コード例 #1
ファイル: ksolver.py プロジェクト: profLewis/ksolver
  def iterate(self):
    d = self.d
    f0 = self.f0
    nbands = self.nbands
    nsets = self.nsets
    M = self.M
    det = self.det
    s = self.s

    # fk is the angular part
    # rho/f0 - 1 = f1 k1 + f2 k2
    fk = ma.array(np.zeros_like(d['refl']),mask=d['mask'])
    for i in xrange(nsets):
        fk[:,i] = d['refl'][:,i]/f0 - 1.0

    f1 = ma.array(np.zeros_like(f0[:,0,:,:]))
    f2 = ma.array(np.zeros_like(f0[:,0,:,:]))

    P = [f1,f2]

    # solve for estimate of f1, f2
    # given f0
    # for each band
    for i in xrange(nbands):
      V = np.zeros(2).astype(object)
      # for each sample
      for j in xrange(nsets):
        V[0] += np.sum(fk[i,j] * d['Ross'][j],axis=0)
        V[1] += np.sum(fk[i,j] * d['Li'][j],axis=0)

      for k in xrange(2):
        P[k][i] = (V[0]*M[k][0] + V[1]*M[k][1])/det

    # now model 1 + f1 k1 + f2 k2
    model = np.zeros_like(d['refl'])
    for i in xrange(nsets):
      # bands
      for j in xrange(nbands):
        model[j,i] = 1.0 + P[0][j]*d['Ross'][i] + P[1][j]*d['Li'][i]

    model = ma.array(model,mask=d['mask'])

    # re-estimate f0 = rho/(1+f1 k1 + f2 k2)
    # and average over all samples for given band / location / day
    f0_old = f0
    f0 = (d['refl']/model).mean(axis=1)
    # and smooth it
    sz = smoothn(f0,z0=f0_old,axis=1,s=s,isrobust=self.isrobust)
    s = sz[1]
    f0 = sz[0]
    self.outlier_wt = self.sz[3]
    self.f0 = f0
    self.sz = sz
    self.s = s
    self.model = model
    self.P = P
コード例 #2
ファイル: ksolver.py プロジェクト: profLewis/ksolver
    def iterate(self):
        d = self.d
        f0 = self.f0
        nbands = self.nbands
        nsets = self.nsets
        M = self.M
        det = self.det
        s = self.s

        # fk is the angular part
        # rho/f0 - 1 = f1 k1 + f2 k2
        fk = ma.array(np.zeros_like(d["refl"]), mask=d["mask"])
        for i in xrange(nsets):
            fk[:, i] = d["refl"][:, i] / f0 - 1.0

        f1 = ma.array(np.zeros_like(f0[:, 0, :, :]))
        f2 = ma.array(np.zeros_like(f0[:, 0, :, :]))

        P = [f1, f2]

        # solve for estimate of f1, f2
        # given f0
        # for each band
        for i in xrange(nbands):
            V = np.zeros(2).astype(object)
            # for each sample
            for j in xrange(nsets):
                V[0] += np.sum(fk[i, j] * d["Ross"][j], axis=0)
                V[1] += np.sum(fk[i, j] * d["Li"][j], axis=0)

            for k in xrange(2):
                P[k][i] = (V[0] * M[k][0] + V[1] * M[k][1]) / det

        # now model 1 + f1 k1 + f2 k2
        model = np.zeros_like(d["refl"])
        for i in xrange(nsets):
            # bands
            for j in xrange(nbands):
                model[j, i] = 1.0 + P[0][j] * d["Ross"][i] + P[1][j] * d["Li"][i]

        model = ma.array(model, mask=d["mask"])

        # re-estimate f0 = rho/(1+f1 k1 + f2 k2)
        # and average over all samples for given band / location / day
        f0_old = f0
        f0 = (d["refl"] / model).mean(axis=1)
        # and smooth it
        sz = smoothn(f0, z0=f0_old, axis=1, s=s, isrobust=self.isrobust)
        s = sz[1]
        f0 = sz[0]
        self.outlier_wt = self.sz[3]
        self.f0 = f0
        self.sz = sz
        self.s = s
        self.model = model
        self.P = P
コード例 #3
ファイル: ksolver.py プロジェクト: profLewis/ksolver
  def __init__(self,d,s=None,isrobust=True,f0=None):
    # initialise
    d = d.copy()

    mask = d['mask'][0]
    d['Ross'] = ma.array(d['Ross'],mask=mask)
    d['Li'] = ma.array(d['Li'],mask=mask)

    # form kernel estimation matrix terms
    k11 = np.sum(np.sum(d['Ross'] * d['Ross'],axis=1),axis=0)
    k22 = np.sum(np.sum(d['Li'] * d['Li'],axis=1),axis=0)
    k12 = np.sum(np.sum(d['Ross'] * d['Li'],axis=1),axis=0)
    k1 =  np.sum(np.sum(d['Ross'],axis=1),axis=0)
    k2 =  np.sum(np.sum(d['Li'],axis=1),axis=0)

    det = k11*k22 - k12*k12
    #det = N * det1 - k1*k1*k22 - k2*k2*k11 + 2 * k1*k2*k12

    M = np.zeros((2,2)).astype(object)
    M[0][0] =           k22
    M[0][1] = M[1][0] = -k12
    M[1][1]           = k11  

    # initial estimate at f0
    d['mask'] = (d['refl']>1.) | (d['refl']<0.) | d['mask']
    d['refl'] = ma.array(d['refl'],mask= d['mask'])
    if f0 == None:
      f0 = d['refl'].mean(axis=1)
      sz = smoothn(f0,axis=1,s=s,isrobust=isrobust)
      self.s = sz[1]
      self.f0 = sz[0]
      self.sz = sz
      self.outlier_wt = self.sz[3]
      self.f0 = f0

    self.nsets = d['refl'].shape[1]
    self.nbands = d['refl'].shape[0]

    self.M = M
    self.det = det
    self.mask = mask
    self.d = d
    self.isrobust = isrobust
    self.model = np.ones_like(d['refl'])
コード例 #4
ファイル: ksolver.py プロジェクト: profLewis/ksolver
    def __init__(self, d, s=None, isrobust=True, f0=None):
        # initialise
        d = d.copy()

        mask = d["mask"][0]
        d["Ross"] = ma.array(d["Ross"], mask=mask)
        d["Li"] = ma.array(d["Li"], mask=mask)

        # form kernel estimation matrix terms
        k11 = np.sum(np.sum(d["Ross"] * d["Ross"], axis=1), axis=0)
        k22 = np.sum(np.sum(d["Li"] * d["Li"], axis=1), axis=0)
        k12 = np.sum(np.sum(d["Ross"] * d["Li"], axis=1), axis=0)
        k1 = np.sum(np.sum(d["Ross"], axis=1), axis=0)
        k2 = np.sum(np.sum(d["Li"], axis=1), axis=0)

        det = k11 * k22 - k12 * k12
        # det = N * det1 - k1*k1*k22 - k2*k2*k11 + 2 * k1*k2*k12

        M = np.zeros((2, 2)).astype(object)

        M[0][0] = k22
        M[0][1] = M[1][0] = -k12
        M[1][1] = k11

        # initial estimate at f0
        d["mask"] = (d["refl"] > 1.0) | (d["refl"] < 0.0) | d["mask"]
        d["refl"] = ma.array(d["refl"], mask=d["mask"])
        if f0 == None:
            f0 = d["refl"].mean(axis=1)
            sz = smoothn(f0, axis=1, s=s, isrobust=isrobust)
            self.s = sz[1]
            self.f0 = sz[0]
            self.sz = sz
            self.outlier_wt = self.sz[3]
            self.f0 = f0

        self.nsets = d["refl"].shape[1]
        self.nbands = d["refl"].shape[0]

        self.M = M
        self.det = det
        self.mask = mask
        self.d = d
        self.isrobust = isrobust
        self.model = np.ones_like(d["refl"])
コード例 #5
    def S2_aot(self, ):
        self.wl = 0.490, 0.560, 0.665, 0.842, 1.610, 2.190, 0.865
        self.bands = 'B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'B11', 'B12', 'B8A'
        m = mgrs.MGRS()
        mg_coor = m.toMGRS(self.lat, self.lon, MGRSPrecision=4)
        self.place = mg_coor[:5]

        self.Hfile = os.getcwd()+'/s_data/%s/%s/%s/%d/%d/%d/0/'%(self.S2_fname[:2], self.S2_fname[2],\
                                                                 self.S2_fname[3:5], self.year, self.S2_month, self.S2_day)

        self.Lfile = glob.glob(
            '%s/MCD43A1.A%d%03d.h%02dv%02d.006.*.hdf' %
            (self.mdata, self.year, self.S2_doy, self.h, self.v))[0]

        mete = readxml('%smetadata.xml' % self.Hfile)
        self.sza = np.zeros(7)
        self.sza[:] = mete['mSz']
        self.saa = self.sza.copy()
        self.saa[:] = mete['mSa']
        # sometimes not all of the angles are available
            self.vza = (mete['mVz'])[[1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 8], ]
            self.vaa = (mete['mVa'])[[1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 8], ]
            self.vza = np.repeat(np.nanmean(mete['mVz']), 7)
            self.vaa = np.repeat(np.nanmean(mete['mVa']), 7)

        ll, ul, lr, ur = mg.toWgs(u'%s0000000000'%self.S2_fname), mg.toWgs(u'%s0000099999'%self.S2_fname),\
        mg.toWgs(u'%s9999900000'%self.S2_fname), mg.toWgs(u'%s9999999999'%self.S2_fname)

        self.dic = {
            'LL_LAT': ll[0],
            'LL_LON': ll[1],
            'LR_LAT': lr[0],
            'LR_LON': lr[1],
            'UL_LAT': ul[0],
            'UL_LON': ul[1],
            'UR_LAT': ur[0],
            'UR_LON': ur[1]
        self.corners = 10000, 10000

        #self.L_inds, self.H_inds = get_coords(self.lat,self.lon)
        self.L_inds, self.H_inds = MSL_geo_trans(self.lat, self.lon, self.dic,

        self.Lx, self.Ly = self.L_inds
        self.Hx, self.Hy = self.H_inds

        if glob.glob(self.Lfile + '_S2_aoi_brdf.pkl') == []:
            self.brdf, self.qa = get_brdf_six(
                self.Lfile, (self.sza, self.vza, self.vaa - self.saa),
                bands=[3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 6, 7],
            pkl.dump(np.array([self.brdf, self.qa]),
                     open(self.Lfile + '_S2_aoi_brdf.pkl', 'w'))

            self.brdf, self.qa = pkl.load(
                open(self.Lfile + '_S2_aoi_brdf.pkl', 'r'))

        if glob.glob(self.Hfile + 'cloud.tif') == []:
            cl = classification(fhead=self.Hfile,
                                bands=(2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13),
            self.cloud = cl.cm.copy()
            tifffile.imsave(self.Hfile + 'cloud.tif', self.cloud.astype(int))
            self.H_data = np.repeat(np.repeat(cl.b12, 2, axis=1), 2, axis=0)
            del cl
            self.cloud = tifffile.imread(self.Hfile + 'cloud.tif')

        struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
        self.dia_cloud = ndimage.binary_dilation(self.cloud.astype(bool),

        shape = (10000, 10000)
        xstd, ystd, angle, xs, ys = self.S2_psf[:5]
        self.shx, self.shy = (self.Hx + xs).astype(int), (self.Hy +
        self.val = (self.Hx + xs < shape[0]) & (self.Hy + ys < shape[1]) & (
            self.Hx + xs > 0) & (self.Hy + ys > 0)
        self.ker = self.gaussian(xstd, ystd, angle, True)

        retval = parmap(self.S2_get_to_cor, self.bands, nprocs=len(self.bands))
        self.S2_mask = np.array(retval)[:, 1, :].astype(bool)
        self.S2_data = np.array(retval)[:, 0, :]

        Mcomb_mask = np.all(self.qa < 2, axis=0)
        Scomb_mask = np.all(self.S2_mask, axis=0)

        s2 = self.S2_data.copy()
        br = self.brdf.copy()
        s2[:, (~Scomb_mask) | (~Mcomb_mask[self.val])] = np.nan
        s2[np.isnan(s2)], br[np.isnan(br)] = -9999999, -9999999
        mas = np.all((br[:, self.val] > 0) & (br[:, self.val] < 1) & (s2 > 0) &
                     (s2 < 1),
        self.to_cor = self.shx[self.val][mas], self.shy[
            self.val][mas], s2[:, mas], br[:, self.val][:, mas]

        dif = self.to_cor[3] - self.to_cor[2]
        u, d = dif.mean(axis=1) + 3 * dif.std(axis=1), dif.mean(
            axis=1) - 3 * dif.std(axis=1)
        in_mask = np.all(np.array([(dif[i] > d[i]) & (dif[i] < u[i])
                                   for i in range(len(dif))]),

        self.to_cor = self.shx[self.val][mas][in_mask], self.shy[self.val][mas][in_mask],\
        s2[:,mas][:,in_mask], br[:,self.val][:,mas][:, in_mask]
        self.qa = magic**(self.qa[:, self.val][:, mas][:, in_mask])

        self.emus = parallel_rw_pkl(None, '6S_emulation_S2_', 'r')
        self.w = (np.array(self.wl))**(-self._alpha)
        self.w = self.w / (self.w.sum())

        self.patch_pixs = 300
        patches = []
        self.inds = []
        indx, indy = self.to_cor[:2]
        self.post_uncs = []

        for i in np.arange(0, np.ceil(shape[0] / self.patch_pixs)):
            for j in np.arange(0, np.ceil(shape[1] / self.patch_pixs)):
                patch_mask = (indx>i*self.patch_pixs) & (indx<(i+1)*self.patch_pixs)\
                & (indy>j*self.patch_pixs) & (indy<(j+1)*self.patch_pixs)
                if patch_mask.sum() == 0:
                    patches.append(([0, 0, 0], 0))
                    self.inds.append([i, j])
                    patches.append(self._S2_opt(i, j, patch_mask))
                    self.inds.append([i, j])

        self.inds = np.array(self.inds)
        paras = np.array([i[0] for i in patches])
        cost = np.array([i[1] for i in patches
                         ]).reshape(int(self.inds[:, 0].max() + 1),
                                    int(self.inds[:, 1].max() + 1))
        para_names = 'aot', 'twv', 'tco'
        masks = []
        para_maps = []
        smed_paras = []
        unc_maps = []

        for _ in range(3):
            mask = (np.array(paras[:, _]).reshape(cost.shape)
                    == 0) | np.isnan(cost)
            unc = np.array([
                np.r_[np.array([i[0], i[1]]), i[2][_]] for i in self.post_uncs
            unc_map = np.zeros_like(cost)
            unc_map[:] = np.nan
            unc_map[unc[:, 0].astype(int), unc[:, 1].astype(int)] = unc[:, 2]
            w = np.zeros_like(cost)
            w[~mask] = 1. / unc_map[~mask]
            para_map = np.zeros_like(cost)
            para_map[mask] = paras[:, _].reshape(cost.shape)[~mask].mean()
            para_map[~mask] = paras[:, _].reshape(cost.shape)[~mask]
            smed_para = smoothn(para_map, s=0.05, W=w**2, isrobust=True)[0]
            tifffile.imsave(self.Hfile + '%s.tiff' % para_names[_], smed_para)

        self.masks, self.para_maps, self.unc_maps, self.smed_paras = masks, para_maps, unc_maps, smed_paras
        return unc_maps, smed_paras, para_maps
コード例 #6
    def modis_aot(self):
        Load data and solve the aot problem
        self.bands = 'B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'B11', 'B12', 'B8A'
        m = mgrs.MGRS()
        mg_coor = m.toMGRS(self.lat, self.lon, MGRSPrecision=4)
        self.place = mg_coor[:5]
        self.Hfile = os.getcwd()+'/s_data/%s/%s/%s/%d/%d/%d/0/'%(self.S2_fname[:2], self.S2_fname[2],\
                                                                 self.S2_fname[3:5], self.year, self.S2_month, self.S2_day)
        import pdb
        self.wl = 0.645, 0.8585, 0.469, 0.555, 1.24, 1.64, 2.13

        # vza,sza,vaa,saa
        modis_toa, modis_angles = grab_modis_toa(

        self.mcd43_f = glob.glob(
            '%s/MCD43A1.A%d%03d.h%02dv%02d.006.*.hdf' %
            (self.mdata, self.year, self.doy, self.h, self.v))[0]

        if glob.glob(self.mcd43_f + '_S2_aoi_brdf.pkl') == []:

            self.brdf, self.qa = get_brdf_six(self.mcd43_f, \
                                              (modis_angles[1], modis_angles[0], modis_angles[2]-modis_angles[3]),\
                                              bands=[3,4,1,2,2,6,7], flag=None, Linds= None)

            pkl.dump(np.array([self.brdf, self.qa]),
                     open(self.mcd43_f + '_S2_aoi_brdf.pkl', 'w'))
            self.brdf, self.qa = pkl.load(
                open(self.Lfile + '_S2_aoi_brdf.pkl', 'r'))
        if glob.glob(self.Hfile+'cloud.tif')==[]:
            cl = classification(fhead = self.Hfile, bands = (2,3,4,8,11,12,13), bounds = None)
            self.cloud = cl.cm.copy()
            tifffile.imsave(self.Hfile+'cloud.tif', self.cloud.astype(int))
            self.H_data = np.repeat(np.repeat(cl.b12, 2, axis=1), 2, axis=0)
            del cl
            self.cloud = tifffile.imread(self.Hfile+'cloud.tif')
        struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
        self.dia_cloud = ndimage.binary_dilation(self.cloud.astype(bool), structure=struct, iterations=60).astype(bool)

        shape = (10000, 10000)
        xstd, ystd, angle, xs, ys = self.S2_psf[:5]
        self.shx, self.shy = (self.Hx + xs).astype(int), (self.Hy +
        self.val = (self.Hx + xs < shape[0]) & (self.Hy + ys < shape[1]) & (
            self.Hx + xs > 0) & (self.Hy + ys > 0)
        self.ker = self.gaussian(xstd, ystd, angle, True)

        retval = parmap(self.S2_get_to_cor, self.bands, nprocs=len(self.bands))
        self.S2_mask = np.array(retval)[:, 1, :].astype(bool)
        self.S2_data = np.array(retval)[:, 0, :]

        Mcomb_mask = np.all(self.qa < 2, axis=0)
        Scomb_mask = np.all(self.S2_mask, axis=0)

        s2 = self.S2_data.copy()
        br = self.brdf.copy()
        s2[:, (~Scomb_mask) | (~Mcomb_mask[self.val])] = np.nan
        s2[np.isnan(s2)], br[np.isnan(br)] = -9999999, -9999999
        mas = np.all((br[:, self.val] > 0) & (br[:, self.val] < 1) & (s2 > 0) &
                     (s2 < 1),
        self.to_cor = self.shx[self.val][mas], self.shy[
            self.val][mas], s2[:, mas], br[:, self.val][:, mas]

        dif = self.to_cor[3] - self.to_cor[2]
        u, d = dif.mean(axis=1) + 3 * dif.std(axis=1), dif.mean(
            axis=1) - 3 * dif.std(axis=1)
        in_mask = np.all(np.array([(dif[i] > d[i]) & (dif[i] < u[i])
                                   for i in range(len(dif))]),

        self.to_cor = self.shx[self.val][mas][in_mask], self.shy[self.val][mas][in_mask],\
        s2[:,mas][:,in_mask], br[:,self.val][:,mas][:, in_mask]
        self.qa = magic**(self.qa[:, self.val][:, mas][:, in_mask])

        self.emus = parallel_rw_pkl(None, '6S_emulation_S2_', 'r')

        self.w = (np.array(self.wl))**(-self._alpha)
        self.w = self.w / (self.w.sum())

        patch_pixel = 240
        patches = 2400 / 240
        t = 1
        for i in xrange(patches):
            for j in xrange(patches):
                patch_toa = r[t][:, i * patch_pxiel:(i + 1) * patch_pxiel,
                                 j * patch_pxiel:(j + 1) * patch_pxiel]
                patch_boa = self.brdf[:, i * patch_pxiel:(i + 1) * patch_pxiel,
                                      j * patch_pxiel:(j + 1) * patch_pxiel]
                patch_ang = angles[:, i * patch_pxiel:(i + 1) * patch_pxiel,
                                   j * patch_pxiel:(j + 1) * patch_pxiel]

        self.patch_pixs = 300
        patches = []
        self.inds = []
        indx, indy = self.to_cor[:2]
        self.post_uncs = []

        for i in np.arange(0, np.ceil(shape[0] / self.patch_pixs)):
            for j in np.arange(0, np.ceil(shape[1] / self.patch_pixs)):
                patch_mask = (indx>i*self.patch_pixs) & (indx<(i+1)*self.patch_pixs)\
                & (indy>j*self.patch_pixs) & (indy<(j+1)*self.patch_pixs)
                if patch_mask.sum() == 0:
                    patches.append(([0, 0, 0], 0))
                    self.inds.append([i, j])
                    patches.append(self._S2_opt(i, j, patch_mask))
                    self.inds.append([i, j])

        self.inds = np.array(self.inds)
        paras = np.array([i[0] for i in patches])
        cost = np.array([i[1] for i in patches
                         ]).reshape(int(self.inds[:, 0].max() + 1),
                                    int(self.inds[:, 1].max() + 1))
        para_names = 'aot', 'twv', 'tco'
        masks = []
        para_maps = []
        smed_paras = []
        unc_maps = []

        for _ in range(3):
            mask = (np.array(paras[:, _]).reshape(cost.shape)
                    == 0) | np.isnan(cost)
            unc = np.array([
                np.r_[np.array([i[0], i[1]]), i[2][_]] for i in self.post_uncs
            unc_map = np.zeros_like(cost)
            unc_map[:] = np.nan
            unc_map[unc[:, 0].astype(int), unc[:, 1].astype(int)] = unc[:, 2]
            w = np.zeros_like(cost)
            w[~mask] = 1. / unc_map[~mask]
            para_map = np.zeros_like(cost)
            para_map[mask] = paras[:, _].reshape(cost.shape)[~mask].mean()
            para_map[~mask] = paras[:, _].reshape(cost.shape)[~mask]
            smed_para = smoothn(para_map, s=0.05, W=w**2, isrobust=True)[0]
            tifffile.imsave(self.Hfile + '%s.tiff' % para_names[_], smed_para)

        self.masks, self.para_maps, self.unc_maps, self.smed_paras = masks, para_maps, unc_maps, smed_paras
        return unc_maps, smed_paras, para_maps
コード例 #7
    def L8_aot(self):
        self.wl = np.array([482.04, 561.41, 654.59, 864.67, 1608.86, 2200.73
                            ]) / 1000
        self.bands = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
        pr = get_wrs(self.lat, self.lon)
        self.path, self.row = pr[0]['path'], pr[0]['row']
        self.Hfile = directory + 'l_data/%s_toa_' % (self.L8_fname)
        self.Lfile = glob.glob(
            '%s/MCD43A1.A%d%03d.h%02dv%02d.006.*.hdf' %
            (self.mdata, self.year, self.L8_doy, self.h, self.v))[0]
        self.sza, self.saa, self.vza, self.vaa, self.dic, self.corners = self.read_meta(
            self.Hfile, self.path, self.row)
        self.L_inds, self.H_inds = MSL_geo_trans(self.lat, self.lon, self.dic,
        self.Lx, self.Ly = self.L_inds
        self.Hx, self.Hy = self.H_inds
        self.angles = np.zeros((3, 6))
        self.angles[0, :] = self.sza
        self.angles[1, :] = self.vza
        self.angles[2, :] = self.vaa - self.saa

        if glob.glob(self.Lfile + '_L8_aoi_brdf.pkl') == []:
            self.brdf, self.qa = get_brdf_six(self.Lfile, (self.angles[0], self.angles[1], self.angles[2]),\
                                              bands=[3,4,1,2,6,7], flag=None, Linds= self.L_inds)
            pkl.dump(np.array([self.brdf, self.qa]),
                     open(self.Lfile + '_L8_aoi_brdf.pkl', 'w'))

            self.brdf, self.qa = pkl.load(
                open(self.Lfile + '_L8_aoi_brdf.pkl', 'r'))

        cloud = gdal.Open(self.Hfile[:-5] + '_cfmask.tif').ReadAsArray()
        cl_mask = cloud == 4  # cloud pixels; strictest way is to set the clear pixels with cloud==0
        struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
        self.dia_cloud = ndimage.binary_dilation(cl_mask,

        shape = self.dia_cloud.shape
        xstd, ystd, angle, xs, ys = self.L8_psf[:5]
        self.shx, self.shy = (self.Hx + xs).astype(int), (self.Hy +
        self.val = (self.Hx + xs < shape[0]) & (self.Hy + ys < shape[1]) & (
            self.Hx + xs > 0) & (self.Hy + ys > 0)
        self.ker = self.gaussian(xstd, ystd, angle, True)
        retval = parmap(self.L8_get_to_cor, self.bands, nprocs=len(self.bands))

        self.L8_mask = np.array(retval)[:, 1, :].astype(bool)
        self.L8_data = np.array(retval)[:, 0, :]

        Mcomb_mask = np.all(self.qa < 2, axis=0)
        Lcomb_mask = np.all(self.L8_mask, axis=0)

        l8 = self.L8_data.copy()
        br = self.brdf.copy()
        l8[:, (~Lcomb_mask) | (~Mcomb_mask[self.val])] = np.nan
        l8[np.isnan(l8)], br[np.isnan(br)] = -9999999, -9999999
        mas = np.all((br[:, self.val] > 0) & (br[:, self.val] < 1) & (l8 > 0) &
                     (l8 < 1),
        self.to_cor = self.shx[self.val][mas], self.shy[
            self.val][mas], l8[:, mas], br[:, self.val][:, mas]

        dif = self.to_cor[3] - self.to_cor[2]
        u, d = dif.mean(axis=1) + 3 * dif.std(axis=1), dif.mean(
            axis=1) - 3 * dif.std(axis=1)
        in_mask = np.all(np.array([(dif[i] > d[i]) & (dif[i] < u[i])
                                   for i in range(len(dif))]),

        self.to_cor = self.shx[self.val][mas][in_mask], self.shy[self.val][
            mas][in_mask], l8[:, mas][:, in_mask], br[:,
        self.qa = magic**(self.qa[:, self.val][:, mas][:, in_mask])

        self.emus = parallel_rw_pkl(None, '6S_emulation_L8_', 'r')

        self.w = (np.array(self.wl))**(-self._alpha)
        self.w = self.w / self.w.sum()

        self.patch_pixs = 100.
        patches = []
        self.inds = []
        indx, indy = self.to_cor[:2]
        self.post_uncs = []
        for i in np.arange(0, np.ceil(shape[0] / self.patch_pixs)):
            for j in np.arange(0, np.ceil(shape[1] / self.patch_pixs)):
                patch_mask = (indx>i*self.patch_pixs) & (indx<(i+1)*self.patch_pixs)\
                & (indy>j*self.patch_pixs) & (indy<(j+1)*self.patch_pixs)
                if patch_mask.sum() == 0:
                    patches.append(([0, 0, 0], 0))
                    self.inds.append([i, j])
                    patches.append(self._l8_opt(i, j, patch_mask))
                    self.inds.append([i, j])

        self.inds = np.array(self.inds)
        paras = np.array([i[0] for i in patches])
        cost = np.array([i[1] for i in patches
                         ]).reshape(int(self.inds[:, 0].max() + 1),
                                    int(self.inds[:, 1].max() + 1))
        para_names = 'aot', 'twv', 'tco'
        masks = []
        para_maps = []
        smed_paras = []
        unc_maps = []
        for _ in range(3):
            mask = (np.array(paras[:, _]).reshape(cost.shape)
                    == 0) | np.isnan(cost)
            unc = np.array([
                np.r_[np.array([i[0], i[1]]), i[2][_]] for i in self.post_uncs
            unc_map = np.zeros_like(cost)
            unc_map[:] = np.nan
            unc_map[unc[:, 0].astype(int), unc[:, 1].astype(int)] = unc[:, 2]
            w = np.zeros_like(cost)
            w[~mask] = 1. / unc_map[~mask]
            para_map = np.zeros_like(cost)
            para_map[mask] = paras[:, _].reshape(cost.shape)[~mask].mean()
            para_map[~mask] = paras[:, _].reshape(cost.shape)[~mask]
            smed_para = smoothn(para_map, s=0.05, W=w**2, isrobust=True)[0]
            tifffile.imsave(self.Hfile + '%s.tiff' % para_names[_], smed_para)

        self.masks, self.para_maps, self.unc_maps = masks, para_maps, unc_maps
        return unc_maps, smed_paras, para_maps
コード例 #8
    #mask = ((d == 0).sum(axis=0) == d.shape[0])
    #idx = np.where(mask==False)

    client = Client(n_workers=1, threads_per_worker=1, memory_limit='12GB')

    #print(d[:, idx[0], idx[1]])

    bands, rows, cols = d.shape

    block = 50
    for start_row in range(0, rows, block):
        if start_row + block > rows:
            end_row = rows
            end_row = start_row + block

        tmp_data = d[:, start_row:end_row + 1, :].compute().data
        smoothed_data[:, start_row:end_row + 1, :] = \
                        isrobust=True, s=0.75, TolZ=1e-6, axis=0)[0]

#    smoothed_data[:, idx[0], idx[1]] = smoothn(d[:, idx[0], idx[1]],
#            isrobust=True, s=0.75, TolZ=1e-6, axis=0)[0]
    #smoothed_data = smoothn(d.compute().data,
    #        isrobust=True, s=0.75, TolZ=1e-6, axis=0)[0]
