def process_xml( filename=None, addnoports=False, asset_group=None, engineer=None, msf_settings={}, ip_ignore_list=None, ip_include_list=None, update_hosts=False, ): # Upload and process Nmap XML Scan file import re import os from skaldship.general import get_host_record, do_host_status from skaldship.cpe import lookup_cpe from zenmapCore_Kvasir.NmapParser import NmapParser # output regexes RE_NETBIOS_NAME = re.compile("NetBIOS computer name: (?P<d>.*),") RE_NETBIOS_WORKGROUP = re.compile("Workgroup: (?P<d>.*),") RE_NETBIOS_MAC = re.compile("NetBIOS MAC: (?P<d>([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))") # build the hosts only/exclude list ip_exclude = [] if ip_ignore_list: ip_exclude = ip_ignore_list.split("\r\n") # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals ip_only = [] if ip_include_list: ip_only = ip_include_list.split("\r\n") # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals log(" [*] Processing Nmap scan file %s" % (filename)) nmap_parsed = NmapParser() nmap_parsed.parse_file(filename) # existing_vulnids = db(db.t_vulndata()).select(, db.t_vulndata.f_vulnid).as_dict(key='f_vulnid') # parse the hosts, where all the goodies are log(" [-] Parsing %d hosts" % (len(nmap_parsed.hosts))) hoststats = {} hoststats["added"] = 0 hoststats["skipped"] = 0 hoststats["updated"] = 0 hoststats["errored"] = 0 hosts = [] # array of host_id fields svc_db = db.t_services for node in nmap_parsed.hosts: nodefields = {} if node.ipv6: ipaddr = node.ipv6 nodefields["f_ipv4"] = ipaddr elif node.ip.get("type") == "ipv4": ipaddr = node.ip.get("addr") nodefields["f_ipv4"] = ipaddr else: log(" [!] No IPv4/IPv6 address, skipping") continue try: nodefields["f_macaddr"] = node.mac["addr"] except TypeError: nodefields["f_macaddr"] = None status = node.state log(" [-] Host %s status is: %s" % (ipaddr, status)) if status != "up": hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue if ipaddr in ip_exclude: log(" [-] Host is in exclude list... skipping") hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue if len(ip_only) > 0 and ipaddr not in ip_only: log(" [-] Host is not in the only list... skipping") hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue if not node.ports and not addnoports: log(" [-] No ports open and not asked to add those kind... skipping") hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue # we'lll just take the last hostname in the names list since it'll usually be the full dns name for name in node.hostnames: nodefields["f_hostname"] = name["hostname"] nodefields["f_engineer"] = engineer nodefields["f_asset_group"] = asset_group nodefields["f_confirmed"] = False # see if host exists, if so update. if not, insert! query = (db.t_hosts.f_ipv4 == ipaddr) | (db.t_hosts.f_ipv6 == ipaddr) host_rec = db(query).select().first() if host_rec is None: host_id = db.t_hosts.insert(**nodefields) db.commit() hoststats["added"] += 1 log(" [-] Adding %s" % (ipaddr)) elif host_rec is not None and update_hosts: db.commit() if "f_ipv4" in nodefields: host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv4 == nodefields["f_ipv4"]).update(**nodefields) else: host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv6 == nodefields["f_ipv6"]).update(**nodefields) db.commit() host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = hoststats["updated"] += 1 log(" [-] Updating %s" % (ipaddr)) else: hoststats["skipped"] += 1 db.commit() log(" [-] Skipped %s" % (ipaddr)) continue hosts.append(host_id) # process OS related info for os in node.osmatches: os_id = None host_id = None f_title = os["name"] # title for k in os["osclasses"]: f_cpename = k["cpe"].lstrip("cpe:/o:") f_vendor = k["vendor"] f_product = k["osfamily"] f_version = k["osgen"] f_class = k["type"] f_family = k["osfamily"] f_certainty = k["accuracy"] cpe_res = db((db.t_os.f_cpename == f_cpename) & (db.t_os.f_title == f_title)).select().first() if cpe_res is not None: os_id = else: try: os_id = db.t_os.insert( f_cpename=f_cpename, f_title=f_title, f_vendor=f_vendor, f_product=f_product, f_version=f_version, ) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error inserting OS: %s" % (e)) db.commit() if os_id and (f_class or f_family or f_certainty): ipaddr = node.ip.get("addr") host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = try: db.t_host_os_refs.insert( f_certainty=f_certainty, f_family=f_family, f_class=f_class, f_hosts_id=host_id, f_os_id=os_id, ) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error inserting OS: %s" % (e)) db.commit()
def process_xml( filename=None, addnoports=False, asset_group=None, engineer=None, msf_workspace=False, ip_ignore_list=None, ip_include_list=None, update_hosts=False, ): # Upload and process nMap XML Scan file import re from MetasploitAPI import MetasploitAPI from skaldship.general import get_host_record, do_host_status from skaldship.cpe import lookup_cpe from zenmapCore_Kvasir.NmapParser import NmapParser # output regexes RE_NETBIOS_NAME = re.compile('NetBIOS computer name: (?P<d>.*),') RE_NETBIOS_WORKGROUP = re.compile('Workgroup: (?P<d>.*),') RE_NETBIOS_MAC = re.compile('NetBIOS MAC: (?P<d>([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))') # build the hosts only/exclude list ip_exclude = [] if ip_ignore_list: ip_exclude = ip_ignore_list.split('\r\n') # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals ip_only = [] if ip_include_list: ip_only = ip_include_list.split('\r\n') # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals log(" [*] Processing nMap scan file %s" % (filename)) nmap_parsed = NmapParser() nmap_parsed.parse_file(filename) #existing_vulnids = db(db.t_vulndata()).select(, db.t_vulndata.f_vulnid).as_dict(key='f_vulnid') user_id = db.auth_user(engineer) or # parse the hosts, where all the goodies are log(" [-] Parsing %d hosts" % (len(nmap_parsed.hosts))) hoststats = {} hoststats['added'] = 0 hoststats['skipped'] = 0 hoststats['updated'] = 0 hoststats['errored'] = 0 hosts = [] # array of host_id fields svc_db = db.t_services for node in nmap_parsed.hosts: nodefields = {} if node.ipv6: ipaddr = node.ipv6 nodefields['f_ipv4'] = ipaddr elif node.ip.get('type') == 'ipv4': ipaddr = node.ip.get('addr') nodefields['f_ipv4'] = ipaddr else: log(" [!] No IPv4/IPv6 address, skipping") continue nodefields['f_macaddr'] = node.mac status = node.state log(" [-] Host %s status is: %s" % (ipaddr, status)) if status != "up": hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if ipaddr in ip_exclude: log(" [-] Host is in exclude list... skipping") hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if len(ip_only) > 0 and ipaddr not in ip_only: log(" [-] Host is not in the only list... skipping") hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if not node.ports and not addnoports: log(" [-] No ports open and not asked to add those kind... skipping") hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue # we'lll just take the last hostname in the names list since it'll usually be the full dns name for name in node.hostnames: nodefields['f_hostname'] = name nodefields['f_engineer'] = user_id nodefields['f_asset_group'] = asset_group nodefields['f_confirmed'] = False # check to see if IPv4/IPv6 exists in DB already if 'f_ipv4' in nodefields: host_rec = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv4 == nodefields['f_ipv4']).select().first() elif 'f_ipv6' in nodefields: host_rec = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv6 == nodefields['f_ipv6']).select().first() else: log("No IP Address found in record. Skipping", logging.ERROR) continue if host_rec is None: host_id = db.t_hosts.insert(**nodefields) db.commit() hoststats['added'] += 1 log(" [-] Adding %s" % (ipaddr)) elif host_rec is not None and update_hosts: db.commit() if 'f_ipv4' in nodefields: host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv4 == nodefields['f_ipv4']).update(**nodefields) else: host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv6 == nodefields['f_ipv6']).update(**nodefields) db.commit() host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = hoststats['updated'] += 1 log(" [-] Updating %s" % (ipaddr)) else: hoststats['skipped'] += 1 db.commit() log(" [-] Skipped %s" % (ipaddr)) continue hosts.append(host_id) # process non-port <hostscript> entries. Add to info/0: for hostscripts in node.hostscripts: query = (svc_db.f_proto == 'info') & (svc_db.f_number == 0) & (svc_db.f_hosts_id == host_id) svc_id = db.t_services.update_or_insert(query, f_proto='info', f_number=0, f_status='open', f_hosts_id=host_id) if not svc_id: svc_rec = db(query).select(cache=(cache.ram, 180)).first() if svc_rec: svc_id = else: log(" [!] Service record wasn't created", logging.ERROR) continue db.commit() for script in hostscripts: script_id = output = script.output db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=script_id, f_text=output) db.commit() if script_id == 'nbstat': # pull out NetBIOS info from nbstat output result = if 'd' in result.groupdict(): host_rec.update('d')) db.commit() result = if 'd' in result.groupdict(): host_rec.update('d')) db.commit() result = if 'd' in result.groupdict(): db(db.t_netbios.update_or_insert(f_hosts_id=host_id,'d'))) db.commit() # add ports and resulting vulndata for port in node.ports: f_proto = port.get('protocol') f_number = port.get('portid') f_status = port.get('port_state') f_name = port.get('service_name') f_product = port.get('service_product') log(" [-] Adding port: %s/%s (%s)" % (f_proto, f_number, f_name)) svc_id = db.t_services.update_or_insert(f_proto=f_proto, f_number=f_number, f_status=f_status, f_hosts_id=host_id, f_name=f_name) if f_product: version = port.get('service_version') if version: f_product += " (%s)" % (version) db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=f_name, f_text=f_product) db.commit() # Process <script> service entries for script in port.get('scripts'): db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=script.get('id'), f_text=script.get('output')) db.commit() # Process <cpe> service entries for port_cpe in port.get('service_cpe'): cpe_id = port_cpe.text.lstrip('cpe:/') if cpe_id[0] == "a": # process CPE Applications #log(" [-] Found Application CPE data: %s" % (cpe_id)) db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name='', f_text="cpe:/%s" % (cpe_id)) db.commit() elif cpe_id[0] == "o": # process CPE Operating System os_id = lookup_cpe(cpe_id[2:]) if os_id is not None: db.t_host_os_refs.insert(f_certainty='0.9', f_family='Unknown', f_class='Other', f_hosts_id=host_id, f_os_id=os_id) db.commit() else: # So no CPE or existing OS data, lets split up the CPE data and make our own log(" [!] No os_id found, this is odd !!!") if msf_workspace: msf = MetasploitAPI(host=user_id.f_msf_pro_url, apikey=user_id.f_msf_pro_key) if msf.login(): try: res = msf.pro_import_file( msf_workspace, filename, { 'DS_REMOVE_FILE': False, 'tag': asset_group, }, ) log(" [*] Added file to MSF Pro: %s" % (res)) except MetasploitAPI.MSFAPIError, e: logging.error("MSFAPI Error: %s" % (e)) pass else: log(" [!] Unable to login to Metasploit PRO, check your API key", logging.ERROR) msf = None
def process_xml( filename=None, addnoports=False, asset_group=None, engineer=None, msf_settings={}, ip_ignore_list=None, ip_include_list=None, update_hosts=False, ): # Upload and process Nmap XML Scan file import re import os from skaldship.general import get_host_record, do_host_status from skaldship.cpe import lookup_cpe from zenmapCore_Kvasir.NmapParser import NmapParser # output regexes RE_NETBIOS_NAME = re.compile("NetBIOS computer name: (?P<d>.*),") RE_NETBIOS_WORKGROUP = re.compile("Workgroup: (?P<d>.*),") RE_NETBIOS_MAC = re.compile("NetBIOS MAC: (?P<d>([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))") # build the hosts only/exclude list ip_exclude = [] if ip_ignore_list: ip_exclude = ip_ignore_list.split("\r\n") # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals ip_only = [] if ip_include_list: ip_only = ip_include_list.split("\r\n") # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals log(" [*] Processing Nmap scan file %s" % (filename)) nmap_parsed = NmapParser() nmap_parsed.parse_file(filename) # existing_vulnids = db(db.t_vulndata()).select(, db.t_vulndata.f_vulnid).as_dict(key='f_vulnid') # parse the hosts, where all the goodies are log(" [-] Parsing %d hosts" % (len(nmap_parsed.hosts))) hoststats = {} hoststats["added"] = 0 hoststats["skipped"] = 0 hoststats["updated"] = 0 hoststats["errored"] = 0 hosts = [] # array of host_id fields svc_db = db.t_services for node in nmap_parsed.hosts: nodefields = {} if node.ipv6: ipaddr = node.ipv6 nodefields["f_ipv4"] = ipaddr elif node.ip.get("type") == "ipv4": ipaddr = node.ip.get("addr") nodefields["f_ipv4"] = ipaddr else: log(" [!] No IPv4/IPv6 address, skipping") continue try: nodefields["f_macaddr"] = node.mac["addr"] except TypeError: nodefields["f_macaddr"] = None status = node.state log(" [-] Host %s status is: %s" % (ipaddr, status)) if status != "up": hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue if ipaddr in ip_exclude: log(" [-] Host is in exclude list... skipping") hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue if len(ip_only) > 0 and ipaddr not in ip_only: log(" [-] Host is not in the only list... skipping") hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue if not node.ports and not addnoports: log(" [-] No ports open and not asked to add those kind... skipping") hoststats["skipped"] += 1 continue # we'lll just take the last hostname in the names list since it'll usually be the full dns name for name in node.hostnames: nodefields["f_hostname"] = name["hostname"] nodefields["f_engineer"] = engineer nodefields["f_asset_group"] = asset_group nodefields["f_confirmed"] = False # see if host exists, if so update. if not, insert! query = (db.t_hosts.f_ipv4 == ipaddr) | (db.t_hosts.f_ipv6 == ipaddr) host_rec = db(query).select().first() if host_rec is None: host_id = db.t_hosts.insert(**nodefields) db.commit() hoststats["added"] += 1 log(" [-] Adding %s" % (ipaddr)) elif host_rec is not None and update_hosts: db.commit() if "f_ipv4" in nodefields: host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv4 == nodefields["f_ipv4"]).update(**nodefields) else: host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipv6 == nodefields["f_ipv6"]).update(**nodefields) db.commit() host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = hoststats["updated"] += 1 log(" [-] Updating %s" % (ipaddr)) else: hoststats["skipped"] += 1 db.commit() log(" [-] Skipped %s" % (ipaddr)) continue hosts.append(host_id) # process non-port <hostscript> entries. Add to info/0: for hostscripts in node.hostscripts: query = (svc_db.f_proto == "info") & (svc_db.f_number == 0) & (svc_db.f_hosts_id == host_id) svc_id = db.t_services.update_or_insert( query, f_proto="info", f_number=0, f_status="open", f_hosts_id=host_id ) if not svc_id: svc_rec = db(query).select(cache=(cache.ram, 180)).first() if svc_rec: svc_id = else: log(" [!] Service record wasn't created", logging.ERROR) continue db.commit() for script in hostscripts: script_id = output = script.output db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=script_id, f_text=output) db.commit() if script_id == "nbstat": # pull out NetBIOS info from nbstat output result = if "d" in result.groupdict(): host_rec.update("d")) db.commit() result = if "d" in result.groupdict(): host_rec.update("d")) db.commit() result = if "d" in result.groupdict(): db(db.t_netbios.update_or_insert(f_hosts_id=host_id,"d"))) db.commit() # add ports and resulting vulndata for port in node.ports: f_proto = port.get("protocol") f_number = port.get("portid") f_status = port.get("port_state") f_name = port.get("service_name") f_product = port.get("service_product") log(" [-] Adding port: %s/%s (%s)" % (f_proto, f_number, f_name)) svc_id = db.t_services.update_or_insert( f_proto=f_proto, f_number=f_number, f_status=f_status, f_hosts_id=host_id, f_name=f_name ) if f_product: version = port.get("service_version") if version: f_product += " (%s)" % (version) db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=f_name, f_text=f_product) db.commit() # Process <script> service entries for script in port.get("scripts"): db.t_service_info.update_or_insert( f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=script.get("id"), f_text=script.get("output") ) db.commit() # Process <cpe> service entries port_cpe = port.get("service_cpe") if port_cpe: cpe_id = port_cpe.lstrip("cpe:/") if cpe_id.startswith("a"): # process CPE Applications # log(" [-] Found Application CPE data: %s" % (cpe_id)) db.t_service_info.update_or_insert( f_services_id=svc_id, f_name="", f_text="cpe:/%s" % (cpe_id) ) db.commit() elif cpe_id.startswith("o"): # process CPE Operating System os_id = lookup_cpe(cpe_id[2:]) if os_id is not None: db.t_host_os_refs.insert( f_certainty="0.9", f_family="Unknown", f_class="Other", f_hosts_id=host_id, f_os_id=os_id ) db.commit() else: # So no CPE or existing OS data, lets split up the CPE data and make our own log(" [!] No os_id found, this is odd !!!") if msf_settings.get("workspace"): try: # check to see if we have a Metasploit RPC instance configured and talking from MetasploitAPI import MetasploitAPI msf_api = MetasploitAPI(host=msf_settings.get("url"), apikey=msf_settings.get("key")) working_msf_api = msf_api.login() except Exception, error: log(" [!] Unable to authenticate to MSF API: %s" % str(error), logging.ERROR) working_msf_api = False try: scan_data = open(filename, "r+").readlines() except Exception, error: log(" [!] Error loading scan data to send to Metasploit: %s" % str(error), logging.ERROR) scan_data = None
def process_xml( filename=None, addnoports=False, asset_group=None, engineer=None, msf_settings={}, ip_ignore_list=None, ip_include_list=None, update_hosts=False, ): # Upload and process Nmap XML Scan file import re import os from skaldship.hosts import get_host_record, do_host_status from skaldship.cpe import lookup_cpe from zenmapCore_Kvasir.NmapParser import NmapParser from gluon import current T = current.T # output regexes RE_NETBIOS_NAME = re.compile('NetBIOS computer name: (?P<d>.*),') RE_NETBIOS_WORKGROUP = re.compile('Workgroup: (?P<d>.*),') RE_NETBIOS_MAC = re.compile( 'NetBIOS MAC: (?P<d>([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))') # build the hosts only/exclude list ip_exclude = [] if ip_ignore_list: ip_exclude = ip_ignore_list.split('\r\n') # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals ip_only = [] if ip_include_list: ip_only = ip_include_list.split('\r\n') # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals log(" [*] Processing Nmap scan file %s" % (filename)) nmap_parsed = NmapParser() nmap_parsed.parse_file(filename) #existing_vulnids = db(db.t_vulndata()).select(, db.t_vulndata.f_vulnid).as_dict(key='f_vulnid') # parse the hosts, where all the goodies are log(" [-] Parsing %d hosts" % (len(nmap_parsed.hosts))) hoststats = {} hoststats['added'] = 0 hoststats['skipped'] = 0 hoststats['updated'] = 0 hoststats['errored'] = 0 hosts = [] # array of host_id fields svc_db = db.t_services for node in nmap_parsed.hosts: nodefields = {} if node.ipv6: ipaddr = node.ipv6 nodefields['f_ipaddr'] = ipaddr elif node.ip.get('type') == 'ipv4': ipaddr = node.ip.get('addr') nodefields['f_ipaddr'] = ipaddr else: log(" [!] No IPv4/IPv6 address, skipping") continue try: nodefields['f_macaddr'] = node.mac['addr'] except TypeError: nodefields['f_macaddr'] = None status = node.state log(" [-] Host %s status is: %s" % (ipaddr, status)) if status != "up": hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if ipaddr in ip_exclude: log(" [-] Host is in exclude list... skipping") hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if len(ip_only) > 0 and ipaddr not in ip_only: log(" [-] Host is not in the only list... skipping") hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if not node.ports and not addnoports: log(" [-] No ports open and not asked to add those kind... skipping" ) hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue # we'll just take the last hostname in the names list since it'll usually be the full dns name for name in node.hostnames: nodefields['f_hostname'] = name['hostname'] nodefields['f_engineer'] = engineer nodefields['f_asset_group'] = asset_group nodefields['f_confirmed'] = False # see if host exists, if so update. if not, insert! query = (db.t_hosts.f_ipaddr == ipaddr) host_rec = db(query).select().first() if host_rec is None: host_id = db.t_hosts.insert(**nodefields) db.commit() hoststats['added'] += 1 log(" [-] Adding %s" % (ipaddr)) elif host_rec is not None and update_hosts: db.commit() host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipaddr == nodefields['f_ipaddr']).update( **nodefields) db.commit() host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = hoststats['updated'] += 1 log(" [-] Updating %s" % (ipaddr)) else: hoststats['skipped'] += 1 db.commit() log(" [-] Skipped %s" % (ipaddr)) continue hosts.append(host_id) # process OS related info for os in node.osmatches: os_id = None host_id = None f_title = os['name'] #title for k in os['osclasses']: if k.get('cpe') != None: #fixes error on loading cpe:/os f_cpename = k['cpe'].replace('cpe:/o:', '') f_vendor = k['vendor'] f_product = k['osfamily'] f_version = k['osgen'] f_class = k['type'] f_family = k['osfamily'] f_certainty = k['accuracy'] cpe_res = db((db.t_os.f_cpename == f_cpename) & ( db.t_os.f_title == f_title)).select().first() if cpe_res is not None: os_id = else: try: os_id = db.t_os.insert( f_cpename=f_cpename, f_title=f_title, f_vendor=f_vendor, f_product=f_product, f_version=f_version, ) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error inserting OS: %s" % (e)) db.commit() if os_id and (f_class or f_family or f_certainty): ipaddr = node.ip.get('addr') host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = try: db.t_host_os_refs.insert(f_certainty=f_certainty, f_family=f_family, f_class=f_class, f_hosts_id=host_id, f_os_id=os_id) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error inserting OS: %s" % (e)) db.commit()
def process_xml( filename=None, addnoports=False, asset_group=None, engineer=None, msf_settings={}, ip_ignore_list=None, ip_include_list=None, update_hosts=False, ): # Upload and process Nmap XML Scan file import re import os from skaldship.hosts import get_host_record, do_host_status from skaldship.cpe import lookup_cpe from zenmapCore_Kvasir.NmapParser import NmapParser from gluon import current T = current.T # output regexes RE_NETBIOS_NAME = re.compile('NetBIOS computer name: (?P<d>.*),') RE_NETBIOS_WORKGROUP = re.compile('Workgroup: (?P<d>.*),') RE_NETBIOS_MAC = re.compile( 'NetBIOS MAC: (?P<d>([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))') # build the hosts only/exclude list ip_exclude = [] if ip_ignore_list: ip_exclude = ip_ignore_list.split('\r\n') # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals ip_only = [] if ip_include_list: ip_only = ip_include_list.split('\r\n') # TODO: check for ip subnet/range and break it out to individuals log(" [*] Processing Nmap scan file %s" % (filename)) nmap_parsed = NmapParser() nmap_parsed.parse_file(filename) #existing_vulnids = db(db.t_vulndata()).select(, db.t_vulndata.f_vulnid).as_dict(key='f_vulnid') # parse the hosts, where all the goodies are log(" [-] Parsing %d hosts" % (len(nmap_parsed.hosts))) hoststats = {} hoststats['added'] = 0 hoststats['skipped'] = 0 hoststats['updated'] = 0 hoststats['errored'] = 0 hosts = [] # array of host_id fields svc_db = db.t_services for node in nmap_parsed.hosts: nodefields = {} if node.ipv6: ipaddr = node.ipv6 nodefields['f_ipaddr'] = ipaddr elif node.ip.get('type') == 'ipv4': ipaddr = node.ip.get('addr') nodefields['f_ipaddr'] = ipaddr else: log(" [!] No IPv4/IPv6 address, skipping") continue try: nodefields['f_macaddr'] = node.mac['addr'] except TypeError: nodefields['f_macaddr'] = None status = node.state log(" [-] Host %s status is: %s" % (ipaddr, status)) if status != "up": hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if ipaddr in ip_exclude: log(" [-] Host is in exclude list... skipping") hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if len(ip_only) > 0 and ipaddr not in ip_only: log(" [-] Host is not in the only list... skipping") hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue if not node.ports and not addnoports: log(" [-] No ports open and not asked to add those kind... skipping" ) hoststats['skipped'] += 1 continue # we'll just take the last hostname in the names list since it'll usually be the full dns name for name in node.hostnames: nodefields['f_hostname'] = name['hostname'] nodefields['f_engineer'] = engineer nodefields['f_asset_group'] = asset_group nodefields['f_confirmed'] = False # see if host exists, if so update. if not, insert! query = (db.t_hosts.f_ipaddr == ipaddr) host_rec = db(query).select().first() if host_rec is None: host_id = db.t_hosts.insert(**nodefields) db.commit() hoststats['added'] += 1 log(" [-] Adding %s" % (ipaddr)) elif host_rec is not None and update_hosts: db.commit() host_id = db(db.t_hosts.f_ipaddr == nodefields['f_ipaddr']).update( **nodefields) db.commit() host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = hoststats['updated'] += 1 log(" [-] Updating %s" % (ipaddr)) else: hoststats['skipped'] += 1 db.commit() log(" [-] Skipped %s" % (ipaddr)) continue hosts.append(host_id) # process OS related info for os in node.osmatches: os_id = None host_id = None f_title = os['name'] #title for k in os['osclasses']: if k.get('cpe') != None: #fixes error on loading cpe:/os f_cpename = k['cpe'].replace('cpe:/o:', '') f_vendor = k['vendor'] f_product = k['osfamily'] f_version = k['osgen'] f_class = k['type'] f_family = k['osfamily'] f_certainty = k['accuracy'] cpe_res = db((db.t_os.f_cpename == f_cpename) & ( db.t_os.f_title == f_title)).select().first() if cpe_res is not None: os_id = else: try: os_id = db.t_os.insert( f_cpename=f_cpename, f_title=f_title, f_vendor=f_vendor, f_product=f_product, f_version=f_version, ) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error inserting OS: %s" % (e)) db.commit() if os_id and (f_class or f_family or f_certainty): ipaddr = node.ip.get('addr') host_id = get_host_record(ipaddr) host_id = try: db.t_host_os_refs.insert(f_certainty=f_certainty, f_family=f_family, f_class=f_class, f_hosts_id=host_id, f_os_id=os_id) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error inserting OS: %s" % (e)) db.commit() # process non-port <hostscript> entries. Add to info/0: for hostscripts in node.hostscripts: query = (svc_db.f_proto == 'info') & (svc_db.f_number == 0) & ( svc_db.f_hosts_id == host_id) svc_id = db.t_services.update_or_insert(query, f_proto='info', f_number=0, f_status='open', f_hosts_id=host_id) if not svc_id: svc_rec = db(query).select(cache=(cache.ram, 180)).first() if svc_rec: svc_id = else: log(" [!] Service record wasn't created", logging.ERROR) continue db.commit() for script in hostscripts: script_id = output = script.output db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=script_id, f_text=output) db.commit() if script_id == 'nbstat': # pull out NetBIOS info from nbstat output result = if 'd' in result.groupdict(): host_rec.update('d')) db.commit() result = if 'd' in result.groupdict(): host_rec.update('d')) db.commit() result = if 'd' in result.groupdict(): db( db.t_netbios.update_or_insert( f_hosts_id=host_id,'d'))) db.commit() # add ports and resulting vulndata for port in node.ports: f_proto = port.get('protocol') f_number = port.get('portid') f_status = port.get('port_state') f_name = port.get('service_name') f_product = port.get('service_product') query = (svc_db.f_proto == f_proto) & ( svc_db.f_number == f_number) & (svc_db.f_hosts_id == host_id) svc = db(query).select().first() # if record does not exist, query returns None so add the record: if svc is None: log(" [-] Adding port: %s/%s (%s)" % (f_proto, f_number, f_name)) svc_id = db.t_services.update_or_insert(f_proto=f_proto, f_number=f_number, f_status=f_status, f_name=f_name, f_hosts_id=host_id) if not (svc is None): log(" [-] Updating port: %s/%s (%s)" % (f_proto, f_number, f_name)) if svc.f_name != f_name and f_name not in svc.f_name: svc_id = db.t_services.validate_and_update(, f_name=(f_name + ' | ' + svc.f_name)) else: svc_id = db.t_services.validate_and_update(, f_name=(svc.f_name)) svc_id = if f_product: version = port.get('service_version') if version: f_product += " (%s)" % (version) db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=f_name, f_text=f_product) db.commit() # Process <script> service entries for script in port.get('scripts'): try: if script.get('id') == 'ssl-cert': text = script.get('output') sslcert = text.replace("/", "\n") db.t_service_info.update_or_insert( f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=script.get('id'), f_text=sslcert) else: db.t_service_info.update_or_insert( f_services_id=svc_id, f_name=script.get('id'), f_text=script.get('output')) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error inserting Script: %s" % (e)) db.commit() # check for banner id and update t_services banner field with the output if script.get('id') == "banner": try: db.t_services.update_or_insert( ( == svc_id), f_banner=script.get('output')) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error inserting Banner: %s" % (e)) db.commit() # Process <cpe> service entries port_cpe = port.get('service_cpe') if port_cpe: cpe_id = port_cpe.replace('cpe:/', '') if cpe_id.startswith('a'): # process CPE Applications #log(" [-] Found Application CPE data: %s" % (cpe_id)) db.t_service_info.update_or_insert(f_services_id=svc_id, f_name='', f_text="cpe:/%s" % (cpe_id)) db.commit() elif cpe_id.startswith('o'): # process CPE Operating System os_id = lookup_cpe(cpe_id[2:]) if os_id is not None: db.t_host_os_refs.insert(f_certainty='0.9', f_family='Unknown', f_class='Other', f_hosts_id=host_id, f_os_id=os_id) db.commit() else: # So no CPE or existing OS data, lets split up the CPE data and make our own log(" [!] No os_id found, this is odd !!!") # Adding uptime. Needed to add a table "f_uptime" in t_hosts db! if node.uptime['lastboot']: db.t_hosts.update_or_insert((db.t_hosts.f_ipaddr == ipaddr), f_uptime=node.uptime['lastboot']) if not node.uptime['lastboot']: db.t_hosts.update_or_insert((db.t_hosts.f_ipaddr == ipaddr), f_uptime=T("no entry found")) if msf_settings.get('workspace'): try: # check to see if we have a Metasploit RPC instance configured and talking from MetasploitProAPI import MetasploitProAPI msf_api = MetasploitProAPI(host=msf_settings.get('url'), apikey=msf_settings.get('key')) working_msf_api = msf_api.login() except Exception as error: log(" [!] Unable to authenticate to MSF API: %s" % str(error), logging.ERROR) working_msf_api = False try: scan_data = open(filename, "r+").readlines() except Exception as error: log( " [!] Error loading scan data to send to Metasploit: %s" % str(error), logging.ERROR) scan_data = None if scan_data and working_msf_api: task = msf_api.pro_import_data( msf_settings.get('workspace'), "".join(scan_data), { #'preserve_hosts': form.vars.preserve_hosts, 'blacklist_hosts': "\n".join(ip_ignore_list) }, ) msf_workspace_num = session.msf_workspace_num or 'unknown' msfurl = os.path.join(msf_settings.get('url'), 'workspaces', msf_workspace_num, 'tasks', task['task_id']) log(" [*] Added file to MSF Pro: %s" % msfurl) # any new nexpose vulns need to be checked against exploits table and connected log(" [*] Connecting exploits to vulns and performing do_host_status") do_host_status(asset_group=asset_group) log(" [*] Import complete: hosts: %s added, %s updated, %s skipped" % ( hoststats['added'], hoststats['updated'], hoststats['skipped'], ))