コード例 #1
    def insert_cog_prot_if_not_exist(self, FK_id_COG, FK_id_prot):
        Verify if the a object with the same Fks don't exists and insert it in the database

        :param FK_id_COG: id of a cog
        :param FK_id_prot: id of a protein

        :type FK_id_COG: int
        :type FK_id_prot: int

        :return: id of the ProteinDom object inserted
        :rtype int
        id_prot_dom = self.get_id_cog_prot_by_id_cog_id_prot(
            FK_id_COG, FK_id_prot)
        if id_prot_dom == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO COGS_PROT (FK_id_cog_CO_CP, FK_id_protein_PT_CP) VALUES (%s, %s)"
            params = [FK_id_COG, FK_id_prot]
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("This COGprotein : {0} - {1} pair already exists".format(
                FK_id_COG, FK_id_prot))
            return id_prot_dom
コード例 #2
    def insert_contig(self, id_contig_db_outside, head, sequence,
        Insert a Contig WITHOUT ANY VERIFICATION

        :param id_contig_db_outside: Header of the CONTIG (ACC number -1 if unknown)
        :param head: First line of the fasta file "" if unknown
        :param sequence: Sequence in nucleotide of the CONTIG - "" if unknown
        :param fk_id_whole_genome: id of the whole DNA that contain this contig

        :type id_contig_db_outside: text - not required 
        :type head: text - not required
        :type sequence: text - required
        :type fk_id_whole_genome: text - required

        :return: id of the CONTIG object inserted
        :rtype int
        sql_string = "INSERT INTO CONTIGS (id_contig_db_outside_CT, head_CT, sequence_CT, FK_id_whole_genome_WD_CT) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        params = [
            id_contig_db_outside, head,
            str(sequence), fk_id_whole_genome
        dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
        dalObj.parameters = params
        results = dalObj.executeInsert()
        return results.lastrowid
コード例 #3
    def create_cog_score_verification(self, grp_a, grp_b, score_cog):
        Insert a Cog score and return its id if it isn't exist another cog score with the two groups

        :param grp_a: value of the interaction (1 - positive; 0 - negative)
        :param grp_b: id of the bacterium
        :param score_cog: id of the phage

        :type grp_a: string - required 
        :type grp_b: string - required 
        :type score_cog: int - required 

        :return: id of the COG score inserted
        :rtype int
        id_value_COG_score = self.get_id_cog_score_by_grpa_grpb(grp_a, grp_b)
        if id_value_COG_score == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO COG_INTERACTION (Group1_CI, Group2_CI, Score_CI) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            params = [grp_a, grp_b, score_cog]
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("Its already exists a Cog Scor with these groups")
            return id_value_COG_score
コード例 #4
    def insert_domains_ds_config(self, range_DD, auto_split_DD, nomralization_data_DD, id_user, id_configuration):
        Insert a dataset

        :param range_DD: size of the range
        :param auto_split_DD: SK-leanr automatic split
        :param nomralization_data_DD: normalize the data
        :param id_user: FK of the user
        :param id_configuration: FK of the configuration

        :type range_DD: int - required 
        :type auto_split_DD: int - required 
        :type nomralization_data_DD: int - required 
        :type id_user: int - required 
        :type id_configuration: int - required 

        :return: id of the dataset_ds inserted
        :rtype int
        sql_string = "INSERT INTO DOMAINS_DS (range_DD, auto_split_DD, nomralization_data_DD, FK_id_user_US_DD, FK_id_configuration_CF_DD) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        params = [range_DD, auto_split_DD, nomralization_data_DD, id_user, id_configuration]
        dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
        dalObj.parameters = params
        results = dalObj.executeInsert()
        return results.lastrowid
コード例 #5
    def insert_configuration(self, date_time_creation, designation, id_ds, id_user):
        Insert a dataset

        :param date_time_creation: date and time of the creation (actual)
        :param designation: configuration name
        :param id_ds: FK of the DS
        :param id_user: FK of the user

        :type date_time_creation: string (datetime sql format) - required 
        :type name: string - required 
        :type id_ds: int - required 
        :type id_user: int - required 

        :return: id of the dataset inserted
        :rtype int
        sql_string = "INSERT INTO CONFIGURATIONS (date_time_creation_CF, designation_CF, FK_id_DS_CF, FK_id_user_US_DD) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        params = [date_time_creation, designation, id_ds, id_user]
        dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
        dalObj.parameters = params
        results = dalObj.executeInsert()
        return results.lastrowid
コード例 #6
def markSiteAsBuilt(site, mayVal):
    if mayVal[1] == 0:
        DAL.insert_newsSite_lastBuilt(client, site)
        print(str(dtNow()) + "		" + " db:insert")
        DAL.update_newsSite_lastBuilt(client, mayVal[1])
        print(str(dtNow()) + "		" + " db:update")
コード例 #7
    def insert_DDI_source_return_id_if_not_exists(self, date_creation,
        Insert a ddi_source WITHOUT ANY VERIFICATION.

        :param date_creation: creation date of the register
        :param FK_DDI_interaction: FK of the DDI interaction
        :param FK_Source_DDI_DB: FK of the database tha give the information

        :type date_creation: int - required 
        :type FK_DDI_interaction: int - required 
        :type FK_Source_DDI_DB: string (datetime sql format) - required 

        :return: id of the domain inserted or ID of the existant
        :rtype int
        id_DDI_DB_source = self.get_id_DDI_interaction_DB_by_FK_keys(
            FK_DDI_interaction, FK_Source_DDI_DB)
        if id_DDI_DB_source == -1:
            sqlObj = "INSERT INTO DDI_INTERACTIONS_DB (date_insertion_DDB, FK_id_interaction_DD_DDB, FK_id_db_interaction_DDB) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
            params = [date_creation, FK_DDI_interaction, FK_Source_DDI_DB]
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sqlObj, params)
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            return id_DDI_DB_source
コード例 #8
ファイル: Gene_sql_new.py プロジェクト: diogom1790/inphinity
    def insert_gene_return_id(self, gene_number, dna_head, dna_seq,
                              start_position, end_position, fk_organism,
        :param gene_number: number of the gene correspond to the order of the gene in the whole sequence - -1 if unknown
        :param dna_head: fasta head first line of the gene - "No head" if unknown
        :param dna_seq: NUCLEOTIDE sequence of the Gene - "" if unknown
        :param start_position: start position of the gene in the whole genome
        :param end_position: end position of the gene in the whole genome
        :param FK_id_organism: id of the organims which the gene belongs
        :param FK_id_protein: id of the protein which the gene belongs

        :type gene_number: int - not required 
        :type dna_head: text - required
        :type dna_seq: text - required
        :type start_position: int - not required
        :type end_position: int - not required
        :type FK_id_organism: int - required
        :type FK_id_protein: int - required

        :return: id of the inserted gene
        :rtype int

        sqlObj = "INSERT INTO GENES (gene_number_GE, dna_head_GE, dna_sequence_GE, start_position_GE, end_position_GE, FK_id_organism_OR_GE, FK_id_protein_PT_GE) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
        params = [
            gene_number, dna_head, dna_seq, start_position, end_position,
            fk_organism, fk_protein
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sqlObj, params)
        results = dalObj.executeInsert()
        return results.lastrowid
コード例 #9
    def create_cog_interact_source_verification(self, score_interaction_COG, Fk_source, Fk_interaction):
        Insert a Cog groupe based on the FK ids of both.

        :param score_interaction_COG: score of the cog interaction
        :param Fk_source: FK of the source
        :param FK_interaction: FK of the interaction

        :type score_interaction_COG: int - required 
        :type Fk_source: string - required 
        :type FK_interaction: string - required  

        :return: id of the COG interaction
        :rtype int
        id_source_itneract_cog = self.get_id_cog_interact_by_source_interaction(Fk_source, Fk_interaction)
        if id_source_itneract_cog == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO COG_SOURCES_INTERACT (score_CSI, FK_id_cog_source_CS_CSI, FK_id_cog_interaction_CI_CSI) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            params = [score_interaction_COG, Fk_source, Fk_interaction]
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("Its already exists a Cog Score with these groups")
            return id_source_itneract_cog
コード例 #10
    def insert_protein_all_info_return_id_procedure(self, id_accession,
                                                    designation, sequence_prot,
                                                    sequence_dna, start_point,
                                                    end_point, start_point_cnt,
                                                    fk_id_contig, organism_id):
        Insert a PROTEIN and return its id, insert only with the parameters cited below. ANY VERIFICATION ARE DONE

        :param id_accession: accession number - -1 if unknown
        :param designation: the text following ">" in the fasta file (first line) - if unknown empty string
        :param sequence_prot: proteic sequence - if unknown empty string
        :param sequence_dna: nucleic sequence - if unknown empty string
        :param start_point: start position in the gene - -1 if unknown
        :param end_point: end position in the gene - -1 if unknown
        :param start_point_cnt: start position in the contig - -1 if unknown
        :param end_point_cnt: end position in the contig - -1 if unknown
        :param fk_id_contig: fk_contig -1 if unknown
        :param id_organism: if of the organism of the protein -1 if unknown

        :return: id of the protein
        :rtype int

        sqlObj = "insert_protein_secure"
        params = [
            id_accession, designation, sequence_prot, sequence_dna,
            start_point, end_point, start_point_cnt, end_point_cnt,
            fk_id_contig, organism_id
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sqlObj, params)
        results = dalObj.call_procedure()
        return results.lastrowid
コード例 #11
    def verify_COG_preview_exits(self, FK_id_prot_back, FK_id_prot_phage,
                                 FK_id_interact_cog, fk_id_couple):
        verify if a give COG_preview exist

        :param FK_id_interaction_cog_source: id of the cog interaction

        :type FK_id_interaction_cog_source: int - required 

        :return: quantity of row deleted row
        :rtype int

        sql_string = "SELECT count(*) FROM COGS_preview WHERE FK_id_prot_cog_bact_CP_CPR = " + str(
            FK_id_prot_back) + " and FK_id_prot_cog_phage_CP_CPR = " + str(
            ) + " and FK_id_interaction_cog_source_CSI_CPR = " + str(
                FK_id_interact_cog) + " and FK_id_couple_CP_CPR = " + str(
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        results = dalObj.executeSelect()
        if results[0] == 0:
            return 0
            return results[0]
コード例 #12
    def create_cog_interact_verification(self, FK_group_cog_a, FK_group_cog_b):
        Insert a Cog groupe based on the FK ids of both.

        :param FK_group_cog_a: fk id of the group cog A
        :param FK_group_cog_b: fk id of the group cog B

        :type FK_group_cog_a: int - required 
        :type FK_group_cog_b: int - required 

        :return: id of the COG interaction
        :rtype int
        id_value_COG_interact = self.get_id_cog_interact_by_grpa_grpb(
            FK_group_cog_a, FK_group_cog_b)
        if id_value_COG_interact == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO COGS_INTERACTIONS (FK_cog_a_CI, FK_cog_b_CI) VALUES (%s, %s)"
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            params = [FK_group_cog_a, FK_group_cog_b]
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("Its already exists a Cog Scor with these groups")
            return id_value_COG_interact
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_dal.py プロジェクト: olesyash/Code-Translator
 def test_add_existing_language_get_false(self):
     dal = DAL()
     for l in languages:
         print "dal add language" + str(dal.add_language(l))
         print "dal get all languages" + str(dal.get_all_languages())
     res = dal.add_language(languages[0])
コード例 #14
    def insert_specie_if_not_exist_in_Genus(self, specieName, genus_id):
        Insert a Specie if it not yet exist (based on the designation)

        :param specieName: name of the specie
        :param genus_id: FK of the specie's genus - -1 if unknown

        :type genusName: string - required 
        :type genus_id: int - required 

        :return: id of the specie inserted
        :rtype int

        :note:: it not verify the complete taxonomy but just only if the specie already exists in a give genus.

        id_specie = self.get_specie_id_by_designation_and_genus_id(
            specieName, genus_id)
        if id_specie == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO SPECIES (designation_SP, FK_id_genus_GE_SP) VALUES (%s, %s)"
            params = [specieName, genus_id]
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("The specie: %s already exists in the genus id: %d" %
                  (str(specieName), genus_id))
            return id_specie
コード例 #15
def whoIsAlive():
	client = DAL.openConnection()
	cursor = DAL.liveness_getAll(client)
	results = list(cursor)
	for d in results:
		d['last_notif_min'] = floor((dtNow() - d["timestamp"]).total_seconds()/60) # how many seconds ago last received
		d['last_notif_sec'] = floor((dtNow() - d["timestamp"]).total_seconds()) # how many seconds ago last received
		if d['name'] == "producer: news":
			d['status'] = True if d['last_notif_min'] < 25 else False
		elif d['name'] == "producer: predictions":
			d['status'] = True if d['last_notif_min'] < 61 else False
		elif d['name'] == "producer: telegram":
			d['status'] = True if d['last_notif_min'] < 60 else False

		elif d['name'] == "worker: news":
			d['status'] = True if d['last_notif_min'] < 120 else False
		elif d['name'] == "worker: sentiments news":
			d['status'] = True if d['last_notif_min'] < 120 else False

			d['status'] = True if d['last_notif_min'] < 3 else False
		del d['timestamp']
		del d['_id']

		if mailer and not d['status']:
			send_email_server("Module ("+d['name']+") is offline", "last notif minutes: " + str(d['last_notif_min']))

	results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x['name'])
	return results
コード例 #16
    def get_id_couple_by_phage_bact_type_interaction(self, fk_bact, fk_phage,
        verify if a couple exist given a phage, bacterium and type interaction. If exists return the id, if not return -1

        :param fk_bact: id of the bacterium 
        :param fk_phage: id of the phage
        :param fk_type_inter: id of the phage

        :type fk_bact: int - required 
        :type fk_phage: int - required 
        :type fk_type_inter: int - required

        :return: id of the couple or -1 if inexistant
        :rtype int
        sql_string = "SELECT id_couple_CP FROM COUPLES WHERE FK_id_organism_bact_OR_CP = '" + str(
            fk_bact) + "' and FK_id_organism_phage_OR_CP = " + str(
                fk_phage) + " AND interaction_CP = " + str(type_inter)
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        results = dalObj.executeSelect()

        if len(results) is 0:
            return -1
            return results[0][0]
コード例 #17
class UserTreatment():
    def __init__(self):
        self.dal = DAL()

    def login(self, data):
        logging.info("Got login request")
        email = data["email"]
        password = data["password"]
            res = self.dal.check_user_passwd(email, password)
            logging.info("res " + str(res))
            if res:
                return 0, res
                return 3, "Wrong password"
        except UserNotExistException:
            return 2, "Error, user with this email does not exist"

    def register(self, data):
        logging.info("Got register request")
        firstname = data["firstname"]
        lastname = data["lastname"]
        nickname = data["nickname"]
        password = data["password"]
        email = data["email"]
            self.dal.add_new_user(firstname, lastname, nickname, password, email, user_role="contributor")
            return 0, "User registered successfully"
        except UserExistException:
            return 1, "Error, user with this email is already exist"
コード例 #18
    def insert_protdom_if_not_exist(self, fk_protein, fk_domain):
        Verify if the a object with the same Fks don't exists and insert it in the database

        :param fk_protein: id of a protein
        :param fk_domain: id of a domain

        :type fk_protein: int
        :type fk_domain: int

        :return: id of the ProteinDom object inserted
        :rtype int
        id_prot_dom = self.get_id_prot_dom_by_id_prot_id_domain(
            fk_protein, fk_domain)
        if id_prot_dom == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO PROT_DOM (FK_id_protein_PT_DP, FK_id_domain_DO_DP) VALUES (%s, %s)"
            params = [fk_protein, fk_domain]
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("This protein-domain: {0} - {1} pair already exists".format(
                fk_protein, fk_domain))
            return id_prot_dom
コード例 #19
    def get_id_ds_conf_ds_by_value_and_fks(self, value_configuration,
        Return the id o a ds_conf_Ds

        :param value_configuration: value of the configurations
        :param FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD: dFk of the configuration (DATASET_CONFIGURATIONS_TYPES)
        :param FK_id_dataset_DS_DCD: fk of the dataset (DATASETS)

        :type value_configuration: int - required 
        :type FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD: int - required 
        :type FK_id_dataset_DS_DCD: int - required 

        :return: id of the DATASET_CONF_DS or -1 i don't exists
        :rtype int

        sql_string = "SELECT id_ds_conf_ds_DCD FROM DATASET_CONF_DS WHERE value_config_DCD = '" + str(
        ) + "' AND FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD = '" + str(
        ) + "' AND FK_id_dataset_DS_DCD = '" + str(FK_id_dataset_DS_DCD) + "'"
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        results = dalObj.executeSelect()

        if len(results) is 0:
            return -1
            return results[0][0]
コード例 #20
    def insert_DS_conf_DS_return_id_if_not_exists(self, value_configuration,
        Insert a ddi_source WITHOUT ANY VERIFICATION.

        :param value_bins: value of the configuration
        :param FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD: FK of the configuration
        :param FK_id_dataset_DS_DCD: FK of the dataset

        :type value_bins: int - required 
        :type FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD: int - required 
        :type FK_id_dataset_DS_DCD: int - required 

        :return: id of the dataset configuration inserted or ID of the existant
        :rtype int
        id_conf_ds = self.get_id_ds_conf_ds_by_value_and_fks(
            value_configuration, FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD,
        if id_conf_ds == -1:
            sqlObj = "INSERT INTO DATASET_CONF_DS (value_config_DCD, FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD, FK_id_dataset_DS_DCD) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
            params = [
                value_configuration, FK_id_configuration_DCT_DCD,
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sqlObj, params)
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            return id_conf_ds
コード例 #21
 def get_contig_by_organism_id(self, id_organism):
     sql_string = "SELECT id_contig_CT, id_contig_db_outside_CT, head_CT, sequence_CT, FK_id_whole_genome_WD_CT FROM CONTIGS, ORGANISMS, WHOLE_DNA WHERE id_organism_OR = " + str(
     ) + " and fk_id_whole_dna_dna_or = id_dna_wd and fk_id_whole_genome_wd_ct = id_dna_wd"
     dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
     results = dalObj.executeSelect()
     return results
コード例 #22
def send_pulses(index):
    Sends a "pulse" (number) through a socket until server closes.
    :param index: The index of the information to send.
    path = str(DAL.__file__[:-7])
    conn = DAL.connect(path + r'\DBProject.db')
    patients = [item[0] for item in DAL.get_patient(conn)]

    while get_running():
        thread_input = get_thread_input(index)
        with PRINT_LOCK:
            print("Thread num:", index, ", input: ", thread_input)
        data = {}
        #TO DO-complete thread_input =1,2,3
        data["input"] = thread_input
        data["client_num"] = patients[index]
        data["position"] = "123"
        data["event_time"] = datetime.datetime.now()
        data["value"] = "123"

        #{"input": thread_input, "client num": index, "start_time": "123"}
        requests.post(f"http://{SERVER_IP}:{SERVER_PORT}/add_data", data)
        if (thread_input == b"2"):
コード例 #23
    def insert_PPI_couple(self, FK_id_prot_bact, FK_id_prot_phage, Fk_couple):
        Insert a ppi_couple in the database. 
        The id of the PPI_couple is updated

        :Note A verification id done in the database which allow to insert only a unic pair of id_prot_bact and id_prot_phage.

        :param FK_id_prot_bact: id of the couple - -1 if unknown
        :param FK_id_prot_phage: id of the couple - -1 if unknown
        :param Fk_couple: id of the couple - -1 if unknown

        :type FK_id_prot_bact: text - required 
        :type FK_id_prot_phage: text - required 
        :type Fk_couple: text - required 

        :return: id of the PPI_couple inserted
        :rtype: int
        sql_string = "INSERT INTO PPI_couple (FK_prot_bact_PT_PCP, FK_prot_phage_PT_PCP, FK_couple_CP_PCP) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
        params = [FK_id_prot_bact, FK_id_prot_phage, Fk_couple]
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
        dalObj.parameters = params
        results = dalObj.executeInsert()
        return results.lastrowid
コード例 #24
    def get_id_DDI_interaction_DB_by_FK_keys(self, FK_DDI_pair, FK_DDI_source):
        Return the id o a DDI source

        :param FK_DDI_pair: designation of DDI source
        :param FK_DDI_source: designation of DDI source

        :type FK_DDI_pair: string - required 
        :type FK_DDI_source: string - required 

        :return: id of the DDI_pair_source or -1 i don't exists
        :rtype int

        sql_string = "SELECT id_DDI_interaction_DDB FROM DDI_INTERACTIONS_DB WHERE FK_id_interaction_DD_DDB = '" + str(
            FK_DDI_pair) + "' AND FK_id_db_interaction_DDB = '" + str(
                FK_DDI_source) + "'"
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
        results = dalObj.executeSelect()

        if len(results) is 0:
            return -1
            return results[0][0]
コード例 #25
    def insert_whole_genome_if_not_exist(self, head, head_id, sequence):
        Insert a Whole DNA only but verify if doesn't exist another one with the same head and head_id

        :param head: Header of the whole genome (first line in fasta file) - "" if unknown
        :param head_id: accession number of the Whole_DNA - "" if unknown
        :param sequence: Sequence in nucleotide of the WholeDNA - "" if unknown

        :type head: text - required 
        :type head_id: text - required
        :type sequence: text - required

        :return: id of the WholeDNA object inserted or ID of the WHoleDNA existing 
        :rtype int
        id_wholeDNA = self.get_id_whole_genome_by_head_and_head_id(head, head_id)
        if id_wholeDNA == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO WHOLE_DNA (head_WD, head_id_WD, sequence_WD) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            params = [head, head_id, sequence]
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("It already exists an Whole DNA with these heads data")
            return id_wholeDNA
コード例 #26
    def insert_contig_if_not_exist(self, id_contig_db_outside, head, sequence,
        Insert a Contig if exists any other contig with the same head

        :param id_contig_db_outside: Header of the CONTIG (ACC number -1 if unknown)
        :param head: First line of the fasta file "" if unknown
        :param sequence: Sequence in nucleotide of the CONTIG - "" if unknown
        :param fk_id_whole_genome: id of the whole DNA that contain this contig

        :type id_contig_db_outside: text - not required 
        :type head: text - not required
        :type sequence: text - required
        :type fk_id_whole_genome: text - required

        :return: id of the CONTIG object inserted
        :rtype int

        id_contig = self.get_id_contig_by_head(head)

        if id_contig == -1:
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO CONTIGS (id_contig_db_outside_CT, head_CT, sequence_CT, FK_id_whole_genome_WD_CT) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
            dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sql_string)
            params = [
                id_contig_db_outside, head,
                str(sequence), fk_id_whole_genome
            dalObj.sqlcommand = sql_string
            dalObj.parameters = params
            results = dalObj.executeInsert()
            return results.lastrowid
            print("Its already exists a Contig with this head")
            return id_contig
コード例 #27
def process_rdd_social(time, part_iterator):
        log("----------- %s :  SOCIAL --" % str(datetime.fromtimestamp(time)))
        buckets = {}
        for part in part_iterator:
            crypto = part['crypto']
            source = part['source']
            key = crypto + "|" + source
            if not key in buckets:
                buckets[key] = {'crypto': crypto, 'source': source, 'nums': 0}
            buckets[key]['nums'] += 1

        for key, b in buckets.items():
            crypto = b['crypto']
            source = b['source']
            nums = b['nums']
            log(crypto + " (" + source + "): " + str(nums))
            DAL.store_mentions_social(client, nums,
                                      datetime.fromtimestamp(time), crypto,

        DAL.liveness_IAmAlive(client, "worker: social")
    except Exception as ex:
        logErr(str(ex), traceback.format_exc())
コード例 #28
def login_root():
    rows = []
    if request.method == 'POST':
        conn = DAL.connect('DBProject.db')
        rows = DAL.login(conn, request.form['username'])
        if (len(rows) == 0):
            return render_template('login.html', error="username is invalid")
        patientID, chipID, firstname, lastname, medical_state, location, contactID, username, password, salt = \
        if_true = hash_code.verify_password(password, salt,
        if (not if_true):
            return render_template('login.html', error="password is invalid")
        session["patientID"] = patientID
        session["chipID"] = chipID
        session["firstname"] = firstname
        session["lastname"] = lastname
        session["contactID"] = contactID
        session["username"] = username
        session["password"] = str(hash)
        session["salt"] = str(salt)
        return get_main_page()
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('login.html', error="")
コード例 #29
    def insert_protein_all_info_return_id(self, id_accession, designation,
                                          sequence_prot, sequence_dna,
                                          start_point, end_point,
                                          start_point_cnt, end_point_cnt,
        Insert a PROTEIN and return its id, insert only with the parameters cited below. ANY VERIFICATION ARE DONE

        :param id_accession: accession number - -1 if unknown
        :param designation: the text following ">" in the fasta file (first line) - if unknown empty string
        :param sequence_prot: proteic sequence - if unknown empty string
        :param sequence_dna: nucleic sequence - if unknown empty string
        :param start_point: start position in the gene - -1 if unknown
        :param end_point: end position in the gene - -1 if unknown
        :param start_point_cnt: start position in the contig - -1 if unknown
        :param end_point_cnt: end position in the contig - -1 if unknown
        :param fk_id_contig: fk_contig -1 if unknown

        :return: id of the protein
        :rtype int
        sqlObj = "INSERT INTO PROTEINS (id_protein_BD_online_PT, designation_PT, sequence_PT, DNA_sequence_PT, start_point_PT, end_point_PT, start_point_cnt_PT, end_point_cnt_PT, FK_id_contig_CT_PT) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
        params = [
            id_accession, designation, sequence_prot, sequence_dna,
            start_point, end_point, start_point_cnt, end_point_cnt,
        dalObj = DAL(self.db_name, sqlObj, params)
        results = dalObj.executeInsert()
        return results.lastrowid
コード例 #30
def update_handler(client, message):
    print(type(message))  # pyrogram message type/class
        DAL.liveness_IAmAlive(dalclient, "producer: telegram")
        if message['text'] is not None:
            msg = (message['text'].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
            channelName = message['chat']['title']
            print()  # channel's name
            print(msg)  # message
            print(" ")
            # print(update.message.date) # UTC timestamp of message

            sbody = nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(msg.lower())
            for crypto, kws in CryptoMapping:
                for kw in kws:
                    if kw in sbody:
                        print("sending to kafka <" + crypto + ">: " + msg)
                        log.info("sending to kafka <" + crypto + ">: " + msg)
                            msg, 'telegram', channelName, crypto, producer)
            print("non-text message (sticker or image)")
            log.info("non-text message (sticker or image)")

    except Exception as ex:
        pass  # not every update is a message, some are misc. notifications
        logErr.critical(str(ex), exc_info=True)
コード例 #31
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: cleanenergy/DataCollector
def main():

    # Configure a Raspberry I/O

    # Create a GUI info system
    root = Tk()
    root.title("Running monitoring system...")
    message = StringVar()
    Label(root, textvariable=message, width=50, height=10).pack()

    while (1):
            config = json.load(open("config.json"))
            fs = config["sensor"]["fs"]
            print("Error reading configurations")


            "\n\n\n---------------------------\nInitializing a sending routine...\n"
            "\n\n\n---------------------------\nInitializing a sending routine...\n"

        # Get the last measure
        wh = DAL.getLastMeasure()

        # Get the now time
        timestamp = datetime.now().strftime(DAL.getDateFormat())

        # Send data to cloud server
        DAL.sendData(timestamp, wh)

        # Try send unsent data from the queue

            "Finished a sending routine.\n\n\nWaiting for the next time...")
        print("Finished a sending routine.\n\n\nWaiting for the next time...")

        # Restart a window message display

        root = Tk()
        root.title("Running monitoring system...")
        message = StringVar()
        message.set("The system is running...\n Last update: " + timestamp +
                    "\n Everything working fine!\n\n" + str(float(wh) / 1000) +
                    " kWh\n is the acumulated energy generated")
        Label(root, textvariable=message, width=50, height=10).pack()
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_dal.py プロジェクト: olesyash/Code-Translator
 def test_save_new_language_get_all_languages(self):
     Test save in DB new language and retrieve ist of languages from DB
     dal = DAL()
     res = dal.add_language("C")
     get = dal.get_all_languages()
     self.assertEqual(True, res)
     self.assertEqual(["C"], get)
コード例 #33
 def add_new_language_json(self, data):
     This function get all parsing data of a new language in dictionary and saves it in DB
     :param data: dictionary
     :return: True if all saved, False if there were errors in saving
     dal = DAL()
         dal.save_language_data(self.language, data)
         return True
     except Exception as e:
         return False
コード例 #34
def proc_light_curve_pl(subset_index):
    import DAL
    #from DAL.datasets.checkpoint import Checkpoint
    lightcurves = DAL.create('lightcurves')
    #checkpoint = Checkpoint()
    if(subset_index >= len(s)):
        return []
    subset_filename = s[subset_index]
    subset_number = subset_filename[:-9]
    print subset_filename , subset_number
    ret = []
    ccc = 0
    for i in lightcurves.iter(subset_filename):
        ccc += 1
        #if(ccc >= 5):
        #    break
        #print "--"*10
        #t1 = time.clock()
        name = i['id']
        lc = i['data']
        time_x = lc[:int(len(lc)/2)]  #modified - first half time
        flux_y = lc[int(len(lc)/2):]  #modified - first half flux
        X = np.array(time_x, dtype = 'float32')
        Y = np.array(flux_y, dtype = 'float32')
        X = X[np.logical_not(np.isnan(Y))]
        Y = Y[np.logical_not(np.isnan(Y))]
        res = kernel_regress_cross_validation(X, Y)
        Y_hat = res[0]
        Y_band = res[2]
        resids = Y- Y_hat
        sigma = 1.4826* np.median(abs(resids- np.median(resids))) # 1.4826 * MAD
        resids_standard = (resids - resids.mean() ) / sigma
        beta = math.sqrt(2*math.log(len(X)))
        resids_truc = resids_standard[np.logical_not(resids_standard >=  -1*beta)]
        norm_one_sum = np.linalg.norm(resids_truc, ord=1)
        ret.append((name, norm_one_sum))
        print subset_index, name, Y_band, norm_one_sum
        print "temp_spent ",time.clock() - t1
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
        plt.plot(X, Y, '.k')
        plt.plot(X, Y_hat, '-b')
        title_string = "id:" + str(sample[0]) +", kernel regression, boxcar , bandwidth="+str(h)
    #checkpoint.store("proj4_1_"+str(subset_index), obj=ret) #also supports fp=<file pointer> and s=<string>
    return ret
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_dal.py プロジェクト: olesyash/Code-Translator
 def setUp(self):
     # First, create an instance of the Testbed class.
     self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
     # Then activate the testbed, which prepares the service stubs for use.
     # Next, declare which service stubs you want to use.
     # Clear ndb's in-context cache between tests.
     # This prevents data from leaking between tests.
     # Alternatively, you could disable caching by
     # using ndb.get_context().set_cache_policy(False)
     self.mydb = DAL()
コード例 #36
 def __init__(self, language, keyword=None):
     self.THANKS_BUT_NO_THANKS = "Thank you, but the keyword already translated"
     self.THANKS_FOR_APPROVE = "Thank you for the keyword approve!"
     self.THANKS_FOR_CONTRIBUTION = "Thank you for your contribution!"
     self.GET_CONTRIBUTION = "Please insert contribution details: "
     self.WRONG_URL = "We could not use this URL. Please recheck spelling"
     self.WRONG_TRANSLATION = "Are you sure this link describing the keyword?"
     self.WRONG_WORD_TYPE = "Please recheck keyword type, it could not be keyword"
     self.ERROR_CODE = -1
     self.OK_CODE = 0
     self.language = language
     self.keyword = keyword
     self.dal = DAL()
     self.res_parser = ResultParser(self.language)
     self.function_mapper = {"id": self.res_parser.find_by_id,
                             "class": self.res_parser.find_by_class,
                             "p": self.res_parser.find_by_p,
                             "clear": self.res_parser.strip_text_from_html,
                             "nothing": lambda html: html}
コード例 #37
def gist(index):
    import DAL
    import scipy
    import leargist
    import math
    import numpy as np
    img=scipy.misc.toimage( \
        tinyimages.byid(index).reshape(32,32,3, order="F").copy())
    #return leargist.color_gist(img)
    a = leargist.color_gist(img)
    vec = np.array(a)
    sd = math.sqrt(np.var(vec))
    mu = np.mean(vec)
    standarized_gist =  (vec- mu) / sd 
    #In this case the gist of 960
    #ret = [[index]]
    return list(standarized_gist)
コード例 #38
class ContributionEngine():
    def __init__(self, language, keyword=None):
        self.THANKS_BUT_NO_THANKS = "Thank you, but the keyword already translated"
        self.THANKS_FOR_APPROVE = "Thank you for the keyword approve!"
        self.THANKS_FOR_CONTRIBUTION = "Thank you for your contribution!"
        self.GET_CONTRIBUTION = "Please insert contribution details: "
        self.WRONG_URL = "We could not use this URL. Please recheck spelling"
        self.WRONG_TRANSLATION = "Are you sure this link describing the keyword?"
        self.WRONG_WORD_TYPE = "Please recheck keyword type, it could not be keyword"
        self.ERROR_CODE = -1
        self.OK_CODE = 0
        self.language = language
        self.keyword = keyword
        self.dal = DAL()
        self.res_parser = ResultParser(self.language)
        self.function_mapper = {"id": self.res_parser.find_by_id,
                                "class": self.res_parser.find_by_class,
                                "p": self.res_parser.find_by_p,
                                "clear": self.res_parser.strip_text_from_html,
                                "nothing": lambda html: html}

    def contribute(self):
        Contribution act on keyword:
         if exist in DB and approved - say thank you
         if exist in DB and not approved - ask for approval
         if do not exist in DB - ask for contribution
        :return: String describing the next step
        logging.info("Got keyword: {}, language: {}".format(self.keyword, self.language))
        res = self.check_keyword_exist()
        if not res:
            return self.get_contribution()
            if self.check_keyword_approved(res):
                return self.THANKS_BUT_NO_THANKS
                return self.show_existing_translation(res)

    def user_approve(self):
        If contributor approved keyword, send thank you,
        else ask for new contribution
        return self.THANKS_FOR_APPROVE

    def check_keyword_exist(self):
        Check if keyword exist in DB
        :return: dictionary with keyword details, or empty dictionary if not exist
            return self.dal.get_data_from_db(self.keyword, self.language)
        except DataNotExistException:
            return []

    def check_keyword_approved(self, res):
        Get dictionary describing the keyword and return if keyword approved
        :param res: dictionary
        :rtype boolean
        return eval(res['approved']) if res else False

    def get_contribution(self):
        Return final String asking to contribute
        return self.GET_CONTRIBUTION

    def show_existing_translation(self, res):
        Return existing translation of saved keyword in DB
        :param res: Dictionary of keyword saved in DB
        :return: String - the transaltion
        return res['translation']

    def set_approved(self, approved):
        Change entry in DB of approved
        :param approved: new value to set to
        self.dal.set_approved(self.keyword, self.language, approved)

    def run_check_on_contribution(self, translation):
        Check if the text describing the keyword
        :param translation: String that supposed to describe the keyword
        :rtype Boolean
        :return: Is the text describing the keyword
        res = self.res_parser.strip_text_from_html(translation)
        return self.res_parser.find_needed_info(res, self.keyword)

    def check_is_keyword(self):
        This function check if it is really defined keyword in language
        lsf = LanguagesSpecificFeatures(self.language)
        list_of_keywords = lsf.find_all_keywords()
        if not list_of_keywords:
            return False
        return self.keyword in list_of_keywords

    def get_translation(self, link, translation_type, name=None, word_type=None):
        This function get information from contributor:
        which url to access
        which element to look for with the given name
        Using this rules executing the relevant function on html to get the needed translation.
        If translation pass the check, add it to DB
        :param word_type: keyword type (keyword, function .... )
        :param link: url to try to get info from
        :param translation_type: which function to call
        :param name: the name of element e.g id=name
        :return: return thankful message with new translation or error
        if word_type == "keyword":
            logging.info("marked as keyword")
            res = self.check_is_keyword()
            if not res:
                return self.WRONG_WORD_TYPE, self.ERROR_CODE

        la = LanguagesAPI()
            result, code = la.http_request_using_urlfetch(http_url=link)
        except WrongURL:
            return self.WRONG_URL, self.ERROR_CODE

        func = self.function_mapper.get(translation_type)
        if name:
            translation = func(result, name)
            translation = func(result)
        logging.info("Translation is {}".format(translation))

        if not self.run_check_on_contribution(translation):
            return self.WRONG_TRANSLATION, self.ERROR_CODE

        return translation, self.OK_CODE

    def save_in_db(self, word_type, link, translation):
            DAL.save_data_in_db(self.language, self.keyword, word_type, link, translation, approved=True)
            logging.info("Saving in DB new contributed translation")
        except DataExistException:
            logging.info("Updating data in DB")
            DAL.update_data_in_db(self.language, self.keyword, word_type, link, translation)
        return self.THANKS_FOR_CONTRIBUTION

    def add_new_language_json(self, data):
        This function get all parsing data of a new language in dictionary and saves it in DB
        :param data: dictionary
        :return: True if all saved, False if there were errors in saving
        dal = DAL()
            dal.save_language_data(self.language, data)
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            return False

    def add_urls_for_language(self, data):
        Save in DB all data about languages urls
        :param data: dictionary
        :return: True if all saved, False if there were errors in saving
            self.dal.save_language_details(self.language, "urls", data["urls"])
            for url in data["urls"]:
                self.dal.set_url_details(url, data[url]['type'], data[url]['name'])
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            return False

    def add_classification_for_language(self, data):
        Save in DB classification data for new language
        :param data: dictionary
        :return: True if all saved, False if there were errors in saving
            self.dal.save_classification(self.language, "statement", data["statements"])
            self.dal.save_classification(self.language, "data type", data["data_types"])
            self.dal.save_classification(self.language, "expression", data["expressions"])
            self.dal.save_classification(self.language, "operator", data["operators"])
            other_list = data['other']
            if other_list:
                for key, value in other_list.iteritems():
                    self.dal.save_classification(self.language, key, value)
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            return False
コード例 #39
 def __init__(self):
     self.dal = DAL()
コード例 #40
import time
import string
import re
import fractions
import numpy
import scipy
import time
from numpy import arange,array,ones,linalg
from pylab import plot,show
from __future__ import division
from IPython.parallel import Client
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

rc = Client()
dview = rc[:]
data = wishes.subsets()[13:18] #use only one recent week of twitter data to get the volcabulary,  

# Clean the raw text data with filters
# Create a very long string comprising of the first 5 days of twitter data
dictionary= {}
for i in range(len(data)):
    print 'day', i
    text = ""
    for tweet in wishes.iter(data[i]):
        if tweet.has_key('text'):
            lower = tweet['text'].lower()
            text += lower
            #print i
コード例 #41
import re
import fractions
import math
import scipy
from numpy import arange,array,ones,linalg
from pylab import plot,show
from __future__ import division
from IPython.parallel import Client
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

lightcurves = DAL.create('lightcurves')
s = lightcurves.subsets()
dat = []
for i in lightcurves.iter(s[101]):
    name = i['id']
    #print type(name),name == 3096237
    if name == 3096237:
    lc = i['data']
    time = lc[:int(len(lc)/2)]  #modified - first half time
    flux = lc[int(len(lc)/2):]  #modified - first half flux
    dat.append( (name, time, flux) ) #modified
print len(s)
print "files:"
コード例 #42
def wave_filter(t_id):

    import DAL
    from DAL.datasets.checkpoint import Checkpoint
    #from DAL.datasets.checkpoint import Checkpoint
    lightcurves = DAL.create('lightcurves')
        checkpoint = Checkpoint()
        reversed_dict = checkpoint.load("reversed_dict", t = "obj")
    #get the date by id
    sample_data = []
    subset_index = reversed_dict.get(t_id)
    if(subset_index < 0 or subset_index>= len(s)):
        return subset_index
    for i in lightcurves.iter(s[subset_index]):
        name = i['id']
        if name == t_id:
            print name
            lc = i['data']
            time = lc[:int(len(lc)/2)]  #modified - first half time
            flux = lc[int(len(lc)/2):]  #modified - first half flux
            sample_data.append((name, time, flux))
    for sample in [sample_data[0]]:
        print "-"*10
        print "id:", sample[0]
        X = np.array(sample[1], dtype = 'float32')
        Y = np.array(sample[2], dtype = 'float32')
        X = X[np.logical_not(np.isnan(Y))]
        Y = Y[np.logical_not(np.isnan(Y))]
        h = 0.8 # be carefully chosen
        #res = nad_wat(X, Y, 0.1)
        #fit the curve
        res = nad_wat_robust(X,Y, h)
        Y_hat = res[0]

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
        plt.plot(X, Y, '.k')
        plt.plot(X, Y_hat, '-b')
        title_string = "id:" + str(sample[0]) +", kernel regression, boxcar , bandwidth="+str(h)
        resids = Y- Y_hat
        sigma = 1.4826* np.median(abs(resids- np.median(resids))) # 1.4826 * MAD
        resids_standard = (resids - resids.mean() ) / sigma
        beta = math.sqrt(2*math.log(len(X)))
        resids_truc = resids_standard[np.logical_not(resids_standard >=  -1*beta)]
        norm_one_sum = np.linalg.norm(resids_truc, ord =2 ) # norm 2
        print "norm1 of residuals ", norm_one_sum
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
        plt.plot(X, resids_standard, '.k')
        plt.plot(X, np.zeros(len(X)) - beta, '-r' )
        ## detect the different levels, if there are more levels, just think they are binary stars.
        wave_level = 0
        outliers = np.logical_not(resids_standard >=  -1*0.9*beta) # let more potential signals in
        #scale the outlier residuals to range(0,1)
        mask = (np.zeros(len(X))+1)* outliers # len (mask) == len(X) , if signal, mask[i] == 1,, not signal, mask[i] == 0
        if(mask.sum() <= 3): # no signal, it is very possible to be outliers from white noise.
            # mark this to be white noise
            print "LEVEL: ", wave_level
            print "==="*10
            return wave_level
        # get the signal out
        signal = resids_standard * mask

        # rescale the signal to process
        signal = -1 * signal # get them reflected above the x-axis
        s_min = signal[ signal > 0].min() # the min non-zero 
        s_max = signal.max() # the max
        if(abs(s_min - s_max) <= 0.0001):
            #it is almost impossible to happen, just in case
            print "LEVEL: ", wave_level
            print "==="*10
            return wave_level
        #scaled signal
        signal = signal - s_min
        signal = signal / abs(s_max - s_min)

        #stat the area in each cell.
        #resharp the signals into rect
        total_num_signal = np.sum(mask)
        re_signal = np.zeros(len(signal))
        is_open = False
        signal_strength = 0
        counts_open = 0
        for i in range(4, len(X)-4):
            # start to receive
            if( mask[i-1] == 0 and mask[i] == 1 and mask[i+1] == 1 and mask[i+2] == 1):
                is_open = True
                counts_open += 1
            if(is_open == True):
                if(signal[i] > signal_strength):
                    signal_strength = signal[i]
            # start to refuse
            if( mask[i-2] == 1 and mask[i-1] == 1 and mask[i] == 1 and mask[i+1] == 0):
                j = i
                while(j >= 0 and mask[j] > 0):
                    re_signal[j] = signal_strength
                    j = j -1
                signal_strength = 0
                is_open = False
        if(re_signal.max() <= 0.0001): # no signal, it is very possible to be outliers from white noise.
            # mark this to be white noise
            print "no signal after filtering"
            print "LEVEL: ", wave_level
            print "==="*10
            return wave_level
        #re-scale after filter
        re_signal = re_signal / abs(re_signal.max() - re_signal.min())
        left_sum = 0
        right_sum = 0
        left_sum = np.sum(re_signal[int(len(X)/4): int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)])+1
        right_sum = np.sum(re_signal[int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)+1:])+1
        if(left_sum > 2* right_sum or right_sum > 2* left_sum ):
            print "unbalanced signal ---"
            print "LEVEL: ", wave_level
            print "==="*10
            if np.sum(counts_open > 5):
                return wave_level
        # confirm that there is at least one level of signals
        wave_level = 1 
        #get the upper level of signal
        #find the safe zone between waves
        zone_width = 0.1
        up_bound = np.arange(1.0, 0.12, -0.025)
        down_bound = up_bound - zone_width
        up_zone = 1
        down_zone = 1
        for i in range(len(up_bound)):
            ones = np.zeros(len(X))+1
            is_in_zone = np.logical_and(re_signal <= up_bound[i], re_signal >= down_bound[i])
            num_in_zone = np.sum(is_in_zone * 1)
            if(num_in_zone == 0):
                up_zone = up_bound[i]-0.01
                down_zone = down_bound[i]+0.01

        is_upper = np.logical_not(re_signal <= up_zone) # let more potential signals in
        #scale the outlier residuals to range(0,1)
        mask = (np.zeros(len(X))+1)* is_upper # len (mask) == len(X) , if signal, mask[i] == 1,, not signal, mask[i] == 0
        up_signal = re_signal * mask
        down_signal = re_signal - up_signal
        up_is_true_signal = True
        down_is_true_signal = True 
        # testing the upside is singel
        left_sum = 0
        right_sum = 0
        left_sum = np.sum(up_signal[int(len(X)/4): int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)])+1
        right_sum = np.sum(up_signal[int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)+1:])+1
        if(left_sum > 2* right_sum or right_sum > 2* left_sum ):
            print "unbalanced up signal"
            up_is_true_signal = False
            return wave_level
        # testing the downside is singel
        if(down_signal.max() <= 0.0001): # no signal, it is very possible to be outliers from white noise.
            # mark this to be white noise
            print "no signal down_side "
            down_is_true_signal = False
            return wave_level
        down_signal = down_signal / abs(down_signal.max())
        left_sum = 0
        right_sum = 0
        left_sum = np.sum(down_signal[int(len(X)/4): int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)])+1
        right_sum = np.sum(down_signal[int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)+1:])+1
        if(left_sum > 2* right_sum or right_sum > 2* left_sum ):
            print "unbalanced up signal"
            down_is_true_signal = False
            return wave_level
        if(up_is_true_signal and down_is_true_signal):
            wave_level += 1
        #continue if you want to get more levels
        re_signal = down_signal
        #re-scale after filter
        re_signal = re_signal / abs(re_signal.max() - re_signal.min())
        #get the upper level of signal
        #find the safe zone between waves
        zone_width = 0.1
        up_bound = np.arange(1.0, 0.12, -0.025)
        down_bound = up_bound - zone_width
        up_zone = 1
        down_zone = 1
        for i in range(len(up_bound)):
            ones = np.zeros(len(X))+1
            is_in_zone = np.logical_and(re_signal <= up_bound[i], re_signal >= down_bound[i])
            num_in_zone = np.sum(is_in_zone * 1)
            if(num_in_zone == 0):
                up_zone = up_bound[i]-0.01
                down_zone = down_bound[i]+0.01

        is_upper = np.logical_not(re_signal <= up_zone) # let more potential signals in
        #scale the outlier residuals to range(0,1)
        mask = (np.zeros(len(X))+1)* is_upper # len (mask) == len(X) , if signal, mask[i] == 1,, not signal, mask[i] == 0
        up_signal = re_signal * mask
        down_signal = re_signal - up_signal
        up_is_true_signal = True
        down_is_true_signal = True 
        # testing the upside is singel
        left_sum = 0
        right_sum = 0
        left_sum = np.sum(up_signal[int(len(X)/4): int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)])+1
        right_sum = np.sum(up_signal[int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)+1:])+1
        if(left_sum > 2* right_sum or right_sum > 2* left_sum ):
            print "unbalanced up signal"
            up_is_true_signal = False
            return wave_level
        # testing the downside is singel
        if(down_signal.max() <= 0.0001): # no signal, it is very possible to be outliers from white noise.
            # mark this to be white noise
            print "no signal down_side "
            down_is_true_signal = False
            return wave_level
        down_signal = down_signal / abs(down_signal.max())
        left_sum = 0
        right_sum = 0
        left_sum = np.sum(down_signal[int(len(X)/4): int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)])+1
        right_sum = np.sum(down_signal[int(len(X)*3/8)+int(len(X)/4)+1:])+1
        if(left_sum > 2* right_sum or right_sum > 2* left_sum ):
            print "unbalanced up signal"
            down_is_true_signal = False
            return wave_level
        if(up_is_true_signal and down_is_true_signal):
            wave_level += 1
        return wave_level
コード例 #43
import numpy
import scipy
from numpy import arange,array,ones,linalg
from pylab import plot,show
from __future__ import division
from IPython.parallel import Client
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

crime = DAL.create('crime')
crime_list = crime.get_crime_list()
# the following can be slow; do this once at the beginning
# of the program and use this data structure throughout
crime_counts = crime.get_crime_counts()
region_list = crime.get_region_list()
K = 10 #number of crime types
N = int(len(crime_counts)/K) #number of regions
T = len(crime_counts.get((100,0)))

print K,N,T
print crime_list

proj3_1_filename = []
proj3_2_filename = []
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_dal.py プロジェクト: olesyash/Code-Translator
class DALTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # First, create an instance of the Testbed class.
        self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
        # Then activate the testbed, which prepares the service stubs for use.
        # Next, declare which service stubs you want to use.
        # Clear ndb's in-context cache between tests.
        # This prevents data from leaking between tests.
        # Alternatively, you could disable caching by
        # using ndb.get_context().set_cache_policy(False)
        self.mydb = DAL()

    def test_add_user_check_user_added_by_getting_role(self):
        Test saving user in DB and getting his level after
        DAL.add_new_user("Olesya", "Shapira", "Oles_ka", "123", "*****@*****.**", "admin")
        role = self.mydb.get_user_level("*****@*****.**")
        print role
        self.assertEqual(role, 'admin')

    def test_check_unique_user_exception_thrown_if_user_already_exist(self):
        Test to check unique user saved in DB by email
        DAL.add_new_user("Olesya", "Shapira", "Oles_ka", "123", "*****@*****.**", "admin")
        self.assertRaises(UserExistException, DAL.add_new_user, "Olesya", "Shapira", "Oles_ka", "123",
                          "*****@*****.**", "admin")

    def test_add_new_data(self):
        Test saving data in DB and getting data from DB
        DAL.save_data_in_db("java", "for", "statement", "https://docs....", "the for statement is ...", approved=True)
        data = DAL.get_data_from_db("for", "java")
        print data

    def test_check_unique_keyword_exception_thrown_if_keyword_already_exist(self):
        Test to check unique data saved in DB for each keyword
        DAL.save_data_in_db("java", "for", "statement", "https://docs....", "the for statement is ...", approved=True)
        self.assertRaises(DataExistException, DAL.save_data_in_db, "java", "for", "statement", "https://docs....",
                          "the for statement is ...", True)

    def test_save_and_read_new_language_c_statements(self):
        Test save in DB details for new language c
        stmtns = ["for", "if", "else"]
        DAL.save_language_details("C", "statements", stmtns)
        res = DAL.get_language_details("C", "statements")
        self.assertEqual(stmtns, res)

    def test_save_new_language_get_all_languages(self):
        Test save in DB new language and retrieve ist of languages from DB
        dal = DAL()
        res = dal.add_language("C")
        get = dal.get_all_languages()
        self.assertEqual(True, res)
        self.assertEqual(["C"], get)

    def test_add_few_languages(self):
        dal = DAL()
        res = dal.get_all_languages()
        self.assertEqual(languages, res)

    def test_add_existing_language_get_false(self):
        dal = DAL()
        for l in languages:
            print "dal add language" + str(dal.add_language(l))
            print "dal get all languages" + str(dal.get_all_languages())
        res = dal.add_language(languages[0])

    def tearDown(self):
コード例 #45
ファイル: test_dal.py プロジェクト: olesyash/Code-Translator
 def test_add_few_languages(self):
     dal = DAL()
     res = dal.get_all_languages()
     self.assertEqual(languages, res)
コード例 #46
## Project 1 problem 1
## Stat 376
## Zhengjian Song

# Verify cluster connection and connect to the data set
import DAL
from IPython.parallel import Client
rc = Client()
#print len(rc)
dview = rc[:]
tinyimages = DAL.create('tinyimages')

# Search the image set by keywords: car and bicycle
car_ids = tinyimages.search('car', 2000)
bicycle_ids = tinyimages.search('bicycle', 2000)

# Ground truth, constructed manually
# 100 in each category
car_true = [12025562,12025563,12025564,12025565,12025567,12025568,12025569,12025571,12025572,12025573,12025574,12025576,12025580,12025583,12025584,12025585,12025586,12025587,12025588,12025589,12025590,12025591,12025592,12025593,12025594,12025597,12025599,12025601,12025602,12025603,12025604,12025605,12025606,12025611,12025615,12025618,12025620,12025624,12025627,12025628,12025630,12025631,12025632,12025633,12025634,12025635,12025636,12025661,12025663,12025664,12025668,12025670,12025671,12025674,12025675,12025676,12025677,12025678,12025679,12025682,12025683,12025684,12025686,12025687,12025688,12025689,12025690,12025691,12025692,12025693,12025701,12025702,12025706,12025707,12025709,12025711,12025712,12025713,12025717,12025718,12025725,12025726,12025727,12025747,12025749,12025752,12025753,12025757,12025768,12025769,12025771,12025772,12025773,12025774,12025776,12025778,12025779,12025780,12025781,12025782]
bicycle_true = [7112211,7112212,7112213,7112214,7112215,7112216,7112218,7112219,7112220,7112223,7112224,7112225,7112226,7112227,7112228,7112229,7112231,7112232,7112234,7112235,7112237,7112239,7112240,7112241,7112243,7112244,7112245,7112246,7112247,7112248,7112249,7112250,7112251,7112253,7112259,7112260,7112261,7112262,7112263,7112265,7112266,7112268,7112270,7112272,7112273,7112275,7112276,7112281,7112285,7112287,7112297,7112300,7112301,7112302,7112303,7112304,7112309,7112310,7112312,7112320,7112325,7112328,7112329,7112330,7112335,7112339,7112341,7112342,7112343,7112344,7112347,7112348,7112349,7112350,7112351,7112352,7112355,7112358,7112359,7112360,7112361,7112362,7112365,7112366,7112371,7112374,7112380,7112381,7112386,7112394,7112403,7112409,7112413,7112414,7112416,7112421,7112424,7112426,7112427,7112431]
# Print the results
images = tinyimages.byid(car_ids[0:300])
print "\"cars\""
images = tinyimages.byid(car_true)
print "verified cars"
print "\n"