def index(self, **kwargs): """ Output stats. """ backends = int( BaseSearcher.sql_get("SELECT count (*) from pg_stat_activity")) active_backends = int( BaseSearcher.sql_get( "SELECT count (*) - 1 from pg_stat_activity where current_query !~ '^<IDLE>'" )) ipsessions = list( # pylint: disable=E1101 adns = asyncdns.AsyncDNS() # blocked IPs blocked = sorted([s for s in ipsessions if s.get('blocked', 0) >= 2], key=lambda s: s.ips.sort_key()) if 'resolve' in kwargs: for d in blocked: if d.ips.ipinfo is None: d.ips.ipinfo = ipinfo.IPInfo(adns, d.ips.get_ip_to_block()) # active IPs active = sorted([s for s in ipsessions if s.get('active', False)], key=lambda s: s.ips.sort_key()) # busiest IPs busiest = sorted([s for s in active if s.get('blocked', 0) < 2], key=lambda x: -x.get('rhits'))[:10] if 'resolve' in kwargs: for d in busiest: if d.ips.ipinfo is None: d.ips.ipinfo = ipinfo.IPInfo(adns, d.ips.get_ip_to_block()) # IPs with most sessions most_sessions = sorted([ s for s in active if not s.ips.whitelisted and len(s.sessions) > 1 ], key=lambda s: -len(s.sessions))[:10] if 'resolve' in kwargs: for d in most_sessions: if d.ips.ipinfo is None: d.ips.ipinfo = ipinfo.IPInfo(adns, d.ips.get_ip_to_block()) adns.wait() adns.cancel() return self.output( 'stats', active=active, blocked=blocked, busiest=busiest, most_sessions=most_sessions, resolve='resolve' in kwargs,, # pylint: disable=E1101 backends=backends, active_backends=active_backends)
def tick(self): """ Do things here. """ try: BaseSearcher.books_in_archive = BaseSearcher.sql_get( 'select count (*) from books') except: pass
def setup(self, os, sql): os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'title', 'author', 'release_date') os.title_icon = 'bookshelf' os.icon = 'book' os.class_ += 'booklink' os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles os.bookshelf = BaseSearcher.sql_get( "select bookshelf from bookshelves where pk = %(pk)s", os.title = _('Books in {bookshelf}').format(bookshelf=os.bookshelf) sql.from_.append('mn_books_bookshelves as mn') sql.where.append(' = mn.fk_books') sql.where.append("mn.fk_bookshelves = %(fk_bookshelves)s") sql.params['fk_bookshelves'] =
def setup(self, os, sql): os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'title', 'release_date') os.title_icon = 'subject' os.icon = 'book' os.class_ += 'booklink' os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles os.subject = BaseSearcher.sql_get( "select subject from subjects where pk = %(pk)s", os.title = _('Books about {subject}').format(subject=os.subject) sql.from_.append('mn_books_subjects as mn') sql.where.append(' = mn.fk_books') sql.where.append("mn.fk_subjects = %(fk_subjects)s") sql.params['fk_subjects'] =
def setup(self, os, sql): os.sort_orders = ('downloads', 'title', 'release_date') os.title_icon = 'author' os.icon = 'book' os.class_ += 'booklink' os.f_format_icon = os.format_icon_titles = BaseSearcher.sql_get( "select author from authors where pk = %(pk)s", os.title = _('Books by {author}').format( sql.from_.append('mn_books_authors as mn') sql.where.append(' = mn.fk_books') sql.where.append("mn.fk_authors = %(fk_authors)s") sql.params['fk_authors'] =
def index (self, **dummy_kwargs): """ Output sitemap index. """ sitemaps = [] now = datetime.datetime.utcnow ().replace (microsecond = 0).isoformat () + 'Z' # 99999 is safeguard against bogus ebook numbers lastbook = BaseSearcher.sql_get ('select max (pk) as lastbook from books where pk < 99999') os = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch () host = cherrypy.config['host'] for n in range (0, lastbook // SITEMAP_SIZE + 1): sitemap = Struct () sitemap.loc = os.url ('sitemap_index', page = n, host = host, format = None) sitemap.lastmod = now sitemaps.append (sitemap) data = Struct () data.sitemaps = sitemaps return self.output ('sitemap-index', data = data)
def index(self, **dummy_kwargs): """ A bibrec page. """ os = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch() os.log_request('bibrec') dc = BaseSearcher.DC(cherrypy.engine.pool) # the bulk of the work is done here dc.load_from_database( if not dc.files: # NOTE: Error message raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, _('No ebook by that number.')) # add these fields so we won't have to test for their existence later dc.extra_info = None dc.url = None dc.translate() dc.header = gg.cut_at_newline(dc.title) os.title = dc.make_pretty_title() dc.extra_info = '' dc.class_ = BaseSearcher.ClassAttr() dc.order = 10 dc.icon = 'book' if 'Sound' in dc.categories: dc.icon = 'audiobook' os.title_icon = dc.icon os.twit = os.title os.qrcode_url = '//%s/cache/epub/%d/pg%d.qrcode.png' % (os.file_host,, os.entries.append(dc) s = cherrypy.session last_visited = s.get('last_visited', []) last_visited.append( s['last_visited'] = last_visited # can we find some meaningful breadcrumbs ? for a in dc.authors: if a.marcrel in ('aut', 'cre'): book_cnt = BaseSearcher.sql_get( "select count (*) from mn_books_authors where fk_authors = %(aid)s", if book_cnt > 1: os.breadcrumbs.append( (__('One by {author}', '{count} by {author}', book_cnt).format(count=book_cnt, author=dc.make_pretty_name(, _('Find more ebooks by the same author.'), os.url('author', if os.format in ('html', 'mobile'): cat = BaseSearcher.Cat() cat.header = _('Similar Books') cat.title = _('Readers also downloaded…') cat.rel = 'related' cat.url = os.url('also', cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed noprint' cat.icon = 'suggestion' cat.order = 30 os.entries.append(cat) for bookshelf in dc.bookshelves: cat = BaseSearcher.Cat() cat.title = _('In {bookshelf}').format( bookshelf=bookshelf.bookshelf) cat.rel = 'related' cat.url = os.url('bookshelf', cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed' cat.icon = 'bookshelf' cat.order = 33 os.entries.append(cat) if os.format in ('mobile', ): for author in dc.authors: cat = BaseSearcher.Cat() cat.title = _('By {author}').format( author=author.name_and_dates) cat.rel = 'related' cat.url = os.url('author', cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed' cat.icon = 'author' cat.order = 31 os.entries.append(cat) for subject in dc.subjects: cat = BaseSearcher.Cat() cat.title = _('On {subject}').format(subject=subject.subject) cat.rel = 'related' cat.url = os.url('subject', cat.class_ += 'navlink grayed' cat.icon = 'subject' cat.order = 32 os.entries.append(cat) os.total_results = 1 os.template = 'results' if os.format == 'mobile' else 'bibrec' = 'bibrec' os.og_type = 'book' os.finalize() return self.format(os)