Esempio n. 1
def example_segment(axes=None):
  axes = create_canvas_and_axes(canvas_width = 12,
                                canvas_height = 10, tick_step=1)
  ln = new_layer()
  segment = draw_a_segment(ax=axes, start_x=6, start_y=3, turn=0, length=4)
  circle = draw_a_circle(ax=axes, centre_x=6, centre_y=9, radius=1)

  # return the list of the shapes that are moved by animation
  def init():
    return get_all_polygons_in_layers()

  def animate(i):
    # eyelid blink  
    if i < 20:
      if i % 10 == 0:
        shift_layer(shift=[0,  1], layer_nbs=[ln])
    if 20 <= i < 40:
      if i % 10 == 0:
        shift_layer(shift=[0, -1], layer_nbs=[ln])
    if 60 <= i < 80:
      if i % 10 == 0:
        rotate_layer(turn=1, diamond=[6, 3], layer_nbs=[ln])
    if 40 <= i < 60:
      if i % 10 == 0:
        stretch_layer(stretch_x=0.5, stretch_y=0.5, diamond=[6, 3], layer_nbs=[ln])
    if i % 10 == 0:
      print(i, segment.get_xy(), circle.diamond_coords)

    return get_all_polygons_in_layers()

  show_drawing_and_save_if_needed( # filename="line", 
   animation_func = animate,  animation_init = init, nb_of_frames = 80)
Esempio n. 2
def example_yellow_cat(axes=None, cat_colour = 'Yellow', background_colour = 'SeaWave'):
  ## CREATING THE DRAWING!                             ##
  ## Creating the canvas!                              ##  
  axes = create_canvas_and_axes(canvas_width = 120,
                                canvas_height = 120,
                                background_colour = background_colour, 
                                axes = axes,
                                make_symmetric = 'x')
  # Now let's draw the shapes!                         ##

   # settings

  # the tail
  tail_length = [30, 22, 20, 12, 10]
  for i, tl in enumerate(tail_length): 
    triangle_tail = draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x=38, tip_y=30, height=tl, width=tl/2, turn=7)
    if i%2 == 1:

  # the body
  height_body = [60, 57, 54, 38, 35, 19, 16]
  for i, bh in enumerate(height_body):
    triangle_body = draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x=0, tip_y=60, height=bh, width=bh, turn=6)
    if i%2 == 1:

  # the feet
  draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x=-12, tip_y=20, height=20, width=20, turn=6)
  draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x= 12, tip_y=20, height=20, width=20, turn=6)

  head_layer = new_layer()

  # the ears
  et = 4.5
  draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x=-30, tip_y=114, height=50, width=30, turn=et)
  draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x=-22, tip_y=106, height=40, width=24, colour='black', turn=et)
  draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x= 30, tip_y=114, height=50, width=30, turn=-et)
  draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x= 22, tip_y=106, height=40, width=24, colour='black', turn=-et)

  head_circle = draw_a_circle(ax=axes, centre_x=0, centre_y=85, radius=25)

  #from this line, the default colour is black

  # neck
  draw_a_circle(ax=axes, centre_x=0, centre_y=60, radius=1)
  neck_coords = [0, 60]

  # stripes on the face

  # vertical stripes
  for c, b in [[-10, 101], [-5, 100], [0, 101]]:
    draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, centre_x=c, bottom=b, width=3, height=20, clip_outline = head_circle)

  # horizontal stripes
  for c, x in [[70, 16], [75, 15], [80, 18]]:
    draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, right=-x, centre_y=c, width=20, height=3, clip_outline = head_circle)
    draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, left=+x, centre_y=c, width=20, height=3, clip_outline = head_circle)
  # eyes
  eyes = []
  for centre_x in [-12, 12]:
    eye_white= draw_an_eye(ax=axes, centre_x=centre_x, centre_y=90, width=16, depth_1=-8, depth_2=8, colour='white')
    draw_an_ellipse(ax=axes, centre_x=centre_x, centre_y=90, width=8, height=16, colour='BrightGreen', clip_outline = eye_white)
    draw_a_circle(ax=axes, centre_x=centre_x, centre_y=90, radius=3, colour='black', clip_outline = eye_white)
    # the following line is needed for animation

  # nose
  draw_a_triangle(ax=axes, tip_x=0, tip_y=72, height=8, width=10, colour='BubblePink')

  # smile
  draw_a_segment(ax=axes, start_x=0, start_y=72, length=7, turn=6)
  smile = draw_a_smile(ax=axes, centre_x=0, centre_y=69, depth=4, width=20)

  return head_layer, neck_coords, eyes, smile
Esempio n. 3
def example_croc(axes=None):

  ## CREATING THE DRAWING!                               ##
  # Creating the canvas!                                 ##
  axes = create_canvas_and_axes(canvas_width = 190,
                                canvas_height = 100,
                                background_colour = 'PastelBlue', 
                                axes = axes)

  # Now let's draw the shapes!                         ##
  left_body = 30
  bottom_body = 30
  right_body = 120
  right_head = 180
  top_body = 50
  top_head = bottom_body+15
  tail_right = 35 + left_body
  tail_width = 10
  centre_backside = 50
  r_nostrils = 3
  lip_y = 0.5 * (top_head + bottom_body)
  lip_r = 3 
  teeth_length = 5
  nb_teeth = 7
  leg_width = 10
  leg_length = 15
  feet_height = 5
  feel_length = 20
  # Now let's draw the shapes!                         ## 


  # legs 

  leg_layer_nb = new_layer()

  for shift, colour in [[0, 'green'], [-17, 'BrightGreen']]:
    for x in [50, 100]:
      # draw a leg
      draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, left=x+shift, top=bottom_body, height=leg_length, width=leg_width, colour=colour)
      # draw a feet
      draw_a_sector(ax=axes, centre_x=x+shift+feel_length/2, centre_y=bottom_body-leg_length, radius=feel_length/2, stretch_y=feet_height/(feel_length/2), angle_start=9, angle_end=15, colour=colour)

  # body

  body_layer_nb = new_layer()

  draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, left=left_body, bottom=bottom_body, height=top_body-bottom_body, width=right_body-left_body)

  # backside
  backside_clip_contour = build_a_circle(radius=centre_backside-bottom_body) + [left_body, centre_backside]
  draw_a_sector( ax=axes, centre_x=left_body, 
                 angle_start=6, angle_end=12, clip_outline=backside_clip_contour)

  # tail
  draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, left=left_body, top=2*centre_backside-bottom_body, height=tail_width, width=tail_right-left_body)

  draw_a_sector(ax=axes, centre_x=tail_right, centre_y=2*centre_backside-bottom_body, radius=tail_width,angle_start=3, angle_end=6)

  # lower teeth and jaw
  upper_teeth = build_a_zigzag(width=right_head - (right_body-lip_r), height=teeth_length, angle_start=3, nb_segments=2*nb_teeth) + [right_body-lip_r, lip_y]

  lower_teeth = upper_teeth[1:-1] + [0, teeth_length]
  draw_a_polygon(ax=axes, contour=lower_teeth, colour='white')

  draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, left=right_body, bottom=bottom_body, height=lip_y-bottom_body, width=right_head-right_body)

  # upper jaw
  upper_jaw_layer_nb = new_layer()

  draw_a_rectangle(ax=axes, left=right_body, bottom=lip_y, height=top_head-lip_y, width=right_head-right_body)

  # ... and the eyes, white circles with black circles on top
  eye_y = top_body
  for radius, colour in [[8, 'BrightGreen'], [5, 'white'], [3, 'black']]:
    for eye_x in [right_body, right_body+12]:
      draw_a_circle(ax=axes, centre_x=eye_x, centre_y=eye_y, radius=radius, colour=colour)

  # ... and the eyelids. Saving them in array for future use   
  eyelids = []
  eyelid_width = 12
  for eye_x in [right_body, right_body+12]:
    for td in [-1, 1]:
      mid_y = td * eyelid_width / 2
      eyelid = draw_an_eye(ax=axes, centre_x=eye_x, centre_y=eye_y, width=eyelid_width, depth_1=mid_y, depth_2=mid_y, colour='green')

  # ... and the nostrils
  nostril_y = top_head
  for nostril_x in [right_head-r_nostrils, right_head-3*r_nostrils]:
    draw_a_circle(ax=axes, centre_x=nostril_x, centre_y=nostril_y, radius=r_nostrils)
    draw_a_circle(ax=axes, centre_x=nostril_x, centre_y=nostril_y, radius=1, colour='green')

  # ... and the teeth and the lip
  # teeth
  draw_a_polygon(ax=axes, contour=upper_teeth, colour='white')
  # upper lip
  lipline_arc = build_an_arc(radius=lip_r, angle_start=6, angle_end=9) + [right_body-lip_r, lip_y+lip_r]
  lipline = link_contours([[right_head, lip_y]], lipline_arc)
  draw_a_broken_line(ax=axes, contour=lipline, colour='green', linewidth=2)

  upper_jaw_diamond = [right_body-lip_r, lip_y+lip_r]

  return leg_layer_nb, body_layer_nb, upper_jaw_layer_nb, eyelids, upper_jaw_diamond
Esempio n. 4
for y in [1.5, 6, 10.5]:  
  draw_a_rectangle(ax=ax, width=16, height=2, centre_x=0, centre_y=y, opacity=0.3, clip_outline=body, colour='orange', outline_linewidth=0)

# the head

set_default_patch_style(  layer_nb=4)

head = draw_a_circle(ax=ax, centre_x=0, centre_y=14, radius=4.2)

# the ears, using the "eye" shape
draw_a_crescent(ax=ax, width=6, depth_1=1, depth_2=3, centre_x=-4, centre_y=16, turn=9)
draw_a_crescent(ax=ax, width=6, depth_1=1, depth_2=3, centre_x=4, centre_y=16, turn=3)


# the stripes
for y in [10.5, 15]:  
  draw_a_rectangle(ax=ax, width=16, height=2, centre_x=0, centre_y=y, opacity=0.3, clip_outline=head, colour='orange', outline_linewidth=0)

# change outlines style

# the eyes
eye_height = 15
for centre_x in [-2, 2]:
  draw_a_crescent(ax=ax, centre_x=centre_x, centre_y=eye_height, width=2, depth_1=-1, depth_2=1, colour='white')
  draw_an_ellipse(ax=ax, centre_x=centre_x, centre_y=eye_height, width=1, height=2, colour='red')
  draw_a_circle(ax=ax, centre_x=centre_x, centre_y=eye_height, radius=0.5, colour='black')