Esempio n. 1
def verify_fcp_list_in_hex_format(fcp_list):
    """Verify each FCP in the list is in Hex format
    :param fcp_list: (list) a list object contains FCPs.
    if not isinstance(fcp_list, list):
        errmsg = ('fcp_list ({}) is not a list object.' '').format(fcp_list)
        raise exception.SDKInvalidInputFormat(msg=errmsg)
    # Verify each FCP should be a 4-digit hex
    for fcp in fcp_list:
        if not (len(fcp) == 4 and all(char in string.hexdigits
                                      for char in fcp)):
            errmsg = ('FCP list {} contains non-hex value.'
            raise exception.SDKInvalidInputFormat(msg=errmsg)
Esempio n. 2
    def get_definition_info(self, userid, **kwargs):
        check_command = ["nic_coupled"]
        direct_info = self._smutclient.get_user_direct(userid)
        info = {}
        info['user_direct'] = direct_info

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k in check_command:
                if (k == 'nic_coupled'):
                    info['nic_coupled'] = False
                    nstr = "NICDEF %s TYPE QDIO LAN SYSTEM" % v
                    for inf in direct_info:
                        if nstr in inf:
                            info['nic_coupled'] = True
                raise exception.SDKInvalidInputFormat(
                    msg=("invalid check option for user direct: %s") % k)

        return info
Esempio n. 3
        def wrap_func(*args, **kwargs):
            if args[0]._skip_input_check:
                # skip input check
                return function(*args, **kwargs)
            # drop class object self
            inputs = args[1:]
            if (len(inputs) > len(types)):
                msg = ("Too many parameters provided: %(specified)d specified,"
                       "%(expected)d expected." %
                       {'specified': len(inputs), 'expected': len(types)})
                raise exception.SDKInvalidInputNumber(function.__name__,
                                                      len(types), len(inputs))

            argtypes = tuple(map(type, inputs))
            match_types = types[0:len(argtypes)]

            invalid_type = False
            invalid_userid_idx = -1
            for idx in range(len(argtypes)):
                _mtypes = match_types[idx]
                if not isinstance(_mtypes, tuple):
                    _mtypes = (_mtypes,)

                argtype = argtypes[idx]
                if constants._TUSERID in _mtypes:
                    userid_type = True
                    for _tmtype in _mtypes:
                        if ((argtype == _tmtype) and
                            (_tmtype != constants._TUSERID)):
                            userid_type = False
                    if (userid_type and
                        (not valid_userid(inputs[idx]))):
                        invalid_userid_idx = idx
                elif argtype not in _mtypes:
                    invalid_type = True

            if invalid_userid_idx != -1:
                msg = ("Invalid string value found at the #%d parameter, "
                       "length should be less or equal to 8 and should not be "
                       "null or contain spaces." % (invalid_userid_idx + 1))
                raise exception.SDKInvalidInputFormat(msg=msg)

            if invalid_type:
                msg = ("Invalid input types: %(argtypes)s; "
                       "Expected types: %(types)s" %
                       {'argtypes': str(argtypes), 'types': str(types)})
                raise exception.SDKInvalidInputTypes(function.__name__,
                                                     str(types), str(argtypes))

            valid_keys = validkeys.get('valid_keys')
            if valid_keys:
                for k in kwargs.keys():
                    if k not in valid_keys:
                        msg = ("Invalid keyword: %(key)s; "
                               "Expected keywords are: %(keys)s" %
                               {'key': k, 'keys': str(valid_keys)})
                        raise exception.SDKInvalidInputFormat(msg=msg)
            return function(*args, **kwargs)