コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, name, componentDict,output=1):
     if isinstance(componentDict, dict):
         self.components = ComponentDict()
         for item in componentDict:
             self.components[item] = componentDict[item]
     elif not isinstance(componentDict, ComponentDict):
         raise TypeError
         self.components = componentDict
     self.output = output
コード例 #2
class CraftedItem(Item):
    def __init__(self, name, componentDict,output=1):
        if isinstance(componentDict, dict):
            self.components = ComponentDict()
            for item in componentDict:
                self.components[item] = componentDict[item]
        elif not isinstance(componentDict, ComponentDict):
            raise TypeError
            self.components = componentDict
        self.output = output

    def create(self, count, debug=False):
        if not isinstance(count,int):
            raise TypeError
        # Create a new dictionary populated only with the components
        # required to craft the object
        required_items = dict.fromkeys(self.components.keys(),0)
        # Make sure we have a multiple of the minimum output 
        while (count % self.output) != 0:
            count += 1
        # Number of 'crafting' actions to create the total output:
        iterations = count/self.output
        for component in required_items:
            required_items[component] = self.components[component] * iterations
        return (count, required_items)
    def getRequirementsFor(self, count, recurse=True, debug=False):
        true_count,components = self.create(count, debug)
        output = "In order to make %d %s, you will need \n" % (true_count, self.name)
        for component in components:
            output += "\t%d\t%s\n" % (components[component],component)
            if recurse:
                if isinstance(component,CraftedItem):
                    subcount,subcomponents = component.create(components[component], debug)
                    output += "\t\tRequires:\n"
                    for sub in subcomponents:
                        output += "\t\t%d\t%s\n" % (subcomponents[sub],sub)
        return output