コード例 #1
 def _willPassTest(self, city):
     if (CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city)):
         iExtra = 1
     elif (CityUtil.willShrinkThisTurn(city)):
         iExtra = -1
         iExtra = 0
     iHappy = city.happyLevel()
     iUnhappy = city.unhappyLevel(iExtra)
     if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getHurryAngerTimer() > 0 and
             city.getHurryAngerTimer() % city.flatHurryAngerLength() == 0):
         iUnhappy -= 1
     if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getConscriptAngerTimer()
             and city.getConscriptAngerTimer() %
             city.flatConscriptAngerLength() == 0):
         iUnhappy -= 1
     if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getDefyResolutionAngerTimer() > 0
             and city.getDefyResolutionAngerTimer() %
             city.flatDefyResolutionAngerLength() == 0):
         iUnhappy -= 1
     if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getEspionageHappinessCounter() > 0):
         iUnhappy -= 1
     if (iHappy > 0 and city.getHappinessTimer() == 1):
         iHappy -= self.kiTempHappy
     if (iHappy < 0):
         iHappy = 0
     if (iUnhappy < 0):
         iUnhappy = 0
     return iHappy < iUnhappy
コード例 #2
ファイル: Civ4lerts.py プロジェクト: Alrik2002/Civ4-MMod
	def _willPassTest(self, city):
		if (CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city)):
			iExtra = 1
		elif (CityUtil.willShrinkThisTurn(city)):
			iExtra = -1
			iExtra = 0
		iHappy = city.happyLevel()
		iUnhappy = city.unhappyLevel(iExtra)
		if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getHurryAngerTimer() > 0 
		and city.getHurryAngerTimer() % city.flatHurryAngerLength() == 0):
			iUnhappy -= 1
		if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getConscriptAngerTimer()
		and city.getConscriptAngerTimer() % city.flatConscriptAngerLength() == 0):
			iUnhappy -= 1
		if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getDefyResolutionAngerTimer() > 0
		and city.getDefyResolutionAngerTimer() % city.flatDefyResolutionAngerLength() == 0):
			iUnhappy -= 1
		if (iUnhappy > 0 and city.getEspionageHappinessCounter() > 0):
			iUnhappy -= 1
		if (iHappy > 0 and city.getHappinessTimer() == 1):
			iHappy -= self.kiTempHappy
		if (iHappy < 0):
			iHappy = 0
		if (iUnhappy < 0):
			iUnhappy = 0
		return iHappy < iUnhappy
コード例 #3
ファイル: Civ4lerts.py プロジェクト: dsmabell/Caveman2Cosmos
	def checkCity(self, cityId, city, iPlayer, player):
		if Civ4lertsOpt.isShowCityPendingGrowthAlert():
			if CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city):

				message = TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_CIV4LERTS_ON_CITY_PENDING_GROWTH", (city.getName(), city.getPopulation() + 1))
				addMessageAtPlot(iPlayer, message, "Art/Interface/Symbols/Food/food05.dds", city.getX(), city.getY())

			elif CityUtil.willShrinkThisTurn(city):

				message = TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_CIV4LERTS_ON_CITY_PENDING_SHRINKAGE", (city.getName(), city.getPopulation() - 1))
				addMessageAtPlot(iPlayer, message, "Art/Interface/Symbols/Food/food05.dds", city.getX(), city.getY())
コード例 #4
ファイル: Civ4lerts.py プロジェクト: Alrik2002/Civ4-MMod
	def _willPassTest(self, city):
		if (CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city)):
			iExtra = 1
		elif (CityUtil.willShrinkThisTurn(city)):
			iExtra = -1
			iExtra = 0
		# badHealth() doesn't take iExtra!
		iHealthRate = city.healthRate(False, iExtra)
		if (city.getEspionageHealthCounter() > 0):
			iHealthRate += 1
		return iHealthRate < 0
コード例 #5
 def _willPassTest(self, city):
     if (CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city)):
         iExtra = 1
     elif (CityUtil.willShrinkThisTurn(city)):
         iExtra = -1
         iExtra = 0
     # badHealth() doesn't take iExtra!
     iHealthRate = city.healthRate(False, iExtra)
     if (city.getEspionageHealthCounter() > 0):
         iHealthRate += 1
     return iHealthRate < 0
コード例 #6
ファイル: Civ4lerts.py プロジェクト: Alrik2002/Civ4-MMod
	def checkCity(self, cityId, city, iPlayer, player):
		if (Civ4lertsOpt.isShowCityPendingGrowthAlert()):
			if (CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city)):
				message = localText.getText(
						(city.getName(), city.getPopulation() + 1))
				icon = "Art/Interface/Symbols/Food/food05.dds"
				addMessageAtCity(iPlayer, message, icon, city)
			elif (CityUtil.willShrinkThisTurn(city)):
				message = localText.getText(
						(city.getName(), city.getPopulation() - 1))
				icon = "Art/Interface/Symbols/Food/food05.dds"
				addMessageAtCity(iPlayer, message, icon, city)
コード例 #7
 def checkCity(self, cityId, city, iPlayer, player):
     if (Civ4lertsOpt.isShowCityPendingGrowthAlert()):
         if (CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city)):
             if Civ4lertsOpt.isShowPendingPositive():  # advc.106d
                 message = localText.getText(
                     (city.getName(), city.getPopulation() + 1))
                 icon = "Art/Interface/Symbols/Food/food05.dds"
                 addMessageAtCity(iPlayer, message, icon, city)
         elif (CityUtil.willShrinkThisTurn(city)):
             message = localText.getText(
                 (city.getName(), city.getPopulation() - 1))
             icon = "Art/Interface/Symbols/Food/food05.dds"
             addMessageAtCity(iPlayer, message, icon, city)
コード例 #8
    def CheckForAlerts(self, iActivePlayer, activeTeam, BeginTurn):
        ##Added "else: pass" code to diagnose strange results - might be related to indent issues
        ourPop = 0
        ourLand = 0
        totalPop = 0
        totalLand = 0
        LimitPop = 0
        LimitLand = 0
        DomVictory = 3
        popGrowthCount = 0
        currentTurn = gc.getGame().getGameTurn()
        activePlayer = gc.getPlayer(iActivePlayer)

        if (self.getCheckForDomPopVictory()
                or (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForCityBorderExpansion())):
            # Check for cultural expansion and population growth
            teamPlayerList = []
            teamPlayerList = PyGame.getCivTeamList(PyGame.getActiveTeam())
            for loopPlayer in range(len(teamPlayerList)):
                lCity = []
                # EF: This looks very wrong. Above the list of players will not be 0, 1, ...
                #     but here it uses loopPlayer which is 0, 1, ...
                lCity = PyPlayer(loopPlayer).getCityList()
                for loopCity in range(len(lCity)):
                    city = gc.getPlayer(loopPlayer).getCity(loopCity)
                    #if (city.getFoodTurnsLeft() == 1 and not city.isFoodProduction()) and not city.AI_isEmphasize(5):
                    if CityUtil.willGrowThisTurn(city):  # advc
                        popGrowthCount = popGrowthCount + 1
                    if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForCityBorderExpansion()):
                        if (city.getCultureLevel() !=
                                gc.getNumCultureLevelInfos() - 1):
                            if ((city.getCulture(loopPlayer) +
                                     CommerceTypes.COMMERCE_CULTURE)) >=
                                message = localText.getText(
                                    (city.getName(), ))
                                icon = "Art/Interface/Buttons/General/Warning_popup.dds"
                                self._addMessageAtCity(loopPlayer, message,
                                                       icon, city)
                            pass  #expand check
                        pass  #message check
                    pass  #end city loop
                pass  #end activePlayer loop
            pass  # end expansion check / pop count

        # Check Domination Limit
        if (self.getCheckForDomVictory()
                and gc.getGame().isVictoryValid(DomVictory)):

            # Population Limit
            if (self.getCheckForDomPopVictory()):
                VictoryPopPercent = 0.0
                VictoryPopPercent = gc.getGame().getAdjustedPopulationPercent(
                    DomVictory) * 1.0
                totalPop = gc.getGame().getTotalPopulation()
                LimitPop = int((totalPop * VictoryPopPercent) / 100.0)
                ourPop = activeTeam.getTotalPopulation()
                if (totalPop > 0):
                    popPercent = (ourPop * 100.0) / totalPop
                    NextpopPercent = (
                        (ourPop + popGrowthCount) * 100.0) / totalPop
                    popPercent = 0.0
                    NextpopPercent = 0.0

                if (totalPop > 1
                        and (currentTurn <> self.lastDomLimitMsgTurn or
                             (ourPop + popGrowthCount) <> self.lastPopCount)):
                    self.lastPopCount = ourPop + popGrowthCount
                    if (popPercent >= VictoryPopPercent):
                        message = localText.getText(
                            (ourPop, (u"%.2f%%" % popPercent), LimitPop,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % VictoryPopPercent)))
                        self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

                    elif (popGrowthCount > 0
                          and NextpopPercent >= VictoryPopPercent):
                        message = localText.getText(
                            (ourPop, popGrowthCount,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % NextpopPercent), LimitPop,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % VictoryPopPercent)))
                        self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

                    elif (popGrowthCount > 0
                          and (VictoryPopPercent - NextpopPercent <
                        message = localText.getText(
                            (ourPop, popGrowthCount,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % NextpopPercent), LimitPop,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % VictoryPopPercent)))
                        self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

## .005 			elif (VictoryPopPercent - popPercent < self.getPopThreshold()):
                    elif (popGrowthCount > 0
                          and (VictoryPopPercent - popPercent <
                        message = localText.getText(
                            (ourPop, (u"%.2f%%" % popPercent), LimitPop,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % VictoryPopPercent)))
                        self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)
                        pass  #end elif
                    pass  #end totalPop if
                pass  #end pop limit if

            # Land Limit
            if (self.getCheckForDomLandVictory()):
                VictoryLandPercent = 0.0
                VictoryLandPercent = gc.getGame().getAdjustedLandPercent(
                    DomVictory) * 1.0
                totalLand = gc.getMap().getLandPlots()
                LimitLand = int((totalLand * VictoryLandPercent) / 100.0)
                ourLand = activeTeam.getTotalLand()
                if (totalLand > 0):
                    landPercent = (ourLand * 100.0) / totalLand
                    landPercent = 0.0
                if (currentTurn <> self.lastDomLimitMsgTurn
                        or ourLand <> self.lastLandCount):
                    self.lastLandCount = ourLand
                    if (landPercent > VictoryLandPercent):
                        message = localText.getText(
                            (ourLand, (u"%.2f%%" % landPercent), LimitLand,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % VictoryLandPercent)))
                        self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)
                    elif (VictoryLandPercent - landPercent <
                        message = localText.getText(
                            (ourLand, (u"%.2f%%" % landPercent), LimitLand,
                             (u"%.2f%%" % VictoryLandPercent)))
                        self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)
                        pass  #end elif
                    pass  #end currentTurn if
                pass  #end land limit if
            pass  #end dom limt if

        #save turn num
        if (self.getCheckForDomVictory()):
            self.lastDomLimitMsgTurn = currentTurn

        # tech trades
        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForTechs()):
            researchTechs = set()
            for iTech in range(gc.getNumTechInfos()):
                if (activePlayer.canResearch(iTech, True)):
            techsByPlayer = self.getTechTrades(activePlayer, activeTeam)
            for iLoopPlayer, currentTechs in techsByPlayer.iteritems():

                #Did he have trades avail last turn
                if (self.PrevAvailTechTrades.has_key(iLoopPlayer)):
                    previousTechs = self.PrevAvailTechTrades[iLoopPlayer]
                    previousTechs = set()

                #Determine new techs
                newTechs = currentTechs.difference(previousTechs).intersection(
                if (newTechs):
                    szNewTechs = self.buildTechString(newTechs)
                    message = localText.getText(
                        (gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).getName(), szNewTechs))
                    self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

                #Determine removed techs
                removedTechs = previousTechs.difference(
                if (removedTechs):
                    szRemovedTechs = self.buildTechString(removedTechs)
                    message = localText.getText(
                        (gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).getName(), szRemovedTechs))
                    self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

                pass  #end activePlayer loop

            #save curr trades for next time
            self.PrevAvailTechTrades = techsByPlayer

            pass  #end new trades if

        # bonus trades
        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForBonuses()):
            desiredBonuses = TradeUtil.getDesiredBonuses(activePlayer)
            tradesByPlayer = self.getBonusTrades(activePlayer, activeTeam)
            for iLoopPlayer, currentTrades in tradesByPlayer.iteritems():

                #Did he have trades avail last turn
                if (self.PrevAvailBonusTrades.has_key(iLoopPlayer)):
                    previousTrades = self.PrevAvailBonusTrades[iLoopPlayer]
                    previousTrades = set()

                #Determine new bonuses
                newTrades = currentTrades.difference(
                if (newTrades):
                    szNewTrades = self.buildBonusString(newTrades)
                    message = localText.getText(
                        (gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).getName(), szNewTrades))
                    self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)
                    # advc.106: Moved here to avoid messages about "flickering" offers
                    self.PrevAvailBonusTrades = tradesByPlayer

                #Determine removed bonuses
                # <advc.106> This is rarely relevant (resources being no
                # longer available).
                #removedTrades = previousTrades.difference(currentTrades).intersection(desiredBonuses)
                #if (removedTrades):
                #	szRemovedTrades = self.buildBonusString(removedTrades)
                #	message = #localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_BONUS_NOT_AVAIL",
                #								(gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).getName(), szRemovedTrades))
                #	self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)
                # </advc.106>

            #save curr trades for next time
            # self.PrevAvailBonusTrades = tradesByPlayer # advc.106: moved up
            self.checkForExports(activePlayer)  # advc.210e

        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForMap()):
            currentTrades = self.getMapTrades(activePlayer, activeTeam)
            newTrades = currentTrades.difference(self.PrevAvailMapTrades)
            self.PrevAvailMapTrades = currentTrades
            if (newTrades):
                players = self.buildPlayerString(newTrades)
                message = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_MAP",
                                            (players, ))
                self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForOpenBorders()):
            currentTrades = self.getOpenBordersTrades(activePlayer, activeTeam)
            newTrades = currentTrades.difference(
            self.PrevAvailOpenBordersTrades = currentTrades
            if (newTrades):
                players = self.buildPlayerString(newTrades)
                message = localText.getText(
                    "TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_OPEN_BORDERS", (players, ))
                self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForDefensivePact()):
            currentTrades = self.getDefensivePactTrades(
                activePlayer, activeTeam)
            newTrades = currentTrades.difference(
            self.PrevAvailDefensivePactTrades = currentTrades
            if (newTrades):
                players = self.buildPlayerString(newTrades)
                message = localText.getText(
                    "TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_DEFENSIVE_PACT", (players, ))
                self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForPermanentAlliance()):
            currentTrades = self.getPermanentAllianceTrades(
                activePlayer, activeTeam)
            newTrades = currentTrades.difference(
            self.PrevAvailPermanentAllianceTrades = currentTrades
            if (newTrades):
                players = self.buildPlayerString(newTrades)
                message = localText.getText(
                    "TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_PERMANENT_ALLIANCE", (players, ))
                self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForVassal()):
            currentTrades = self.getVassalTrades(activePlayer, activeTeam)
            newTrades = currentTrades.difference(self.PrevAvailVassalTrades)
            self.PrevAvailVassalTrades = currentTrades
            if (newTrades):
                players = self.buildPlayerString(newTrades)
                message = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_VASSAL",
                                            (players, ))
                self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForSurrender()):
            currentTrades = self.getSurrenderTrades(activePlayer, activeTeam)
            newTrades = currentTrades.difference(self.PrevAvailSurrenderTrades)
            self.PrevAvailSurrenderTrades = currentTrades
            if (newTrades):
                players = self.buildPlayerString(newTrades)
                message = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_SURRENDER",
                                            (players, ))
                self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)

        if (BeginTurn and self.getCheckForPeace()):
            currentTrades = self.getPeaceTrades(activePlayer, activeTeam)
            newTrades = currentTrades.difference(self.PrevAvailPeaceTrades)
            self.PrevAvailPeaceTrades = currentTrades
            if (newTrades):
                players = self.buildPlayerString(newTrades)
                message = localText.getText(
                    "TXT_KEY_MORECIV4LERTS_PEACE_TREATY", (players, ))
                self._addMessageNoIcon(iActivePlayer, message)