コード例 #1
def _ReadAndCacheCassLog():
	with Cons.MT("Reading Cassandra log ..."):
		lines = []
		found_reset = False
		lines1 = []

		# WARN  [main] 2016-09-20 02:20:39,250 MemSsTableAccessMon.java:115 - Mutant: ResetMon
		pattern = re.compile(r"WARN  \[(main|MigrationStage:\d+)\]" \
				" (?P<datetime>\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d)" \
				" MemSsTableAccessMon.java:\d+ -" \
				" Mutant: (?P<event>ResetMon)")

		# Note: s0 only for now.
		dn = "%s/work/mutant/log/%s/s0/cassandra" % (os.path.expanduser("~"), Util0.JobId())
		fn = "%s/system.log" % dn
		Cons.P("fn=%s" % fn)
		with open(fn) as fo:
			for line in fo.readlines():
				line = line.strip()
				mo = pattern.match(line)
				if mo is not None:
					found_reset = True
					del lines[:]

		# Keep reading zipped files like system.log.1.zip, until ResetMon is found
		i = 1
		while found_reset == False:
			fn = "%s/system.log.%d.zip" % (dn, i)
			Cons.P("ResetMon not found. Reading more from file %s ..." % fn)
			with zipfile.ZipFile(fn, "r") as z:
				for fn1 in z.namelist():
					for line in z.read(fn1).split("\n"):
						line = line.strip()
						mo = pattern.match(line)
						if mo is not None:
							found_reset = True
							del lines1[:]
			if len(lines1) != 0:
				lines = list(lines1)
				del lines1[:]
			i += 1

		fn = "%s/work/mutant/misc/logs/cassandra/system-%s" \
				% (os.path.expanduser("~"), Conf.ExpStartTime())
		with open(fn, "w") as fo:
			for line in lines:
				fo.write("%s\n" % line)
		Cons.P("Created a Cassandra log file %s %d" % (fn, os.path.getsize(fn)))

		return lines