def startbanner(): print" \033[94m ______ _ _ __ _______ _ __ __ _\033[0m" print" \033[94m| ____| | | (_)/ _| |__ __| | \ \ / / | |\033[0m" print" \033[94m| |__ ___ _ __| |_ _| |_ _ _| | | |__ __\ \ /\ / /__| |__\033[0m" print" \033[94m| __/ _ \| '__| __| | _| | | | | | '_ \ / _ \ \/ \/ / _ \ '_ \ \033[0m" print" \033[94m| | | (_) | | | |_| | | | |_| | | | | | | __/\ /\ / __/ |_) |\033[0m" print" \033[94m|_| \___/|_| \__|_|_| \__, |_| |_| |_|\___| \/ \/ \___|_.__/ \033[0m" print" \033[94m __/ | ShadowLabs \033[0m" print" \033[94m |___/ \033[0m" print"" print(' \033[94m******************************************\033[0m') print(' \033[94mFTW (Fortify The Web)\033[0m') print(' \033[94mDevs: @semprix, @httphacker, @shipcod3\033[0m') print(' \033[94mVersion: v1.0\033[0m') print(' \033[94m******************************************\033[0m') print "" print "Target:", sys.argv[1] try: reversedns = socket.gethostbyaddr(sys.argv[1]) print "IP Address:", reversedns print "Fortifying the Web now!!!" except socket.error as e: printout (' >> Hostname lookup failed, application will now shutdown', RED) time.sleep(3) print "[*] Shutting down" timer() sys.exit()
def display(main_window, background_color, user_data, quiz_questions): frame_timer = tk.Frame(main_window, background=background_color) frame_timer.pack() label_timer = tk.Label(frame_timer, text="timer", font=("helvetica", 20), background=background_color, justify="center") label_timer.pack() timer(label_timer, time, lambda: end_page(main_window, quiz_questions, user_data)) label_roll = label_timer = tk.Label(frame_timer, text="Roll: " + str(user_data[1]), font=("helvetica", 20), background=background_color, justify="center") label_roll.pack(pady=5) label_user = label_timer = tk.Label(frame_timer, text="Name: " + str(user_data[0]), font=("helvetica", 20), background=background_color, justify="center") label_user.pack(pady=5) label_unattempted = tk.Label(frame_timer, text="Unattempted Questions: " + str(0), font=("helvetica", 20), background=background_color, justify="center") label_unattempted.pack() return frame_timer, label_unattempted
def TimeTest(parallel=0): timer() if parallel == 1: print(PlaySetParallel(1)) else: print(PlaySimpleSet(100)) #print(PlaySetParallel(100)) timer()
def total(reps,func,*pargs,**kargs): """""" Total time to run func()reps times Return(total time,last results) """""" repslist=list(range(reps)) #Hoist out equalize 2x,3x start=timer() #Or perf__counter/other in 3.3+ for i in repslist: ret=func(pargs.**kargs) elapsed=timer()-start return(elapsed,ret)
def main(): timer() # print(simple_success_indicator(player1)) games = 1000 thresh = 100 results = [] for i in range(games): player1 = Player(1, buying_threshold=thresh, building_threshold=5, jail_time=0, smart_jail_strategy=False, complete_monopoly=0, group_preferences=(), development_threshold=0) player2 = Player(2, buying_threshold=100, building_threshold=5, jail_time=0, smart_jail_strategy=False, complete_monopoly=0, group_preferences=(), development_threshold=0) game0 = Game([player1, player2], cutoff=1000) results.append([0]) print("thresh=", thresh, "ties", results.count(0) / games) print("thresh=", thresh, "p1", results.count(1) / games) print("thresh=", thresh, "p2", results.count(2) / games) timer()
def __init__(self, master=None): # parameters that you want to send through the Frame class. Frame.__init__(self, master) #reference to the master widget, which is the tk window self.master = master self.gc = [] #with that, we want to then run init_window, which doesn't yet exist self.init_window() self.timer=timer(self,1) self.timer.start()
def parse(args): global writeMac i = 0 while i < len(args): # charsets args if args[i] == '-b': sysBurnMac() elif args[i] == '-m': sysWriteMac() elif args[i] == '-t': timer('t') elif args[i] == '-br': timer('br') # help args elif args[i] == '-h': help() sys.exit(0) i += 1 if len(args) == 0: help() exit(1)
def parseTimer(self, data): # Compile the regular expression pattern into a regular expression object to # parse the timer data. pattern = re.compile(r""" .*?runtime: (?P<runtime>.*?)s.* """, re.VERBOSE|re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) match = pattern.match(data.decode()) if not match: Log.Fatal("Can't parse the data: wrong format") return -1 else: # Create a namedtuple and return the timer data. timer = collections.namedtuple("timer", ["runtime"]) return timer(float("runtime")))
def main(): arguments = sys.argv #pull in arguments counter = 0 numExpected = False for item in arguments: if (numExpected): data = item.split('/') times.append(float(data[1])) myDe.debugPrint(times) mtrNum = int(data[0]) motors.append(motor(motorPins[mtrNum - 1], myDe, mtrNum)) print(times) print(mtrNum) numExpected = False #print(item) if (item == "-D" or item == "-d"): myDe.activate() myDe.debugPrint(item, "input " + str(counter)) counter = counter + 1 if (item.startswith("-t")): myDe.debugPrint("found timer input in minutes") numExpected = True count = 0 for tm in times: newTimer = timer(tm, myDe, motors[count]) timers.append(newTimer) count += 1 #myDe.debugPrint("Debugger Activated") for i in range(0, len(timers)): t = threading.Thread(target=beginTimer, args=(i, )) t.daemon = True t.start() activeTimers = True time.sleep(3) while (activeTimers): activeTimers = False for tmr in timers: print(tmr.isRunning()) if (tmr.isRunning()): activeTimers = True time.sleep(1)
from timer import * timer = timer() import numpy as np from licker import * #from subj import Sessions, Trials, Licks from stimulus import * import pygame import os from glob import glob os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (0, 0) # Set Parameters w = 480 h = 320 max_trials = 1 RP = 4 ITI = 2 # Set images GO_images = glob('images/obj1*') NOGO_images = glob('images/obj2*') # Initialize image matrices GO_resp = np.ones(np.size(GO_images)) NOGO_resp = np.zeros(np.size(NOGO_images)) ALL_images = GO_images + NOGO_images ALL_resp = np.concatenate([GO_resp, NOGO_resp]) # Load images stim = stimulus(ALL_images, w, h)
import time def timer(func, *args): start = time.perf_counter() for i in range(1000): func(*args) return time.perf_counter() - start timer(pow, 2, 1000) timer(str.upper, 'spam'), pow, 2, 1000)[0] timer.bestof(1000, str.upper, 'spam') timer.bestoftotal(50, 1000, str.upper, 'spam') ## timing script import sys, timer reps = 10000 replist = list(range(reps)) def forLoop(): res = [] for x in replist: res.append(abs(x)) return res def listComp(): return [abs(x) for x in replist]
repslist=list(range(reps)) #Hoist out equalize 2x,3x start=timer() #Or perf__counter/other in 3.3+ for i in repslist: ret=func(pargs.**kargs) elapsed=timer()-start return(elapsed,ret) def best of(reps,func,*pargs,*pargs,**kargs): """""" Quickest func()among reps runs. Return(best time,last results) """""" best=2**32 #136 years seems large enough for i in range(reps) #range usage not times here start=timed() ret=func(*pargs,**kargs) elapsed=timer()-start #Or call total()with reps=1 if elapsed < best:best=elapsed return(best,ret) #Or add to list and take min() def best of total(reps1,reps2,func,*pargs,**kargs): """""" Best of totals: (best of reps1 runs of(total of reps2 run of func)) """""" return best of(reps1,total,reps,func,*pargs,**kargs) import timer #Pg.632,pow,2,1000)[0] # 0.0029542985410557776,str.upper,'spam') # (0.000050484531709686, 'SPAM') timer.bestof(1000,str.upper,'spam')
def AddTimer(self, tm, repeat, week, mess = ""): self._timers.append(timer(tm, repeat, week, mess))"Timer", "Timer has beed added") return("Timer added.")
import pickle from timer import * from monopoly import * def main(): all_totals = [] total = 17000 for i in range(total): game = pickle.load( open('results/stalemates/long/game' + str(i) + '.pickle', "rb")) rent_totals = [0, 0] players = [game.active_players[0], game.active_players[1]] for player_id in [0, 1]: for property in players[player_id].inventory: rent_totals[player_id] += game.calculate_rent( property=property, owner=players[player_id]) diff = rent_totals[1] - rent_totals[0] rent_totals.append(diff) print(rent_totals) all_totals.append(rent_totals) if __name__ == '__main__': timer() main() timer()
no_rent_in_jail=True, trip_to_start=True, snake_eyes_bonus=True) results = length_list.append(results['length']) # Write to file. output_file002.writerow([results['started'], results['winner'], results['length']]) all_length_lists.append(length_list) print("Done with", rule) with open('results/house_rules/all_data.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile001: output_file001 = csv.writer(csvfile001, quotechar=',') output_file001.writerow(house_rules) for i in range(games_in_a_set): row = [] for length_list in all_length_lists: row.append(length_list[i]) output_file001.writerow(row) print('done') if __name__ == '__main__': timer() main() timer()
def main(): arguments = sys.argv #pull in arguments counter = 0 numExpected = False tempExpected = False for item in arguments: if (numExpected): data = item.split('/') times.append(float(data[1])) myDe.debugPrint(times) mtrNum = int(data[0]) motors.append(motor(motorPins[mtrNum - 1], myDe, mtrNum)) print(times) print(mtrNum) numExpected = False if (tempExpected): data = item.split('/') temperatureHold = float(data[1]) times.append(0) myDe.debugPrint(times) mtrNum = int(data[0]) motors.append( motor(motorPins[mtrNum - 1], myDe, mtrNum, True, temperatureHold)) print(times) print(mtrNum) tempExpected = False #print(item) if (item == "-D" or item == "-d"): myDe.activate() myDe.debugPrint(item, "input " + str(counter)) counter = counter + 1 if (item.startswith("-t")): myDe.debugPrint("found timer input in minutes") numExpected = True if (item.startswith("-a")): myDe.debugPrint("temp Input") tempExpected = True count = 0 for tm in times: if (tm == 0): count += 1 continue newTimer = timer(tm, myDe, motors[count]) timers.append(newTimer) count += 1 #myDe.debugPrint("Debugger Activated") for i in range(0, len(timers)): t = threading.Thread(target=beginTimer, args=(i, )) t.daemon = True t.start() activeTimers = True time.sleep(3) while (activeTimers): activeTimers = False message = "Current Temp = " + str(read_temp()) myDe.debugPrint(message) for tmr in timers: print(tmr.isRunning()) if (tmr.isRunning()): activeTimers = True time.sleep(1) afterBrewHopping = True while (afterBrewHopping): afterBrewHopping = False for mtr in motors: message = "Current Temp = " + str(read_temp()) myDe.debugPrint(message) if (mtr.testTemp() != False): tempToFind = mtr.testTemp() curTemp = read_temp() if (tempToFind >= curTemp): message = "curtemp: " + str( read_temp()) + " <g activate temp: " + str( mtr.testTemp()) myDe.debugPrint(message) mtr.activate() mtr.deactivate() else: afterBrewHopping = True message = "curtemp: " + str( read_temp()) + " > activate temp: " + str( mtr.testTemp()) myDe.debugPrint(message) time.sleep(1)