コード例 #1
ファイル: query_backup.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_AuId_AuId(auId1, auId2, json1, json2):
	sys.stderr.write('query_AuId_AuId ' + str(auId1) + ' ' + str(auId2) + '\n')
	ans = []

	# =========== 2-hop ===========
	#print len(json1), len(json2)
	# print json2
	AFIdSet1 = set()
	IdList1 = []
	for paper1 in json1:
		if paper1.has_key('AA'):
			for i in paper1['AA']:
				if i.has_key('AfId') and i['AuId'] == auId1:
		if paper1.has_key('Id'):

	AFIdSet2 = set()
	IdList2 = []
	for paper2 in json2:
		if paper2.has_key('AA'):
			for i in paper2['AA']:
				if i.has_key('AfId') and i['AuId'] == auId2:
		if paper2.has_key('Id'):

	if len(AFIdSet1)>0 and len(AFIdSet2)>0:
		# AFIdList1.sort()
		# AFIdList2.sort()
		# jointAFIdList = join(AFIdList1, AFIdList2)
		# jointAFIdList = np.intersect1d(AFIdList1, AFIdList2)
		jointAFIdSet = AFIdSet1.intersection(AFIdSet2)
		# for AFId in jointAFIdList:
		map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, x, auId2]), jointAFIdSet)
	#print len(ans)
	if len(IdList1)>0 and len(IdList2)>0:
		jointIdList = join(IdList1, IdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, x, auId2]), jointIdList)
	#print len(ans)
	# =========== 3-hop ===========

	# AuId-Id-Id-AuId
	for paper1 in json1:
		if paper1.has_key('RId'):
			RIdList = paper1['RId']
			jointList = join(RIdList, IdList2)
			map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper1['Id'], x, auId2]), jointList)
			# paper1['RId'] = dict(zip(paper1['RId'], range(len(paper1['RId']))))
			# for paper2 in json2:
			# 	if paper2['Id'] in paper1['RId']:
			# 		ans.append([auId1, paper1['Id'], paper2['Id'], auId2])
	#print len(ans)
	return ans
コード例 #2
ファイル: hb-preproc.py プロジェクト: 62442katieb/hb-idconn
def get_niftis(subject_id, data_dir):
    from glob import glob
    from os.path import join, basename, exists
    parent_dir = '/Users/Katie/Dropbox/Data/habenula/'
    t1 = join(parent_dir, subject_id, 'anat', '3d.nii')
    epi = join(parent_dir, subject_id, 'func', 'rest.nii')
    assert exists(t1), "t1 does not exist"
    assert exists(epi), "epi does not exist"
    return t1, epi
コード例 #3
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_AuId_AuId(auId1, auId2, json1, json2):
	sys.stderr.write('query_AuId_AuId ' + str(auId1) + ' ' + str(auId2) + '\n')
	ans = []

	# =========== 2-hop ===========
	AFIdSet1 = set()
	IdList1 = []
	for paper1 in json1:
		if 'AA' in paper1:
			for i in paper1['AA']:
				if 'AfId' in i and i['AuId'] == auId1:
		if 'Id' in paper1:

	AFIdSet2 = set()
	IdList2 = []
	for paper2 in json2:
		if 'AA' in paper2:
			for i in paper2['AA']:
				if 'AfId' in i and i['AuId'] == auId2:
		if 'Id' in paper2:

	if len(AFIdSet1)>0 and len(AFIdSet2)>0:
		# AFIdList1.sort()
		# AFIdList2.sort()
		# jointAFIdList = join(AFIdList1, AFIdList2)
		# jointAFIdList = np.intersect1d(AFIdList1, AFIdList2)
		jointAFIdSet = AFIdSet1.intersection(AFIdSet2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, x, auId2]), jointAFIdSet)

	if len(IdList1)>0 and len(IdList2)>0:
		jointIdList = join(IdList1, IdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, x, auId2]), jointIdList)

	# =========== 3-hop ===========

	# AuId-Id-Id-AuId
	for paper1 in json1:
		if 'RId' in paper1:
			RIdList = paper1['RId']
			jointList = join(RIdList, IdList2)
			map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper1['Id'], x, auId2]), jointList)

	return ans
コード例 #4
def adddate(dbfn, report = True):
    infile = join(inpath, dbfn)
    dbdf = featherize(infile)
    for col in dbdf:
        dateformatted_col = list()
        inconsistent_msg = list()
        for row_i, val in enumerate(col):
                result = datecheck(val)
            except AssertionError: 
                continue # Ignore dateformat failed match
            matched_dateformat = result['dateformat']
            if len(matched_dateformat) > 1:
                errvars = (val, col, row_i, matched_dateformat)
                errmsg = 'Value %s in column %s row %d matches the following formats' % errvars
            if row_i = 1:
            consistent_format_condition = matched_dateformat == last_dateformat
            constitent_format_msg = 'Warning: Inconsistent dateformat for row %d in column %s' % (row_i, col)
                assert consistent_format_condition, consistent_format_msg
            except AssertionError:
            last_dateformat = matched_dateformat
        if inconsistent, print #some matched others didn't, verify
コード例 #5
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: Nicolas-Yax/IMAGEN-DC
 def load_from_xlsx(self, fnames, compute_scores=False):
     """ Load attributes from a given list of xlsx files """
     #Load tables one by one
     lt = []
     for f in fnames:
     #Join tables
     t = join(*lt)
     #Align columns
     out = find_matching_columns(t)
     #Store data in attributes
     [self.tf, self.time, self.ind, self.q] = out
コード例 #6
ファイル: query_backup.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_AuId_Id(auId1, id2, json1, json2):
	#sys.stderr.write('query_AuId_Id ' + str(auId1) + ' ' + str(id2) + '\n')
	print 'query_AuId_Id', auId1, id2
	ans = []
	now = time.time()
	url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=RId=%d&count=100000&orderby=CC:desc&attributes=Id&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%id2
	Id2citedResult = pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url,))

	#now = time.time()
	#json2 = getPaperJson(id2, 'F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId,AA.AfId')
	#print 'time use2: ', time.time() - now
	#url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=Composite(AA.AuId=%d)&count=20000&attributes=Id,RId,F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId&orderby=D:desc&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%auId1
	#json1 = json.loads((urllib.urlopen(url)).read())['entities']

	# =========== 1-hop =========== 

	# AuId-Id
	for paper in json1:
		if paper['Id'] == id2:
			ans.append([auId1, id2])

	# =========== 2-hop =========== 

	# AuId-Id-Id
	for paper in json1:
		if paper.has_key('RId') and (id2 in paper['RId']):
			ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], id2])

	# =========== 3-hop =========== 

	# AuId-Id-F.FId-Id
	if json2.has_key('F'):
		FIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json2['F'])
		for paper in json1:
			if paper.has_key('F'):
				FIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['FId'], paper['F'])
				jointFIdList = join(FIdListTmp, FIdList2)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], x, id2]), jointFIdList)

	# AuId-Id-C.CId-Id
	if json2.has_key('C'):
		CId2 = json2['C']['CId']
		for paper in json1:
			if paper.has_key('C') and paper['C']['CId'] == CId2:
				ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], CId2, id2])

	# AuId-Id-J.JId-Id
	if json2.has_key('J'):
		JId2 = json2['J']['JId']
		for paper in json1:
			if paper.has_key('J') and paper['J']['JId'] == JId2:
				ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], JId2, id2])

	# AuId-Id-AA.AuId-Id
	if json2.has_key('AA'):
		AuIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json2['AA'])
		for paper in json1:
			if paper.has_key('AA'):
				AuIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], paper['AA'])
				jointAuIdList = join(AuIdListTmp, AuIdList2)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], x, id2]), jointAuIdList)
	print 'AuId-Id-AuId-Id finished time =', time.time() - now	

	# AuId-Id-Id-Id
	#now = time.time()
	Id2cited = Id2citedResult.get()
	print 'Id2cited geted time =', time.time() - now
	if len(Id2cited) > 0:
		Id2citedList = map(lambda x:x['Id'], Id2cited)
		for paper in json1:
			if paper.has_key('RId'):
				RIdListTmp = paper['RId']
				jointRIdList = join(RIdListTmp, Id2citedList)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], x, id2]), jointRIdList)

	# AuId-AA.AFId-AA.AuId-Id
	AFIdSet1 = set()
	for paper in json1:
		if paper.has_key('AA'):
			for author in paper['AA']:
				if author['AuId'] == auId1 and author.has_key('AfId'):
	if len(AFIdSet1) > 0 and json2.has_key('AA'):
		authorPaperList = getAuthorPaperList(map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json2['AA']), 'AA.AuId,AA.AfId')
		authorSet2 = set()
		map(lambda x:authorSet2.add(x['AuId']), json2['AA'])
		uniqueSet = set()
		for paper in authorPaperList:
			if paper.has_key('AA'):
				for author in paper['AA']:
					auId2 = author['AuId']
					if (auId2 in authorSet2) and author.has_key('AfId') and (author['AfId'] in AFIdSet1) and not((author['AfId'], auId2) in uniqueSet):
						ans.append([auId1, author['AfId'], auId2, id2])
						uniqueSet.add((author['AfId'], auId2))
	print 'AuId-AfId-AuId-Id finished time =', time.time() - now

	#AFIdSet1 = set()
	#for paper in json1:
	#	if paper.has_key('AA'):
	#		for author in paper['AA']:
	#			if author['AuId'] == auId1 and author.has_key('AfId'):
	#				AFIdSet1.add(author['AfId'])
	#if json2.has_key('AA'):
	#	for author in json2['AA']:
	#		if author.has_key('AfId'):
	#			if author['AfId'] in AFIdSet1:
	#				ans.append([auId1, author['AfId'], author['AuId'], id2])
	return ans
コード例 #7
ファイル: query_backup.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_Id_Id_small(id1, id2, json1, json2):
	#sys.stderr.write('query_Id_Id ' + str(id1) + ' ' + str(id2) + '\n')
	print 'query_Id_Id_small', id1, id2
	ans = []

	#print json1

	#json1 = getPaperJson(id1, 'RId,F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId')
	#json2 = getPaperJson(id2, 'F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId')
	#print json1['RId']
	#print json2
	now = time.time()
	url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=RId=%d&count=50000&orderby=CC:desc&attributes=Id,F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%id2
	Id2citedResult = pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url,))
	if json1.has_key('RId'):
		urlAttributes = 'Id,RId'
		if json2.has_key('F'):
			urlAttributes += ',F.FId'
		if json2.has_key('J'):
			urlAttributes += ',J.JId'
		if json2.has_key('C'):
			urlAttributes += ',C.CId'
		if json2.has_key('AA'):
			urlAttributes += ',AA.AuId'
	#	id1CitePapersInfoResult = pool.map_async(lambda x:getPaperJson(x, urlAttributes), json1['RId'])
		id1CitePapersInfo = getPaperJsonList(json1['RId'], urlAttributes)
	#print 'time use2: ', time.time() - now

	# =========== 1-hop =========== 

	# Id-Id
	if json1.has_key('RId') and id2 in json1['RId']:
		ans.append([id1, id2])

	# =========== 2-hop =========== 

	# Id-F.FId-Id
	if json1.has_key('F'):
		FIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json1['F'])
	if json2.has_key('F'):
		FIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json2['F'])
	if json1.has_key('F') and json2.has_key('F'):
		jointFIdList = join(FIdList1, FIdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointFIdList)

	# Id-J.JId-Id
	if json1.has_key('J') and json2.has_key('J') and json1['J']['JId'] == json2['J']['JId']:
		ans.append([id1, json1['J']['JId'], id2])

	# Id-C.CId-Id
	if json1.has_key('C') and json2.has_key('C') and json1['C']['CId'] == json2['C']['CId']:
		ans.append([id1, json1['C']['CId'], id2])

	# Id-AA.AuId-Id
	if json1.has_key('AA'):
		AuIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA'])
	if json2.has_key('AA'):
		AuIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json2['AA'])
	if json1.has_key('AA') and json2.has_key('AA'):
		jointAuIdList = join(AuIdList1, AuIdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointAuIdList)

	# Id-Id-Id
	Id2cited = Id2citedResult.get()
	if json1.has_key('RId'):
		RIdList = json1['RId']
		Id2citedList = map(lambda x:x['Id'], Id2cited)
		jointRIdList = join(RIdList, Id2citedList)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointRIdList)

	# =========== 3-hop =========== 

	# Id-*-Id-Id
	if len(Id2cited) != 0:
		# Id-F.FId-Id-Id
		if json1.has_key('F'):
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if paper.has_key('F'):
					for F_element in paper['F']:
						if F_element['FId'] in FIdList1:
							ans.append([id1, F_element['FId'], paper['Id'], id2])

		# Id-J.JId-Id-Id
		if json1.has_key('J'):
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if paper.has_key('J') and paper['J']['JId'] == json1['J']['JId']:
					ans.append([id1, json1['J']['JId'], paper['Id'], id2])

		# Id-C.CId-Id-Id
		if json1.has_key('C'):
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if paper.has_key('C') and paper['C']['CId'] == json1['C']['CId']:
					ans.append([id1, json1['C']['CId'], paper['Id'], id2])
		# Id-AA.AuId-Id-Id
		if json1.has_key('AA'):
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if paper.has_key('AA'):
					for AA_element in paper['AA']:
						if AA_element['AuId'] in AuIdList1:
							ans.append([id1, AA_element['AuId'], paper['Id'], id2])

	# Id-Id-*-Id
	if json1.has_key('RId'):
		#id1CitePapersInfo = id1CitePapersInfoResult.get()
		# Id-Id-F.FId-Id
		if json2.has_key('F'):
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if id1CitePaper.has_key('F'):
					FIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['FId'], id1CitePaper['F'])
					jointFIdList = join(FIdListTmp, FIdList2)
					map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointFIdList)

		# Id-Id-J.JId-Id
		if json2.has_key('J'):
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if id1CitePaper.has_key('J') and id1CitePaper['J']['JId'] == json2['J']['JId']:
					ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], json2['J']['JId'], id2])

		# Id-Id-C.CId-Id
		if json2.has_key('C'):
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if id1CitePaper.has_key('C') and id1CitePaper['C']['CId'] == json2['C']['CId']:
					ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], json2['C']['CId'], id2])

		# Id-Id-AA.AuId-Id
		if json2.has_key('AA'):
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if id1CitePaper.has_key('AA'):
					AuIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], id1CitePaper['AA'])
					jointAuIdList = join(AuIdListTmp, AuIdList2)
					map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointAuIdList)

		# Id-Id-Id-Id
		tmp = len(ans)
		for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
			if id1CitePaper.has_key('RId'):
				RIdListTmp = id1CitePaper['RId']
				jointRIdList = join(RIdListTmp, Id2citedList)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointRIdList)
		#print 'len(Id-Id-Id-Id) =', len(ans)-tmp

	# return ans
	return ans
コード例 #8
+from pyqtbuild import PyQtBindings, PyQtProject
+from sipbuild import Option
+import PyQt5
+class PythonPopplerQt5(PyQtProject):
+    """The Project class."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.bindings_factories = [PopplerQt5Bindings]
+    def update(self, tool):
+        """Allows SIP to find PyQt5 .sip files."""
+        super().update(tool)
+        self.sip_include_dirs.append(join(PyQt5.__path__[0], 'bindings'))
+class PopplerQt5Bindings(PyQtBindings):
+    """The Poppler-Qt5 Bindings class."""
+    def __init__(self, project):
+        super().__init__(project, name='Poppler-Qt5',
+                         sip_file='poppler-qt5.sip',
+                         qmake_QT=['xml'])
+    def get_options(self):
+        """Our custom options that a user can pass to sip-build."""
+        options = super().get_options()
+        options.append(
+            Option('poppler_version',
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AdityaAgarwal681/Hasan-Imam
def dumm():
コード例 #10
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_Id_Id_small(id1, id2, json1, json2):
	print 'query_Id_Id_small', id1, id2
	ans = []
	now = time.time()
	url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=RId=%d&count=50000&orderby=CC:desc&attributes=Id,F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%id2
	Id2citedResult = pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url,))
	if 'RId' in json1:
		urlAttributes = 'Id,RId'
		if 'F' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',F.FId'
		if 'J' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',J.JId'
		if 'C' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',C.CId'
		if 'AA' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',AA.AuId'
		id1CitePapersInfo = getPaperJsonList(json1['RId'], urlAttributes)

	# =========== 1-hop =========== 

	# Id-Id
	if 'RId' in json1 and id2 in json1['RId']:
		ans.append([id1, id2])

	# =========== 2-hop =========== 

	# Id-F.FId-Id
	if 'F' in json1:
		FIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json1['F'])
	if 'F' in json2:
		FIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json2['F'])
	if 'F' in json1 and 'F' in json2:
		jointFIdList = join(FIdList1, FIdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointFIdList)

	# Id-J.JId-Id
	if 'J' in json1 and 'J' in json2 and json1['J']['JId'] == json2['J']['JId']:
		ans.append([id1, json1['J']['JId'], id2])

	# Id-C.CId-Id
	if 'C' in json1 and 'C' in json2 and json1['C']['CId'] == json2['C']['CId']:
		ans.append([id1, json1['C']['CId'], id2])

	# Id-AA.AuId-Id
	if 'AA' in json1:
		AuIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA'])
	if 'AA' in json2:
		AuIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json2['AA'])
	if 'AA' in json1 and 'AA' in json2:
		jointAuIdList = join(AuIdList1, AuIdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointAuIdList)

	# Id-Id-Id
	Id2cited = Id2citedResult.get()
	if 'RId' in json1:
		RIdList = json1['RId']
		Id2citedList = map(lambda x:x['Id'], Id2cited)
		jointRIdList = join(RIdList, Id2citedList)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointRIdList)

	# =========== 3-hop =========== 

	# Id-*-Id-Id
	if len(Id2cited) != 0:
		# Id-F.FId-Id-Id
		if 'F' in json1:
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if 'F' in paper:
					for F_element in paper['F']:
						if F_element['FId'] in FIdList1:
							ans.append([id1, F_element['FId'], paper['Id'], id2])

		# Id-J.JId-Id-Id
		if 'J' in json1:
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if 'J' in paper and paper['J']['JId'] == json1['J']['JId']:
					ans.append([id1, json1['J']['JId'], paper['Id'], id2])

		# Id-C.CId-Id-Id
		if 'C' in json1:
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if 'C' in paper and paper['C']['CId'] == json1['C']['CId']:
					ans.append([id1, json1['C']['CId'], paper['Id'], id2])
		# Id-AA.AuId-Id-Id
		if 'AA' in json1:
			for paper in Id2cited:
				if 'AA' in paper:
					for AA_element in paper['AA']:
						if AA_element['AuId'] in AuIdList1:
							ans.append([id1, AA_element['AuId'], paper['Id'], id2])

	# Id-Id-*-Id
	if 'RId' in json1:
		if 'F' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'F' in id1CitePaper:
					FIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['FId'], id1CitePaper['F'])
					jointFIdList = join(FIdListTmp, FIdList2)
					map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointFIdList)
		# Id-Id-J.JId-Id
		if 'J' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'J' in id1CitePaper and id1CitePaper['J']['JId'] == json2['J']['JId']:
					ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], json2['J']['JId'], id2])

		# Id-Id-C.CId-Id
		if 'C' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'C' in id1CitePaper and id1CitePaper['C']['CId'] == json2['C']['CId']:
					ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], json2['C']['CId'], id2])

		# Id-Id-AA.AuId-Id
		if 'AA' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'AA' in id1CitePaper:
					AuIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], id1CitePaper['AA'])
					jointAuIdList = join(AuIdListTmp, AuIdList2)
					map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointAuIdList)

		# Id-Id-Id-Id
		tmp = len(ans)
		for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
			if 'RId' in id1CitePaper:
				RIdListTmp = id1CitePaper['RId']
				jointRIdList = join(RIdListTmp, Id2citedList)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointRIdList)
	return ans
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AdityaAgarwal681/Hasan-Imam

def friday():

def dumm():
while True:

# Code for Timetable.py ends here 

day = (e.strftime("%a"))

if day=="Mon":
コード例 #12
-from os import listdir
-from os.path import isfile, join
 import importlib
 from routersploit.core.exploit.printer import (
@@ -18,6 +16,7 @@ from routersploit.core.exploit.printer i
 from routersploit.core.exploit.utils import (
+    index_modules,
@@ -28,14 +27,11 @@ def shell(exploit, architecture="", meth
     options = []
     if architecture and method:
-        path = "routersploit/modules/payloads/{}/".format(architecture)
         # get all payloads for given architecture
-        all_payloads = [f.split(".")[0] for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and f.endswith(".py") and f != "__init__.py"]
+        all_payloads = [p.lstrip('payloads.').replace('.', '/') for p in index_modules() if "payloads.{}".format(architecture) in p]
-        payload_path = path.replace("/", ".")
         for p in all_payloads:
-            module = getattr(importlib.import_module("{}{}".format(payload_path, p)), 'Payload')
+            module = getattr(importlib.import_module('routersploit.modules.payloads.' + p.replace('/', '.')), 'Payload')
             # if method/arch is cmd then filter out payloads
             if method is "cmd":
コード例 #13
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_Id_AuId(id1, auId2, json1, json2):
	print 'query_Id_AuId', id1, auId2
	ans = []
	now = time.time()

	paperIdList = map(lambda x:x['Id'], json2)

	# =========== 1-hop ===========

	# Id-AuId
	if 'AA' in json1 and (auId2 in map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA'])):
		ans.append([id1, auId2])

	# =========== 2-hop ===========

	# Id-Id-AuId
	if 'RId' in json1:
		RIdList = json1['RId']
		jointRIdList = join(paperIdList, RIdList)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, auId2]), jointRIdList)

	# =========== 3-hop ===========

	# Id-F.FId-Id-AuId
	if 'F' in json1:
		FIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json1['F'])
		for paper in json2:
			if 'F' in paper:
				FIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['FId'], paper['F'])
				jointFIdList = join(FIdListTmp, FIdList1)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, paper['Id'], auId2]), jointFIdList)

	# Id-C.CId-Id-AuId
	if 'C' in json1:
		CId1 = json1['C']['CId']
		for paper in json2:
			if 'C' in paper and paper['C']['CId'] == CId1:
				ans.append([id1, CId1, paper['Id'], auId2])

	# Id-J.JId-Id-AuId
	if 'J' in json1:
		JId1 = json1['J']['JId']
		for paper in json2:
			if 'J' in paper and paper['J']['JId'] == JId1:
				ans.append([id1, JId1, paper['Id'], auId2])

	# Id-AA.AuId-Id-AuId
	if 'AA' in json1:
		AuIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA'])
		for paper in json2:
			if 'AA' in paper:
				AuIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], paper['AA'])
				jointAuIdList = join(AuIdListTmp, AuIdList1)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, paper['Id'], auId2]), jointAuIdList)

	# Id-Id-Id-AuId
	if 'RId' in json1:
		citePaperInfoResults = pool.map_async(lambda x:getPaperJson(x, 'RId,Id'), RIdList)
		citePaperInfos = citePaperInfoResults.get()
		for citePaperInfo in citePaperInfos:
			if 'RId' in citePaperInfo:
				RIdListTmp = citePaperInfo['RId']
				jointRIdList = join(RIdListTmp, paperIdList)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, citePaperInfo['Id'], x, auId2]), jointRIdList)

	# Id-AA.AuId-AA.AfId-AuId
	AFIdSet2 = set()
	for paper in json2:
		if 'AA' in paper:
			for author in paper['AA']:
				if author['AuId'] == auId2 and 'AfId' in author:

	if len(AFIdSet2) > 0 and 'AA' in json1:
		authorPaperList = getAuthorPaperList(map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA']), 'AA.AuId,AA.AfId')
		authorSet1 = set()
		map(lambda x: authorSet1.add(x['AuId']), json1['AA'])
		uniqueSet = set()
		for paper in authorPaperList:
			if 'AA' in paper:
				for author in paper['AA']:
					auId1 = author['AuId']
					if (auId1 in authorSet1) and 'AfId' in author and (author['AfId'] in AFIdSet2) and not((auId1, author['AfId']) in uniqueSet):
						ans.append([id1, auId1, author['AfId'], auId2])
						uniqueSet.add((auId1, author['AfId']))

	return ans
コード例 #14
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_AuId_Id(auId1, id2, json1, json2):
	print 'query_AuId_Id', auId1, id2
	ans = []
	now = time.time()
	url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=RId=%d&count=100000&orderby=CC:desc&attributes=Id&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%id2
	Id2citedResult = pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url,))

	# =========== 1-hop =========== 

	# AuId-Id
	for paper in json1:
		if paper['Id'] == id2:
			ans.append([auId1, id2])

	# =========== 2-hop =========== 

	# AuId-Id-Id
	for paper in json1:
		if 'RId' in paper and (id2 in paper['RId']):
			ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], id2])

	# =========== 3-hop =========== 

	# AuId-Id-F.FId-Id
	if 'F' in json2:
		FIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json2['F'])
		for paper in json1:
			if 'F' in paper:
				FIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['FId'], paper['F'])
				jointFIdList = join(FIdListTmp, FIdList2)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], x, id2]), jointFIdList)

	# AuId-Id-C.CId-Id
	if 'C' in json2:
		CId2 = json2['C']['CId']
		for paper in json1:
			if 'C' in paper and paper['C']['CId'] == CId2:
				ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], CId2, id2])

	# AuId-Id-J.JId-Id
	if 'J' in json2:
		JId2 = json2['J']['JId']
		for paper in json1:
			if 'J' in paper and paper['J']['JId'] == JId2:
				ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], JId2, id2])

	# AuId-Id-AA.AuId-Id
	if 'AA' in json2:
		AuIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json2['AA'])
		for paper in json1:
			if 'AA' in paper:
				AuIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], paper['AA'])
				jointAuIdList = join(AuIdListTmp, AuIdList2)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], x, id2]), jointAuIdList)
	print 'AuId-Id-AuId-Id finished time =', time.time() - now	

	# AuId-Id-Id-Id
	Id2cited = Id2citedResult.get()
	print 'Id2cited geted time =', time.time() - now
	if len(Id2cited) > 0:
		Id2citedList = map(lambda x:x['Id'], Id2cited)
		for paper in json1:
			if 'RId' in paper:
				RIdListTmp = paper['RId']
				jointRIdList = join(RIdListTmp, Id2citedList)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([auId1, paper['Id'], x, id2]), jointRIdList)

	# AuId-AA.AFId-AA.AuId-Id
	AFIdSet1 = set()
	for paper in json1:
		if 'AA' in paper:
			for author in paper['AA']:
				if author['AuId'] == auId1 and 'AfId' in author:
	if len(AFIdSet1) > 0 and 'AA' in json2:
		authorPaperList = getAuthorPaperList(map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json2['AA']), 'AA.AuId,AA.AfId')
		authorSet2 = set()
		map(lambda x:authorSet2.add(x['AuId']), json2['AA'])
		uniqueSet = set()
		for paper in authorPaperList:
			if 'AA' in paper:
				for author in paper['AA']:
					auId2 = author['AuId']
					if (auId2 in authorSet2) and 'AfId' in author and (author['AfId'] in AFIdSet1) and not((author['AfId'], auId2) in uniqueSet):
						ans.append([auId1, author['AfId'], auId2, id2])
						uniqueSet.add((author['AfId'], auId2))
	print 'AuId-AfId-AuId-Id finished time =', time.time() - now
	return ans
コード例 #15
ファイル: query_backup.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_Id_AuId(id1, auId2, json1, json2):
	#sys.stderr.write('query_AuId_Id ' + str(id1) + ' ' + str(auId2) + '\n')
	print 'query_Id_AuId', id1, auId2
	ans = []
	#now = time.time()
	#json1 = getPaperJson(id1, 'RId,F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId,AA.AfId')
	#print 'time use: ', time.time() - now	
	#now = time.time()
	#url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=Composite(AA.AuId=%d)&count=20000&attributes=Id,F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId&orderby=D:asc&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%auId2
	#json2 = json.loads((urllib.urlopen(url)).read())['entities']

	paperIdList = map(lambda x:x['Id'], json2)

	# =========== 1-hop ===========

	# Id-AuId
	if json1.has_key('AA') and (auId2 in map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA'])):
		ans.append([id1, auId2])

	# =========== 2-hop ===========

	# Id-Id-AuId
	if json1.has_key('RId'):
		RIdList = json1['RId']
		jointRIdList = join(paperIdList, RIdList)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, auId2]), jointRIdList)

	# =========== 3-hop ===========

	# Id-F.FId-Id-AuId
	if json1.has_key('F'):
		FIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json1['F'])
		for paper in json2:
			if paper.has_key('F'):
				FIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['FId'], paper['F'])
				jointFIdList = join(FIdListTmp, FIdList1)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, paper['Id'], auId2]), jointFIdList)

	# Id-C.CId-Id-AuId
	if json1.has_key('C'):
		CId1 = json1['C']['CId']
		for paper in json2:
			if paper.has_key('C') and paper['C']['CId'] == CId1:
				ans.append([id1, CId1, paper['Id'], auId2])

	# Id-J.JId-Id-AuId
	if json1.has_key('J'):
		JId1 = json1['J']['JId']
		for paper in json2:
			if paper.has_key('J') and paper['J']['JId'] == JId1:
				ans.append([id1, JId1, paper['Id'], auId2])

	# Id-AA.AuId-Id-AuId
	if json1.has_key('AA'):
		AuIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA'])
		for paper in json2:
			if paper.has_key('AA'):
				AuIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], paper['AA'])
				jointAuIdList = join(AuIdListTmp, AuIdList1)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, paper['Id'], auId2]), jointAuIdList)

	# Id-Id-Id-AuId
	if json1.has_key('RId'):
		citePaperInfoResults = pool.map_async(lambda x:getPaperJson(x, 'RId,Id'), RIdList)
		citePaperInfos = citePaperInfoResults.get()
		for citePaperInfo in citePaperInfos:
			if citePaperInfo.has_key('RId'):
				RIdListTmp = citePaperInfo['RId']
				jointRIdList = join(RIdListTmp, paperIdList)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, citePaperInfo['Id'], x, auId2]), jointRIdList)

	# Id-AA.AuId-AA.AfId-AuId
	AFIdSet2 = set()
	for paper in json2:
		if paper.has_key('AA'):
			for author in paper['AA']:
				if author['AuId'] == auId2 and author.has_key('AfId'):
	if len(AFIdSet2) > 0 and json1.has_key('AA'):
		authorPaperList = getAuthorPaperList(map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA']), 'AA.AuId,AA.AfId')
		authorSet1 = set()
		map(lambda x: authorSet1.add(x['AuId']), json1['AA'])
		uniqueSet = set()
		for paper in authorPaperList:
			if paper.has_key('AA'):
				for author in paper['AA']:
					auId1 = author['AuId']
					if (auId1 in authorSet1) and author.has_key('AfId') and (author['AfId'] in AFIdSet2) and not((auId1, author['AfId']) in uniqueSet):
						ans.append([id1, auId1, author['AfId'], auId2])
						uniqueSet.add((auId1, author['AfId']))

	#AFIdSet2 = set()
	#for paper in json2:
	#	if paper.has_key('AA'):
	#		for author in paper['AA']:
	#			if author['AuId'] == auId2 and author.has_key('AfId'):
	#				AFIdSet2.add(author['AfId'])
	#if json1.has_key('AA'):
	#	for author in json1['AA']:
	#		if author.has_key('AfId'):
	#			if author['AfId'] in AFIdSet2:
	#				ans.append([id1, author['AuId'], author['AfId'], auId2])

	#print 'time use2: ', time.time() - now
	return ans
コード例 #16
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AdityaAgarwal681/Hasan-Imam
def thursday():
コード例 #17
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: a3616001/Mania
def query_Id_Id_big(id1, id2, json1, json2):
	print 'query_Id_Id_big', id1, id2
	ans = []

	now = time.time()
	url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=And(RId=%d,CC>0)&count=100000&orderby=CC:desc&attributes=Id,F.FId,J.JId,C.CId,AA.AuId&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%id2
	Id2citedResult = pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url, ))
	if 'RId' in json1:
		urlAttributes = 'Id,RId'
		if 'F' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',F.FId'
		if 'J' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',J.JId'
		if 'C' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',C.CId'
		if 'AA' in json2:
			urlAttributes += ',AA.AuId'
		id1CitePapersInfo = getPaperJsonList(json1['RId'], urlAttributes)

	# =========== 1-hop =========== 

	# Id-Id
	if 'RId' in json1 and id2 in json1['RId']:
		ans.append([id1, id2])

	# =========== 2-hop =========== 

	# Id-F.FId-Id
	if 'F' in json1:
		FIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json1['F'])
	if 'F' in json2:
		FIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['FId'], json2['F'])
	if 'F' in json1 and 'F' in json2:
		jointFIdList = join(FIdList1, FIdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointFIdList)

	# Id-J.JId-Id
	if 'J' in json1 and 'J' in json2 and json1['J']['JId'] == json2['J']['JId']:
		ans.append([id1, json1['J']['JId'], id2])

	# Id-C.CId-Id
	if 'C' in json1 and 'C' in json2 and json1['C']['CId'] == json2['C']['CId']:
		ans.append([id1, json1['C']['CId'], id2])

	# Id-AA.AuId-Id
	if 'AA' in json1:
		AuIdList1 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json1['AA'])
	if 'AA' in json2:
		AuIdList2 = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], json2['AA'])
	if 'AA' in json1 and 'AA' in json2:
		jointAuIdList = join(AuIdList1, AuIdList2)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointAuIdList)

	# Id-Id-Id
	# TODO 
	Id2cited = Id2citedResult.get()
	if 'RId' in json1:
		RIdList = json1['RId']
		Id2citedList = map(lambda x:x['Id'], Id2cited)
		jointRIdList = join(RIdList, Id2citedList)
		map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, x, id2]), jointRIdList)

	# =========== 3-hop =========== 

	# Id-*-Id-Id
	if len(Id2cited) != 0:

		now = time.time()
		poolResult = []
		if 'F' in json1:
			for FId in FIdList1:
				url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=And(RId=%d,Composite(F.FId=%d))&count=200000&attributes=Id&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%(id2, FId)
				poolResult.append(pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url, )))
		if 'J' in json1:
			url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=And(RId=%d,Composite(J.JId=%d))&count=200000&attributes=Id&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%(id2, json1['J']['JId'])
			poolResult.append(pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url, )))
		if 'C' in json1:
			url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=And(RId=%d,Composite(C.CId=%d))&count=200000&attributes=Id&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%(id2, json1['C']['CId'])
			poolResult.append(pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url, )))
		if 'AA' in json1:
			for AuId in AuIdList1:
				url = 'https://oxfordhk.azure-api.net/academic/v1.0/evaluate?expr=And(RId=%d,Composite(AA.AuId=%d))&count=200000&attributes=Id&subscription-key=f7cc29509a8443c5b3a5e56b0e38b5a6'%(id2, AuId)
				poolResult.append(pool.apply_async(lambda url:urlrequest(url)['entities'], (url, )))

		idx = 0

		# Id-F.FId-Id-Id
		if 'F' in json1:
			for FId in FIdList1:
				comPaperList = poolResult[idx].get()
				idx += 1
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, FId, x['Id'], id2]), comPaperList)

		# Id-J.JId-Id-Id
		if 'J' in json1:
			JId = json1['J']['JId']
			comPaperList = poolResult[idx].get()
			idx += 1
			map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, JId, x['Id'], id2]), comPaperList)

		# Id-C.CId-Id-Id
		if 'C' in json1:
			CId = json1['C']['CId']
			comPaperList = poolResult[idx].get()
			idx += 1
			map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, CId, x['Id'], id2]), comPaperList)
		# Id-AA.AuId-Id-Id
		if 'AA' in json1:
			for AuId in AuIdList1:
				comPaperList = poolResult[idx].get()
				idx += 1
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, AuId, x['Id'], id2]), comPaperList)

	# Id-Id-*-Id
	if 'RId' in json1:
		# Id-Id-F.FId-Id
		if 'F' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'F' in id1CitePaper:
					FIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['FId'], id1CitePaper['F'])
					jointFIdList = join(FIdListTmp, FIdList2)
					map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointFIdList)

		# Id-Id-J.JId-Id
		if 'J' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'J' in id1CitePaper and id1CitePaper['J']['JId'] == json2['J']['JId']:
					ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], json2['J']['JId'], id2])

		# Id-Id-C.CId-Id
		if 'C' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'C' in id1CitePaper and id1CitePaper['C']['CId'] == json2['C']['CId']:
					ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], json2['C']['CId'], id2])

		# Id-Id-AA.AuId-Id
		if 'AA' in json2:
			for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
				if 'AA' in id1CitePaper:
					AuIdListTmp = map(lambda x:x['AuId'], id1CitePaper['AA'])
					jointAuIdList = join(AuIdListTmp, AuIdList2)
					map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointAuIdList)

		# Id-Id-Id-Id
		tmp = len(ans)
		for id1CitePaper in id1CitePapersInfo:
			if 'RId' in id1CitePaper:
				RIdListTmp = id1CitePaper['RId']
				jointRIdList = join(RIdListTmp, Id2citedList)
				map(lambda x: ans.append([id1, id1CitePaper['Id'], x, id2]), jointRIdList)

	return ans