コード例 #1
def paintParameterLine(parameterLine, width, height, img):
    #PAINTPARAMETERLINE Paint parameterized line
    #   parameterLine: [n1,n2,n3,planeID,u1,u2], first 3 dims are normal
    #   direction, 4th dim is the base plane ID for U (1=XY), 5-6th dims are U
    #   of start and end point.
    #   width, height: the size of output panorama, width = height x 2
    #   img: the image on which lines will be drawn. If no img,
    #   img=zeros(height,width).
    lines = parameterLine

    if img is None:
        panoEdgeC = np.zeros([height, width])
        img = np.double(img)
        panoEdgeC = imresize(img, [height, width])
        if img.shape[2] == 3:

            pimg = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(panoEdgeC))
            panoEdgeC = pimg.convert('L')

            panoEdgeC = np.array(panoEdgeC) * 0.5

    # valid = true(size(lines,1),1);
    # uv_vp = xyz2vp([vp;-vp]);
    # vpm = min(floor( (uv_vp(:,1)-(-pi)) /(2*pi)*width)+1, width);
    # vpn = min(floor( ((pi/2)-uv_vp(:,2))/(pi)*height )+1, height);
    # valid = lines(:,4)==1;
    # lines = lines(~valid,:); #horizontal
    # lines = lines(valid,:); #vertical
    num_sample = max(height, width)
    for i in np.arange(lines.shape[0]):
        #     fprintf('#d\n',i);
        n = lines[i, 0:3]
        sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi
        eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi
        if eid < sid:
            x = np.linspace(sid, eid + 2 * np.pi, num_sample)
            x = x % (2 * np.pi)
    #         x = sid-1:(eid-1+numBins);
    #         x = rem(x,numBins) + 1;
            x = np.linspace(sid, eid, num_sample)

    #     u = -pi + (x'-1)*uBinSize + uBinSize/2;
        u = -np.pi + x.T
        v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3])
        xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)), lines[i, 3])
        uv = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(xyz, 0)

        uv = uv.T

        m = np.minimum(np.floor((uv[:, 0] - (-np.pi)) / (2 * np.pi) * width),
                       width - 1)
        n = np.minimum(np.floor(((np.pi / 2) - uv[:, 1]) / (np.pi) * height),
                       height - 1)
        #drawId = sub2ind([height, width], n, m);

        panoEdgeC[np.int32(n), np.int32(m)] = 255

    return panoEdgeC
コード例 #2
def assignVanishingType(lines, vp, tol, area):
    #ASSIGNVANISHINGTYPE Summary of this function goes here
    #   Detailed explanation goes here
    if area < 0:
        area = 10

    numLine = lines.shape[0]
    numVP = vp.shape[0]
    typeCost = np.zeros([numLine, numVP])
    # perpendicular
    for vid in np.arange(numVP):
        cosint = np.sum(lines[:, 0:3] * repmat(vp[vid, :], numLine, 1), 1)
        typeCost[:, vid] = np.arcsin(np.abs(cosint))

    # infinity
    for vid in np.arange(numVP):
        valid = np.ones([numLine, 1], dtype=bool)

        for i in np.arange(numLine):
            us = lines[i, 4]
            ue = lines[i, 5]
            u = np.array([us, ue]) * 2.0 * np.pi - np.pi
            v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(lines[i, 0:3], u, lines[i, 3])
            xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.row_stack((u, v)).T, lines[i, 3])
            x = np.linspace(xyz[0, 0], xyz[1, 0], 100)
            y = np.linspace(xyz[0, 1], xyz[1, 1], 100)
            z = np.linspace(xyz[0, 2], xyz[1, 2], 100)
            xyz = np.column_stack((x, y, z))
            xyz = xyz / repmat(np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, 1)), 3, 1).T
            ang = np.arccos(np.abs(np.sum(xyz * repmat(vp[vid, :], 100, 1),
            valid[i] = not any(ang < area * np.pi / 180)

        typeCost[~valid[:, 0], vid] = 100

    I = np.min(typeCost, 1)
    type = np.argmin(typeCost, 1)
    type[I > tol] = numVP

    return [type, typeCost]
コード例 #3
def rotateLines(lines, R):
    #ROTATELINES Rotate lines on panorama
    #   lines: parameterized lines, R: rotation matrix

    [numLine, dimLine] = lines.shape
    lines_N = np.zeros([numLine, dimLine])
    for i in np.arange(numLine):
        n = lines[i, 0:3]
        sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi
        eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi
        u = np.row_stack((sid, eid))
        v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3])
        xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)), lines[i, 3])

        n_N = np.dot(R, n.T).T
        n_N = n_N / np.linalg.norm(n_N, 2)
        xyz_N = np.dot(R, xyz.T).T
        lines_N[i, 3] = np.argmax(np.abs(n_N[[2, 0, 1]]))
        uv_N = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(xyz_N, lines_N[i, 3]).T
        umax = max(uv_N[:, 0]) + np.pi
        umin = min(uv_N[:, 0]) + np.pi
        if umax - umin > np.pi:
            lines_N[i, 4:6] = np.array([umax, umin]) / 2 / np.pi
            lines_N[i, 4:6] = np.array([umin, umax]) / 2 / np.pi

        lines_N[i, 0:3] = n_N
        #     lines_N(i,5:6) = (uv_N(:,1)'+pi)/2/pi;
        if dimLine >= 7:
            lines_N[i, 6] = np.arccos(
                np.sum(xyz_N[0, :] * xyz_N[1, :]) /
                (np.linalg.norm(xyz_N[0, :], 2) *
                 np.linalg.norm(xyz_N[1, :], 2)))
            # lines_N(i,7) = lines(i,7); # this should be ok as well

        if dimLine >= 8:
            lines_N[i, 7] = lines[i, 7]

    return lines_N
コード例 #4
def refitLineSegmentB(lines, vp, vpweight):
    #REFITLINESEGMENTA refit direction of line segments
    #   lines: original line segments
    #   vp: vannishing point
    #   vpweight: if set to 0, lines will not change; if set to inf, lines will
    #   be forced to pass vp
    if vpweight == None:
        vpweight = 0.1

    numSample = 100
    numLine = lines.shape[0]
    xyz = np.zeros([numSample + 1, 3])
    wei = np.ones([numSample + 1, 1])
    wei[numSample] = vpweight * numSample
    lines_ali = lines
    for i in np.arange(numLine):
        n = lines[i, 0:3]
        sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi
        eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi
        if eid < sid:
            x = np.linspace(sid, eid + 2 * np.pi, numSample)
            x = (x % (2 * np.pi))
    #         x = sid-1:(eid-1+numBins);
    #         x = rem(x,numBins) + 1;
            x = np.linspace(sid, eid, numSample)

    #     u = -pi + (x'-1)*uBinSize + uBinSize/2;
        u = -np.pi + x.T
        v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3])
        xyz[0:numSample, :] = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)),
                                                      lines[i, 3])
        xyz[numSample, :] = vp
        _, outputNM = curveFitting(xyz, wei)
        lines_ali[i, 0:3] = outputNM

    return lines_ali
コード例 #5
def combineEdgesN(edges):
    #COMBINEEDGES Combine some small line segments, should be very conservative
    #   lines: combined line segments
    #   ori_lines: original line segments
    #   line format: [nx ny nz projectPlaneID umin umax LSfov score]
    arcList = []
    for i in np.arange(edges.shape[0]):
        panoLst = edges[i].panoLst
        if panoLst[0].shape[0] == 0:

        if (len(arcList)) == 0:
            arcList = panoLst
            arcList = np.row_stack((arcList, panoLst))

    ## ori lines
    numLine = arcList.shape[0]
    ori_lines = np.zeros((numLine, 8))
    areaXY = np.abs(
        np.sum(arcList[:, 0:3] * repmat([0, 0, 1], arcList.shape[0], 1), 1))
    areaYZ = np.abs(
        np.sum(arcList[:, 0:3] * repmat([1, 0, 0], arcList.shape[0], 1), 1))
    areaZX = np.abs(
        np.sum(arcList[:, 0:3] * repmat([0, 1, 0], arcList.shape[0], 1), 1))

    vec = [areaXY, areaYZ, areaZX]

    #[_, planeIDs] = np.max(vec,  1); # 1:XY 2:YZ 3:ZX
    planeIDs = np.argmax(vec, 0)

    for i in np.arange(numLine):
        ori_lines[i, 0:3] = arcList[i, 0:3]
        ori_lines[i, 3] = planeIDs[i]
        coord1 = arcList[i, 3:6]
        coord2 = arcList[i, 6:9]

        uv = CoordsTransform.xyz2uvN(np.row_stack((coord1, coord2)),
        umax = np.max(uv[0, :]) + np.pi
        umin = np.min(uv[0, :]) + np.pi
        if umax - umin > np.pi:
            ori_lines[i, 4:6] = np.column_stack((umax, umin)) / 2 / np.pi
    #         ori_lines(i,7) = umin + 1 - umax;
            ori_lines[i, 4:6] = np.column_stack((umin, umax)) / 2 / np.pi
    #         ori_lines(i,7) = umax - umin;

        ori_lines[i, 6] = np.arccos(
            np.sum(coord1 * coord2) /
            (np.linalg.norm(coord1, 2) * np.linalg.norm(coord2, 2)))
        ori_lines[i, 7] = arcList[i, 9]

    # valid = ori_lines(:,3)<0;
    # ori_lines(valid,1:3) = -ori_lines(valid,1:3);

    ## additive combination
    lines = ori_lines
    # panoEdge = paintParameterLine( lines, 1024, 512);
    # figure; imshow(panoEdge);
    for iter in np.arange(3):
        numLine = lines.shape[0]
        valid_line = np.ones([numLine], dtype=bool)
        for i in np.arange(numLine):
            #         fprintf('#d/#d\n', i, numLine);
            if valid_line[i] == False:

            dotProd = np.sum(lines[:, 0:3] * repmat(lines[i, 0:3], numLine, 1),
            valid_curr = (np.abs(dotProd) > np.cos(
                1 * np.pi / 180)) & valid_line
            valid_curr[i] = False
            valid_ang = np.where(valid_curr)
            for j in valid_ang[0]:
                range1 = lines[i, 4:6]
                range2 = lines[j, 4:6]
                valid_rag = intersection(range1, range2)
                if valid_rag == False:

                # combine
                I = np.argmax(np.abs(lines[i, 0:3]))
                if lines[i, I] * lines[j, I] > 0:
                    nc = lines[i, 0:3] * lines[i, 6] + lines[j, 0:3] * lines[j,
                    nc = lines[i, 0:3] * lines[i, 6] - lines[j, 0:3] * lines[j,

                nc = nc / np.linalg.norm(nc, 2)

                if insideRange(range1[0], range2):
                    nrmin = range2[0]
                    nrmin = range1[0]

                if insideRange(range1[1], range2):
                    nrmax = range2[1]
                    nrmax = range1[1]

                u = np.array([nrmin, nrmax]) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi
                v = CoordsTransform.computeUVN(nc, u, lines[i, 3])
                xyz = CoordsTransform.uv2xyzN(np.column_stack((u, v)),
                                              lines[i, 3])
                length = np.arccos(np.sum(xyz[0, :] * xyz[1, :]))
                scr = (lines[i, 6] * lines[i, 7] +
                       lines[j, 6] * lines[j, 7]) / (lines[i, 6] + lines[j, 6])

                nc = np.append(nc, lines[i, 3])
                nc = np.append(nc, nrmin)
                nc = np.append(nc, nrmax)
                nc = np.append(nc, length)
                nc = np.append(nc, scr)
                newLine = nc
                lines[i, :] = newLine
                valid_line[j] = False

        lines = lines[valid_line, :]
        print('iter: #d, before: #d, after: #d\n', iter, len(valid_line),

    return [lines, ori_lines]