def Optimize(self,model,gradient='exct',maxnumlinesearch=50,random_starts = 2,verbose=False): self.gradient = gradient print('----------------------------------------------') print(' Optimizing Hyperparameters ') print('---------------------------------------------- \n') print('DETAILS: ') print('--> Performing %i non-linear CG(s) with random initialization(s)' %(random_starts+1)) print('--> Maximum number of line searches = %i' %(maxnumlinesearch)) if gradient == 'exact': print('--> Calculations of gradients: exact gradients') else: print('--> Calculation of gradients: Forward Finite-Differencing') if model.M>5000: print('--> Gradients computed in parallel on %i cores \n' %(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) else: print('--> Gradients computed on 1 core \n') # intialize optimum parameters opthyp,optML,i = CG.minimize(self,model,maxnumlinesearch=maxnumlinesearch, maxnumfuneval=None, red=1.0, verbose=verbose) optrankfix = self.rank_fix print('CG run #1 done') # Discourage very small characteristic lengths #if opthyp[1]>1.5: # optML[-1] = np.inf # Rerun optimization with random intializations for j in xrange(random_starts): self.hyp = 0.1*np.random.randint(-40,10,size=(len(opthyp)-1,1)) self.hyp = np.vstack((self.hyp,np.random.randint(-2,6))) if self.interpolate: self.rank_fix = (math.exp(-self.hyp[0])**2)/1e6 else: self.rank_fix = (math.exp(-self.hyp[0])**2)/1e6 print(self.hyp) hyp, ML, i = CG.minimize(self,model,maxnumlinesearch=maxnumlinesearch, maxnumfuneval=None, red=1.0, verbose=verbose) # if new optimum is better than the last, save it. if ML[-1] != -np.inf and ML[-1] <optML[-1]: #and hyp[1]<1.5: optML = ML opthyp = hyp optrankfix = self.rank_fix print('--> CG run #%i done:' %(j+2)) print('--> Optimum Marginal Likelihood: %e \n\n' %(ML[-1])) print('**********************************************') print(' Global Optimum Hyperparameters: ') print(opthyp) print('Global Optimum Marginal Likelihood: ') print(optML[-1]) print('********************************************** \n\n') # Save global optimum to the Kernel object self.hyp = opthyp self.rank_fix = optrankfix return
def inexactNewtonCGiter(action_of_hessian_on_vector, eval_obj_func, m, g, n, convergence_level, c1=1.e-4, alpha_init=1.0): ''' action_of_matrix_on_vector - Function that returns action of nxn matrix H on any given n vector x eval_obj_func - Evaluate objective function, takes in m as input m - Parameters p - Newton direction g - Gradient convergence_level - 0 for linear, 1 for superlinear, 2 for quadratic c1 - Paramteter to quantify sufficient descent alpha_init - Initial guess for alpha, which decides the step length ''' p = CG.linear_CG(action_of_hessian_on_vector, m, g, n, convergence_level) alpha = line_search.backtrackingArmijoLineSearch(eval_obj_func, m, p, g, c1=1.e-4) m_new = m + alpha * p return m_new
def Gaussian_Kron(W,x,y,hyp,rank_fix): # Initialize variables N,M = W.shape D = len(x) sigma = math.exp(-hyp[0]/D) s = math.exp(-hyp[-1]) # set a flag to know if the CG converged flag=False # iterate 5 times or until CG converged to desired accuracy for i in xrange(5): # initialize list for dimensional gram matrices, Eigenvalues, and Eigenvectors K = [] E = [] # Calculate and stack K, Q, and E in each dimension. for d in xrange(D): xd = x[d].reshape(-1,1) K.append((sigma**2.0)*np.exp(-(np.sum(xd**2.0,1).reshape(-1,1)+np.sum(xd**2.0,1)-2*,xd.T))/(2.0*(math.exp(-hyp[d+1]))**2))) E.append(np.real(np.linalg.eigh(K[-1])[0])) # Calculate eigenvalues of the inducing points ''' L = E[0] for d in xrange(1,D): L = np.kron(L,E[d]) L = np.sort(L,kind='mergesort') ''' L,ind = KU.largest_eigs(E,N,M) # Approximate to eigenvalues of KSKI by a factor M/N L = (float(N)/M)*L # Calculate approximate log|KSKI| from L and s complexity = np.sum(np.log(L + (s**2 + rank_fix )*np.ones((N,1)))) # Calculate alpha by Linear CG method alpha = CG.Linear_CG(W,K,y,s,rank_fix,tolerance=1e-3,maxiter=2000) # If the CG does not converge, increase the rank fixing term to give better conditioning if alpha[1] != 0: print('cg failed, reassigning rank correction term.') rank_fix = 100*rank_fix else: flag = True # if CG succeeded, return alpha. Else reiterate with a larger rank_fix term. if flag: break alpha = alpha[0] # Get negative log likelihood (objective function to be minimized) return 0.5*(,alpha)[0][0] + complexity + N*np.log(2*math.pi)),rank_fix
def KISSGP(self): if self.noise: noise = self.kernel.hyp[-1] else: noise = math.log(1e6) self.Kuu = self.kernel.Kuu(self.grid.x) alpha = CG.Linear_CG(self.W, self.Kuu, self.y, math.exp(-noise), self.kernel.rank_fix, tolerance=1e-5, maxiter=5000) print(alpha[1]) self.alpha = alpha[0] return
def singleEuler(nu, u, v, Gu, Gv, dx, dy, dt, Nx, Ny, c1, c2): ''' ''' updGhosts(u, v) CalG(nu, u, v, dx, dy, Gu, Gv, c1) u += c2 * dt * Gu v += c2 * dt * Gv b = numpy.zeros((Nx+2, Ny+2)) b[1:-1, 1:-1] = (u[2:-1, 1:-1] - u[1:-2, 1:-1]) / dx + \ (v[1:-1, 2:-1] - v[1:-1, 1:-2]) / dy p, Nitr = CG(Nx, Ny, numpy.zeros((Nx+2, Ny+2)), b, dx, dy, 1e-15, 'N', refP=0) u[2:-2, 1:-1] -= (p[2:-1, 1:-1] - p[1:-2, 1:-1]) / dx v[1:-1, 2:-2] -= (p[1:-1, 2:-1] - p[1:-1, 1:-2]) / dy return u, v, p, Gu, Gv
def setMBS(self, mbs): self.mbs = mbs parity = 1 occPos = 0 empPos = 0 self.occList = [] self.nextEmptyList = [] self.emptyList = [] # Loop through each of the sps's: for s in xrange(self.nStates): self.parity[s] = parity # set the parity if self.mbs & (0x1 << s): # if s is an occupied state if self.vsList[s]: # if it is a valid state for the operator self.occList.append(s) self.nextEmptyList.append(empPos) occPos = occPos + 1 parity = -parity # if occupied, change the next state parity elif self.vsList[s]: self.emptyList.append(s) # mark unoccupied empPos = empPos + 1 # So, we need to find n = p electrons choose p electron states # p electrons is nParticles - f electrons # p states is fixed (well, based on the vsList) # see discussion in __init__ if self.optStates > 0: #print self.optStates, occPos return int(CG.binomialCoeff(self.optStates, self.nParticles - occPos)) else: return 1
def optimize(): try: tolerance = math.pow(10, -1 * int(entry4.get())) # Toleranzschwelle des Nutzers except: tolerance = 5 * math.pow(10, -1 * 8) if numberOfFunctions < 5: number = numberOfFunctions else: number = 5 chooseFunctionsAutomatic(number) iteration = 0 x = np.zeros(dim) p = CG(hesse_f_N(x), -1 * grad_f(x), 10 * dim, math.pow(10, -5), x) F = f(x) Grad = grad_f(x) alpha = 1 # Armijo-Backtrackin-Verfahren while f(x + (alpha * p)) > F + 0.5 * alpha *, p): alpha = 0.5 * alpha xold = np.copy(x) # Sicherung x x = x + alpha * p # Update von x F = f(x) Grad = grad_f(x) iteration = 1 while ((np.linalg.norm(Grad) > tolerance * (1 + (abs(F)))) and (abs(np.linalg.norm(Grad) - np.linalg.norm(grad_f(xold)))) > math.pow(10, -7)) \ or (abs(F - f(xold)) > math.pow(10, -8) * (1 + abs(F)))\ or (np.linalg.norm(xold - x) > math.pow(10, -8) * (1 + np.linalg.norm(x))): if np.linalg.norm(xold - x) <= math.pow(10, -6) * (1 + np.linalg.norm(x)): if number < numberOfFunctions: addFunctionsAutomatic() number += 1 else: break p = CG(hesse_f_N(x), -1 * Grad, 10 * dim, math.pow(10, -4), x) alpha = 1 # Armijo-Backtracking-Verfahren while f(x + (alpha * p)) > F + 0.5 * alpha *, p): alpha = 0.5 * alpha xold = np.copy(x) # Sicherung x x = x + alpha * p # Update von x F = f(x) Grad = grad_f(x) iteration += 1 print("Iterationen: " + str(iteration - 1)) print("Anzahl gewählter Funktionen: " + str(number)) print("Minimierer x der Funktionen ist: " + str(x)) print("Der Fehler im Gradienten liegt bei: " + str(np.linalg.norm(Grad))) print("f(x) = " + str(F)) print("Norm Gradient: " + str(np.linalg.norm(Grad))) print("Toleranz Gradient: " + str(tolerance * (1 + abs(F)))) print("Unterschied Norm Gradient: " + str(abs(np.linalg.norm(Grad) - np.linalg.norm(Grad)))) print("Toleranz Unterschied Gradient: " + str((10**-7))) print("Unterschied f: " + str(abs(F - f(xold)))) print("Tolleranz f: " + str((10**-8) * (1 + abs(F)))) print("Unterschied x: " + str(np.linalg.norm(xold - x))) print("Tolleranz x: " + str(math.pow(10, -8) * (1 + np.linalg.norm(x))))
def exact_Gaussian_grad2(W,x,y,hyp,rank_fix): # Initialize variables N,M = W.shape D = len(x) P = len(hyp) sigma = math.exp(-hyp[0]/D) s = math.exp(-hyp[-1]) # set a flag to know if the CG converged flag=False # iterate 5 times or until CG converged to desired accuracy for i in xrange(5): # initialize list for dimensional gram matrices, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and gradients K = [] E = [] Q = [] # Calculate and stack K, Q, and E in each dimension. for d in xrange(D): xd = x[d].reshape(-1,1) K.append((sigma**2.0)*np.exp(-(np.sum(xd**2.0,1).reshape(-1,1)+np.sum(xd**2.0,1) \ -2*,xd.T))/(2.0*(math.exp(-hyp[d+1]))**2))) e,q = np.linalg.eigh(K[-1]) E.append(e) Q.append(q) # get N largest eigenvalues L,ind = KU.largest_eigs(E,N,M) # Approximate to eigenvalues of KSKI by a factor M/N L = (float(N)/M)*L # Calculate approximate log|KSKI| from L and s complexity = np.sum(np.log(L + (s**2 + rank_fix)*np.ones((N,1)))) # Calculate alpha by Linear CG method alpha = CG.Linear_CG(W,K,y,s,rank_fix,tolerance=1e-3,maxiter=2000) # If the CG does not converge, increase the rank fixing term to give better conditioning if alpha[1] != 0: print('cg failed, reassigning rank correction term.') rank_fix = 100*rank_fix else: flag = True # if CG succeeded, return alpha. Else reiterate with a larger rank_fix term. if flag: break alpha = alpha[0] # calculate gradients of Kuu and then the gradient of the likelihood grad = np.zeros((P,1)) # If M> 5000 use paralell gradient computation (less than 5000 parallel comunication overcomes benefits) if M>5000: l = [(i,K,L,W,Q,alpha,ind,rank_fix,x,hyp) for i in xrange(P)] pool = Pool() res = pool.imap(d_ARD, l) i=0 for g in res: grad[i] = g i+=1 pool.close() pool.terminate() # Else compute gradients sequentially else: for p in xrange(P): grad[p] = d_ARD((p,K,L,W,Q,alpha,ind,rank_fix,x,hyp)) func = 0.5*(,alpha)[0][0] + complexity + N*np.log(2*math.pi)) print(func) # Get negative log likelihood (objective function to be minimized) return grad,func,rank_fix
if indRows[i] != iVert : spCoefs[i] = 0. else : spCoefs[i] = 1. # Suppression des coefficients se trouvant sur la ligne iVert # ( avec toujours 1 sur la diagonale ) for iCol in xrange(nb_verts): if iCol != iVert : for ptRow in xrange(begCols[iCol],begCols[iCol+1]): if indRows[ptRow] == iVert : spCoefs[ptRow] = 0. # On definit ensuite la matrice comme matrice CSC : spMatrix = sparse.csc_matrix((spCoefs, indRows, begCols)) # Visualisation second membre : VS.view( coords, elt2verts, b, title = "second membre", visuMesh = False ) # Puis on résoud le système linaire à l'aide d'un gradient conjugué : x0 = np.zeros(nb_verts, np.double) for i in xrange(nb_verts): if coords[i,3]>0: x0[i] = g(coords[i,0],coords[i,1]) sol, iter, epsilon = CG.solve( spMatrix, x0, b, 100, 1.E-6 ) # On affiche l'erreur faite sur la solution ainsi que le nombre d'itérations # nécessaire à la convergence print "Erreur relative : {}".format(epsilon) print "Iteration pour converger : {}".format(iter) # Visualisation de la solution : VS.view( coords, elt2verts, sol, title = "Solution", visuMesh=False )
thresholdValue = cv2.getTrackbarPos('filterThresh', 'image') thresh = cv2.threshold(blurred, thresholdValue, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] testArray = [(lower - thrs / 2).tolist(), (lower + thrs / 2).tolist(), lowerBound.tolist(), upperBound.tolist(), thresholdValue] cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1] areas = 1 if cnts is not None: areas = int(len(cnts)) splotch = np.zeros((1, areas), dtype=np.uint8) if cnts is None: CG.runGame() # loop over the contours #THIS IS THE BLOCK THAT DETECTS GREEN try: for i, c in enumerate(cnts, 0): print(cnts) M = cv2.moments(c) splotch[0][i] = int(M["m00"]) try: max1 = np.argmax(splotch)
def uncon(func, x0, max_iter, tol): method = "BFGS_LS" mode = 0 # solve mode #mode = 1 # analysis mode # get the obj function and gradient f, g = func() n = x0.shape[0] if (method == "BFGS_LS"): V0 = np.matrix(np.eye(n)) p = BFGS.BFGS(f, g, x0, V0, n, mode) if (mode == 0): x, J = p.optimize(tol) elif (mode == 1): x_list, n_iter_list, log_g_norm_list = p.optimize(tol) elif (method == "BFGS_TR"): B_0 = np.matrix(np.eye(n)) Delta_0 = 1.0 Delta_max = 10.0 if (mode == 0): x, J = TR.trustRegion(Delta_0, Delta_max, tol, \ x0, B_0, f, g, mode) elif (mode == 1): x_list, n_iter_list, log_g_norm_list = TR.trustRegion(Delta_0, Delta_max, tol, \ x0, B_0, f, g, mode) elif (method == "CG"): p = CG.CG(f, g, x0, mode) if (mode == 0): x, J = p.optimize(tol) elif (mode == 1): x_list, n_iter_list, log_g_norm_list = p.optimize(tol) if (mode == 0): return x, J elif (mode == 1): return x_list, n_iter_list, log_g_norm_list
def genFermionStateTable(nFermions): plist = Plist.AtomicOrbitalPlist() plist.readPlist() nStates = plist.aoList.nStates debugFlag = True # In real situations, more than 32 states will overflow memory # But in small situations, this is allowed if nStates > 32: print '*** WARNING: *** nStates is larger than 32!! Continuing ... ' # The number of fermions cannot be more than the number of states if nFermions > nStates: raise Exception('Number of particles exceeds the number of states! '+str(nFermions)+' '+str(nStates)) return # The dimension is the total number of many-body states dim = CG.binomialCoeff(nStates, nFermions) print '<------------------------ State Table -------------------->' print 'Fermions = ', nFermions, ' ... States = ', nStates, '... Dimension = ', dim # Create an empty python dictionary stateTableDict = dict() stateTable = [] # initialize the first state # the low nFermions bits are set to 1 state = Bit.BitStr(nStates) for ferm in range(nFermions): state.set(ferm) # cursor is the position of the highest bit in this group of ones cursor = nFermions - 1 # ones is the total number of ones in this group of ones ones = nFermions # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loop through each many-body state # -------------------------------------------------------------------- for mbState in range(dim): stateTableDict[state.value] = mbState # set the key & value stateTable.append(state.value) if dim == 1: break # move the high bit up state.clear(cursor) cursor = cursor state.set(cursor+1) ones = ones - 1 # decrement the number of ones in the group if ones > 0: # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # move all of the lower ones down # -------------------------------------------------------------------- for sbState in range(cursor): if sbState < ones: state.set(sbState) else: state.clear(sbState) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- cursor = ones - 1 # move the cursor to end of group else: # no more ones in the group # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # find the next one to move for sbState in range(cursor+1,nStates): if not state.get(sbState): cursor = sbState - 1 break else: ones = ones + 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # end for sbState in range(cursor+1,nStates+1): # -------------------------------------------------------------------- f = open('./stateTable.pkl', 'w') pickle.dump(stateTable, f) f.close() f = open('./stateTableDict.pkl','w') pickle.dump(stateTableDict, f) f.close() del stateTable del stateTableDict # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dump out the table for debugging # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if debugFlag: # Read in the state table pickles f = open('stateTable.pkl', 'r') dbgStateTable = pickle.load(f) f.close() f = open('stateTableDict.pkl', 'r') dbgStateTableDict = pickle.load(f) f.close() for rStateIndex, rState in enumerate(dbgStateTable): state = Bit.BitStr(nStates, rState) print 'State %d = %s' % (rStateIndex, state.display()) if rStateIndex != dbgStateTableDict[rState]: raise Exception('Mismatch between state index and dictionary!'+str(rStateIndex)) f = open('./mbDimension.pkl','w') pickle.dump(dim, f) f.close() f = open('./nParticles.pkl','w') pickle.dump(nFermions, f) f.close() print '<------------------------ End State Table -------------------->' print