def plotAll(file): outDir = file[:-5] + '/' if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) outDir += "plotAll/" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000") #Ignore TCanvas::Print info inFile = TFile.Open(file, "READ") keyList = [key.GetName() for key in inFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects dirList = [key for key in keyList if "Iteration" in key] #List of all directories nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "Nominal" in dir] if (not len(nomDir) == 1): print "Error, nominal directories are ", nomDir return else: nomDir = inFile.Get(nomDir[0]) c1 = TCanvas() ##################### Plot every single histogram ################################# print "Plotting All Histograms for " for dir in dirList: if not "Nominal" in dir: continue print " ", dir if not os.path.exists(outDir + dir): os.mkdir(outDir + dir) if not os.path.exists(outDir + dir + '/eps'): os.mkdir(outDir + dir + '/eps') thisDir = inFile.Get(dir) histList = [key.GetName() for key in thisDir.GetListOfKeys()] ### Save all histograms ### for histName in histList: print dir, histName thisHist = thisDir.Get(histName) if ("Pt" in histName): thisHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 2000.) if (not "Nominal" in dir): nomHist = nomDir.Get(histName) thisHist.Add(nomHist, -1) thisHist.Divide(nomHist) thisHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Relative Difference w/ Nominal") if type(thisHist) == TH2F or type(thisHist) == TH3F: thisHist.Draw("colz") else: thisHist.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outDir + dir + "/" + thisHist.GetName() + ".png") c1.SaveAs(outDir + dir + "/eps/" + thisHist.GetName() + ".eps") c1.Clear() inFile.Close()
def main(): AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.SetBatch() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Error Analysis for TRT logs, input grafana mu dumps and ers log.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', dest='dir', default='2018', type=str, help="Directory of grafana mu dumps") parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest='log_file', default='', type=str, help="Log file from ERS.") parser.add_argument('-s', '--print_sb', dest='print_sb', default=False, action='store_true', help="print sb times") parser.add_argument('-n', '--non_sb',dest='non_sb', default=False, action='store_true', help="get errors for non-sb times") parser.add_argument('-t', '--text',dest='text_filter', default='rocketio problem', type=str, help="text to filter query") parser.add_argument('-b', '--date_beg',dest='date_beg', default='2015-04-01 00:00:00', type=str, help="date begin. Formatted yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format") parser.add_argument('-e', '--date_end',dest='date_end', default='2100-01-01 00:00:00', type=str, help="date end. Formatted yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format") args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_sb: beg_sb, end_sb = getsb.get_sb_list(args.dir, args.print_sb) if args.log_file != '': beg_sb, end_sb = getsb.get_sb_list(args.dir, args.print_sb) dbhandler.add_to_db(beg_sb, end_sb, args.log_file) query_errors = dbhandler.get_query(args.non_sb, args.text_filter, args.date_beg, args.date_end) print "Query returned " + repr(len(query_errors)) + " results!" if('rocketio' in args.text_filter): parse_rocketio_errors(query_errors)
import AtlasStyle import ROOT import BasicConfig import utils from datetime import date if __name__ == '__main__': AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() mass_list = range(600, 1801, 200) tfiles = [ utils.open_tfile( BasicConfig.workdir + 'SysUnc_ISR/SysUnc_ISR_{:04d}_weight.root'.format(mass)) for mass in mass_list ] c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', 'c', 1000, 800) c.SetLogx() tf_out = ROOT.TFile( BasicConfig.workdir + 'SysUnc_ISR/SysUnc_ISR_weight.root', 'recreate') for ii, (tfile, mass) in enumerate(zip(tfiles, mass_list)): c2 = ROOT.gROOT.FindObject('c2') hist = c2.GetPrimitive('ggSystem_SysUnc_ISR') hist.SetName('ggSystem_SysUnc_ISR_' + str(mass)) utils.decorate_histogram(hist, BasicConfig.colors[ii])
def make_systematic_table(): AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() #directory = '/afs/' #directory = BasicConfig.workdir + 'hist_DVPlusMETSys/' directory = '/home/motohash/data/mc15_13TeV/DVPlusMETSys/' #tfile = TFile(BasicConfig.workdir + 'systTree.root') tfile = TFile(args.inputFile) key_list_all = [key.GetName() for key in gDirectory.GetListOfKeys()] print(len(key_list_all), key_list_all) regex = re.compile('Nominal|PRW|JET|MET.*') key_list = [key for key in key_list_all if re.match(regex, key)] print(len(key_list), key_list) tfile.Close() output_tfile = TFile('systematic_summary_SimpleMETFilter.root', 'recreate') #tchains = [[dsid, [TChain(key, key+str(dsid)) for key in key_list]] for dsid in range(402700, 402740)] tchains = [[dsid, [TChain(key, key + str(dsid)) for key in key_list]] for dsid in mc.parameters.keys()] #tchains = [[dsid, [TChain(key, key+str(dsid)) for key in key_list]] for dsid in range(402070, 402080)] #tchains = [[dsid, [TChain(key, key+str(dsid)) for key in key_list]] for dsid in range(402070, 402080)] #trees = [gROOT.FindObject(key) for key in key_list] #entries_list = [tree.GetEntriesFast() for tree in trees] gStyle.SetHistMinimumZero() for dsid, each_tchain in tchains: print('') print(dsid) #print glob(directory + 'systTree_mc15_13TeV.' + str(dsid) + '*.root') for tchain in each_tchain: for input in glob(directory + 'systTree_mc15_13TeV.' + str(dsid) + '*.root'): #print(input) tchain.Add(input) #h_syst_diff = TH1F('syst_diff', ';Difference from Nominal', 101, -50.5, 50.5, 120, 0, 120) h_syst_diff = TH1F('syst_diff', ';;(N_{shifted} - N_{nominal}) / N_{nominal}', len(key_list) + 1, 0, len(key_list) + 1) for ii, key in enumerate(key_list): h_syst_diff.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(ii + 1, key) h_syst_diff.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( len(key_list) + 1, 'ISR_Py2MG_SF_removed') h_syst_diff.SetMinimum(-0.3) h_syst_diff.SetMaximum(0.3) n_events_nominal = 0. for ii, tchain in enumerate(each_tchain): #print('') print('*** ' + key_list[ii]) n_events_weighted = 0. n_events_weighted_noISR = 0. entries = tchain.GetEntries() if entries == 0: continue for entry in xrange(entries): ## get the next tree in the chain and verify ientry = tchain.LoadTree(entry) if ientry < 0: break ## copy next entry into memory and verify nb = tchain.GetEntry(entry) if nb <= 0: continue #if pass_event_cut(tchain, 7): #if pass_event_cut(tchain, 5) and tchain.MET > 220 and tchain.PassCut7: # TODO if pass_event_cut(tchain, len(cut_flow) - 1): # TODO #if pass_event_cut(tchain, 5) and tchain.MET > 250 and tchain.PassCut7: # TODO #print(tree.McEventWeight, tree.PileupWeight) n_events_weighted += tchain.McEventWeight * tchain.PileupWeight * tchain.ISRWeight n_events_weighted_noISR += tchain.McEventWeight * tchain.PileupWeight if ii == 0: n_events_nominal = n_events_weighted if n_events_nominal < 1e-4: h_syst_diff.SetBinContent(len(key_list) + 1, 0) else: h_syst_diff.SetBinContent( len(key_list) + 1, float((n_events_weighted_noISR - n_events_nominal) / n_events_nominal)) diff = n_events_weighted - n_events_nominal #print(n_events_nominal, n_events_weighted, diff) if n_events_nominal < 1e-4: h_syst_diff.SetBinContent(ii + 1, 0) else: h_syst_diff.SetBinContent(ii + 1, float(diff / n_events_nominal)) #h_syst_diff.SetBinError(ii+1, n_event_weighted-n_events_nominal) utils.decorate_histogram(h_syst_diff, kPink, fill_style=3001) h_syst_diff.SetBarWidth(0.9) h_syst_diff.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.035) h_syst_diff.SetName('systematic_table_' + str(dsid)) h_syst_diff.Write()
def fill_ntuple(): print('*** starting fill_ntuple() ') AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() # # get key list # tfile = TFile(BasicConfig.workdir + 'systTree.root') # key_list_all = [key.GetName() for key in gDirectory.GetListOfKeys()] # regex = re.compile('PRW|JET|MET.*') # key_list = [key for key in key_list_all if re.match(regex, key)] # tfile.Close() # start making ttree #output_tfile = TFile('rhadron_v06-00-05.root', 'recreate') output_tfile = TFile(args.outputFile, 'recreate') # initialize TTree tree = TTree('rhadron', 'tree of rhadron properties for limit setting') # leaf variables from array import array mass_gluino = array('f', [0.]) delta_mass = array('f', [0.]) ctau = array('f', [0.]) eff = array('f', [0.]) eff_stat_error = array('f', [0.]) eff_syst_error = array('f', [0.]) eff_syst_error_ISR = array('f', [0.]) eff_syst_error_PRW = array('f', [0.]) eff_syst_error_JET = array('f', [0.]) eff_syst_error_MET = array('f', [0.]) # set branch tree.Branch("mGluino", mass_gluino, 'mGluino/F') tree.Branch("deltaM", delta_mass, 'deltaM/F') tree.Branch("ctau", ctau, 'ctau/F') tree.Branch("eff", eff, 'eff/F') tree.Branch("effRelStatErr", eff_stat_error, 'effRelStatErr/F') tree.Branch("effRelSystErr", eff_syst_error, 'effRelSystErr/F') tree.Branch("effRelSystErrISR", eff_syst_error_ISR, 'effRelSystErrISR/F') tree.Branch("effRelSystErrPRW", eff_syst_error_PRW, 'effRelSystErrPRW/F') tree.Branch("effRelSystErrJET", eff_syst_error_JET, 'effRelSystErrJET/F') tree.Branch("effRelSystErrMET", eff_syst_error_MET, 'effRelSystErrMET/F') #directory = '/afs/' #directory = BasicConfig.workdir + 'hist_DVPlusMETSys/' #directory = '/home/motohash/data/mc15_13TeV/DVPlusMETSys/v06-00-05/' #tfile = TFile(args.referenceFile) tfile = TFile(args.inputFile) key_list_all = [key.GetName() for key in gDirectory.GetListOfKeys()] print(len(key_list_all), key_list_all) regex = re.compile('Nominal|PRW|JET|MET.*') key_list = [key for key in key_list_all if re.match(regex, key)] print(len(key_list), key_list) tfile.Close() #c = 299792458. # [m/s] #tchains = [[dsid, TChain('Nominal', str(dsid))] for dsid in range(402700, 402740)] #tchains = [[dsid, TChain('Nominal', str(dsid))] for dsid in mc.parameters.keys()] #tchains = [[dsid, [TChain(key, key+str(dsid)) for key in key_list]] for dsid in mc.parameters.keys()] dsids = [args.DSID] tchains = [[dsid, [TChain(key, key + str(dsid)) for key in key_list]] for dsid in dsids] cut_flow = [ 'Initial', 'Trigger', 'Filter', 'Cleaning', 'GRL', 'PV', 'NCB veto', 'MET', 'DV Selection' ] #systematic_tables = TFile('systematic_summary_SimpleMETFilter.root', 'open') #table = TH1F() m_MET_min = 250. # loop over dsid try: for dsid, each_tchain in tchains: print('') print(dsid) #index = 0 #for input in glob(directory + 'systTree_' + str(dsid) + '_*.root'): for tchain in each_tchain: #for input_file in glob(directory+'systTree_mc15_13TeV.' + str(dsid) + '*.root'): # print(input_file) # tchain.Add(input_file) tchain.Add(args.inputFile) mass_gluino[0] = mc.parameters[dsid]['g'] delta_mass[0] = mass_gluino[0] - mc.parameters[dsid]['chi0'] n_reweight_steps = 40 xmin = 1. xmax = 10000. ratio = xmax / xmin bins = [] for ii in range(n_reweight_steps): bins.append( xmax * 10**(ii * TMath.Log10(xmax / xmin) / n_reweight_steps - TMath.Log10(xmax / xmin))) #n_passed_w1 = [0. for _ in range(n_reweight_steps)] #n_passed = [0. for _ in range(n_reweight_steps)] from array import array limitsLifetime = array('d', bins) # tefficiency = [[ TEfficiency('tefficiency_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(key, step, dsid), ';c#tau [mm]; Event-level efficiency', len(limitsLifetime) - 1, limitsLifetime) for step in range(n_reweight_steps) ] for key in key_list] #h_syst_diff = [[TH1F('syst_diff_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(key, step, dsid), ';;(N_{shifted} - N_{nominal}) / N_{nominal}', len(key_list)+1, 0, len(key_list)+1) # for step in range(n_reweight_steps)] for key in key_list] h_syst_diff = [ TH1F('syst_diff_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(key, step, dsid), ';;(N_{shifted} - N_{nominal}) / N_{nominal}', len(key_list) + 1, 0, len(key_list) + 1) for step in range(n_reweight_steps) ] for step in range(n_reweight_steps): for jj, key in enumerate(key_list): h_syst_diff[step].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(jj + 1, key) h_syst_diff[step].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( len(key_list) + 1, 'ISR_Py2MG_SF_removed') n_events_weighted = [[0. for _ in range(n_reweight_steps)] for key in key_list] n_events_weighted_noISR = [[0. for _ in range(n_reweight_steps)] for key in key_list] # loop over tchain of each systematic for ii, tchain in enumerate(each_tchain): entries = tchain.GetEntries() print('*** processed systs: {0} / {1}'.format( ii, len(each_tchain))) #n_reweight_steps = 50 #for step in range(n_reweight_steps): # tefficiency.append(TEfficiency('tefficiency_'+str(step), ';c#tau [mm]; Event-level efficiency', # len(limitsLifetime)-1, limitsLifetime)) # h_syst_diff.append(TH1F('syst_diff_'+str(step), ';;(N_{shifted} - N_{nominal}) / N_{nominal}', len(key_list)+1, 0, len(key_list)+1)) for step in range(n_reweight_steps): tefficiency[ii][step].SetUseWeightedEvents() #for jj, key in enumerate(key_list): # h_syst_diff[ii][step].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(jj+1, key) #h_syst_diff[ii][step].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(len(key_list)+1, 'ISR_Py2MG_SF_removed') # h_syst_diff[step].SetMinimum(-0.3) # h_syst_diff[step].SetMaximum(0.3) if entries == 0: continue for entry in range(entries): #if entry % 1000 == 0: # print('* processed events: {0} / {1}'.format(entry, entries)) utils.show_progress(entry, entries) #if entry == 605: # break # get the next tree in the chain and verify ientry = tchain.LoadTree(entry) if ientry < 0: break # copy next entry into memory and verify nb = tchain.GetEntry(entry) if nb <= 0: continue event_weight = tchain.McEventWeight * tchain.PileupWeight * tchain.ISRWeight ctau_MC = TMath.C( ) * mc.parameters[dsid]['t'] * 1e-9 # [nm]->[m] for step in range(n_reweight_steps): #print(tchain.GetListOfBranches()) pass_all = pass_event_cut(tchain, len(cut_flow) - 1) if pass_all: matched = False for idv in range(len(tchain.DV_x)): matched = matched or match( tchain, idv, cut=1.0) #print('pass_all is ', pass_all, ', matched is ', matched) pass_all = pass_all and matched target_ctau = xmax * 10**( step * TMath.Log10(xmax / xmin) / n_reweight_steps - TMath.Log10(xmax / xmin)) * 1e-3 # [mm]->[m] #print(target_ctau) lifetime_weight = get_lifetime_weight( tchain, target_ctau, ctau_MC) n_events_weighted[ii][ step] += event_weight * lifetime_weight n_events_weighted_noISR[ii][ step] += tchain.McEventWeight * tchain.PileupWeight * lifetime_weight #print(event_weight) #print(event_weight*lifetime_weight) #print(pass_all) tefficiency[ii][step].FillWeighted( pass_all, event_weight * lifetime_weight, target_ctau * 1e3) # end of loop over entries of each TChain # end loop over tchain of each systematic for step in range(n_reweight_steps): n_events_nominal = [0. for _ in range(n_reweight_steps)] for ii in range(len(each_tchain)): # if Nominal TTree, set syst diff of ISR as well if ii == 0: n_events_nominal[step] = n_events_weighted[ii][step] if n_events_nominal[step] < 1e-4: #h_syst_diff[ii][step].SetBinContent(len(key_list)+1, 0) h_syst_diff[step].SetBinContent( len(key_list) + 1, 0) else: #h_syst_diff[ii][step].SetBinContent(len(key_list)+1, h_syst_diff[step].SetBinContent( len(key_list) + 1, float((n_events_weighted_noISR[ii][step] - n_events_nominal[step]) / n_events_nominal[step])) #float((n_events_weighted[ii][step]-n_events_nominal[step])/n_events_nominal[step])) diff = n_events_weighted[ii][step] - n_events_nominal[step] #print(n_events_nominal, n_events_weighted, diff) if n_events_nominal[step] < 1e-4: #h_syst_diff[ii][step].SetBinContent(ii+1, 0) h_syst_diff[step].SetBinContent(ii + 1, 0) else: #h_syst_diff[ii][step].SetBinContent(ii+1, float(diff/n_events_nominal[step])) h_syst_diff[step].SetBinContent( ii + 1, float(diff / n_events_nominal[step])) #systematic_tables.GetObject('systematic_table_'+str(dsid), table) #syst_up, syst_down = root_sum_squares(table, 'x') #systs = root_sum_squares(h_syst_diff[ii][step], 'x') systs = root_sum_squares(h_syst_diff[step], 'x') #eff_syst_error[0] = max(syst_up, syst_down) # TODO #eff_syst_error[0] = (syst_up**2 + syst_down**2)**0.5 #### ############################ eff_syst_error[0] = (systs[0]**2 + systs[1]**2)**0.5 eff_syst_error_ISR[0] = systs[2] eff_syst_error_PRW[0] = systs[3] eff_syst_error_JET[0] = systs[4] eff_syst_error_MET[0] = systs[5] if eff_syst_error[0] > 1: print('eff_syst_error[0] = ' + str(eff_syst_error[0])) #eff_syst_error[0] = 1. #for step in range(n_reweight_steps): #for ct in bins: # print(len(bins), bins) #print(n_total_w1[step], n_total[step]) #sf = n_total_w1[step] / n_total[step] #n_passed[step] *= sf #n_total[step] *= sf #eff_no_weight, stat_error_no_weight = utils.division_error_propagation(n_passed_w1[step], n_total_w1[step]) #ctau[0] = TMath.Power(300, step/float(n_reweight_steps-1)) * 1e-3 # [mm]->[m] ct = bins[step] #print(ct) ctau[0] = ct * 1e-3 # [mm]->[m] #print(ctau[0]) bin_ctau = tefficiency[0][step].GetPassedHistogram().FindBin( ct) print(tefficiency[0][step].GetPassedHistogram().GetBinContent( bin_ctau)) print(tefficiency[0][step].GetTotalHistogram().GetBinContent( bin_ctau)) #print(bin_ctau) #print('ct', ct, 'bin_ctau', bin_ctau) eff[0] = tefficiency[0][step].GetEfficiency(bin_ctau) print(eff[0]) abs_stat_error = ( tefficiency[0][step].GetEfficiencyErrorLow(bin_ctau)**2 + tefficiency[0][step].GetEfficiencyErrorUp(bin_ctau)** 2)**0.5 #eff[0], abs_stat_error = utils.binomial_ratio_and_error(n_passed[step], n_total[step]) #if eff[0] < 1e-4: if eff[0] == 0: eff_stat_error[ 0] = 1. # avoid zero division error and divergence continue # not fill values in tree if efficiency is too small else: eff_stat_error[0] = abs_stat_error / eff[0] #if eff_stat_error[0] > 1: # print(n_passed[step], n_total[step], abs_stat_error, eff[0], eff_stat_error[0]) # eff_stat_error[0] = 1. tree.Fill() # end loop over n_reweight_steps except KeyboardInterrupt: pass output_tfile.Write() output_tfile.Close()
def create_cut_flow(): AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() #input_tfile = utils.open_tfile(BasicConfig.workdir + 'DVTree_NTuple_data15_13TeV.root') #tree = input_tfile.Get('DVTree_NTuple') input_tfile = utils.open_tfile(args.inputFile) tree = input_tfile.Get('Nominal') cut_flow = [ 'Initial', 'Trigger', 'Filter', 'Cleaning', 'GRL', 'PV', 'NCB veto', 'MET', 'DV Selection' ] h_cut_flow = TH1F('cut_flow', ';;Number of Events', len(cut_flow), 0, len(cut_flow)) #h_cut_flow2 = TH1F('cut_flow2', ';;Number of Events', len(cut_flow), 0, len(cut_flow)) for bin, cut in enumerate(cut_flow): h_cut_flow.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin + 1, cut) # entries = tree.GetEntries() for entry in range(entries): #if entry % 10000 == 0: # print('*** processed {0} out of {1}'.format(entry, entries)) utils.show_progress(entry, entries) #if entry == 100000: # break # get the next tree in the chain and verify ientry = tree.LoadTree(entry) if ientry < 0: break # copy next entry into memory and verify nb = tree.GetEntry(entry) if nb <= 0: continue event_weight = tree.McEventWeight * tree.PileupWeight * tree.ISRWeight for step, cut in enumerate(cut_flow): if step == 0: h_cut_flow.Fill(cut, event_weight) #h_cut_flow2.Fill(cut, event_weight) #elif step == 2: # if tree.RandomRunNumber < 309311 and pass_event_cut(tree, 2): # h_cut_flow.Fill(cut, event_weight) # if tree.RandomRunNumber > 309311 and pass_event_cut(tree, 2): # h_cut_flow2.Fill(cut, event_weight) #elif step == 6: # if tree.RandomRunNumber < 309311 and pass_event_cut(tree, 6): # h_cut_flow.Fill(cut, event_weight) # if tree.RandomRunNumber > 309311 and pass_event_cut(tree, 6): # h_cut_flow2.Fill(cut, event_weight) #elif step == 7: # #have_signal_like_dv = False # #for dv_index in range(len(tree.DV_passVtxCuts)): # # have_signal_like_dv = have_signal_like_dv or tree.DV_passVtxCuts[dv_index] # #if pass_event_cut(tree, 7) and tree.MET > 220 and have_signal_like_dv: # if tree.RandomRunNumber < 309311 and pass_event_cut(tree, 7): # h_cut_flow.Fill(cut, event_weight) # if tree.RandomRunNumber > 309311 and pass_event_cut(tree, 7): # h_cut_flow2.Fill(cut, event_weight) elif pass_event_cut(tree, step): h_cut_flow.Fill(cut, event_weight) #h_cut_flow2.Fill(cut, event_weight) output = TFile('cut_flow.root', 'recreate') h_cut_flow.Write() output.Close()
def check_n_vertices_vs_met_threshold(): AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() #input_tfile = utils.open_tfile(BasicConfig.workdir + 'DVTree_NTuple_data15_13TeV.root') input_tfile = utils.open_tfile(args.inputFile) #tree = input_tfile.Get('DVTree_NTuple') tree = input_tfile.Get('Nominal') #bin_name = ['Base', 'Trigger', 'Filter', 'MET200', 'MET220', 'MET250'] bin_name = ['Base', 'Trigger', 'Filter', 'MET250'] h_nevents_cut = TH1F('nevents_cut', ';;Double Ratio', len(bin_name), 0, len(bin_name)) h_nevents_all = TH1F('nevents_all', ';;Double Ratio', len(bin_name), 0, len(bin_name)) h_ndvs_cut = { ntracks: TH1F('ndvs_cut_' + str(ntracks), ';;Double Ratio', len(bin_name), 0, len(bin_name)) for ntracks in range(2, 6) } h_ndvs_all = { ntracks: TH1F('ndvs_all_' + str(ntracks), ';;Double Ratio', len(bin_name), 0, len(bin_name)) for ntracks in range(2, 6) } for bin, name in enumerate(bin_name): h_nevents_cut.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin + 1, name) h_nevents_all.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin + 1, name) for ntracks in range(2, 6): h_ndvs_cut[ntracks].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin + 1, name) h_ndvs_all[ntracks].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin + 1, name) entries = tree.GetEntries() for entry in range(entries): utils.show_progress(entry, entries) #if entry == 1000000: # break # get the next tree in the chain and verify ientry = tree.LoadTree(entry) if ientry < 0: break # copy next entry into memory and verify nb = tree.GetEntry(entry) if nb <= 0: continue if not utils.basic_event_selection(tree): continue # fill all for name in bin_name: h_nevents_all.Fill(name, 1.) for dv_index, DV_nTracks in enumerate(tree.DV_nTracks): if utils.basic_dv_selection(tree, dv_index): if DV_nTracks < 6: h_ndvs_all[DV_nTracks].Fill(name, 1.) else: h_ndvs_all[5].Fill(name, 1.) # h_nevents_cut.Fill('Base', 1.) for dv_index, DV_nTracks in enumerate(tree.DV_nTracks): if utils.basic_dv_selection(tree, dv_index): if DV_nTracks < 6: h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Fill('Base', 1.) else: h_ndvs_cut[5].Fill('Base', 1.) # Trigger if not tree.PassCut1: continue h_nevents_cut.Fill('Trigger', 1.) for dv_index, DV_nTracks in enumerate(tree.DV_nTracks): if utils.basic_dv_selection(tree, dv_index): if DV_nTracks < 6: h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Fill('Trigger', 1.) else: h_ndvs_cut[5].Fill('Trigger', 1.) # Filter if not tree.PassCut2: continue h_nevents_cut.Fill('Filter', 1.) for dv_index, DV_nTracks in enumerate(tree.DV_nTracks): if utils.basic_dv_selection(tree, dv_index): if DV_nTracks < 6: h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Fill('Filter', 1.) else: h_ndvs_cut[5].Fill('Filter', 1.) ## #if not tree.MET > 200: # continue #h_nevents_cut.Fill('MET200', 1.) #for dv_index, DV_nTracks in enumerate(tree.DV_nTracks): # if pass_base_dv_selection(tree, dv_index): # if DV_nTracks < 6: # h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Fill(name, 1.) # else: # h_ndvs_cut[5].Fill(name, 1.) ## #if not tree.MET > 220: # continue #h_nevents_cut.Fill('MET220', 1.) #for dv_index, DV_nTracks in enumerate(tree.DV_nTracks): # if pass_base_dv_selection(tree, dv_index): # if DV_nTracks < 6: # h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Fill(name, 1.) # else: # h_ndvs_cut[5].Fill(name, 1.) # if not tree.MET > 250: continue h_nevents_cut.Fill('MET250', 1.) for dv_index, DV_nTracks in enumerate(tree.DV_nTracks): if utils.basic_dv_selection(tree, dv_index): if DV_nTracks < 6: h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Fill('MET250', 1.) else: h_ndvs_cut[5].Fill('MET250', 1.) # output_tfile = TFile(args.outputFile, 'recreate') # #canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 1200, 800) #h_ndvs_all_clone = h_ndvs_all[2].Clone('unit') #h_ndvs_all_clone.Divide(h_ndvs_all[2]) #h_ndvs_all_clone.SetMaximum(3) #h_ndvs_all_clone.SetMinimum(0) #h_ndvs_all_clone.Draw() #legend = TLegend(0.5, 0.6, 0.85, 0.85) h_nevents_cut.Write() h_nevents_all.Write() for DV_nTracks in range(2, 6): h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Write() h_ndvs_all[DV_nTracks].Write() # # h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Sumw2() # h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Divide(h_ndvs_all[DV_nTracks]) # h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Divide(h_nevents_cut) # h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Multiply(h_nevents_all) # utils.decorate_histogram(h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks], BasicConfig.colors[DV_nTracks]) # h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks].Draw('same,hist') # legend.AddEntry(h_ndvs_cut[DV_nTracks], # '('+str(DV_nTracks)+'trk-DVs(cut)/2trk-DVs(all))/(Events(cut)/Events(all))', 'l') #utils.decorate_legend(legend) #legend.Draw() #utils.save_as(canvas, BasicConfig.plotdir + 'nVerts_met_dependency') #output = TFile('nVerts_met_dependency.root', 'recreate') #canvas.Write() output_tfile.Close()
def plotFiles(filenames, variables, key, weight_plots=False, weight_plots_tx=True, plot_dict={}, tex_dict={}): # plot a bunch of files and get stats of variables ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) atlas.SetAtlasStyle() print filenames # check how many cv folds are represented in this list of files cv_folds = filter( lambda x: x.find('cv') != -1 and x.endswith('root') and x.find('train') != -1, filenames) # get the cv_xxx name and only return unique values cv_nums = list( set( map(lambda x: 'cv_' + x.split('_')[-1].replace('.root', ''), cv_folds))) print cv_nums # create a dictionary for the stats of each cv fold stats = {} # create a dict for the event counts of each cv fold event_counts = {} for c in cv_nums: stats[c] = {'Train': {}, 'Valid': {}} event_counts[c] = {'Train': {}, 'Valid': {}} # dict for the stats of the full dataset stats['Full'] = {} event_counts['Full'] = {} # add this to the end of the filenames to differentiate between weighted and not weighted weight_id = '_weighted' if weight_plots or weight_plots_tx else '' for i, f in enumerate(filenames): pt4_16 = False pt8_12 = False if f.find('400_1600') != -1 or f.find('4_16') != -1: pt4_16 = True elif f.find('800_1200') != -1 or f.find('8_12') != -1: pt8_12 = True # is this a test or train file? file_type = "Full" if f.lower().find('train') != -1: file_type = "Train" elif f.lower().find('test') != -1: file_type = 'Valid' # what cv split is it? look for cv_xyz.root cv_num = '' if file_type != 'Full': cv_num = 'cv_' + f.split('_')[-1].replace('.root', '') # open the file and get the tree f_open = ROOT.TFile.Open('folds/' + f) tree = f_open.Get('outputTree') leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.7, 0.60, 0.9, 0.50) leg.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) c = ROOT.TCanvas(f) total_events = tree.GetEntries() signal_events = tree.GetEntries("label==1") bkg_events = tree.GetEntries("label==0") # this is the full dataset if cv_num != '': event_counts[cv_num][ file_type] = '{0:15} {1:10} {2:14}{3:10}'.format( file_type + ' ' + cv_num, str(signal_events), str(bkg_events), str(total_events)) else: # this is a cv split event_counts['Full'] = '{0:15} {1:10} {2:14}{3:10}'.format( file_type, str(signal_events), str(bkg_events), str(total_events)) # create histograms for each variable hists = {} for v in variables: # set up the names for the different histograms ispt = False if v.find('pt') != -1: ispt = True hist_full_name = v hist_sig_name = 'sig_' + v hist_bkg_name = 'bkg_' + v # first get the full histogram to get an idea of the combined mean and rms if ispt: tree.Draw(v + '/1000>>' + v) else: tree.Draw(v + '>>' + v) # pull from the global space hist_full = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(hist_full_name).Clone() mean = '{0:.4f}'.format(float(hist_full.GetMean())) std = '{0:.4f}'.format(float(hist_full.GetRMS())) # for some of the variables the labels overlap with the distributions. Visually inspecting this it doesn't # look like there is an easy fix. I think maybe the best is to rebook the histogram and change the limits to # something higher on the x axis.... # eec c2 # # set up the variable expression that gets used in the Draw function if not ispt: varexp = v + ">>" + hist_sig_name else: varexp = v + "/1000>>" + hist_sig_name # cut string to select signal only. An additional string can be added here to apply the weights. cutstring = '(label==1)' #*(weight)' #if weight_plots: #cutstring += ('*atan(1/weight)') cutstring += '*(weight)' # create the signal histogram and retrieve it tree.Draw(varexp, cutstring) mult = 1.0 xmax = -1 addBins = 0 if v.find('eec_c2_1') != -1 or v.find('mu12') != -1 or v.find( 'planarflow') != -1 or v.find( 'tauwta2tauwta1') != -1 or v.find( 'zcut12') != -1 or ispt: hist_sig_tmp = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(hist_sig_name).Clone() xmax = hist_sig_tmp.GetXaxis().GetXmax() width = float(hist_sig_tmp.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) # tauwta21 and planarflow need more than 1.2... if v.find('tauwta2tauwta1') != -1: mult = 1.65 elif v.find('planarflow') != -1: mult = 1.9 elif ispt and pt4_16: mult = 1.35 else: mult = 1.2 addBins = float((xmax * mult - xmax)) / width hist_sig = ROOT.TH1F('hist_sig', 'hist_sig', int(hist_sig_tmp.GetNbinsX() + addBins), hist_sig_tmp.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), xmax * mult) # how many bins? :( #fill it for n in xrange(1, hist_sig_tmp.GetNbinsX() + 1): hist_sig.SetBinContent(n, hist_sig_tmp.GetBinContent(n)) else: hist_sig = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(hist_sig_name).Clone() # stats sig_mean = '{0:.4f}'.format(float(hist_sig.GetMean())) sig_std = '{0:.4f}'.format(float(hist_sig.GetRMS())) # normalise if hist_sig.Integral() != 0: hist_sig.Scale(1 / hist_sig.Integral()) # set some drawing options and titles hist_sig.SetLineColor(2) hist_sig.SetTitle('Signal') hist_sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle(v) # now get the background histogram cutstring = cutstring.replace('==1', '==0') #cutstring += ('*(weight)') #if weight_plots_tx: # cutstring = cutstring.replace('*weight','*atan(1/weight)') tree.Draw(varexp.replace('sig', 'bkg'), cutstring) if v.find('eec_c2_1') != -1 or v.find('mu12') != -1 or v.find( 'planarflow') != -1 or v.find( 'tauwta2tauwta1') != -1 or v.find( 'zcut12') != -1 or ispt: hist_bkg_tmp = ROOT.gDirectory.Get( hist_bkg_name).Clone() # pull from global hist_bkg = ROOT.TH1F('hist_bkg', 'hist_bkg', int(hist_sig.GetNbinsX()), hist_sig.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), xmax * mult) for n in xrange(1, hist_bkg_tmp.GetNbinsX() + 1): hist_bkg.SetBinContent(n, hist_bkg_tmp.GetBinContent(n)) else: hist_bkg = ROOT.gDirectory.Get( hist_bkg_name).Clone() # pull from global # stats bkg_mean = '{0:.4f}'.format(float(hist_bkg.GetMean())) bkg_std = '{0:.4f}'.format(float(hist_bkg.GetRMS())) # normalise if hist_bkg.Integral() != 0: hist_bkg.Scale(1 / hist_bkg.Integral()) # drawing options and titles hist_bkg.SetLineColor(4) hist_bkg.SetTitle('Background') hist_sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle(v) leg.Clear() # add the legend entries leg.AddEntry(hist_sig, 'Signal', 'l') leg.AddEntry(hist_bkg, 'Background', 'l') # find the maximum for when we draw them together on a single canvas sig_max = hist_sig.GetMaximum() bkg_max = hist_bkg.GetMaximum() max_val = max(sig_max, bkg_max) hist_sig.SetMaximum(max_val * 1.1) hist_bkg.SetMaximum(max_val * 1.1) if v.strip() in plot_dict.keys(): hist_sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plot_dict[v]) hist_bkg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plot_dict[v]) fnum = 'Full' if cv_num == '' else cv_num hist_sig.SetTitle('Fold ' + fnum + ': ' + plot_dict[v]) hist_bkg.SetTitle('Fold ' + fnum + ': ' + plot_dict[v]) hist_sig.Draw() hist_bkg.Draw('same') leg.Draw('same') # add the grooming algorithm too galg = ROOT.TLatex() galg.SetNDC() galg.SetTextFont(42) galg.SetTextSize(0.03) galg.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) galg.DrawLatex( 0.7, 0.71, "#splitline{anti-k_{t} R=1.0 jets}{#splitline{Trimmed}{f_{cut}=5%,R_{sub}=0.2}}" ) scl = ROOT.TLatex() scl.SetNDC() scl.SetTextFont(42) scl.SetTextSize(0.03) scl.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) scl.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.61, "Standardised") e = ROOT.TLatex() e.SetNDC() e.SetTextFont(42) e.SetTextSize(0.035) e.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) e.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.88, "#sqrt{s}=13 TeV") m = ROOT.TLatex() m.SetNDC() m.SetTextFont(42) m.SetTextSize(0.035) m.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) m.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.78, "68% mass window") # need to put the pt range on here.... # okay, so this is nasty and poor form, but I'm super stressed and running out of time # to finish my thesis, so whatever. The algorithm name should have the pt range in it in gev # At this point things are narrowed down to the point where we are only considering two # pt ranges: 400-1600 GeV or 800-1200 GeV, so just look for those. ptrange = '' if pt4_16: ptrange = '400<p_{T}^{Truth}<1600 GeV' elif pt8_12: ptrange = '800<p_{T}^{Truth}<1200 GeV' if ptrange != '': # draw it ptl = ROOT.TLatex() ptl.SetNDC() ptl.SetTextFont(42) ptl.SetTextSize(0.035) ptl.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) ptl.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.83, ptrange) #"Internal Simulation"); if cv_num == '': c.SaveAs('fold_plots/' + key + '_Full_' + v + weight_id + '.pdf') else: c.SaveAs('fold_plots/' + key + '_Full_' + cv_num + '_' + v + weight_id + '.pdf') # write the means and std to the stats file result = '{0:15}: {1:10} {2:10} {3:10} {4:10} {5:10} {6:10}'.format( file_type + ' ' + cv_num, str(mean), str(std), str(sig_mean), str(sig_std), str(bkg_mean), str(bkg_std)) # check that this variable has a dictionary entry #if v not in stats[cv_num][file_type].keys(): #stats[cv_num][file_type][v] = {} if cv_num != '': # full dataset stats[cv_num][file_type][v] = result else: # cv split stats['Full'][v] = result # now all of the stats can be written to file! # first write the combined stats combined_stats = open( 'fold_stats/combined_stats_' + key + weight_id + '.txt', 'w') combined_stats.write('{0:15} {1:10} {2:14}{3:10}'.format( 'Sample', 'Signal', 'Background', 'Total') + '\n') print event_counts['Full'] combined_stats.write(str(event_counts['Full']) + '\n') # write out all of the cv splits for cv in cv_nums: for f in ['Train', 'Valid']: combined_stats.write(str(event_counts[cv][f]) + '\n') combined_stats.write('\n' + '\n') # now start doing the variables combined_stats.write('\n{0:15}: {1:10} {2:10} {3:10} {4:10} {5:10} {6:10}'. format('Variable', 'Mean', 'Std', 'Mean Sig', 'Std Sig', 'Mean Bkg', 'Std Bkg') + '\n\n') print 'stats full keys', stats['Full'].keys() print 'stats keys', stats.keys() print 'stats train keys', stats['cv_000']['Train'].keys() for v in variables: print v v = v.strip() if not v.strip() in stats['Full'].keys(): continue if v.strip() in tex_dict.keys(): combined_stats.write(tex_dict[v] + '\n') else: combined_stats.write(v + '\n') combined_stats.write(stats['Full'][v] + '\n') for c in cv_nums: combined_stats.write(str(stats[c]['Train'][v]) + '\n') combined_stats.write(str(stats[c]['Valid'][v]) + '\n') combined_stats.write('\n') combined_stats.close() # write the stats for each cv fold for cv in cv_nums: print cv stats_file = open('fold_stats/' + key + '_' + cv + weight_id + '.txt', 'w') stats_file.write('{0:15} {1:10} {2:14}{3:10}'.format( 'Sample', 'Signal', 'Background', 'Total') + '\n') stats_file.write(str(event_counts['Full']) + '\n') stats_file.write(str(event_counts[cv]['Train']) + '\n') stats_file.write(str(event_counts[cv]['Valid']) + '\n') stats_file.write('\n{0:15}: {1:10} {2:10} {3:10} {4:10} {5:10} {6:10}'. format('Variable', 'Mean', 'Std', 'Mean Sig', 'Std Sig', 'Mean Bkg', 'Std Bkg') + '\n\n') # now write each variable for v in variables: if v.strip() in tex_dict.keys(): stats_file.write(tex_dict[v] + '\n') else: stats_file.write(v + '\n') stats_file.write(stats['Full'][v] + '\n') stats_file.write(stats[cv]['Train'][v] + '\n') stats_file.write(stats[cv]['Valid'][v] + '\n') stats_file.write('\n') stats_file.close()
def combinedPlotNominal(files, normalize, ratio): files = files.split(',') dataFile = [file for file in files if ".data." in file][0] files.remove(dataFile) files.insert(0, dataFile) if any("Pythia" in file for file in files): pythiaFile = [file for file in files if "Pythia" in file][0] files.remove(pythiaFile) files.insert(1, pythiaFile) if any("Sherpa" in file for file in files): sherpaFile = [file for file in files if "Sherpa" in file][0] files.remove(sherpaFile) files.insert(2, sherpaFile) # Save output to directory of first file outDir = dataFile[:-5] + '/' if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) if normalize: outDir += "combinedPlotNominal_normalized/" else: outDir += "combinedPlotNominal/" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) if not os.path.exists(outDir + '/eps'): os.mkdir(outDir + '/eps') AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000") #Ignore TCanvas::Print info inFiles = [] nomDirs = [] for file in files: inFiles.append(TFile.Open(file, "READ")) keyList = [key.GetName() for key in inFiles[-1].GetListOfKeys() ] #List of top level objects dirList = [key for key in keyList if "Iteration" in key] #List of all directories nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "Nominal" in dir] if (not len(nomDir) == 1): print "Error, nominal directories are ", nomDir return else: nomDirs.append(inFiles[-1].Get(nomDir[0])) c1 = TCanvas() ################ Set Color Palate ####################3 # Data, Herwig, Pythia8, Sherpa colors = [kBlack, kRed, kBlue, kViolet, kCyan] markers = [20, 21, 23, 22, 33, 34] # colorMax = 240. # colorMin = 0. #20. # numInputs = len( nomDirs ) # colors = [] # if len(nomDirs) == 2: # colors = [kBlack, kRed] # else: # for iDir, nomDir in enumerate(nomDirs): # colorNum = int( colorMin+(colorMax-colorMin)*iDir/numInputs) # colors.append( gStyle.GetColorPalette( colorNum )) ##################### Plot All Nominal ################################# print "Plotting nominal hists " oneLine = TF1("zl1", "1", -10000, 10000) oneLine.SetTitle("") oneLine.SetLineWidth(1) oneLine.SetLineStyle(2) oneLine.SetLineColor(kBlack) histList = [key.GetName() for key in nomDirs[0].GetListOfKeys()] for histName in histList: if "prof_" in histName or "ptSlice" in histName: continue tmpHist = nomDirs[0].Get(histName) if not type(tmpHist) == TH1F and not type( tmpHist) == TH1D and not type( tmpHist) == TGraphErrors: #Can't draw bands if not 1D continue leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.72, 0.9, 0.93) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) #! leg = TLegend(0.83, 0.15, 0.99, 0.95) if ratio: pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0.32, 1, 1) pad2 = TPad("pad2", "", 0, 0, 1, 0.32) #! pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0.3, 0.83, 1) #! pad2 = TPad("pad2", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 0.3) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.01) pad2.SetTopMargin(0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.45) pad1.Draw() pad2.Draw() else: #! pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 1) pad1.Draw() nomHists = [] drawString = "" maxVal = [] maxBinX = [] for iDir, nomDir in enumerate(nomDirs): thisFileStr = files[iDir].split('.')[2] if "all" in thisFileStr: thisFileStr = files[iDir].split('.')[1] nomHist = nomDir.Get(histName) nomHist.SetName(nomHist.GetName()) if "Beta" in histName: nomHist.Rebin(2) if "alpha" in histName: nomHist.Rebin(4) if "ptAsym" in histName: nomHist.Rebin(4) if "Eta" in histName and not type(nomHist) == TGraphErrors: nomHist.Rebin(4) if ("recoilPt" in histName): for iBin in range(1, nomHist.GetNbinsX() + 1): nomHist.SetBinContent( iBin, nomHist.GetBinContent(iBin) / nomHist.GetBinWidth(iBin)) if normalize and not type( nomHist) == TGraphErrors and nomHist.Integral() > 0.: nomHist.Scale(1. / nomHist.Integral()) if "Sherpa" in files[iDir] and "MJB" in histName: for iBin in range(31, nomHist.GetNbinsX() + 1): nomHist.SetBinContent(iBin, 0) nomHist.SetBinError(iBin, 0) nomHist.SetLineColor(colors[iDir]) nomHist.SetMarkerColor(colors[iDir]) nomHist.SetMarkerStyle(markers[iDir]) thisEntry = leg.AddEntry( nomHist, thisFileStr.replace('d', 'D').replace( 'Sherpa', 'Sherpa 2.1').replace('Herwig', 'Herwig++'), "lp") thisEntry.SetTextColor(colors[iDir]) #nomHist.SetMinimum(0.9) # if( "jetPt" in histName or "jetEnergy" in histName): # maxBinX.append(nomHist.FindLastBinAbove(0)+1) # nomHist.SetMaximum(1.5*nomHist.GetMaximum()) # nomHist.SetMinimum(0.000101) # else: nomHist.SetMaximum(1.5 * nomHist.GetMaximum()) #nomHist.SetMinimum(0.000101) if ("MJB" in histName): nomHist.SetMinimum(0.0000101) #nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 500, 2800 ) #!!public #nomHist.SetMaximum(1.06) #!!public #nomHist.SetMinimum(0.9701) #!!public nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(300, 2800) nomHist.SetMaximum(1.2) nomHist.SetMinimum(0.8999) nomHist.GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) nomHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#LT p_{T}^{lead jet}/p_{T}^{recoil} #GT") nomHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.09) nomHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.7) nomHist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.06) nomHist.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.01) nomHist.SetMarkerSize(.8) nomHist.SetLineWidth(1) elif ("Pt" in histName): nomHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("AU") if ("jet0" in histName): nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200, 2000) else: nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 800) else: nomHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("AU") if ("recoilPt" in histName): nomHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("1/N dp_{T}^{recoil}/dN") nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(300, 3000) if not type(nomHist) == TGraphErrors: #drawString = "histsamep" drawString = "psame" else: drawString = "apsame" nomHist.SetMarkerStyle(33) nomHist.SetMarkerSize(1.5) nomHist.SetLineWidth(4) nomHists.append(nomHist) maxVal.append(nomHist.GetMaximum()) maxDir = maxVal.index(max(maxVal)) nomHists[maxDir].Draw(drawString) if maxBinX: maxBinX = max(maxBinX) for iDir, nomDir in enumerate(nomDirs): nomHists[iDir].GetXaxis().SetRange(1, maxBinX) for iDir, nomDir in enumerate(nomDirs): nomHists[iDir].Draw(drawString) oneLine.Draw("same") for iDir, nomDir in enumerate(nomDirs): nomHists[iDir].Draw(drawString) nomHists[0].Draw(drawString) ## Draw data on top if ratio: ratioHists = [] for iDir in range(1, len(nomDirs)): #ratioHists.append( nomHists[0].Clone() ) #ratioHists[iDir-1].Add(nomHists[iDir], -1.) #ratioHists[iDir-1].Divide(nomHists[iDir]) ratioHists.append(nomHists[iDir].Clone()) ratioHists[iDir - 1].Divide(nomHists[0]) ratioHists[iDir - 1].SetMarkerColor(colors[iDir]) ratioHists[iDir - 1].SetMarkerStyle(markers[iDir]) ratioHists[iDir - 1].SetLineColor(colors[iDir]) if iDir == 1: ratioHists[iDir - 1].SetMaximum(2) ratioHists[iDir - 1].SetMinimum(0.5) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(.015) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.13) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.16) # ratioHists[iDir-1].GetXaxis().SetTitle(nomHists[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle()); ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels() ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.13) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.16) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(.01) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.37) #ratioHists[iDir-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Significance") ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetYaxis().SetTitle(" MC / Data") ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(7) if ("Pt" in histName): if ("jet0" in histName): ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 200, 2000) else: ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 0, 800) if ("MJB" in histName): #ratioHists[iDir-1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 500, 2800 ) #!!public ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(300, 2500) ratioHists[iDir - 1].SetMaximum(1.05) ratioHists[iDir - 1].SetMinimum(0.95) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetTitle( "p_{T}^{recoil} [GeV]") if ("recoilPt" in histName): ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(300, 3000) ratioHists[iDir - 1].GetXaxis().SetTitle( "p_{T}^{recoil} [GeV]") # if( "jetBeta" in histName): # ratioHists[iDir-1].SetMaximum(1) # ratioHists[iDir-1].SetMinimum(-1) ratioHists[0].Draw("p") oneLine.Draw("same") for iDir in range(1, len(nomDirs)): ratioHists[iDir - 1].Draw("psame") leg.Draw() AtlasStyle.ATLAS_LABEL(0.2, 0.88, 1, " Preliminary") AtlasStyle.myText(0.2, 0.82, 1, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 3.3 fb^{-1}") AtlasStyle.myText(0.2, 0.76, 1, "Multijet Events") typeText = "anti-k_{t} R = 0.4" if "_LC_" in dataFile: typeText += ", LC+JES (in-situ)" else: typeText += ", EM+JES (in-situ)" AtlasStyle.myText(0.2, 0.7, 1, typeText) AtlasStyle.myText(0.2, 0.64, 1, "#left|#eta^{lead jet}#right| < 1.2") # AtlasStyle.myText(0.1,0.75,1, "m_{jj} Correction") if "MJB" in histName: pad1.SetLogx() if ratio: pad2.SetLogx() else: pad1.SetLogx(0) if ratio: pad2.SetLogx(0) #if "Pt" in histName or "alpha" in histName: pad1.SetLogy() c1.SaveAs(outDir + nomHist.GetName() + "_logy.png") c1.SaveAs(outDir + "/eps/" + nomHist.GetName() + "_logy.eps") pad1.SetLogy(0) c1.SaveAs((outDir + nomHist.GetName() + ".png")) c1.SaveAs((outDir + "/eps/" + nomHist.GetName() + ".eps")) c1.SaveAs((outDir + "/eps/" + nomHist.GetName() + ".pdf")) c1.Clear() for inFile in inFiles: inFile.Close()
def plotMJBvEta(file, binnings): if not "MJB" in file: print "Error: must run on a file with \"MJB\", but was given", file print "Exiting..." return binnings = binnings.split(',') for iBinning in range(len(binnings)): if not binnings[iBinning][0] == '_': binnings[iBinning] = '_' + binnings[iBinning] print "Binnings are ", binnings outDir = file[:-5] + '/' if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) outDir += "plotMJBvEta/" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000") #Ignore TCanvas::Print info inFile = TFile.Open(file, "READ") keyList = [key.GetName() for key in inFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects dirList = [key for key in keyList if "Iteration" in key] #List of all directories #nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "NoCorr" in dir] nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "Nominal" in dir] if (not len(nomDir) == 1): print "Error, nominal directories are ", nomDir return else: nomDir = inFile.Get(nomDir[0]) c1 = TCanvas() histList = [ key.GetName() for key in nomDir.GetListOfKeys() if "MJB" in key.GetName() ] for binning in binnings: leg = TLegend(0.80, 0.15, 0.97, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.85, 1) pad1.Draw() hists = [] counter = 0 for histName in histList: if not binning in histName: continue counter += 1 hists.append(nomDir.Get(histName)) hists[-1].SetMarkerColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(70 * (len(hists) - 1))) hists[-1].SetLineColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(70 * (len(hists) - 1))) hists[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.9, 1.1) hists[-1].GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) if ("DoubleMJB" in histName): hists[-1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(300, 2000) if (counter == 1): if type(hists[-1]) == TGraph: hists[-1].Draw("apXl") else: hists[-1].Draw() leg.AddEntry(hists[-1], "Nominal", "l") else: if type(hists[-1]) == TGraph: hists[-1].Draw("same pXl") else: hists[-1].Draw("same") leg.AddEntry(hists[-1], "Eta " + str(counter), "l") leg.Draw() pad1.SetLogx() c1.SaveAs(outDir + "/MJBvEta" + binning + ".png", "png") pad1.Clear() c1.Clear() inFile.Close()
def plotActualSysRatios(file): outDir = file[:-5] + '/' if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) outDir += "plotActualSysRatios/" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000") #Ignore TCanvas::Print info inFile = TFile.Open(file, "READ") keyList = [key.GetName() for key in inFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects dirList = [key for key in keyList if "Iteration" in key] #List of all directories #nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "NoCorr" in dir] nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "Nominal" in dir] if (not len(nomDir) == 1): print "Error, nominal directories are ", nomDir return else: nomDir = inFile.Get(nomDir[0]) c1 = TCanvas() ##################### Plot Systematic Difference ################################# sysDirNameList = [ dirName for dirName in dirList if not "Nominal" in dirName ] sysDirList = [] for sysDirName in sysDirNameList: sysDirList.append(inFile.Get(sysDirName)) ## This removes extra MJB systematics MJBsToUse = [ "a40", "a20", "b15", "b05", "pta90", "pta70", "ptt30", "ptt20" ] sysDirList = [ sysDir for sysDir in sysDirList if (not "MJB" in sysDir.GetName() or any(MJBtouse in sysDir.GetName() for MJBtouse in MJBsToUse)) ] sysDirList = [ sysDir for sysDir in sysDirList if not "Nominal" in sysDir.GetName() ] ## Combine systematics in types ## #sysTypesToUse = ["Zjet_dPhi","Zjet_MC","Zjet_MuScale","Zjet_MuSmearID","Zjet_MuSmearMS","Zjet_KTerm","Zjet_Veto","Zjet_Stat1","Zjet_Stat2","Zjet_Stat3","Zjet_Stat4","Zjet_Stat5","Zjet_Stat6","Zjet_Stat7","Zjet_Stat8","Zjet_Stat9","Zjet_Stat10","Zjet_Stat11","Zjet_Stat12","Zjet_Stat13"] #sysTypesToUse = ["Gjet_dPhi","Gjet_Generator","Gjet_OOC","Gjet_Purity","Gjet_Veto","Gjet_Stat1","Gjet_Stat2","Gjet_Stat3","Gjet_Stat4","Gjet_Stat5","Gjet_Stat6","Gjet_Stat7","Gjet_Stat8","Gjet_Stat9","Gjet_Stat10","Gjet_Stat11","Gjet_Stat12","Gjet_Stat13","Gjet_Stat14","Gjet_Stat15"] sysTypesToUse = [ "Zjet", "Gjet", "Flavor", "EtaIntercalibration", "PunchThrough", "Pileup", "MCType", "MJB" ] #sysTypesToUse = ["Zjet_Jvt", "Zjet_ElecESZee", "Zjet_ElecEsmear", "Gjet_Jvt", "Gjet_GamESZee", "LAr_Esmear"] # sysTypesToUse = ["MJB_a", "MJB_b", "MJB_ptt", "MJB_pta", "MCType"] # SingleParticle, RelativeNonClosure, Pileup, BJES, PunchThrough sysTypes = [] for sysType in sysTypesToUse: if any(sysType in sysDir for sysDir in sysDirNameList): sysTypes.append(sysType) if len(sysTypes) == 0: print "Error, found no systematics!!" exit(1) if len(sysTypes) > 1: sysTypes.append("All") if "All" in sysTypes: colorOffset = 240. / (len(sysTypes) - 1) else: colorOffset = 240. / len(sysTypes) #print "Plotting systematic differences " #print sysTypes histList = [key.GetName() for key in sysDirList[0].GetListOfKeys()] for histName in histList: if "prof_" in histName or "ptSlice" in histName: continue nomHist = sysDirList[0].Get(histName) nomHist.SetName(nomHist.GetName()) if not type(nomHist) == TH1F and not type( nomHist) == TH1D: #Can't draw bands if not 1D continue ## Get list of systematic histograms ## fullHistList = [] for thisSysDir in sysDirList: fullHistList.append(thisSysDir.Get(histName)) fullHistList[-1].SetDirectory(0) ### Setup Plot ### leg = TLegend(0.83, 0.15, 0.99, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 1) pad1.Draw() ## An empty histogram for plot settings ## settingsHist = nomHist.Clone() for iBin in range(1, settingsHist.GetNbinsX() + 1): settingsHist.SetBinContent(iBin, 0.) settingsHist.SetBinError(iBin, 0.) settingsHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Rel. Uncert. " + nomHist.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) #settingsHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Rel. Uncert. on "+settingsHist.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) settingsHist.SetLineColor(kWhite) settingsHist.SetMarkerColor(kWhite) settingsHist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1., 2.) if ("MJB" in histName): settingsHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(300, 3000) settingsHist.GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) settingsHist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.03, 0.03) settingsHist.Draw() sysHistList = [] for iTopSys, topSysName in enumerate(sysTypes): if topSysName == 'All': subHistList = [ thisHist for thisDir, thisHist in zip(sysDirList, fullHistList) if any(otherTopName in thisDir.GetName() for otherTopName in sysTypes) ] else: subHistList = [ thisHist for thisDir, thisHist in zip(sysDirList, fullHistList) if topSysName in thisDir.GetName() ] sysHistUp, sysHistDn = getCombinedSysHist(nomHist, subHistList, topSysName) if topSysName == 'All': color = kBlack else: color = gStyle.GetColorPalette(int(colorOffset * (iTopSys + 1))) sysHistUp.SetLineColor(color) sysHistUp.SetMarkerColor(color) sysHistUp.SetMarkerSize(0.8) sysHistDn.SetLineColor(color) sysHistDn.SetMarkerColor(color) sysHistDn.SetMarkerSize(0.8) sysHistUp.Draw("same hist lp") sysHistDn.Draw("same hist lp") if (topSysName == "EtaIntercalibration"): leg.AddEntry(sysHistUp, "#eta-inter", "lp") elif (topSysName == "PunchThrough"): leg.AddEntry(sysHistUp, "PunchTh", "lp") else: leg.AddEntry(sysHistUp, topSysName, "lp") # Save them in a list sysHistList.append(sysHistUp) sysHistList.append(sysHistDn) leg.Draw() if ("MJB" in histName): pad1.SetLogx() c1.SaveAs(outDir + nomHist.GetName() + "_fracDiff.png") c1.Clear() inFile.Close()
def plotNominal(file, f_plotSys, f_addGagik): outDir = file[:-5]+'/' if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) outDir += "plotNominal/" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) if not os.path.exists(outDir+'/eps'): os.mkdir(outDir+'/eps') AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000") #Ignore TCanvas::Print info inFile = TFile.Open(file, "READ"); keyList = [key.GetName() for key in inFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects dirList = [key for key in keyList if "Iteration" in key] #List of all directories #nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "NoCorr" in dir] nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "Nominal" in dir] if( not len(nomDir) == 1): print "Error, nominal directories are ", nomDir return else: nomDir = inFile.Get( nomDir[0] ) c1 = TCanvas() ##################### Plot All Nominal With Systematic Bands ################################# print "Plotting nominal hists " if(f_plotSys): sysDirNameList = [dir for dir in dirList if not "Nominal" in dir] sysDirList = [] for sysDirName in sysDirNameList: sysDirList.append( inFile.Get(sysDirName) ) ## Combine systematics in types ## #sysTypes = ["MJB_a", "MJB_b", "MJB_ptt", "MJB_pta", "Flavor", "EtaIntercalibration"] sysTypes = ["ZJ", "GJ", "MJB", "Flavor", "EtaIntercalibration", "All"] if "All" in sysTypes: colorOffset = 240./(len(sysTypes)-1) else: colorOffset = 240./len(sysTypes) histList = [key.GetName() for key in nomDir.GetListOfKeys()] for histName in histList: if "prof_" in histName or "ptSlice" in histName: continue nomHist = nomDir.Get( histName ) nomHist.SetName(nomHist.GetName()) if not type(nomHist) == TH1F and not type(nomHist) == TH1D and not type(nomHist) == TGraphErrors: #Can't draw bands if not 1D continue leg = TLegend(0.83, 0.15, 0.99, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 1) pad1.Draw() leg.AddEntry( nomHist, "Nominal", "lp" ) #nomHist.SetMinimum(0.9) if( "Pt" in histName or "Energy" in histName): nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRange(nomHist.FindFirstBinAbove(0), nomHist.FindLastBinAbove(0)+1 ) nomHist.SetMaximum(1.5*nomHist.GetMaximum()) nomHist.SetMinimum(0.0001) if( "MJB" in histName) : nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 300, 2500 ) nomHist.SetMaximum(1.1) nomHist.SetMinimum(0.9) nomHist.GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) # nomHist.SetMarkerSize(.75) if( "recoilPt" in histName): nomHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Entries / GeV") nomHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 500, 3100 ) if( "recoilPt" in histName): for iBin in range(1, nomHist.GetNbinsX()+1): nomHist.SetBinContent(iBin, nomHist.GetBinContent(iBin)/ nomHist.GetBinWidth(iBin)) nomHist.Draw() if not type(nomHist) == TGraphErrors: nomHist.Draw("p") else: nomHist.SetMarkerStyle(33) nomHist.SetMarkerSize(1.5) nomHist.SetLineWidth(4) nomHist.Draw("ap") if(f_plotSys): ## Get list of systematic histograms ## fullHistList = [] for thisSysDir in sysDirList: fullHistList.append( thisSysDir.Get(histName) ) fullHistList[-1].SetDirectory(0) ## Add systematic bands ## sysHistList = [] for iTopSys, topSysName in enumerate(sysTypes): if topSysName == 'All': subHistList = [thisHist for thisName, thisHist in zip(sysDirNameList, fullHistList) if any(otherTopName in thisName for otherTopName in sysTypes) ] else: subHistList = [thisHist for thisName, thisHist in zip(sysDirNameList, fullHistList) if topSysName in thisName] sysHistUp, sysHistDn = plotSysRatios.getCombinedSysHist(nomHist, subHistList, topSysName) for iBin in range(1, nomHist.GetNbinsX()+1): sysHistUp.SetBinContent( iBin, nomHist.GetBinContent(iBin)*(1.+sysHistUp.GetBinContent(iBin)) ) sysHistDn.SetBinContent( iBin, nomHist.GetBinContent(iBin)*(1.+sysHistDn.GetBinContent(iBin)) ) if topSysName == 'All': color = kBlack else: color = gStyle.GetColorPalette(int(colorOffset*(iTopSys+1))) sysHistUp.SetLineColor(color) sysHistUp.SetMarkerColor(color) sysHistUp.SetMarkerSize(1.5) sysHistUp.SetMarkerStyle(34) sysHistDn.SetLineColor(color) sysHistDn.SetMarkerColor(color) sysHistDn.SetMarkerSize(1.5) sysHistDn.SetMarkerStyle(34) if( "Pt" in histName or "Energy" in histName): sysHistUp.GetXaxis().SetRange(sysHistUp.FindFirstBinAbove(0), sysHistUp.FindLastBinAbove(0)+1) sysHistDn.GetXaxis().SetRange(sysHistDn.FindFirstBinAbove(0), sysHistDn.FindLastBinAbove(0)+1) if not type(nomHist) == TGraphErrors: sysHistUp.Draw("same hist l") sysHistDn.Draw("same hist l") else: sysHistUp.SetMarkerStyle(4) sysHistUp.SetMarkerSize(1.2) sysHistUp.Draw("same l") sysHistDn.SetMarkerStyle(4) sysHistDn.SetMarkerSize(1.2) sysHistDn.Draw("same l") if( topSysName == "EtaIntercalibration"): leg.AddEntry( sysHistUp, "EIC", "lp") else: leg.AddEntry( sysHistUp, topSysName, "lp") # Save them in a list sysHistList.append( sysHistUp ) sysHistList.append( sysHistDn ) # ### Add MC for Data MJB! ### # if( "data" in file and "MJB" in histName ): # filePath = os.path.dirname( file ) # if( "initial" in file): # mcFile = glob.glob( filePath+"/*mc14*MJB_initial.root") # elif( "final" in file): # mcFile = glob.glob( filePath+"/*mc14*MJB_final.root") # if len(mcFile) == 1: # mcFile = TFile.Open(mcFile[0], "READ") # mcKeyList = [key.GetName() for key in mcFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects # mcDirList = [key for key in mcKeyList if "Iteration" in key] #List of all directories # #mcDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "NoCorr" in dir] # mcDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "Nominal" in dir] # if len(mcDir) == 1: # mcDir = mcFile.Get( mcDir[0] ) # mcHist = mcDir.Get(histName) # mcHist.SetMarkerColor(kRed) # mcHist.SetLineColor(kRed) # mcHist.SetMarkerStyle(33) # mcHist.SetMarkerSize(1.3) # mcHist.Draw("same p") # leg.AddEntry(mcHist, "MC", "lp") # # ### Add Gagik for DoubleMJB! ### # if( f_addGagik ): # if( "DoubleMJB" in histName ): # filePath = os.path.dirname( file ) # gagikFile = TFile.Open(filePath+"/ThirdCycle.EM4.sherpa.1.v11.root", "READ") # gagikHist = gagikFile.Get("g_DoMC_fmean_vs_recoil") # gagikHist.SetMarkerColor(kRed) # gagikHist.SetLineColor(kRed) # gagikHist.SetMarkerStyle(33) # gagikHist.SetMarkerSize(1.3) # gagikHist.Draw("same p") # leg.AddEntry(gagikHist, "8 TeV", "lp") # nomHist.Draw("same p") leg.Draw() AtlasStyle.ATLAS_LABEL(0.2,0.88, 1," Internal") AtlasStyle.myText(0.2,0.82,1, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 3.3 fb^{-1}") if "Pt" in histName or "alpha" in histName: pad1.SetLogy() c1.SaveAs(outDir+nomHist.GetName()+"_logy.png" ) c1.SaveAs(outDir+'/eps/'+nomHist.GetName()+"_logy.eps" ) pad1.SetLogy(0) if "MJB" in histName: pad1.SetLogx() c1.SaveAs((outDir+nomHist.GetName()+".png") ) c1.SaveAs((outDir+'/eps/'+nomHist.GetName()+".eps") ) c1.Clear() inFile.Close()
def draw_cross_section_limit(tree, mass_g, flavor_of_sample='MET_TLJets'): AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() entries = tree.GetEntries() current_delta_mass = 0 upper_limits = [] dM = [] index = -1 for entry in range(entries): tree.GetEntry(entry) if tree.mGluino == mass_g: if current_delta_mass != tree.deltaM: print('*** {0}, {1}'.format(tree.mGluino, tree.deltaM)) upper_limits.append(TGraphErrors()) dM.append(int(tree.deltaM)) index += 1 point = 0 current_delta_mass = tree.deltaM #if current_delta_mass < 100: # continue upper_limits[index].SetPoint(point, tree.ctau * 1e3, tree.xsUL) upper_limits[index].SetPointError( point, 0, tree.xsUL * tree.effRelStatErr + tree.xsUL * tree.effRelSystErr) point += 1 print(tree.ctau, tree.xsUL) canvas = TCanvas('c', 'c', 1000, 800) canvas.SetLogx() canvas.SetLogy() #upper_limits[0].SetMinimum(0.8) #upper_limits[0].SetMinimum(0.05) #upper_limits[0].SetMaximum(30000) #upper_limits[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.9, 310) #upper_limits[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle('c#tau [mm]') #upper_limits[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Cross Section [fb]') #upper_limits[0].Draw('A3') #if mass_g == 1400: # upper_limits[1].RemovePoint(0) #upper_limits[0].RemovePoint(2) #upper_limits[1].RemovePoint(0) h_xs = TH1F('xs', ';c#tau [mm]; Cross Section [fb]', 1000, 0.9, 310) h_xs_line = TH1F('xs_line', ';c#tau [mm]; Cross Section [fb]', 1000, 0.9, 310) print(mc.mass_xs_err[mass_g]['xs'] * 1e3) for bin in range(1, 1000 + 1): h_xs.SetBinContent(bin, mc.mass_xs_err[mass_g]['xs'] * 1e3) h_xs_line.SetBinContent(bin, mc.mass_xs_err[mass_g]['xs'] * 1e3) h_xs.SetBinError( bin, mc.mass_xs_err[mass_g]['xs'] * 1e3 * mc.mass_xs_err[mass_g]['xs_err'] * 0.01) h_xs.SetMarkerSize(0) h_xs.SetFillStyle(3001) h_xs.SetFillColor(kGray + 2) #h_xs.SetMinimum(0.8) h_xs.SetMinimum(0.05) h_xs.SetMaximum(30000) #h_xs.Draw('same,e2') h_xs.Draw('e2') h_xs_line.SetLineColor(kGray + 3) h_xs_line.SetLineStyle(2) h_xs_line.Draw('same') legend = TLegend(0.60, 0.75, 0.83, 0.90) for ii, upper_limit in enumerate(upper_limits): #upper_limit.RemovePoint(0) upper_limit.SetMarkerSize(0) upper_limit.SetFillStyle(3001) index = ii if dM[ii] == 130: index = 1 elif dM[ii] == 80: index = 2 continue elif dM[ii] == 50: index = 3 elif dM[ii] == 30: index = 4 upper_limit.SetFillColor(BasicConfig.colors[index + 1]) upper_limit.SetLineColor(BasicConfig.colors[index + 1]) upper_limit.Draw('3,same') #upper_limit.Draw('c,same') #if dM[ii] > 100: # #legend.AddEntry(upper_limit, 'M_{#tilde{g}} = '+str(mass_g)+' GeV, #DeltaM = '+str(dM[ii])+' GeV', 'lf') # legend.AddEntry(upper_limit, '#DeltaM = '+str(dM[ii])+' GeV', 'lf') legend.AddEntry(upper_limit, '#DeltaM = ' + str(dM[ii]) + ' GeV', 'lf') utils.decorate_legend(legend) legend.Draw() AtlasStyle.ATLASLabel(0.19, 0.87, 'Work in Progress') AtlasStyle.myText(0.20, 0.79, kBlack, '#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, #int L dt = 30 fb^{-1}', 0.035) AtlasStyle.myText( 0.20, 0.73, kBlack, 'Split-SUSY Model, M_{#tilde{g}} = ' + str(mass_g) + ' GeV', 0.032) #AtlasStyle.myText(0.20, 0.67, kBlack, 'M_{#tilde{g}} = '+str(mass_g)+' GeV', 0.035) utils.save_as( canvas, BasicConfig.plotdir + 'xs_limit_mGluino' + str(mass_g) + flavor_of_sample)
def draw_cross_section_limit_dM(tree, dM, flavor_of_sample='MET_TLJets'): AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() entries = tree.GetEntries() current_mass = 0 upper_limits = [] mass_g = [] index = -1 point = 0 for entry in range(entries): tree.GetEntry(entry) if tree.deltaM == dM or (dM == 'large' and tree.mGluino - tree.deltaM == 100): if current_mass != tree.mGluino: print('*** {0}, {1}'.format(tree.mGluino, tree.deltaM)) upper_limits.append(TGraphErrors()) mass_g.append(int(tree.mGluino)) index += 1 point = 0 current_mass = tree.mGluino upper_limits[index].SetPoint(point, tree.ctau * 1e3, tree.xsUL) #upper_limits[index].SetPointError(point, 0, tree.xsUL*tree.effRelStatErr+tree.xsUL*tree.effRelSystErr) point += 1 print(tree.ctau, tree.xsUL) canvas = TCanvas('c', 'c', 1000, 800) canvas.SetLogx() canvas.SetLogy() h_xs = TH1F('xs', ';c#tau [mm]; Cross Section [fb]', 1000, 0.9, 310) h_xs.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.1, 100) h_xs.Draw() #h_xs_line = TH1F('xs_line', ';c#tau [mm]; Cross Section [fb]', 1000, 0.9, 310) #print(mc.mass_xs_err[mass_g]['xs'] * 1e3) legend = TLegend(0.60, 0.75, 0.83, 0.90) for ii, upper_limit in enumerate(upper_limits): #upper_limit.RemovePoint(0) upper_limit.SetMarkerSize(0) upper_limit.SetFillStyle(3001) index = ii #if dM[ii] == 130: # index = 1 #elif dM[ii] == 80: # index = 2 # continue #elif dM[ii] == 50: # index = 3 #elif dM[ii] == 30: # index = 4 #print(upper_limit) upper_limit.SetFillColor(BasicConfig.colors[index + 1]) upper_limit.SetLineColor(BasicConfig.colors[index + 1]) upper_limit.Draw('lp,same') #upper_limit.Draw('c,same') #if dM[ii] > 100: # #legend.AddEntry(upper_limit, 'M_{#tilde{g}} = '+str(mass_g)+' GeV, #DeltaM = '+str(dM[ii])+' GeV', 'lf') # legend.AddEntry(upper_limit, '#DeltaM = '+str(dM[ii])+' GeV', 'lf') #legend.AddEntry(upper_limit, '#DeltaM = '+str(dM[ii])+' GeV', 'lf') legend.AddEntry(upper_limit, 'Mass G = ' + str(mass_g[ii]) + ' GeV', 'lf') utils.decorate_legend(legend) legend.Draw() AtlasStyle.ATLASLabel(0.19, 0.87, 'Work in Progress') AtlasStyle.myText(0.20, 0.79, kBlack, '#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, #int L dt = 30 fb^{-1}', 0.035) #AtlasStyle.myText(0.20, 0.73, kBlack, 'Split-SUSY Model, M_{#tilde{g}} = '+str(mass_g)+' GeV', 0.032) #AtlasStyle.myText(0.20, 0.67, kBlack, 'M_{#tilde{g}} = '+str(mass_g)+' GeV', 0.035) #if dM == 'large' and tree.mGluino - tree.deltaM == 100: # print('test') utils.save_as( canvas, BasicConfig.plotdir + 'xs_limit_large_dM_' + flavor_of_sample)
def plotSL(file, binning): if not "appended.root" in file: print "Error: must run on a file ending in \"appended.root\", but was given", file print "Exiting..." return if not binning[0] == '_': binning = '_'+binning outDir = file[:-5]+'/' if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) outDir += "plotSL/" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000") #Ignore TCanvas::Print info inFile = TFile.Open(file, "READ"); keyList = [key.GetName() for key in inFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects dirList = [key for key in keyList if "Iteration" in key] #List of all directories #nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "NoCorr" in dir] nomDir = [dir for dir in dirList if "Nominal" in dir] if( not len(nomDir) == 1): print "Error, nominal directories are ", nomDir return else: nomDir = inFile.Get( nomDir[0] ) c1 = TCanvas() #################### New Sampling Layer Histograms ########################## numSamples = 24 sampleName = ["PreSamplerB", "EMB1", "EMB2", "EMB3", "PreSamplerE", "EME1", "EME2", "HEC0", "HEC1", "HEC2", "HEC3", "TileBar0", "TileBar1", "TileBar2", "TileGap1", "TileGap2", "TileGap3", "TileExt0", "TileExt1", "TileExt2", "FCAL0", "FCAL1", "FCAL2", "MINIFCAL0", "MINIFCAL1", "MINIFCAL2", "MINIFCAL3"] print "Plotting new hists for " for dir in dirList: print " ", dir if not os.path.exists(outDir+dir): os.mkdir( outDir+dir ) thisDir = inFile.Get( dir ) thisSample = [] leg = TLegend(0.80, 0.15, 0.97, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.85, 1) pad1.Draw() ## Draw a ghost copy for it's axis first ## thisSample.append(thisDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent0"+binning) ) thisSample[-1].Add( thisSample[-1], -1.) #for iBin in range(1, thisSample[-1].GetNbinsX()+1): # thisSample[-1].SetBinError(iBin, 0.) #if("NoCorr" in dir): if("Nominal" in dir): thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Percent of Recoil Energy per Layer") thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.004, 0.5) elif ("NoCorr" in dir): thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Rel. Uncert. in % Recoil E per Layer") thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.3, 0.3) else: thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Rel. Uncert. in % Recoil E per Layer") thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1, 0.1) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerSize(0.) thisSample[-1].Draw() for iSample in range(0, numSamples): thisSample.append( thisDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) ) #thisSample[-1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200., 2000.) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerSize(0.5) if(iSample%3 == 0): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(1) elif(iSample%3==1): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(9) thisSample[-1].SetLineWidth(3) else: thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(2) #if( not "NoCorr" in dir): if( not "Nominal" in dir): nomSample = nomDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) thisSample[-1].Add(nomSample, -1.) thisSample[-1].Divide(nomSample) # for iBin in range(1, thisSample[-1].GetNbinsX()+1): # thisSample[-1].SetBinError(iBin, 0.) #if("NoCorr" in dir): if("Nominal" in dir): thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Percent of Recoil Energy per Layer") thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.004, 0.5) elif ("NoCorr" in dir): thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Rel. Uncert. in % Recoil E per Layer") thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.3, 0.3) else: thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Rel. Uncert. in % Recoil E per Layer") thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1, 0.1) leg.AddEntry(thisSample[-1], sampleName[iSample], "l") #if( "NoCorr" in dir): if( "Nominal" in dir): thisSample[-1].Draw("same hist pe") else: thisSample[-1].Draw("same hist l") leg.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outDir+dir+"/SamplingEnergy_all"+binning+".png") #if( "NoCorr" in dir): if( "Nominal" in dir): pad1.SetLogy() c1.SaveAs(outDir+dir+"/SamplingEnergy_all"+binning+"_logy.png") pad1.SetLogy(0) c1.Clear() inFile.Close()
def plotSLDataMCRatio(dataFile, mcFile, binning): if not "appended.root" in mcFile or not "appended.root" in dataFile: print "Error: must run on two files ending in \"appended.root\", but was given", mcFile, "and", dataFile print "Exiting..." return if not binning[0] == '_': binning = '_'+binning outDir = dataFile[:-5]+'/' if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) outDir += "plotSLDataMCRatio/" if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) AtlasStyle.SetAtlasStyle() gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000") #Ignore TCanvas::Print info mcFile = TFile.Open(mcFile, "READ"); mcKeyList = [key.GetName() for key in mcFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects #mcDir = [key for key in mcKeyList if "Iteration" in key and "NoCorr" in key] #List of all directories mcDir = [key for key in mcKeyList if "Iteration" in key and "Nominal" in key] #List of all directories mcDir = mcFile.Get( mcDir[0] ) dataFile = TFile.Open(dataFile, "READ"); dataKeyList = [key.GetName() for key in dataFile.GetListOfKeys()] #List of top level objects #dataDir = [key for key in dataKeyList if "Iteration" in key and "NoCorr" in key] #List of all directories dataDir = [key for key in dataKeyList if "Iteration" in key and "Nominal" in key] #List of all directories dataDir = dataFile.Get( dataDir[0] ) c1 = TCanvas() numSamples = 24 sampleName = ["PreSamplerB", "EMB1", "EMB2", "EMB3", "PreSamplerE", "EME1", "EME2", "HEC0", "HEC1", "HEC2", "HEC3", "TileBar0", "TileBar1", "TileBar2", "TileGap1", "TileGap2", "TileGap3", "TileExt0", "TileExt1", "TileExt2", "FCAL0", "FCAL1", "FCAL2", "MINIFCAL0", "MINIFCAL1", "MINIFCAL2", "MINIFCAL3"] sampleSubset = [0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13] #################### New Histograms ########################## print "Plotting sampling layer energy ratio " thisSample = [] leg = TLegend(0.83, 0.15, 0.99, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 1) pad1.SetRightMargin(0.1) pad1.Draw() ## Draw a ghost copy for it's axis first ## thisSample.append(mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent0"+binning) ) #thisSample[-1].Add(thisSample[-1], -1.) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Rel. Uncert. of Recoil Energy per Layer" ) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.2,0.2) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].Draw("hist l") for iSample in range(0, numSamples): thisSample.append( mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) ) thisSample[-1].SetName(thisSample[-1].GetName()+str(iSample)) dataSample = dataDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) thisSample[-1].Add(dataSample, -1.) thisSample[-1].Divide(dataSample) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.2,0.2) #thisSample[-1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200., 2000.) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerSize(0.5) if(iSample%3 == 0): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(1) elif(iSample%3==1): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(9) thisSample[-1].SetLineWidth(3) else: thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(2) leg.AddEntry(thisSample[-1], sampleName[iSample], "l") thisSample[-1].Draw("same hist l") leg.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outDir+"Frac_SamplingEnergy_all"+binning+".png") # pad1.SetLogy() # c1.SaveAs(outDir+"SamplingEnergy_all"+binning+"_logy.png") # pad1.SetLogy(0) c1.Clear() ###### Do straight difference ########## thisSample = [] leg = TLegend(0.83, 0.15, 0.99, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 1) pad1.Draw() ## Draw a ghost copy for it's axis first ## thisSample.append(mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent0"+binning) ) thisSample[-1].Add(thisSample[-1], -1.) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Difference in Recoil Energy per Layer" ) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1,0.1) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].Draw("hist l") for iSample in range(0, numSamples): thisSample.append( mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) ) thisSample[-1].SetName(thisSample[-1].GetName()+str(iSample)) dataSample = dataDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) thisSample[-1].Add(dataSample, -1.) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1,0.1) #thisSample[-1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200., 2000.) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerSize(0.5) if(iSample%3 == 0): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(1) elif(iSample%3==1): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(9) thisSample[-1].SetLineWidth(3) else: thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(2) leg.AddEntry(thisSample[-1], sampleName[iSample], "l") thisSample[-1].Draw("same hist l") leg.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outDir+"Diff_SamplingEnergy_all"+binning+".png") c1.Clear() ###################################### Subset of sample layers only ################################################### #################### New Histograms ########################## print "Plotting sampling layer energy ratio " thisSample = [] leg = TLegend(0.83, 0.15, 0.99, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 1) pad1.SetRightMargin(0.1) pad1.Draw() ## Draw a ghost copy for it's axis first ## thisSample.append(mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent0"+binning) ) #thisSample[-1].Add(thisSample[-1], -1.) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Rel. Uncert. of Recoil Energy per Layer" ) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.2,0.2) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].Draw("hist l") for iSample in sampleSubset: thisSample.append( mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) ) thisSample[-1].SetName(thisSample[-1].GetName()+str(iSample)) dataSample = dataDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) thisSample[-1].Add(dataSample, -1.) thisSample[-1].Divide(dataSample) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.2,0.2) #thisSample[-1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200., 2000.) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerSize(0.5) if(iSample%3 == 0): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(1) elif(iSample%3==1): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(9) thisSample[-1].SetLineWidth(3) else: thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(2) leg.AddEntry(thisSample[-1], sampleName[iSample], "l") thisSample[-1].Draw("same hist l") leg.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outDir+"Frac_SubsetSamplingEnergy_all"+binning+".png") # pad1.SetLogy() # c1.SaveAs(outDir+"SamplingEnergy_all"+binning+"_logy.png") # pad1.SetLogy(0) c1.Clear() ###### Do straight difference ########## thisSample = [] leg = TLegend(0.83, 0.15, 0.99, 0.95) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 0.83, 1) pad1.Draw() ## Draw a ghost copy for it's axis first ## thisSample.append(mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent0"+binning) ) thisSample[-1].Add(thisSample[-1], -1.) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Difference in Recoil Energy per Layer" ) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1,0.1) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor(kWhite) thisSample[-1].Draw("hist l") for iSample in sampleSubset: thisSample.append( mcDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) ) thisSample[-1].SetName(thisSample[-1].GetName()+str(iSample)) dataSample = dataDir.Get("prof_recoilPt_SamplingLayerPercent"+str(iSample)+binning) thisSample[-1].Add(dataSample, -1.) thisSample[-1].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1,0.1) #thisSample[-1].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200., 2000.) thisSample[-1].SetLineColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerColor( gStyle.GetColorPalette(10*iSample+1) ) thisSample[-1].SetMarkerSize(0.5) if(iSample%3 == 0): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(1) elif(iSample%3==1): thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(9) thisSample[-1].SetLineWidth(3) else: thisSample[-1].SetLineStyle(2) leg.AddEntry(thisSample[-1], sampleName[iSample], "l") thisSample[-1].Draw("same hist l") leg.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outDir+"Diff_SubsetSamplingEnergy_all"+binning+".png") c1.Clear()