# We have a new folderName, set the end time for the previous Activity and "close" that log set mod.Activity.objects.filter(name=lastAName).update( enddate=lastAEndTime) logger.info( "Set endDatetime = %s for previous Activity.id = %s", a.enddate, a.id) # Tethys loads from TDS on beach - create with Null end time, we don't know the end until we have the next folder aName = activityBaseName + folderName ##newTethysDatetime = newTethysDatetime - timedelta(hours = 4) try: lrauvLoad = DAPloaders.Lrauv_Loader( activityName=aName, url=newTethysURL, startDatetime=folderStart, endDatetime=None, dataStartDatetime=lastTethysDatetime, platformName='tethys', stride=1) except DAPloaders.NoValidData: # Make sure we don't visit this startFolder again - add 1 second to it startFolderName = ( datetime(*time.strptime(folderName, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')[:6]) + timedelta(seconds=1)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') logger.info( "No measurements in this log set. Activity was not created as there was nothing to load." ) if not previousFolderName: logger.info( "previousFolderName = None, indicating that we are looking for valid data in the last folder" )
__doc__ = ''' Use DAPloaders.py to load data from realtime Tethys shore.nc files into the stoqs_realtime database. Mike McCann MBARI 17 May 2011 @var __date__: Date of last svn commit @undocumented: __doc__ parser @status: production @license: GPL ''' import sys sys.path.insert(0, "/home/stoqsadm/dev/stoqs/src/loaders") import DAPloaders from datetime import datetime # Tethys loads from TDS on beach lrauvLoad = DAPloaders.Lrauv_Loader( 'Tethys realtime - May 2011 (testing 1)', url='http://beach.mbari.org:8080/thredds/dodsC/agg/tethys_ctd', startDatetime=datetime(2011, 5, 8), endDatetime=datetime(2011, 5, 16), platformName='tethys', stride=1) lrauvLoad.process_data()