コード例 #1
ファイル: PageIndex.py プロジェクト: vlinhd11/webserver
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'id': 'server-section', 'class': 'infosection'})

        infotable = CTK.Table({'class': 'info-table'})
        infotable.set_header (column=True, num=1)

        is_alive = Cherokee.server.is_alive()
        entry = lambda title, string: [CTK.RawHTML (title), CTK.RawHTML(str(string))]

        if is_alive:
            button = CTK.Button(_('Stop Server'), {'id': 'launch-button', 'class': 'button-stop'})
            button.bind ('click', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/stop'))
            infotable += [CTK.RawHTML(_(RUNNING_NOTICE)), button]
            button = CTK.Button(_('Start Server'), {'id': 'launch-button', 'class': 'button-start'})
            button.bind ('click', CTK.JS.GotoURL('/launch'))
            infotable += [CTK.RawHTML(_(STOPPED_NOTICE)), button]

        sys_stats = SystemStats.get_system_stats()
        infotable += entry(_('Hostname'), sys_stats.hostname)
        if CTK.cfg.file:
            cfg_file = '<span title="%s: %s">%s</span>' % (_('Modified'), self._get_cfg_ctime(), CTK.cfg.file)
            cfg_file = _('Not found')
        infotable += entry(_("Config File"), cfg_file)

        box = CTK.Box()
        box += infotable

        table = CTK.Table()
        table.set_header (column=True, num=1)
        table += [CTK.RawHTML (_('Server Information')), box]
        self += table
コード例 #2
ファイル: PageVServer.py プロジェクト: dfyuan/webserver
    def __init__ (self, vsrv_num):
        CTK.Container.__init__ (self)

        # List
        table = CTK.Table({'id': 'rules-table'})
        table += [CTK.RawHTML('<span title="%s">%s</span>'%(_(x[0]),_(x[1]))) for x in BEHAVIOR_TAGS]

        rules = CTK.cfg.keys('vserver!%s!rule'%(vsrv_num))
        rules.sort (lambda x,y: cmp(int(x), int(y)))

        for r in rules:
            table += self._get_row (vsrv_num, r)

        self += CTK.RawHTML ('<h2>%s</h2>' %(_('Behavior Rules')))
        self += CTK.RawHTML (js=JS_TR_ODD+JS_TR_INACTIVE)
        self += CTK.Indenter (table)

        if rules:
            first_rule = rules[0]
            first_rule = '0'

        button = CTK.Button(_('Rule Management'), {'id':'rule-management'})
        button.bind ('click', "window.location = '/vserver/%s/rule/%s'"%(vsrv_num, first_rule))
        self += CTK.Indenter (button)
コード例 #3
ファイル: PageDownload.py プロジェクト: Rythm123/web
    def __call__ (self):
        # Find the DMG file
        dmg_refs = Downloads.get_latest_macosx_dmg()

        # No MacOS package found
        if not dmg_refs:
            content = CTK.Container()
            content += CTK.RawHTML ("<h3>%s</h3>" %(_("Could not find the MacOS X package")))
            content += CTK.RawHTML ("<p>%s</p>" %(_("It seems that the MacOS X package for the latest version has not been compiled yet.")))
            content += CTK.RawHTML ("<p>%s</p>" %(_("Due the circunstances, we encourage you to download the source code and compile it by hand.")))
            return CTK.HTTP_Cacheable (60, body = content.Render().toStr())

        dmg_local, dmg_web = dmg_refs
        dmg_url = "http://www.cherokee-project.com%s"%(dmg_web)

        if os.path.exists (dmg_local):
            mbs = os.path.getsize (dmg_local) / (1024**2)
            mbs = 0
        ver = re.findall (r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', dmg_web)[0]

        download_button = CTK.Button ('Get Cherokee %s DMG'%(ver)) # ??? %sMb'%(mbs))
        download_button.bind ('click', CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto (download_button.id, URL_MACOSX_2))

        content = CTK.Container()
        content += CTK.RawHTML ('<h3>Binary Package</h3>')
        content += CTK.RawHTML ('<p>%s</p>'%(_("A binary package for MacOS X (Intel) is available for download: %sMb"%(mbs))))
        content += download_button

        return CTK.HTTP_Cacheable (60, body=content.Render().toStr())
コード例 #4
        def __init__(self):
            CTK.Box.__init__(self, {'class': 'panel-buttons'})

            # Add New
            dialog = CTK.Dialog({
                'title': _('Add New Information Source'),
                'width': 530
            dialog.AddButton(_('Cancel'), "close")
            dialog.AddButton(_('Add'), dialog.JS_to_trigger('submit'))
            dialog += AddSource()

            button = CTK.Button(
                '<img src="/static/images/panel-new.png" />', {
                    'id': 'source-new-button',
                    'class': 'panel-button',
                    'title': _('Add New Information Source')
            button.bind('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
            dialog.bind('submit_success', dialog.JS_to_close())
            dialog.bind('submit_success', self.JS_to_trigger('submit_success'))

            self += button
            self += dialog

            # Clone
            dialog = CTK.Dialog({
                'title': _('Clone Information Source'),
                'width': 480
            dialog.AddButton(_('Cancel'), "close")
            dialog.AddButton(_('Clone'), JS_CLONE + dialog.JS_to_close())
            dialog += CloneSource()

            button = CTK.Button(
                '<img src="/static/images/panel-clone.png" />', {
                    'id': 'source-clone-button',
                    'class': 'panel-button',
                    'title': _('Clone Selected Information Source')
            button.bind('click', dialog.JS_to_show())

            self += dialog
            self += button
コード例 #5
        def __init__ (self):
            CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'class': 'panel-buttons'})

            # Add New
            dialog = CTK.Dialog ({'title': _('Add New Virtual Server'), 'width': 720})
            dialog.id = 'dialog-new-vserver'
            dialog.AddButton (_('Cancel'), "close")
            dialog.AddButton (_('Add'), dialog.JS_to_trigger('submit'))
            dialog += VirtualServerNew()

            druid  = CTK.Druid (CTK.RefreshableURL())
            wizard = CTK.Dialog ({'title': _('Virtual Server Configuration Assistant'), 'width': 550})
            wizard += druid
            druid.bind ('druid_exiting',
                        wizard.JS_to_close() +

            button = CTK.Button('<img src="/static/images/panel-new.png" />', {'id': 'vserver-new-button', 'class': 'panel-button', 'title': _('Add New Virtual Server')})
            button.bind ('click',
                         JS_ACTIVATE_FIRST %(dialog.id) +
            dialog.bind ('submit_success', dialog.JS_to_close())
            dialog.bind ('submit_success', self.JS_to_trigger('submit_success'))
            dialog.bind ('open_wizard',
                         dialog.JS_to_close() +
                         druid.JS_to_goto("'/wizard/vserver/' + event.wizard") +

            self += button
            self += dialog
            self += wizard

            # Clone
            dialog = CTK.Dialog ({'title': _('Clone Virtual Server'), 'width': 480})
            dialog.AddButton (_('Cancel'), "close")
            dialog.AddButton (_('Clone'), JS_CLONE + dialog.JS_to_close())
            dialog += CTK.RawHTML ('<p>%s</p>' %(_(NOTE_CLONE_DIALOG)))

            button = CTK.Button('<img src="/static/images/panel-clone.png" />', {'id': 'vserver-clone-button', 'class': 'panel-button', 'title': _('Clone Selected Virtual Server')})
            button.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show())

            self += dialog
            self += button
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, refreshable, key, url_apply, **kwargs):
        CTK.Container.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        entries = CTK.cfg.keys(key)

        # Warning message
        if not entries:
            notice = CTK.Notice('warning')
            notice += CTK.RawHTML(_(WARNING_EMPTY))
            self += notice

        # List
            table = CTK.Table()
            submit = CTK.Submitter(url_apply)

            submit += table
            self += CTK.Indenter(submit)

            table += [CTK.RawHTML(_('Regular Expressions'))]

            for i in entries:
                e1 = CTK.TextCfg("%s!%s" % (key, i))
                rm = None
                if len(entries) >= 2:
                    rm = CTK.ImageStock('del')
                                    data={"%s!%s" % (key, i): ''},
                table += [e1, rm]

        # Add New
        table = CTK.PropsTable()
        next = CTK.cfg.get_next_entry_prefix(key)
        table.Add(_('New Regular Expression'),
                  CTK.TextCfg(next, False, {'class': 'noauto'}),

        submit = CTK.Submitter(url_apply)
        dialog = CTK.Dialog2Buttons({'title': _('Add New Entry')}, _('Add'),

        submit += table
        submit.bind('submit_success', refreshable.JS_to_refresh())
        submit.bind('submit_success', dialog.JS_to_close())

        dialog += submit
        self += dialog

        add_new = CTK.Button(_('Add new entry…'))
        add_new.bind('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
        self += add_new
コード例 #7
ファイル: geoip.py プロジェクト: nuxleus/cherokee-webserver
    def __init__ (self, key, **kwargs):
        RulePlugin.__init__ (self, key)
        self.vsrv_num = kwargs.pop('vsrv_num', '')
        props = ({},{'class':'noauto'})[key.startswith('tmp')]

        submit = CTK.Submitter (URL_APPLY)
        select_all  = CTK.Button (_('Select all'))
        select_none = CTK.Button (_('Select none'))
        select_all.bind  ('click', CHECKBOX_JS % 'true'  + submit.JS_to_submit())
        select_none.bind ('click', CHECKBOX_JS % 'false' + submit.JS_to_submit())

        # GUI
        box  = CTK.Box({'class': 'flags-buttons'})
        box += select_all
        box += select_none
        submit += box
        submit += CheckListFlags ('%s!countries'%(self.key), props)
        submit += CTK.Hidden ('key', self.key)
        submit += CTK.Hidden ('vsrv_num', self.vsrv_num)

        self += submit
コード例 #8
ファイル: error_redir.py プロジェクト: agentlans/webserver
    def __init__ (self, refreshable, key, url_apply, **kwargs):
        CTK.Container.__init__ (self, **kwargs)

        # List
        entries = CTK.cfg.keys(key)
        entries.sort (sorting_func)

        if entries:
            table = CTK.Table({'id': 'error-redirection'})
            table += [CTK.RawHTML(x) for x in ('Error', 'Redirection', 'Type', '')]

            for i in entries:
                show  = CTK.ComboCfg ('%s!%s!show'%(key,i), trans_options(REDIRECTION_TYPE))
                redir = CTK.TextCfg  ('%s!%s!url'%(key,i), False)
                rm    = CTK.ImageStock('del')
                table += [CTK.RawHTML(i), redir, show, rm]

                rm.bind ('click', CTK.JS.Ajax (url_apply,
                                               data = {"%s!%s"%(key,i): ''},
                                               complete = refreshable.JS_to_refresh()))
            submit = CTK.Submitter (url_apply)
            submit += table
            self += submit

        # Add new
        redir_codes  = [('default', _('Default Error'))]
        redir_codes += [x for x in ERROR_CODES if not x[0] in entries]

        table = CTK.PropsTable()
        table.Add (_('Error'),       CTK.ComboCfg('new_error', redir_codes, {'class':'noauto'}), _(NOTE_ERROR))
        table.Add (_('Redirection'), CTK.TextCfg ('new_redir', False, {'class':'noauto'}), _(NOTE_REDIR))
        table.Add (_('Type'),        CTK.ComboCfg('new_type', trans_options(REDIRECTION_TYPE), {'class':'noauto'}), _(NOTE_TYPE))

        submit = CTK.Submitter(url_apply)

        dialog = CTK.Dialog({'title': _('Add New Custom Error'), 'width': 540})
        dialog.AddButton (_("Close"), 'close')
        dialog.AddButton (_("Add"),   submit.JS_to_submit())

        submit += table
        submit += CTK.HiddenField ({'name': 'key', 'value': key})
        submit.bind ('submit_success', refreshable.JS_to_refresh())
        submit.bind ('submit_success', dialog.JS_to_close())

        dialog += submit
        self += dialog

        add_new = CTK.Button(_('Add New'))
        add_new.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
        self += add_new
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        theme_file = os.path.join(srcdir, 'exception.html')

        # Set up the template
        template = CTK.Template(filename=theme_file)
        template['body_props'] = ' id="body-error"'
        template['title'] = _('An Incomplete Installation was detected')

        # Parent's constructor
        CTK.Page.__init__(self, template, **kwargs)

        # Write the right message
        errors = False

            if not os.path.isdir(d):
                self += CTK.RawHTML('<h1>%s</h1>' % (_('Missing Directory')))
                self += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s</p>' % (_(OWS_DIR_P1) % (d)))
                self += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s</p>' % (_(OWS_DIR_P2)))
                self += CTK.RawHTML("<p><pre>mkdir -p -m 0755 '%s'</pre>" %
                self += CTK.RawHTML("<pre>chown -R %d '%s'</pre></p>" %
                                    (os.getuid(), d))
                errors = True

            if not os.access(d, os.W_OK):
                self += CTK.RawHTML('<h1>%s</h1>' %
                                    (_('Installation Problem')))
                self += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s</p>' % (_(OWS_PERM_P1) %
                                                       'dir': d,
                                                       'uid': os.getuid()
                self += CTK.RawHTML('<p>%s</p>' % (_(OWS_PERM_P2)))
                self += CTK.RawHTML("<pre>chown -R %d '%s'</pre></p>" %
                                    (os.getuid(), d))
                self += CTK.RawHTML("<pre>chmod -R 0775 '%s'</pre></p>" % (d))
                errors = True

        if errors:
            button = CTK.Button(_("Try Again"))
            button.bind('click', CTK.JS.ReloadURL())
            self += button
            self += CTK.RawHTML(js=CTK.JS.ReloadURL())
コード例 #10
ファイル: Mime.py プロジェクト: vlinhd11/webserver
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'class': 'mime-button'})

        # Add New
        dialog = CTK.Dialog ({'title': _('Add New MIME-Type'), 'width': 550})
        dialog.AddButton (_('Cancel'), "close")
        dialog.AddButton (_('Add'), dialog.JS_to_trigger('submit'))
        dialog += AddMime()

        button = CTK.Button(_('Add New'))
        button.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
        dialog.bind ('submit_success', dialog.JS_to_close())
        dialog.bind ('submit_success', self.JS_to_trigger('submit_success'));

        self += button
        self += dialog
コード例 #11
    def __call__(self):
        down = CTK.Downloader(URL)
        message = CTK.Box(content=CTK.RawHTML(' '))
        button = CTK.Button('Download')

                  '$("#%s").html("Error: Could not download");' % (message.id))
                  '$("#%s").html("OK: Download Finished");' % (message.id))
        button.bind('click', down.JS_to_start())

        page = CTK.Page()
        page += down
        page += button
        page += message

        return page.Render()
コード例 #12
        def __init__(self, key):
            CTK.Box.__init__(self, {'class': 'mime-button'})

            # Add New
            dialog = CTK.Dialog({
                'title': _('Add New Regular Expression'),
                'width': 540
            dialog.AddButton(_('Add'), dialog.JS_to_trigger('submit'))
            dialog.AddButton(_('Cancel'), "close")
            dialog += self.Content(key)

            button = CTK.Button(_('Add New RegEx'))
            button.bind('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
            dialog.bind('submit_success', dialog.JS_to_close())
            dialog.bind('submit_success', self.JS_to_trigger('submit_success'))

            self += button
            self += dialog
コード例 #13
    def __init__ (self, key, title, **kwargs):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'class': '%s-button' %(kwargs.get('klass', 'icon'))})
        submit_label = kwargs.get('submit_label', _('Add'))
        button_label = kwargs.get('button_label', submit_label)

        # Dialog
        dialog = CTK.Dialog ({'title': title, 'width': 375})
        dialog.AddButton (_('Cancel'), "close")
        dialog.AddButton (submit_label, dialog.JS_to_trigger('submit'))
        dialog += AddIcon(key, **kwargs)

        # Button
        button = CTK.Button (button_label)
        button.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
        dialog.bind ('submit_success', dialog.JS_to_close())
        dialog.bind ('submit_success', self.JS_to_trigger('submit_success'));

        self += button
        self += dialog
コード例 #14
    def __init__(self, exception_str):
        self += CTK.RawHTML('<h2 class="error-h2">%s</h2>' %
                            (_("Internal Error")))
        self += CTK.RawHTML(
            '<div class="error-title">%s</div>' %
            (_("An internal error occurred while deploying the application")))
        self += CTK.RawHTML('<div class="error-message">%s</div>' % (_(
            "Information on the error has been collected so it can be reported and fixed up. Please help us improve it by sending the error information to the development team."

        thanks = CTK.Box({'class': 'error-thanks', 'style': 'display:none'})
        thanks += CTK.RawHTML(
            _('Thank you for your feedback! We do appreciate it.'))
        self += thanks

        comments = CTK.Box()
        comments += CTK.RawHTML('%s:' % (_("Comments")))
        comments += CTK.TextArea({
            'name': 'comments',
            'class': 'noauto error-comments'

        submit = CTK.Submitter(URL_INSTALL_EXCEPTION)
        submit += comments
        self += submit

        report = CTK.Button(_('Report Issue'))
        cancel = CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Cancel'))
        close = CTK.DruidButton_Close(_('Close'), {'style': 'display:none;'})

        report.bind('click', submit.JS_to_submit())
            thanks.JS_to_show() + report.JS_to_hide() + comments.JS_to_hide() +
            close.JS_to_show() + cancel.JS_to_hide())

        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += cancel
        buttons += report
        buttons += close
        self += buttons
コード例 #15
    def __safe_call__(self):
        app_id = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_id')
        app_name = CTK.cfg.get_val('tmp!market!install!app!application_name')

        # URL Package
        index = Distro.Index()
        pkg = index.get_package(app_id, 'package')

        repo_url = CTK.cfg.get_val('admin!ows!repository', REPO_MAIN)
        url_download = os.path.join(repo_url, app_id, pkg['filename'])
        CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!download'] = url_download

        # Local storage shortcut
        pkg_filename_full = url_download.split('/')[-1]
        pkg_filename = pkg_filename_full.split('_')[0]
        pkg_revision = 0

        pkg_repo_fp = os.path.join(CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages", app_id)
        if os.access(pkg_repo_fp, os.X_OK):
            for f in os.listdir(pkg_repo_fp):
                tmp = re.findall('^%s_(\d+)' % (pkg_filename), f)
                if tmp:
                    pkg_revision = max(pkg_revision, int(tmp[0]))

        if pkg_revision > 0:
            pkg_fullpath = os.path.join(
                CHEROKEE_OWS_DIR, "packages", app_id,
                '%s_%d.cpk' % (pkg_filename, pkg_revision))
            CTK.cfg['tmp!market!install!local_package'] = pkg_fullpath

            Install_Log.log("Using local repository package: %s" %

            box = CTK.Box()
            box += CTK.RawHTML(
                js=CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(box.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))
            return box.Render().toStr()

        # Instance a Downloader
        downloader = CTK.Downloader('package', url_download)
            CTK.DruidContent__JS_to_goto(downloader.id, URL_INSTALL_SETUP))

        stop = CTK.Button(_('Cancel'))
        stop.bind('click', downloader.JS_to_stop())
        buttons = CTK.DruidButtonsPanel()
        buttons += stop

        Install_Log.log("Downloading %s" % (url_download))

        cont = CTK.Container()
        cont += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s %s</h2>' % (_("Installing"), app_name))
        cont += CTK.RawHTML(
            '<p>%s</p>' %
            (_('The application is being downloaded. Hold on tight!')))
        cont += downloader
        cont += buttons
        cont += CTK.RawHTML(js=downloader.JS_to_start())

        return cont.Render().toStr()
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self, app_name):
        CTK.Box.__init__(self, {'class': 'cherokee-market-app'})

        index = Distro.Index()

        app = index.get_package(app_name, 'software')
        maintainer = index.get_package(app_name, 'maintainer')

        # Install dialog
        install = InstallDialog(app_name)

        # Author
        by = CTK.Container()
        by += CTK.RawHTML('%s ' % (_('By')))
        by += CTK.LinkWindow(app['URL'], CTK.RawHTML(app['author']))

        install_button = CTK.Button(_("Install"))
        install_button.bind('click', install.JS_to_show())

        # Report button
        druid = CTK.Druid(CTK.RefreshableURL())
        report_dialog = CTK.Dialog({
            'title': (_("Report Application")),
            'width': 480
        report_dialog += druid
        druid.bind('druid_exiting', report_dialog.JS_to_close())

        report_link = CTK.Link(None, CTK.RawHTML(_("Report issue")))
        report_link.bind ('click', report_dialog.JS_to_show() + \
                                   druid.JS_to_goto('"%s/%s"'%(URL_REPORT, app_name)))

        report = CTK.Container()
        report += report_dialog
        report += report_link

        # Info
        repo_url = CTK.cfg.get_val('admin!ows!repository', REPO_MAIN)
        url_icon_big = os.path.join(repo_url, app['id'], "icons",

        appw = CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc'})
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-icon'},
                        CTK.Image({'src': url_icon_big}))
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-buy'}, install_button)
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-title'},
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-version'},
                        CTK.RawHTML("%s: %s" % (_("Version"), app['version'])))
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-url'}, by)
        appw += CTK.Box(
            {'class': 'market-app-desc-packager'},
            CTK.RawHTML("%s: %s" %
                        (_("Packager"), maintainer['name'] or _("Orphan"))))
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-category'},
                        CTK.RawHTML("%s: %s" %
                                    (_("Category"), app['category'])))
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-short-desc'},
        appw += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-report'}, report)

        # Support
        ext_description = CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-description'})
        ext_description += CTK.RawHTML(app['desc_long'])
        desc_panel = CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-desc-panel'})
        desc_panel += ext_description
        desc_panel += CTK.Box({'class': 'market-app-desc-support-box'},

        # Shots
        shots = CTK.CarouselThumbnails()
        shot_entries = app.get('screenshots', [])

        if shot_entries:
            for s in shot_entries:
                shots += CTK.Image({
                    os.path.join(repo_url, app_name, "screenshots", s)
            shots += CTK.Box({'id': 'shot-box-empty'},
                             CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s</h2>' %
                                         (_("No screenshots"))))

        # Tabs
        tabs = CTK.Tab()
        tabs.Add(_('Screenshots'), shots)
        tabs.Add(_('Description'), desc_panel)

        # GUI Layout
        self += appw
        self += tabs
        self += install