Esempio n. 1
class ZPicasaMediaStorageProvider(ZStreamBasedMediaStorageProvider):

    def __init__(self, properties):
        ZStreamBasedMediaStorageProvider.__init__(self, properties)
        self.picasaServer = None
    # end __init__()

    def _getAlbumName(self):
        if u"albumName" in #$NON-NLS-1$
            return getSafeString([u"albumName"]) #$NON-NLS-1$
        return None
    # end _getAlbumName()

    def _getPicasaServer(self):
        if not self.picasaServer:
            username = None
            password = None
            if u"username" in #$NON-NLS-1$
                username = getNoneString([u"username"]) #$NON-NLS-1$
            if not username:
                raise ZException(u"Picasa web album account username is required.") #$NON-NLS-1$
            if u"password" in #$NON-NLS-1$
                password = getNoneString([u"password"]) #$NON-NLS-1$
            if not password:
                raise ZException(u"Picasa web album account password is required.") #$NON-NLS-1$
            self.picasaServer = ZPicasaServer(username, password)
        return self.picasaServer
    # end _getPicasaServer()

    def _getPicasaAlbumEntry(self, albumName):
        global G_PICASA_ALBUM_CACHE
        # if first time, then list albums online and add to cache.
        if not G_PICASA_ALBUM_CACHE.hasAlbums():
            albumList = self._getPicasaServer().listAlbums()

        album = G_PICASA_ALBUM_CACHE.getAlbumByName( albumName )
        if not album:
            # album did not exist. Add new album.
            album = self._getPicasaServer().addAlbum(albumName)
            if album:
        return album
    # end _getPicasaAlbumEntry()

    def _getPicasaPhotoEntry(self, metaDataElement):
        entry = ZPicasaPhotoEntry(metaDataElement)
        return entry
    # end _getPicasaPhotoEntry

    def _getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData(self, metaDataElement):
        photoEditMediaLink = None
        if metaDataElement:
            # Create photo entry.
            regPhoto = self._getPicasaPhotoEntry(metaDataElement)
            if regPhoto and regPhoto.getEditMediaLink():
                photoEditMediaLink = regPhoto.getEditMediaLink()
        return photoEditMediaLink
    # end _getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData()

    def _uploadStream(self, fileName, fileStream, metaData): #@UnusedVariable
        u"""_uploadStream(string, stream, ZElement) -> IZUploadResponse
        Called to upload a file stream to the remote media storage.
        Returns the URL of the uploaded file.""" #$NON-NLS-1$

        photoEditMediaLink = self._getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData(metaData)
        self._logDebug(u"upload file %s" % fileName) #$NON-NLS-1$
        self._logDebug(u"photoEditMediaLink is %s" % photoEditMediaLink) #$NON-NLS-1$
        photoEntry = None
        if photoEditMediaLink:
            # update existing file.
            photoEntry = self._getPicasaServer().updatePhotoFile(photoEditMediaLink, fileStream)
            # add new photo
            albumName = self._getAlbumName()
            self._logDebug(u"upload albumName %s" % albumName) #$NON-NLS-1$
            if not getNoneString(albumName):
                self._logError(u"Picasa web album name is required.") #$NON-NLS-1$
                raise ZException(u"Picasa web album name is required.") #$NON-NLS-1$
            albumEntry = self._getPicasaAlbumEntry(albumName)
            if not albumEntry:
                self._logError(u"Picasa web album '%s' does not exist." % albumName) #$NON-NLS-1$
                raise ZException(u"Picasa web album '%s' does not exist." % albumName) #$NON-NLS-1$
            photoEntry = self._getPicasaServer().addPhotoFile(albumEntry.getAlbumName(), fileStream)
        if not photoEntry:
            self._logError(u"Picasa web album upload failed for file %s" % fileName) #$NON-NLS-1$
            raise ZException(u"Picasa web album upload failed for file %s" % fileName) #$NON-NLS-1$

        return ZUploadResponse(photoEntry.getUrl(), metaData=photoEntry.getNode())
    # end _uploadStream()

    def deleteFile(self, fileName, metaData): #@UnusedVariable
        photoEditMediaLink = self._getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData(metaData)
        if not photoEditMediaLink:
            raise ZException(u"Cannot delete Picasa resource. Edit-Media link metadata not found.") #$NON-NLS-1$
    # end deleteFile()

    def listFiles(self, relativePath = None): #@UnusedVariable
        albumName = self._getAlbumName()
        if not albumName:
            raise ZException(u"Picasa web album name is required to list photos.") #$NON-NLS-1$
        albumEntry = self._getPicasaAlbumEntry(albumName)
        if not albumEntry:
            raise ZException(u"Can not list photos. Picasa web album '%s' does not exist." % albumName) #$NON-NLS-1$
        rval = []
        photoEntries = self._getPicasaServer().listPhotosByAlbumName(albumEntry.getAlbumName())
        for entry in photoEntries:
            rval.append( entry.getTitle() )
        return rval
    # end listFiles()

    def _getFileList(self, ftp):
        raise ZException(u"Method _getFileList not supported") #$NON-NLS-1$
Esempio n. 2
class ZPicasaMediaStorageProvider(ZStreamBasedMediaStorageProvider):
    def __init__(self, properties):
        ZStreamBasedMediaStorageProvider.__init__(self, properties)
        self.picasaServer = None

    # end __init__()

    def _getAlbumName(self):
        if u"albumName" in  #$NON-NLS-1$
            return getSafeString([u"albumName"])  #$NON-NLS-1$
        return None

    # end _getAlbumName()

    def _getPicasaServer(self):
        if not self.picasaServer:
            username = None
            password = None
            if u"username" in  #$NON-NLS-1$
                username = getNoneString(
          [u"username"])  #$NON-NLS-1$
            if not username:
                raise ZException(
                    u"Picasa web album account username is required."
                )  #$NON-NLS-1$
            if u"password" in  #$NON-NLS-1$
                password = getNoneString(
          [u"password"])  #$NON-NLS-1$
            if not password:
                raise ZException(
                    u"Picasa web album account password is required."
                )  #$NON-NLS-1$
            self.picasaServer = ZPicasaServer(username, password)
        return self.picasaServer

    # end _getPicasaServer()

    def _getPicasaAlbumEntry(self, albumName):
        global G_PICASA_ALBUM_CACHE
        # if first time, then list albums online and add to cache.
        if not G_PICASA_ALBUM_CACHE.hasAlbums():
            albumList = self._getPicasaServer().listAlbums()

        album = G_PICASA_ALBUM_CACHE.getAlbumByName(albumName)
        if not album:
            # album did not exist. Add new album.
            album = self._getPicasaServer().addAlbum(albumName)
            if album:
        return album

    # end _getPicasaAlbumEntry()

    def _getPicasaPhotoEntry(self, metaDataElement):
        entry = ZPicasaPhotoEntry(metaDataElement)
        return entry

    # end _getPicasaPhotoEntry

    def _getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData(self, metaDataElement):
        photoEditMediaLink = None
        if metaDataElement:
            # Create photo entry.
            regPhoto = self._getPicasaPhotoEntry(metaDataElement)
            if regPhoto and regPhoto.getEditMediaLink():
                photoEditMediaLink = regPhoto.getEditMediaLink()
        return photoEditMediaLink

    # end _getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData()

    def _uploadStream(self, fileName, fileStream, metaData):  #@UnusedVariable
        u"""_uploadStream(string, stream, ZElement) -> IZUploadResponse
        Called to upload a file stream to the remote media storage.
        Returns the URL of the uploaded file.""" #$NON-NLS-1$

        photoEditMediaLink = self._getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData(metaData)
        self._logDebug(u"upload file %s" % fileName)  #$NON-NLS-1$
        self._logDebug(u"photoEditMediaLink is %s" %
                       photoEditMediaLink)  #$NON-NLS-1$
        photoEntry = None
        if photoEditMediaLink:
            # update existing file.
            photoEntry = self._getPicasaServer().updatePhotoFile(
                photoEditMediaLink, fileStream)
            # add new photo
            albumName = self._getAlbumName()
            self._logDebug(u"upload albumName %s" % albumName)  #$NON-NLS-1$
            if not getNoneString(albumName):
                    u"Picasa web album name is required.")  #$NON-NLS-1$
                raise ZException(
                    u"Picasa web album name is required.")  #$NON-NLS-1$
            albumEntry = self._getPicasaAlbumEntry(albumName)
            if not albumEntry:
                self._logError(u"Picasa web album '%s' does not exist." %
                               albumName)  #$NON-NLS-1$
                raise ZException(u"Picasa web album '%s' does not exist." %
                                 albumName)  #$NON-NLS-1$
            photoEntry = self._getPicasaServer().addPhotoFile(
                albumEntry.getAlbumName(), fileStream)
        if not photoEntry:
            self._logError(u"Picasa web album upload failed for file %s" %
                           fileName)  #$NON-NLS-1$
            raise ZException(u"Picasa web album upload failed for file %s" %
                             fileName)  #$NON-NLS-1$

        return ZUploadResponse(photoEntry.getUrl(),

    # end _uploadStream()

    def deleteFile(self, fileName, metaData):  #@UnusedVariable
        photoEditMediaLink = self._getEditMediaLinkFromMetaData(metaData)
        if not photoEditMediaLink:
            raise ZException(
                u"Cannot delete Picasa resource. Edit-Media link metadata not found."
            )  #$NON-NLS-1$

    # end deleteFile()

    def listFiles(self, relativePath=None):  #@UnusedVariable
        albumName = self._getAlbumName()
        if not albumName:
            raise ZException(
                u"Picasa web album name is required to list photos."
            )  #$NON-NLS-1$
        albumEntry = self._getPicasaAlbumEntry(albumName)
        if not albumEntry:
            raise ZException(
                u"Can not list photos. Picasa web album '%s' does not exist." %
                albumName)  #$NON-NLS-1$
        rval = []
        photoEntries = self._getPicasaServer().listPhotosByAlbumName(
        for entry in photoEntries:
        return rval

    # end listFiles()

    def _getFileList(self, ftp):
        raise ZException(u"Method _getFileList not supported")  #$NON-NLS-1$