Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: peicheng/zine
    def _generate(self):
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        posts = iter(Post.query.order_by(Post.last_update.desc()))
            first_post =
            last_update = first_post.last_update
            posts = chain((first_post, ), posts)
        except StopIteration:
            first_post = None
            last_update = now

        feed_id = build_tag_uri(, last_update, 'zxa_export', 'full')
        yield (XML_PREAMBLE % {
            'version': escape(zine.__version__),
            'title': escape(['blog_title']),
            'subtitle': escape(['blog_tagline']),
            'atom_ns': ATOM_NS,
            'zine_ns': ZINE_NS,
            'id': escape(feed_id),
            'blog_url': escape(['blog_url']),
            'updated': format_iso8601(last_update),

        def dump_node(node):
            return etree.tostring(node, encoding='utf-8')

        for participant in self.participants:

        # dump configuration
        cfg = self.z('configuration')
        for key, value in
            self.z('item', key=key, text=value, parent=cfg)
        yield dump_node(cfg)

        # allow plugins to dump trees
        for participant in self.participants:
            rv = participant.dump_data()
            if rv is not None:
                yield dump_node(rv)

        # look up all the users and add them as dependencies if they
        # have written a comment or created a post.
        for user in User.query.all():
            if user.posts.count() > 0 or user.comments.count() > 0:

        # dump all the posts
        for post in posts:
            yield dump_node(self._dump_post(post))

        # if we have dependencies (very likely) dump them now
        if self._dependencies:
            yield '<zine:dependencies>'
            for node in self._dependencies.itervalues():
                yield dump_node(node)
            yield '</zine:dependencies>'

        yield XML_EPILOG.encode('utf-8')
Esempio n. 2
    def _generate(self):
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        posts = iter(Post.query.order_by(Post.last_update.desc()))
            first_post =
            last_update = first_post.last_update
            posts = chain((first_post,), posts)
        except StopIteration:
            first_post = None
            last_update = now

        feed_id = build_tag_uri(, last_update, 'zxa_export', 'full')
        yield (XML_PREAMBLE % {
            'version':      escape(zine.__version__),
            'title':        escape(['blog_title']),
            'subtitle':     escape(['blog_tagline']),
            'atom_ns':      ATOM_NS,
            'zine_ns':      ZINE_NS,
            'id':           escape(feed_id),
            'blog_url':     escape(['blog_url']),
            'updated':      format_iso8601(last_update),

        def dump_node(node):
            return etree.tostring(node, encoding='utf-8')

        for participant in self.participants:

        # dump configuration
        cfg = self.z('configuration')
        for key, value in
            self.z('item', key=key, text=value, parent=cfg)
        yield dump_node(cfg)

        # allow plugins to dump trees
        for participant in self.participants:
            rv = participant.dump_data()
            if rv is not None:
                yield dump_node(rv)

        # look up all the users and add them as dependencies if they
        # have written a comment or created a post.
        for user in User.query.all():
            if user.posts.count() > 0 or user.comments.count() > 0:

        # dump all the posts
        for post in posts:
            yield dump_node(self._dump_post(post))

        # if we have dependencies (very likely) dump them now
        if self._dependencies:
            yield '<zine:dependencies>'
            for node in self._dependencies.itervalues():
                yield dump_node(node)
            yield '</zine:dependencies>'

        yield XML_EPILOG.encode('utf-8')
Esempio n. 3
def _perform_import(app, blog, d):
    # import models here because they have the same names as our
    # importer objects this module exports
    from zine.models import User, Tag, Category, Post, Comment
    author_mapping = {}
    tag_mapping = {}
    category_mapping = {}

    def prepare_author(author):
        """Adds an author to the author mapping and returns it."""
        if not in author_mapping:
            author_rewrite = d['authors'][]
            if author_rewrite != '__zine_create_user':
                user = User.query.get(int(author_rewrite))
                query = User.query.filter_by(username=author.username)
                user = query.first()
                if user is None:
                    user = User(author.username, None,,
                                author.real_name, author.description,
                                author.www, author.is_author)
                    if author.pw_hash:
                        user.pw_hash = author.pw_hash
            author_mapping[] = user
        return author_mapping[]

    def prepare_tag(tag):
        """Get a tag for a tag."""
        t = tag_mapping.get(tag.slug)
        if t is not None:
            return t
        t = Tag.query.filter_by(slug=tag.slug).first()
        if t is not None:
            tag_mapping[tag.slug] = t
            return t
        t = Tag.query.filter_by(
        if t is not None:
            tag_mapping[tag.slug] = t
            return t
        t = tag_mapping[] = Tag(, tag.slug)
        return t

    def prepare_category(category):
        """Get a category for a category."""
        c = category_mapping.get(category.slug)
        if c is not None:
            return c
        c = Category.query.filter_by(slug=category.slug).first()
        if c is not None:
            category_mapping[category.slug] = c
            return c
        c = Category.query.filter_by(
        if c is not None:
            category_mapping[category.slug] = c
            return c
        c = category_mapping[] = Category(,
        return c

    # start debug output
    yield u'<ul>'

    # update blog configuration if user wants that
    if d['title']:
        app.cfg.change_single('blog_title', blog.title)
        yield u'<li>%s</li>\n' % _('set blog title from dump')
    if d['description']:
        app.cfg.change_single('blog_tagline', blog.description)
        yield u'<li>%s</li>\n' % _('set blog tagline from dump')

    # convert the posts now
    for old_post in blog.posts:
        # in theory that will never happen because there are no
        # checkboxes for already imported posts on the form, but
        # who knows what users manage to do and also skip posts
        # we don't want converted
        if old_post.already_imported or not d['posts'][]:

        slug = old_post.slug
        while Post.query.autoflush(False).filter_by(slug=slug) \
            slug = increment_string(slug)
        post = Post(old_post.title, prepare_author(,
                    old_post.text, slug, old_post.pub_date,
                    old_post.updated, old_post.comments_enabled,
                    old_post.pings_enabled, parser=old_post.parser,
                    uid=old_post.uid, content_type=old_post.content_type,
                    status=old_post.status, extra=old_post.extra)
        if old_post.parser_data is not None:
        yield u'<li><strong>%s</strong>' % escape(post.title)

        for tag in old_post.tags:
            yield u'.'

        for category in old_post.categories:
            yield u'.'

        # now the comments if user wants them.
        if d['comments'][]:
            to_create = set(old_post.comments)
            created = {}

            def _create_comment(comment):
                parent = None
                if comment.parent is not None:
                    if comment.parent in created:
                        parent = created[comment.parent]
                        parent = _create_comment(comment.parent)
                if isinstance(, Author):
                    author = prepare_author(
                    author =
                rv = Comment(post, author, comment.body,
                             comment.author_email, comment.author_url, parent,
                             comment.pub_date, comment.remote_addr,
                             comment.parser, comment.is_pingback,
                if comment.blocked_msg:
                    rv.blocked_msg = comment.blocked_msg
                created[comment] = rv
                return rv

            while to_create:
                yield u'.'

        yield u' <em>%s</em></li>\n' % _('done')

    # send to the database
    yield u'<li>%s' % _('Committing transaction...')

    # write config if we have
    if d['load_config']:
        yield u'<li>%s' % _('Updating configuration...')
        t = app.cfg.edit()
        for key, value in blog.config.iteritems():
            if key in t and key not in ignored_config_keys:
                t.set_from_string(key, value)

    yield u' <em>%s</em></li></ul>' % _('done')
Esempio n. 4
 def reescape_escaped_content(match):
     before, content, after = match.groups()
     return before + escape(content) + after
Esempio n. 5
 def escape_if_good_idea(match):
     before, content, after = match.groups()
     if not content.lstrip().startswith('<![CDATA['):
         content = escape(content)
     return before + content + after
Esempio n. 6
def _perform_import(app, blog, d):
    # import models here because they have the same names as our
    # importer objects this module exports
    from zine.models import User, Tag, Category, Post, Comment
    author_mapping = {}
    tag_mapping = {}
    category_mapping = {}

    def prepare_author(author):
        """Adds an author to the author mapping and returns it."""
        if not in author_mapping:
            author_rewrite = d['authors'][]
            if author_rewrite != '__zine_create_user':
                user = User.query.get(int(author_rewrite))
                query = User.query.filter_by(username=author.username)
                user = query.first()
                if user is None:
                    user = User(author.username, None,,
                                author.real_name, author.description,
                                author.www, author.is_author)
                    if author.pw_hash:
                        user.pw_hash = author.pw_hash
            author_mapping[] = user
        return author_mapping[]

    def prepare_tag(tag):
        """Get a tag for a tag."""
        t = tag_mapping.get(tag.slug)
        if t is not None:
            return t
        t = Tag.query.filter_by(slug=tag.slug).first()
        if t is not None:
            tag_mapping[tag.slug] = t
            return t
        t = Tag.query.filter_by(
        if t is not None:
            tag_mapping[tag.slug] = t
            return t
        t = tag_mapping[] = Tag(, tag.slug)
        return t

    def prepare_category(category):
        """Get a category for a category."""
        c = category_mapping.get(category.slug)
        if c is not None:
            return c
        c = Category.query.filter_by(slug=category.slug).first()
        if c is not None:
            category_mapping[category.slug] = c
            return c
        c = Category.query.filter_by(
        if c is not None:
            category_mapping[category.slug] = c
            return c
        c = category_mapping[] = Category(,
        return c

    # start debug output
    yield u'<ul>'

    # update blog configuration if user wants that
    if d['title']:
        app.cfg.change_single('blog_title', blog.title)
        yield u'<li>%s</li>\n' % _('set blog title from dump')
    if d['description']:
        app.cfg.change_single('blog_tagline', blog.description)
        yield u'<li>%s</li>\n' % _('set blog tagline from dump')

    # convert the posts now
    for old_post in blog.posts:
        # in theory that will never happen because there are no
        # checkboxes for already imported posts on the form, but
        # who knows what users manage to do and also skip posts
        # we don't want converted
        if old_post.already_imported or not d['posts'][]:

        slug = old_post.slug
        while Post.query.autoflush(False).filter_by(slug=slug) \
            slug = increment_string(slug)
        post = Post(old_post.title, prepare_author(,
                    old_post.text, slug, old_post.pub_date,
                    old_post.updated, old_post.comments_enabled,
                    old_post.pings_enabled, parser=old_post.parser,
                    uid=old_post.uid, content_type=old_post.content_type,
                    status=old_post.status, extra=old_post.extra)
        if old_post.parser_data is not None:
        yield u'<li><strong>%s</strong>' % escape(post.title)

        for tag in old_post.tags:
            yield u'.'

        for category in old_post.categories:
            yield u'.'

        # now the comments if user wants them.
        if d['comments'][]:
            to_create = set(old_post.comments)
            created = {}

            def _create_comment(comment):
                parent = None
                if comment.parent is not None:
                    if comment.parent in created:
                        parent = created[comment.parent]
                        parent = _create_comment(comment.parent)
                if isinstance(, Author):
                    author = prepare_author(
                    author =
                rv = Comment(post, author, comment.body,
                             comment.author_email, comment.author_url, parent,
                             comment.pub_date, comment.remote_addr,
                             comment.parser, comment.is_pingback,
                if comment.blocked_msg:
                    rv.blocked_msg = comment.blocked_msg
                created[comment] = rv
                return rv

            while to_create:
                yield u'.'

        yield u' <em>%s</em></li>\n' % _('done')

    # send to the database
    yield u'<li>%s' % _('Committing transaction...')

    # write config if we have
    if d['load_config']:
        yield u'<li>%s' % _('Updating configuration...')
        t = app.cfg.edit()
        for key, value in blog.config.iteritems():
            if key in t and key not in ignored_config_keys:
                t.set_from_string(key, value)

    yield u' <em>%s</em></li></ul>' % _('done')
Esempio n. 7
 def reescape_escaped_content(match):
     before, content, after = match.groups()
     return before + escape(content) + after
Esempio n. 8
 def escape_if_good_idea(match):
     before, content, after = match.groups()
     if not content.lstrip().startswith('<![CDATA['):
         content = escape(content)
     return before + content + after