Esempio n. 1
    def __str__(self):  #pragma NO COVER
        r = ["Conflicting configuration actions"]
        for discriminator, infos in sorted(self._conflicts.items()):
            r.append("  For: %s" % (discriminator, ))
            for info in infos:
                for line in text_type(info).rstrip().split(u('\n')):
                    r.append(u("    ") + line)

        return "\n".join(r)
Esempio n. 2
def toargs(context, schema, data):
    """Marshal data to an argument dictionary using a schema

    Names that are python keywords have an underscore added as a
    suffix in the schema and in the argument list, but are used
    without the underscore in the data.

    The fields in the schema must all implement IFromUnicode.

    All of the items in the data must have corresponding fields in the
    schema unless the schema has a true tagged value named
    data = dict(data)
    args = {}
    for name, field in schema.namesAndDescriptions(True):
        field = field.bind(context)
        n = name
        if n.endswith('_') and iskeyword(n[:-1]):
            n = n[:-1]

        s = data.get(n, data)
        if s is not data:
            s = text_type(s)
            del data[n]

                args[str(name)] = field.fromUnicode(s)
            except ValidationError as v:
                reraise(ConfigurationError("Invalid value for", n, str(v)),
        elif field.required:
            # if the default is valid, we can use that:
            default = field.default
            except ValidationError:
                raise ConfigurationError("Missing parameter:", n)
            args[str(name)] = default

    if data:
        # we had data left over
            keyword_arguments = schema.getTaggedValue('keyword_arguments')
        except KeyError:
            keyword_arguments = False
        if not keyword_arguments:
            raise ConfigurationError("Unrecognized parameters:", *data)

        for name in data:
            args[str(name)] = data[name]

    return args