Esempio n. 1
def get_ij_good(lon, lat, xvec, yvec, i0, j0, mask):
    # find the nearest unmasked point
    # starting point
    lon0 = lon[j0,i0]
    lat0 = lat[j0,i0]
    pad = 5 # how far to look (points)
    # indices of box to search over
    imax = len(xvec)-1
    jmax = len(yvec)-1
    I = np.arange(i0-pad, i0+pad)
    J = np.arange(j0-pad,j0+pad)
    # account for out-of-range points
    if I[0] < 0:
        I = I - I[0]
    if I[-1] > imax:
        I = I - (I[-1] - imax)
    if J[0] < 0:
        J = J - J[0]
    if J[-1] > jmax:
        J = J - (J[-1] - jmax)
    ii, jj = np.meshgrid(I, J)
    # sub arrays
    llon = lon[jj,ii]
    llat = lat[jj,ii]
    xxx, yyy = zfun.ll2xy(llon, llat, lon0, lat0)
    ddd = np.sqrt(xxx**2 + yyy**2) # distance from original point
    mmask = mask[jj,ii] 
    mm = mmask==1 # Boolean array of good points
    dddm = ddd[mm] # vector of good distances
    # indices of best point
    igood = ii[mm][dddm==dddm.min()][0]
    jgood = jj[mm][dddm==dddm.min()][0]
    return igood, jgood
Esempio n. 2
def get_ij_good(lon, lat, xvec, yvec, i0, j0, mask):
    # find the nearest unmasked point
    # starting point
    lon0 = lon[j0, i0]
    lat0 = lat[j0, i0]
    pad = 5  # how far to look (points)
    # indices of box to search over
    imax = len(xvec) - 1
    jmax = len(yvec) - 1
    I = np.arange(i0 - pad, i0 + pad)
    J = np.arange(j0 - pad, j0 + pad)
    # account for out-of-range points
    if I[0] < 0:
        I = I - I[0]
    if I[-1] > imax:
        I = I - (I[-1] - imax)
    if J[0] < 0:
        J = J - J[0]
    if J[-1] > jmax:
        J = J - (J[-1] - jmax)
    ii, jj = np.meshgrid(I, J)
    # sub arrays
    llon = lon[jj, ii]
    llat = lat[jj, ii]
    xxx, yyy = zfun.ll2xy(llon, llat, lon0, lat0)
    ddd = np.sqrt(xxx**2 + yyy**2)  # distance from original point
    mmask = mask[jj, ii]
    mm = mmask == 1  # Boolean array of good points
    dddm = ddd[mm]  # vector of good distances
    # indices of best point
    igood = ii[mm][dddm == dddm.min()][0]
    jgood = jj[mm][dddm == dddm.min()][0]
    return igood, jgood
Esempio n. 3
def make_dist(x, y):
    NS = len(x)
    xs = np.zeros(NS)
    ys = np.zeros(NS)
    xs, ys = zfun.ll2xy(x, y, x[0], y[0])
    dx = np.diff(xs)
    dy = np.diff(ys)
    dd = (dx**2 + dy**2)**.5  # not clear why np.sqrt throws an error
    dist = np.zeros(NS)
    dist[1:] = np.cumsum(dd / 1000)  # convert m to km
    return dist
Esempio n. 4
def get_coords(in_dir):
    # get coordinate fields and sizes
    coord_dict = pickle.load(open(in_dir + 'coord_dict.p', 'rb'))
    lon = coord_dict['lon']
    lat = coord_dict['lat']
    z = coord_dict['z']
    L = len(lon)
    M = len(lat)
    N = len(z)
    # Create arrays of distance from the center (m) so that the
    # nearest neighbor extrapolation is based on physical distance
    Lon, Lat = np.meshgrid(lon,lat)
    X, Y = zfun.ll2xy(Lon, Lat, lon.mean(), lat.mean())
    return (lon, lat, z, L, M, N, X, Y)
Esempio n. 5
def get_coords(in_dir):
    # get coordinate fields and sizes
    coord_dict = pickle.load(open(in_dir + 'coord_dict.p', 'rb'))
    lon = coord_dict['lon']
    lat = coord_dict['lat']
    z = coord_dict['z']
    L = len(lon)
    M = len(lat)
    N = len(z)
    # Create arrays of distance from the center (m) so that the
    # nearest neighbor extrapolation is based on physical distance
    Lon, Lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
    X, Y = zfun.ll2xy(Lon, Lat, lon.mean(), lat.mean())
    return (lon, lat, z, L, M, N, X, Y)
Esempio n. 6
plist_len = len(particlelist)
N = 80
for particlechoice in particlelist:
    print('Particle %i' % particlechoice)
    tlon = tlon1[:, particlechoice]
    tlat = tlat1[:, particlechoice]
    tz = tz1[:, particlechoice]
    tu = tu1[:, particlechoice]
    tv = tv1[:, particlechoice]

    if particlechoice == particlelist[0]:
        pdict = dict()

    dist_from_mouth = np.zeros(NT)
    for tt in range(NT):
        x, y = zfun.ll2xy(tlon[tt], tlat[tt], reflon, reflat)
        dist_from_mouth[tt] = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        dist_from_mouth[tt] = np.sign(tlon[tt]) * np.abs(dist_from_mouth[tt])

    #initialize dicts
    Du = dict()
    Dv = dict()

    #to build a list of momentum terms by position, go through each time step...
    print('reading in momentum budgets along track...')
    for i in range(NT):
        #open the relevant model output...
        ds_dia = nc.Dataset(dia_list[i])
        ds_avg = nc.Dataset(avg_list[i])

        zeta = ds_avg['zeta'][:]
Esempio n. 7
            #calcualte direction based on coriolis
            indx_u = zfun.find_nearest_ind(lonu[0, :], p['tlon'][tt])
            indy_u = zfun.find_nearest_ind(latu[:, 0], p['tlat'][tt])
            indz_u = zfun.find_nearest_ind(
                zr[:, indy_u,
                   indx_u + 1], p['tz'][tt])  #indx+1 because zr is on rho grid

            indx_v = zfun.find_nearest_ind(lonv[0, :], p['tlon'][tt])
            indy_v = zfun.find_nearest_ind(latv[:, 0], p['tlat'][tt])
            indz_v = zfun.find_nearest_ind(
                zr[:, indy_v + 1,
                   indx_v], p['tz'][tt])  #indy+1 because zr is on rho grid

            #build dist_from_mouth
            x, y = zfun.ll2xy(p['tlon'][tt], p['tlat'][tt], reflon, reflat)
            p['dist_from_mouth'][tt] = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            p['dist_from_mouth'][tt] = np.sign(p['tlon'][tt]) * np.abs(

            #build hab
            indx_r = zfun.find_nearest_ind(lonr[0, :], p['tlon'][tt])
            indy_r = zfun.find_nearest_ind(latr[:, 0], p['tlat'][tt])
            p['hab'][tt] = h[indy_r, indx_r] + p['tz'][
                tt]  #h is (+), tz is (-), and |h|>|tz| so adding them should produce a (+) difference

            #calculate du/dt
            h0_u = ds_h0['u'][0, indz_u, indy_u, indx_u]
            h1_u = ds_h1['u'][0, indz_u, indy_u, indx_u]
            dudt = (h1_u - h0_u) / dt
Esempio n. 8
def get_orig(Cast_dict, sta_df, X, Y, fld, lon, lat, zz, vn):
    verbose = False
    #  make vectors or 1- or 2-column arrays (*) of the good points to feed to cKDTree
    xyorig = np.array((X[~fld.mask],Y[~fld.mask])).T
    fldorig = fld[~fld.mask]


    # +++ append good points from CTD data to our arrays (*) +++

    goodcount = 0

    for station in Cast_dict.keys():
        Cast = Cast_dict[station]
        cz = Cast.index.values
        izc = zfun.find_nearest_ind(cz, zz)
        # only take data from this cast if its bottom depth is at or above
        # the chosen hycom level
        czbot = -sta_df.loc[station,'Max_Depth']
        if czbot <= zz:
            # becasue we used find_nearest above we should always
            # get data in the steps below
            if vn == 't3d':
                this_fld = Cast.iloc[izc]['Temperature']
            elif vn == 's3d':
                this_fld = Cast.iloc[izc]['Salinity']
            # and store in sta_df (to align with lat, lon)
            sta_df.loc[station,'fld'] = this_fld
            goodcount += 1
    if goodcount >= 1:
        # drop stations that don't have T and s values at this depth
        sta_df = sta_df.dropna()
        # and for later convenience make a new list of stations
        sta_list = list(sta_df.index)
        # if we got any good points then append them
        if verbose:
            print('  - Ofun_CTD.get_orig: goodcount = %d, len(sta_df) = %d'
                % (goodcount, len(sta_df)))
        # append CTD values to the good points from HYCOM
        x_sta = sta_df['Longitude'].values
        y_sta = sta_df['Latitude'].values
        xx_sta, yy_sta = zfun.ll2xy(x_sta, y_sta, lon.mean(), lat.mean())
        xy_sta = np.stack((xx_sta,yy_sta), axis=1)
        xyorig = np.concatenate((xyorig, xy_sta))
        fld_arr = sta_df['fld'].values
        fldorig = np.concatenate((fldorig, np.array(fld_arr,ndmin=1)))
        if verbose:
            print('  - Ofun_CTD.get_orig: No points added')
    return xyorig, fldorig
 qsin_abs = np.nan * np.ones(NS)
 qsout_abs = np.nan * np.ones(NS)
 sin = np.nan * np.ones(NS)
 sout = np.nan * np.ones(NS)
 xs = np.nan * np.ones(NS)
 ys = np.nan * np.ones(NS)
 counter = 0
 for sect_name in sect_list:    
     print('** ' + sect_name + ' **')    
     x0, x1, y0, y1, landward = sect_df.loc[sect_name,:]    
     lon = (x0+x1)/2
     lat = (y0+y1)/2    
     if counter == 0:
         lon0 = lon
         lat0 = lat        
     xs[counter], ys[counter] = zfun.ll2xy(lon, lat, lon0, lat0)
     fn = indir + sect_name + '.p'
     Qi, Si, Fi, qnet_lp, fnet_lp, td = tef_fun.tef_integrals(fn)        
     qin[counter] = np.nanmean(Qi[:,0]/1e3)
     qout[counter] = np.nanmean(Qi[:,1]/1e3)        
     qsin[counter] = np.nanmean(Fi[:,0]/1e3)
     qsout[counter] = np.nanmean(Fi[:,1]/1e3)    
     qin_abs[counter] = np.nanmean(np.abs(Qi[:,0]))
     qout_abs[counter] = np.nanmean(np.abs(Qi[:,1]))        
     qsin_abs[counter] = np.nanmean(np.abs(Fi[:,0]))
     qsout_abs[counter] = np.nanmean(np.abs(Fi[:,1]))    
     sin[counter] = qsin_abs[counter]/qin_abs[counter]
     sout[counter] = qsout_abs[counter]/qout_abs[counter]
     counter += 1
 # create a distance vector
 dx = np.diff(xs)
Esempio n. 10
    elif which_vol == 'Strait of Georgia':
        sea_sect = 'sji1'; land_sect = 'sog1'
        sea_seg = 'G1'; land_seg = 'G2'
        sill_name = 'San Juan Islands'
    df1 = flux_fun.get_fluxes(indir0, sea_sect)
    df3 = flux_fun.get_fluxes(indir0, land_sect)

    # get DX for dSbar_dx
    sea_lon = (sect_df.loc[sea_sect,'x0'] + sect_df.loc[sea_sect,'x1'])/2
    sea_lat = (sect_df.loc[sea_sect,'y0'] + sect_df.loc[sea_sect,'y1'])/2
    land_lon = (sect_df.loc[land_sect,'x0'] + sect_df.loc[land_sect,'x1'])/2
    land_lat = (sect_df.loc[land_sect,'y0'] + sect_df.loc[land_sect,'y1'])/2
    mean_lon = (sea_lon + land_lon)/2
    mean_lat = (sea_lat + land_lat)/2
    sea_x, sea_y = zfun.ll2xy(sea_lon, sea_lat, mean_lon, mean_lat)
    land_x, land_y = zfun.ll2xy(land_lon, land_lat, mean_lon, mean_lat)
    DX = np.sqrt((sea_x-land_x)**2 + (sea_y-land_y)**2)

    # various things for the dynamical scalings
    dSbar_dx = ((df1['Sin']+df1['Sout'])/2-(df3['Sin']+df3['Sout'])/2)/DX
    DF = df1['Ftide']-df3['Ftide'] # Net loss of tidal energy flux in region
    A0 = v_df.loc[sea_seg,'area m2'] + v_df.loc[land_seg,'area m2']
    V0 = v_df.loc[sea_seg,'volume m3'] + v_df.loc[land_seg,'volume m3']
    H0 = V0/A0 # average depth of surrounding segments
    B0 = V0/(H0*DX)

    # dynamical scalings
    a = 2.5 * 0.028 # the 2.5 is a fudge factor to get Qe to match Qe_pred
    Cd = 2.6e-3
    h = H0/2 # m