def visitAnnotatedTypeName(self, ast: AnnotatedTypeName): if type(ast.type_name) == UserDefinedTypeName: if not isinstance(, EnumDefinition): raise TypeException('Unsupported use of user-defined type', ast.type_name) ast.type_name = ) if ast.privacy_annotation != Expression.all_expr(): if not ast.type_name.can_be_private(): raise TypeException( f'Currently, we do not support private {str(ast.type_name)}', ast) p = ast.privacy_annotation if isinstance(p, IdentifierExpr): t = if isinstance(t, Mapping): # no action necessary, this is the case: mapping(address!x => uint@x) pass elif not t.is_final and not t.is_constant: raise TypeException( 'Privacy annotations must be "final" or "constant", if they are expressions', p) elif t.annotated_type != AnnotatedTypeName.address_all(): raise TypeException( f'Privacy type is not a public address, but {str(t.annotated_type)}', p)
def split_into_external_and_internal_fct(self, f: ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition, original_params: List[Parameter], global_owners: List[PrivacyLabelExpr]) -> Tuple[ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition, ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition]: """ Take public function f and split it into an internal function and an external wrapper function. :param f: [SIDE EFFECT] function to split (at least requires_verification_if_external) :param original_params: list of transformed function parameters without additional parameters added due to transformation :param global_owners: list of static labels (me + final address state variable identifiers) :return: Tuple of newly created external and internal function definitions """ assert f.requires_verification_when_external # Create new empty function with same parameters as original -> external wrapper if f.is_function: new_modifiers = ['external'] original_params = [deep_copy(p, with_types=True).with_changed_storage('memory', 'calldata') for p in original_params] else: new_modifiers = ['public'] if f.is_payable: new_modifiers.append('payable') requires_proof = True if not f.has_side_effects: requires_proof = False new_modifiers.append('view') new_f = ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition(f.idf, original_params, new_modifiers, f.return_parameters, Block([])) # Make original function internal f.idf = Identifier(cfg.get_internal_name(f)) f.modifiers = ['internal' if mod == 'public' else mod for mod in f.modifiers if mod != 'payable'] f.requires_verification_when_external = False # Create new circuit for external function circuit = self.create_circuit_helper(new_f, global_owners, self.circuits[f]) if not f.requires_verification: del self.circuits[f] self.circuits[new_f] = circuit # Set meta attributes and populate body new_f.requires_verification = True new_f.requires_verification_when_external = True new_f.called_functions = f.called_functions new_f.called_functions[f] = None new_f.used_crypto_backends = f.used_crypto_backends new_f.body = self.create_external_wrapper_body(f, circuit, original_params, requires_proof) # Add out and proof parameter to external wrapper storage_loc = 'calldata' if new_f.is_function else 'memory' new_f.add_param(Array(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all()), Identifier(cfg.zk_out_name), storage_loc) if requires_proof: new_f.add_param(AnnotatedTypeName.proof_type(), Identifier(cfg.proof_param_name), storage_loc) return new_f, f
def handle_cast(self, expr: Expression, t: TypeName) -> AnnotatedTypeName: # because of the fake solidity check we already know that the cast is possible -> don't have to check if cast possible if expr.annotated_type.is_private(): expected = AnnotatedTypeName(expr.annotated_type.type_name, Expression.me_expr()) if not expr.instanceof(expected): raise TypeMismatchException(expected, expr.annotated_type, expr) return AnnotatedTypeName(t.clone(), Expression.me_expr()) else: return AnnotatedTypeName(t.clone())
def visitFunctionCallExpr(self, ast: FunctionCallExpr): if isinstance(ast.func, BuiltinFunction): self.handle_builtin_function_call(ast, ast.func) elif ast.is_cast: if not isinstance(, EnumDefinition): raise NotImplementedError( 'User type casts only implemented for enums') ast.annotated_type = self.handle_cast( ast.args[0], elif isinstance(ast.func, LocationExpr): ft = ast.func.annotated_type.type_name if len(ft.parameters) != len(ast.args): raise TypeException("Wrong number of arguments", ast.func) # Check arguments for i in range(len(ast.args)): ast.args[i] = self.get_rhs(ast.args[i], ft.parameters[i].annotated_type) # Set expression type to return type if len(ft.return_parameters) == 1: ast.annotated_type = ft.return_parameters[ 0].annotated_type.clone() else: # TODO maybe not None label in the future ast.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName( TupleType([t.annotated_type for t in ft.return_parameters]), None) else: raise TypeException('Invalid function call', ast)
def create_contract_variable(cname: str) -> StateVariableDeclaration: """Create a public constant state variable with which contract with name 'cname' can be accessed""" inst_idf = Identifier(cfg.get_contract_var_name(cname)) c_type = ContractTypeName([Identifier(cname)]) cast_0_to_c = PrimitiveCastExpr(c_type, NumberLiteralExpr(0)) var_decl = StateVariableDeclaration(AnnotatedTypeName(c_type), ['public', 'constant'], inst_idf.clone(), cast_0_to_c) return var_decl
def make_private_if_not_already(self, ast: Expression): if ast.annotated_type.is_private(): expected = AnnotatedTypeName(ast.annotated_type.type_name, Expression.me_expr()) if not ast.instanceof(expected): raise TypeMismatchException(expected, ast.annotated_type, ast) return ast else: return self.make_private(ast, Expression.me_expr())
def visitReturnStatement(self, ast: ReturnStatement): assert ast.function.is_function rt = AnnotatedTypeName(ast.function.return_type) if ast.expr is None: self.get_rhs(TupleExpr([]), rt) elif not isinstance(ast.expr, TupleExpr): ast.expr = self.get_rhs(TupleExpr([ast.expr]), rt) else: ast.expr = self.get_rhs(ast.expr, rt)
def make_rehom(expr: Expression, expected_type: AnnotatedTypeName): assert (expected_type.privacy_annotation.privacy_annotation_label() is not None) assert (expr.annotated_type.is_private_at_me(expr.analysis)) assert (expected_type.is_private_at_me(expr.analysis)) r = RehomExpr(expr, expected_type.homomorphism) # set type pl = get_privacy_expr_from_label( expected_type.privacy_annotation.privacy_annotation_label()) r.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName(expr.annotated_type.type_name, pl, expected_type.homomorphism) TypeCheckVisitor.check_for_invalid_private_type(r) # set statement, parents, location TypeCheckVisitor.assign_location(r, expr) return r
def visitIfStatement(self, ast: IfStatement): b = ast.condition if not b.instanceof_data_type(TypeName.bool_type()): raise TypeMismatchException(TypeName.bool_type(), b.annotated_type.type_name, b) if ast.condition.annotated_type.is_private(): expected = AnnotatedTypeName(TypeName.bool_type(), Expression.me_expr()) if not b.instanceof(expected): raise TypeMismatchException(expected, b.annotated_type, b)
def visitAnnotatedTypeName(self, ast: AnnotatedTypeName): if type(ast.type_name) == UserDefinedTypeName: if not isinstance(, EnumDefinition): raise TypeException('Unsupported use of user-defined type', ast.type_name) ast.type_name = ) if ast.privacy_annotation != Expression.all_expr(): if not ast.type_name.can_be_private(): raise TypeException( f'Currently, we do not support private {str(ast.type_name)}', ast) if ast.homomorphism != Homomorphism.NON_HOMOMORPHIC: # only support uint8, uint16, uint24, uint32 homomorphic data types if not ast.type_name.is_numeric: raise TypeException( f'Homomorphic type not supported for {str(ast.type_name)}: Only numeric types supported', ast) elif ast.type_name.signed: raise TypeException( f'Homomorphic type not supported for {str(ast.type_name)}: Only unsigned types supported', ast) elif ast.type_name.elem_bitwidth > 32: raise TypeException( f'Homomorphic type not supported for {str(ast.type_name)}: Only up to 32-bit numeric types supported', ast) p = ast.privacy_annotation if isinstance(p, IdentifierExpr): t = if isinstance(t, Mapping): # no action necessary, this is the case: mapping(address!x => uint@x) pass elif not t.is_final and not t.is_constant: raise TypeException( 'Privacy annotations must be "final" or "constant", if they are expressions', p) elif t.annotated_type != AnnotatedTypeName.address_all(): raise TypeException( f'Privacy type is not a public address, but {str(t.annotated_type)}', p)
def visitReclassifyExpr(self, ast: ReclassifyExpr): if not ast.privacy.privacy_annotation_label(): raise TypeException( 'Second argument of "reveal" cannot be used as a privacy type', ast) # NB prevent any redundant reveal (not just for public) ast.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName( ast.expr.annotated_type.type_name, ast.privacy) if ast.instanceof(ast.expr.annotated_type) is True: raise TypeException( f'Redundant "reveal": Expression is already "@{ast.privacy.code()}"', ast) self.check_for_invalid_private_type(ast)
def implicitly_converted_to(expr: Expression, t: TypeName) -> Expression: assert expr.annotated_type.type_name.is_primitive_type() cast = PrimitiveCastExpr(t.clone(), expr, is_implicit=True).override( parent=expr.parent, statement=expr.statement, line=expr.line, column=expr.column) cast.elem_type.parent = cast expr.parent = cast cast.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName( t.clone(), expr.annotated_type.privacy_annotation.clone()).override( parent=cast) return cast
class GlobalVars: msg: StateVariableDeclaration = StateVariableDeclaration( AnnotatedTypeName.all( StructTypeName([GlobalDefs.msg_struct.idf], GlobalDefs.msg_struct)), [], Identifier('msg'), None) msg.idf.parent = msg block: StateVariableDeclaration = StateVariableDeclaration( AnnotatedTypeName.all( StructTypeName([GlobalDefs.block_struct.idf], GlobalDefs.block_struct)), [], Identifier('block'), None) block.idf.parent = block tx: StateVariableDeclaration = StateVariableDeclaration( AnnotatedTypeName.all( StructTypeName([GlobalDefs.tx_struct.idf], GlobalDefs.tx_struct)), [], Identifier('tx'), None) tx.idf.parent = tx now: StateVariableDeclaration = StateVariableDeclaration( AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), [], Identifier('now'), None) now.idf.parent = now
def make_private(expr: Expression, privacy: Expression, homomorphism: Homomorphism): assert (privacy.privacy_annotation_label() is not None) pl = get_privacy_expr_from_label(privacy.privacy_annotation_label()) r = ReclassifyExpr(expr, pl, homomorphism) # set type r.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName(expr.annotated_type.type_name, pl.clone(), homomorphism) TypeCheckVisitor.check_for_invalid_private_type(r) # set statement, parents, location TypeCheckVisitor.assign_location(r, expr) return r
def implicitly_converted_to(expr: Expression, t: TypeName) -> Expression: if isinstance(expr, ReclassifyExpr) and not expr.privacy.is_all_expr(): # Cast the argument of the ReclassifyExpr instead expr.expr = TypeCheckVisitor.implicitly_converted_to(expr.expr, t) expr.annotated_type.type_name = expr.expr.annotated_type.type_name return expr assert expr.annotated_type.type_name.is_primitive_type() cast = PrimitiveCastExpr(t.clone(), expr, is_implicit=True).override( parent=expr.parent, statement=expr.statement, line=expr.line, column=expr.column) cast.elem_type.parent = cast expr.parent = cast cast.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName( t.clone(), expr.annotated_type.privacy_annotation.clone(), expr.annotated_type.homomorphism).override(parent=cast) return cast
def visitIndexExpr(self, ast: IndexExpr): arr = ast.arr index = ast.key map_t = arr.annotated_type # should have already been checked assert (map_t.privacy_annotation.is_all_expr()) # do actual type checking if isinstance(map_t.type_name, Mapping): key_type = map_t.type_name.key_type expected = AnnotatedTypeName(key_type, Expression.all_expr()) instance = index.instanceof(expected) if not instance: raise TypeMismatchException(expected, index.annotated_type, ast) # record indexing information if map_t.type_name.key_label is not None: # TODO modification correct? if index.privacy_annotation_label(): map_t.type_name.instantiated_key = index else: raise TypeException( f'Index cannot be used as a privacy type for array of type {map_t}', ast) # determine value type ast.annotated_type = map_t.type_name.value_type if not self.is_accessible_by_invoker(ast): raise TypeException( "Tried to read value which cannot be proven to be owned by the transaction invoker", ast) elif isinstance(map_t.type_name, Array): if ast.key.annotated_type.is_private(): raise TypeException('No private array index', ast) if not ast.key.instanceof_data_type(TypeName.number_type()): raise TypeException('Array index must be numeric', ast) ast.annotated_type = map_t.type_name.value_type else: raise TypeException('Indexing into non-mapping', ast)
def visitReclassifyExpr(self, ast: ReclassifyExpr): if not ast.privacy.privacy_annotation_label(): raise TypeException( 'Second argument of "reveal" cannot be used as a privacy type', ast) homomorphism = ast.homomorphism or ast.expr.annotated_type.homomorphism assert (homomorphism is not None) # Prevent ReclassifyExpr to all with homomorphic type if ast.privacy.is_all_expr( ) and homomorphism != Homomorphism.NON_HOMOMORPHIC: # If the target privacy is all, we infer a target homomorphism of NON_HOMOMORPHIC ast.homomorphism = homomorphism = Homomorphism.NON_HOMOMORPHIC # Make sure the first argument to reveal / rehom is public or private provably equal to @me is_expr_at_all = ast.expr.annotated_type.is_public() is_expr_at_me = ast.expr.annotated_type.is_private_at_me(ast.analysis) if not is_expr_at_all and not is_expr_at_me: raise TypeException( f'First argument of "{ast.func_name()}" must be accessible,' f'i.e. @all or provably equal to @me', ast) # Prevent unhom(public_value) if is_expr_at_all and isinstance( ast, RehomExpr ) and ast.homomorphism == Homomorphism.NON_HOMOMORPHIC: raise TypeException( f'Cannot use "{ast.homomorphism.rehom_expr_name}" on a public value', ast) # NB prevent any redundant reveal (not just for public) ast.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName( ast.expr.annotated_type.type_name, ast.privacy, homomorphism) if ast.instanceof(ast.expr.annotated_type) is True: raise TypeException( f'Redundant "{ast.func_name()}": Expression is already ' f'"@{ast.privacy.code()}{homomorphism}"', ast) self.check_for_invalid_private_type(ast)
def get_rhs(self, rhs: Expression, expected_type: AnnotatedTypeName): if isinstance(rhs, TupleExpr): if not isinstance(rhs, TupleExpr) or not isinstance( expected_type.type_name, TupleType) or len( rhs.elements) != len(expected_type.type_name.types): raise TypeMismatchException(expected_type, rhs.annotated_type, rhs) exprs = [ self.get_rhs(a, e) for e, a, in zip(expected_type.type_name.types, rhs.elements) ] return replace_expr(rhs, TupleExpr(exprs)).as_type( TupleType([e.annotated_type for e in exprs])) require_rehom = False instance = rhs.instanceof(expected_type) if not instance: require_rehom = True expected_matching_hom = expected_type.with_homomorphism( rhs.annotated_type.homomorphism) instance = rhs.instanceof(expected_matching_hom) if not instance: raise TypeMismatchException(expected_type, rhs.annotated_type, rhs) else: if rhs.annotated_type.type_name != expected_type.type_name: rhs = self.implicitly_converted_to(rhs, expected_type.type_name) if instance == 'make-private': return self.make_private(rhs, expected_type.privacy_annotation, expected_type.homomorphism) elif require_rehom: return self.try_rehom(rhs, expected_type) else: return rhs
def make_private(expr: Expression, privacy: Expression): assert (privacy.privacy_annotation_label() is not None) pl = get_privacy_expr_from_label(privacy.privacy_annotation_label()) r = ReclassifyExpr(expr, pl) # set type r.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName(expr.annotated_type.type_name, pl.clone()) TypeCheckVisitor.check_for_invalid_private_type(r) # set statement r.statement = expr.statement # set parents r.parent = expr.parent r.annotated_type.parent = r expr.parent = r # set source location r.line = expr.line r.column = expr.column return r
def visitAnnotatedTypeName(self, ast: AnnotatedTypeName) -> Set[Homomorphism]: return {ast.homomorphism} if ast.is_private() else set()
class GlobalDefs: # gasleft: FunctionDefinition = FunctionDefinition( # idf=Identifier('gasleft'), # parameters=[], # modifiers=[], # return_parameters=[Parameter([], annotated_type=AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), idf=Identifier(''))], # body=Block([]) # ) # gasleft.idf.parent = gasleft address_struct: StructDefinition = StructDefinition( Identifier('<address>'), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('balance')) ]) set_parents(address_struct) address_payable_struct: StructDefinition = StructDefinition( Identifier('<address_payable>'), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('balance')), ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition( Identifier('send'), [Parameter([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier(''))], ['public'], [Parameter([], AnnotatedTypeName.bool_all(), Identifier(''))], Block([])), ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition( Identifier('transfer'), [Parameter([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier(''))], ['public'], [], Block([])), ]) address_payable_struct.members[1].can_be_private = False address_payable_struct.members[2].can_be_private = False set_parents(address_payable_struct) msg_struct: StructDefinition = StructDefinition(Identifier('<msg>'), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName(TypeName.address_payable_type()), Identifier('sender')), VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('value')), ]) set_parents(msg_struct) block_struct: StructDefinition = StructDefinition(Identifier('<block>'), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName(TypeName.address_payable_type()), Identifier('coinbase')), VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('difficulty')), VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('gaslimit')), VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('number')), VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('timestamp')), ]) set_parents(block_struct) tx_struct: StructDefinition = StructDefinition(Identifier('<tx>'), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('gasprice')), VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName(TypeName.address_payable_type()), Identifier('origin')), ]) set_parents(tx_struct)
def handle_function_body(self, ast: ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition): """ Return offchain simulation python code for the body of function ast. In addition to what the original code does, the generated python code also: * checks that internal functions are not called externally * processes arguments (encryption, address wrapping for external calls), * introduces msg, block and tx objects as local variables (populated with current blockchain state) * serializes the public circuit outputs and the private circuit inputs, which are obtained during \ simulation into int lists so that they can be passed to the proof generation * generates the NIZK proof (if needed) * calls/issues transaction with transformed arguments ((encrypted) original args, out array, proof) (or deploys the contract in case of the constructor) """ preamble_str = '' if ast.is_external: preamble_str += f'assert {IS_EXTERNAL_CALL}\n' preamble_str += f'msg, block, tx = {api("get_special_variables")}()\n' \ f'now = block.timestamp\n' circuit = self.current_circ if circuit and circuit.sec_idfs: priv_struct = StructDefinition(None, [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName(sec_idf.t), sec_idf) for sec_idf in circuit.sec_idfs ]) preamble_str += f'\n{PRIV_VALUES_NAME}: Dict[str, Any] = {self.get_default_value(StructTypeName([], priv_struct))}\n' all_params = ', '.join( [f'{self.visit(param.idf)}' for param in self.current_params]) if ast.can_be_external: # Wrap address strings in AddressValue object for external calls address_params = [ self.visit(param.idf) for param in self.current_params if param.annotated_type.zkay_type.is_address() ] if address_params: assign_addr_str = f"{', '.join(address_params)} = {', '.join([f'AddressValue({p})' for p in address_params])}" preamble_str += f'\n{self.do_if_external(ast, [assign_addr_str])}\n' if ast.can_be_external and circuit: # Encrypt parameters and add private circuit inputs (plain + randomness) enc_param_str = '' for arg in self.current_params: if arg.annotated_type.is_cipher(): assert isinstance(arg.annotated_type.type_name, CipherText) cipher: CipherText = arg.annotated_type.type_name pname = self.visit(arg.idf) plain_val = pname plain_t = cipher.plain_type.type_name crypto_params = cipher.crypto_params crypto_str = f'crypto_backend="{crypto_params.crypto_name}"' if plain_t.is_signed_numeric and crypto_params.enc_signed_as_unsigned: plain_val = self.handle_cast( pname, UintTypeName(f'uint{plain_t.elem_bitwidth}')) enc_param_str += f'{self.get_priv_value(} = {plain_val}\n' if crypto_params.is_symmetric_cipher(): my_pk = f'{api("get_my_pk")}("{crypto_params.crypto_name}")[0]' enc_expr = f'{api("enc")}({self.get_priv_value(}, {crypto_str})' enc_param_str += f'{pname} = CipherValue({enc_expr}[0][:-1] + ({my_pk}, ), {crypto_str})\n' else: enc_expr = f'{api("enc")}({self.get_priv_value(}, {crypto_str})' enc_param_str += f'{pname}, {self.get_priv_value(f"{}_R")} = {enc_expr}\n' enc_param_comment_str = '\n# Encrypt parameters' if enc_param_str else '' enc_param_str = enc_param_str[:-1] if enc_param_str else '' actual_params_assign_str = f"actual_params = [{all_params}]" out_var_decl_str = f'{cfg.zk_out_name}: List[int] = [0 for _ in range({circuit.out_size_trans})]' out_var_decl_str += f'\nactual_params.append({cfg.zk_out_name})' pre_body_code = self.do_if_external(ast, [ enc_param_comment_str, enc_param_str, actual_params_assign_str, out_var_decl_str ]) elif ast.can_be_external: pre_body_code = f'actual_params = [{all_params}]' else: pre_body_code = '' # Simulate public contract to compute in_values (state variable values are pulled from blockchain if necessary) # (out values are also computed when encountered, by locally evaluating and encrypting # the corresponding private expressions) body_str = self.visit(ast.body).strip() serialize_str = '' if circuit is not None: if circuit.output_idfs: out_elemwidths = ', '.join([ str(out.t.elem_bitwidth) if out.t.is_primitive_type() else '0' for out in circuit.output_idfs ]) serialize_str += f'\n{cfg.zk_out_name}[{cfg.zk_out_name}_start_idx:{cfg.zk_out_name}_start_idx + {circuit.out_size}] = ' \ f'{api("serialize_circuit_outputs")}(zk__data, [{out_elemwidths}])' if circuit.sec_idfs: sec_elemwidths = ', '.join([ str(sec.t.elem_bitwidth) if sec.t.is_primitive_type() else '0' for sec in circuit.sec_idfs ]) serialize_str += f'\n{api("serialize_private_inputs")}({PRIV_VALUES_NAME}, [{sec_elemwidths}])' if serialize_str: serialize_str = f'\n# Serialize circuit outputs and/or secret circuit inputs\n' + serialize_str.lstrip( ) body_code = '\n'.join( dedent(s) for s in [ f'\n## BEGIN Simulate body', body_str, '## END Simulate body', serialize_str, ] if s) + '\n' # Add proof to actual argument list (when required) generate_proof_str = '' fname = f"'{}'" if ast.can_be_external and circuit and ast.has_side_effects: generate_proof_str += '\n'.join([ '\n#Generate proof', f"proof = {api('gen_proof')}({fname}, {cfg.zk_in_name}, {cfg.zk_out_name})", 'actual_params.append(proof)' ]) should_encrypt = ", ".join([ str(p.annotated_type.is_cipher()) for p in self.current_f.parameters ]) if ast.is_constructor: invoke_transact_str = f''' # Deploy contract {api("deploy")}(actual_params, [{should_encrypt}]{", wei_amount=wei_amount" if ast.is_payable else ""}) ''' elif ast.has_side_effects: invoke_transact_str = f''' # Invoke public transaction return {api("transact")}({fname}, actual_params, [{should_encrypt}]{", wei_amount=wei_amount" if ast.is_payable else ""}) ''' elif ast.return_parameters: constructors = [] for retparam in ast.return_parameters: t = retparam.annotated_type.type_name if isinstance(t, CipherText): constr = f'(True, "{t.crypto_params.crypto_name}", {self._get_type_constr(t.plain_type.type_name)})' else: constr = f'(False, None, {self._get_type_constr(t)})' constructors.append(constr) constructors = f"[{', '.join(constructors)}]" invoke_transact_str = f''' # Call pure/view function and return value return {api('call')}({fname}, actual_params, {constructors}) ''' else: invoke_transact_str = '' post_body_code = self.do_if_external(ast, [ generate_proof_str, invoke_transact_str ], [ f'return {", ".join([f"{cfg.return_var_name}_{idx}" for idx in range(len(ast.return_parameters))])}' if ast.is_function and ast.requires_verification and ast.return_parameters else None ]) code = '\n\n'.join(s.strip() for s in [ f'assert not {IS_EXTERNAL_CALL}' if not ast.can_be_external else None, dedent(preamble_str), pre_body_code, body_code, post_body_code ] if s) func_ctx_params = [] if circuit: func_ctx_params.append(str(circuit.priv_in_size_trans)) if ast.is_payable: func_ctx_params.append('wei_amount=wei_amount') if ast.can_be_external: func_ctx_params.append(f'name={fname}') code = 'with time_measure("transaction_full", skip=not zk__is_ext):\n' + indent( code) code = f'with self._function_ctx({", ".join(func_ctx_params)}) as {IS_EXTERNAL_CALL}:\n' + indent( code) return code
# BUILTIN SPECIAL TYPE DEFINITIONS from zkay.zkay_ast.ast import AnnotatedTypeName, FunctionTypeName, Parameter, Identifier, StructDefinition, \ VariableDeclaration, TypeName, StateVariableDeclaration, UserDefinedTypeName, StructTypeName, Block, ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition from zkay.zkay_ast.pointers.parent_setter import set_parents array_length_member = VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('length')) class GlobalDefs: # gasleft: FunctionDefinition = FunctionDefinition( # idf=Identifier('gasleft'), # parameters=[], # modifiers=[], # return_parameters=[Parameter([], annotated_type=AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), idf=Identifier(''))], # body=Block([]) # ) # gasleft.idf.parent = gasleft address_struct: StructDefinition = StructDefinition( Identifier('<address>'), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('balance')) ]) set_parents(address_struct) address_payable_struct: StructDefinition = StructDefinition( Identifier('<address_payable>'), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), Identifier('balance')), ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition(
def evaluate_stmt_in_circuit(self, ast: Statement) -> AssignmentStatement: """ Evaluate an entire statement privately. This works by turning the statement into an assignment statement where the * lhs is a tuple of all external locations (defined outside statement), which are modified inside the statement * rhs is the return value of an inlined function call expression to a virtual function where body = the statement + return statement \ which returns a tuple of the most recent SSA version of all modified locations Note: Modifying external locations which are not owned by @me inside the statement is illegal (would leak information). Note: At the moment, this is only used for if statements with a private condition. :param ast: the statement to evaluate inside the circuit :return: AssignmentStatement as described above """ astmt = ExpressionStatement(NumberLiteralExpr(0)) for var in ast.modified_values: if var.in_scope_at(ast): astmt = AssignmentStatement(None, None) break astmt.before_analysis = ast.before_analysis # External values written inside statement -> function return values ret_params = [] for var in ast.modified_values: if var.in_scope_at(ast): # side effect affects location outside statement and has privacy @me assert ast.before_analysis.same_partition( var.privacy, Expression.me_expr()) assert isinstance(, (Parameter, VariableDeclaration, StateVariableDeclaration)) t = if not t.type_name.is_primitive_type(): raise NotImplementedError( 'Reference types inside private if statements are not supported' ) ret_t = AnnotatedTypeName(t.type_name, Expression.me_expr(), t.homomorphism) # t, but @me ret_param = IdentifierExpr(, ret_t).override( ret_param.statement = astmt ret_params.append(ret_param) # Build the imaginary function fdef = ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition( Identifier('<stmt_fct>'), [], ['private'], [ Parameter([], ret.annotated_type, for ret in ret_params ], Block([ast, ReturnStatement(TupleExpr(ret_params))])) fdef.original_body = fdef.body fdef.body.parent = fdef fdef.parent = ast # inline "Call" to the imaginary function fcall = FunctionCallExpr( IdentifierExpr('<stmt_fct>').override(target=fdef), []) fcall.statement = astmt ret_args = self.inline_function_call_into_circuit(fcall) # Move all return values out of the circuit if not isinstance(ret_args, TupleExpr): ret_args = TupleExpr([ret_args]) for ret_arg in ret_args.elements: ret_arg.statement = astmt ret_arg_outs = [ self._get_circuit_output_for_private_expression( ret_arg, Expression.me_expr(), ret_param.annotated_type.homomorphism) for ret_param, ret_arg in zip(ret_params, ret_args.elements) ] # Create assignment statement if ret_params: astmt.lhs = TupleExpr( [ret_param.clone() for ret_param in ret_params]) astmt.rhs = TupleExpr(ret_arg_outs) return astmt else: assert isinstance(astmt, ExpressionStatement) return astmt
def _get_circuit_output_for_private_expression( self, expr: Expression, new_privacy: PrivacyLabelExpr, homomorphism: Homomorphism) -> LocationExpr: """ Add evaluation of expr to the circuit and return the output HybridArgumentIdf corresponding to the evaluation result. Note: has side effects on expr.statement (adds pre_statement) :param expr: [SIDE EFFECT] expression to evaluate :param new_privacy: result owner (determines encryption key) :return: HybridArgumentIdf which references the circuit output containing the result of expr """ is_circ_val = isinstance(expr, IdentifierExpr) and isinstance( expr.idf, HybridArgumentIdf ) and expr.idf.arg_type != HybridArgType.PUB_CONTRACT_VAL is_hom_comp = isinstance(expr, FunctionCallExpr) and isinstance( expr.func, BuiltinFunction ) and expr.func.homomorphism != Homomorphism.NON_HOMOMORPHIC if is_hom_comp: # Treat a homomorphic operation as a privately evaluated operation on (public) ciphertexts expr.annotated_type = AnnotatedTypeName.cipher_type( expr.annotated_type, homomorphism) if is_circ_val or expr.annotated_type.is_private( ) or expr.evaluate_privately: priv_result_idf = self._evaluate_private_expression(expr) else: # For public expressions which should not be evaluated in private, only the result is moved into the circuit priv_result_idf = self.add_to_circuit_inputs(expr) private_expr = priv_result_idf.get_idf_expr() t_suffix = '' if isinstance(expr, IdentifierExpr) and not is_circ_val: t_suffix += f'_{}' if isinstance(new_privacy, AllExpr) or expr.annotated_type.type_name.is_cipher(): # If the result is public, add an equality constraint to ensure that the user supplied public output # is equal to the circuit evaluation result tname = f'{self._out_name_factory.get_new_name(expr.annotated_type.type_name)}{t_suffix}' new_out_param = self._out_name_factory.add_idf( tname, expr.annotated_type.type_name, private_expr) self._phi.append(CircEqConstraint(priv_result_idf, new_out_param)) out_var = new_out_param.get_loc_expr().explicitly_converted( expr.annotated_type.type_name) else: # If the result is encrypted, add an encryption constraint to ensure that the user supplied encrypted output # is equal to the correctly encrypted circuit evaluation result new_privacy = self._get_canonical_privacy_label( expr.analysis, new_privacy) privacy_label_expr = get_privacy_expr_from_label(new_privacy) cipher_t = TypeName.cipher_type(expr.annotated_type, homomorphism) tname = f'{self._out_name_factory.get_new_name(cipher_t)}{t_suffix}' enc_expr = EncryptionExpression(private_expr, privacy_label_expr, homomorphism) new_out_param = self._out_name_factory.add_idf( tname, cipher_t, enc_expr) crypto_params = cfg.get_crypto_params(homomorphism) self._ensure_encryption(expr.statement, priv_result_idf, new_privacy, crypto_params, new_out_param, False, False) out_var = new_out_param.get_loc_expr() # Add an invisible CircuitComputationStatement to the solidity code, which signals the offchain simulator, # that the value the contained out variable must be computed at this point by simulating expression evaluation expr.statement.pre_statements.append( CircuitComputationStatement(new_out_param)) return out_var
def visitAnnotatedTypeName(self, ast: AnnotatedTypeName): if ast.is_private(): t = TypeName.cipher_type(ast) else: t = self.visit(ast.type_name.clone()) return AnnotatedTypeName(t)
def visitMeExpr(ast: MeExpr): """Replace me with msg.sender.""" return replace_expr(ast, IdentifierExpr('msg').dot('sender')).as_type(AnnotatedTypeName.address_all())
def create_external_wrapper_body(int_fct: ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition, ext_circuit: CircuitHelper, original_params: List[Parameter], requires_proof: bool) -> Block: """ Return Block with external wrapper function body. :param int_fct: corresponding internal function :param ext_circuit: [SIDE EFFECT] circuit helper of the external wrapper function :param original_params: list of transformed function parameters without additional parameters added due to transformation :return: body with wrapper code """ priv_args = [p for p in original_params if p.annotated_type.is_cipher()] args_backends = OrderedDict.fromkeys([p.annotated_type.type_name.crypto_params for p in priv_args]) stmts = [] for crypto_params in args_backends: assert crypto_params in int_fct.used_crypto_backends # If there are any private arguments with homomorphism 'hom', we need the public key for that crypto backend ext_circuit._require_public_key_for_label_at(None, Expression.me_expr(), crypto_params) for crypto_params in cfg.all_crypto_params(): if crypto_params.is_symmetric_cipher(): if (MeExpr(), crypto_params) in ext_circuit.requested_global_keys or crypto_params in args_backends: # Make sure msg.sender's key pair is available in the circuit stmts += ext_circuit.request_private_key(crypto_params) # Verify that out parameter has correct size stmts += [RequireStatement(IdentifierExpr(cfg.zk_out_name).dot('length').binop('==', NumberLiteralExpr(ext_circuit.out_size_trans)))] # IdentifierExpr for array var holding serialized public circuit inputs in_arr_var = IdentifierExpr(cfg.zk_in_name).as_type(Array(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all())) # Request static public keys offset = 0 key_req_stmts = [] me_key_idx: Dict[CryptoParams, int] = {} if ext_circuit.requested_global_keys: # Ensure that me public key is stored starting at in[0] keys = [key for key in ext_circuit.requested_global_keys] tmp_keys = {} for crypto_params in int_fct.used_crypto_backends: tmp_key_var = Identifier(f'_tmp_key_{crypto_params.identifier_name}') key_req_stmts.append(tmp_key_var.decl_var(AnnotatedTypeName.key_type(crypto_params))) tmp_keys[crypto_params] = tmp_key_var for (key_owner, crypto_params) in keys: tmp_key_var = tmp_keys[crypto_params] idf, assignment = ext_circuit.request_public_key(crypto_params, key_owner, ext_circuit.get_glob_key_name(key_owner, crypto_params)) assignment.lhs = IdentifierExpr(tmp_key_var.clone()) key_req_stmts.append(assignment) # Remember me-keys for later use in symmetrically encrypted keys if key_owner == MeExpr(): assert crypto_params not in me_key_idx me_key_idx[crypto_params] = offset # Manually add to circuit inputs key_len = crypto_params.key_len key_req_stmts.append(in_arr_var.slice(offset, key_len).assign(IdentifierExpr(tmp_key_var.clone()).slice(0, key_len))) offset += key_len assert offset == ext_circuit.in_size # Check encrypted parameters param_stmts = [] for p in original_params: """ * of T_e rule 8 """ if p.annotated_type.is_cipher(): cipher_payload_len = p.annotated_type.type_name.crypto_params.cipher_payload_len assign_stmt = in_arr_var.slice(offset, cipher_payload_len).assign(IdentifierExpr(p.idf.clone()).slice(0, cipher_payload_len)) ext_circuit.ensure_parameter_encryption(assign_stmt, p) # Manually add to circuit inputs param_stmts.append(assign_stmt) offset += cipher_payload_len # Populate sender field of parameters encrypted with a symmetric cipher copy_stmts = [] for p in original_params: if p.annotated_type.is_cipher(): c = p.annotated_type.type_name assert isinstance(c, CipherText) if c.crypto_params.is_symmetric_cipher(): sender_key = in_arr_var.index(me_key_idx[c.crypto_params]) idf = IdentifierExpr(p.idf.clone()).as_type(p.annotated_type.clone()) cipher_payload_len = cfg.get_crypto_params(p.annotated_type.homomorphism).cipher_payload_len lit = ArrayLiteralExpr([idf.clone().index(i) for i in range(cipher_payload_len)] + [sender_key]) copy_stmts.append(VariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclaration([], p.annotated_type.clone(), p.idf.clone(), 'memory'), lit)) if copy_stmts: param_stmts += [Comment(), Comment('Copy from calldata to memory and set sender field')] + copy_stmts # Declare in array new_in_array_expr = NewExpr(AnnotatedTypeName(TypeName.dyn_uint_array()), [NumberLiteralExpr(ext_circuit.in_size_trans)]) in_var_decl = in_arr_var.idf.decl_var(TypeName.dyn_uint_array(), new_in_array_expr) stmts.append(in_var_decl) stmts.append(Comment()) stmts += Comment.comment_wrap_block('Request static public keys', key_req_stmts) stmts += Comment.comment_wrap_block('Backup private arguments for verification', param_stmts) # Call internal function args = [IdentifierExpr(param.idf.clone()) for param in original_params] internal_call = FunctionCallExpr(IdentifierExpr(int_fct.idf.clone()).override(target=int_fct), args) internal_call.sec_start_offset = ext_circuit.priv_in_size if int_fct.requires_verification: ext_circuit.call_function(internal_call) args += [in_arr_var.clone(), NumberLiteralExpr(ext_circuit.in_size), IdentifierExpr(cfg.zk_out_name), NumberLiteralExpr(ext_circuit.out_size)] if int_fct.return_parameters: stmts += Comment.comment_list("Declare return variables", [VariableDeclarationStatement(deep_copy(vd)) for vd in int_fct.return_var_decls]) in_call = TupleExpr([IdentifierExpr(vd.idf.clone()) for vd in int_fct.return_var_decls]).assign(internal_call) else: in_call = ExpressionStatement(internal_call) stmts.append(Comment("Call internal function")) stmts.append(in_call) stmts.append(Comment()) # Call verifier if requires_proof and not cfg.disable_verification: verifier = IdentifierExpr(cfg.get_contract_var_name(ext_circuit.verifier_contract_type.code())) verifier_args = [IdentifierExpr(cfg.proof_param_name), IdentifierExpr(cfg.zk_in_name), IdentifierExpr(cfg.zk_out_name)] verify = ExpressionStatement(, verifier_args)) stmts.append(StatementList([Comment('Verify zk proof of execution'), verify], excluded_from_simulation=True)) # Add return statement at the end if necessary if int_fct.return_parameters: stmts.append(ReturnStatement(TupleExpr([IdentifierExpr(vd.idf.clone()) for vd in int_fct.return_var_decls]))) return Block(stmts)
def transform_contract(self, su: SourceUnit, c: ContractDefinition) -> ContractDefinition: """ Transform an entire zkay contract into a public solidity contract. This: * transforms state variables, function bodies and signatures * import verification contracts * adds zk_data structs for each function with verification \ (to store circuit I/O, to bypass solidity stack limit and allow for easy assignment of array variables), * creates external wrapper functions for all public functions which require verification * adds circuit IO serialization/deserialization code from/to zk_data struct to all functions which require verification. :param su: [SIDE EFFECTS] Source unit of which this contract is part of :param c: [SIDE EFFECTS] The contract to transform :return: The contract itself """ all_fcts = c.constructor_definitions + c.function_definitions # Get list of static owner labels for this contract global_owners = [Expression.me_expr()] for var in c.state_variable_declarations: if var.annotated_type.is_address() and (var.is_final or var.is_constant): global_owners.append(var.idf) # Backup untransformed function bodies for fct in all_fcts: fct.original_body = deep_copy(fct.body, with_types=True, with_analysis=True) # Transform types of normal state variables c.state_variable_declarations = self.var_decl_trafo.visit_list(c.state_variable_declarations) # Split into functions which require verification and those which don't need a circuit helper req_ext_fcts = {} new_fcts, new_constr = [], [] for fct in all_fcts: assert isinstance(fct, ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition) if fct.requires_verification or fct.requires_verification_when_external: self.circuits[fct] = self.create_circuit_helper(fct, global_owners) if fct.requires_verification_when_external: req_ext_fcts[fct] = fct.parameters[:] elif fct.is_constructor: new_constr.append(fct) else: new_fcts.append(fct) # Add constant state variables for external contracts and field prime field_prime_decl = StateVariableDeclaration(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), ['public', 'constant'], Identifier(cfg.field_prime_var_name), NumberLiteralExpr(bn128_scalar_field)) contract_var_decls = self.include_verification_contracts(su, c) c.state_variable_declarations = [field_prime_decl, Comment()]\ + Comment.comment_list('Helper Contracts', contract_var_decls)\ + [Comment('User state variables')]\ + c.state_variable_declarations # Transform signatures for f in all_fcts: f.parameters = self.var_decl_trafo.visit_list(f.parameters) for f in c.function_definitions: f.return_parameters = self.var_decl_trafo.visit_list(f.return_parameters) f.return_var_decls = self.var_decl_trafo.visit_list(f.return_var_decls) # Transform bodies for fct in all_fcts: gen = self.circuits.get(fct, None) fct.body = ZkayStatementTransformer(gen).visit(fct.body) # Transform (internal) functions which require verification (add the necessary additional parameters and boilerplate code) fcts_with_verification = [fct for fct in all_fcts if fct.requires_verification] compute_transitive_circuit_io_sizes(fcts_with_verification, self.circuits) transform_internal_calls(fcts_with_verification, self.circuits) for f in fcts_with_verification: circuit = self.circuits[f] assert circuit.requires_verification() if circuit.requires_zk_data_struct(): # Add zk data struct for f to contract zk_data_struct = StructDefinition(Identifier(circuit.zk_data_struct_name), [ VariableDeclaration([], AnnotatedTypeName(idf.t), idf.clone(), '') for idf in circuit.output_idfs + circuit.input_idfs ]) c.struct_definitions.append(zk_data_struct) self.create_internal_verification_wrapper(f) # Create external wrapper functions where necessary for f, params in req_ext_fcts.items(): ext_f, int_f = self.split_into_external_and_internal_fct(f, params, global_owners) if ext_f.is_function: new_fcts.append(ext_f) else: new_constr.append(ext_f) new_fcts.append(int_f) c.constructor_definitions = new_constr c.function_definitions = new_fcts return c
def create_internal_verification_wrapper(self, ast: ConstructorOrFunctionDefinition): """ Add the necessary additional parameters and boiler plate code for verification support to the given function. :param ast: [SIDE EFFECT] Internal function which requires verification """ circuit = self.circuits[ast] stmts = [] symmetric_cipher_used = any([backend.is_symmetric_cipher() for backend in ast.used_crypto_backends]) if symmetric_cipher_used and 'pure' in ast.modifiers: # Symmetric trafo requires msg.sender access -> change from pure to view ast.modifiers = ['view' if mod == 'pure' else mod for mod in ast.modifiers] # Add additional params ast.add_param(Array(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all()), cfg.zk_in_name) ast.add_param(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), f'{cfg.zk_in_name}_start_idx') ast.add_param(Array(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all()), cfg.zk_out_name) ast.add_param(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all(), f'{cfg.zk_out_name}_start_idx') # Verify that in/out parameters have correct size out_start_idx, in_start_idx = IdentifierExpr(f'{cfg.zk_out_name}_start_idx'), IdentifierExpr(f'{cfg.zk_in_name}_start_idx') out_var, in_var = IdentifierExpr(cfg.zk_out_name), IdentifierExpr(cfg.zk_in_name).as_type(Array(AnnotatedTypeName.uint_all())) stmts.append(RequireStatement(out_start_idx.binop('+', NumberLiteralExpr(circuit.out_size_trans)).binop('<=','length')))) stmts.append(RequireStatement(in_start_idx.binop('+', NumberLiteralExpr(circuit.in_size_trans)).binop('<=','length')))) # Declare zk_data struct var (if needed) if circuit.requires_zk_data_struct(): zk_struct_type = StructTypeName([Identifier(circuit.zk_data_struct_name)]) stmts += [Identifier(cfg.zk_data_var_name).decl_var(zk_struct_type), BlankLine()] # Declare return variable if necessary if ast.return_parameters: stmts += Comment.comment_list("Declare return variables", [VariableDeclarationStatement(vd) for vd in ast.return_var_decls]) # Find all me-keys in the in array me_key_idx: Dict[CryptoParams, int] = {} offset = 0 for (key_owner, crypto_params) in circuit.requested_global_keys: if key_owner == MeExpr(): assert crypto_params not in me_key_idx me_key_idx[crypto_params] = offset offset += crypto_params.key_len # Deserialize out array (if any) deserialize_stmts = [] offset = 0 for s in circuit.output_idfs: deserialize_stmts.append(s.deserialize(cfg.zk_out_name, out_start_idx, offset)) if isinstance(s.t, CipherText) and s.t.crypto_params.is_symmetric_cipher(): # Assign sender field to user-encrypted values if necessary # Assumption: s.t.crypto_params.key_len == 1 for all symmetric ciphers assert s.t.crypto_params in me_key_idx, "Symmetric cipher but did not request me key" key_idx = me_key_idx[s.t.crypto_params] sender_key = in_var.index(key_idx) cipher_payload_len = s.t.crypto_params.cipher_payload_len deserialize_stmts.append(s.get_loc_expr().index(cipher_payload_len).assign(sender_key)) offset += s.t.size_in_uints if deserialize_stmts: stmts.append(StatementList(Comment.comment_wrap_block("Deserialize output values", deserialize_stmts), excluded_from_simulation=True)) # Include original transformed function body stmts += ast.body.statements # Serialize in parameters to in array (if any) serialize_stmts = [] offset = 0 for s in circuit.input_idfs: serialize_stmts += [s.serialize(cfg.zk_in_name, in_start_idx, offset)] offset += s.t.size_in_uints if offset: stmts.append(Comment()) stmts += Comment.comment_wrap_block('Serialize input values', serialize_stmts) # Add return statement at the end if necessary # (was previously replaced by assignment to return_var by ZkayStatementTransformer) if circuit.has_return_var: stmts.append(ReturnStatement(TupleExpr([IdentifierExpr(vd.idf.clone()).override(target=vd) for vd in ast.return_var_decls]))) ast.body.statements[:] = stmts