コード例 #1
ファイル: macro.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
    def transform(self, expression):
        from evaluator import string_to_scheme

        variables = match_pattern(cons('include', cons('path')), expression)
        if variables:
            path = find_file_in_path(variables['path'])
                with codecs.open(path, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
                    return string_to_scheme(f)
            except IOError:
                raise ValueError("Could not open file %s to include" % path)
            raise ValueError("Expression %s does not match macro %s" %
                             (expression, self.name))
コード例 #2
ファイル: macro.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
    def transform(self, expression):
        from evaluator import string_to_scheme

        variables = match_pattern(cons('include', cons('path')),
        if variables:
            path = find_file_in_path(variables['path'])
                with codecs.open(path, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
                    return string_to_scheme(f)
            except IOError:
                raise ValueError("Could not open file %s to include" % path)
            raise ValueError("Expression %s does not match macro %s" %
                             (expression, self.name))
コード例 #3
ファイル: evaluator.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
def tree_to_scheme(tree):
    "Transforms a parsed tree to scheme"

    if type(tree) == Element:
        if tree.name == ATOM:
            return tree.value[0].value.value
        elif tree.name == QUOTED_EXPRESSION:
            return quote(tree_to_scheme(tree.value[0]))
        elif tree.name == LIST:
            return tree_to_scheme(tree.value)
        elif tree.name == EXPRESSION:
            return tree_to_scheme(tree.value[0])
        elif tree.name == PROGRAM:
            return tree_to_scheme(tree.value)
            raise ValueError("Invalid parsed tree element: %s" % tree)
    elif hasattr(tree, 'next'): # is an iterator
            e = next(tree)
            if type(e) == Element and e.name == DOTED_EXPRESSION:
                return tree_to_scheme(e.value[0])
                return cons(tree_to_scheme(e),
        except StopIteration:
            return None
    elif hasattr(tree, '__iter__'): # is iterable
        return tree_to_scheme(iter(tree))
    elif tree is None:
        return None
        raise ValueError("Invalid parsed tree")
コード例 #4
ファイル: evaluator.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
def tree_to_scheme(tree):
    "Transforms a parsed tree to scheme"

    if type(tree) == Element:
        if tree.name == ATOM:
            return tree.value[0].value.value
        elif tree.name == QUOTED_EXPRESSION:
            return quote(tree_to_scheme(tree.value[0]))
        elif tree.name == LIST:
            return tree_to_scheme(tree.value)
        elif tree.name == EXPRESSION:
            return tree_to_scheme(tree.value[0])
        elif tree.name == PROGRAM:
            return tree_to_scheme(tree.value)
            raise ValueError("Invalid parsed tree element: %s" % tree)
    elif hasattr(tree, 'next'):  # is an iterator
            e = next(tree)
            if type(e) == Element and e.name == DOTED_EXPRESSION:
                return tree_to_scheme(e.value[0])
                return cons(tree_to_scheme(e), tree_to_scheme(tree))
        except StopIteration:
            return None
    elif hasattr(tree, '__iter__'):  # is iterable
        return tree_to_scheme(iter(tree))
    elif tree is None:
        return None
        raise ValueError("Invalid parsed tree")
コード例 #5
ファイル: macro.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
def substitute(variables, expression):
    Substitute an expression using the symbols in it as variables to be
    looked-up in the variables dictionary - if they exists.

    if is_atom(expression):
        return variables.get(expression, expression)
    elif is_pair(expression):
        if is_symbol(car(expression)) and car(expression).startswith('...'):
            return substitute(variables, car(expression))
            return cons(substitute(variables, car(expression)),
                        substitute(variables, cdr(expression)))
        return expression
コード例 #6
ファイル: macro.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
def substitute(variables, expression):
    Substitute an expression using the symbols in it as variables to be
    looked-up in the variables dictionary - if they exists.

    if is_atom(expression):
        return variables.get(expression, expression)
    elif is_pair(expression):
        if is_symbol(car(expression)) and car(expression).startswith('...'):
            return substitute(variables, car(expression))
            return cons(substitute(variables, car(expression)),
                        substitute(variables, cdr(expression)))
        return expression
コード例 #7
ファイル: evaluator.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
def full_evaluate(expression, environment):
    Fully evaluate an expression until its basic representation

    while True:
        if is_thunk(expression):
            if not expression.is_evaluated:
                expression.is_evaluated = True
                expression.expression = full_evaluate(expression.expression,
            return expression.expression
        elif is_symbol(expression):
            expression = environment[expression]
        elif (is_atom(expression) or is_nil(expression) or
              is_procedure(expression) or is_macro(expression) or
            return expression
        elif not is_pair(expression):
            raise ValueError("Cannot evaluate: %s" % expression)
        elif car(expression) == 'delay':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected delay form: %s. Should be (delay <expression>)" %
            return Thunk(cadr(expression), environment)
        elif car(expression) == 'defined?':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected defined? form: %s. Should be (defined? <symbol>)" %
            name = cadr(expression)
            if not is_symbol(name):
                raise SyntaxError("Argument of defined? form should be a symbol. Evaluating: %s" %
            return environment.exists(name)
        elif car(expression) == 'define':
            if len(expression) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected define form: %s. Should be (define <symbol> <expression>)" %
            name = cadr(expression)
            if not is_symbol(name):
                raise SyntaxError("First argument of define form should be a symbol. Evaluating: %s" %
            environment[name] = Thunk(caddr(expression), environment)
            return name
        elif car(expression) == 'quote':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected quote form: %s. Should be (quote <expression>)" %
            return cadr(expression)
        elif car(expression) == 'eval':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected eval form: %s. Should be (eval <expression>)" %
            expression = full_evaluate(cadr(expression), environment)
        elif car(expression) == 'if':
            if len(expression) != 4:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected if form: %s. Should be (if <condition> <consequent> <alternative>)" %
            condition = full_evaluate(cadr(expression), environment)
            expression = caddr(expression) if condition else cadddr(expression)
        elif car(expression) == 'lambda':
            if len(expression) < 3:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected lambda form: %s. Should be (lambda (<param> ...) <expression> ...)" %
            parameters = cadr(expression)
            if is_pair(parameters):
                current = parameters
                while is_pair(current):
                    if not is_symbol(car(current)):
                        raise SyntaxError("Lambda parameters should be symbols. In %s" %
                    current = cdr(current)
                if not is_nil(current) and not is_symbol(current):
                    raise SyntaxError("Lambda optional parameter should be a symbol or nil. In %s" %
            elif not is_symbol(parameters) and not is_nil(parameters):
                raise SyntaxError("Lambda parameters should be a symbol or a list of zero or more. In %s" %

            return Procedure(parameters, # parameters
                             cddr(expression), # body (list of expressions)
        elif car(expression) == 'macro':
            if len(expression) < 3:
                raise SyntaxError("Unexpected define macro: %s. Should be (macro (<resword> ...) (<pattern> <transformation> ...) ...)" %
            res_words = cadr(expression)
            rules = cddr(expression)
            if not is_nil(res_words) and not is_pair(res_words):
                raise SyntaxError("Macro reserved words should be a list of symbols or nil. In %s" %
            if is_pair(res_words):
                for word in res_words:
                    if not is_symbol(word):
                        raise SyntaxError("Macro reserved words should all be symbols. In %s" %
            for rule in rules:
                if len(rule) < 2:
                    raise SyntaxError("Macro rule should be in the form (<pattern> <expression> ...). In %s" %
            return Macro( [(car(e), cdr(e)) for e in rules], # rules
                          [] if not res_words else set(iter(res_words)) ) # reserved words
            # evaluate head
            operator = full_evaluate(car(expression), environment)

            if is_macro(operator):
                # evaluate recursively only the inner expressions (not the last)
                current = operator.transform(expression)
                while cdr(current) is not None:
                    full_evaluate(car(current), environment)
                    current = cdr(current)
                expression = car(current)
                # The unevaluated operands
                unev_operands = cdr(expression)

                if callable(operator):
                    # evaluate each operand recursively
                    operands = [full_evaluate(e, environment) for e in unev_operands] if unev_operands else []
                    # return the application of the built-in procedure
                    return operator(make_list(operands))
                elif is_procedure(operator):
                    # create Thunks (promise to evaluate) for each operand
                    unev_op_list = list(iter(unev_operands)) if unev_operands else []
                    proc_environment = Environment(parent=operator.environment)
                    # if the lambda parameters is not in the format ( () [. <symbol>] )
                    # for taking zero or more arguments
                    if len(operator.parameters) != 1 or not is_nil(operator.parameters[0]):
                        for name in operator.parameters:
                                # take next argument
                                proc_environment[name] = Thunk(unev_op_list.pop(0),
                            except IndexError:
                                raise ValueError("Insufficient parameters for procedure %s. It should be at least %d" %
                                                 (operator, len(operator.parameters)))
                    if not is_nil(operator.optional):
                        # the optional argument is something, that when
                        # evaluated, yields the list of rest of the operands
                        # evaluated
                        proc_environment[operator.optional] = Thunk(cons(lambda x: x,
                    elif unev_op_list:
                        raise ValueError("Too much parameters for procedure %s. It should be %d." %
                                         (operator, len(operator.parameters)))

                    # evaluate recursively only the inner procedure expressions
                    # (not the last)
                    current = operator.body
                    while cdr(current) is not None:
                        full_evaluate(car(current), proc_environment)
                        current = cdr(current)

                    environment = proc_environment
                    expression = car(current)
                    # continue not-recursively to evaluate the procedure's body
                    # in the extended environment
                    raise ValueError("Not an operator: %s, in expression: %s" %
                                     (operator, expression))
コード例 #8
ファイル: exch.py プロジェクト: abhinav333/LDPC_CODE
lambda_poly[:, 0] = b2_temp[:]
lambda_poly[:, 1] = lambda_dist[:]

p_val_mat = []
cxf_mat = []
vpf_mat = []
p = p_values[60]
# for p in p_values:
# 	p_val=p
#### initialize with crossover
ex_sweep = np.linspace(0.001, 1.0, 200)
for xp in ex_sweep:
    cxf = 1 - np.sum(rho_dist * np.power(1 - xp, c2_temp))
    vpf = nrm_hall(cons(lambda_poly, xp / 0.22), cxf, 8)

for p in p_values:
    p_val = p
    for ier in range(0, 300):  ###### no of iteration of
        q_val = 1 - np.sum(rho_dist * np.power(1 - p_val, c2_temp))
        p_val = p * np.sum(lambda_dist * np.power(q_val, b2_temp))

thresh = p_values[np.argmin(p_val_mat)]

print p_values[54]

print vpf_mat
コード例 #9
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
def make_global_environment():
    env = NumericEnvironment()

    # utf-8 stdin and out
    stdin = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(sys.stdin)
    stdout = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(sys.stdout)

            # built-in symbols
            "nil": None,
            "#t": True,
            "#f": False,
            # symbolic tests
            "procedure?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_procedure(car(args)), "procedure?", 1, 1),
            "macro?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_macro(car(args)), "macro?", 1, 1),
            "thunk?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_thunk(car(args)), "thunk?", 1, 1),
            "symbol?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_symbol(car(args)), "symbol?", 1, 1),
            "atom?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_atom(car(args)), "atom?", 1, 1),
            "pair?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_pair(car(args)), "pair?", 1, 1),
            "nil?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_nil(car(args)), "nil?", 1, 1),
            "eq?": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) is cadr(args), "eq?", 2, 2),
            "=": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) == cadr(args), "=", 2, 2),
            # symbolic manipulation
            "explode": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: make_list(list(car(args))), "explode", 1, 1),
            "implode": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: "".join(iter(args)), "implode", 1),
            # basic data manipulation
            "car": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: caar(args), "car", 1, 1),
            "cdr": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: cdar(args), "cdr", 1, 1),
            "cons": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: cons(car(args), cadr(args)), "cons", 2, 2),
            # I/O operations
            "write": BuiltinProcedure(
                lambda args: stdout.write(unicode(car(args)).encode("utf-8").decode("string_escape")), "write", 1, 1
            "read": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: stdin.read(1), "read", 0, 0),
            "file-open": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: codecs.open(car(args), cadr(args), "utf-8"), "file-open", 2, 2),
            "file-close": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args).close(), "file-close", 1, 1),
            "file-write": BuiltinProcedure(
                lambda args: car(args).write(
            "file-read": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args).read(1), "file-read", 1, 1),
            # dependency inclusion
            "include": IncludeMacro(),
            # arithmetic operations
            "+": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.add, args), "+", 2),
            "-": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.sub, args), "-", 2),
            "*": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.mul, args), "*", 2),
            "/": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.div, args), "/", 2),
            "mod": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.mod, args), "mod", 2),
            "<": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) < cadr(args), "<", 2),
            ">": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) > cadr(args), ">", 2),
            "<=": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) <= cadr(args), "<=", 2),
            ">=": BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) >= cadr(args), ">=", 2),
    return env
コード例 #10
def make_global_environment():
    env = NumericEnvironment()

    # utf-8 stdin and out
    stdin = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(sys.stdin)
    stdout = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(sys.stdout)

        # built-in symbols

        # symbolic tests
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_procedure(car(args)), 'procedure?', 1,
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_macro(car(args)), 'macro?', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_thunk(car(args)), 'thunk?', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_symbol(car(args)), 'symbol?', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_atom(car(args)), 'atom?', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_pair(car(args)), 'pair?', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: is_nil(car(args)), 'nil?', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) is cadr(args), 'eq?', 2, 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) == cadr(args), '=', 2, 2),

        # symbolic manipulation
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: make_list(list(car(args))), 'explode', 1,
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: ''.join(iter(args)), 'implode', 1),

        # basic data manipulation
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: caar(args), 'car', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: cdar(args), "cdr", 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: cons(car(args), cadr(args)), "cons", 2,

        # I/O operations
            lambda args: stdout.write(
            'write', 1, 1),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: stdin.read(1), 'read', 0, 0),
            lambda args: codecs.open(car(args), cadr(args), 'utf-8'),
            'file-open', 2, 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args).close(), 'file-close', 1, 1),
            lambda args: car(args).write(
                decode('utf-8')), 'file-write', 2, 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args).read(1), 'file-read', 1, 1),

        # dependency inclusion

        # arithmetic operations
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.add, args), '+', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.sub, args), '-', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.mul, args), '*', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.div, args), '/', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: reduce(operator.mod, args), 'mod', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) < cadr(args), '<', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) > cadr(args), '>', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) <= cadr(args), '<=', 2),
        BuiltinProcedure(lambda args: car(args) >= cadr(args), '>=', 2),
    return env
コード例 #11
ファイル: evaluator.py プロジェクト: rodrigosetti/pyscheme
def full_evaluate(expression, environment):
    Fully evaluate an expression until its basic representation

    while True:
        if is_thunk(expression):
            if not expression.is_evaluated:
                expression.is_evaluated = True
                expression.expression = full_evaluate(expression.expression,
            return expression.expression
        elif is_symbol(expression):
            expression = environment[expression]
        elif (is_atom(expression) or is_nil(expression)
              or is_procedure(expression) or is_macro(expression)
              or callable(expression)):
            return expression
        elif not is_pair(expression):
            raise ValueError("Cannot evaluate: %s" % expression)
        elif car(expression) == 'delay':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected delay form: %s. Should be (delay <expression>)"
                    % expression)
            return Thunk(cadr(expression), environment)
        elif car(expression) == 'defined?':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected defined? form: %s. Should be (defined? <symbol>)"
                    % expression)
            name = cadr(expression)
            if not is_symbol(name):
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Argument of defined? form should be a symbol. Evaluating: %s"
                    % expression)
            return environment.exists(name)
        elif car(expression) == 'define':
            if len(expression) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected define form: %s. Should be (define <symbol> <expression>)"
                    % expression)
            name = cadr(expression)
            if not is_symbol(name):
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "First argument of define form should be a symbol. Evaluating: %s"
                    % expression)
            environment[name] = Thunk(caddr(expression), environment)
            return name
        elif car(expression) == 'quote':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected quote form: %s. Should be (quote <expression>)"
                    % expression)
            return cadr(expression)
        elif car(expression) == 'eval':
            if len(expression) != 2:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected eval form: %s. Should be (eval <expression>)" %
            expression = full_evaluate(cadr(expression), environment)
        elif car(expression) == 'if':
            if len(expression) != 4:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected if form: %s. Should be (if <condition> <consequent> <alternative>)"
                    % expression)
            condition = full_evaluate(cadr(expression), environment)
            expression = caddr(expression) if condition else cadddr(expression)
        elif car(expression) == 'lambda':
            if len(expression) < 3:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected lambda form: %s. Should be (lambda (<param> ...) <expression> ...)"
                    % expression)
            parameters = cadr(expression)
            if is_pair(parameters):
                current = parameters
                while is_pair(current):
                    if not is_symbol(car(current)):
                        raise SyntaxError(
                            "Lambda parameters should be symbols. In %s" %
                    current = cdr(current)
                if not is_nil(current) and not is_symbol(current):
                    raise SyntaxError(
                        "Lambda optional parameter should be a symbol or nil. In %s"
                        % expression)
            elif not is_symbol(parameters) and not is_nil(parameters):
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Lambda parameters should be a symbol or a list of zero or more. In %s"
                    % expression)

            return Procedure(
                parameters,  # parameters
                cddr(expression),  # body (list of expressions)
        elif car(expression) == 'macro':
            if len(expression) < 3:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Unexpected define macro: %s. Should be (macro (<resword> ...) (<pattern> <transformation> ...) ...)"
                    % expression)
            res_words = cadr(expression)
            rules = cddr(expression)
            if not is_nil(res_words) and not is_pair(res_words):
                raise SyntaxError(
                    "Macro reserved words should be a list of symbols or nil. In %s"
                    % expression)
            if is_pair(res_words):
                for word in res_words:
                    if not is_symbol(word):
                        raise SyntaxError(
                            "Macro reserved words should all be symbols. In %s"
                            % expression)
            for rule in rules:
                if len(rule) < 2:
                    raise SyntaxError(
                        "Macro rule should be in the form (<pattern> <expression> ...). In %s"
                        % expression)
            return Macro(
                [(car(e), cdr(e)) for e in rules],  # rules
                if not res_words else set(iter(res_words)))  # reserved words
            # evaluate head
            operator = full_evaluate(car(expression), environment)

            if is_macro(operator):
                # evaluate recursively only the inner expressions (not the last)
                current = operator.transform(expression)
                while cdr(current) is not None:
                    full_evaluate(car(current), environment)
                    current = cdr(current)
                expression = car(current)
                # The unevaluated operands
                unev_operands = cdr(expression)

                if callable(operator):
                    # evaluate each operand recursively
                    operands = [
                        full_evaluate(e, environment) for e in unev_operands
                    ] if unev_operands else []
                    # return the application of the built-in procedure
                    return operator(make_list(operands))
                elif is_procedure(operator):
                    # create Thunks (promise to evaluate) for each operand
                    unev_op_list = list(
                        iter(unev_operands)) if unev_operands else []
                    proc_environment = Environment(parent=operator.environment)
                    # if the lambda parameters is not in the format ( () [. <symbol>] )
                    # for taking zero or more arguments
                    if len(operator.parameters) != 1 or not is_nil(
                        for name in operator.parameters:
                                # take next argument
                                proc_environment[name] = Thunk(
                                    unev_op_list.pop(0), environment)
                            except IndexError:
                                raise ValueError(
                                    "Insufficient parameters for procedure %s. It should be at least %d"
                                    % (operator, len(operator.parameters)))
                    if not is_nil(operator.optional):
                        # the optional argument is something, that when
                        # evaluated, yields the list of rest of the operands
                        # evaluated
                        proc_environment[operator.optional] = Thunk(
                            cons(lambda x: x, make_list(unev_op_list)),
                    elif unev_op_list:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Too much parameters for procedure %s. It should be %d."
                            % (operator, len(operator.parameters)))

                    # evaluate recursively only the inner procedure expressions
                    # (not the last)
                    current = operator.body
                    while cdr(current) is not None:
                        full_evaluate(car(current), proc_environment)
                        current = cdr(current)

                    environment = proc_environment
                    expression = car(current)
                    # continue not-recursively to evaluate the procedure's body
                    # in the extended environment
                    raise ValueError("Not an operator: %s, in expression: %s" %
                                     (operator, expression))