def tritymain(): while True: try: main = raw_input('' + G + '' + color.BOLD + color.UNDERLINE + 'Tri>' + color.END) if main in swear: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Watch your language!" + color.END) elif main in spell: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Do you know how to spell?!" + color.END) elif main == "joke": joke() elif main == "info": info() elif main == "help": print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" print "" + C + "help " + W + "- displays this help message" print "" + C + "clear " + W + "- clears the screen" print "" + C + "exit " + W + "- exits tool" print "" + C + "tool " + W + "- displays info about the tool" print "" + C + "info " + W + "- displays computer and network info" print "" + C + "cd " + W + "- change working directories" print "" + C + "ls " + W + "- see files in working directory" print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" print "" + P + "speak " + W + "- text to speech" print "" + P + "ping " + W + "- ping a host" print "" + P + "banner " + W + "- print a new banner" print "" + P + "joke " + W + "- tell a joke" print "" + P + "quote " + W + "- print a quote" print "" + P + "contact " + W + "- contact me" print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" print "" + R + "website " + W + "- enter a website and get its ip" print "" + R + "clone" + W + " - clone a websites source " print "" + R + "whois" + W + " - whois a website" print "" + R + "web" + W + " - extract info from a website" print "" + R + "siteexists" + W + " - check if a site exists" print "" + R + "google" + W + " - find google results for a query" print "" + R + "clickjacking" + W + " - test websites for clickjacking vulnerability" print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" print "" + G + "ip " + W + "- geolocate an ip" print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" print "" + T + "email " + W + "- bomb an email address" print "" + T + "spoof email " + W + "- spoof an email address" print "" + T + "sms" + W + " - spam text messages " print "" + T + "crack" + W + " - bruteforce an email" print "" + T + "anonymous" + W + " - send an anonymous email" print "" + T + "facebook" + W + " - bruteforce a facebook account" print "" + T + "twitter" + W + " - check the details of a twitter account" print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" print color.CYAN + "craft" + W + " - generate useful scripts " print color.CYAN + "qr" + W + " - generate a qr code" print color.CYAN + "zip" + W + " - crack a password-protected zip file" print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" print color.BLUE + "encode base64" + W + " - text to base64" print color.BLUE + "decode base64" + W + " - base64 to text" print color.BLUE + "encode hex" + W + " - text to hex" print color.BLUE + "decode hex" + W + " - hex to text" print "" + W + "+----------------------------+" elif main == "sms": sms() elif main == "encode base64": encode() elif main == "decode base64": decode() elif main == "email": smtp() elif main == "quote": quote() elif main == "spoof email": os.system("python") elif main == "zip": zipfile() elif main == "decode hex": decode1() elif main == "encode hex": encode1() elif main == "google": googleSearch() elif main == "web": web() elif main == "clickjacking": clickjacking() elif main == "siteexists": siteexists() elif main == "qr": gen_qrcode() elif main == "twitter": twitter() elif main == "crack": gmail() elif main == "anonymous": anon() elif main == "contact": print('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Instagram:' + W + '' + color.BOLD + ' @_t0x1c -' + color.END) print('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Email me:' + W + '' + color.BOLD + ' [email protected]' + color.END) elif main == "ping": while True: hostname = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Host>' + color.END) os.system("ping " + hostname) elif main == "craft": while True: table() elif main == "facebook": facebook() elif main == "whois": whoisweb() elif main == "admin": admin() elif main == "banner": os.system('clear') banner() banner1() elif main == "speak": while True: speak = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'What to say>' + color.END) os.system('espeak "' + speak + '"') elif main == "echo": while True: echo = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'What to echo>' + color.END) os.system('echo ' + echo) elif main == "clone": clone() elif main == "cd": try: path = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Directory>' + color.END) os.chdir(path) except OSError: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not a directory!" + color.END) elif main == "ls": os.system('ls') elif main == "tool": print(color.UNDERLINE + '' + C + 'Version: 3.0.1' + color.END) print(color.UNDERLINE + '' + C + 'Time spent on it: 74 hours - 21 minutes' + color.END) print(color.UNDERLINE + '' + C + 'toxic is a sp00ky h4ck3r' + color.END) elif main == "website": while True: a = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Website>' + color.END) try: print socket.gethostbyname(a) except socket.gaierror: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Apparently host is unknown! :/" + color.END) elif main == "ip": ip = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'IP>' + color.END) if ip is None or ip == "": sys.exit("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Please enter an IP!" + color.END) reversed_dns = socket.getfqdn(ip) geoip = urllib.urlopen('' + ip).read().rstrip() print("" + G + "[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "IP Info" + color.END) print geoip elif main == "clear": os.system('clear') elif main == "exit": print("" + G + "[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Exiting..." + color.END) print("" + G + "[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[92m" + "GoodBye!" + color.END) time.sleep(0.2) sys.exit() elif main == "": print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Please enter an option!" + color.END) else: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not an option!" + color.END) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n" tritymain()
speak("f**k off, my love.....") elif youtube_search(query): '{}'.format( query)) #elif 'open facebook' in query: #'') elif 'post' in query: speak("sure Rahul....") media = post_it(query) lets_post = query.split(media)[1].capitalize() if media == 'facebook': facebook().face_book(lets_post) speak("post has been posted") elif 'love' in query: speak("Yes , of course") speak("actually, love is an emotions") speak( "Emotions that connects two lover , if you cannot able to know anyone's emotions you can never love anyone" ) speak("Are you satisfied by my answer") elif 'feelings' in query: speak("feeling !") speak("feelings is procedure how you connect with someone") speak("All the Living things in this Vast universe has a feelings")
def Cybermain(): while True: try: main = raw_input('' + G + '' + color.BOLD + color.UNDERLINE + 'Tri>' + color.END) if main in swear: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Please Dont use Bad lanuage....!!!!!!" + color.END) elif main in spell: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Do you know how to spell?!" + color.END) elif main == "joke": joke() elif main == "info": info() elif main == "help": print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print "" + C + "help " + W + "- displays this help message" print "" + C + "clear " + W + "- clears the screen" print "" + C + "exit " + W + "- exits tool" print "" + C + "tool " + W + "- displays info about the tool" print "" + C + "info " + W + "- displays computer and network info" print "" + C + "cd " + W + "- change working directories" print "" + C + "ls " + W + "- see files in working directory" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print "" + P + "echo " + W + "- echo given words" print "" + P + "speak " + W + "- text to speech" print "" + P + "ping " + W + "- ping a host" print "" + P + "banner " + W + "- print a new banner" print "" + P + "joke " + W + "- tell a joke" print "" + P + "quote " + W + "- print a quote" print "" + P + "contact " + W + "- contact me" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print "" + R + "website " + W + "- enter a website and get its ip" print "" + R + "clone" + W + " - clone a websites source " print "" + R + "whois" + W + " - whois a website" print "" + R + "web" + W + " - extract info from a website" print "" + R + "siteexists" + W + " - check if a site exists" print "" + R + "google" + W + " - find google results for a query" print "" + R + "clickjacking" + W + " - test websites for clickjacking vulnerability" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print "" + G + "ip " + W + "- geolocate an ip" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print "" + O + "spoof mac" + W + " - spoof mac address" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print "" + T + "emaill " + W + "- bomb an email address" print "" + T + "spoof email " + W + "- spoof an email address" print "" + T + "sms" + W + " - spam text messages " print "" + T + "crack" + W + " - bruteforce an email" print "" + T + "anonymous" + W + " - send an anonymous email" print "" + T + "facebook" + W + " - bruteforce a facebook account" print "" + T + "twitter" + W + " - check the details of a twitter account" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print color.CYAN + "craft" + W + " - generate useful scripts " print color.CYAN + "qr" + W + " - generate a qr code" print color.CYAN + "zip" + W + " - crack a password-protected zip file" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" print color.BLUE + "encode base64" + W + " - text to base64" print color.BLUE + "decode base64" + W + " - base64 to text" print color.BLUE + "encode hex" + W + " - text to hex" print color.BLUE + "decode hex" + W + " - hex to text" print "" + W + "+--------------Type the required Command--------------+" elif main == "spoof mac": print "" + C + "1 - Random MAC address" print "" + C + "2 - Set MAC address" print "" + C + "3 - See available addresses" while True: spoofmac = raw_input('' + G + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Cyber>Spoof>' + color.END) if spoofmac == "1": try: inter = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Interface>' + color.END) os.system(' randomize ' + inter) print "restart ur system to get back your MAC address" except: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Oops.... Something went wrong!" + color.END) elif spoofmac == "2": try: inter = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Interface>' + color.END) setmac = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'New MAC>' + color.END) os.system(' set ' + setmac + ' ' + inter) print "" + C + "Internet will not be available while Spoofing MAC address" print "" + G + "[*] Done!" + C + "restart ur system to get back your MAC address" except: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Oops... Something went wrong!" + color.END) elif spoofmac == "3": os.system(' list') else: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not an option!" + color.END) elif main == "sms": sms() elif main == "encode base64": encode() elif main == "decode base64": decode() elif main == "emaill": smtp() elif main == "quote": quote() elif main == "spoof email": spoofemail() elif main == "zip": zip() elif main == "decode hex": decode1() elif main == "encode hex": encode1() elif main == "google": googleSearch() elif main == "web": web() elif main == "clickjacking": clickjacking() elif main == "siteexists": siteexists() elif main == "qr": gen_qrcode() elif main == "crack": gmail() elif main == "anonymous": anon() elif main == "Contact me": print('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'facebook:' + W + '' + color.BOLD + '' + color.END) print('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Email me:' + W + '' + color.BOLD + ' [email protected]' + color.END) elif main == "ping": while True: hostname = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Host>' + color.END) os.system("ping " + hostname) elif main == "craft": while True: table() elif main == "facebook": facebook() elif main == "whois": whoisweb() elif main == "admin": admin() elif main == "banner": os.system('clear') banner() banner1() elif main == "speak": while True: speak = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'What to speak>' + color.END) os.system('espeak "' + speak + '"') elif main == "echo": while True: echo = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'What to echo>' + color.END) os.system('echo ' + echo) elif main == "clone": clone() elif main == "cd": try: path = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Directory>' + color.END) os.chdir(path) except OSError: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not a directory!" + color.END) elif main == "ls": os.system('ls') while True: a = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Website>' + color.END) try: print socket.gethostbyname(a) except socket.gaierror: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Apparently host is unknown! :/" + color.END) elif main == "ip": ip = raw_input('' + T + '' + color.UNDERLINE + 'IP>' + color.END) if ip is None or ip == "": sys.exit("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Please enter an IP!" + color.END) reversed_dns = socket.getfqdn(ip) geoip = urllib.urlopen( '' + ip).read().rstrip() print("" + G + "[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "IP Info" + color.END) print geoip elif main == "clear": os.system('clear') elif main == "exit": print("" + G + "[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Exiting..." + color.END) print("" + G + "[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[92m" + "GoodBye!" + color.END) time.sleep(0.2) sys.exit() elif main == "": print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Please enter an option!" + color.END) else: print("" + R + "[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not an option!" + color.END) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n" Cybermain()
def tritymain(): while True: try: main = raw_input(''+G+'' + color.BOLD + color.UNDERLINE + 'Tri>' + color.END) if main in swear: print(""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Watch your language!" + color.END) elif main in spell: print(""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Do you know how to spell?!" + color.END) elif main == "joke": joke() elif main == "info": info() elif main == "help": print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print ""+C+"help "+W+"- displays this help message" print ""+C+"clear "+W+"- clears the screen" print ""+C+"exit "+W+"- exits tool" print ""+C+"tool "+W+"- displays info about the tool" print ""+C+"info "+W+"- displays computer and network info" print ""+C+"cd "+W+"- change working directories" print ""+C+"ls "+W+"- see files in working directory" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print ""+P+"echo "+W+"- echo given words" print ""+P+"speak "+W+"- text to speech" print ""+P+"ping "+W+"- ping a host" print ""+P+"banner "+W+"- print a new banner" print ""+P+"joke "+W+"- tell a joke" print ""+P+"quote "+W+"- print a quote" print ""+P+"contact "+W+"- contact me" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print ""+R+"website "+W+"- enter a website and get its ip" print ""+R+"clone"+W+" - clone a websites source " print ""+R+"whois"+W+" - whois a website" print ""+R+"web"+W+" - extract info from a website" print ""+R+"siteexists"+W+" - check if a site exists" print ""+R+"google"+W+" - find google results for a query" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print ""+G+"ip "+W+"- geolocate an ip" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print ""+O+"spoof mac"+W+" - spoof mac address" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print ""+T+"email "+W+"- bomb an email address" print ""+T+"spoof email "+W+"- spoof an email address" print ""+T+"sms"+W+" - spam text messages " print ""+T+"crack"+W+" - bruteforce an email" print ""+T+"anonymous"+W+" - send an anonymous email" print ""+T+"facebook"+W+" - bruteforce a facebook account" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print color.CYAN + "craft"+W+" - generate useful scripts " print color.CYAN + "qr"+W+" - generate a qr code" print color.CYAN + "zip"+W+" - crack a password-protected zip file" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" print color.BLUE + "encode base64"+W+" - text to base64" print color.BLUE + "decode base64"+W+" - base64 to text" print color.BLUE + "encode hex"+W+" - text to hex" print color.BLUE + "decode hex"+W+" - hex to text" print ""+W+"+----------------------------+" elif main == "spoof mac": print ""+C+"1 - Random MAC address" print ""+C+"2 - Set MAC address" print ""+C+"3 - See available addresses" while True: spoofmac = raw_input(''+G+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Tri>Spoof>' + color.END) if spoofmac == "1": try: inter = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Interface>' + color.END) os.system(' randomize ' + inter) print ""+G+"[*] Done! "+C+"To change you MAC Address back to your original, restart your computer\n or set your MAC address to your original" except: print (""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Oops.... Something went wrong!" + color.END) elif spoofmac == "2": try: inter = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Interface>' + color.END) setmac = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'New MAC>' + color.END) os.system(' set ' + setmac + ' ' + inter) print ""+C+"Keep in mind you won't have internet during the time of your spoofed MAC!" print ""+G+"[*] Done!"+C+" To change you MAC Address back to your original, restart your computer\n or set your MAC address to your original" except: print (""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Oops... Something went wrong!" + color.END) elif spoofmac == "3": os.system(' list') else: print (""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not an option!" + color.END) elif main == "sms": sms() elif main == "encode base64": encode() elif main == "decode base64": decode() elif main == "email": smtp() elif main == "quote": quote() elif main == "spoof email": spoofemail() elif main == "zip": zipfile() elif main == "decode hex": decode1() elif main == "encode hex": encode1() elif main == "google": googleSearch() elif main == "web": web() elif main == "siteexists": siteexists() elif main == "qr": gen_qrcode() elif main == "crack": gmail() elif main == "anonymous": anon() elif main == "contact": print(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Skype:'+W+'' + color.BOLD + ' infamouzgaming' + color.END) print(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Instagram:'+W+'' + color.BOLD + ' @_t0x1c -' + color.END) print(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Email me:'+W+'' + color.BOLD + ' [email protected]' + color.END) print(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'XMPP:'+W+'' + color.BOLD + ' [email protected]' + color.END) elif main == "ping": while True: hostname = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Host>' + color.END) os.system("ping " + hostname) elif main == "craft": while True: table() elif main == "facebook": facebook() elif main == "whois": whoisweb() elif main == "admin": admin() elif main == "banner": os.system('clear') banner() banner1() elif main == "speak": while True: speak = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'What to say>' + color.END) os.system('espeak "' + speak + '"') elif main == "echo": while True: echo = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'What to echo>' + color.END) os.system('echo ' + echo) elif main == "clone": clone() elif main == "cd": try: path = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Directory>' + color.END) os.chdir(path) except OSError: print (""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not a directory!" + color.END) elif main == "ls": os.system('ls') elif main == "tool": print(color.UNDERLINE + ''+C+'Version: 3.0.1' + color.END) print(color.UNDERLINE + ''+C+'Time spent on it: 74 hours - 21 minutes' + color.END) print(color.UNDERLINE + ''+C+'toxic is a sp00ky h4ck3r' + color.END) elif main == "website": while True: a = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'Website>' + color.END) try: print socket.gethostbyname(a) except socket.gaierror: print (""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Apparently host is unknown! :/" + color.END) elif main == "ip": ip = raw_input(''+T+'' + color.UNDERLINE + 'IP>' + color.END) if ip is None or ip == "": sys.exit(""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Please enter an IP!" + color.END) reversed_dns = socket.getfqdn(ip) geoip = urllib.urlopen('' + ip).read().rstrip() print (""+G+"[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "IP Info" + color.END) print geoip elif main == "clear": os.system('clear') elif main == "exit": print (""+G+"[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Exiting..." + color.END) print (""+G+"[*] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[92m" + "GoodBye!" + color.END) time.sleep(0.2) sys.exit() elif main == "": print (""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Please enter an option!" + color.END) else: print (""+R+"[!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "That is not an option!" + color.END) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n" tritymain()
#!/usr/bin/env python import requests import facebook import json access_token = 'CAACEdEose0cBALZCz9lH9XqceleRDRO3KXzvCh0H8Pnoyc62upJXVZB8yoLYU426ku31UhDb3BanC7ha77iALZCKqNdoW8IokzztkuBRBGJ63CGh0yfQwXfftygZBpeRoIcnofoer5oXNpzsP37uAZAWIFETzN8ZChi8kPAsu3nnkfq0NW4BujqZBaVGoJ9ziyjD8aFRZCbhlQZDZD' base_url = '' g = facebook(access_token) # A helper function to pretty-print Python objects as JSON def pp(o): print json.dumps(o, indent=1) # Create a connection to the graph #g = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token) # Execute a few sample queries # Get 10 likes for 10 friends fields = 'id,name,friends.limit(100).fields(likes.limit(100))' url = '%s?fields=%s&access_token=%s' % \ (base_url, fields, access_token,) # This API is HTTP-based and could be requested in the browser, # with a command line utlity like curl, or using just about # any programming language by making a request to the URL.