コード例 #1
def get_approximate_frequent_words(text, k, d):
    # Flag indicies of candidate kmers from neighborhoods
    is_neighbor_flags = [0] * pow(4, k)
    for position, kmer in ApproximatePatternMatching_1F.yield_kmers_by_position(text, k):
        neighbors = calculate_neighbors(kmer, d)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            number = frequency_array_lib.pattern_to_number(neighbor)
            is_neighbor_flags[number] = 1

    # Count approximate occurences of candidates
    chunk_size = 5
    translation_table = build_translation_table(chunk_size)
    frequency_array = [0] * pow(4, k)
    for i in range(len(is_neighbor_flags)):
        if 1 == is_neighbor_flags[i]:
            kmer = frequency_array_lib.number_to_pattern(i, k)
            reverse_complement = generate_strand_complement(kmer, translation_table, chunk_size)
            frequency = ApproximatePatternMatching_1F.count_approximate_matches(kmer, text, d) + ApproximatePatternMatching_1F.count_approximate_matches(reverse_complement, text, d)
            frequency_array[i] = frequency

    # Find max count
    max_count = -1
    for count in frequency_array:
        if count > max_count:
            max_count = count

    # Find most frequent kmers
    frequent = []
    for i in range(len(frequency_array)):
        if frequency_array[i] == max_count:
            kmer = frequency_array_lib.number_to_pattern(i, k)
    return frequent
コード例 #2
def calculate_neighbors(pattern, d):
    nucleotides = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']

    if 0 == d:
        return [pattern]

    if 1 == len(pattern):
        return nucleotides

    neighbors = []
    first_symbol, suffix = pattern[0:1], pattern[1:]
    suffix_neighbors = calculate_neighbors(suffix, d)
    for suffix_neighbor in suffix_neighbors:
        if ApproximatePatternMatching_1F.calc_hamming_distance(suffix_neighbor, suffix) < d:
                for nucleotide in nucleotides:
                    neighbors.append(nucleotide + suffix_neighbor)
            neighbors.append(first_symbol + suffix_neighbor)
    return neighbors