def compare_one_register(global_var): global_var_name = global_var.gen_name global_var_name_to_function = "&" + global_var_name # define temporary array to pass as parameters to GenUtils.gen_function_call_with_arg() temp_global_var = [global_var_name_to_function] GenUtils.gen_comment_line(gen_source_file, "Compare " + global_var_name + " with expected value") # Contents of global_var_n.actual actual_content = global_var_name + ".actual = " actual_content += global_var.actual_mem actual_content += ";" # Contents of global_var_n.expected expected_content = global_var_name + ".expected = " expected_content += global_var.expected expected_content += ";" # Contents of global_var_n.mask mask_content = global_var_name + ".mask = " mask_content += global_var.mask mask_content += ";" GenUtils.source_file(actual_content) GenUtils.source_file(expected_content) GenUtils.source_file(mask_content) GenUtils.gen_function_call_with_arg(gen_source_file, "compareBitsOnUint8", "", "", temp_global_var)
def call_test_method(test_case): # Create an array with null items ("None" is similar to null") param_list = [None] * len(test_case.params) # Get list of parameters from "testcase" class i = 0 for param in test_case.params: param_list[i] = param.param_name i += 1 result_var = "" type_cast = "" if len(test_case.return_objs) > 0: result_var = "result_ptr" if "True" == test_case.return_objs[0].is_pointer: type_cast = "(uint8_t*)" GenUtils.gen_comment_line(gen_source_file, "Call the tested function") params_count = len(param_list) if params_count > 0: GenUtils.gen_function_call_with_arg(gen_source_file, test_case.function_name, result_var, type_cast, param_list) else: GenUtils.gen_function_call_no_arg(gen_source_file, test_case.function_name, result_var, type_cast) GenUtils.gen_break_line(gen_source_file)
def compare_returning_value(return_obj): return_obj_name = return_obj.gen_name return_obj_name_to_function = "&" + return_obj_name # define temporary array to pass as parameters to GenUtils.GenUtils.gen_function_call_with_arg() temp_return_obj = [return_obj_name_to_function] GenUtils.gen_comment_line(gen_source_file, "Compare " + return_obj_name + " with expected value") # Contents of actual result after function calling actual_content = return_obj_name + ".actual = " actual_content += "result_ptr;" #fixed name # Contents of return_obj.expected_value expected_content = return_obj_name + ".expected = (uint8_t*)" # perform a pointer casting expected_content += return_obj.expected_value expected_content += ";" GenUtils.source_file(actual_content) GenUtils.source_file(expected_content) GenUtils.gen_function_call_with_arg(gen_source_file, "compareOnUint8Ptr", "", "", temp_return_obj)