コード例 #1
def classicalGlobalPSOV2(model, retries, changes, goal = 0.01, pat = 100, era = 100, np=30, phi_1=2.8, phi_2=1.3, inertia=0.8):
    emin = 0

    #setting vmax to full search range for an particle (from lit)
    # val bounds = [model.getBounds(i) for i in range(model.numOfDecisions())][0]
    # val difference 
    vmax = max([(x[1] - x[0]) for x in [model.getBounds(i) for i in range(model.numOfDecisions())]]) / 10.0

    radius = vmax * 0.20;
    s = gens(model, np, radius)
    #initialize grapher
    g = grapher(model, np)
    for can in s:
        g.addVector(can.pos, can.uniq)
    # Energy here is set to zero since we're not actively using it for now.
    st = state(model.name, 'classicalGlobalPSOV2', s, 0, retries, changes, era)
    print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
    print 'Model Name: ', model.name, '\nOptimizer: Classical Global PSO V2, K: ', changes
    # Set an initial value for the global best
    # The downside to setting pbest equal to the current
    # particle position is that if there is a high phi_1 value
    # the particle will stay still until something happens globally
    # that pushes it away.
    st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
    #Initialize objective mins and maxs
    #we whould do this just in case
    for c in st.s:
    tot_deaths = 0
    while st.t:
        st.k = changes
        patience = pat
        while st.k:
            num_deaths = 0
            for can in st.s:
                can.vel =  [inertia * vel + (phi_1 * random.uniform(0,1) * (best - pos)) + (phi_2 * random.uniform(0,1) * (gbest - pos)) \
                    for vel, pos, best, gbest in zip(can.vel, can.pos, can.pbest, st.sb)]
                #checking if velocity is at max
                can.vel = [vmax if vel > vmax else vel for vel in can.vel]
                can.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(can.pos, can.vel)]
                # Currently doing the same thing for particles that are
                # out of bounds and out of constraints, simply killing them
                # definitely some other options with this.  If they get to
                # bounds can set vector to boundary, and vel ot zero, then
                # just let them be pulled back into the space.
                if not model.checkBounds(can.pos):
                    can.pos = model.retry()
                    can.vel = [0.0 for x in can.pos]
                    # Should a killed candidate maintain it's phantom memory?
                    # Uncomment this to wipe its memory.
                    # can.pbest = list(can.pos)
                    num_deaths += 1
                if not model.checkConstraints(can.pos):
                    can.pos = model.retry()
                    can.vel = [0.0 for x in can.pos]
                    # Should a killed candidate maintain it's phantom memory?
                    # Uncomment this to wipe its memory.
                    # can.pbest = list(can.pos)
                    num_deaths += 1
                #Update objective maxs and mins
                g.addVector(can.pos, can.uniq)

            #logic for dealing with collision and combining
            for c in st.s:
                for can in st.s:
                    if c == can:
                        radius = distance(c.pos, can.pos)
                        #if we are within the particles gravitational pull
                        #combine into one particle
                        if radius < max(c.radius, can.radius):
                            #the particle with better energy 
                            #becomes the final particle
                            #we delete the particle with worse energy
                            print("particle " + str(c.uniq) + " combined")
                            if model.energy(c.pos) < model.energy(can.pos):
                                c.weight = c.weight + can.weight
                                c.radius = c.radius + can.radius
                                can.pos = model.retry()
                                can.vel = [0.0 for x in can.pos]
                                can.weight = can.weight + c.weight
                                c.radius = c.radius + can.radius
                                c.pos = model.retry()
                                c.vel = [0.0 for x in c.pos]
                            #here we repulse if we are outside
                            #the radius of gravitation for the
                            repulsedVelocity = repulsion(c, can, radius)
                            can.vel = [repulsedVelocity * vel for vel in can.vel]
                            can.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(can.pos, can.vel)]
                            #instead of resetting wiggle 
                            #each index until bounds and constraints
                            #are met
                            for i in xrange(len(can.pos)):
                                can.pos = model.singleRetry(can.pos, i)

                            #other particle will repulse the opposite direction    
                            c.vel = [-repulsedVelocity * vel for vel in c.vel]
                            c.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(c.pos, c.vel)]
                            for i in xrange(len(c.pos)):
                                c.pos = model.singleRetry(can.pos, i)

            tot_deaths += num_deaths
            #if you want to see step by step particle movement uncomment below
            #warning you will end up having to terminate this manually
            # print "======================="
            # print "BEGIN DOM PROC K: ", st.k
            # print "======================="
            best = st.s[0]
            best_list = []
            low_diff = []
            for c in st.s:
                best = c
                # print 'c is ', c.uniq
                # We first check the can's personal best
                # and update it if its current position
                # dominates.
                if model.cdom(c.pos, c.pbest, c):
                    c.pbest = list(c.pos)
                for can in st.s:
                    if c == can:
                    elif c.pos == can.pos:
                        # print "PARTICLES IN SAME POSITION"
                    # If we're at this point then the particles
                    # aren't exactly equal in position, and also
                    # aren't the same particle.
                    diff = sum([math.fabs(x-y) for x,y in zip(c.pos, can.pos)])
                    # if diff < 1:
                    #     # print 'diff: ', diff, ' particle ids: ', c.uniq, can.uniq
                    #     low_diff.append((c.uniq, can.uniq))
                    if model.cdom(can.pos, best.pos, can, best):
                        #If we're here then we've been
                        #bettered by the next can, so we
                        #just set it to be our cursor
                        best = can
                # Once we make it out here we should have the
                # global best candidate.
                if(not best.uniq in best_list):
                # print 'best id after run ', best.uniq
            st.sb = best.pos
            st.eb = model.energy(st.sb)
            # print 'low diff list ', low_diff
            # print 'best_list ', best_list
            st.k -= 1
        # We need a clean slate here.
        # print '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
        # print 'Global best: ', st.sb, '\nGlobal best energy: ', st.eb
        # print 'Num deaths: ', tot_deaths
        # print 'Total number of particles ', changes*np
        # print "Attrition %0.2f percent" % (100.0 * (tot_deaths/(changes*np)))
        #st.s = gens(model, np)
        st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
        st.t -= 1
コード例 #2
def classicalGlobalPSO(model, retries, changes, graph=False, goal = 0.01, pat = 100, era = 100, np=30, phi_1=2.8, phi_2=1.3, inertia=0.8):
    emin = 0

    #setting vmax to full search range for an particle (from lit)
    # val bounds = [model.getBounds(i) for i in range(model.numOfDecisions())][0]
    # val difference
    vmax = max([(x[1] - x[0]) for x in [model.getBounds(i) for i in range(model.numOfDecisions())]])


    s = gens(model, np)
    #initialize grapher
    if graph:
        g = grapher(model, np)
        for can in s:
            g.addVector(can.pos, can.uniq)
    # Energy here is set to zero since we're not actively using it for now.
    st = state(model.name, 'classicalGlobalPSO', s, 0, retries, changes, era)
    # print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
    # print 'Model Name: ', model.name, '\nOptimizer: Classical Global PSO, K: ', changes
    # Set an initial value for the global best
    # The downside to setting pbest equal to the current
    # particle position is that if there is a high phi_1 value
    # the particle will stay still until something happens globally
    # that pushes it away.
    st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
    st.sblast = st.s[0].pos
    bestcan = st.s[0]
    #Initialize objective mins and maxs
    #we whould do this just in case
    for c in st.s:
    tot_deaths = 0
    frontier = list()
    while st.t:
        st.k = changes
        while st.k:
            if st.sb == st.sblast:
                pat -= 1
                if pat == 0:
            num_deaths = 0
            for can in st.s:
                can.vel =  [inertia * vel + (phi_1 * random.uniform(0,1) * (best - pos)) + (phi_2 * random.uniform(0,1) * (gbest - pos)) \
                    for vel, pos, best, gbest in zip(can.vel, can.pos, can.pbest, st.sb)]
                #checking if velocity is at max
                can.vel = [vmax if vel > vmax else vel for vel in can.vel]
                can.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(can.pos, can.vel)]

                # Currently doing the same thing for particles that are
                # out of bounds and out of constraints, simply killing them
                # definitely some other options with this.  If they get to
                # bounds can set vector to boundary, and vel ot zero, then
                # just let them be pulled back into the space.
                if not model.checkBounds(can.pos) or not model.checkConstraints(can.pos):
                    can.pos = model.retry()
                    can.vel = [0.0 for x in can.pos]
                    # Should a killed candidate maintain it's phantom memory?
                    # Uncomment this to wipe its memory.
                    # can.pbest = list(can.pos)
                    num_deaths += 1
                #Update objective maxs and mins
                if graph:
                    g.addVector(can.pos, can.uniq)
            tot_deaths += num_deaths
            #if you want to see step by step particle movement uncomment below
            #warning you will end up having to terminate this manually
            best = st.s[0]
            best_list = []
            low_diff = []
            for i in xrange(len(st.s) - 1):
                pbret = model.cdom(st.s[i].pos, st.s[i].pbest, st.s[i], st.s[i])
                if pbret == 0 or pbret == -1:
                    st.s[i].pbest = list(st.s[i].pos)
                ret_val = model.cdom(st.sb, st.s[i+1].pos, bestcan, st.s[i+1])
                if ret_val == 0:
                    st.sb = st.s[i+1].pos
                    st.sblast = st.s[i+1].pos
                    bestcan = st.s[i+1]
                elif ret_val == -1:
                    addToFront(model, frontier, st.s[i+1].pos)
            if not st.sb in frontier:
                addToFront(model, frontier, st.sb)
            st.k -= 1
        # We need a clean slate here.
        # print '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
        # print 'Global best: ', st.sb, '\nGlobal best energy: ', st.eb
        # print 'Num deaths: ', tot_deaths
        # print 'Total number of particles ', changes*np
        # print "Attrition %0.2f percent" % (100.0 * (tot_deaths/(changes*np)))
        for can in st.s:
            addToFront(model, frontier, can.pbest)
        f = [model.cal_objs(pos) for pos in frontier]
        st.s = gens(model, np)
        st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
        st.sblast = st.s[0].pbest
        bestcan = st.s[0]
        st.t -= 1
    if graph:
コード例 #3
def PSOProbs(model, retries, changes, graph=False, goal = 0.01, pat = 100, \
era = 100, np=60, phi_1=3.8, phi_2=2.2, personalListSize=5, out='out.txt'):
    g = grapher(model, int(retries), 1, changes, "60NP_PSOProbsK" + str(changes))
    probTracker = [Probs(np) for i in xrange(np)]
    emin = 0
    phi_tot = phi_1 + phi_2
    k = (2.0/math.fabs(2.0 - (phi_tot) - math.sqrt(phi_tot**2.0 - 4.0*phi_tot)))
    # print "constriction factor ", k
    s = gens(model, np, personalListSize)
    st = state(model.name, '60NP_PSOProbs', s, 0, retries, changes, era, out=out)
    st.sb = st.s[0].pos
    bestcan = st.s[0]
    tot_deaths = 0
    for c in st.s:
    frontier = runDom(st, model, list())
    # basic idea is this is a list of positions that
    # persist between retries.
    global_frontier = list()
    #retry loop
    while st.t:
        print "."
        # model.initializeObjectiveMaxMin(st.sb)
        # for c in st.s:
        #     model.updateObjectiveMaxMin(c.pos)
        st.k = changes
        #iterative loop
        while st.k:
            if st.k % 100 == 0:
                print "="*29
                print "k ", st.k
                print "tot_deaths ", tot_deaths
            num_deaths = 0
            for can in st.s:
                previousEnergy = model.energy(can.pos) #we could also use domination instead against the pbest list
                currentParticle = probTracker[can.uniq].getParticle()
                pbest = [x for x in st.s if x.uniq == currentParticle][0].pos
                can.vel =  [k * (vel + (phi_1 * random.uniform(0,1) * (best - pos)) + \
                 (phi_2 * random.uniform(0,1) * (gbest - pos))) \
                    for vel, pos, best, gbest in zip(can.vel, can.pos, pbest, frontier[0])]
                # print 'can.vel ', can.vel
                can.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(can.pos, can.vel)]
                if not model.checkBounds(can.pos) or not model.checkConstraints(can.pos):
                    can.pos = model.retry()
                    can.vel = [0.1 for x in can.pos]
                    num_deaths += 1
                if(model.energy(can.pos) < previousEnergy): #could use dom against pbest list
            tot_deaths += num_deaths
            #g.trackParticle(st.s[0].pos, 0, st.k)
            # for v in st.s:
            #     g.addVector(v.pos, v.uniq)
            runDom(st, model, frontier)
            st.k -= 1
        st.s = gens(model, np, personalListSize)
        st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
        bestcan = st.s[0]
        for f in frontier:
            st.app_out(str(model.cal_objs_2(f)) + '\n')
            g.addVector(f, int(st.t))
        frontier = runDom(st,model,list())
        st.t -= 1
        # for v in st.s:
        #     g.addVector(v.pbest[0], v.uniq)
    for f in global_frontier:
コード例 #4
def classicalGlobalPSO(model,
    emin = 0

    #setting vmax to full search range for an particle (from lit)
    # val bounds = [model.getBounds(i) for i in range(model.numOfDecisions())][0]
    # val difference
    vmax = max([
        (x[1] - x[0])
        for x in [model.getBounds(i) for i in range(model.numOfDecisions())]


    s = gens(model, np)
    #initialize grapher
    if graph:
        g = grapher(model, np)
        for can in s:
            g.addVector(can.pos, can.uniq)
    # Energy here is set to zero since we're not actively using it for now.
    st = state(model.name, 'classicalGlobalPSO', s, 0, retries, changes, era)
    # print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
    # print 'Model Name: ', model.name, '\nOptimizer: Classical Global PSO, K: ', changes
    # Set an initial value for the global best
    # The downside to setting pbest equal to the current
    # particle position is that if there is a high phi_1 value
    # the particle will stay still until something happens globally
    # that pushes it away.
    st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
    st.sblast = st.s[0].pos
    bestcan = st.s[0]
    #Initialize objective mins and maxs
    #we whould do this just in case
    for c in st.s:
    tot_deaths = 0
    frontier = list()
    while st.t:
        st.k = changes
        while st.k:
            if st.sb == st.sblast:
                pat -= 1
                if pat == 0:
            num_deaths = 0
            for can in st.s:
                can.vel =  [inertia * vel + (phi_1 * random.uniform(0,1) * (best - pos)) + (phi_2 * random.uniform(0,1) * (gbest - pos)) \
                    for vel, pos, best, gbest in zip(can.vel, can.pos, can.pbest, st.sb)]
                #checking if velocity is at max
                can.vel = [vmax if vel > vmax else vel for vel in can.vel]
                can.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(can.pos, can.vel)]

                # Currently doing the same thing for particles that are
                # out of bounds and out of constraints, simply killing them
                # definitely some other options with this.  If they get to
                # bounds can set vector to boundary, and vel ot zero, then
                # just let them be pulled back into the space.
                if not model.checkBounds(
                        can.pos) or not model.checkConstraints(can.pos):
                    can.pos = model.retry()
                    can.vel = [0.0 for x in can.pos]
                    # Should a killed candidate maintain it's phantom memory?
                    # Uncomment this to wipe its memory.
                    # can.pbest = list(can.pos)
                    num_deaths += 1
                #Update objective maxs and mins
                if graph:
                    g.addVector(can.pos, can.uniq)
            tot_deaths += num_deaths
            #if you want to see step by step particle movement uncomment below
            #warning you will end up having to terminate this manually
            best = st.s[0]
            best_list = []
            low_diff = []
            for i in xrange(len(st.s) - 1):
                pbret = model.cdom(st.s[i].pos, st.s[i].pbest, st.s[i],
                if pbret == 0 or pbret == -1:
                    st.s[i].pbest = list(st.s[i].pos)
                ret_val = model.cdom(st.sb, st.s[i + 1].pos, bestcan,
                                     st.s[i + 1])
                if ret_val == 0:
                    st.sb = st.s[i + 1].pos
                    st.sblast = st.s[i + 1].pos
                    bestcan = st.s[i + 1]
                elif ret_val == -1:
                    addToFront(model, frontier, st.s[i + 1].pos)
            if not st.sb in frontier:
                addToFront(model, frontier, st.sb)
            st.k -= 1
        # We need a clean slate here.
        # print '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
        # print 'Global best: ', st.sb, '\nGlobal best energy: ', st.eb
        # print 'Num deaths: ', tot_deaths
        # print 'Total number of particles ', changes*np
        # print "Attrition %0.2f percent" % (100.0 * (tot_deaths/(changes*np)))
        for can in st.s:
            addToFront(model, frontier, can.pbest)
        f = [model.cal_objs(pos) for pos in frontier]
        st.s = gens(model, np)
        st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
        st.sblast = st.s[0].pbest
        bestcan = st.s[0]
        st.t -= 1
    if graph:
コード例 #5
ファイル: PSO.py プロジェクト: LambdaConglomerate/x9115lam
def PSO(model, retries, changes, graph=False, goal = 0.01, pat = 100, \
era = 100, np=30, phi_1=3.8, phi_2=2.2, personalListSize=5):
    g = grapher(model, int(retries), 1, changes, "PSO" + str(changes))
    emin = 0
    phi_tot = phi_1 + phi_2
    k = (2.0 / math.fabs(2.0 -
                         (phi_tot) - math.sqrt(phi_tot**2.0 - 4.0 * phi_tot)))
    s = gens(model, np, personalListSize)
    st = state(model.name, 'adaptiveGlobalPSO', s, 0, retries, changes, era)
    st.sb = st.s[0].pos
    bestcan = st.s[0]
    tot_deaths = 0
    for c in st.s:
    frontier = runDom(st, model, list())
    # basic idea is this is a list of positions that
    # persist between retries.
    global_frontier = list()
    #retry loop
    while st.t:
        print "."
        st.k = changes
        #iterative loop
        while st.k:
            if st.k % 100 == 0:
                print "=" * 29
                print "k ", st.k
                print "tot_deaths ", tot_deaths
            num_deaths = 0
            for can in st.s:
                can.vel =  [k * (vel + (phi_1 * random.uniform(0,1) * (best - pos)) + \
                 (phi_2 * random.uniform(0,1) * (gbest - pos))) \
                    for vel, pos, best, gbest in zip(can.vel, can.pos, can.pbest[0], frontier[0])]
                # print 'can.vel ', can.vel
                can.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(can.pos, can.vel)]
                if not model.checkBounds(
                        can.pos) or not model.checkConstraints(can.pos):
                    can.pos = model.retry()
                    can.vel = [0.1 for x in can.pos]
                    num_deaths += 1
            tot_deaths += num_deaths
            g.trackParticle(st.s[0].pos, 0, st.k)
            # for v in st.s:
            #     g.addVector(v.pos, v.uniq)
            runDom(st, model, frontier)
            st.k -= 1
        st.s = gens(model, np, personalListSize)
        st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
        bestcan = st.s[0]
        st.t -= 1
        for f in frontier:
            g.addVector(f, int(st.t))
        frontier = runDom(st, model, list())
        # for v in st.s:
        #     g.addVector(v.pbest[0], v.uniq)
    for f in global_frontier:
コード例 #6
ファイル: PSO.py プロジェクト: LambdaConglomerate/x9115lam
def PSO(model, retries, changes, graph=False, goal = 0.01, pat = 100, \
era = 100, np=30, phi_1=3.8, phi_2=2.2, personalListSize=5):
    g = grapher(model, int(retries), 1, changes, "PSO" + str(changes))
    emin = 0
    phi_tot = phi_1 + phi_2
    k = (2.0/math.fabs(2.0 - (phi_tot) - math.sqrt(phi_tot**2.0 - 4.0*phi_tot)))
    s = gens(model, np, personalListSize)
    st = state(model.name, 'adaptiveGlobalPSO', s, 0, retries, changes, era)
    st.sb = st.s[0].pos
    bestcan = st.s[0]
    tot_deaths = 0
    for c in st.s:
    frontier = runDom(st, model, list())
    # basic idea is this is a list of positions that
    # persist between retries.
    global_frontier = list()
    #retry loop
    while st.t:
        print "."
        st.k = changes
        #iterative loop
        while st.k:
            if st.k % 100 == 0:
                print "="*29
                print "k ", st.k
                print "tot_deaths ", tot_deaths
            num_deaths = 0
            for can in st.s:
                can.vel =  [k * (vel + (phi_1 * random.uniform(0,1) * (best - pos)) + \
                 (phi_2 * random.uniform(0,1) * (gbest - pos))) \
                    for vel, pos, best, gbest in zip(can.vel, can.pos, can.pbest[0], frontier[0])]
                # print 'can.vel ', can.vel
                can.pos = [pos + vel for pos, vel in zip(can.pos, can.vel)]
                if not model.checkBounds(can.pos) or not model.checkConstraints(can.pos):
                    can.pos = model.retry()
                    can.vel = [0.1 for x in can.pos]
                    num_deaths += 1
            tot_deaths += num_deaths
            g.trackParticle(st.s[0].pos, 0, st.k)
            # for v in st.s:
            #     g.addVector(v.pos, v.uniq)
            runDom(st, model, frontier)
            st.k -= 1
        st.s = gens(model, np, personalListSize)
        st.sb = st.s[0].pbest
        bestcan = st.s[0]
        st.t -= 1
        for f in frontier:
            g.addVector(f, int(st.t))
        frontier = runDom(st,model,list())
        # for v in st.s:
        #     g.addVector(v.pbest[0], v.uniq)
    for f in global_frontier: