コード例 #1
    def clust(self, clusters, cluster_id):
        # initialize the distance matrix
        dist_matrix = [[10000] * len(clusters) for i in range(len(clusters))]

        # save the smallest value
        min_val = 10000
        imin = -1
        jmin = -1

        # fill out the distance matrix (lower half)
        for i in range(len(clusters)):
            j = i - 1
            while j >= 0:
                # compute pairwise distances b/n clusters
                pairwise_distances = clusters[i] - clusters[j]

                # fill out distance matrix depending on the link
                if self.link == "S":
                    d = min(pairwise_distances)
                elif self.link == "C":
                    d = max(pairwise_distances)
                elif self.link == "A":
                    d = float(
                        sum(pairwise_distances)) / len(pairwise_distances)

                dist_matrix[i][j] = d

                # save info regarding
                if d < min_val:
                    min_val = d
                    imin = i
                    jmin = j

                # decrement j
                j -= 1

        # make new cluster based off new information
        new_cluster = cluster_node(id=cluster_id)

        # add new cluster union, remove unioned clusters
コード例 #2
    def clust(self, clusters, cluster_id):
        # initialize the distance matrix
        dist_matrix = [[10000]*len(clusters) for i in range(len(clusters))]

        # save the smallest value
        min_val = 10000
        imin = -1
        jmin = -1

        # fill out the distance matrix (lower half)
        for i in range(len(clusters)):
            j = i - 1
            while j >= 0:
                # compute pairwise distances b/n clusters
                pairwise_distances = clusters[i] - clusters[j]

                # fill out distance matrix depending on the link
                if self.link == "S":
                    d = min(pairwise_distances)
                elif self.link == "C":
                    d = max(pairwise_distances)
                elif self.link == "A":
                    d = float( sum(pairwise_distances) ) / len(pairwise_distances)

                dist_matrix[i][j] = d

                # save info regarding
                if d < min_val:
                    min_val = d
                    imin = i
                    jmin = j

                # decrement j
                j -= 1

        # make new cluster based off new information
        new_cluster = cluster_node(id = cluster_id)

        # add new cluster union, remove unioned clusters
コード例 #3
    def hclust(self, genes):

        # initialize the leaf clusters based off the genes
        # 1st value is gene id, 2nd value is gene description, 3rd value is vector of expr values
        clusters = [cluster_node(g[0], g[1], map(float, g[2:])) for g in genes]

        # identifier for cluster merges
        i = len(clusters) + 1

        # run clustering algorithm until there is only k nodes left (specified by user
        while len(clusters) > self.k:
            # merge two nodes
            id = "cluster_" + str(i)
            self.clust(clusters, id)

            # increment
            i += 1

        # return clusters
        return clusters
コード例 #4
    def hclust(self, genes):

        # initialize the leaf clusters based off the genes
        # 1st value is gene id, 2nd value is gene description, 3rd value is vector of expr values
        clusters = [cluster_node(g[0], g[1], map(float, g[2:])) for g in genes]

        # identifier for cluster merges
        i = len(clusters) + 1

        # run clustering algorithm until there is only k nodes left (specified by user
        while len(clusters) > self.k:
            # merge two nodes
            id = "cluster_" + str(i)
            self.clust(clusters, id)

            # increment
            i += 1

        # return clusters
        return clusters