def Run( self, args ): if not args: raise PythonCommand.UsageError me = BetterMUD.character( ) parms = args.split( None, 1 ) if parms[0] == "all": me.DoAction( "announce", 0, 0, 0, 0, "Beginning Complete Database Save" ) self.mud.AddActionAbsolute( 0, "savedatabases", 0, 0, 0, 0, "" ) return if parms[0] == "region": if len(parms) < 2: raise PythonCommand.UsageError region = BetterMUD.region( int(parms[1]) ) me.DoAction( "announce", 0, 0, 0, 0, "Beginning Region Database Save: " + region.Name() ) self.mud.AddActionAbsolute( 0, "saveregion", int(parms[1]), 0, 0, 0, "" ) return if parms[0] == "players": me.DoAction( "announce", 0, 0, 0, 0, "Beginning Player Database Save" ) self.mud.AddActionAbsolute( 0, "saveplayers", 0, 0, 0, 0, "" ) return raise PythonCommand.UsageError
def Run(self, args): if not args: raise PythonCommand.UsageError me = BetterMUD.character( parms = args.split(None, 1) if parms[0] == "all": me.DoAction("announce", 0, 0, 0, 0, "Beginning Complete Database Save") self.mud.AddActionAbsolute(0, "savedatabases", 0, 0, 0, 0, "") return if parms[0] == "region": if len(parms) < 2: raise PythonCommand.UsageError region = BetterMUD.region(int(parms[1])) me.DoAction("announce", 0, 0, 0, 0, "Beginning Region Database Save: " + region.Name()) self.mud.AddActionAbsolute(0, "saveregion", int(parms[1]), 0, 0, 0, "") return if parms[0] == "players": me.DoAction("announce", 0, 0, 0, 0, "Beginning Player Database Save") self.mud.AddActionAbsolute(0, "saveplayers", 0, 0, 0, 0, "") return raise PythonCommand.UsageError
def Run( self, action, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, data ): me = BetterMUD.character( ) if action == "modifyattribute" and data == "experience": me.DoAction( "announce", 0, 0, 0, 0, "<#00FFFF>You gain " + str( arg4 ) + " experience!" ) return # check for death if action == "modifyattribute" and data == "hitpoints": if arg3 <= 0: me.DoAction( "do", 0, 0, 0, 0, "died" ) return # you killed someone... celebrate! if action == "do" and data == "killed": self.Break( me ) return if action == "do" and data == "died": self.Break( me ) self.mud.AddActionAbsolute( 0, "vision", me.Room(), 0, 0, 0, me.Name() + " dies!!!" ) # calculate how much experience to give to everyone attacking you experience = me.GetAttribute( "giveexperience" ) if len( self.attackedlist ) > 0: experience = experience / len( self.attackedlist ) # go through everyone, tell them you died, and give them their experience for x in self.attackedlist[:]: c = BetterMUD.character( x ) c.DoAction( "do", 0, 0,, 0, "killed" ) self.mud.DoAction( "modifyattribute", 0, x, c.GetAttribute( "experience" ) + experience, experience, "experience" ) # clear the list self.attackedlist = [] # go through all his items and force them to drop me.BeginItem() while me.IsValidItem(): self.mud.DoAction( "dropitem", me.ID(), me.CurrentItem(), 0, 0, "" ) me.NextItem() # now figure out how to kill the character if not me.IsPlayer(): # just destroy non-players self.mud.AddActionAbsolute( 0, "destroycharacter",, 0, 0, 0, "" ) else: # give the player some hitpoints back me.SetAttribute( "hitpoints", (me.GetAttribute( "maxhitpoints" ) / 10) * 7 ) # now spawn the player somewhere, checking the current room, current region, current character, # and finally giving up and sending the player to room 1. r = me.Room() ) if r.DoAction( "do", me.ID(), 0, 0, 0, "deathtransport" ): return r = BetterMUD.region( me.Region() ) if r.DoAction( "do", me.ID(), 0, 0, 0, "deathtransport" ): return if me.DoAction( "do", me.ID(), 0, 0, 0, "deathtransport" ): return self.mud.DoAction( "forcetransport", me.ID(), 1, 0, 0, "" ) return # reset hp if maxhp goes down below hp. if action == "modifyattribute" and data == "maxhitpoints": if me.GetAttribute( "hitpoints" ) > me.GetAttribute( "maxhitpoints" ): me.SetAttribute( "hitpoints", me.GetAttribute( "maxhitpoints" ) ) return # people with the combat module can be attacked if action == "query" and data == "canattack": return 1 # add character to attacked list if he isn't there if action == "do" and data == "attacked": try: self.attackedlist.index( arg3 ) except: self.attackedlist.append( arg3 ) return # remove character from attacked list if action == "do" and data == "brokeattack": try: self.attackedlist.remove( arg3 ) except: pass return # initiate an attack if action == "do" and data == "initattack": if arg3 == return # clear the old target if attacking someone else if != 0: t = BetterMUD.character( ) t.DoAction( "do", 0, 0,, 0, "brokeattack" ) else: self.mud.AddActionRelative( 0, "do", 0,, 0, 0, "attack" ) # set the new target and tell him he's been attacked = arg3 t = BetterMUD.character( arg3 ) t.DoAction( "do", 0, 0,, 0, "attacked" ) self.mud.AddActionAbsolute( 0, "vision", me.Room(), 0, 0, 0, me.Name() + " begins attacking " + t.Name() + "!!" ) return # clear the old target if attacking someone else if action == "do" and data == "breakattack": self.Break( me ) return # break if target or you leaves room if action == "leaveroom": if arg1 == or arg1 == self.Break( me ) return if action == "do" and data == "attack": # get the target target = BetterMUD.character( ) # set another attack round self.mud.AddActionRelative( self.attacktime, "do", 0,, 0, 0, "attack" ) # get the weapon if me.GetAttribute( "weapon" ) == 0: weapon = BetterMUD.itemtemplate( me.GetAttribute( "defaultweapon" ) ) else: weapon = BetterMUD.item( me.GetAttribute( "weapon" ) ) # calculate the accuracy accuracy = weapon.GetAttribute( "accuracy" ) accuracy += target.DoAction( "query", me.ID(), target.ID(), 0, 0, "getaccuracydelta" ) accuracy += me.DoAction( "query", me.ID(), target.ID(), 0, 0, "getaccuracydelta" ) # see if you hit him if accuracy <= random.randint( 0, 99 ): self.mud.AddActionAbsolute( 0, "vision", me.Room(), 0, 0, 0, me.Name() + " swings at " + target.Name() + " with " + weapon.Name() + ", but misses!" ) return # calculate damage and hit damage = random.randint( weapon.GetAttribute( "mindamage" ), weapon.GetAttribute( "maxdamage" ) ) self.mud.DoAction( "vision", me.Room(), 0, 0, 0, "<#FF0000>" + me.Name() + " hits " + target.Name() + " with " + weapon.Name() + " for " + str( damage ) + " damage!" ) self.mud.DoAction( "modifyattribute", 0, target.ID(), target.GetAttribute( "hitpoints" ) - damage, damage, "hitpoints" )