コード例 #1
ファイル: cphase.py プロジェクト: cryptogoth/super-kitaev
def cphase(n, L_prime):

	# Start with a clean slate
	resources = create_empty_resources()
	# Create the initial \ket{\psi_{n,1}}
	rps_res = rps(n=n)
	# Copy to create m \ket{\psi_{n,1}} via addition
	add_res = add(m = L_prime, n = n)
	resources = combine_resources(rps_res, add_res)
	# Add n Hadamards for creating \ket{\psi_{n,0}}
	resources['single'] += n
	resources['depth'] += 1

	# Add negations for L_prime * n addends, and then for the  n-bit result
	resources['single'] += ((L_prime*n) + n)
	resources['depth'] += 2
	# We need to load the values of l for each cphase gate w/ NOT gates
	resources['single'] += (L_prime * n)
	resources['depth'] += 1
	# We also need to simulate the cphase gates by adding the l values with DKRS
	# These can be done in parallel
	add_res = dkrs_add(n = n)
	#print "before multiply: " + str(add_res)

	add_res = multiply_resources_with_ancillae(add_res, L_prime)
	#print str(add_res)
	resources = combine_resources(resources, add_res)
	return resources
コード例 #2
ファイル: game.py プロジェクト: Brainz456/CM1101
def execute_play(game_id):
    """This function takes the name of a mini-game and then calls it. The game
    is then played by the player, if the player loses the mini-game, the player
    must "have a drink", which is implemented by a counter. If the player wins
    the mini-game, then the player doesn't incur any "drinking" penalties, i.e.
    the counter remains the same.
    global alcoholCounter
    global winCounter
    if game_id == "rps": # RPS works fine
        if current_room == rooms["Tiger Tiger"]:
            alc, win = rps()
            if alc == True and win == False:
                alcoholCounter += 1
            elif alc == False and win == True:
                winCounter += 1            
            print("You cannot play that game here.")
    elif game_id == "hangman": # Problem! Hangman won't seem to reset when you play it again!
        if current_room == rooms["Students Union"]:
            alcFromHangman = exec_hangman()
            if alcFromHangman < 6:
                winCounter += 1
            alcoholCounter += alcFromHangman
            print("You cannot play that game here.")
    elif game_id == "fetch": # Works fine.
        if current_room == rooms["Retros"]:
            print("You cannot play that game here.")
    elif game_id == "riddle": # Works fine.
        if current_room == rooms["Pryzm"]:
            riddleNumber = random.randint(1, 6)
            if (riddleNumber == 1):
                alcFromRiddle, winFromRiddle = riddle_one()
                if (alcFromRiddle == True and winFromRiddle == False):
                    alcoholCounter += 1
                    winCounter += 1
            if (riddleNumber == 2):
                alcFromRiddle, winFromRiddle = riddle_two()
                if (alcFromRiddle == True and winFromRiddle == False):
                    alcoholCounter += 1
                    winCounter += 1
            if (riddleNumber == 3):
                alcFromRiddle, winFromRiddle = riddle_three()
                if (alcFromRiddle == True and winFromRiddle == False):
                    alcoholCounter += 1
                    winCounter += 1
            if (riddleNumber == 4):
                alcFromRiddle, winFromRiddle = riddle_four()
                if (alcFromRiddle == True and winFromRiddle == False):
                    alcoholCounter += 1
                    winCounter += 1
            if (riddleNumber == 5):
                alcFromRiddle, winFromRiddle = riddle_five()
                if (alcFromRiddle == True and winFromRiddle == False):
                    alcoholCounter += 1
                    winCounter += 1
            print("You cannot play that game here.")
    elif game_id == "numberguesser": # Works fine.
        if current_room == rooms["Glam"]:
            alcoholCounter += number_guesser()
            winCounter += 1
            print("You cannot play that game here.")
    elif game_id == "blackjack": # Untested
        if current_room == rooms["Live Lounge"]:
            alcoholCounter += blackjack()
            winCounter += 1
            print("You cannot play that game here.")
    elif game_id == "mastermind": # Works fine.
        if current_room == rooms["Unse Unse Unse"]:
            alcoholCounter += mastermind()
            winCounter += 1
            print("You cannot play that game here.")
        print("This doesn't make sense.")
    print("Overall, you have consumed " + str(alcoholCounter) + " units of alcohol.")
    print("Overall, you have won the mini-games " + str(winCounter) + " times.")
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_rps.py プロジェクト: cryptogoth/super-kitaev
from rps import *

for i in range(6,24):
	resources = rps(n=i)
	print "n= " + str(i)
	print "resources= " + str(resources)