def getStatus(self, axis): ''' determines the status of the selected axis. result: bit0 (moving), bit1 (stop detected), bit2 (sensor error), bit3 (sensor disconnected) ''' self.status = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetStatus(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.status)) return self.status.value
def capMeasure(self, axis): ''' determines the capacitance of the piezo addressed by axis ''' self.status = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerCapMeasure(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.status)) return self.status.value
def getStepwidth(self, axis): ''' determines the step width. In case of standstill of the motor this is the calculated step width resulting from amplitude setpoint, frequency, and motor parameters. In case of movement this is measured step width ''' self.stepwdth = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetStepwidth(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.stepwdth)) return self.stepwdth.value
def getRotCount(self, axis): ''' determines actual number of rotations in case of rotary actuator ''' self.rotcount = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetRotCount(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.rotcount)) return self.rotcount.value
def getSpeed(self, axis): ''' determines the actual speed. In case of standstill of this actor this is the calculated speed resulting from amplitude setpoint, frequency, and motor parameters. In case of movement this is measured speed. ''' self.spd = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetSpeed(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.spd)) return self.spd.value
def getIntEnable(self, axis): ''' determines status of internal signal generation of addressed axis. only applicable for scanner/dither axes ''' self.status = ctypes.c_bool(None) ANC350lib.positionerGetIntEnable(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.status)) return self.status.value
def getReferenceRotCount(self, axis): ''' determines actual position of addressed axis ''' self.rotcount = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetReferenceRotCount(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.rotcount)) return self.rotcount.value
def getPosition(self, axis): ''' determines actual position of addressed axis ''' self.pos = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetPosition(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.pos)) return self.pos.value
def getFrequency(self, axis): ''' determines the frequency in Hz ''' self.freq = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetFrequency(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.freq)) return self.freq.value
def getDcLevel(self, axis): ''' determines the status actual DC level in mV ''' self.dclev = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetDcLevel(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.dclev)) return self.dclev.value
def getBandwidthLimitEnable(self, axis): ''' determines status of bandwidth limiter of addressed axis. only applicable for scanner axes ''' self.status = ctypes.c_bool(None) ANC350lib.positionerGetBandwidthLimitEnable(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.status)) return self.status.value
def getAmplitude(self, axis): ''' determines the actual amplitude. In case of standstill of the actor this is the amplitude setpoint. In case of movement the amplitude set by amplitude control is determined. ''' self.status = ANC350lib.Int32(0) ANC350lib.positionerGetAmplitude(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.status)) return self.status.value
def getAcInEnable(self, axis): ''' determines status of ac input of addressed axis. only applicable for dither axes ''' self.status = ctypes.c_bool(None) ANC350lib.positionerGetAcInEnable(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.status)) return self.status.value
def getReference(self, axis): ''' determines distance of reference mark to origin ''' self.pos = ANC350lib.Int32(0) self.validity = ctypes.c_bool(None) ANC350lib.positionerGetReference(self.handle,axis,ctypes.byref(self.pos),ctypes.byref(self.validity)) return self.pos.value, self.validity.value
def check(self): ''' Determines number of connected positioners and their respective hardware IDs ''' self.posinf = ANC350lib.PositionerInfo() #create PositionerInfo Struct self.numconnected = ANC350lib.positionerCheck(ctypes.byref(self.posinf)) #look for positioners! if self.numconnected > 0: print self.numconnected,'ANC350 connected' print 'ANC350 with id:',,'has locked state:',self.posinf.locked
def connect(self): ''' Establishes connection to first device found ''' self.handle = ANC350lib.Int32(0) try: ANC350lib.positionerConnect(0,ctypes.byref(self.handle)) #0 means "first device" print 'connected to first positioner' except Exception as e: print 'unable to connect!' raise e
def triggerAxis(self, triggerno, axis): ''' selects the corresponding axis for the addressed trigger. triggerno is 0-5 ''' ANC350lib.positionerTriggerAxis(self.handle,triggerno,axis)
def clearStopDetection(self, axis): ''' when .setStopDetectionSticky() is enabled, this clears the stop detection status ''' ANC350lib.positionerClearStopDetection(self.handle,axis)
def close(self): ''' closes connection to ANC350 device ''' ANC350lib.positionerClose(self.handle)
def trigger(self, triggerno, lowlevel, highlevel): ''' sets the trigger thresholds for the external trigger. triggerno is 0-5, lowlevel/highlevel in units of actor * 1000 ''' ANC350lib.positionerTrigger(self.handle,triggerno,lowlevel,highlevel)
def stopMoving(self, axis): ''' stops any positioning, DC level of affected axis is set to zero after stopping. ''' ANC350lib.positionerStopMoving(self.handle,axis)
def amplitudeControl(self, axis, mode): ''' selects the type of amplitude control. The amplitude is controlled by the positioner to hold the value constant determined by the selected type of amplitude control. mode takes values 0: speed, 1: amplitude, 2: step size ''' ANC350lib.positionerAmplitudeControl(self.handle,axis,mode)
def bandwidthLimitEnable(self, axis, state): ''' activates/deactivates the bandwidth limiter of the addressed axis. only applicable for scanner axes ''' ANC350lib.positionerBandwidthLimitEnable(self.handle,axis,ctypes.c_bool(state))
def updateAbsolute(self, axis, position): ''' updates target position for a *running* approach. function has lower performance impact on running approach compared to .moveAbsolute(). position units are in 'unit of actor multiplied by 1000' (generally nanometres) ''' ANC350lib.positionerUpdateAbsolute(self.handle,axis,position)
def amplitude(self, axis, amp): ''' set the amplitude setpoint in mV ''' ANC350lib.positionerAmplitude(self.handle,axis,amp)
def triggerPolarity(self, triggerno, polarity): ''' sets the polarity of the external trigger, triggerno: 0-5, polarity: 0 low active, 1 high active ''' ANC350lib.positionerTriggerPolarity(self.handle,triggerno,polarity)
def triggerModeOut(self, mode): ''' selects the mode of the output trigger signals. state: 0 disabled - inputs trigger nothing, 1 position - the trigger outputs reacts to the defined position ranges with the selected polarity, 2 quadrature - three pairs of trigger out signals are used to signal relative movement as AB-signals, 3 IcHaus - the trigger out signals are used to output the internal position signal of num-sensors ''' ANC350lib.positionerTriggerModeOut(self.handle,mode)
def acInEnable(self, axis, state): ''' Activates/deactivates AC input of addressed axis; only applicable for dither axes ''' ANC350lib.positionerAcInEnable(self.handle,axis,ctypes.c_bool(state))
def triggerModeIn(self, mode): ''' selects the mode of the input trigger signals. state: 0 disabled - inputs trigger nothing, 1 quadrature - three pairs of trigger in signals are used to accept AB-signals for relative positioning, 2 coarse - trigger in signals are used to generate coarse steps ''' ANC350lib.positionerTriggerModeIn(self.handle,mode)
def triggerEpsilon(self, triggerno, epsilon): ''' sets the hysteresis of the external trigger. epsilon in units of actor * 1000 ''' ANC350lib.positionerTriggerEpsilon(self.handle,triggerno,epsilon)