コード例 #1
def main():

    #  This program will compare two masks for one image.  Masks are mutually exclusive but may not complete, in that the foreground is
    #  a subset of all possible foregrounds.  Thus, a foreground mask of leaves may not have all leaves selected.

    #  *********************************************************************************************************************
    #  Open dialog to find the photo subdirectories.
    #  Each subfolder holds mask files (.bmp)that have the same name as each photo (.jpg).
    #  Also, each subfolder should have a number of .csv files that hold the data look-up table frequencies for processing images.
    #  *********************************************************************************************************************

    photoPath = fileBrowser('folder', 'Select the photo directory')
    if photoPath == '':
        print "No directory selected, program aborted."

    photoPath = photoPath + '/'

##    maskPath = fileBrowser('folder', 'Select the masks directory')
##    if maskPath == '':
##        print
##        print "No directory selected, program aborted."
##        print
##        return

    maskDirLocation = fileBrowser('folder', 'Select the foreground mask directory')
    if maskDirLocation == '':
        print "No directory selected, program aborted."

    maskDirLocation = maskDirLocation + '/'

    backMasksDir = fileBrowser('folder', 'Select the background mask directory')
    if backMasksDir == '':
        print "No directory selected, program aborted."

    backMasksDir = backMasksDir + '/'

    write256 = True

    #  *********************************************************************************************************************
    #  Load the 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D color spaces probabilities into a dictionary with the color space tuples (XX), (XX,YY), or (XX,YY,ZZ) as keys
    #  *********************************************************************************************************************

    print 'Working on', maskDirLocation
    fileList = os.listdir(maskDirLocation)  #  get the mask file names in each subdirectory
    for csvFile in fileList:  #  for each color space file...
        if os.path.splitext(maskDirLocation + '/' + csvFile)[1] == '.csv':  #  could be other types of files in the subdirectory
            allPixelMasterArray = []  # for keeping track of pixels in mask
            allPixelMasterArray.append(['Path and filename','number pixels examined','number of black pixels', 'foremask pixels', 'correct foreground', 'incorrect foreground', 'correct background', 'segments before clean', 'segments after clean', 'foreBigNans', 'QsegFore', 'QsegBack'])
            box = (0,0)
            bigForeDataDict = {}  #  the dictonary that will hold the probabilities
            foreDataName = (maskDirLocation + '/' + csvFile)
            print 'Data array name:', csvFile
            readerFile = open(foreDataName, 'rb')
            dataReader = csv.reader(readerFile, delimiter = ',')  #  open the data file
            headerFlag = 1
            for dataItem in dataReader:  #  File format is: Xcol, [Ycol], frequency, probability, count
                if headerFlag == 1:  #  skip the first row, has only header text
                    headerFlag = 0
                    if len(dataItem) == 4:
                        bigForeDataDict[int(float(dataItem[0]))] = float(dataItem[2])
                        #print int(float(dataItem[0])), float(dataItem[2]), bigForeDataDict[int(float(dataItem[0]))]
                    elif len(dataItem) == 5:
                        bigForeDataDict[(int(float(dataItem[0])),int(float(dataItem[1])))] = float(dataItem[3])
                        #print int(float(dataItem[0])), int(float(dataItem[1])), float(dataItem[3]), bigForeDataDict[(int(float(dataItem[0])),int(float(dataItem[1])))]
                    elif len(dataItem) == 6:
                        bigForeDataDict[(int(float(dataItem[0])),int(float(dataItem[1])),int(float(dataItem[2])))] = float(dataItem[4])

            if len(dataItem) == 3: tupleFlag = 0
            elif len(dataItem) == 4: tupleFlag = 1

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  Start processing individual image files that are associated with masks
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

            for maskFile in fileList:  #  loop through the files and get the mask files
                if os.path.splitext(maskDirLocation + '/' + maskFile)[1] == '.bmp':  #  could be other types of files in the subdirectory
                    foreMaskPathFilename = maskDirLocation + '/' + maskFile
                    backMaskPathFilename = backMasksDir + '/' + maskFile  #  back mask has same name, different directory
                    imagePathFilename = os.path.splitext(photoPath +  maskFile)[0] + '.jpg'  #  make the path and file name for opening a file in a subdirectory
                    print 'Processing mask:', maskFile, 'and image:', imagePathFilename

                    foregroundImage = Image.open(imagePathFilename)  #  open the image and mask files

                    imSize = foregroundImage.size  #  get image dimensions

                    foregroundSource = foregroundImage.split()  #  split image into RGB

                    varMaskList = list(foregroundSource[0].getdata())  #  list for creating a mask for segmenting (0 or 255)
                    varProbList = []  #  list for generating a probability image (0 to 255)

                    foreR = list(foregroundSource[0].getdata())  #  get sequential pixel values for every pixel in image
                    foreG = list(foregroundSource[1].getdata())
                    foreB = list(foregroundSource[2].getdata())

                    foregroundImage = ''
                    foregroundSource = ''

                    foreBigNans = 0  #  if a color is not encountered, keep a record of "NaN's"
                    blackPixelCount = 0

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  convert each pixel RGBs to different color spaces
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

                    print 'Converting colors and matching with array...'
                    count = 0
                    tupleFlag = 0

                    print csvFile
                    #  convert RGBs to different color spaces with range 0 - 255 for each color component (see subroutines)
                    for i in range(0, len(foreR)):  #  send pixel data to subroutines to calculate colors
                        r = foreR[i]/255.0
                        g = foreG[i]/255.0
                        b = foreB[i]/255.0
                        if not (r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0):  #  process only if not black (mask is black)

                            #  set the appropriate color component equal to the variables XX, YY, or ZZ for tallying
                            count = count + 1

                            if csvFile[0:3] == 'RG_':
                                XX = foreR[i]
                                YY = foreG[i]
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:3] == 'RB_':
                                XX = foreR[i]
                                YY = foreB[i]
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:3] == 'GB_':
                                XX = foreG[i]
                                YY = foreB[i]
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:2] == 'R_':
                                XX = foreR[i]
                            elif csvFile[0:2] == 'G_':
                                XX = foreG[i]
                            elif csvFile[0:2] == 'B_':
                                XX = foreB[i]

                            elif csvFile[0:3] == 'BR_':
                                if foreR[i] <> 0:
                                    XX = float(foreB[i])/foreR[i]
                            elif csvFile[0:3] == 'GR_':
                                if foreR[i] <> 0:
                                    XX = float(foreG[i])/foreR[i]
                            elif csvFile[0:5] == 'GRBR_':
                                if foreR[i] <> 0:
                                    XX = float(foreG[i])/foreR[i]
                                    YY = float(foreB[i])/foreR[i]
                                    tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'RGB3D_':
                                XX = foreR[i]
                                YY = foreG[i]
                                ZZ = foreB[i]
                                tupleFlag = 2

                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'HSL_H_':
                                XX, S, L = ColorConverter.rgb_to_HSL(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'HSL_S_':
                                H, XX, L = ColorConverter.rgb_to_HSL(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'HSL_L_':
                                H, S, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_HSL(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'HSL_HS_':
                                XX, YY, L = ColorConverter.rgb_to_HSL(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'Yxy_Y_':
                                XX, x, y = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Yxy(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'Yxy_x_':
                                Y, XX, y = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Yxy(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'Yxy_y2_':
                                Y, x, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Yxy(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'Yxy_xy_':
                                Y, XX, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Yxy(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'NRGB_NR_':
                                XX, NG, NB = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'NRGB_NG_':
                                NR, XX, NB = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'NRGB_NB_':
                                NR, NG, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NRGB(r, g, b, write256)

                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'NRGB1_':
                                XX, NRGB_2 = ColorConverter.rbg_to_NRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'NRGB2_':
                                NRGB_1, XX = ColorConverter.rbg_to_NRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'NRGB12_':
                                XX, YY = ColorConverter.rbg_to_NRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'Lab_L_':
                                XX, a, b2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Lab(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'Lab_a_':
                                L2, XX, b2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Lab(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'Lab_b_':
                                L2, a, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Lab(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'Lab_ab_':
                                L2, XX, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Lab(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:12] == 'Ingling_r_g_':
                                XX, b_y, V3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Ingling(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:12] == 'Ingling_b_y_':
                                r_g, XX, V3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Ingling(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:10] == 'Ingling_V_':
                                r_g, b_y, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Ingling(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:13] == 'Ingling_rgby_':
                                XX, YY, V3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Ingling(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:10] == 'ExRGB_R14_':
                                XX, ExR20, ExG, ExB = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:10] == 'ExRGB_R20_':
                                ExR14, XX, ExG, ExB = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'ExRGB_G_':
                                ExR14, ExR20, XX, ExB = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'ExRGB_B_':
                                ExR14, ExR20, ExG, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ExRGB1_':

                                XX, ExRGB_2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ExRGB2_':
                                ExRGB_1, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'ExRGB12_':
                                XX, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ATD_A1_':
                                XX, T1, D1, t1, d1, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ATD_T1_':
                                A1, XX, D1, t1, d1, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ATD_D1_':
                                A1, T1, XX, t1, d1, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'ATD_t_':
                                A1, T1, D1, XX, d1, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:6] == 'ATD_d_':
                                A1, T1, D1, t1, XX, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ATD_A2_':
                                A1, T1, D1, t1, d1, XX, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ATD_T2_':
                                A1, T1, D1, t1, d1, A2, XX, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ATD_D2_':
                                A1, T1, D1, t1, d1, A2, T2, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'ATD_TD1_':
                                A1, XX, YY, t1, d1, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:8] == 'ATD_TD2_':
                                A1, T1, D1, t1, d1, A2, XX, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'ATD_td_':
                                A1, T1, D1, XX, YY, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:9] == 'NDI123_1_':
                                XX, NDI2, NDI3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:9] == 'NDI123_2_':
                                NDI1, XX, NDI3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:9] == 'NDI123_3_':
                                NDI1, NDI2, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:13] == 'NDI123_NDI12_':
                                XX, YY, NDI3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:13] == 'NDI123_NDI23_':
                                NDI1, XX, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:13] == 'NDI123_NDI13_':
                                XX, NDI2, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'i123_1_':
                                XX, i2, i3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'i123_2_':
                                i1, XX, i3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'i123_3_':
                                i1, i2, XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)
                            elif csvFile[0:9] == 'i123_i12_':
                                XX, YY, i3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:9] == 'i123_i23_':
                                i1, XX, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1
                            elif csvFile[0:9] == 'i123_i13_':
                                XX, i2, YY = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)
                                tupleFlag = 1

                            elif csvFile[0:5] == 'CIVE_':
                                XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_CIVE(r, g, b, write256)

                            elif csvFile[0:7] == 'shadow_':
                                XX = ColorConverter.rgb_to_shadow(r, g, b, write256)

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  find pixel values in the probability array that was imported and add to a list
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

                            if tupleFlag == 1:  #  if the color space is a 2D one, with a tuple describing the data
                                if (int(float(XX)),int(float(YY))) in bigForeDataDict:
                                    foreProbability = bigForeDataDict[(int(float(XX)),int(float(YY)))]  #  grab the probabilities for any pixel from the Big arrays
                                    foreBigNans = foreBigNans + 1
                                    foreProbability = 0
                            elif tupleFlag == 0:  #  if the color space is a 1D one, then one value defines a dictionary entry
                                if int(float(XX)) in bigForeDataDict:
                                    foreProbability = bigForeDataDict[int(float(XX))]  #  grab the probabilities for any pixel from the Big arrays
                                    foreBigNans = foreBigNans + 1
                                    foreProbability = 0
                            elif tupleFlag == 2:  #  3-d color space
                                if (int(float(XX)),int(float(YY)),int(float(ZZ))) in bigForeDataDict:
                                    foreProbability = bigForeDataDict[(int(float(XX)),int(float(YY)),int(float(ZZ)))]
                                    foreBigNans = foreBigNans + 1
                                    foreProbability = 0

                        else:  #  r=0, g=0, b=0: too dark, count as background, but keep track of the number
                            foreProbability = 0
                            blackPixelCount = blackPixelCount + 1

                        varProbList.append(foreProbability)  # put the probability value into a list for all pixels

                        if foreProbability > 0.5:  #  create the mask image from the probabilities, > 50% indicates foreground
                            varMaskList[i] = 1
                            varMaskList[i] = 0

                    print 'Cleaning and segmenting...'

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  write the pixels back to image files  --  Comment out to not write to disk
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

##                        print 'Saving image files...'
##                        varMaskList = array(varMaskList) * 255  #  put the mask list into the range 0 - 255
##                        foregroundImage = Image.new('1', imSize, 'white')
##                        foregroundImage.putdata(varMaskList)  #  var list should be 255 for preserve and 0 for black
##                        foregroundImage.save(imagePathFilename + csvFile + '_pixel-masked.bmp')
##                        foregroundImage = ImageChops.invert(foregroundImage)
##                        varProbList = array(varProbList) * 255  #  put the probability list into the range 0 - 255
##                        newProbImage = Image.new('L', imSize, 'white')
##                        newProbImage.putdata(varProbList)  #  probability list is greyscale
##                        newProbImage.save(foreMaskPathFilename + csvFile + '_probability.bmp')
##                        varProbList = []

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  Segment Image to count blobs, first before then after removing some "noise"
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

                    structElement = array([[1,1,1], [1,1,1], [1,1,1]])  #  structuring element used as a mask for determining blobs
                    structDialationElement = array([[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]])  #  structuring element used for binary dialation

                    varMaskList = array(varMaskList)  #  turn to a numpy array
                    varMaskList.resize((imSize[1],imSize[0]))  # make it the image shape -- note width x height, not rows x cols!

                    segmentBeforeCount = ndimage.label(varMaskList, structDialationElement)[1]  #  Count blobs before cleanup

                    #  ********************************
                    #  ***  Begin removing "noise"  ***
                    #  ********************************

                    #  remove stray small groups of foreground pixels

                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_dilation(varMaskList, structure = structDialationElement, iterations = 1)
                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_erosion(varMaskList, structure = structElement, iterations = 1)  #  remove pixel noise by eroding one-pass
                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_erosion(varMaskList, structure = structElement, iterations = 1)
                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_dilation(varMaskList, structure = structDialationElement, iterations = 1)  #  add back border pixels in blobs that survived

                    varMaskList = varMaskList.ravel()
                    for i in range(0, len(varMaskList)):  #  invert the list for the next step
                        if varMaskList[i] > 0:
                            varMaskList[i] = 0
                            varMaskList[i] = 1

                    varMaskList = array(varMaskList)

                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_dilation(varMaskList, structure = structDialationElement, border_value = 1)
                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_erosion(varMaskList, structure = structElement, border_value = 1)
                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_erosion(varMaskList, structure = structElement, border_value = 1)
                    varMaskList = ndimage.binary_dilation(varMaskList, structure = structDialationElement, border_value = 1)

                    varMaskList = varMaskList.ravel()
                    for i in range(0, len(varMaskList)):  #  invert the list for the next step
                        if varMaskList[i] > 0:
                            varMaskList[i] = 0
                            varMaskList[i] = 1

                    #  ******************************
                    #  ***  End removing "noise"  ***
                    #  ******************************

                    varMaskList = array(varMaskList)
                    segmentCount = ndimage.label(varMaskList, structDialationElement)[1]  #  segment the array into continuous regions of increasing integer values, skip the array and return the number of blobs found

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  write the pixels back to image files after removing noise --  Comment out to not write to disk
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

##                        print 'Saving image files...'
##                        varMaskListImage = varMaskList * 255  #  put the mask list into the range 0 - 255
##                        foregroundImage = Image.new('1', imSize, 'white')
##                        foregroundImage.putdata(varMaskListImage)  #  var list should be 255 for preserve and 0 for black
##                        foregroundImage.save(imagePathFilename + csvFile + '_cleaned_pixel-masked.bmp')
##                        foregroundImage = ImageChops.invert(foregroundImage)
##                        varProbList = array(varProbList) * 255  #  put the probability list into the range 0 - 255
##                        newProbImage = Image.new('L', imSize, 'white')
##                        newProbImage.putdata(varProbList)  #  probability list is greyscale
##                        newProbImage.save(foreMaskPathFilename + csvFile + '_cleaned_probability.bmp')
##                        varProbList = []

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  compare to the masks to get the correct and incorrect pixel counts of both 'just pixels' and segmented images
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

                    print 'Comparing to masks...'
                    foreCount = 0
                    backCount = 0
                    badForeCount = 0
                    badBackCount = 0
                    foreMaskCount = 0
                    backMaskCount = 0
                    QsegFore = 0.0
                    QsegBack = 0.0

                    varMaskList = varMaskList.ravel()  #  turn varMaskList into a linear list of pixels, 0 and 1 of the estimated foreground

                    foreMaskImage = Image.open(foreMaskPathFilename).convert("1")  #  open the mask image with foreground areas in white, background in black
                    foreMaskList = list(foreMaskImage.getdata())  #  turn the foreground mask into a list
                    foreMaskImage = ''

                    backMaskImage = Image.open(backMaskPathFilename).convert("1")  #  open the mask image with foreground areas in white, background in black
                    backMaskList = list(backMaskImage.getdata())  #  turn the foreground mask into a list
                    backMaskImage = ''

                    for i in range(0, len(foreR)):
                        if foreMaskList[i] == 255:  #  mask says it's foreground
                            foreMaskCount = foreMaskCount + 1
                            if varMaskList[i] == 1:         ###  segment says it's foreground.  No else statement because there may be correct
                                foreCount = foreCount + 1   ###  "foreground" pixles in the background of this mask
                        else:  #  masks are mutually exclusive, but not complete
                            if backMaskList[i] == 255:  #  background mask says it's not foreground.  No else statement because nothing defined outside of this
                                backMaskCount = backMaskCount + 1
                                if varMaskList[i] == 1:         #  segment says it's foreground, a mistake
                                    badForeCount = badForeCount + 1  #  back foreground count
                                else:                           #  segment correctly says it's not foreground
                                    backCount = backCount + 1   #  good background count

                    QsegFore = round(foreCount/(foreMaskCount + 0.0001)*100.0, 1)
                    QsegBack = round(backCount/(backMaskCount + 0.0001)*100.0, 1)

#  *********************************************************************************************************************
#  Output stuff
#  *********************************************************************************************************************

                    print 'Color space:', csvFile
                    print 'pixels looked at:', count, ', black pixels:', blackPixelCount, ', sum:', count + blackPixelCount
                    print 'pixels not in big probability array:', foreBigNans
                    print 'pixels in foreground mask:', foreMaskCount
                    print 'correct foreground pixels:', foreCount , '( =', QsegFore, '%)'
                    print 'incorrect foreground pixels:', badForeCount
                    print 'correct background pixels:', backCount, '( =', QsegBack, '%)'
                    print 'blobs before cleanup:', segmentBeforeCount, ', blobs after cleanup:', segmentCount
                    allPixelMasterArray.append([imagePathFilename, count, blackPixelCount, foreMaskCount, foreCount, badForeCount, backCount, segmentBeforeCount, segmentCount, foreBigNans, QsegFore, QsegBack])

            print 'Writing output file...'
            textPathFilename = maskDirLocation + '/' + csvFile + '_probability_segmented.csv'  #  file name to write to
            writerFile = open(textPathFilename, 'wb')
            writer = csv.writer(writerFile)

            for i in range(0,len(allPixelMasterArray)):
コード例 #2
def main():

    ##################  Change these flags to modify the program #################

    write256 = True  #  output of color conversion should be scaled, each component, to 0-255

    TFcode = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]  #  15

    RGB_bool = TFcode[0]
    HSL_bool = TFcode[1]  #  what color spaces to run
    Yxy_bool = TFcode[2]
    NRGB_bool = TFcode[3]
    NRGB2D_bool = TFcode[4]
    Lab_bool = TFcode[5]
    ExRGB_bool = TFcode[6]
    ATD1_bool = TFcode[7]
    ATD2_bool = TFcode[8]
    Atd_bool = TFcode[9]
    NDI123_bool = TFcode[10]
    CIVE_bool = TFcode[11]
    shadow_bool = TFcode[12]
    i123_bool = TFcode[13]
    Ingling_bool = TFcode[14]


    #  Open dialog to find the photo subdirectory.
    #  Assumed: \masks\ holds more folders.
    #  Each subfolder holds mask files that have the same name as each photo, but are bmp's.

    photoPath = fileBrowser('folder', 'Select directory for photos...')
    if photoPath == '':
        print "No directory selected, program aborted."

    photoPath = photoPath +'\\'
    photoList = os.listdir(photoPath)

    foreMaskPathFilename = fileBrowser('file', 'Select the mask file, cancel if no mask.')
    if foreMaskPathFilename == '':
        print "No mask selected."
        maskFlag = 0
        foreMaskPathFilename = photoPath + '\\junk.csv'
        maskFlag = 1

    fileNamePrepend = raw_input('Enter file output name:')
    print 'Output file will be in mask directory or if no mask, then in photo directory'

    outFileList = []
    colorList = []
    header = ['filename','foreground mask pixels','background mask pixles']
    writerFile = open(os.path.split(foreMaskPathFilename)[0] + '\\' + fileNamePrepend + '.csv', 'wb')
    writer = csv.writer(writerFile, delimiter = ',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

    if RGB_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['RGB']
        header = header + ['RGB_R mean','stdev','RGB_G mean','stdev','RGB_B mean','stdev']
    if HSL_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['HSL']
        header = header + ['HSL_H mean','stdev','HSL_S mean','stdev','HSL_L mean','stdev']
    if Yxy_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['Yxy']
        header = header + ['Yxy_Y mean','stdev','Yxy_x mean','stdev','Yxy_y mean','stdev']
    if NRGB_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['NRGB']
        header = header + ['NRGB_NR mean','stdev','NRGB_NG mean','stdev','NRGB_NB mean','stdev']
    if NRGB2D_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['NRGB2D']
        header = header + ['NRGB_2D_1 mean','stdev','NRGB_2D_2 mean','stdev']
    if Lab_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['Lab']
        header = header + ['Lab_L mean','stdev','Lab_a mean','stdev','Lab_b mean','stdev']
    if Ingling_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['Ingling']
        header = header + ['Ingling_V mean','stdev','Ingling_r_g mean','stdev','Ingling_b_y mean','stdev']
    if ExRGB_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['ExRGB']
        header = header + ['ExRGB_ExG mean','stdev','ExRGB_1 mean','stdev','ExRGB_2 mean','stdev']
    if ATD1_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['ATD1']
        header = header + ['ATD_A1 mean','stdev','ATD_T1 mean','stdev','ATD_D1 mean','stdev']
    if Atd_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['Atd']
        header = header + ['Atd_A1 mean','stdev','Atd_t mean','stdev','Atd_d mean','stdev']
    if ATD2_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['ATD2']
        header = header + ['ATD_A2 mean','stdev','ATD_T2 mean','stdev','ATD_D2 mean','stdev']
    if NDI123_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['NDI123']
        header = header + ['NDI_1 mean','stdev','NDI_2 mean','stdev','NDI_3 mean','stdev']
    if i123_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['i123']
        header = header + ['i123_1 mean','stdev','i123_2 mean','stdev','i123_3 mean','stdev']
    if CIVE_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['CIVE']
        header = header + ['CIVE mean','stdev']
    if shadow_bool:
        outFileList = outFileList + ['shadow']
        header = header + ['shadow mean','stdev']

    rowList = []

    photoFileIter = iter(photoList)
    loopFiles = True
    while loopFiles:  #  iterate through all the files
        rowList = []
        openFile = True
        while openFile:  #  if there are photo files that make the program crash, catch the exception and move to the next
                photoFile = photoFileIter.next()
                if os.path.splitext(photoPath + photoFile)[1] == '.jpg':  #  could be other types of files in the subdirectory
                    imagePathFilename = photoPath + photoFile  #  make the path and file name for opening a file in a subdirectory
                    print 'Processing image:', imagePathFilename
                    image = Image.open(imagePathFilename)  #  open the image and mask files
                    openFile = False

            except StopIteration:
                loopFiles = False

                print 'Skipped file!', imagePathFilename

        if not loopFiles: break  #  end of file encountered, break out of top while loop

        rowList = rowList + [imagePathFilename]

        if maskFlag:  #  if there is a mask to apply
            maskImage = Image.open(foreMaskPathFilename).convert("L")  #  open the mask image with foreground areas in white, background in black
            size = image.size
            maskImage = Image.new("L",size, 255)
        maskSource = array(list(maskImage.getdata()))

        imageSource = image.split()  #  split image into RGB
        foreR_original = array(list(imageSource[0].getdata()))  #  get pixel values for every pixel in image
        foreG_original = array(list(imageSource[1].getdata()))
        foreB_original = array(list(imageSource[2].getdata()))

        foreR = foreR_original  #  make copies for putting in new color spaces
        foreG = foreG_original
        foreB = foreB_original

        firstColorSpaceFlag = True
        for colorSpace in outFileList:  #  one color space at at time
            print 'Working on', colorSpace

            Flag2D = 0
            Flag1D = 0
            foreCount = -1
            backCount = 0

            #  convert RGBs to different color spaces with the output range 0 - 255 for each color component (see subroutines)
            for i in range(0, len(foreR_original)):  #  send pixel data to subroutines to calculate colors

                if maskSource[i] == 255:  #  if the pixel is in the foreground of the mask
                    foreCount = foreCount + 1
                    r = float(foreR_original[i])/255.0
                    g = float(foreG_original[i])/255.0
                    b = float(foreB_original[i])/255.0

                    # *********************  Accumulate  *********************************

                    if colorSpace == 'HSL':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_HSL(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'Yxy':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Yxy(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'NRGB':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NRGB(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'NRGB2D':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rbg_to_NRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                        foreB[foreCount] = 0
                        Flag2D = 1

                    elif colorSpace == 'Lab':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Lab(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'Ingling':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Ingling(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'ExRGB':
                        dummy1, dummy2, foreR[foreCount], dummy3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                        foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'ATD1':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount], dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                    elif colorSpace == 'ATD2':
                        dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5, foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                    elif colorSpace == 'Atd':
                        foreR[foreCount], dummy2, dummy3, foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount], dummy4, dummy5, dummy6 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'NDI123':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'i123':
                        foreR[foreCount], foreG[foreCount], foreB[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)

                    elif colorSpace == 'CIVE':
                        foreR[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_CIVE(r, g, b, write256)
                        foreG[foreCount] = 0
                        foreB[foreCount] = 0
                        Flag1D = 1

                    elif colorSpace == 'shadow':
                        foreR[foreCount] = ColorConverter.rgb_to_shadow(r, g, b, write256)
                        foreG[foreCount] = 0
                        foreB[foreCount] = 0
                        Flag1D = 1

                else:  #  pixel is not in foreground in mask
                    backCount = backCount + 1

#  ***********************************************************************************************

            Xmean = mean(foreR[0:foreCount+1])
            Ymean = mean(foreG[0:foreCount+1])
            Zmean = mean(foreB[0:foreCount+1])
            Xstd = std(foreR[0:foreCount+1])
            Ystd = std(foreG[0:foreCount+1])
            Zstd = std(foreB[0:foreCount+1])

            if firstColorSpaceFlag:
                rowList = rowList + [foreCount+1, backCount]
                firstColorSpaceFlag = False
            if ((not Flag2D) and (not Flag1D)):
                rowList = rowList + [Xmean, Xstd, Ymean, Ystd, Zmean, Zstd]
            elif Flag2D:
                rowList = rowList + [Xmean, Xstd, Ymean, Ystd]
            elif Flag1D:
                rowList = rowList + [Xmean, Xstd]


    print 'File closed.'
コード例 #3
def main():

    ##################  Change these flags to modify the program #################

    write256 = True  #  output of color conversion should be scaled, each component, to 0-255

    R_G_B_bool = False  #  what color spaces to run
    RGBfract_bool = False
    RGB3D_bool = False
    HSL_bool = True
    Yxy_bool = True
    NRGB_bool = True
    Lab_bool = True
    ExRGB_bool = True
    ATD_bool = True
    NDI123_bool = True
    CIVE_bool = True
    shadow_bool = True
    i123_bool = True
    Ingling_bool = True


    #  Open dialog to find the photo subdirectory.
    #  Assumed: \masks\ holds more folders.
    #  Each subfolder holds mask files that have the same name as each photo, but are bmp's.
    rootDirName = fileBrowser('folder', 'Select directory for photos...')
    if rootDirName == '':
        print "No directory selected, program aborted."
    photoPath = rootDirName
    maskPath = rootDirName + '\\masks\\'
    if not os.path.exists(maskPath):
        print "No subdirectory called 'masks' found.  Program aborted."

    maskDirs = [ name for name in os.listdir(maskPath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(maskPath, name)) ]

    if maskDirs == []:
        print "No subdirectories within \masks\ exists.  program aborted."
        print "Success in finding subdirectories..."

    ###  Start main loop ###

    for maskDirLocation in maskDirs:
        print 'Working on', maskDirLocation
        count = 0.0
        maskFileList = os.listdir(maskPath + maskDirLocation)  #  get the mask file names in each subdirectory

        outFileList = []
        outDictList = []

        if RGB3D_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['RGB3D']
            RGB3D = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [RGB3D]
        if R_G_B_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['R', 'G', 'B']
            R = {}
            G = {}
            B = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [R, G, B]
        if RGBfract_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['GR', 'BR', 'GRBR']
            GR = {}
            BR = {}
            GRBR = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [GR, BR, GRBR]
        if HSL_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['HSL_H','HSL_S','HSL_L','HSL_HS']
            HSL_H = {}
            HSL_S = {}
            HSL_L = {}
            HSL_HS = {}
            #HSL_HSL = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [HSL_H,HSL_S,HSL_L,HSL_HS]
        if Yxy_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['Yxy_Y','Yxy_x','Yxy_y2','Yxy_xy']
            Yxy_Y = {}
            Yxy_x = {}
            Yxy_y2 = {}
            Yxy_xy = {}
            #Yxy_Yxy = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [Yxy_Y,Yxy_x,Yxy_y2,Yxy_xy]
        if NRGB_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['NRGB_NR','NRGB_NG','NRGB_NB','NRGB1','NRGB2','NRGB12']
            NRGB_NR = {}
            NRGB_NG = {}
            NRGB_NB = {}
            NRGB1 = {}
            NRGB2 = {}
            NRGB12 = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [NRGB_NR,NRGB_NG,NRGB_NB,NRGB1,NRGB2,NRGB12]
        if Lab_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['Lab_L','Lab_a','Lab_b','Lab_ab']
            Lab_L = {}
            Lab_a = {}
            Lab_b = {}
            Lab_ab = {}
            #Lab_Lab = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [Lab_L,Lab_a,Lab_b,Lab_ab]
        if Ingling_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['Ingling_r_g','Ingling_b_y','Ingling_rgby','Ingling_V']
            Ingling_r_g = {}
            Ingling_b_y = {}
            Ingling_rgby = {}
            Ingling_V = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [Ingling_r_g,Ingling_b_y,Ingling_rgby,Ingling_V]
        if ExRGB_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['ExRGB_R14','ExRGB_R20','ExRGB_G','ExRGB_B','ExRGB1','ExRGB2','ExRGB12']
            ExRGB_R14 = {}
            ExRGB_R20 = {}
            ExRGB_G = {}
            ExRGB_B = {}
            ExRGB1 = {}
            ExRGB2 = {}
            ExRGB12 = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [ExRGB_R14,ExRGB_R20,ExRGB_G,ExRGB_B,ExRGB1,ExRGB2,ExRGB12]
        if ATD_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['ATD_A1','ATD_T1','ATD_D1','ATD_TD1','ATD_t','ATD_d','ATD_td','ATD_A2','ATD_T2','ATD_D2','ATD_TD2']
            ATD_A1 = {}
            ATD_T1 = {}
            ATD_D1 = {}
            ATD_TD1 = {}
            ATD_t = {}
            ATD_d = {}
            ATD_td = {}
            #ATD_ATD1 = {}
            ATD_A2 = {}
            ATD_T2 = {}
            ATD_D2 = {}
            ATD_TD2 = {}
            #ATD_ATD2 = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [ATD_A1,ATD_T1,ATD_D1,ATD_TD1,ATD_t,ATD_d,ATD_td,ATD_A2,ATD_T2,ATD_D2,ATD_TD2]
        if NDI123_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['NDI123_1','NDI123_2','NDI123_3','NDI123_NDI12','NDI123_NDI23','NDI123_NDI13']
            NDI123_1 = {}
            NDI123_2 = {}
            NDI123_3 = {}
            NDI123_NDI12 = {}
            NDI123_NDI23 = {}
            NDI123_NDI13 = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [NDI123_1,NDI123_2,NDI123_3,NDI123_NDI12,NDI123_NDI23,NDI123_NDI13]
        if i123_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['i123_1','i123_2','i123_3','i123_i12','i123_i23','i123_i13']
            i123_1 = {}
            i123_2 = {}
            i123_3 = {}
            i123_i12 = {}
            i123_i23 = {}
            i123_i13 = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [i123_1,i123_2,i123_3,i123_i12,i123_i23,i123_i13]
        if CIVE_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['CIVE']
            CIVE_val = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [CIVE_val]
        if shadow_bool:
            outFileList = outFileList + ['shadow']
            shadow_val = {}
            outDictList = outDictList + [shadow_val]

        for maskFile in maskFileList:
            if os.path.splitext(maskPath + maskFile)[1] == '.bmp':  #  could be other types of files in the subdirectory
                imageFile = photoPath + '\\' + os.path.splitext(maskFile)[0] + '.jpg'
                print 'Mask: ', maskPath + maskDirLocation + '\\' + maskFile
                print 'Image:', photoPath + '\\' + os.path.splitext(maskFile)[0] + '.jpg'
                maskImage = Image.open(maskPath + maskDirLocation + '\\' + maskFile).convert("L")  #  open the mask image with foreground areas in white, background in black
                image = Image.open(imageFile)  #  open the image file, no mask
                image.paste(0, (0,0), ImageChops.invert(maskImage))  #  paste the image onto the jpg, need to invert, masking everything but what is wanted
                #image.save(maskPath + maskDirLocation + '\\' + maskFile + '_masked.jpg')

                imageSource = image.split()  #  split image into RGB
                foreR = list(imageSource[0].getdata())  #  get pixel values for every pixel in image
                foreG = list(imageSource[1].getdata())
                foreB = list(imageSource[2].getdata())

                #  convert RGBs to different color spaces with the output range 0 - 255 for each color component (see subroutines)
                for i in range(0, len(foreR)):  #  send pixel data to subroutines to calculate colors
                    if not ((foreR[i] == 0) and ((foreG[i] == 0) and (foreB[i] == 0))):  #  process only if not black, the mask
                        r = float(foreR[i])/255.0
                        g = float(foreG[i])/255.0
                        b = float(foreB[i])/255.0
                        count = count + 1.0

                        # *********************  Accumulate  *********************************
##                        if RGB_bool:
##                            RG[(foreR[i],foreG[i])] = RG.get((foreR[i],foreG[i]), 0) + 1
##                            RB[(foreR[i],foreB[i])] = RB.get((foreR[i],foreB[i]), 0) + 1
##                            GB[(foreG[i],foreB[i])] = GB.get((foreG[i],foreB[i]), 0) + 1
                        if R_G_B_bool:
                            R[foreR[i]] = R.get(foreR[i], 0) + 1
                            G[foreG[i]] = G.get(foreG[i], 0) + 1
                            B[foreB[i]] = B.get(foreB[i], 0) + 1

                        if RGBfract_bool:
                            if foreR[i] <> 0:
                                GR[float(foreG[i])/foreR[i]] = GR.get(float(foreG[i])/foreR[i], 0) + 1
                                BR[float(foreB[i])/foreR[i]] = BR.get(float(foreB[i])/foreR[i], 0) + 1
                                GRBR[(float(foreG[i])/foreR[i], float(foreB[i])/foreR[i])] = GRBR.get((float(foreG[i])/foreR[i], float(foreB[i])/foreR[i]), 0) + 1
                                GR[0.0] = GR.get(0.0, 0) + 1
                                BR[0.0] = BR.get(0.0, 0) + 1
                                GRBR[(0.0, 0.0)] = GRBR.get((0.0, 0.0), 0) + 1

                        if RGB3D_bool:
                            RGB3D[(foreR[i],foreG[i],foreB[i])] = RGB3D.get((foreR[i],foreG[i],foreB[i]), 0) + 1

                        if HSL_bool:
                            H, S, L = ColorConverter.rgb_to_HSL(r, g, b, write256)
                            HSL_H[H] = HSL_H.get(H, 0) + 1
                            HSL_S[S] = HSL_S.get(S, 0) + 1
                            HSL_L[L] = HSL_L.get(L, 0) + 1
                            HSL_HS[(H,S)] = HSL_HS.get((H,S), 0) + 1

                        if Yxy_bool:
                            Y, x, y2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Yxy(r, g, b, write256)
                            Yxy_Y[Y] = Yxy_Y.get(Y, 0) + 1
                            Yxy_x[x] = Yxy_x.get(x, 0) + 1
                            Yxy_y2[y2] = Yxy_y2.get(y2, 0) + 1
                            Yxy_xy[(x,y2)] = Yxy_xy.get((x,y2), 0) + 1

                        if NRGB_bool:
                            NR, NG, NB = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            NRGB_NR[NR] = NRGB_NR.get(NR, 0) + 1
                            NRGB_NG[NG] = NRGB_NG.get(NG, 0) + 1
                            NRGB_NB[NB] = NRGB_NB.get(NB, 0) + 1
                            NRGB_1, NRGB_2 = ColorConverter.rbg_to_NRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                            NRGB1[NRGB_1] = NRGB1.get(NRGB_1, 0) + 1
                            NRGB2[NRGB_2] = NRGB2.get(NRGB_2, 0) + 1
                            NRGB12[(NRGB_1, NRGB_2)] = NRGB12.get((NRGB_1, NRGB_2), 0) + 1

                        if Lab_bool:
                            L2, a, b2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Lab(r, g, b, write256)
                            Lab_L[L2] = Lab_L.get(L2, 0) + 1
                            Lab_a[a] = Lab_a.get(a, 0) + 1
                            Lab_b[b2] = Lab_b.get(b2, 0) + 1
                            Lab_ab[(a,b2)] = Lab_ab.get((a,b2), 0) + 1

                        if Ingling_bool:
                            r_g, b_y, V3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_Ingling(r, g, b, write256)
                            Ingling_r_g[r_g] = Ingling_r_g.get(r_g, 0) + 1
                            Ingling_b_y[b_y] = Ingling_b_y.get(b_y, 0) + 1
                            Ingling_rgby[(r_g,b_y)] = Ingling_rgby.get((r_g,b_y), 0) + 1
                            Ingling_V[V3] = Ingling_V.get(V3, 0) + 1

                        if ExRGB_bool:
                            ExR14, ExR20, ExG, ExB = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB(r, g, b, write256)
                            ExRGB_R14[ExR14] = ExRGB_R14.get(ExR14, 0) + 1
                            ExRGB_R20[ExR20] = ExRGB_R20.get(ExR20, 0) + 1
                            ExRGB_G[ExG] = ExRGB_G.get(ExG, 0) + 1
                            ExRGB_B[ExB] = ExRGB_B.get(ExB, 0) + 1
                            ExRGB_1, ExRGB_2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ExRGB_2D(r, g, b, write256)
                            ExRGB1[ExRGB_1] = ExRGB1.get(ExRGB_1, 0) + 1
                            ExRGB2[ExRGB_2] = ExRGB2.get(ExRGB_2, 0) + 1
                            ExRGB12[(ExRGB_1, ExRGB_2)] = ExRGB12.get((ExRGB_1, ExRGB_2), 0) + 1

                        if ATD_bool:
                            A1, T1, D1, t1, d1, A2, T2, D2 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_ATD(r, g, b, write256)
                            ATD_A1[A1] = ATD_A1.get(A1, 0) + 1
                            ATD_T1[T1] = ATD_T1.get(T1, 0) + 1
                            ATD_D1[D1] = ATD_D1.get(D1, 0) + 1
                            ATD_TD1[(T1,D1)] = ATD_TD1.get((T1,D1), 0) + 1
                            ATD_t[t1] = ATD_t.get(t1, 0) + 1
                            ATD_d[d1] = ATD_d.get(d1, 0) + 1
                            ATD_td[(t1,d1)] = ATD_td.get((t1,d1), 0) + 1
                            ATD_A2[A2] = ATD_A2.get(A2, 0) + 1
                            ATD_T2[T2] = ATD_T2.get(T2, 0) + 1
                            ATD_D2[D2] = ATD_D2.get(D2, 0) + 1
                            ATD_TD2[(T2,D2)] = ATD_TD2.get((T2,D2), 0) + 1

                        if NDI123_bool:
                            NDI1, NDI2, NDI3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_NDI123(r, g, b, write256)
                            NDI123_1[NDI1] = NDI123_1.get(NDI1, 0) + 1
                            NDI123_2[NDI2] = NDI123_2.get(NDI2, 0) + 1
                            NDI123_3[NDI3] = NDI123_3.get(NDI3, 0) + 1
                            NDI123_NDI12[(NDI1, NDI2)] = NDI123_NDI12.get((NDI1, NDI2),0) + 1
                            NDI123_NDI23[(NDI2, NDI3)] = NDI123_NDI23.get((NDI2, NDI3),0) + 1
                            NDI123_NDI13[(NDI1, NDI3)] = NDI123_NDI13.get((NDI1, NDI3),0) + 1

                        if i123_bool:
                            i1, i2, i3 = ColorConverter.rgb_to_i1i2i3(r, g, b, write256)
                            i123_1[i1] = i123_1.get(i1, 0) + 1
                            i123_2[i2] = i123_2.get(i2, 0) + 1
                            i123_3[i3] = i123_3.get(i3, 0) + 1
                            i123_i12[(i1, i2)] = i123_i12.get((i1, i2),0) + 1
                            i123_i23[(i2, i3)] = i123_i23.get((i2, i3),0) + 1
                            i123_i13[(i1, i3)] = i123_i13.get((i1, i3),0) + 1

                        if CIVE_bool:
                            CIVE_value = ColorConverter.rgb_to_CIVE(r, g, b, write256)
                            CIVE_val[CIVE_value] = CIVE_val.get(CIVE_value, 0) + 1

                        if shadow_bool:
                            shadow_value = ColorConverter.rgb_to_shadow(r, g, b, write256)
                            shadow_val[shadow_value] = shadow_val.get(shadow_value, 0) + 1

        #  ***********************************************************************************************
        #  write the output files
        #  ***********************************************************************************************

        print 'Writing output files'

        for dictionary in range(0,len(outDictList)):
            if write256:
                outputFileName = maskPath + maskDirLocation + '\\' + outFileList[dictionary] + '_256.csv'
                outputFileName = maskPath + maskDirLocation + '\\' + outFileList[dictionary] + '_native.csv'

            writerFile = open(outputFileName, 'wb')  #  open the output file and prep
            writer = csv.writer(writerFile, delimiter = ',',quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

            newList = []
            for i in outDictList[dictionary].iteritems():  #  write header to file
                newList = []
                itemCount = 1
                if hasattr(i[0], '__iter__'):
                    for ii in i[0]:
                        newList.append('X' + str(itemCount))
                        itemCount = itemCount + 1
            newList = newList + ['count', 'frequency']

            for i in outDictList[dictionary].iteritems():  #  write items to file
                newList = []
                if hasattr(i[0], '__iter__'):
                    for ii in i[0]:

    print 'Done!'
    image = []