コード例 #1
ファイル: eigen.py プロジェクト: xyzw/stieltjes
def tridi101(dpsv, nv, epsv):
    print ">>>>>> tridi(1,0,1)"
    print "{0:>4s} {1:>4s} {2:>10s} {3:>15s} {4:>5s} {5:>10s}".\
          format("n", "dps", "eps",  "errmaxnorm", "z", "sec")

    for dpsi,ni,epsi in product(dpsv,nv,epsv):
        mp.dps = dpsi
        lk = lambda k: 2*cos((ni-k+1)*pi/(ni+1))
        se = matrix([map(lk, linspace(1,ni,ni))])
        t1 = time.time()
        s, z = bisection(zeros(ni,1), ones(ni-1,1), epsi, 0, ni-1)
        t2 = time.time()
        err = norm(s-se, inf)
        print "{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:>10s} {3:>15s} {4:5d} {5:10f}".format(ni, dpsi, \
                                                                nstr(epsi), \
                                                                z, \
コード例 #2
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: edmobe/numeric_methods
from bisection import *
from newton import *
from secant import *

print("-------- START ---------")

f = "x*sin(x)-1"
a = 0
b = 2
tol = 0.001
print(bisection(f, a, b, tol))

f = "exp(-x)-x"
x0 = 0
tol = 0.0001
maxIter = 20
print(newton(f, x0, tol, maxIter))

f = "x^3-3*x+2"
x0 = -2.6
x1 = -2.4
tol = 0.0001
maxIter = 20
print(secant(f, x0, x1, tol, maxIter))

print("-------- END ----------")
コード例 #3
import numpy as np
from bisection import*

def f(x): 
    return x**3 - 7.0*x + 1.0

x = bisection(f, 2.0, 4.0, tol = 1.0e-4)

print('\nx =', '{:6.4f}'.format(x))
コード例 #4
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# use esta funcion de prueba
def f(x):
    return x * x * x - 2 * x - 10

def g(x):
    return (x * 2 + 10) / x / x

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# buscar raices
a, b = rootSearch(f, -10, 10, 0.5, printText=1)
# bisection
print "\nMetodo Bisection"
print bisection(f, a, b, switch=1)
# brent
print "\nMetodo Brent"
print brent(f, a, b, printText=0)
# secant
print "\nMetodo Secant"
print secant(f, a, b, printText=0)
# newton
print "\nMetodo de Newton"
print newton(f, d1f, a, printText=0)
# newton raphson
print "\nMetodo de Newton-Raphson"
print newtonRaphson(f, d1f, a, b, printText=0)
# posicion falsa
print "\nMetodo Posicion Falsa o Falsa Regla"
print falseRule(f, a, b, printText=0)
コード例 #5
from bisection import *
from newtonraphson import *

if len(argv) != 2:
    print("Usage: ", str(argv[0]), "mode-number")
    print("1 : Bisection\n2 : Newton-Raphson\n3 : Secant")

def fPrime(t, v=335.0, u=2510.0, M0=2.8 * 1e6, m=13.3 * 1e3, g=9.81):
    return float((u * m) / (M0 - m * t) - g)

def func(t, v=335.0, u=2510.0, M0=2.8 * 1e6, m=13.3 * 1e3, g=9.81):
    return float(u * log((M0) / (M0 - m * t)) - g * t - v)

mode = int(argv[1])

if (mode == 1):
    print("Using Bisection Method: ")
    print(bisection(func, 0, 200))
elif (mode == 2):
    print("Using Newton-Raphson Method: ")
    print(newtonraphson(func, fPrime, 60))
elif (mode == 3):
    print("Using Secant Method: ")
    print(secant(func, [0, 200], 10))
    print("Undefined Mode NUmber")
コード例 #6
import numpy as np
from newton_raphson import *
from ridder import *
from bisection import *

def f(x):
    return x**10 - 1

def df(x):
    return 10 * x**9

x0 = 0.5

xroot, _ = newton_raphson(f, df, x0, verbose=True)

xroot, _ = bisection(f, 0.5, 1.25, verbose=True)

xroot, _ = ridder(f, 0.5, 1.25, verbose=True)
コード例 #7
import math
from bisection import *

def f(x):
    return x * math.exp(-x) - 0.06064

alpha = 0.0646926359947960
a0 = 0
b0 = 1
_range = (a0, b0)
bisection(f, _range, alpha, 15)
コード例 #8
def main():
    low = float(raw_input("low = "))
    high = float(raw_input("high = "))
    step = float(raw_input("step = "))

    root = rootsearch(f, low, high, step)
    bisect = bisection(f, low, high)
    newton = newtonRaphson(f, df, low, high)
    ridders = ridder(f, low, high)

    correct = math.pi

    print "rootsearch =", root
    print "rootsearch error =", max(abs(correct - root[0]),
                                    abs(correct - root[1]))
    print ""
    print "bisection =", bisect
    print "bisection error =", abs(correct - bisect)
    print ""
    print "newtonRaphson =", newton
    print "newton error =", abs(correct - newton)
    print ""
    print "ridder =", ridders
    print "ridder error =", abs(correct - ridders)
    print ""
    print ""
    print "Average root =", ((
        (root[0] + root[1]) / 2.0) + bisect + newton + ridders) / 4.0
    print "Average root error =", abs((((
        (root[0] + root[1]) / 2.0) + bisect + newton + ridders) / 4.0) -
    print ""
    print "Most Accurate root =", min(min(abs(correct - root[0]), abs(correct - root[1])), abs(correct - bisect), \
                                      abs(correct - newton), abs(correct - ridders))
    print "Least Accurate root =", max(max(abs(correct - root[0]), abs(correct - root[1])), abs(correct - bisect), \
                                      abs(correct - newton), abs(correct - ridders))

    gdisplay(title="Root Search")
    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    f2 = gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[(root[0], f(root[0])), (root[1], f(root[1]))],

    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[bisect, 0], color=color.green)

    gdisplay(title="Newton Raphson")
    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[newton, 0], color=color.green)

    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[ridders, 0], color=color.green)

        "Combination: RootSearch(white), Bisection(yellow), NewtonRaphson(blue), Ridders(green)"
    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)

    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[(root[0], f(root[0])), (root[1], f(root[1]))],
    gdots(pos=[bisect, 0], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[newton, 0], color=color.blue)
    gdots(pos=[ridders, 0], color=color.green)
コード例 #9
ファイル: Gui.py プロジェクト: cdceballor/marconi
 def answer(self):
     I1 = bisection(self.X.get(), int(self.nIter.get()),
                    float(self.tolerance.get()), float(self.x0.get()),
     self.label["text"] = I1.biseccion()
コード例 #10
import math
from bisection import *

def f(x):
    return pow(x, 2) - 2 * x - math.atan(7 * x - 2)

alpha1 = 0.225333477
_range = (0, 1)
print(bisection(f, _range, alpha1))

alpha2 = 2.58389241
_range = (2, 3)
print(bisection(f, _range, alpha2))
コード例 #11
## example4_2

from bisection import *

def f(x):
    return x**3 - 10.0 * x**2 + 5.0

x = bisection(f, 0.0, 1.0, tol=1.0e-4)
print('x =', '{:6.4f}'.format(x))
input("Press return to exit")
コード例 #12
from math import tan
from numpy import arange,zeros
from rootsearch import *
from bisection import *
import pylab

def f(x): return x - tan(x)

a,b,dx = (0.0, 20.0, 0.01)
print ("The roots of f(x)= x-tan x on (0,20) using delta x = " + str(dx) + " :")
while 1:
    x1,x2 = rootsearch(f,a,b,dx)      # What is rootsearch doing here?
    if x1 != None:
        a = x2
        root = bisection(f,x1,x2,1)    # switch is set to 1 to avoid
        if root != None: print(root)   # singularities in f(x)
    else:                              # What epsilon is bisection using?
        print ("\nDone")
        xData = arange(0,n,.1,dtype=float)
        yData = zeros((n2),dtype=float)
        for j in range(0,n2):

        my_title= 'Plot of f(x)=x-tan x'
        pylab.text(2,100,r'Example 4.3, pp. 150-151')
コード例 #13
def main():
    low = float(raw_input("low = "))
    high = float(raw_input("high = "))
    step = float(raw_input("step = "))

    root = rootsearch(f, low, high, step)
    bisect = bisection(f, low, high)
    newton = newtonRaphson(f, df, low, high)
    ridders = ridder(f, low, high)

    correct = math.pi

    print "rootsearch =", root
    print "rootsearch error =", max(abs(correct - root[0]), abs(correct - root[1]))
    print ""
    print "bisection =", bisect
    print "bisection error =", abs(correct - bisect)
    print ""
    print "newtonRaphson =", newton
    print "newton error =", abs(correct - newton)
    print ""
    print "ridder =", ridders
    print "ridder error =", abs(correct - ridders)
    print ""
    print ""
    print "Average root =", (((root[0] + root[1]) / 2.0) + bisect + newton + ridders) / 4.0
    print "Average root error =", abs(((((root[0] + root[1]) / 2.0) + bisect + newton + ridders) / 4.0) - correct)
    print ""
    print "Most Accurate root =", min(
        min(abs(correct - root[0]), abs(correct - root[1])),
        abs(correct - bisect),
        abs(correct - newton),
        abs(correct - ridders),
    print "Least Accurate root =", max(
        max(abs(correct - root[0]), abs(correct - root[1])),
        abs(correct - bisect),
        abs(correct - newton),
        abs(correct - ridders),

    gdisplay(title="Root Search")
    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    f2 = gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[(root[0], f(root[0])), (root[1], f(root[1]))], color=color.green)

    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[bisect, 0], color=color.green)

    gdisplay(title="Newton Raphson")
    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[newton, 0], color=color.green)

    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)
    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[ridders, 0], color=color.green)

    gdisplay(title="Combination: RootSearch(white), Bisection(yellow), NewtonRaphson(blue), Ridders(green)")
    f1 = gcurve()
    for x in linspace(low - 1, high + 1, 200):
        f1.plot(pos=(x, f(x)), color=color.red)

    gdots(pos=[low, f(low)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[high, f(high)], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[(root[0], f(root[0])), (root[1], f(root[1]))], color=color.white)
    gdots(pos=[bisect, 0], color=color.yellow)
    gdots(pos=[newton, 0], color=color.blue)
    gdots(pos=[ridders, 0], color=color.green)
コード例 #14
from bisection import *

LowerLimit = 0.0
UpperLimit = 10.0

def f(x):
    return (x)**2

Root = bisection(f,LowerLimit,UpperLimit)
print Root
コード例 #15
## example4_3

import math
from rootsearch import *
from bisection import *

def f(x):
    return x - math.tan(x)

a, b, dx = (0.0, 20.0, 0.01)
print("The roots are:")

while True:
    x1, x2 = rootsearch(f, a, b, dx)
    if x1 != None:
        a = x2
        root = bisection(f, x1, x2, 1)
        if root != None:

input("Press return to exit")
コード例 #16
from bisection import *
from regula_falsi import *

def f(x):
    return x**3 - 75

x1 = 3.0
x2 = 5.0

x, err = bisection(f, x1, x2, TOL=1e-10, verbose=True)

print("Final root = %18.10f" % x)
print("err        = %18.10e" % err)

x, err = regula_falsi(f, x1, x2, TOL=1e-10, verbose=True)

print("Final root = %18.10f" % x)
print("err        = %18.10e" % err)
コード例 #17
from bisection import *

LowerLimit = 0.0
UpperLimit = 10.0

def f(x):
    return (x)**2

Root = bisection(f, LowerLimit, UpperLimit)
print Root