0])
            start_line_pad = get_line_padding(
            tag_content = content[tag_content_range[0]:tag_content_range[1]]

            tag_content = unindent_text(tag_content, start_line_pad)
                zen_coding.get_caret_placeholder() + tag_content,
                pair[0].start, pair[1].end)

        return True
        return False
Esempio n. 5
	def get_syntax(self):
		Returns current editor's syntax mode
		@return: str
		doc_type = 'html'
		css_exts = ['css', 'less']
		xsl_exts = ['xsl', 'xslt']
		path = self._context.path()
		if path is not None:
			pos = path.rfind('.')
			if pos != -1:
				pos += 1
				ext = path[pos:]
				if ext in css_exts:
					doc_type = 'css'
				elif ext in xsl_exts:
					doc_type = 'xsl'
				elif ext == 'haml':
					doc_type = 'haml'
				elif ext == 'xml':
					doc_type = 'xml'
		# No luck with the extension; check for inline style tags
		if doc_type == 'html':
			caret_pos = self.get_caret_pos()
			pair = html_matcher.get_tags(self.get_content(), caret_pos)
			if pair and pair[0] and pair[0].type == 'tag'and pair[0].name.lower() == 'style':
				# check that we're actually inside the tag
				if pair[0].end <= caret_pos and pair[1].start >= caret_pos:
					doc_type = 'css'
		return doc_type
Esempio n. 6
def insert_formatted_newline(editor, mode='html'):
	Inserts newline character with proper indentation
	@param editor: Editor instance
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	@param mode: Syntax mode (only 'html' is implemented)
	@type mode: str
    caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
    nl = zen_coding.get_newline()
    pad = zen_coding.get_variable('indentation')

    if mode == 'html':
        # let's see if we're breaking newly created tag
        pair = html_matcher.get_tags(editor.get_content(),

        if pair[0] and pair[1] and pair[0]['type'] == 'tag' and pair[0][
                'end'] == caret_pos and pair[1]['start'] == caret_pos:
                nl + pad + zen_coding.get_caret_placeholder() + nl, caret_pos)
            editor.replace_content(nl, caret_pos)
        editor.replace_content(nl, caret_pos)

    return True
Esempio n. 7
	def get_syntax(self):
		Returns current editor's syntax mode
		@return: str
		syntax = 'html'
		path = self.get_file_path()
		if path is not None:
			pos = path.rfind('.')
			if pos != -1:
				pos += 1
				syntax = path[pos:]
		if syntax == 'less': syntax = 'css'
		elif syntax == 'xslt': syntax = 'xsl'
		if not zencoding.resources.has_syntax(syntax):
			syntax = 'html'
		# No luck with the extension; check for inline style tags
		if syntax == 'html':
			caret_pos = self.get_caret_pos()
			pair = html_matcher.get_tags(self.get_content(), caret_pos)
			if pair and pair[0] and pair[0].type == 'tag'and pair[0].name.lower() == 'style':
				# check that we're actually inside the tag
				if pair[0].end <= caret_pos and pair[1].start >= caret_pos:
					syntax = 'css'
		return syntax
Esempio n. 8
def split_join_tag(editor, profile_name=None):
    Splits or joins tag, e.g. transforms it into a short notation and vice versa:
    <div></div> → <div /> : join
    <div /> → <div></div> : split
    @param editor: Editor instance
    @type editor: ZenEditor
    @param profile_name: Profile name
    @type profile_name: str
    caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
    profile = zencoding.utils.get_profile(profile_name
                                          or editor.get_profile_name())
    caret = zencoding.utils.get_caret_placeholder()

    # find tag at current position
    pair = html_matcher.get_tags(editor.get_content(), caret_pos, profile_name
                                 or editor.get_profile_name())
    if pair and pair[0]:
        new_content = pair[0].full_tag

        if pair[1]:  # join tag
            closing_slash = ''
            if profile['self_closing_tag'] is True:
                closing_slash = '/'
            elif profile['self_closing_tag'] == 'xhtml':
                closing_slash = ' /'

            new_content = re.sub(r'\s*>$', closing_slash + '>', new_content)

            # add caret placeholder
            if len(new_content) + pair[0].start < caret_pos:
                new_content += caret
                d = caret_pos - pair[0].start
                new_content = new_content[0:d] + caret + new_content[d:]

            editor.replace_content(new_content, pair[0].start, pair[1].end)
        else:  # split tag
            nl = zencoding.utils.get_newline()
            pad = zencoding.utils.get_variable('indentation')

            # define tag content depending on profile
            tag_content = profile[
                'tag_nl'] is True and nl + pad + caret + nl or caret

            new_content = '%s%s</%s>' % (re.sub(
                r'\s*\/>$', '>', new_content), tag_content, pair[0].name)
            editor.replace_content(new_content, pair[0].start, pair[0].end)

        return True
        return False
Esempio n. 9
def split_join_tag(editor, profile_name=None):
	Splits or joins tag, e.g. transforms it into a short notation and vice versa:
	<div></div> → <div /> : join
	<div /> → <div></div> : split
	@param editor: Editor instance
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	@param profile_name: Profile name
	@type profile_name: str
	caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
	profile = zen_coding.get_profile(profile_name or editor.get_profile_name())
	caret = zen_coding.get_caret_placeholder()

	# find tag at current position
	pair = html_matcher.get_tags(editor.get_content(), caret_pos, profile_name or editor.get_profile_name())
	if pair and pair[0]:
		new_content = pair[0].full_tag
		if pair[1]: # join tag
			closing_slash = ''
			if profile['self_closing_tag'] is True:
				closing_slash = '/'
			elif profile['self_closing_tag'] == 'xhtml':
				closing_slash = ' /'
			new_content = re.sub(r'\s*>$', closing_slash + '>', new_content)
			# add caret placeholder
			if len(new_content) + pair[0].start < caret_pos:
				new_content += caret
				d = caret_pos - pair[0].start
				new_content = new_content[0:d] + caret + new_content[d:]
			editor.replace_content(new_content, pair[0].start, pair[1].end)
		else: # split tag
			nl = zen_coding.get_newline()
			pad = zen_coding.get_variable('indentation')
			# define tag content depending on profile
			tag_content = profile['tag_nl'] is True and nl + pad + caret + nl or caret
			new_content = '%s%s</%s>' % (re.sub(r'\s*\/>$', '>', new_content), tag_content, pair[0].name)
			editor.replace_content(new_content, pair[0].start, pair[0].end)
		return True
		return False
Esempio n. 10
def toggle_html_comment(editor):
	Toggle HTML comment on current selection or tag
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	@return: True if comment was toggled
	start, end = editor.get_selection_range()
	content = editor.get_content()
	if start == end:
		# no selection, find matching tag
		pair = html_matcher.get_tags(content, editor.get_caret_pos(), editor.get_profile_name())
		if pair and pair[0]: # found pair
			start = pair[0].start
			end = pair[1] and pair[1].end or pair[0].end
	return generic_comment_toggle(editor, '<!--', '-->', start, end)
Esempio n. 11
def toggle_html_comment(editor):
    Toggle HTML comment on current selection or tag
    @type editor: ZenEditor
    @return: True if comment was toggled
    start, end = editor.get_selection_range()
    content = editor.get_content()

    if start == end:
        # no selection, find matching tag
        pair = html_matcher.get_tags(content, editor.get_caret_pos(), editor.get_profile_name())
        if pair and pair[0]: # found pair
            start = pair[0].start
            end = pair[1] and pair[1].end or pair[0].end

    return generic_comment_toggle(editor, '<!--', '-->', start, end)
Esempio n. 12
def toggle_comment(editor):
    Toggle comment on current editor's selection or HTML tag/CSS rule
    @type editor: ZenEditor
    syntax = editor.get_syntax()
    if syntax == 'css':
        # in case out editor is good enough and can recognize syntax from
        # current token, we have to make sure that cursor is not inside
        # 'style' attribute of html element
        caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
        pair = html_matcher.get_tags(editor.get_content(),caret_pos)
        if pair and pair[0] and pair[0].type == 'tag' and pair[0].start <= caret_pos and pair[0].end >= caret_pos:
            syntax = 'html'

    if syntax == 'css':
        return toggle_css_comment(editor)
        return toggle_html_comment(editor)
Esempio n. 13
def toggle_comment(editor):
    Toggle comment on current editor's selection or HTML tag/CSS rule
    @type editor: ZenEditor
    syntax = editor.get_syntax()
    if syntax == 'css':
        # in case out editor is good enough and can recognize syntax from
        # current token, we have to make sure that cursor is not inside
        # 'style' attribute of html element
        caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
        pair = html_matcher.get_tags(editor.get_content(),caret_pos)
        if pair and pair[0] and pair[0].type == 'tag' and pair[0].start <= caret_pos and pair[0].end >= caret_pos:
            syntax = 'html'

    if syntax == 'css':
        return toggle_css_comment(editor)
        return toggle_html_comment(editor)
Esempio n. 14
def insert_formatted_newline(editor, mode='html'):
	Inserts newline character with proper indentation
	@param editor: Editor instance
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	@param mode: Syntax mode (only 'html' is implemented)
	@type mode: str
	caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()
	nl = zen_coding.get_newline()
	pad = zen_coding.get_variable('indentation')
	if mode == 'html':
		# let's see if we're breaking newly created tag
		pair = html_matcher.get_tags(editor.get_content(), editor.get_caret_pos(), editor.get_profile_name())
		if pair[0] and pair[1] and pair[0]['type'] == 'tag' and pair[0]['end'] == caret_pos and pair[1]['start'] == caret_pos:
			editor.replace_content(nl + pad + zen_coding.get_caret_placeholder() + nl, caret_pos)
			editor.replace_content(nl, caret_pos)
		editor.replace_content(nl, caret_pos)
	return True
Esempio n. 15
def match_pair_tagname(editor):
    Moves caret to matching opening or closing tag
    @param editor: Editor instance
    @type editor: ZenEditor
    content   = editor.get_content()
    caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()

    if content[caret_pos] == '<':
        # looks like caret is outside of tag pair
        caret_pos += 1

    tags = html_matcher.get_tags(content, caret_pos, editor.get_profile_name())

    if tags and tags[0]:
        # match found
        open_tag, close_tag = tags

        sels = []
        start_pt = open_tag.start+1;
        end_pt = start_pt + len(
        sels.append((start_pt, end_pt))

        if close_tag:
            for start_pt in xrange(close_tag.start, len(content)):
                if not content[start_pt] in '</':
            end_pt = start_pt + len(
            sels.append((start_pt, end_pt))


        return True

    return False
Esempio n. 16
def match_pair_tagname(editor):
    Moves caret to matching opening or closing tag
    @param editor: Editor instance
    @type editor: ZenEditor
    content   = editor.get_content()
    caret_pos = editor.get_caret_pos()

    if content[caret_pos] == '<':
        # looks like caret is outside of tag pair
        caret_pos += 1

    tags = html_matcher.get_tags(content, caret_pos, editor.get_profile_name())

    if tags and tags[0]:
        # match found
        open_tag, close_tag = tags

        sels = []
        start_pt = open_tag.start+1;
        end_pt = start_pt + len(
        sels.append((start_pt, end_pt))

        if close_tag:
            for start_pt in xrange(close_tag.start, len(content)):
                if not content[start_pt] in '</':
            end_pt = start_pt + len(
            sels.append((start_pt, end_pt))

        return True

    return False