コード例 #1
ファイル: test_main.py プロジェクト: bcjordan/rollcats
    def MouseDown(self, p):
        Indicates that there was a left click at point p (world coordinates)
        if self.mouseJoint != None:

        # Create a mouse joint on the selected body (assuming it's dynamic)

        # Make a small box.
        aabb = box2d.b2AABB()
        d = box2d.b2Vec2(0.001, 0.001)
        aabb.lowerBound = p - d
        aabb.upperBound = p + d

        # Query the world for overlapping shapes.
        body = None
        k_maxCount = 10 # maximum amount of shapes to return

        (count, shapes) = self.world.Query(aabb, k_maxCount)
        for shape in shapes:
            shapeBody = shape.GetBody()
            if shapeBody.IsStatic() == False and shapeBody.GetMass() > 0.0:
                if shape.TestPoint(shapeBody.GetXForm(), p): # is it inside?
                    body = shapeBody
        if body:
            md = box2d.b2MouseJointDef()
            md.body1   = self.world.GetGroundBody()
            md.body2   = body
            md.target  = p
            md.maxForce= 1000.0 * body.GetMass()
            self.mouseJoint = self.world.CreateJoint(md).getAsType()