コード例 #1
def cum4est(y, maxlag=0, nsamp=0, overlap=0, flag='biased', k1=0, k2=0):
  CUM4EST Fourth-order cumulants.
          Should be invoked via CUMEST for proper parameter checks
          y_cum = cum4est (y, maxlag, samp_seg, overlap, flag, k1, k2)
          Computes sample estimates of fourth-order cumulants
          via the overlapped segment method.
          y_cum = cum4est (y, maxlag, samp_seg, overlap, flag, k1, k2)
                 y: input data vector (column)
            maxlag: maximum lag
          samp_seg: samples per segment
           overlap: percentage overlap of segments
             flag : 'biased', biased estimates are computed
                  : 'unbiased', unbiased estimates are computed.
      k1,k2 : the fixed lags in C3(m,k1) or C4(m,k1,k2)

      y_cum : estimated fourth-order cumulant slice
              C4(m,k1,k2)  -maxlag <= m <= maxlag

  (n1, n2) = shape(y, 2)
  N = n1*n2
  overlap0 = overlap
  overlap = np.fix(overlap/100 * nsamp)
  nrecord = np.fix((N - overlap)/(nsamp - overlap))
  nadvance = nsamp - overlap

  # scale factors for unbiased estimates
  nlags = 2 * maxlag + 1
  zlag  = maxlag
  tmp   = np.zeros([nlags,1])
  if flag == 'biased':
    scale = np.ones([nlags,1])/nsamp
    ind = np.arange(-maxlag, maxlag+1).T
    kmin = min(0, min(k1, k2))
    kmax  = max(0,max(k1, k2))
    scale = nsamp - np.maximum(ind, kmax) + np.minimum(ind, kmin)
    scale = np.ones(nlags) / scale
    scale = scale.reshape(-1,1)

  mlag  = maxlag + max(abs(k1), abs(k2))
  mlag  = max(mlag, abs(k1-k2) )
  mlag1 = mlag + 1
  nlag  = maxlag
  m2k2  = np.zeros([2*maxlag+1,1])

  if np.any(np.any(np.imag(y) != 0)): complex_flag = 1
  else: complex_flag = 0

  # estimate second- and fourth-order moments combine
  y_cum  = np.zeros([2*maxlag+1, 1])
  R_yy   = np.zeros([2*mlag+1, 1])

  ind = np.arange(nsamp)
  for i in xrange(nrecord):
    tmp = np.zeros([2*maxlag+1, 1])
    x = y[ind]
    x = x.ravel(order='F') - np.mean(x)
    z =  x * 0
    cx = np.conj(x)

    # create the "IV" matrix: offset for second lag
    if k1 >= 0:
      z[0:nsamp-k1] = x[0:nsamp-k1] * cx[k1:nsamp]
      z[-k1:nsamp] = x[-k1:nsamp] * cx[0:nsamp+k1]

    # create the "IV" matrix: offset for third lag
    if k2 >= 0:
      z[0:nsamp-k2] = z[0:nsamp-k2] * x[k2:nsamp]
      z[nsamp-k2:nsamp] = np.zeros([k2, 1])
      z[-k2:nsamp] = z[-k2:nsamp] * x[0:nsamp+k2]
      z[0:-k2] = np.zeros([-k2, 1])

    tmp[zlag] = tmp[zlag] + np.dot(z.T, x)

    for k in xrange(1, maxlag+1):
      tmp[zlag-k] = tmp[zlag-k] + np.dot(z[k:nsamp].T, x[0:nsamp-k])
      tmp[zlag+k] = tmp[zlag+k] + np.dot(z[0:nsamp-k].T, x[k:nsamp])

    y_cum = y_cum + tmp * scale

    R_yy = cum2est(x, mlag, nsamp, overlap0, flag)
    #  We need E x(t)x(t+tau) stuff also:
    if complex_flag:
      M_yy = cum2x(np.conj(x), x, mlag, nsamp, overlap0, flag)
      M_yy = R_yy

    y_cum = y_cum - \
            R_yy[mlag1+k1-1] * R_yy[mlag1-k2-nlag-1:mlag1-k2+nlag] - \
            R_yy[k1-k2+mlag1-1] * R_yy[mlag1-nlag-1:mlag1+nlag] - \
            M_yy[mlag1+k2-1].T * M_yy[mlag1-k1-nlag-1:mlag1-k1+nlag]

    ind = ind + int(nadvance)

  y_cum = y_cum / nrecord

  return y_cum
コード例 #2
ファイル: cum4x.py プロジェクト: mikelval82/GePHYCAM
def cum4x(w, x, y, z, maxlag=0, nsamp=0, overlap=0, flag='biased', k1=0, k2=0):
  Fourth-order cross-cumulants.
     w,x,y,z  - data vectors/matrices with identical dimensions
               if w,x,y,z are matrices, rather than vectors, columns are
               assumed to correspond to independent realizations,
               overlap is set to 0, and samp_seg to the row dimension.
      maxlag - maximum lag to be computed    [default = 0]
    samp_seg - samples per segment  [default = data_length]
     overlap - percentage overlap of segments [default = 0]
               overlap is clipped to the allowed range of [0,99].
       flag : 'biased', biased estimates are computed  [default]
              'unbiased', unbiased estimates are computed.
      k1,k2 : the fixed lags in C4(m,k1,k2) defaults to 0

       y_cum:  estimated fourth-order cross cumulant,
             c4(t1,t2,t3) := cum( w^*(t), x(t+t1), y(t+t2), z^*(t+t3) )

    (lx, nrecs) = w.shape
    if (lx, nrecs) != x.shape or (lx, nrecs) != y.shape or (lx,
                                                            nrecs) != z.shape:
        raise ValueError('w,x,y,z should have identical dimensions')

    if lx == 1:
        lx = nrecs
        nrecs = 1

    if maxlag < 0: raise ValueError('"maxlag" must be non-negative ')
    if nrecs > 1: nsamp = lx
    if nsamp <= 0 or nsamp > lx: nsamp = lx

    if nrecs > 1: overlap = 0
    overlap = max(0, min(overlap, 99))

    overlap0 = overlap
    overlap = np.fix(overlap / 100 * nsamp)
    nadvance = nsamp - overlap

    if nrecs == 1:
        nrecs = np.fix((lx - overlap) / nadvance)

    # scale factors for unbiased estimates
    nlags = 2 * maxlag + 1
    zlag = maxlag

    tmp = np.zeros([nlags, 1])
    if flag == 'biased':
        scale = np.ones([nlags, 1]) / nsamp
        sc1 = 1 / nsamp
        sc2 = sc1
        sc12 = sc1
        ind = np.arange(-maxlag, maxlag + 1).T
        kmin = min(0, min(k1, k2))
        kmax = max(0, max(k1, k2))
        scale = nsamp - np.maximum(ind, kmax) + np.minimum(ind, kmin)
        scale = np.ones(nlags) / scale
        sc1 = 1 / (nsamp - abs(k1))
        sc2 = 1 / (nsamp - abs(k2))
        sc12 = 1 / (nsamp - abs(k1 - k2))
        scale = scale.reshape(-1, 1)

    # estimate second- and fourth-order moments combine
    y_cum = np.zeros([2 * maxlag + 1, 1])
    rind = np.arange(-maxlag, maxlag + 1)
    ind = np.arange(nsamp)

    print nrecs
    for i in xrange(nrecs):
        tmp = y_cum * 0
        R_zy = 0
        R_wy = 0
        M_wz = 0
        ws = w[ind]
        ws = ws - np.mean(ws)
        xs = x[ind]
        xs = xs - np.mean(xs)
        ys = y[ind]
        ys = ys - np.mean(ys)
        cys = np.conj(ys)
        zs = z[ind]
        zs = zs - np.mean(zs)

        ziv = xs * 0

        # create the "IV" matrix: offset for second lag
        if k1 >= 0:
            ziv[0:nsamp - k1] = ws[0:nsamp - k1] * cys[k1:nsamp]
            R_wy = R_wy + np.dot(ws[0:nsamp - k1].T, ys[k1:nsamp])
            ziv[-k1:nsamp] = ws[-k1:nsamp] * cys[0:nsamp + k1]
            R_wy = R_wy + np.dot(ws[-k1:nsamp].T, ys[0:nsamp + k1])

        # create the "IV" matrix: offset for third lag
        if k2 > 2:
            ziv[0:nsamp - k2] = ziv[0:nsamp - k2] * zs[k2:nsamp]
            ziv[nsamp - k2:nsamp] = np.zeros([k2, 1])
            M_wz = M_wz + np.dot(ws[0:nsamp - k2].T, zs[k2:nsamp])
            ziv[-k2:nsamp] = ziv[-k2:nsamp] * zs[0:nsamp + k2]
            ziv[0:-k2] = np.zeros([-k2, 1])
            M_wz = M_wz + np.dot(ws[-k2:nsamp].T, zs[0:nsamp - k2])

        if k1 - k2 >= 0:
            R_zy = R_zy + np.dot(zs[0:nsamp - k1 + k2].T, ys[k1 - k2:nsamp])
            R_zy = R_zy + np.dot(zs[-k1 + k2:nsamp].T, ys[0:nsamp - k2 + k1])

        tmp[zlag] = tmp[zlag] + np.dot(ziv.T, xs)
        for k in xrange(1, maxlag + 1):
            tmp[zlag -
                k] = tmp[zlag - k] + np.dot(ziv[k:nsamp].T, xs[0:nsamp - k])
            tmp[zlag +
                k] = tmp[zlag + k] + np.dot(ziv[0:nsamp - k].T, xs[k:nsamp])

        print y_cum.shape
        y_cum = y_cum + tmp * scale  # fourth-order moment estimates done
        print y_cum.shape

        R_wx = cum2x(ws, xs, maxlag, nsamp, overlap0, flag)
        R_zx = cum2x(zs, xs, maxlag + abs(k2), nsamp, overlap0, flag)
        M_yx = cum2x(cys, xs, maxlag + abs(k1), nsamp, overlap0, flag)

        y_cum = y_cum - R_zy * R_wx * sc12 - \
                R_wy * R_zx[rind - k2 + maxlag + abs(k2)] * sc1 - \
                M_wz.T * M_yx[rind - k1 + maxlag + abs(k1)] * sc2

        ind = ind + int(nadvance)

    y_cum = y_cum / nrecs

    return y_cum
コード例 #3
ファイル: cum4x.py プロジェクト: benjamin-weiss/spectrum
def cum4x(w, x, y, z, maxlag=0, nsamp=0, overlap=0, flag='biased', k1=0, k2=0):
  Fourth-order cross-cumulants.
     w,x,y,z  - data vectors/matrices with identical dimensions
               if w,x,y,z are matrices, rather than vectors, columns are
               assumed to correspond to independent realizations,
               overlap is set to 0, and samp_seg to the row dimension.
      maxlag - maximum lag to be computed    [default = 0]
    samp_seg - samples per segment  [default = data_length]
     overlap - percentage overlap of segments [default = 0]
               overlap is clipped to the allowed range of [0,99].
       flag : 'biased', biased estimates are computed  [default]
              'unbiased', unbiased estimates are computed.
      k1,k2 : the fixed lags in C4(m,k1,k2) defaults to 0

       y_cum:  estimated fourth-order cross cumulant,
             c4(t1,t2,t3) := cum( w^*(t), x(t+t1), y(t+t2), z^*(t+t3) )

  (lx, nrecs) = w.shape
  if (lx, nrecs) != x.shape or (lx, nrecs) != y.shape or (lx, nrecs) != z.shape:
    raise ValueError('w,x,y,z should have identical dimensions')

  if lx == 1:
    lx = nrecs
    nrecs = 1

  if maxlag < 0: raise ValueError('"maxlag" must be non-negative ')
  if nrecs > 1: nsamp = lx
  if nsamp <= 0 or nsamp > lx: nsamp = lx

  if nrecs > 1: overlap = 0
  overlap = max(0,min(overlap,99))

  overlap0 = overlap
  overlap  = np.fix(overlap/100 * nsamp)
  nadvance = nsamp - overlap

  if nrecs == 1:
    nrecs = np.fix((lx - overlap)/nadvance)

  # scale factors for unbiased estimates
  nlags = 2 * maxlag + 1
  zlag = maxlag

  tmp = np.zeros([nlags, 1])
  if flag == 'biased':
    scale = np.ones([nlags, 1]) / nsamp
    sc1 = 1/nsamp
    sc2 = sc1
    sc12 = sc1
    ind   = np.arange(-maxlag, maxlag+1).T
    kmin  = min(0,min(k1,k2))
    kmax  = max(0,max(k1,k2))
    scale = nsamp - np.maximum(ind,kmax) + np.minimum(ind,kmin)
    scale = np.ones(nlags) / scale
    sc1  = 1 / (nsamp - abs(k1))
    sc2  = 1 / (nsamp - abs(k2))
    sc12 = 1 / (nsamp - abs(k1 - k2))
    scale = scale.reshape(-1,1)

  # estimate second- and fourth-order moments combine
  y_cum  = np.zeros([2*maxlag+1, 1])
  rind = np.arange(-maxlag, maxlag+1)
  ind = np.arange(nsamp)

  print nrecs
  for i in xrange(nrecs):
    tmp = y_cum * 0
    R_zy   = 0
    R_wy = 0
    M_wz = 0
    ws = w[ind]
    ws = ws - np.mean(ws)
    xs = x[ind]
    xs = xs - np.mean(xs)
    ys = y[ind]
    ys = ys - np.mean(ys)
    cys = np.conj(ys)
    zs = z[ind]
    zs = zs - np.mean(zs)

    ziv = xs * 0

    # create the "IV" matrix: offset for second lag
    if k1 >= 0:
      ziv[0:nsamp-k1] = ws[0:nsamp-k1] * cys[k1:nsamp]
      R_wy = R_wy + np.dot(ws[0:nsamp-k1].T, ys[k1:nsamp])
      ziv[-k1:nsamp] = ws[-k1:nsamp] * cys[0:nsamp+k1]
      R_wy = R_wy + np.dot(ws[-k1:nsamp].T, ys[0:nsamp+k1])

    # create the "IV" matrix: offset for third lag
    if k2 > 2:
      ziv[0:nsamp-k2] = ziv[0:nsamp-k2] * zs[k2:nsamp]
      ziv[nsamp-k2:nsamp] = np.zeros([k2, 1])
      M_wz = M_wz + np.dot(ws[0:nsamp-k2].T, zs[k2:nsamp])
      ziv[-k2:nsamp] = ziv[-k2:nsamp] * zs[0:nsamp+k2]
      ziv[0:-k2] = np.zeros([-k2, 1])
      M_wz = M_wz + np.dot(ws[-k2:nsamp].T, zs[0:nsamp-k2])

    if k1-k2 >= 0:
      R_zy = R_zy + np.dot(zs[0:nsamp-k1+k2].T, ys[k1-k2:nsamp])
      R_zy = R_zy + np.dot(zs[-k1+k2:nsamp].T, ys[0:nsamp-k2+k1])

    tmp[zlag] = tmp[zlag] + np.dot(ziv.T, xs)
    for k in xrange(1, maxlag+1):
      tmp[zlag-k] = tmp[zlag-k] + np.dot(ziv[k:nsamp].T, xs[0:nsamp-k])
      tmp[zlag+k] = tmp[zlag+k] + np.dot(ziv[0:nsamp-k].T, xs[k:nsamp])

    print y_cum.shape
    y_cum = y_cum + tmp * scale # fourth-order moment estimates done
    print y_cum.shape

    R_wx = cum2x(ws,      xs, maxlag,         nsamp, overlap0, flag)
    R_zx = cum2x(zs,      xs, maxlag+abs(k2), nsamp, overlap0, flag)
    M_yx = cum2x(cys,     xs, maxlag+abs(k1), nsamp, overlap0, flag)

    y_cum = y_cum - R_zy * R_wx * sc12 - \
            R_wy * R_zx[rind - k2 + maxlag + abs(k2)] * sc1 - \
            M_wz.T * M_yx[rind - k1 + maxlag + abs(k1)] * sc2

    ind = ind + int(nadvance)

  y_cum = y_cum / nrecs

  return y_cum