def plotUpperLimits(resultdicts, scanlabels, xlabel, ylabel, outpath): # see CMS plot guidelines: tgraphs = [] tgraphs_observed = [] up2s = [] colors = [ ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kRed, 41, ROOT.kGray + 1, ROOT.kMagenta + 2, ROOT.kOrange + 7, ROOT.kCyan + 2 ] markers = [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32] if len(resultdicts) == 2: markers = [23, 24] for k, r in enumerate(resultdicts): values = [] for key in r.keys(): values.append(int(key)) N = len(values) values = sorted(values) median = ROOT.TGraph(N) # median line observed = ROOT.TGraph(N) # observed line i = 0 for v in values: limit = r[str(v)] if unblind and len(limit) < 6: raise Exception("Not enougth entries in limit to unblind") up2s.append(limit[2]) if unblind: observed.SetPoint(i, values[i], limit[5]) # observed median.SetPoint(i, values[i], limit[2]) # median i = i + 1 tgraphs.append(median) if unblind: tgraphs_observed.append(observed) W = 800 H = 600 T = 0.08 * H B = 0.12 * H L = 0.12 * W R = 0.04 * W c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 100, 100, W, H) c.SetFillColor(0) c.SetBorderMode(0) c.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c.SetLeftMargin(L / W) c.SetRightMargin(R / W) c.SetTopMargin(T / H) c.SetBottomMargin(B / H) c.SetTickx(0) c.SetTicky(0) c.SetGrid() frame = c.DrawFrame(1.4, 0.001, 4.1, 10) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9) frame.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "95% upper limit on #sigma (#Chi#rightarrow HH) [pb]") frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) frame.SetMinimum(miny) frame.SetMaximum(max(up2s) * 1.05) if logy: frame.SetMaximum(max(up2s) * 15) frame.GetXaxis().SetLimits(min(values), max(values)) if logy: c.SetLogy() if (maxy > 0.): frame.SetMaximum(maxy) tgraphs[0].Draw() for i, g in enumerate(tgraphs): g.SetLineColor(colors[i]) print scanlabels.split(":")[i], markers[i] g.SetMarkerColor(colors[i]) g.SetMarkerStyle(markers[i]) g.SetMarkerSize(1.2) if not unblind: g.SetLineWidth(2) g.Draw("PLSame") else: g.SetLineStyle(2) g.SetLineWidth(1) g.Draw("LSame") for i, g in enumerate(tgraphs_observed): g.SetLineColor(colors[i]) print scanlabels.split(":")[i], markers[i] g.SetMarkerColor(colors[i]) g.SetMarkerStyle(markers[i]) g.SetMarkerSize(1.2) g.SetLineWidth(2) g.Draw("PLSame") CMS_lumi.lumi_sqrtS = ylabel CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, 0, 11) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) frame.Draw('sameaxis') #x1 = 0.459 x1 = 0.3 x2 = 0.959 y2 = 0.9175 y1 = 0.6675 legend = ROOT.TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) #legend.SetFillStyle(0) #legend.SetFillColor(1) legend.SetNColumns(3) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextSize(0.041) legend.SetTextFont(42) if unblind: for i, g in enumerate(tgraphs_observed): legend.AddEntry(g, scanlabels.split(":")[i], 'PL') legend.AddEntry(tgraphs[0], 'expected', 'L') else: for i, g in enumerate(tgraphs): legend.AddEntry(g, scanlabels.split(":")[i], 'PL') legend.Draw() print " " c.SaveAs(outpath) c.Close()
mg_data.Draw("Ape0") # histolist[0].Draw("HIST E") # for h in histolist: # h.Draw("HIST E same)") # if(histolist[0]):histolist[0].Draw("pe0") mg_data.SetMaximum(histolist[0].GetMaximum()*1.3) mg_data.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(405) mg_data.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg_data.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.95) mg_data.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) mg_data.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mg_data.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg_data.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) mg_data.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Diboson invariant mass [GeV]") mg_data.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Mistagging rate") CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canvas, iPeriod, iPos) SetOwnership( l, 1 ) # l.Draw() l2.Draw() addInfo.Draw("same") cname =" all-hadronic-plots/BkgEff/QCD_" +cat+"_VV_MistaggingRateEff.pdf" print "saving canvas %s" %cname canvas.SaveAs(cname) cname =outdir +"/QCD_" +cat+"_VV_MistaggingRateEff.pdf" print "saving canvas %s" %cname canvas.SaveAs(cname) cname =" all-hadronic-plots/BkgEff/QCD_" +cat+"_VV_MistaggingRateEff.C" print "saving canvas %s" %cname canvas.SaveAs(cname)
hist2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.8) hist1.SetMarkerStyle(24) hist2.SetMarkerStyle(24) hist2.SetMarkerColor(kRed) hist2.Draw() #hist3.SetLineColor(kBlue) #hist3.Draw('SAME') hist1.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) hist1.Draw('SAME') ############################################# leg = TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89) leg.SetFillColor(kWhite) leg.AddEntry(hist1, 'Z prime 2 TeV', 'P') leg.AddEntry(hist2, 'Z prime 3 TeV ', 'P') #leg.AddEntry(hist3,'Down Variation', 'l') #leg.SetLineColor(kWhite) #leg.SetHeader('Legend') leg.Draw() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c1, 4, iPos) c1.Update() #c1.SaveAs(keyn[0][0]+'.png') #c1.Write() ############################################
def plot_all(w, ch="el", reg='sig'): # These things just have to be kept in memory so that ROOT does not make them disappear in the next loop pads = [] paveTexts = [] legendsMWV = [] canvas = TCanvas(ch, ch, 800, 572) pad1 = TPad('pad', 'pad', 0., 0., 1., 1.) pads.append(pad1) # Main MWV plot p = plot(w, fitres, normset, ch, reg) p.GetXaxis().SetTitle('m_{WV} (GeV)') p.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) p.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.8) p.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) p.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(7e-2, 1e4) p.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Events / 100 GeV') p.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) p.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.7) p.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) pad1.Draw() pad1.SetLogy() pad1.SetTicky() pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.13) p.Draw() # Lumi text and channel #if reg=='sb_lo': CMS_lumi.lumiTextSize = 0.0 CMS_lumi.writeExtraText = True CMS_lumi.extraText = "Simulation" CMS_lumi.cmsTextSize = 0.75 CMS_lumi.extraOverCmsTextSize = 0.57 CMS_lumi.relPosY = -0.09 CMS_lumi.relExtraDX = 0.15 CMS_lumi.relExtraDY = 0.4 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(pad1, 4, 11) #elif reg=='sb_hi': CMS_lumi.cmsTextSize = 0.0 CMS_lumi.writeExtraText = False CMS_lumi.lumiTextSize = 0.65 CMS_lumi.lumiTextOffset = 0.2 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(pad1, 4, 11) # Legend legMWV = TLegend(0.5, 0.4625, 0.88, 0.9) legMWV.SetFillColor(0) legMWV.SetFillStyle(0) legMWV.SetBorderSize(0) legMWV.SetLineColor(0) legMWV.SetLineWidth(0) legMWV.SetLineStyle(0) legMWV.SetTextFont(42) legMWV.AddEntry(p.getObject(11), "Signal c_{WWW}/#Lambda^{2}=3.6 TeV^{-2}", "L") legMWV.AddEntry(p.getObject(0), "W+jets", "F") legMWV.AddEntry(p.getObject(1), "t#bar{t}", "F") legMWV.AddEntry(p.getObject(4), "WW", "F") legMWV.AddEntry(p.getObject(5), "WZ", "F") legMWV.AddEntry(p.getObject(8), "Single t", "F") legMWV.AddEntry(p.getObject(10), "Uncertainty", "F") legMWV.Draw() legendsMWV.append(legMWV) canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs('prefit_%s_mWV_%s.pdf' % (ch, reg)) raw_input(ch) for i in pads: i.Delete()
def DrawText(self): #redraw axes self.c.RedrawAxis() # white background graphWhite = rt.TGraph(5) graphWhite.SetName("white") graphWhite.SetTitle("white") graphWhite.SetFillColor(rt.kWhite) graphWhite.SetFillStyle(1001) graphWhite.SetLineColor(rt.kBlack) graphWhite.SetLineStyle(1) graphWhite.SetLineWidth(3) graphWhite.SetPoint(0, self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax) graphWhite.SetPoint(1, self.model.Xmax, self.model.Ymax) graphWhite.SetPoint(2, self.model.Xmax, self.model.Ymax * 0.82) graphWhite.SetPoint(3, self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax * 0.82) #graphWhite.SetPoint(2,self.model.Xmax, self.model.Ymax*0.8) #graphWhite.SetPoint(3,self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax*0.8) graphWhite.SetPoint(4, self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax) graphWhite.Draw("FSAME") graphWhite.Draw("LSAME") self.c.graphWhite = graphWhite CMS_lumi.writeExtraText = 1 CMS_lumi.extraText = "Preliminary" #CMS_lumi.lumi_13TeV="2.3 fb^{-1}" CMS_lumi.lumi_13TeV = "12.9 fb^{-1}" CMS_lumi.lumi_sqrtS = "13 TeV" iPos = 0 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(self.c, 4, iPos) # CMS LABEL textCMS = rt.TLatex(0.25, 0.96, " %s " % (self.preliminary)) textCMS.SetNDC() textCMS.SetTextAlign(13) textCMS.SetTextFont(52) textCMS.SetTextSize(0.038) #textCMS.Draw() self.c.textCMS = textCMS # MODEL LABEL if self.model.extraText: textModelLabel = rt.TLatex(0.17, 0.91, "%s" % self.model.label) else: textModelLabel = rt.TLatex(0.17, 0.91, "%s" % self.model.label) textModelLabel.SetNDC() textModelLabel.SetTextAlign(13) textModelLabel.SetTextFont(42) textModelLabel.SetTextSize(0.035) #textModelLabel.SetTextSize(0.03) textModelLabel.Draw() self.c.textModelLabel = textModelLabel # NLO NLL XSEC textNLONLL = rt.TLatex(0.15, 0.8625, "NLO+NLL exclusion") textNLONLL.SetNDC() textNLONLL.SetTextAlign(13) textNLONLL.SetTextFont(42) textNLONLL.SetTextSize(0.035) # if self.model.extraText : # textNLONLL.Draw() self.c.textNLONLL = textNLONLL if self.model.extraText: xRange = self.model.Xmax - self.model.Xmin yRange = self.model.Ymax - self.model.Ymin textExtra1 = rt.TLatex(0.17, 0.81, self.model.extratext1) textExtra1.SetNDC() textExtra1.SetTextFont(42) textExtra1.SetTextSize(0.030) textExtra1.Draw() self.c.textExtra1 = textExtra1 textExtra2 = rt.TLatex(0.17, 0.7, self.model.extratext2) textExtra2.SetNDC() textExtra2.SetTextFont(42) textExtra2.SetTextSize(0.030) textExtra2.Draw() self.c.textExtra2 = textExtra2
def loopIntoIt(files, key, outputFolder): ############################################# if (key.IsA().InheritsFrom("TDirectory")): #print key.GetName(), "is a directory in ",key.GetPath() here = key.GetPath().split(":", 1)[1] #print here ROOT.gSystem.MakeDirectory(outputFolder + here) files[0].cd(str(key.GetPath())) the_dir = ROOT.gDirectory dirList = ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys() for k in dirList: obj_array = [] obj1 = k.ReadObj() if (obj1.IsA().InheritsFrom("TH1") ): #and "h2_" not in obj1.GetName()): if (obj1.IsA().InheritsFrom("TH2")): continue increment_count() print "processed ", nplots, " histograms" #if (nplots>10): # return #print obj1.GetName()," is an histogram in ",key.GetPath() listOfAcceptedHistograms = ["Residuals"] searchpath = key.GetPath().split(":/", 1)[1] if (listOfAcceptedHistograms[0] in key.GetPath()): #obj1.GetName()): continue for the_file in files: kf = ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys().FindObject( obj1.GetName()) objf = kf.ReadObj() obj_array.append(objf) arr = [] for h1 in obj_array: if (h1.GetSumOfWeights() != 0): #and ("p_" not in obj1.GetName())): ##h1.Scale(100/h1.GetSumOfWeights()) ##h1.Scale(1/1000.) arr.append(h1) the_extrema = getExtrema(arr) for h1 in obj_array: if thetypes[obj_array.index(h1)]: doFill = False else: #if (obj_array.index(h1)>0): doFill = True #print "themarker is :",themarkers[obj_array.index(h1)] makeNicePlotStyle(h1, thecolors[obj_array.index(h1)], themarkers[obj_array.index(h1)], the_extrema, doFill) compound = str(obj1.GetName()) + "_" + str(key.GetName()) ##################################### ## ## Standard plot canvas ## ##################################### c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1_" + compound, "c1_" + compound, 800, 800) if ("prof_" not in obj1.GetName()): for h1 in obj_array: if thetypes[obj_array.index(h1)]: if obj_array.index(h1) == 0: h1.Draw("PE1") else: h1.Draw("PE1sames") else: if obj_array.index(h1) == 0: h1.Draw("HIST") else: h1.Draw("HISTsames") else: obj_array[0].Draw("PE1") for h1 in obj_array: h1.Draw("PE1sames") CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c1, iPeriod, iPos) c1.Draw() clones = [] for h1 in obj_array: clone = h1.Clone() clones.append(clone) #stats = h1.FindObject("stats") #makeNiceStats(stats,obj_array.index(h1)) #stats.Draw("same") myleg = makeNiceTLegend(obj_array, thelabels) myleg.Draw("same") (p1, p2, p3) = makeNicePaveTest() #p1.Draw("same") #p2.Draw("same") #p3.Draw("same") #c1.Print() #c1.RedrawAxis() #frame = c1.GetFrame() #frame.Draw() c1.SaveAs(outputFolder + here + "/c1_" + compound + ".png") c1.SaveAs(outputFolder + here + "/c1_" + compound + ".pdf") #c1.SaveAs(outputFolder+here+"/c1_"+compound+".root") ##################################### ## ## ratio plot canvas ## ##################################### c1ratio = ROOT.TCanvas("c1_ratio_%s" % c1.GetName(), "c1_ratio_%s" % c1.GetName(), 800, 800) # upper pad pad = ROOT.TPad("mainPad_%s" % c1.GetName(), "mainPad_%s" % c1.GetName(), 0., 0.17, 1., 1.) pad.SetFillStyle(4000) ## lower pad pad_ratio = ROOT.TPad('ratioPad_%s' % c1.GetName(), 'ratioPad_%s' % c1.GetName(), 0., 0., 1., 0.29) pad_ratio.SetFillStyle(4000) pad_ratio.SetBottomMargin(0.45) pad.Draw() pad_ratio.Draw() ratio_hists = [] denom_hists = [] for clone in clones: ratio = clone.Clone(clone.GetName() + "_%s" % clones.index(clone)) if ("prof_" in obj1.GetName() and obj1.IsA().InheritsFrom("TProfile")): ratio = ratio.ProjectionX() #### old logic # if (clones.index(clone)!=0): # ratio_hists.append(ratio) # if ("p_" not in obj1.GetName()): # clone.Draw("HISTsames") # else: # clone.Draw("HISTsames") # else: # denom_hists.append(ratio) # if ("p_" not in obj1.GetName()): # clone.Draw("PE1") # else: # clone.Draw("PE1") if thetypes[clones.index(clone)]: # if this is data if clones.index(clone) == 0: denom_hists.append(ratio) clone.Draw("PE1") else: ratio_hists.append(ratio) clone.Draw("PE1same") else: # if this is mc if clones.index(clone) == 0: denom_hists.append(ratio) clone.Draw("HIST") else: ratio_hists.append(ratio) clone.Draw("HISTsame") #stats = clone.FindObject("stats") #makeNiceStats(stats,clones.index(clone)) #stats.Draw("same") clone.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) myleg.Draw("same") (p1r, p2r, p3r) = makeNicePaveTest(True) #p1r.Draw("same") #p2r.Draw("same") #p3r.Draw("same") nbins = obj1.GetNbinsX() flatline = ROOT.TH1F("flatline_%s" % c1.GetName(), "flatline_%s" % c1.GetName(), nbins, obj1.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1), obj1.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(nbins + 1)) flatline.SetMarkerSize(0) makeNicePlotStyle(flatline, ROOT.kBlue, 20, (0., 2.)) flatline.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) flatline.SetLineStyle(9) flatline.SetFillStyle(0) flatline.SetLineWidth(2) flatline.SetTitle("") for i in xrange(1, nbins + 1): flatline.SetBinContent(i, 1) flatline.SetBinError(i, 0) for ratio in ratio_hists: ratio.Divide(denom_hists[0]) ratio.SetTitle("") makeNicePlotStyle(ratio, thecolors[ratio_hists.index(ratio) + 1], themarkers[ratio_hists.index(ratio) + 1], (0., 2.)) ratio.SetLineColor(thecolors[ratio_hists.index(ratio) + 1]) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.19) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.19) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.0) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.45) ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.009) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.009) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.16) ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.16) ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 1.89) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio") if (ratio_hists.index(ratio) == 0): ratio.Draw("P") else: ratio.Draw("Psames") ratio.Draw("e1sames") ratio.SetStats(ROOT.kFALSE) flatline.Draw("e1same") flatline.SetStats(ROOT.kFALSE) # #stack_ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(507) # Avoids crowded labels CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c1ratio, iPeriod, iPos) c1ratio.Draw() c1ratio.Update() c1ratio.SaveAs(outputFolder + here + "/c1_ratio_" + compound + ".png") c1ratio.SaveAs(outputFolder + here + "/c1_ratio_" + compound + ".pdf") #c1ratio.SaveAs(outputFolder+here+"/c1_ratio"+compound+".root") ##################################### ## ## log scale plot canvas ## ##################################### c1log = ROOT.TCanvas("c1log_" + compound, "c1log_" + compound, 800, 800) #print "min1:",obj1.GetMinimum()," min2:",obj2.GetMinimum() for h1 in obj_array: #print "min:",the_extrema[1],"max:",the_extrema[0] dr = the_extrema[1] - the_extrema[0] #log(max+ov) = 5/4*log(max) ---> max+ov = 10^{5/4*log(max)} if ((h1.GetMinimum() > 0.)): h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( the_extrema[0], the_extrema[1] + ROOT.TMath.Power(10, dr)) #h1.GetYaxis().UnZoom() else: h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( 0.01, ROOT.TMath.Power( 10, 1.3 * ROOT.TMath.Log10(10 * the_extrema[1]))) #h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.01,the_extrema[1]+ROOT.TMath.Power(10,dr)) #h1.GetYaxis().UnZoom() if ("prof_" not in obj1.GetName()): if thetypes[obj_array.index(h1)]: if obj_array.index(h1) == 0: h1.Draw("PE1") else: h1.Draw("PE1sames") else: if obj_array.index(h1) == 0: h1.Draw("HIST") else: h1.Draw("HISTsames") else: if obj_array.index(h1) == 0: h1.Draw("PE1") else: h1.Draw("PE1sames") #stats = h1.FindObject("stats") #makeNiceStats(stats,obj_array.index(h1)) #stats.Draw("same") CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c1log, iPeriod, iPos) c1log.Draw() myleg.Draw("same") #p1.Draw("same") #p2.Draw("same") #p3.Draw("same") c1log.SaveAs(outputFolder + here + "/c1_log_" + compound + ".png") c1log.SaveAs(outputFolder + here + "/c1_log_" + compound + ".pdf") #c1log.SaveAs(outputFolder+here+"/c1log_"+compound+".root") elif (obj1.IsA().InheritsFrom("TDirectory")): print "here: ", ROOT.gDirectory.GetName() loopIntoIt(files, obj1, outputFolder) elif (key.IsA().InheritsFrom("TH1")): print key.GetName(), " is an histogram" increment_count() #print "processed ",nplots," histograms" #if (nplots>100): # return #print obj1.GetName()," is an histogram in ",key.GetPath() searchpath = key.GetPath().split(":/", 1)[1] files[0].cd(searchpath) k2 = ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys().FindObject(obj1.GetName()) obj2 = k2.ReadObj() arr = [] arr.append(obj1) arr.append(obj2) the_extrema = getExtrema(arr) makeNicePlotStyle(obj1, ROOT.kBlue, 20, the_extrema) makeNicePlotStyle(obj2, ROOT.kRed, 20, the_extrema) compound = str(obj1.GetName()) + "_" + str(key.GetName()) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1_" + compound, "c1_" + compound, 800, 600) if ("prof_" not in obj1.GetName()): obj1.Draw("HIST") else: obj1.Draw("CP") obj2.Draw("CPsames") c1.Draw() ## syntax obj1,obj2,label1,label2 myleg = makeNiceTLegend(obj1, obj2, obj3, "53X", "70X_PESS", "70X_OPT") myleg.Draw("same") #st1 = obj1.FindObject("stats") #st2 = obj2.FindObject("stats") #makeNiceStats(st1,ROOT.kBlue,st2,ROOT.kRed,st3,ROOT.kBlack) #st1.Draw("same") #st2.Draw("same") c1.SaveAs(outputFolder + here + "/c1_" + compound + ".pdf")
for i in range(0, 10): gForward.Fit(g2, "EX0FRU") gForward.Draw("PEsame") # sF = TSpline3("SPLINE_massResolution_1v3eta2v5",gForward,"",fitmin,fitmax) # sF.SetLineColor(kBlue) # s2.Draw("same") # gForward.Draw("PEsame") massReso_central = gCentral.GetFunction("massResolution_0eta1v3") massReso_forward = gForward.GetFunction("massResolution_1v3eta2v5") filename = "weights/puppiSoftdropResol" f = TFile("%s.root" % filename, "UPDATE") print "Writing to file ", f.GetName() massReso_central.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) massReso_forward.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) # sC.Write("",TObject.kOverwrite) # sF.Write("",TObject.kOverwrite) canv.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) f.Close() l.Draw("same") CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canv, iPeriod, iPos) canv.RedrawAxis() canv.Update() canvname = "puppiSoftdropResol_fit.pdf" canv.SaveAs(canvname, "pdf") canv.SaveAs(canvname.replace("pdf", "root"), "pdf") time.sleep(205)
def eta_plot(X0W, Y0W, X1W, Y1W, X2W, Y2W, X3W, Y3W, X4W, Y4W, X5W, Y5W, X6W, Y6W, X7W, Y7W, X8W, Y8W, X9W, Y9W, X10W, Y10W, X11W, Y11W, X12W, Y12W, X13W, Y13W, X0E, Y0E, X1E, Y1E, X2E, Y2E, X3E, Y3E, X4E, Y4E, X5E, Y5E, X6E, Y6E, X7E, Y7E, X8E, Y8E, X9E, Y9E, X10E, Y10E, X11E, Y11E, X12E, Y12E, X13E, Y13E): print "------ Setting Up Format ----------" tdrstyle.setTDRStyle() #change the CMS_lumi variables (see CMS_lumi.writeExtraText = 1 CMS_lumi.extraText = "Preliminary" CMS_lumi.extraText2 = "2018 pp data" CMS_lumi.lumi_sqrtS = "13 TeV" # used with iPeriod = 0, e.g. for simulation-only plots (default is an empty string) CMS_lumi.writeTitle = 1 CMS_lumi.textTitle = 'title' iPos = 11 if (iPos == 0): CMS_lumi.relPosX = 0.12 H_ref = 600 W_ref = 800 W = W_ref H = H_ref iPeriod = 0 # references for T, B, L, R T = 0.08 * H_ref B = 0.12 * H_ref L = 0.12 * W_ref R = 0.04 * W_ref print "------ Creating Wheel TGraph ----------" n0W = len(X0W) gr0W = TGraph(n0W, X0W, Y0W) gr0W.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr0W.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr0W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr0W.SetTitle('RB1 in') gr0W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr0W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n1W = len(X1W) gr1W = TGraph(n1W, X1W, Y1W) gr1W.SetLineColor(2) gr1W.SetLineWidth(4) gr1W.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr1W.SetMarkerStyle(29) gr1W.SetMarkerSize(1.7) gr1W.SetTitle('Layer 1 Wheel') gr1W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr1W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n2W = len(X2W) gr2W = TGraph(n2W, X2W, Y2W) gr2W.SetLineColor(3) gr2W.SetLineWidth(5) gr2W.SetMarkerColor(kRed + 2) gr2W.SetMarkerStyle(21) gr2W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr2W.SetTitle('Layer 2 Wheel') gr2W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr2W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n3W = len(X3W) gr3W = TGraph(n3W, X3W, Y3W) gr3W.SetLineColor(4) gr3W.SetLineWidth(6) gr3W.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr3W.SetMarkerStyle(21) gr3W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr3W.SetTitle('Layer 3 Wheel') gr3W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr3W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n4W = len(X4W) gr4W = TGraph(n4W, X4W, Y4W) gr4W.SetLineColor(5) gr4W.SetLineWidth(7) gr4W.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr4W.SetMarkerStyle(23) gr4W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr4W.SetTitle('Layer 4 Wheel') gr4W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr4W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') print "------ Creating Endcap TGraph ----------" n0E = len(X0E) gr0E = TGraph(n0E, X0E, Y0E) gr0E.SetLineColor(2) gr0E.SetLineWidth(4) gr0E.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr0E.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr0E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr0E.SetTitle('Layer 1 Endcap') gr0E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr0E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n1E = len(X1E) gr1E = TGraph(n1E, X1E, Y1E) gr1E.SetLineColor(2) gr1E.SetLineWidth(4) gr1E.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr1E.SetMarkerStyle(30) gr1E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr1E.SetTitle('Layer 1 Endcap') gr1E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr1E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n2E = len(X2E) gr2E = TGraph(n2E, X2E, Y2E) gr2E.SetLineColor(3) gr2E.SetLineWidth(5) gr2E.SetMarkerColor(kRed + 2) gr2E.SetMarkerStyle(25) gr2E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr2E.SetTitle('Layer 2 Endcap') gr2E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr2E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n3E = len(X3E) gr3E = TGraph(n3E, X3E, Y3E) gr3E.SetLineColor(4) gr3E.SetLineWidth(6) gr3E.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr3E.SetMarkerStyle(25) gr3E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr3E.SetTitle('Layer 3 Endcap') gr3E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr3E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n4E = len(X4E) gr4E = TGraph(n4E, X4E, Y4E) gr4E.SetLineColor(5) gr4E.SetLineWidth(7) gr4E.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr4E.SetMarkerStyle(32) gr4E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr4E.SetTitle('Layer 4 Endcap') gr4E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr4E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') print "------ Creating Wheel TGraph ----------" n5W = len(X5W) gr5W = TGraph(n5W, X5W, Y5W) gr5W.SetLineColor(2) gr5W.SetLineWidth(4) gr5W.SetMarkerColor(6) gr5W.SetMarkerStyle(22) gr5W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr5W.SetTitle('Layer 1 Wheel') gr5W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr5W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n6W = len(X6W) gr6W = TGraph(n6W, X6W, Y6W) gr6W.SetLineColor(3) gr6W.SetLineWidth(5) gr6W.SetMarkerColor(28) gr6W.SetMarkerStyle(23) gr6W.SetMarkerSize(1.7) gr6W.SetTitle('Layer 2 Wheel') gr6W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr6W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n7W = len(X7W) gr7W = TGraph(n7W, X7W, Y7W) gr7W.SetLineColor(4) gr7W.SetLineWidth(6) gr7W.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr7W.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr7W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr7W.SetTitle('Layer 3 Wheel') gr7W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr7W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n8W = len(X8W) gr8W = TGraph(n8W, X8W, Y8W) gr8W.SetLineColor(5) gr8W.SetLineWidth(7) gr8W.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr8W.SetMarkerStyle(29) gr8W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr8W.SetTitle('Layer 4 Wheel') gr8W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr8W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n9W = len(X9W) gr9W = TGraph(n9W, X9W, Y9W) gr9W.SetLineColor(5) gr9W.SetLineWidth(7) gr9W.SetMarkerColor(kRed + 2) gr9W.SetMarkerStyle(21) gr9W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr9W.SetTitle('Layer 4 Wheel') gr9W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr9W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n10W = len(X10W) gr10W = TGraph(n10W, X10W, Y10W) gr10W.SetLineColor(5) gr10W.SetLineWidth(7) gr10W.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr10W.SetMarkerStyle(21) gr10W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr10W.SetTitle('Layer 4 Wheel') gr10W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr10W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n11W = len(X11W) gr11W = TGraph(n11W, X11W, Y11W) gr11W.SetLineColor(5) gr11W.SetLineWidth(7) gr11W.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr11W.SetMarkerStyle(23) gr11W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr11W.SetTitle('Layer 4 Wheel') gr11W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr11W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n12W = len(X12W) gr12W = TGraph(n12W, X12W, Y12W) gr12W.SetLineColor(5) gr12W.SetLineWidth(7) gr12W.SetMarkerColor(6) gr12W.SetMarkerStyle(22) gr12W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr12W.SetTitle('Layer 4 Wheel') gr12W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr12W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n13W = len(X13W) gr13W = TGraph(n13W, X13W, Y13W) gr13W.SetLineColor(5) gr13W.SetLineWidth(7) gr13W.SetMarkerColor(28) gr13W.SetMarkerStyle(23) gr13W.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr13W.SetTitle('Layer 4 Wheel') gr13W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr13W.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') print "------ Creating Endcap TGraph ----------" n5E = len(X5E) gr5E = TGraph(n5E, X5E, Y5E) gr5E.SetLineColor(2) gr5E.SetLineWidth(4) gr5E.SetMarkerColor(6) gr5E.SetMarkerStyle(26) gr5E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr5E.SetTitle('Layer 1 Endcap') gr5E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr5E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n6E = len(X6E) gr6E = TGraph(n6E, X6E, Y6E) gr6E.SetLineColor(3) gr6E.SetLineWidth(5) gr6E.SetMarkerColor(28) gr6E.SetMarkerStyle(32) gr6E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr6E.SetTitle('Layer 2 Endcap') gr6E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr6E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n7E = len(X7E) gr7E = TGraph(n7E, X7E, Y7E) gr7E.SetLineColor(4) gr7E.SetLineWidth(6) gr7E.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr7E.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr7E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr7E.SetTitle('Layer 3 Endcap') gr7E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr7E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n8E = len(X8E) gr8E = TGraph(n8E, X8E, Y8E) gr8E.SetLineColor(5) gr8E.SetLineWidth(7) gr8E.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr8E.SetMarkerStyle(30) gr8E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr8E.SetTitle('Layer 4 Endcap') gr8E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr8E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n9E = len(X9E) gr9E = TGraph(n9E, X9E, Y9E) gr9E.SetLineColor(5) gr9E.SetLineWidth(7) gr9E.SetMarkerColor(kRed + 2) gr9E.SetMarkerStyle(25) gr9E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr9E.SetTitle('Layer 4 Endcap') gr9E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr9E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n10E = len(X10E) gr10E = TGraph(n10E, X10E, Y10E) gr10E.SetLineColor(5) gr10E.SetLineWidth(7) gr10E.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gr10E.SetMarkerStyle(25) gr10E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr10E.SetTitle('Layer 4 Endcap') gr10E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr10E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n11E = len(X11E) gr11E = TGraph(n11E, X11E, Y11E) gr11E.SetLineColor(5) gr11E.SetLineWidth(7) gr11E.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gr11E.SetMarkerStyle(32) gr11E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr11E.SetTitle('Layer 4 Endcap') gr11E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr11E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n12E = len(X12E) gr12E = TGraph(n12E, X12E, Y12E) gr12E.SetLineColor(5) gr12E.SetLineWidth(7) gr12E.SetMarkerColor(6) gr12E.SetMarkerStyle(26) gr12E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr12E.SetTitle('Layer 4 Endcap') gr12E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr12E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') n13E = len(X13E) gr13E = TGraph(n13E, X13E, Y13E) gr13E.SetLineColor(5) gr13E.SetLineWidth(7) gr13E.SetMarkerColor(28) gr13E.SetMarkerStyle(32) gr13E.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr13E.SetTitle('Layer 4 Endcap') gr13E.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') gr13E.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') print "----- Creating TCanvas -----" H = 800 W = 1600 canv = TCanvas("c1", "Canvas", 50, 50, W, H) canv.SetFillColor(0) canv.SetBorderMode(0) canv.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canv.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canv.SetLeftMargin(L / W) canv.SetRightMargin(R / W) canv.SetTopMargin(T / H) canv.SetBottomMargin(B / H) canv.SetTickx(0) canv.SetTicky(0) canv.Divide(3, 2, 0.001, 0.001) CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canv, iPeriod, iPos) canv.Update() maxY = 1000 gPad.SetLogy() print " ------------ Creating TMultiGraph -----------" mg1 = TMultiGraph() #graphAxis(mg1) mg1.Add(gr0E, "AP") mg1.Add(gr0W, "AP") mg1.Add(gr7E, "AP") mg1.Add(gr7W, "AP") mg1.Draw("a") mg1.SetTitle('RB1in') mg1.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') mg1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') mg1.SetMaximum(maxY) mg1.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg1.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) mg1.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.043) mg1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) mg1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) mg1.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) mg1.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg1.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.008) mg1.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mg1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.87) mg1.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) pvtxt = TPaveText(.1, 0.97, .55, 0.97, "NDC") #(.06,.4,.55,.73) pvtxt.AddText('CMS Preliminary') pvtxt.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt.Draw() pvtxt100 = TPaveText(.7, 0.97, .9, 0.97, "NDC") pvtxt100.AddText('5.0 #times 10^{34} Hz/cm^{2} (13 TeV)') pvtxt100.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt100.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt100.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt100.Draw() gPad.SetLogy() gr00 = TGraph() gr00.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) gr00.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr00.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr01 = TGraph() gr01.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) gr01.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr01.SetMarkerSize(1.5) legend0 = TLegend(0.2, 0.7, .8, .9) legend0.SetNColumns(1) legend0.AddEntry(gr00, "Barrel", "p") legend0.AddEntry(gr01, "Endcaps", "p") legend0.Draw("a same") legendi = TLegend(0.2, 0.2, .8, .6) legendi.SetNColumns(1) legendi.AddEntry(gr7W, "RB1in + RE1", "p") legendi.AddEntry(gr8W, "RB1out + RE1", "p") legendi.AddEntry(gr9W, "RB2 + RE2", "p") # legendi.AddEntry(gr10W, "RB2in + RE2" , "p") # legendi.AddEntry(gr11W, "RB2out + RE2" , "p") legendi.AddEntry(gr12W, "RB3 + RE3", "p") legendi.AddEntry(gr13W, "RB4 + RE4", "p") legendi.SetTextSize(0.05) legendi.Draw("a") gPad.SetLogy() mg2 = TMultiGraph() mg2.Add(gr1E, "AP") mg2.Add(gr1W, "AP") mg2.Add(gr8E, "AP") mg2.Add(gr8W, "AP") mg2.Draw("a") mg2.SetTitle('RB1out') mg2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') mg2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') mg2.SetMaximum(maxY) mg2.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg2.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) mg2.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.043) mg2.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) mg2.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) mg2.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) mg2.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg2.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.008) mg2.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mg2.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.87) mg2.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) pvtxt3 = TPaveText(.1, 0.97, .55, 0.97, "NDC") #(.06,.4,.55,.73) pvtxt3.AddText('CMS Preliminary') pvtxt3.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt3.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt3.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt3.Draw() pvtxt4 = TPaveText(.7, 0.97, .9, 0.97, "NDC") pvtxt4.AddText('5.0 #times 10^{34} Hz/cm^{2} (13 TeV)') pvtxt4.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt4.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt4.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt4.Draw() gPad.SetLogy() mg3 = TMultiGraph() #graphAxis(mg3) mg3.Add(gr2E, "AP") mg3.Add(gr2W, "AP") mg3.Add(gr9E, "AP") mg3.Add(gr9W, "AP") mg3.Draw("a") mg3.SetTitle('RB2') mg3.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') mg3.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') mg3.SetMaximum(maxY) mg3.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg3.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) mg3.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.043) mg3.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) mg3.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) mg3.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) mg3.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg3.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.008) mg3.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mg3.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg3.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.87) mg3.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) pvtxt5 = TPaveText(.1, 0.97, .55, 0.97, "NDC") #(.06,.4,.55,.73) pvtxt5.AddText('CMS Preliminary') pvtxt5.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt5.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt5.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt5.Draw() pvtxt6 = TPaveText(.7, 0.97, .9, 0.97, "NDC") pvtxt6.AddText('5.0 #times 10^{34} Hz/cm^{2} (13 TeV)') pvtxt6.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt6.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt6.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt6.Draw() gPad.SetLogy() mg4 = TMultiGraph() #graphAxis(mg4) mg4.Add(gr5E, "AP") mg4.Add(gr5W, "AP") mg4.Add(gr12E, "AP") mg4.Add(gr12W, "AP") mg4.Draw("a") mg4.SetTitle('RB3') mg4.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') mg4.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') mg4.SetMaximum(maxY) mg4.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg4.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) mg4.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.043) mg4.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) mg4.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) mg4.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) mg4.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg4.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.008) mg4.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mg4.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg4.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.87) mg4.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) pvtxt7 = TPaveText(.1, 0.97, .55, 0.97, "NDC") #(.06,.4,.55,.73) pvtxt7.AddText('CMS Preliminary') pvtxt7.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt7.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt7.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt7.Draw() pvtxt8 = TPaveText(.7, 0.97, .9, 0.97, "NDC") pvtxt8.AddText('5.0 #times 10^{34} Hz/cm^{2} (13 TeV)') pvtxt8.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt8.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt8.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt8.Draw() gPad.SetLogy() mg5 = TMultiGraph() #graphAxis(mg5) mg5.Add(gr6E, "AP") mg5.Add(gr6W, "AP") mg5.Add(gr13E, "AP") mg5.Add(gr13W, "AP") mg5.Draw("a") mg5.SetTitle('RB4') mg5.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') mg5.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') mg5.SetMaximum(maxY) mg5.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg5.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) mg5.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.043) mg5.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) mg5.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) mg5.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) mg5.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg5.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.008) mg5.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mg5.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg5.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.87) mg5.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) pvtxt10 = TPaveText(.1, 0.97, .55, 0.97, "NDC") #(.06,.4,.55,.73) pvtxt10.AddText('CMS Preliminary') pvtxt10.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt10.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt10.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt10.Draw() pvtxt9 = TPaveText(.7, 0.97, .9, 0.97, "NDC") pvtxt9.AddText('5.0 #times 10^{34} Hz/cm^{2} (13 TeV)') pvtxt9.SetFillStyle(0) pvtxt9.SetBorderSize(0) pvtxt9.SetTextSize(0.03) pvtxt9.Draw() canv.SaveAs("etaDistro.gif") canv.SaveAs("etaDistro.png") canv.SaveAs("etaDistro.pdf") canv.SaveAs("etaDistro.C") canv.Close() print "----- Creating Second TCanvas -----" H = 800 W = 800 c = TCanvas("c1", "Canvas", 50, 50, W, H) c.SetFillColor(0) c.SetBorderMode(0) c.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c.SetLeftMargin(L / W) c.SetRightMargin(R / W) c.SetTopMargin(T / H) c.SetBottomMargin(B / H) c.SetTickx(0) c.SetTicky(0) gPad.SetLogy() print " ------------ Creating TMultiGraph -----------" mg = TMultiGraph() mg.Add(gr0E, "AP") mg.Add(gr0W, "AP") mg.Add(gr7E, "AP") mg.Add(gr7W, "AP") mg.Add(gr1W, "AP") mg.Add(gr8W, "AP") mg.Draw("a") mg.SetTitle('RB1in') mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') mg.SetMaximum(maxY) mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.043) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.008) mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.87) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) pvt = TPaveText(.1, 0.97, .55, 0.97, "NDC") #(.06,.4,.55,.73) pvt.AddText('CMS Preliminary') pvt.SetFillStyle(0) pvt.SetBorderSize(0) pvt.SetTextSize(0.03) pvt.Draw() pvt1 = TPaveText(.7, 0.97, .9, 0.97, "NDC") pvt1.AddText('5.0 #times 10^{34} Hz/cm^{2} (13 TeV)') pvt1.SetFillStyle(0) pvt1.SetBorderSize(0) pvt1.SetTextSize(0.03) pvt1.Draw() legenda = TLegend(0.4, 0.7, .7, .9) legenda.SetNColumns(1) legenda.AddEntry(gr0E, "RE1", "p") legenda.AddEntry(gr0W, "RB1in", "p") legenda.AddEntry(gr1W, "RB1out", "p") legenda.SetTextSize(0.05) legenda.Draw("a") c.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB1.png") c.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB1.gif") c.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB1.pdf") c.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB1.C") c.Close() print "----- Creating Second TCanvas -----" c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Canvas", 50, 50, W, H) c1.SetFillColor(0) c1.SetBorderMode(0) c1.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1.SetLeftMargin(L / W) c1.SetRightMargin(R / W) c1.SetTopMargin(T / H) c1.SetBottomMargin(B / H) c1.SetTickx(0) c1.SetTicky(0) gPad.SetLogy() print " ------------ Creating TMultiGraph -----------" mgd2 = TMultiGraph() mgd2.Add(gr3E, "AP") mgd2.Add(gr3W, "AP") mgd2.Add(gr10E, "AP") mgd2.Add(gr10W, "AP") mgd2.Add(gr4W, "AP") mgd2.Add(gr11W, "AP") mgd2.Draw("a") mgd2.SetTitle('RB1in') mgd2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta') mgd2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('RPC single hit rate (Hz/cm^{2})') mgd2.SetMaximum(maxY) mgd2.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mgd2.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) mgd2.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.043) mgd2.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) mgd2.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) mgd2.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(42) mgd2.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42) mgd2.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.008) mgd2.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) mgd2.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mgd2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.87) mgd2.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(42) pv = TPaveText(.1, 0.97, .55, 0.97, "NDC") #(.06,.4,.55,.73) pv.AddText('CMS Preliminary') pv.SetFillStyle(0) pv.SetBorderSize(0) pv.SetTextSize(0.03) pv.Draw() pv1 = TPaveText(.7, 0.97, .9, 0.97, "NDC") pv1.AddText('5.0 #times 10^{34} Hz/cm^{2} (13 TeV)') pv1.SetFillStyle(0) pv1.SetBorderSize(0) pv1.SetTextSize(0.03) pv1.Draw() legendd2 = TLegend(0.4, 0.6, .7, .8) legendd2.SetNColumns(1) legendd2.AddEntry(gr3E, "RE2", "p") legendd2.AddEntry(gr3W, "RB2in", "p") legendd2.AddEntry(gr4W, "RB2out", "p") legendd2.SetTextSize(0.05) legendd2.Draw("a") c1.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB2.png") c1.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB2.pdf") c1.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB2.gif") c1.SaveAs("etaDistroDetailRB2.C") c1.Close() print "is there an error here?"
def plotUpperLimits(model, lambdas, helicity, Mmin): N = len(lambdas) yellow = TGraph(2 * N) # yellow band green = TGraph(2 * N) # green band median = TGraph(N) # median line up2s = [] xseclist = [1.0] * N for i in range(N): file_name = "./%sshapeCards/ee_limit_min%d%s/higgsCombineTest.AsymptoticLimits.mH%d.root" % ( model, Mmin, helicity, lambdas[i]) limit = getLimits(file_name) up2s.append(limit[4]) if model == "ADD": yellow.SetPoint(i, lambdas[i] / 1000, limit[4] * xseclist[i]) # + 2 sigma green.SetPoint(i, lambdas[i] / 1000, limit[3] * xseclist[i]) # + 1 sigma median.SetPoint(i, lambdas[i] / 1000, limit[2] * xseclist[i]) # median green.SetPoint(2 * N - 1 - i, lambdas[i] / 1000, limit[1] * xseclist[i]) # - 1 sigma yellow.SetPoint(2 * N - 1 - i, lambdas[i] / 1000, limit[0] * xseclist[i]) # - 2 sigma else: yellow.SetPoint(i, lambdas[i], limit[4] * xseclist[i]) # + 2 sigma green.SetPoint(i, lambdas[i], limit[3] * xseclist[i]) # + 1 sigma median.SetPoint(i, lambdas[i], limit[2] * xseclist[i]) # median green.SetPoint(2 * N - 1 - i, lambdas[i], limit[1] * xseclist[i]) # - 1 sigma yellow.SetPoint(2 * N - 1 - i, lambdas[i], limit[0] * xseclist[i]) # - 2 sigma print "Lambda = %d, Median = %f" % (lambdas[i], limit[2]) W = 800 H = 600 T = 0.08 * H B = 0.12 * H L = 0.12 * W R = 0.04 * W c = TCanvas("c", "c", 100, 100, W, H) c.SetFillColor(0) c.SetBorderMode(0) c.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c.SetLeftMargin(L / W) c.SetRightMargin(R / W) c.SetTopMargin(T / H) c.SetBottomMargin(B / H) c.SetTickx(0) c.SetTicky(0) c.SetGrid() if model == "ADD": frame = c.DrawFrame(4, 0.01, 10, 10) else: frame = c.DrawFrame(16, 0.1, 40, 8) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9) frame.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True) #frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("95% upper limit on #sigma / #sigma_{}") if model == "ADD": frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("95% CL limit on #sigma / #sigma_{ADD}") frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#Lambda_{T} [ADD]") else: frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("95% CL limit on #sigma / #sigma_{CI}") frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#Lambda [CI]") frame.SetMinimum(0) #frame.SetMaximum(max(up2s)*1.05) #frame.GetXaxis().SetLimits(min(values),max(values)) yellow.SetFillColor(ROOT.kOrange) yellow.SetLineColor(ROOT.kOrange) yellow.SetFillStyle(1001) yellow.Draw('F') green.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen + 1) green.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen + 1) green.SetFillStyle(1001) green.Draw('Fsame') median.SetLineColor(1) median.SetLineWidth(2) median.SetLineStyle(2) median.Draw('Lsame') CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, 13, 11) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) frame.Draw('sameaxis') x1 = 0.15 x2 = x1 + 0.24 y2 = 0.76 y1 = 0.60 legend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextSize(0.041) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.AddEntry(median, "Asymptotic CL_{s} expected %s%s" % (model, helicity), 'L') legend.AddEntry(green, "#pm 1 std. deviation", 'f') legend.AddEntry(yellow, "#pm 2 std. deviation", 'f') legend.Draw() c.SaveAs("%slimits/%sLimit_ee_ShapeMin%d%s_201678.png" % (model, model, Mmin, helicity)) c.Close()
def saveCanvas(self, corner, suffix='', leg=True): if self.doRatio: else: # Draw legend textSize = 0.022 legWidth = 0.13 height = (.18 + textSize * max(len(self.objectsInLeg) - 3, 0)) if corner == "TR": (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (0.93 - legWidth if self.doWide else .85 - legWidth, .93 - height, .865, .93) elif corner == "TC": (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (.5, .93 - height, .55 + legWidth, .93) elif corner == "TL": (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (.18, .835 - height, .18 + legWidth, .835) elif corner == "BR": (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (.85 - legWidth, .16 + height, .90, .16) elif corner == "BC": (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (.5, .16 + height, .5 + legWidth, .16) elif corner == "BL": (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (.2, .16 + height, .2 + legWidth, .16) if leg: leg = r.TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.SetTextSize(textSize) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillColor(10) for obj, name, opt, idnam in self.objectsInLeg: if opt: leg.AddEntry(obj, name, opt) leg.Draw('same') if not hasattr(self, 'noCMS'): CMS_lumi.lumi_13TeV = "%.1f fb^{-1}" % (vl.Lumi) CMS_lumi.extraText = 'Preliminary' CMS_lumi.lumi_sqrtS = '#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV' CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi( r.gPad, 4, 10, -0.005 if self.doWide and self.doRatio else 0.01 if self.doWide else 0.05) # Draw ratio if needed if self.doRatio: print '> Plotting ratio between prediction(s) and results' if 'data' not in [it[3] for it in self.objectsInLeg]: raise RuntimeError( 'There is not data to make a ratio plot as demanded.') if [it[3] for it in self.objectsInLeg].count('data') > 1: raise RuntimeError( 'There are more than one data histograms attached: multiple ratios are not implemented.' ) if 'mc' not in [it[3] for it in self.objectsInLeg]: raise RuntimeError( 'There is not (at least) one prediction to make a ratio plot as demanded.' ) if 'unc' not in [it[3] for it in self.objectsInLeg]: raise RuntimeError( 'There is not histogram with the total uncertainties to make a ratio plot as demanded.' ) if [it[3] for it in self.objectsInLeg].count('unc') > 1: raise RuntimeError( 'There are more than one total uncertainty histograms attached. Please add only one.' ) # Obtaining resources ratiohistos = [] totalunc = None datavalues = copy.deepcopy( [it[0] for it in self.objectsInLeg if it[3] == 'data'][0]) fitunc = copy.deepcopy(datavalues.Clone('fitunc')) for bin in range(1, datavalues.GetNbinsX() + 1): datavalues.SetBinError(bin, 0.) for it in self.objectsInLeg: if it[3] == 'mc': ratiohistos.append(copy.deepcopy(it[0].Clone(it[1]))) ratiohistos[-1].Divide(datavalues) if it[3] == 'unc': totalunc = copy.deepcopy(it[0].Clone(it[1])) xtemp = r.Double(0.) ytemp = r.Double(0.) for bin in range(1, datavalues.GetNbinsX() + 1): fitunc.SetBinError( bin, fitunc.GetBinError(bin) / fitunc.GetBinContent(bin)) fitunc.SetBinContent(bin, 1.) totalunc.GetPoint(bin - 1, xtemp, ytemp) totalunc.SetPointEYhigh( bin - 1, totalunc.GetErrorYhigh(bin - 1) / ytemp) totalunc.SetPointEYlow(bin - 1, totalunc.GetErrorYlow(bin - 1) / ytemp) totalunc.SetPoint(bin - 1, xtemp, 1.) # Setting options fitunc.SetFillColorAlpha(r.kAzure, 0.35) fitunc.SetLineColor(r.kBlack) fitunc.SetFillStyle(1001) fitunc.SetLineWidth(1) fitunc.SetMarkerSize(0.) totalunc.SetLineColor(r.kBlack) totalunc.SetFillStyle(1001) totalunc.SetLineWidth(1) #if self.doFit: totalunc.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(fitunc.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1), fitunc.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(fitunc.GetNbinsX())) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( fitunc.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1), fitunc.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(fitunc.GetNbinsX())) #else: totalunc.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(datavalues.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1), datavalues.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(datavalues.GetNbinsX())) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetTitle(vl.varList[ '_folded', '').replace('_asimov', '')]['xaxis']) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(43) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(22) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(4) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(43) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(22) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) totalunc.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510, True) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 2.5) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Pred./Data') totalunc.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(22) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5 if self.doWide else 1.8) totalunc.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(43) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(22) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.007) totalunc.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(510, True) # Drawing totalunc.Draw('a2') fitunc.Draw('E2,L,same') for el in ratiohistos: el.Draw('L,same') # Save results self.canvas.SaveAs(self.plotspath + + suffix + '.pdf') self.canvas.SaveAs(self.plotspath + + suffix + '.png') self.canvas.SaveAs(self.plotspath + + suffix + '.eps') self.canvas.SaveAs(self.plotspath + + suffix + '.root') self.canvas.IsA().Destructor(self.canvas)
def DrawText(self): #redraw axes self.c.RedrawAxis() # white background graphWhite = rt.TGraph(5) graphWhite.SetName("white") graphWhite.SetTitle("white") graphWhite.SetFillColor(rt.kWhite) graphWhite.SetFillStyle(1001) graphWhite.SetLineColor(rt.kBlack) graphWhite.SetLineStyle(1) graphWhite.SetLineWidth(3) graphWhite.SetPoint(0, self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax) graphWhite.SetPoint(1, self.model.Xmax, self.model.Ymax) # if(self.model.label2 == ""): # graphWhite.SetPoint(2,self.model.Xmax, self.model.Ymax*0.75) # graphWhite.SetPoint(3,self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax*0.75) # else: # graphWhite.SetPoint(2,self.model.Xmax, self.model.Ymax*0.69) # graphWhite.SetPoint(3,self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax*0.69) graphWhite.SetPoint(2, self.model.Xmax, self.model.Ymax * 0.75) graphWhite.SetPoint(3, self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax * 0.75) graphWhite.SetPoint(4, self.model.Xmin, self.model.Ymax) graphWhite.Draw("FSAME") graphWhite.Draw("LSAME") self.c.graphWhite = graphWhite CMS_lumi.writeExtraText = 0 CMS_lumi.extraText = self.preliminary CMS_lumi.lumi_13TeV = self.lumi + " fb^{-1}" CMS_lumi.lumi_sqrtS = + " TeV" iPos = 0 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(self.c, 4, iPos) # CMS LABEL textCMS = rt.TLatex(0.25, 0.96, " %s " % (self.preliminary)) textCMS.SetNDC() textCMS.SetTextAlign(13) textCMS.SetTextFont(52) textCMS.SetTextSize(0.038) textCMS.Draw() self.c.textCMS = textCMS exclusion_text = "Approx. NNLO+NNLL exclusion" if "rpvMonoPhi" in self.model.modelname: exclusion_text = " LO exclusion" # MODEL LABEL if (self.model.label2 == ""): textModelLabel = rt.TLatex( 0.15, 0.90, "%s %s" % (self.model.label, exclusion_text)) textModelLabel.SetNDC() textModelLabel.SetTextAlign(13) textModelLabel.SetTextFont(42) textModelLabel.SetTextSize(0.030 if "rpvMonoPhi" not in self.model.modelname else 0.037) textModelLabel.Draw() self.c.textModelLabel = textModelLabel else: textModelLabel = rt.TLatex(0.15, 0.910, "%s" % self.model.label) textModelLabel.SetNDC() textModelLabel.SetTextAlign(13) textModelLabel.SetTextFont(42) textModelLabel.SetTextSize(0.032) textModelLabel.Draw() self.c.textModelLabel = textModelLabel textModelLabel2 = rt.TLatex(0.15, 0.860, exclusion_text) textModelLabel2.SetNDC() textModelLabel2.SetTextAlign(13) textModelLabel2.SetTextFont(42) textModelLabel2.SetTextSize(0.032) textModelLabel2.Draw() self.c.textModelLabel2 = textModelLabel2 self.c.otherLabels = [] for i, text in enumerate(self.model.label2.split(r"\\")): tl = rt.TLatex(0.58, 0.855 - i * 0.044, text) tl.SetNDC() tl.SetTextAlign(13) tl.SetTextFont(42) tl.SetTextSize(0.027) tl.Draw() self.c.otherLabels.append(tl) self.c.SaveAs("~/public_html/test.pdf") # NLO NLL XSEC textNLONLL = rt.TLatex(0.16, 0.32, "NLO-NLL exclusion") textNLONLL.SetNDC() textNLONLL.SetTextAlign(13) textNLONLL.SetTextFont(42) textNLONLL.SetTextSize(0.04) textNLONLL.Draw()
def plotHists(binname='incl', inclTemplate=False, mcData=True, addHists=True): # frame frame = _varStore['Lp'].frame( RooFit.Title('Lp distributions and fit in bin ' + binname)) _dhStore['data_' + binname].plotOn( frame, RooFit.Name('data'), RooFit.DataError(RooAbsData.SumW2)) #,RooLinkedList()) # plot full template fit _pdfStore['pdfTemplate'].plotOn(frame, RooFit.LineColor(2), RooFit.Name('FullFit')) # plot only QCD component if not inclTemplate: argset = RooArgSet(_pdfStore['pdfQCDanti_' + binname]) # hack to keep arguments alive else: import re incName = re.sub('LT[0-9]', 'LTi', binname) # use LTi as inclusive template if 'pdfQCDanti_' + incName not in _pdfStore: incName = re.sub('LT[0-9]_', '', binname) # remove LTx to get incl template argset = RooArgSet(_pdfStore['pdfQCDanti_' + incName]) # hack to keep arguments alive _pdfStore['pdfTemplate'].plotOn(frame, RooFit.Components(argset), RooFit.LineColor(kCyan), RooFit.LineStyle(5), RooFit.Name('QCDfit')) # plot only EWK argset2 = RooArgSet(_pdfStore['pdfEWKsel_' + binname]) # hack to keep arguments alive _pdfStore['pdfTemplate'].plotOn(frame, RooFit.Components(argset2), RooFit.LineColor(4), RooFit.LineStyle(2), RooFit.Name('EWKfit')) # PLOT canv = TCanvas("cQCDfit_" + binname, "canvas for bin " + binname, cwidth, cheigth) if cheigth == cwidth: frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) frame.Draw() if addHists: doTransp = True if doTransp: alpha = 0.35 _hStore['EWKsel_' + binname].SetFillColorAlpha( _hStore['EWKsel_' + binname].GetFillColor(), alpha) _hStore['QCDsel_' + binname].SetFillColorAlpha( _hStore['QCDsel_' + binname].GetFillColor(), alpha) else: _hStore['EWKsel_' + binname].SetFillStyle(3001) _hStore['QCDsel_' + binname].SetFillStyle(3002) stack = THStack('hs', 'hstack') stack.Add(_hStore['QCDsel_' + binname]) stack.Add(_hStore['EWKsel_' + binname]) stack.Draw("histsame") #_hStore['QCDsel_'+binname].Draw("histsame") SetOwnership(stack, 0) #SetOwnership( _hStore['QCDsel_'+binname], 0 ) #SetOwnership( _hStore['EWKsel_'+binname], 0 ) #hData.Draw('histsame') frame.Draw("same") # LEGEND leg = doLegend() # set legend header = bin name #leg.SetHeader("Bin: " + binname.replace("_",", ")) leg.SetHeader("Bin: " + decryptBinName(binname)) if mcData: leg.AddEntry(frame.findObject('data'), 'Pseudo Data', 'lp') else: leg.AddEntry(frame.findObject('data'), 'Data', 'lp') leg.AddEntry(frame.findObject('FullFit'), 'Full fit', 'l') leg.AddEntry(frame.findObject('QCDfit'), 'QCD fit (Data)', 'l') leg.AddEntry(frame.findObject('EWKfit'), 'EWK fit (MC)', 'l') if addHists: leg.AddEntry(0, "From MC:", "") leg.AddEntry(_hStore['EWKsel_' + binname], 'EWK selected', 'f') leg.AddEntry(_hStore['QCDsel_' + binname], 'QCD selected', 'f') leg.Draw() SetOwnership(leg, 0) #for prim in canv.GetListOfPrimitives(): print prim # Draw CMS Lumi CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canv, 4, iPos) gPad.Update() if '-b' not in sys.argv: # wait for input answ = ['c'] while 'c' not in answ: answ.append(raw_input("Enter 'c' to continue: ")) _canvStore[canv.GetName()] = canv return canv
canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("col", "col", 50, 50, W, H) canvas.SetFillColor(0) canvas.SetBorderMode(0) canvas.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvas.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvas.SetLeftMargin(L / W) canvas.SetRightMargin(R / W) canvas.SetTopMargin(T / H) canvas.SetBottomMargin(B / H) canvas.SetTickx(0) canvas.SetTicky(0) #canvas.SetGrid() matrixByCol.Draw("colz text") CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canvas, 4, iPos) ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() canvas.SaveAs("confusionmatrix_bycol_2018_1p2.png") canvas2 = ROOT.TCanvas("row", "row", 50, 50, W, H) canvas2.SetFillColor(0) canvas2.SetBorderMode(0) canvas2.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvas2.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvas2.SetLeftMargin(L / W) canvas2.SetRightMargin(R / W) canvas2.SetTopMargin(T / H) canvas2.SetBottomMargin(B / H) canvas2.SetTickx(0) canvas2.SetTicky(0)
h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Efficiency') h.SetName(fname.GetName()) histolist.append(h) j += 1 for j in range(1,len(histolist)+1): hs.Add( histolist[len(histolist)-j],"HIST") histolist[0].Draw() histolist[0].SetMaximum(histolist[0].GetMaximum()*1.2) for j in range(0,len(histolist)): histolist[j].Draw("same") legend.Draw() canvas.Update() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canvas, 4, 0) canvas.Update() canvas.RedrawAxis() canvas.Update() # # l1 = TLatex() # l1.SetTextAlign(13) # l1.SetTextFont(42) # l1.SetNDC() # l1.SetTextSize(0.04) # l1.DrawLatex(0.14+0.03,0.25, 'Run 2015D') # # l1.SetTextAlign(12) # l1.SetTextSize(0.045)
def easyPlot(name, tag, histlist, bkglist=[], signals=[], colors=[], titles=[], logy=False, rootfile=False, xtitle='', ytitle='', dataOff=False, datastyle='pe'): # histlist is just the generic list but if bkglist is specified (non-empty) # then this function will stack the backgrounds and compare against histlist as if # it is data. The important bit is that bkglist is a list of lists. The first index # of bkglist corresponds to the index in histlist (the corresponding data). # For example you could have: # histlist = [data1, data2] # bkglist = [[bkg1_1,bkg2_1],[bkg1_2,bkg2_2]] if len(histlist) == 1: width = 800 height = 700 padx = 1 pady = 1 elif len(histlist) == 2: width = 1200 height = 700 padx = 2 pady = 1 elif len(histlist) == 3: width = 1600 height = 700 padx = 3 pady = 1 elif len(histlist) == 4: width = 1200 height = 1000 padx = 2 pady = 2 elif len(histlist) == 6 or len(histlist) == 5: width = 1600 height = 1000 padx = 3 pady = 2 else: raise ValueError('histlist of size ' + str(len(histlist)) + ' not currently supported') tdrstyle.setTDRStyle() myCan = TCanvas(name, name, width, height) myCan.Divide(padx, pady) # Just some colors that I think work well together and a bunch of empty lists for storage if needed default_colors = [kRed, kMagenta, kGreen, kCyan, kBlue] if len(colors) == 0: colors = default_colors stacks = [] tot_hists = [] legends = [] mains = [] subs = [] pulls = [] logString = '' # For each hist/data distribution for hist_index, hist in enumerate(histlist): # Grab the pad we want to draw in + 1) # if len(histlist) > 1: thisPad = myCan.GetPrimitive(name + '_' + str(hist_index + 1)) # If this is a TH2, just draw the lego if hist.ClassName().find('TH2') != -1: if logy == True: gPad.SetLogy() gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.2) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(2.3) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8) if len(titles) > 0: hist.SetTitle(titles[hist_index]) hist.Draw('lego') if len(bkglist) > 0: print( 'ERROR: It seems you are trying to plot backgrounds with data on a 2D plot. This is not supported since there is no good way to view this type of distribution.' ) # Otherwise it's a TH1 hopefully else: alpha = 1 if dataOff: alpha = 0 hist.SetLineColorAlpha(kBlack, alpha) if 'pe' in datastyle.lower(): hist.SetMarkerColorAlpha(kBlack, alpha) hist.SetMarkerStyle(8) if 'hist' in datastyle.lower(): hist.SetFillColorAlpha(0, 0) # If there are no backgrounds, only plot the data (semilog if desired) if len(bkglist) == 0: hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) if len(titles) > 0: hist.SetTitle(titles[hist_index]) hist.Draw(datastyle) # Otherwise... else: # Create some subpads, a legend, a stack, and a total bkg hist that we'll use for the error bars if not dataOff: mains.append( TPad(hist.GetName() + '_main', hist.GetName() + '_main', 0, 0.3, 1, 1)) subs.append( TPad(hist.GetName() + '_sub', hist.GetName() + '_sub', 0, 0, 1, 0.3)) else: mains.append( TPad(hist.GetName() + '_main', hist.GetName() + '_main', 0, 0.1, 1, 1)) subs.append( TPad(hist.GetName() + '_sub', hist.GetName() + '_sub', 0, 0, 0, 0)) legends.append(TLegend(0.65, 0.6, 0.95, 0.93)) stacks.append( THStack(hist.GetName() + '_stack', hist.GetName() + '_stack')) tot_hist = hist.Clone(hist.GetName() + '_tot') tot_hist.Reset() tot_hist.SetTitle(hist.GetName() + '_tot') tot_hist.SetMarkerStyle(0) tot_hists.append(tot_hist) # Set margins and make these two pads primitives of the division, thisPad mains[hist_index].SetBottomMargin(0.0) mains[hist_index].SetLeftMargin(0.16) mains[hist_index].SetRightMargin(0.05) mains[hist_index].SetTopMargin(0.1) subs[hist_index].SetLeftMargin(0.16) subs[hist_index].SetRightMargin(0.05) subs[hist_index].SetTopMargin(0) subs[hist_index].SetBottomMargin(0.3) mains[hist_index].Draw() subs[hist_index].Draw() # Build the stack for bkg_index, bkg in enumerate( bkglist[hist_index]): # Won't loop if bkglist is empty # bkg.Sumw2() tot_hists[hist_index].Add(bkg) bkg.SetLineColor(kBlack) if logy: bkg.SetMinimum(1e-3) if bkg.GetName().find('qcd') != -1: bkg.SetFillColor(kYellow) else: if colors[bkg_index] != None: bkg.SetFillColor(colors[bkg_index]) else: bkg.SetFillColor(default_colors[bkg_index]) stacks[hist_index].Add(bkg) legends[hist_index].AddEntry(bkg, bkg.GetName().split('_')[0], 'f') # Go to main pad, set logy if needed mains[hist_index].cd() # Set y max of all hists to be the same to accomodate the tallest histList = [stacks[hist_index], tot_hists[hist_index], hist] yMax = histList[0].GetMaximum() maxHist = histList[0] for h in range(1, len(histList)): if histList[h].GetMaximum() > yMax: yMax = histList[h].GetMaximum() maxHist = histList[h] for h in histList: h.SetMaximum(yMax * 1.1) if logy == True: h.SetMaximum(yMax * 10) mLS = 0.06 # Now draw the main pad data_leg_title = hist.GetTitle() if len(titles) > 0: hist.SetTitle(titles[hist_index]) hist.SetTitleOffset(1.5, "xy") hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Events') hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(mLS) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(mLS) if logy == True: hist.SetMinimum(1e-3) hist.Draw(datastyle) stacks[hist_index].Draw('same hist') # Do the signals if len(signals) > 0: signals[hist_index].SetLineColor(kBlue) signals[hist_index].SetLineWidth(2) if logy == True: signals[hist_index].SetMinimum(1e-3) legends[hist_index].AddEntry( signals[hist_index], signals[hist_index].GetName().split('_')[0], 'L') signals[hist_index].Draw('hist same') tot_hists[hist_index].SetFillColor(kBlack) tot_hists[hist_index].SetFillStyle(3354) tot_hists[hist_index].Draw('e2 same') # legends[hist_index].Draw() if not dataOff: legends[hist_index].AddEntry(hist, 'data', datastyle) hist.Draw(datastyle + ' same') gPad.RedrawAxis() # Draw the pull subs[hist_index].cd() # Build the pull pulls.append(Make_Pull_plot(hist, tot_hists[hist_index])) pulls[hist_index].SetFillColor(kBlue) pulls[hist_index].SetTitle(";" + hist.GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ";(Data-Bkg)/#sigma") pulls[hist_index].SetStats(0) LS = .13 pulls[hist_index].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-2.9, 2.9) pulls[hist_index].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.4) pulls[hist_index].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9) pulls[hist_index].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(LS) pulls[hist_index].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(LS) pulls[hist_index].GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(306) pulls[hist_index].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(LS) pulls[hist_index].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(LS) pulls[hist_index].GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) pulls[hist_index].GetYaxis().SetTitle("(Data-Bkg)/#sigma") pulls[hist_index].Draw('hist') if logy == True: mains[hist_index].SetLogy() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(thisPad, 4, 11) if rootfile: myCan.Print(tag + 'plots/' + name + '.root', 'root') else: myCan.Print(tag + 'plots/' + name + '.png', 'png')
leg.AddEntry(background, "B Fit", "L") #leg.AddEntry(background_f6,"B Fit","L") #leg.AddEntry(background_f6_SplusB,"B component","L") leg.AddEntry(h_s_plus_b, "S+B Fit", "L") pave_fit.Draw("same") #pave_fit1.Draw("same") leg.Draw("same") #redraw axis p11_1.RedrawAxis() p11_1.Update() #cout << "MIN: " << p11_1.GetUxmin() << endl #cout << "MAX: " << p11_1.GetUxmax() << endl #draw the lumi text on the canvas CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(p11_1, iPeriod, iPos) # #---- Next PAD p11_2 = c.GetPad(2) p11_2.SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.27) p11_2.SetBottomMargin(0.35) p11_2.SetRightMargin(0.05) p11_2.SetGridx() p11_2.SetGridy() vFrame2 = p11_2.DrawFrame(p11_1.GetUxmin(), -3.5, p11_1.GetUxmax(), 3.5)
def plot_mJ(canvas,xlo,xhi,reg,w,fitres,normset,ch,pads,medianLines,paveTexts,legends): pad = TPad(reg,reg,xlo,0.25,xhi,1.0) if reg=='sb_lo': pad2 = TPad(reg+"_pull",reg+"_pull",xlo,0.0,xhi,0.31) pad.SetMargin(0.25,0,0.1,0.1) pad2.SetMargin(0.25,0.0,0.4,0) elif reg=='sb_hi': pad2 = TPad(reg+"_pull",reg+"_pull",xlo,0.0,xhi,0.31) pad.SetMargin(0,0.1,0.1,0.1) pad2.SetMargin(0,0.1,0.4,0) else: pad2 = TPad(reg+"_pull",reg+"_pull",xlo-0.00445,0.0,xhi+0.001,0.31) pad.SetMargin(0,0,0.1,0.1) pad2.SetMargin(0.022,0,0.4,0) pad.Draw() pad2.Draw() # Main MJ plot p = plot(w,fitres,normset,ch,reg) #p.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.0575) #p.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.7) p.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) p.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) p.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1450) p.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) p.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Events / 5 GeV') p.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.08) p.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) if reg=='sb_lo': p.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1535) p.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') elif reg=='sb_hi': p.GetYaxis().SetTitle('') p.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0) else: p.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') p.GetYaxis().SetTitle('') p.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0) p.Draw() # Lumi text and channel if reg=='sb_lo': CMS_lumi.lumiTextSize=0.0 #CMS_lumi.writeExtraText=True CMS_lumi.cmsTextSize=0.75 CMS_lumi.relPosY = -0.09 CMS_lumi.relExtraDX = 0.3 CMS_lumi.relExtraDY = 0.24 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(pad,4,11) elif reg=='sb_hi': CMS_lumi.cmsTextSize=0.0 #CMS_lumi.writeExtraText=False CMS_lumi.lumiTextSize=0.65 CMS_lumi.lumiTextOffset=0.2 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(pad,4,11) # Channel text if reg=='sig': pt = TPaveText(0.375,0.8,0.625,0.97, "blNDC") pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetTextAlign(23) pt.SetTextSize(0.09) if ch=="el": pt.AddText("Electron channel") else: pt.AddText("Muon channel") pt.Draw() paveTexts.append(pt) # Legend if reg=='sb_hi': legMJ=TLegend(0.625,0.39,0.875,0.875) legMJ.SetFillColor(0) legMJ.SetFillStyle(0) legMJ.SetBorderSize(0) legMJ.SetLineColor(0) legMJ.SetLineWidth(0) legMJ.SetLineStyle(0) legMJ.SetTextFont(42) if ch=='el': #legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(11),"CMS data, WV#rightarrow e#nuqq","P") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(11),"Data","PE") else: #legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(11),"CMS data, WV#rightarrow #mu#nuqq","P") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(11),"Data","PE") #legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(10),"Signal","L") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(0),"W+jets","F") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(1),"t#bar{t}","F") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(4),"WW","F") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(5),"WZ","F") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(8),"Single top","F") legMJ.AddEntry(p.getObject(10),"Post-fit unc.","F") legMJ.Draw() else: legMJ=[] # MJ pull histograms if reg=='sb_lo': pullhist = p.pullHist("data","WJets") pullhist.SetMaximum(4.9) pullhist.SetMinimum(-5) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(40,65) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(7) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('#frac{Data-Fit}{#sigma_{Data}}') pullhist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.125) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.2) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.35) pullhist.SetMarkerStyle(20) #pullhist.SetMarkerSize(1.5) pullhist.SetLineColor(kBlack) pullhist.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) pullhist.Draw("AP") medianLine = TLine(pullhist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),0.,pullhist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),0.); medianLine.SetLineWidth(1); medianLine.SetLineColor(kBlue); medianLine.Draw(); pullhist.Draw("Psame") elif reg=='sig': pullhist = p.pullHist("data","WJets") pullhist.SetMaximum(4.9) pullhist.SetMinimum(-5) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(65,105) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(7) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.2) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.32) pullhist.SetMarkerStyle(20) #pullhist.SetMarkerSize(1.5) pullhist.SetLineColor(kBlack) pullhist.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) pullhist.Draw("AP") medianLine = TLine(65.,0.,105.,0.); medianLine.SetLineWidth(1); medianLine.SetLineColor(kBlue); medianLine.Draw(); pullhist.Draw("Psame") else: pullhist = p.pullHist("data","WJets") pullhist.SetMaximum(4.9) pullhist.SetMinimum(-5) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(105,150) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('m_{SD} (GeV)') pullhist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.2) pullhist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.85) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(7) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.2) pullhist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.32) pullhist.SetMarkerStyle(20) #pullhist.SetMarkerSize(1.5) pullhist.SetLineColor(kBlack) pullhist.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) pullhist.Draw("AP") medianLine = TLine(105.,0.,150.,0.); medianLine.SetLineWidth(1); medianLine.SetLineColor(kBlue); medianLine.Draw(); pullhist.Draw("Psame") canvas.Update() pads.append(pad) pads.append(pad2) medianLines.append(medianLine) legends.append(legMJ)
def drawCorrelationPlot(h2D, labelXtmp="xaxis", labelYtmp="yaxis", labelZtmp="zaxis", canvasName="default", plotLabel="", outdir="./", rebinFactorY=0, rebinFactorX=0, smoothPlot=True, drawProfileX=True, scaleToUnitArea=True, draw_both0_noLog1_onlyLog2=0, leftMargin=0.16, rightMargin=0.20, nContours=50, palette=57, canvasSize="700,625"): # if h2D.GetName() == "scaleFactor_origBinPt": # print "="*20 # print "Check: hist %s: Z axis title = %s" % (h2D.GetName(),labelZtmp) # print "="*20 ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() if (rebinFactorX): if isinstance(rebinFactorX, int): h2D.RebinY(rebinFactorX) else: h2D.RebinY(len(rebinFactorX)-1,"",array('d',rebinFactorX)) # case in which rebinFactorX is a list of bin edges if (rebinFactorY): if isinstance(rebinFactorY, int): h2D.RebinY(rebinFactorY) else: h2D.RebinY(len(rebinFactorY)-1,"",array('d',rebinFactorY)) # case in which rebinFactorX is a list of bin edges ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(palette) # 55:raibow palette ; 57: kBird (blue to yellow, default) ; 107 kVisibleSpectrum ; 77 kDarkRainBow ROOT.gStyle.SetNumberContours(nContours) # default is 20 labelX,setXAxisRangeFromUser,xmin,xmax = getAxisRangeFromUser(labelXtmp) labelY,setYAxisRangeFromUser,ymin,ymax = getAxisRangeFromUser(labelYtmp) labelZ,setZAxisRangeFromUser,zmin,zmax = getAxisRangeFromUser(labelZtmp) cw,ch = canvasSize.split(',') #canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas",h2D.GetTitle() if plotLabel == "ForceTitle" else "",700,625) canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas","",int(cw),int(ch)) canvas.SetLeftMargin(leftMargin) canvas.SetRightMargin(rightMargin) addStringToEnd(outdir,"/",notAddIfEndswithMatch=True) createPlotDirAndCopyPhp(outdir) # normalize to 1 if (scaleToUnitArea): h2D.Scale(1./h2D.Integral()) h2DGraph = 0 h2DPlot = 0 if (not smoothPlot): h2DPlot = h2D else: h2DGraph = ROOT.TGraph2D() h2DGraph.SetNpx(300) h2DGraph.SetNpy(300) nPoint = 0 for iBinX in range (1,1+h2D.GetNbinsX()): for iBinY in range(1,1+h2D.GetNbinsY()): h2DGraph.SetPoint(nPoint,h2D.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(iBinX),h2D.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(iBinY),h2D.GetBinContent(iBinX,iBinY)) nPoint += 1 h2DPlot = h2DGraph.GetHistogram() h2DPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitle(labelX) h2DPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitle(labelY) h2DPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) h2DPlot.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) h2DPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) h2DPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) h2DPlot.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) h2DPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetTitle(labelZ) h2DPlot.Draw("colz") if (setXAxisRangeFromUser): h2DPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xmin,xmax) if (setYAxisRangeFromUser): h2DPlot.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin,ymax) if (setZAxisRangeFromUser): h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(zmin,zmax) # if h2D.GetName() == "scaleFactor_origBinPt": # print "="*20 # print "Check: hist %s: Z axis title = %s" % (h2DPlot.GetName(),h2DPlot.GetZaxis().GetTitle()) # print "="*20 # attempt to make Z axis title farther depending on how many digits are printed maxZaxisVal = h2DPlot.GetBinContent(h2DPlot.GetMaximumBin()) if (setZAxisRangeFromUser): maxZaxisVal = zmax if maxZaxisVal >= 1.0: rootYear = int(str(ROOT.gROOT.GetVersionDate())[:4]) if (rootYear > 2016): h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetMaxDigits(3) else: print "Warning in drawCorrelationPlot: TAxis::SetMaxDigits() not implemented for ROOT versions before 2017 (rough estimate)" print "Will not exit, but instruction will be neglected" if maxZaxisVal > 9999.: h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(h2DPlot.GetZaxis().GetTitleOffset()+0.15) print "Changing title offset by 0.15" else: i = 1 tryNext = True while tryNext: tmpVal = maxZaxisVal * pow(10,i) if tmpVal >= 1.0: tryNext = False else: i += 1 if i > 1: print "Max Z axis < 1, will try to adjust distance of Z axis title to Z axis" print "i = %d: will move Z axis offset by 0.45" % i # for numbers like 0.025 or with more 0 after ., make increase distance between Z axis title and the Z axis h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(h2DPlot.GetZaxis().GetTitleOffset()+0.45) h2DProfile = 0 if drawProfileX: h2DProfile = h2D.ProfileX("%s_pfx" %h2D.GetName()) h2DProfile.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) h2DProfile.SetMarkerStyle(20) h2DProfile.SetMarkerSize(1) h2DProfile.Draw("EPsame") # not yet implemented if not plotLabel == "ForceTitle": CMS_lumi(canvas,"",True,False) setTDRStyle() #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> check <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" if plotLabel == "ForceTitle": ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(1) #h2DPlot.GetZaxis().SetMaxDigits(1) #for N>99, should use scientific notation, I'd like to make it work only with negative exponential but haven't succeeded yet # canvas.Modified() # canvas.Update() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.39,0.75,0.89,0.95) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetTextFont(62) if plotLabel not in ["", "ForceTitle"]: leg.AddEntry(0,plotLabel,"") if drawProfileX: leg.AddEntry(0,"Correlation = %.2f" % h2DPlot.GetCorrelationFactor(),"") leg.Draw("same") if (draw_both0_noLog1_onlyLog2 == 0 or draw_both0_noLog1_onlyLog2 == 1): for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: canvas.SaveAs('{od}/{cn}.{ext}'.format(od=outdir, cn=canvasName, ext=ext)) if (draw_both0_noLog1_onlyLog2 == 0 or draw_both0_noLog1_onlyLog2 == 2): canvas.SetLogz() for ext in ['png', 'pdf']: canvas.SaveAs('{od}/{cn}_logZ.{ext}'.format(od=outdir, cn=canvasName, ext=ext)) canvas.SetLogz(0)
def Estimate_QCD(config, sysname='', direction='', is_weight=False, processlist=[], trees={}, is_overflow=True): fname = config.get('GENERAL', 'hfile') verbose = config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'verbose') calc_qwfac = config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'calc_qwfac') apply_qwfac = config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'apply_qwfac') setQCD0error = config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'setQCD0error') weight = config.get('GENERAL', 'weight') test_nominal = config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'test_nominal') use_bin_opt = config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'use_bin_opt') interest_var = ast.literal_eval(config.get('GENERAL', 'var')) hname = OrderedDict(sorted(dnames.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) bkgs_ = list(filter(lambda x: x not in ['QCD', 'data'], processlist)) hvar = [] hlist = [] #CR_add_cut = '(top1_m < 150 ||top1_m > 200)' SR_add_cut = '(1==1)' CR_add_cut = '(1==1)' if 'shape' in sysname: is_shape = True shapelist = ast.literal_eval(config.get('SYSTEMATICS', 'shapelist')) else: is_shape = False if 'lN' in sysname: is_lN = True lNlist = ast.literal_eval(config.get('SYSTEMATICS', 'lNlist')) else: is_lN = False if is_weight: print 'is_weight' weight_name = sysname[1:].partition('_')[0] #btagweight if 'top' not in weight_name and 'LHE' not in weight_name: weight = weight.replace(weight_name, sysname[1:] + '_' + direction) topweight = weight + '*topweight' #+'*topweight' else: print 'LHE or top' if 'top' in weight_name: topweight = weight + '*topweight_' + direction else: topweight = weight + '*topweight*{0}_{1}*{2}'.format( sysname[1:], direction, LHE_fac[sysname + '_' + direction]) print topweight print '*' * 80 else: topweight = weight + '*topweight' #+'*topweight' if verbose: print 'weight: ', weight interest_var = ast.literal_eval(config.get('GENERAL', 'var')) control_var = ast.literal_eval(config.get('QCD_ESTIMATION', 'control_vars')) plot_control = config.getboolean('QCD_ESTIMATION', 'plot_control') qcd_first = config.getboolean('QCD_ESTIMATION', 'qcd_first') plot_data = config.getboolean('QCD_ESTIMATION', 'plot_data') save_plots = config.getboolean('QCD_ESTIMATION', 'save_plots') if plot_control: interest_var += control_var print interest_var, 'interest_vars' fout = rt.TFile(fname, "UPDATE") xdist = -0.35 add_cut = '' regcuts = [] add_cut_nom = '' regcutsnom = [] for item, cut in config.items('CUT'): if item not in ast.literal_eval(config.get('QCD_ESTIMATION', 'CR_vars')): add_cut += item + sysname + direction + cut + '&&' add_cut_nom += item + cut + '&&' else: if 'qgLR' not in item: add_cut += item + sysname + direction + '>=-1&&' add_cut_nom += item + '>=-1&&' else: add_cut += item + sysname + direction + '>0&&' add_cut_nom += item + '>0&&' if '>' in cut or '>=' in cut: SRdir = 0 else: SRdir = 1 regcuts.append([ item + sysname + direction, [s for s in re.findall(r'-?\d+\.?\d*', cut)][0], SRdir ]) regcutsnom.append( [item, [s for s in re.findall(r'-?\d+\.?\d*', cut)][0], SRdir]) add_cut_nom = add_cut_nom[:-2] #Remove last && add_cut = add_cut[:-2] #Remove last && if verbose: print add_cut, add_cut_nom, 'cuts for qcd est' print regcuts, regcutsnom, 'regcuts' #print 'other cuts: ',add_cut regions = OrderedDict() regionsnom = OrderedDict() # regions["CR1"]={'cut':'(jet_CSV[0]<0.9535||jet_CSV[1]<0.9535 && (jet_CSV[0]>=0.8484 && jet_CSV[1]>=0.8484))','data':None,'bkg':None,'QCD':None} # regions["CR2"]={'cut':'((jet_CSV[0]<0.8484 || jet_CSV[1]<0.8484) && qgLR<0.722416)','data':None,'bkg':None,'QCD':None} # regions["VR"]={'cut':'((jet_CSV[0]<0.8484 || jet_CSV[1]<0.8484) && qgLR>0.722416)','data':None,'bkg':None,'QCD':None} # regions["SR"]={'cut':'(jet_CSV[0]>=0.9535 && jet_CSV[1]>=0.9535 )','data':None,'bkg':None,'QCD':None} regions["CR1"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcuts[0][0] + ('<' if regcuts[0][2] else '>') + regcuts[0][1] + '&&' + regcuts[1][0] + ('>' if regcuts[1][2] else '<') + regcuts[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + CR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } regions["CR2"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcuts[0][0] + ('>' if regcuts[0][2] else '<') + regcuts[0][1] + '&&' + regcuts[1][0] + ('>' if regcuts[1][2] else '<') + regcuts[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + CR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } regions["VR"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcuts[0][0] + ('>' if regcuts[0][2] else '<') + regcuts[0][1] + '&&' + regcuts[1][0] + ('<' if regcuts[1][2] else '>') + regcuts[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + SR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } regions["SR"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcuts[0][0] + ('<' if regcuts[0][2] else '>') + regcuts[0][1] + '&&' + regcuts[1][0] + ('<' if regcuts[1][2] else '>') + regcuts[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + SR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } regionsnom["CR1"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcutsnom[0][0] + ('<' if regcutsnom[0][2] else '>') + regcutsnom[0][1] + '&&' + regcutsnom[1][0] + ('>' if regcutsnom[1][2] else '<') + regcutsnom[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + CR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } regionsnom["CR2"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcutsnom[0][0] + ('>' if regcutsnom[0][2] else '<') + regcutsnom[0][1] + '&&' + regcutsnom[1][0] + ('>' if regcutsnom[1][2] else '<') + regcutsnom[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + CR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } regionsnom["VR"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcutsnom[0][0] + ('>' if regcutsnom[0][2] else '<') + regcutsnom[0][1] + '&&' + regcutsnom[1][0] + ('<' if regcutsnom[1][2] else '>') + regcutsnom[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + SR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } regionsnom["SR"] = { 'cut': '(' + regcutsnom[0][0] + ('<' if regcutsnom[0][2] else '>') + regcutsnom[0][1] + '&&' + regcutsnom[1][0] + ('<' if regcutsnom[1][2] else '>') + regcutsnom[1][1] + ')' + '&&' + SR_add_cut, 'data': None, 'bkg': None, 'QCD': None } if is_weight or test_nominal or is_lN or is_shape: regions = regionsnom add_cut = add_cut_nom print 'Doing QCD Estimate' for reg in regions: print reg, regions[reg]['cut'] t_data = trees['data'] scaleSR = scaleVR = 0 for ivar, var in enumerate(interest_var): rt.gDirectory.GetList().Delete() varnom = var if is_weight == False and sysname != '' and is_lN == False and is_shape == False: var += sysname + direction for proc in hname: if sysname != '': if is_weight: if 'btag' in sysname: nuis_name = sysname.replace('btagweight', 'CMS_btag') + direction else: nuis_name = '_CMS' + sysname.replace( 'weight', '_Weight') + direction elif is_lN: nuis_name = sysname.replace('lN', '') elif is_shape: nuis_name = sysname.replace('shape', '') else: nuis_name = '_CMS' + sysname + '_j' + direction else: nuis_name = sysname + direction #print nuis_name #print is_lN for reg in regions: if verbose: print reg if not fout.GetDirectory(reg): fout.mkdir(reg) if verbose: print 'doing ', reg, 'scaleVR = ', scaleVR if use_bin_opt: hopt = rt.TH1F('hdata' + reg + varnom + sysname, 'hdata' + reg + varnom + sysname, len(opt_bin) - 1, opt_bin) t_data.Draw(varnom + '>>' + 'hdata' + reg + varnom + sysname, "(" + add_cut_nom + ")*" + regionsnom[reg]['cut']) hdata = hopt.Clone('data_obs') else: t_data.Draw( varnom + '>>' + 'hdata' + reg + varnom + sysname + str(vartitle[varnom][1]), "(" + add_cut_nom + ")*" + regionsnom[reg]['cut']) print varnom + '>>' + 'hdata' + reg + varnom + sysname + str( vartitle[varnom] [1]), "(" + add_cut_nom + ")*" + regionsnom[reg]['cut'] #print reg, varnom + '>>'+ 'hdata'+reg+varnom+sysname+ str(vartitle[varnom][1]),"("+add_cut_nom+")*"+regionsnom[reg]['cut'] #print 'data: ',"("+add_cut_nom+")*"+regionsnom[reg]['cut'] hdata = rt.gDirectory.Get('hdata' + reg + varnom + sysname).Clone('data_obs') if is_overflow: AddOverflow(hdata) if sysname == '': hdata.Write() if verbose: print var.partition('_')[0] + '>>' + 'hdata' + reg + str( vartitle[varnom] [1]), "(" + add_cut_nom + ")*" + regions[reg]['cut'] hdata.Sumw2() hbkg = hdata.Clone('bkg' + reg) hbkg.Reset() for process in bkgs_: #print process if process in processgroup and process != 'QCD': for isub, subprocess in enumerate(processgroup[process]): #print subprocess if use_bin_opt: hopt = rt.TH1F('h' + reg + subprocess + sysname, 'h' + reg + subprocess + sysname, len(opt_bin) - 1, opt_bin) trees[subprocess].Draw( var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + subprocess + sysname, weight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')') else: trees[subprocess].Draw( var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + subprocess + sysname + str(vartitle[varnom][1]), weight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')') if isub == 0: if use_bin_opt: h = hopt.Clone(hname[process] + nuis_name) else: h = rt.gDirectory.Get( 'h' + reg + subprocess + sysname).Clone(hname[process] + nuis_name) if calc_qwfac and (reg == 'SR'): Calculate_qwfrac(trees[subprocess], weight + "*(" + add_cut + ')', subprocess) if is_overflow: AddOverflow(h) h.Sumw2() h.Scale(dscale[subprocess]) if apply_qwfac: h.Scale(qwfac[subprocess]) # if calc_qwfac:Calculate_qwfrac(tree[subprocess],weight,subprocess) # else: h.Scale(qwfac[subprocess]) else: if use_bin_opt: hsub = hopt.Clone(hname[process] + nuis_name) else: hsub = rt.gDirectory.Get( 'h' + reg + subprocess + sysname).Clone(hname[process] + nuis_name) if calc_qwfac and (reg == 'SR'): Calculate_qwfrac(trees[subprocess], weight + "*(" + add_cut + ')', subprocess) if is_overflow: AddOverflow(hsub) # if calc_qwfac:Calculate_qwfrac(tree[subprocess],weight,subprocess) # else:h.Scale(qwfac[subprocess]) hsub.Sumw2() hsub.Scale(dscale[subprocess]) if apply_qwfac: hsub.Scale(qwfac[subprocess]) h.Add(hsub) if verbose: print 'subprocess: ', var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + subprocess + str( vartitle[varnom] [1]), weight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + regions[ reg]['cut'] + ')' #print type(hbkg),type(h) if is_lN: #print nuis_name[1:] #print dnames[process] if lNlist[dnames[process]].has_key(nuis_name[1:]): if direction == 'Up': h.Scale( lNlist[dnames[process]][nuis_name[1:]][0]) h.SetName(h.GetName() + direction) elif direction == 'Down': h.Scale( lNlist[dnames[process]][nuis_name[1:]][1]) h.SetName(h.GetName() + direction) else: print 'wtf mate' hbkg.Add(h) if direction in h.GetName() or sysname == '': #print h.GetName() #print reg h.Write() elif 'ttbar' in process: for tproc in ttCls: if use_bin_opt: hopt = rt.TH1F('h' + reg + tproc + var + sysname, 'h' + reg + tproc + var + sysname, len(opt_bin) - 1, opt_bin) trees[tproc].Draw( var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + tproc + var + sysname, topweight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + ttCls[tproc] + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')') else: trees[tproc].Draw( var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + tproc + var + sysname + str(vartitle[varnom][1]), topweight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + ttCls[tproc] + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')') print var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + tproc + var + sysname + str( vartitle[varnom][1] ), topweight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + ttCls[ tproc] + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')' #print var + '>>'+ 'h'+reg+tproc+var+sysname+ str(vartitle[varnom][1]),topweight+"*("+add_cut+"&&"+ttCls[tproc]+"&&"+regions[reg]['cut']+')' if verbose: print 'ttbar options: ', var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + tproc + var + sysname + str( vartitle[varnom][1] ), topweight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + ttCls[ tproc] + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')' if use_bin_opt: h = hopt.Clone(hname[tproc] + nuis_name) else: h = rt.gDirectory.Get('h' + reg + tproc + var + sysname).Clone(hname[tproc] + nuis_name) if calc_qwfac and (reg == 'SR'): Calculate_qwfrac( trees[tproc], topweight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + ttCls[tproc] + ')', tproc) if is_overflow: AddOverflow(h) #print h.Integral() if verbose: print 'tproc before: ', tproc, ' ntproc:', h.Integral( ) h.Sumw2() h.Scale(dscale[process]) if apply_qwfac: h.Scale(qwfac[tproc]) if is_lN: if lNlist[tproc].has_key(nuis_name[1:]): if direction == 'Up': h.Scale(lNlist[tproc][nuis_name[1:]][0]) h.SetName(h.GetName() + direction) elif direction == 'Down': h.Scale(lNlist[tproc][nuis_name[1:]][1]) h.SetName(h.GetName() + direction) else: print 'wtf mate' #if not is_weight and direction == 'Up': #h.SetBinContent(1,h.GetBinContent(1)*1.02) #rint 'tproc: ',tproc,' ntproc:', h.Integral() #if reg in ['SR','VR']:h.Scale(qwfac[tproc]) if verbose: print 'tproc: ', tproc, ' ntproc:', h.Integral() hbkg.Add(h) if direction in h.GetName() or sysname == '': h.Write() else: if use_bin_opt: hopt = rt.TH1F('h' + reg + process + sysname, 'h' + reg + process + sysname, len(opt_bin) - 1, opt_bin) trees[process].Draw( var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + process + sysname, weight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')') h = hopt.Clone(hname[process] + nuis_name) else: trees[process].Draw( var + '>>' + 'h' + reg + process + sysname + str(vartitle[varnom][1]), weight + "*(" + add_cut + "&&" + regions[reg]['cut'] + ')') h = rt.gDirectory.Get('h' + reg + process + sysname).Clone(hname[process] + nuis_name) if calc_qwfac and (reg == 'SR'): Calculate_qwfrac(trees[process], weight + "*(" + add_cut + ')', process) if is_overflow: AddOverflow(h) h.Sumw2() h.Scale(dscale[process]) if apply_qwfac: h.Scale(qwfac[process]) if is_lN: if lNlist[dnames[process]].has_key(nuis_name[1:]): if direction == 'Up': h.Scale( lNlist[dnames[process]][nuis_name[1:]][0]) h.SetName(h.GetName() + direction) elif direction == 'Down': h.Scale( lNlist[dnames[process]][nuis_name[1:]][1]) h.SetName(h.GetName() + direction) else: print 'wtf mate' #if reg in ['SR','VR']:h.Scale(qwfac[process]) if h.Integral() < 0: print process if verbose: print 'before: ', hbkg.Integral() if verbose: print 'process ', process, ' integral: ', h.Integral() hbkg.Add(h) if verbose: print 'after: ', hbkg.Integral() if direction in h.GetName() or sysname == '': h.Write() hres = hdata.Clone("hbkgsub" + reg) print 'Data evts: ', hdata.Integral() print 'background evts without QCD: ', hbkg.Integral() hres.Add(hbkg, -1) #Set_Zero(hres) regions[reg]['QCD'] = hres if verbose: print 'QCD estimate ', hres.Integral() regions[reg]['bkg'] = hbkg regions[reg]['data'] = hdata.Clone('Data' + reg) if "CR" not in reg: if reg == 'SR': if regions['CR1']['QCD'] == None: print 'Do CRs first!' continue elif scaleVR == 0: print 'Do VR first!' continue else: if ivar == 0: nqcd = regions['CR1']['QCD'].Integral() scaleSR = hres.Integral() / nqcd # nqcd = regions['CR1']['QCD'].GetBinContent(1) # scaleSR = hres.GetBinContent(1)/nqcd #scaleSR = scaleVR print 'SR/CR1: ', scaleSR, 'nqcd CR1: ', nqcd hSR = regions['CR1']['QCD'].Clone('QCD' + nuis_name) hSR.Scale(scaleSR) if is_shape: #hot fix for shape extrapolation uncertainty correction = shapelist['QCD']['bkg_extrap'] if direction == 'Down': correction = [ 2 - bin for bin in shapelist['QCD']['bkg_extrap'] ] for bin, corr in enumerate(correction): hSR.SetBinContent( bin + 1, hSR.GetBinContent(bin + 1) * corr) hSR.SetName('QCD' + nuis_name + direction) regions[reg]['QCD'] = hSR if is_lN: hSR.SetName('QCD' + nuis_name + direction) hSR.Write() if reg == 'VR': if regions['CR2']['QCD'] == None: print 'Do CRs first!' continue else: if ivar == 0: nqcd = regions['CR2']['QCD'].Integral() scaleVR = hres.Integral() / nqcd # nqcd = regions['CR2']['QCD'].GetBinContent(1) # scaleVR = hres.GetBinContent(1)/nqcd print 'VR/CR2: ', scaleVR, 'nqcd CR2: ', nqcd hSR = regions['CR2']['QCD'].Clone('QCD' + nuis_name) hSR.Scale(scaleVR) regions[reg]['QCD'] = hSR if is_lN: hSR.SetName('QCD' + nuis_name + direction) hSR.Write() else: hres.SetName('QCD' + nuis_name) if is_lN: hres.SetName('QCD' + nuis_name + direction) hres.Write()"../") if plot_control: for reg in regions: colors = { 'ttbar': ['#2c7fb8', 't#bar{t} + Minor Bkgs.'], 'Multijet': ['#31a354', 'Multijet'] } if plot_data: regions[reg]['data'].SetMarkerColor(1) regions[reg]['data'].SetMarkerStyle(20) regions[reg]['data'].SetMarkerSize(1.0) regions[reg]['bkg'].SetFillColor( rt.TColor.GetColor(colors['ttbar'][0])) regions[reg]['QCD'].SetFillColor( rt.TColor.GetColor(colors['Multijet'][0])) hstack = rt.THStack(vartitle[varnom][0] + reg, vartitle[varnom][0] + reg) if qcd_first: hstack.Add(regions[reg]['bkg']) hstack.Add(regions[reg]['QCD']) else: hstack.Add(regions[reg]['QCD']) hstack.Add(regions[reg]['bkg']) c = rt.TCanvas(var + reg + weight, var + reg + weight, 5, 30, W_ref, H_ref) pad1 = rt.TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0.0, 0.15 if plot_data else 0.0, 1, 1.0) pad1.Draw() SetupCanvas(pad1, vartitle[varnom][2]) if use_bin_opt: hframe = rt.TH1F( var + reg, "h; {0}; Events ".format(vartitle[varnom][0]), len(opt_bin) - 1, opt_bin) else: hframe = rt.TH1F( var + reg, "h; {0}; Events ".format(vartitle[varnom][0]), vartitle[varnom][1][0], vartitle[varnom][1][1], vartitle[varnom][1][2]) hframe.SetAxisRange( 0.1, regions[reg]['data'].GetMaximum() * 1e4 if vartitle[varnom][2] == 1 else regions[reg]['data'].GetMaximum() * 1.8, "Y") xAxis = hframe.GetXaxis() xAxis.SetNdivisions(6, 5, 0) yAxis = hframe.GetYaxis() yAxis.SetNdivisions(6, 5, 0) yAxis.SetTitleOffset(1) hframe.Draw() c.Update() c.Modified() hstack.Draw("sameaxis") hstack.Draw('histsame') herr = regions[reg]['QCD'].Clone('stat.err') herr.Add(regions[reg]['bkg']) herr.SetFillColor(rt.kBlack) herr.SetMarkerStyle(0) herr.SetFillStyle(3354) rt.gStyle.SetHatchesLineWidth(1) rt.gStyle.SetHatchesSpacing(2) if plot_data: regions[reg]['data'].Draw("esamex0") herr.Draw('e2same') CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, iPeriod, iPos) pad1.Update() pad1.RedrawAxis() frame = c.GetFrame() latex = rt.TLatex() legend = rt.TPad("legend_0", "legend_0", x0_l - 0.15, y0_l, x1_l, y1_l) legend.Draw() if plot_data: gr_l = rt.TGraphErrors(1, x_l, y_l, ex_l, ey_l) rt.gStyle.SetEndErrorSize(0) gr_l.SetMarkerSize(0.9) gr_l.Draw("0P") latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAngle(0) latex.SetTextColor(rt.kBlack) latex.SetTextSize(0.12) latex.SetTextAlign(12) yy_ = y_l[0] if plot_data: latex.DrawLatex(xx_ + 1. * bwx_, yy_, "Data") latex.DrawLatex(xx_ + 1. * bwx_, yy_ - gap_, reg) for hist in colors: box_ = rt.TBox() SetupBox(box_, yy_, rt.TColor.GetColor(colors[hist][0])) box_.DrawBox(xx_ - bwx_ / 2 - xdist, yy_ - bwy_ / 2, xx_ + bwx_ / 2 - xdist, yy_ + bwy_ / 2) box_.SetFillStyle(0) box_.DrawBox(xx_ - bwx_ / 2 - xdist, yy_ - bwy_ / 2, xx_ + bwx_ / 2 - xdist, yy_ + bwy_ / 2) latex.DrawLatex(xx_ + 1. * bwx_ - xdist, yy_, colors[hist][1]) yy_ -= gap_ box_ = rt.TBox() SetupBox(box_, yy_) box_.SetFillStyle(3354) box_.DrawBox(xx_ - bwx_ / 2 - xdist, yy_ - bwy_ / 2, xx_ + bwx_ / 2 - xdist, yy_ + bwy_ / 2) latex.DrawLatex(xx_ + 1. * bwx_ - xdist, yy_, 'Stat. Uncert.') yy_ -= gap_ c.Update() if plot_data: p1r = rt.TPad("p4", "", 0, 0, 1, 0.26) p1r.SetRightMargin(0.04) p1r.SetLeftMargin(0.12) p1r.SetTopMargin(0.0) p1r.SetBottomMargin(0.42) p1r.SetTicks() p1r.Draw() xmin = float(herr.GetXaxis().GetXmin()) xmax = float(herr.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) one = rt.TF1("one", "1", xmin, xmax) one.SetLineColor(1) one.SetLineStyle(2) one.SetLineWidth(1) nxbins = herr.GetNbinsX() hratio = regions[reg]['data'].Clone() he = herr.Clone() he.SetFillColor(16) he.SetFillStyle(1001) print reg for b in range(nxbins): nbkg = herr.GetBinContent(b + 1) ebkg = herr.GetBinError(b + 1) ndata = regions[reg]['data'].GetBinContent(b + 1) edata = regions[reg]['data'].GetBinError(b + 1) r = ndata / nbkg if nbkg > 0 else 0 #print 'bin: ',b+1, ' r: ',r #print str(r) + '\t' rerr = edata / nbkg if nbkg > 0 else 0 hratio.SetBinContent(b + 1, r) hratio.SetBinError(b + 1, rerr) he.SetBinContent(b + 1, 1) he.SetBinError(b + 1, ebkg / nbkg if nbkg > 0 else 0) hratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.0, 2.0) hratio.SetTitle("") hratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(vartitle[varnom][0]) hratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.156) hratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.171) #hratio.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.09) #for b in range(hratio.GetNbinsX()): # hratio.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(b+1, str(int(hratio.GetBinLowEdge(b+1))) ) hratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.02) hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.196) hratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.171) hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.30) hratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle(" Data/MC") hratio.GetYaxis().SetDecimals(1) hratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(3, 2, 0, rt.kTRUE) #was 402 hratio.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(6, 5, 0) hratio.Draw("pe") # setex2.Draw() he.Draw("e2same") one.Draw("SAME") #turn off horizontal error bars # setex1.Draw() hratio.Draw("PEsame") hratio.Draw("PE0X0same") hratio.Draw("sameaxis") #redraws the axes p1r.Update() if save_plots: if not os.path.exists(destination + "/QCD Estimation"): os.makedirs(destination + "/QCD Estimation") else: print "WARNING: directory already exists. Will overwrite existing files..." c.SaveAs(destination + "/QCD Estimation/" + reg + var + ".pdf") # # for reg in regions: # regions[reg]['data'].Write() # regions[reg]['bkg'].Write() # regions[reg]['QCD'].Write() # if verbose: # regions[reg]['data'].GetName() # print regions[reg]['bkg'].GetName() # print regions[reg]['QCD'].GetName() fout.Close()
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: fstate = sys.argv[1] else: fstate = '' decor = fstate if decor != '': decor += '_' sources = ('%s/fig_%sbkg.root' % (PATH, decor), 'bkg', kMagenta + 1) # --------------------------------------- # get data histogram # --------------------------------------- filename = '%s/fig_%sdata.root' % (PATH, decor) fdata = TFile(filename) if not fdata.IsOpen(): sys.exit("** can't open file %s" % filename) hdata = fdata.Get(HNAME) if not hdata: sys.exit("** can't find hbnn") # --------------------------------------- # get source histogram # --------------------------------------- filename, hname, color = sources fsrc = TFile(filename) if not fsrc.IsOpen(): sys.exit("** can't open file %s" % fsrc) hsrc = fsrc.Get(HNAME).Clone(hname) if not hsrc: sys.exit("** can't find histogram") # --------------------------------------- # set up some standard graphics style # --------------------------------------- tdrstyle.setTDRStyle() #gStyle.SetCanvasPreferGL(True) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.12) #gStyle.SetOptStat('ei') gStyle.SetOptStat('i') gStyle.SetStatFont(42) gStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.03) gStyle.SetStatBorderSize(1) gStyle.SetStatH(0.2) gStyle.SetStatW(0.3) gStyle.SetStatX(0.83) gStyle.SetStatY(0.93) # change the CMS_lumi variables (see iPeriod = 4 iPos = 0 CMS_lumi.relPosX = 0.12 CMS_lumi.lumi_13TeV = "36.0 fb^{-1}" CMS_lumi.writeExtraText = 1 CMS_lumi.extraText = "Preliminary" vdouble = vector("double") # --------------------------------------- # plot data # --------------------------------------- ymax = 1.2 * hdata.GetMaximum() ii = int(ymax / 10) ymax = (ii + 1) * 10 hdata.SetMaximum(ymax) hdata.SetNdivisions(505, 'X') xbins = int(hdata.GetNbinsX()) width = hdata.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1) xmin = int(hdata.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1)) xmax = int(hdata.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(xbins) + width) postfix = "_%s_%3.3d_%3.3d" % (HNAME, xmin, xmax) cname = "fig_%sdata_%s" % (decor, postfix) canvas = TCanvas(cname, cname, 10, 10, 500, 500) hdata.Draw("ep gl") canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs('.png') gSystem.ProcessEvents() sleep(1) del canvas # --------------------------------------- # plot source # --------------------------------------- cname = "fig_%s%s%s" % (decor, hname, postfix) canvas = TCanvas(cname, cname, 10, 10, 500, 500) hsrc.SetNdivisions(505, 'X') hsrc.Draw("hist gl") canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs('.png') gSystem.ProcessEvents() sleep(1) del canvas # get counts datum = 0.0 bkg = 0.0 fb = [] D = [] for ii in xrange(xbins): bkg += hsrc.GetBinContent(ii + 1) datum += hdata.GetBinContent(ii + 1) if bkg > 10: fb.append(bkg) D.append(datum) print '%4d\t%10.2f\t%10.0f' % (len(D), bkg, datum) bkg = 0.0 datum = 0.0 # --------------------------------------- # fit # --------------------------------------- t = [] bguess = sum(fb) fb = map(lambda x: x / bguess, fb) def Func(npar, grad, fval, xval, flag): fval[0] = 0.0 B = xval[0] for i in xrange(len(D)): theory = B * fb[i] x = D[i] - theory fval[0] += x * x / theory minuit = TMinuit(1) minuit.SetPrintLevel(1) minuit.SetFCN(Func) minuit.SetErrorDef(1) # Find mode of posterior density # make some reasonable guesses for fit total = sum(D) status = Long() bstep = bguess / 1000 bmin = 0.0 bmax = 2 * total minuit.mnparm(0, "B", bguess, bstep, bmin, bmax, status) if status != 0: sys.exit("** mnparam status code: %d" % status) args = array('d') args.append(MAXITER) args.append(TOLERANCE) minuit.mnexcm(METHOD, args, 2, status) if status != 0: sys.exit("** mnexcm %s failed" % METHOD) # Print results print "-" * 80 print "total observed count: %d" % total print "%-10s\t%10s" % ('source', " estimated count") value = Double() dvalue = Double() minuit.GetParameter(0, value, dvalue) mode = value error = dvalue print "%-10s\t%10.1f +/-%- 10.1f" % \ ("", mode, error) color = sources[-1] hsrc.SetLineColor(color + 2) hsrc.SetFillColor(color) hsrc.Scale(mode / hsrc.Integral()) hsrc.SetMaximum(ymax) # compute GOF measure chisq = 0.0 for i in xrange(len(D)): theory = mode * fb[i] x = D[i] - theory chisq += x * x / theory ndf = len(D) - 1 print '\nchisq/NDF = %10.1f/%d = %10.2f\n' % (chisq, ndf, chisq / ndf) lg = mklegend(0.35, 0.72, 0.25, 0.2) lg.SetHeader('events(%s)' % FINALSTATES[fstate]) lg.SetTextSize(0.04) lg.AddEntry(hdata, 'data %4.0f' % hdata.Integral(), 'p') fname, src, color = sources src = capitalize(src) lg.AddEntry(hsrc, '%-5s %6.1f #pm %-6.1f (#color[4]{%6.1f})' \ % (src, mode, error, bguess), 'f') scribe = Scribe(0.43, 0.68) cname = "fig_%sresult%s" % (decor, postfix) cfit = TCanvas(cname, cname, 520, 10, 500, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat('') hdata.SetMaximum(ymax) hdata.Draw('ep') hsrc.Draw('histsame') hdata.Draw('epsame') lg.Draw() scribe.write('#chi^{2}/NDF = %5.1f / %d = %5.2f\n' % \ (chisq, ndf, chisq/ndf)) scribe.write('#font[12]{m}_{4#font[12]{l}} #in [%d, %d] GeV' % (xmin, xmax)) CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(cfit, iPeriod, iPos) cfit.SaveAs('.png') cfit.Update() gSystem.ProcessEvents() sleep(5)
def drawHist(histName, plotInfo, plotDirectory, _file): canvas.ResetDrawn() stack = THStack(histName, histName) for sample in stackList: # print sample _dir = sample if "QCD" in sample: continue if useQCDMC: _dir = "QCDMu" if useQCDDD: _dir = "QCD_DD" hist = _file.Get("%s/%s_%s" % (_dir, histName, sample)).Clone(sample) hist.SetFillColor(mcList[sample][0]) hist.SetLineColor(mcList[sample][0]) hist.Rebin(plotInfo[2]) stack.Add(hist) dataHist = _file.Get("DataMu/%s_DataMu" % (histName)) dataHist.Rebin(plotInfo[2]) #histograms list has flag whether it's log or not canvas.SetLogy(plotInfo[-1]) if not plotInfo[-1]: stack.SetMaximum(1.45 * max(dataHist.GetMaximum(), stack.GetMaximum())) else: stack.SetMaximum(100. * max(dataHist.GetMaximum(), stack.GetMaximum())) stack.Draw("hist") # histograms list has x-axis title stack.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle(plotInfo[0]) if not -1 in plotInfo[3]: stack.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(plotInfo[3][0], plotInfo[3][1]) dataHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(plotInfo[3][0], plotInfo[3][1]) stack.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle(plotInfo[1]) dataHist.Draw("e,X0,same") legend.Draw("same") CMS_lumi.channelText = _channelText + plotInfo[4] CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canvas, 4, 11) canvas.Print("%s/%s.pdf" % (plotDirectory, histName), ".pdf") ratio = dataHist.Clone("temp") ratio.Add(stack.GetStack().Last(), -1) pad1.Clear() pad2.Clear() canvasRatio.ResetDrawn() pad1.Clear() pad2.Clear() pad1.SetLogy(plotInfo[-1]) stack.Draw('HIST') # pad1.Update() y2 = pad1.GetY2() stack.SetMinimum(1) # pad1.Update() stack.GetXaxis().SetTitle('') # stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(dataHist.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) stack.SetTitle('') stack.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) stack.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(gStyle.GetLabelSize() / (1. - padRatio + padOverlap)) stack.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(gStyle.GetTitleSize() / (1. - padRatio + padOverlap)) stack.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(gStyle.GetTitleYOffset() * (1. - padRatio + padOverlap)) dataHist.Draw('E,X0,SAME') legendR.Draw() ratio.SetTitle('') ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(gStyle.GetLabelSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(gStyle.GetLabelSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(gStyle.GetTitleSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(gStyle.GetTitleSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(gStyle.GetTitleYOffset() * (padRatio + padOverlap - padGap)) # ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75,1.25) ratio.SetMaximum(1.15 * ratio.GetMaximum()) ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(504) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plotInfo[0]) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#splitline{QCD}{Template}") ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.4) ratio.SetMarkerStyle(dataHist.GetMarkerStyle()) ratio.SetMarkerSize(dataHist.GetMarkerSize()) ratio.SetLineColor(dataHist.GetLineColor()) ratio.SetLineWidth(dataHist.GetLineWidth()) oneLine = TF1("oneline", "1", -9e9, 9e9) oneLine.SetLineColor(kBlack) oneLine.SetLineWidth(1) oneLine.SetLineStyle(2) TGaxis.SetExponentOffset(-0.075, 0.0, "y") ratio.SetFillColor(kGreen + 3) ratio.SetLineColor(kGreen + 3) ratio.SetMarkerSize(0) ratio.Draw('h') # oneLine.Draw("same") # pad2.Update() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(pad1, 4, 11) canvasRatio.Update() canvasRatio.RedrawAxis() canvasRatio.SaveAs("%s/%s_ratio.pdf" % (plotDirectory, histName)) canvasRatio.SetLogy(0)
rp.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(20) rp.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) rp.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.55) rp.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(43) rp.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15) rp.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(20) rp.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(43) rp.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(4.) rp.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(43) rp.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) rp.Draw("ep") #draw CMS and lumi text CMS_lumi.writeExtraText = True CMS_lumi.extraText = "Preliminary" CMS_lumi.lumi_sqrtS = lumiText + " (13 TeV)" CMS_lumi.cmsTextSize = 0.6 CMS_lumi.lumiTextSize = 0.46 CMS_lumi.extraOverCmsTextSize = 0.75 CMS_lumi.relPosX = 0.12 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(pad1, 0, 0) canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs(outputDir + "/" + DATA_list[i].GetTitle() + ".pdf") canvas.SaveAs(outputDir + "/" + DATA_list[i].GetTitle() + ".png") print "plots done"
legend = TLegend(0.638778, 0.640577, 1.0005, 0.879506, "", "brNDC") #legend = TLegend(gPad.GetUxmax()-3.5, gPad.GetUymax()-3.5,gPad.GetUxmax()+0.1,gPad.GetUymax()-0.3,"","br") legend.AddEntry(graph_comb, "Combination", "lf") legend.AddEntry(sm, "SM", "l") legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) extraLabel = TLatex() extraLabel.SetTextSize(0.03) extraLabel.SetTextAngle(0) extraLabel.SetTextAlign(32) extraLabel.SetTextFont(22) graph_comb.Draw("E2same") sm.Draw() if not comb_text == "": comb_line.Draw() graph.Draw("P") comb.DrawLatex(4.88747, 6.10814, comb_text) #comb.DrawLatex(gPad.GetUxmax()-0.5,gPad.GetUymax()*2/3.,comb_text) extraLabel.DrawLatex(gPad.GetUxmax() - 0.1, gPad.GetUymax() - 0.2, "H#rightarrowWW") #legend.Draw() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canvas, 4, iPos) gPad.RedrawAxis() canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs("signalstrength2018_1.png") a = raw_input() leg = TLegend(0.45, 0.7, 0.85, 0.9) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.AddEntry(h_mjjQCD, "QCD", "l") leg.AddEntry(h_mjjSB, "QCD + q* (4 TeV, 0.06 pb^{-1})", "l") leg.AddEntry(g_eff[1], "data", "p") h_mjjQCD.Draw("hist") #g_eff[0].Draw("al") h_mjjSB.Draw("hist same") g_eff[1].Draw("pe0 same") leg.Draw() #draw the lumi text on the canvas CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, iPeriod, iPos) c.SaveAs(outputDir + "/deltaeta_check_" + tag + ".png") c.SaveAs(outputDir + "/deltaeta_check_" + tag + ".pdf") c.Write() h_mjjQCD.Write() g_eff[0].Write() g_eff[1].Write() #----------- with ratio ----------- c2 = TCanvas('c2', 'c2', 600, 650) #----- pad 1 ----------- pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.15, 1, 1) #pad1.SetRightMargin(0.1)
sig_.Draw('hist,same') bkg_.Draw('hist,same') CMS_lumi.channelText = _channelText legend.Draw("same") ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(gStyle.GetLabelSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(gStyle.GetLabelSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(gStyle.GetTitleSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(gStyle.GetTitleSize() / (padRatio + padOverlap)) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(gStyle.GetTitleYOffset() * (padRatio + padOverlap - padGap)) ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.5, 1.5) ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(504) if finalState == "mu": ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle("(#mu^{+},#mu^{-}) invariant mass (GeV)") else: ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle("(e^{+},e^{-}) invariant mass (GeV)") ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/MC") CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(pad1, 4, 11) ratio.Draw('e,x0') oneLine.Draw("same") canvasRatio.Update() canvasRatio.RedrawAxis() CMS_lumi.channelText = _channelText canvasRatio.SaveAs("DilepMass_prefit_%s_%s%s_ratio.pdf" % (finalState, ext, zjets))
def EffiGraph1D(effDataList, effMCList, sfList, nameout, xAxis='pT', yAxis='eta'): W = 800 H = 800 yUp = 0.45 canName = 'toto' + xAxis c = rt.TCanvas(canName, canName, 50, 50, H, W) c.SetTopMargin(0.055) c.SetBottomMargin(0.10) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) p1 = rt.TPad(canName + '_up', canName + '_up', 0, yUp, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) p2 = rt.TPad(canName + '_do', canName + '_do', 0, 0, 1, yUp, 0, 0, 0) p1.SetBottomMargin(0.0075) p1.SetTopMargin(c.GetTopMargin() * 1 / (1 - yUp)) p2.SetTopMargin(0.0075) p2.SetBottomMargin(c.GetBottomMargin() * 1 / yUp) p1.SetLeftMargin(c.GetLeftMargin()) p2.SetLeftMargin(c.GetLeftMargin()) firstGraph = True leg = rt.TLegend(0.5, 0.80, 0.95, 0.92) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) igr = 0 listOfTGraph1 = [] listOfTGraph2 = [] listOfMC = [] xMin = 10 xMax = 120 if 'pT' in xAxis or 'pt' in xAxis: p1.SetLogx() p2.SetLogx() xMin = 10 xMax = 120 elif 'vtx' in xAxis or 'Vtx' in xAxis or 'PV' in xAxis: xMin = 3 xMax = 42 elif 'eta' in xAxis or 'Eta' in xAxis: xMin = -2.60 xMax = +2.60 if 'abs' in xAxis or 'Abs' in xAxis: xMin = 0.0 effminmax = findMinMax(effDataList) effiMin = effminmax[0] effiMax = effminmax[1] sfminmax = findMinMax(sfList) # sfMin = sfminmax[0] sfMin = 0.8 sfMax = 1.2 for key in sorted(effDataList.keys()): grBinsEffData = effUtil.makeTGraphFromList(effDataList[key], 'min', 'max') grBinsSF = effUtil.makeTGraphFromList(sfList[key], 'min', 'max') grBinsEffMC = None if not effMCList is None: grBinsEffMC = effUtil.makeTGraphFromList(effMCList[key], 'min', 'max') grBinsEffMC.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) grBinsEffMC.SetLineColor(graphColors[igr]) grBinsEffMC.SetMarkerSize(0) grBinsEffMC.SetLineWidth(2) grBinsSF.SetMarkerColor(graphColors[igr]) grBinsSF.SetLineColor(graphColors[igr]) grBinsSF.SetLineWidth(2) grBinsEffData.SetMarkerColor(graphColors[igr]) grBinsEffData.SetLineColor(graphColors[igr]) grBinsEffData.SetLineWidth(2) grBinsEffData.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(effiMin) grBinsEffData.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(effiMax) grBinsEffData.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetLimits(xMin, xMax) grBinsSF.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetLimits(xMin, xMax) grBinsSF.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(sfMin) grBinsSF.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(sfMax) grBinsSF.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) if 'eta' in xAxis or 'Eta' in xAxis: grBinsSF.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("SuperCluster #eta") elif 'pt' in xAxis or 'pT' in xAxis: grBinsSF.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("p_{T} [GeV]") elif 'vtx' in xAxis or 'Vtx' in xAxis or 'PV' in xAxis: grBinsSF.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("N_{vtx}") grBinsSF.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / MC ") grBinsSF.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) grBinsEffData.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) grBinsEffData.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data efficiency") grBinsEffData.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(effiMin, effiMax) ### to avoid loosing the TGraph keep it in memory by adding it to a list listOfTGraph1.append(grBinsEffData) listOfTGraph2.append(grBinsSF) listOfMC.append(grBinsEffMC) if 'eta' in yAxis or 'Eta' in yAxis: leg.AddEntry( grBinsEffData, '%1.3f #leq | #eta | #leq %1.3f' % (float(key[0]), float(key[1])), "PL") elif 'pt' in yAxis or 'pT' in yAxis: leg.AddEntry( grBinsEffData, '%3.0f #leq p_{T} #leq %3.0f GeV' % (float(key[0]), float(key[1])), "PL") elif 'vtx' in yAxis or 'Vtx' in yAxis or 'PV' in yAxis: leg.AddEntry( grBinsEffData, '%3.0f #leq nVtx #leq %3.0f' % (float(key[0]), float(key[1])), "PL") for igr in range(len(listOfTGraph1) + 1): option = "P" if igr == 1: option = "AP" use_igr = igr if use_igr == len(listOfTGraph1): use_igr = 0 listOfTGraph1[use_igr].SetLineColor(graphColors[use_igr]) listOfTGraph1[use_igr].SetMarkerColor(graphColors[use_igr]) if not listOfMC[use_igr] is None: listOfMC[use_igr].SetLineColor(graphColors[use_igr]) listOfTGraph1[use_igr].GetHistogram().SetMinimum(effiMin) listOfTGraph1[use_igr].GetHistogram().SetMaximum(effiMax) listOfTGraph1[use_igr].Draw(option) if not listOfMC[use_igr] is None: listOfMC[use_igr].Draw("ez") listOfTGraph2[use_igr].SetLineColor(graphColors[use_igr]) listOfTGraph2[use_igr].SetMarkerColor(graphColors[use_igr]) listOfTGraph2[use_igr].GetHistogram().SetMinimum(sfMin) listOfTGraph2[use_igr].GetHistogram().SetMaximum(sfMax) if 'pT' in xAxis or 'pt' in xAxis: listOfTGraph2[use_igr].GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels() listOfTGraph2[use_igr].GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetNoExponent() listOfTGraph2[use_igr].Draw(option) lineAtOne = rt.TLine(xMin, 1, xMax, 1) lineAtOne.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) lineAtOne.SetLineWidth(2) lineAtOne.Draw() p2.Draw() p1.Draw() leg.Draw() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, 4, 10) c.Print(nameout) return listOfTGraph2
def plotUpperLimits(model, lambdas, helicity): N = len(lambdas) #yellow = TGraph(2*N) # yellow band #green = TGraph(2*N) # green band #median = TGraph(N) # median line Mmin = [100 + i * 100 for i in range(40)] graphs = [] for i in range(N): thislam = TGraph(len(Mmin)) thislimit = [] for mm in range(len(Mmin)): file_name = "./%sdataCards/ee_signif%s/higgsCombine%d.Significance.mH%d.root" % ( model, helicity, Mmin[mm], lambdas[i]) limit = getLimits(file_name) thislam.SetPoint(mm, Mmin[mm], limit[0]) thislam.SetLineColor(i + 2) thislam.SetLineWidth(2) thislimit.append(limit[0]) graphs.append(thislam.Clone()) print "this minimum mass cut is %d" % Mmin[mm] print thislimit #yellow.SetPoint( i, values[i], limit[4] ) # + 2 sigma #green.SetPoint( i, values[i], limit[3] ) # + 1 sigma #median.SetPoint( i, labels[i], limit[0] ) # median #green.SetPoint( 2*N-1-i, values[i], limit[1] ) # - 1 sigma #yellow.SetPoint( 2*N-1-i, values[i], limit[0] ) # - 2 sigma W = 800 H = 600 T = 0.08 * H B = 0.12 * H L = 0.12 * W R = 0.04 * W c = TCanvas("c", "c", 100, 100, W, H) c.SetFillColor(0) c.SetBorderMode(0) c.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c.SetLeftMargin(L / W) c.SetRightMargin(R / W) c.SetTopMargin(T / H) c.SetBottomMargin(B / H) c.SetTickx(0) c.SetTicky(0) c.SetGrid() if model == "ADD": frame = c.DrawFrame(100, 0.01, 4000, 22) elif "Con" in helicity: frame = c.DrawFrame(100, 0.01, 4000, 15) else: frame = c.DrawFrame(100, 0.01, 4000, 10) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9) frame.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) frame.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Significance") frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M_{min} [GeV]") frame.SetMinimum(0) #frame.SetMaximum(max(up2s)*1.05) #frame.GetXaxis().SetLimits(min(values),max(values)) for gf in graphs: gf.Draw('Lsame') ''' yellow.SetFillColor(ROOT.kOrange) yellow.SetLineColor(ROOT.kOrange) yellow.SetFillStyle(1001) yellow.Draw('F') green.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen+1) green.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen+1) green.SetFillStyle(1001) green.Draw('Fsame') median.SetLineColor(1) median.SetLineWidth(2) median.SetLineStyle(2) median.Draw('Lsame')''' CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, 13, 11) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) frame.Draw('sameaxis') x1 = 0.75 x2 = x1 + 0.24 y2 = 0.86 y1 = 0.60 legend = TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextSize(0.041) legend.SetTextFont(42) for i in range(N): legend.AddEntry(graphs[i], "#Lambda = %d" % lambdas[i], 'l') #legend.AddEntry(median, "Asymptotic CL_{s} expected",'L') #legend.AddEntry(green, "#pm 1 std. deviation",'f') #legend.AddEntry(green, "Asymptotic CL_{s} #pm 1 std. deviation",'f') #legend.AddEntry(yellow,"#pm 2 std. deviation",'f') #legend.AddEntry(green, "Asymptotic CL_{s} #pm 2 std. deviation",'f') legend.Draw() print " " c.SaveAs("%slimits/%sSignificance_ee%s.png" % (model, model, helicity)) c.Close()
def plotSignificance(masses, models, cat="all", doUnblind=False, doPValue=True): directory = "/afs/" leg1 = TLegend(0.6, 0.65, 0.9, 0.9) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) xcentral = array("d") # masses ycentral = array("d") # limits obseved = array("d") xerr = array("d") c1 = makeCanvas("c1") mg = TMultiGraph() count = 0 for model in models: count += 1 xcentral = array("d") # masses ycentral = array("d") # limits observed = array("d") xerr = array("d") # modelName = model.replace("c","c'= ").replace("0","0.").replace("brn"," BR_{new} = ").replace("0.0.","0.0").replace("10.","1.0") # modelName = model.replace("brn00","").replace("c","c'= ").replace("0","0.").replace("10.","1.0") cp2 = float(model[1] + "." + model[2]) gamma = str(cp2 * cp2) if gamma == "1.0": modelName = "#Gamma = #Gamma_{SM}" else: modelName = "#Gamma = " + gamma + " * #Gamma_{SM}" if cat == "all": CMS_lumi.extraText2 = "0+1+2 jets " else: CMS_lumi.extraText2 = cat.replace("jet", " jet ") for m in masses: if cat == "all": fitfile = directory + "Significance.ICHEP2016.mH" + m + "_" + model + ".txt" fitfileObs = directory + "Significance.ICHEP2016.unblind.mH" + m + "_" + model + ".txt" else: fitfile = directory + "Significance." + cat + ".ICHEP2016.mH" + m + "_" + model + ".txt" fitfileObs = directory + "Significance." + cat + ".ICHEP2016.unblind.mH" + m + "_" + model + ".txt" fitFile = open( fitfile ) #"/afs/"+m+".txt") sig = extract(fitFile, doPValue) fitFile.close() fitFileObs = open(fitfileObs) print fitFileObs sigObs = extract(fitFileObs, doPValue) fitFileObs.close() xcentral.append(float(m)) xerr.append(0) ycentral.append(float(sig)) observed.append(float(sigObs)) print m, sigObs graph = TGraph(len(xcentral), xcentral, ycentral) graphObs = TGraph(len(xcentral), xcentral, observed) graph.SetLineStyle(2) graphObs.SetLineStyle(1) graph.SetLineWidth(2) graphObs.SetLineWidth(2) graph.SetLineColor(kBlue - 2 * count) graphObs.SetLineColor(kBlue - 2 * count) # leg1.AddEntry(graph,modelName+" Expected","l") leg1.AddEntry(graphObs, modelName, "l") # mg.Add(graph,"l") if doUnblind: mg.Add(graphObs, "l") mg.Draw("A") mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Significance (standard deviations)") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M_{X} [GeV]") mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200, 1000) if doPValue: gPad.SetLogy() mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("p-value") mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.001, 2) else: mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 4) leg1.Draw() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c1, 4, iPos) gPad.RedrawAxis() a = raw_input()
legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetMargin(0.35) #legend.AddEntry(sigdists[8],legends[2],"l") legend.AddEntry(sigdists[0], legends[0], "l") #legend.AddEntry(sigdists[4],legends[1],"l") jj = -1 for h in sigdists: jj += 1 h.Draw("sameHISTC") legend.Draw("same") addInfo = rt.TPaveText(0.6728188, 0.5681818, 0.9295302, 0.6433566, "NDC") # addInfo.AddText(labels[ii]) addInfo.SetFillColor(0) addInfo.SetLineColor(0) addInfo.SetFillStyle(0) addInfo.SetBorderSize(0) addInfo.SetTextFont(42) addInfo.SetTextSize(0.040) addInfo.SetTextAlign(12) addInfo.Draw() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c1, iPeriod, iPos) c1.Update() c1.SaveAs("DiBosonInvMass_AllSignals.pdf") c1.SaveAs("DiBosonInvMass_AllSignals.root") time.sleep(100) infileS.Close()
leg.AddEntry(Hbb.Fit.ErrUp, "fit errors", "L") C2 = TCanvas("C2", "", 800, 800) Hbb.G.SetTitle("") Hbb.G.Draw("AP") Hbb.G.GetXaxis().SetTitle("m_{J} - m_{H} (GeV)") Hbb.G.GetYaxis().SetTitle("R_{p/f}") Hbb.G.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) #Hbb.truthG.Draw("P same")"same") Hbb.Fit.ErrUp.SetLineStyle(2) Hbb.Fit.ErrUp.Draw("same") Hbb.Fit.ErrDn.SetLineStyle(2) Hbb.Fit.ErrDn.Draw("same") leg.Draw() CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(C2, iPeriod, iPos) C2.SaveAs("outputs/SR_Fit.pdf") variable = "dijetmass_corr" binBoundaries = [ 800, 838, 890, 944, 1000, 1058, 1118, 1181, 1246, 1313, 1383, 1455, 1530, 1607, 1687, 1770, 1856, 1945, 2037, 2132, 2231, 2332, 2438, 2546, 2659, 2775, 2895, 3019, 3147, 3279, 3416, 3558, 3704, 3854, 4010, 4171, 4337, 4509 ] Hbb.MakeEstVariable(variable, binBoundaries, antitag, tag) FILE = TFile("outputs/SR_output.root", "RECREATE") V = TH1F("data_obs", "", len(binBoundaries) - 1, array('d', binBoundaries))