def plotScatterPlot(Tosend): try: Val_1 = "Populating Scatter Plot for the countries after values are fetched" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) x = Tosend.keys() y = Tosend.values() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_facecolor("#fffac8") ax.scatter(y, x, color='#800000', s=10, edgecolors='black', linewidths=10) plt.xlabel("Count") #plt.ylabel("") plt.xlim(0, 2000) ax.grid(True) #ax.set_ylim(width=10, len=200) plt.title("Players Distribution based on Nationality") except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Nationality - plotScatterPlot")
def GenerateClubs(): try: Val_1 = "Fetching Records from the list" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) Players_Data = ER.extractRecords() for i in range(0, len(Players_Data)): Distinct_Club.append(Players_Data[i][8]) Val_1 = "Fetching Records from the list completed" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) #Delete Duplicates Distinct_Club_Final = set(Distinct_Club) print(len(Distinct_Club_Final)) Distinct_Club_Final = list(sorted(Distinct_Club_Final)) #Remove Null Value del Distinct_Club_Final[0] Val_1 = "Returning Distinct Club Values" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) return Distinct_Club_Final except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Compare Two Teams - GenerateClubs")
def removeFunction(x): print("Remove") try: Val_1 = "Generating Scatter Plot" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) if select1.size() == 0: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Nothing to Remove") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Nothing to Remove", "Nationality - removeFunction") else: if x == 1: #print(select1.curselection()) a = select1.curselection() print("Remove", a) print("Replacing") #a = str(a).replace(",","") print("After", a) select1.delete(a, END) elif x == 2: select1.delete(0, END) else: print("Error") except Exception as e: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Nationality - removeFunction")
def GenerateScatterPlotDict(): try: Val_1 = "Populating Scatter Plot for the countries after validations" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) if select1.size() == 0: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Error", "Add Atleast one or more Countries to view Scatter Plot") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable( "Add Atleast one or more Countries to view Scatter Plot", "Nationality - removeFunction") else: Tosend = {} print("Here1") #ND.Nationality_Selection() Final_Count = ND.Nationality_Selection() #print(Final_Count) #print("Generating") #print(Final_Count) print(select1.size()) #For each of the countries go in a for loop and update the value for i in range(0, select1.size()): country = select1.get(i) #print("Country Name",country[0]) #print(Final_Count[country[0]]) Tosend.update({country[0]: Final_Count[country[0]]}) #After the for loop send the values to generate Scatter plot plotScatterPlot(Tosend) except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Nationality - GenerateScatterPlotDict")
def OpenDBandGenerate(Final_Val, DynamicSQL): try: print("Passing here") Val_1 = "Generating SQL Records" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute(DynamicSQL) rows = c.fetchall() print("length is", len(rows)) if len(rows) == 0: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("No Records", "No Records avaiable for this search") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("No Records avaiable for this search", "Generate Report - OpenDBandGenerate") else: Val_1 = "Writing Records" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) with open(Final_Val, "w", encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow(ColValues) for row in rows: print(str(list(row))) writer.writerow(list(row)) except Exception as e: print(e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Generate Report - OpenDBandGenerate")
def RegisterUser(finame, Conpwd, pwd, Number, emailname): Pass_1 = hashlib.md5(pwd.encode()) Pass_1 = Pass_1.hexdigest() print(Pass_1) Con_Pass = hashlib.md5(pwd.encode()) Con_Pass = Con_Pass.hexdigest() print(Con_Pass) try: Val_1 = "Open DB and Create Login" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute(DB.InsertLoginTableStmt, (str(finame), str(Pass_1), str(Con_Pass), str(emailname), Number, 'Y')) conn.commit() tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Success", "Login has been created. Proceed to Login page to View FIFA 18 Data Visualizations " ) root.destroy() except Exception as e: print(e) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Registration - RegisterUser")
def setList(): try: Val_1 = "Populating Players Name from DB" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) print("Generate") conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA;") select.delete(0, END) for name in c.fetchall(): select.insert(END, name) except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Players_Compare - setList")
def LoadPlayer2(): try: Val_1 = "Load player 2 data and Validate" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) a = select.curselection() if a == (): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Choose a Player") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Player_2 Empty", "Players_Compare - LoadPlayer2") else: Player2_Var.set(select.get(ACTIVE)) except Exception as e: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Players_Compare - LoadPlayer2")
def setList(Distinct_Club_Final): try: Val_1 = "Insert Club Names into Listbox" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) print("Generate") select.delete(0, END) for i in Distinct_Club_Final: select.insert(END, i) print("setList Size", len(Distinct_Club_Final)) return Distinct_Club_Final except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Compare Two Teams - GenerateClubs")
def createSquad(): try: ##Log Statement Val_1 = "Formation Selection-2" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) if FormationVar.get() == "": tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Error", "Select a formation to generate Your Squad") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable( e, "Best Team - AddFormation - No formation selected-2") else: try: ##Log Statement Val_1 = "Opening Connection for formation details" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() b = FormationVar.get() b = ((b.replace(',', '')).replace('(', '')).replace(')', '') print(b) sql = 'SELECT Defenders,Midfielders,Attackers FROM AC_FIFA18_FORMATIONS Where Formation = ' + str( b) c.execute(sql) squad = [ ] # Insert how many defenders/Midfielders/Attackers necessary for the foramation for i in c.fetchone(): squad.append(i) #Log Statement Val_1 = "Squad details fetched" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) print(len(squad)) print("squad is ", squad) Def = squad[0] #Defenders Mid = squad[1] #Midfielders Att = squad[2] #Attackers #Pass on the above details to generate Players Llist Val_1 = "Generate Squad" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) generateSquad(Def, Mid, Att) except Exception as e: print(e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Best Team - CreateSquad") except Exception as ae: print(ae) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(ae, "Best Team- CreateSquad Outer Exception")
def GenerateWordCloud(): try: Val_1 = "Word Cloud image started" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) file_content = open("Exception.txt").read() wordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords=STOPWORDS, background_color='white', width=1200, height=1000).generate(file_content) plt.imshow(wordcloud) plt.axis('off') except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "WC - GenerateWordCloud")
def setList(): try: Val_1 = "Extracting Nationality " DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) conn = DB.OpenConnection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM AC_FIFA18_COUNTRIES ORDER BY 1 ') select.delete(0, END) for name in cur.fetchall(): #temp=[name,count] #countries.append(temp) select.insert(END, name) #print(countries) Val_1 = "Extracting Nationality Completed" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Nationality - setList")
def AddFormation(): try: ##Log Statement Val_1 = "Formation Selection" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) a = select.curselection() print("Pass") if select.curselection() == (): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Select a formation") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable( e, "Best Team - AddFormation - No formation selected") else: FormationVar.set(select.get(ACTIVE)) except Exception as e: print("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Best Team- AddFormation")
def loadFunction(x): try: Val_1 = "Loading Selected Country based on the parameter" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) #a = select.curselection() #print("Value is ",a) c = select.curselection() print(c) print("Pass") print("C Value ", c) print("Select Value", select1.get(0, END)) if c == (): if x == 2: conn = DB.OpenConnection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM AC_FIFA18_COUNTRIES ORDER BY 1 ') for name in cur.fetchall(): select1.insert(END, name) else: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "You haven't Selected Any!") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("You haven't Selected Any team!", "Nationality - loadFunction") else: c = select.get(ACTIVE) print(c) if c in select1.get(0, END): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Error", "Duplicate Value Cannot be inserted") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable( "Duplicate Value Cannot be inserted", "Nationality - loadFunction") else: if x == 1: print("Can Add") print(select.curselection()) a = select.get(ACTIVE) select1.insert(END, a) else: print("Error") except Exception as e: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Nationality - loadFunction")
def LoadTeam2(): try: Val_1 = "inserting Team_2" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) Distinct_Club_Final = GenerateClubs() print("Team2", len(Distinct_Club_Final)) print(select.curselection()) a = select.curselection() a = str(a).replace(',', '').replace(')', '').replace('(', '') print(a) teamName2 = str(Distinct_Club_Final[int(a)]) Teamname2Var.set(teamName2) Val_1 = "insertion Completed Team_2" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) except Exception as e: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Select a Team !!") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Compare Two Teams - LoadTeam2")
def GenerateExceptionFile(): try: Val_1 = "Opening connection to write the exception" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM AC_FIFA18_EXCEPTION;") rows = c.fetchall() Val_1 = "Writing Records" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) with open("Exception.txt", "a", encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n') for row in rows: #print(str(list(row))) writer.writerow(list(row)) Val_1 = "Records are appended to the existing file" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) GenerateWordCloud() except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "WC - GenerateExceptionFile")
def extractColumnNames(): try: Val_1 = "Extract Columns" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) data = [] print("Executing Extract Records") with open(Source_Data, "r", encoding="utf8") as DataSet: printData = csv.reader(DataSet, delimiter=' ') for row in printData: data.append(row) print(data[0]) #Splitting ColNames into a seperate list for x in data[0]: x = x.split(",") ColNames.append(x) return ColNames Val_1 = "Extract Columns Completed" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Extract Records - extractColumnNames")
def setList(): try: ##Log Statement Val_1 = "Started Fetching Formation from DB" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) print("Generate") #print(Condition) conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute('SELECT FORMATION FROM AC_FIFA18_FORMATIONS') select.delete(0, END) for i in c.fetchall(): select.insert(END, i) ##Log Statement Val_1 = "Completed Inserting Formation " DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Best Team - setList")
def clearTeam(x): try: if x == 1: if Teamname1Var.get() == "": tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Nothing To Remove!") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable( "Nothing To Remove!", "Comapare Two Teams - clearTeam1") else: Teamname1Var.set("") else: if Teamname2Var.get() == "": tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Nothing To Remove!") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable( "Nothing To Remove!", "Comapare Two Teams - clearTeam2") else: Teamname2Var.set("") except Exception as e: print("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(ae, "Comapare Two Teams - clearTeam")
def buildFrame(): #Application interface Val_1 = "Generating GUI" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) global username, passvar, root, UserLabel root = Tk() root.title('Fifa18 Data Visualization') root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) root.geometry('1000x650') GUIFrame = Frame(root) GUIFrame.pack(side=TOP) #Heading Heading = Label( GUIFrame, text="Welcome To FIFA 18 Data Visualization").grid(row=0, column=1) #Email Id UserLabel = Label(GUIFrame, text="Email_Id:").grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W, pady=10) username = StringVar(GUIFrame) name = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=username) name.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=W, pady=10) #Password PasswordLabel = Label(GUIFrame, text="Password:"******" Login ", command=lambda: login_Validate(username, passvar)).grid( row=6, column=0) ##Sign up button Signupbtn = Button(GUIFrame, text=" Sign Up!", command=RS.registration) Signupbtn.grid(row=6, column=1) ##Exit Button Exitbtn = Button(GUIFrame, text=" Exit ", width=7, command=exit) Exitbtn.grid(row=6, column=2) return root
def registration(): Val_1 = "Opening Registration GUI" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) global finame, Conpwd, pwd, Number, emailname, root root = Tk() root.title('Registration Page') root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) root.geometry('400x400') GUIFrame = Frame(root) # add a row of buttons GUIFrame.grid(row=20, column=20) Heading = Label(GUIFrame, text="Welcome To FIFA 18 Registration Page").grid(row=0, column=2) #Name FnameLabel = Label(GUIFrame, text="First Name").grid(row=2, column=1) finame = StringVar(GUIFrame) fname = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=finame).grid(row=2, column=2) #Email_id Email = Label(GUIFrame, text="Email").grid(row=3, column=1) emailname = StringVar(GUIFrame) EmailTexbox = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=emailname).grid(row=3, column=2) #Password Password = Label(GUIFrame, text="Password").grid(row=4, column=1) pwd = StringVar(GUIFrame) password = Entry(GUIFrame, show='*', textvariable=pwd).grid(row=4, column=2) #Confirm Password ConPassword = Label(GUIFrame, text="Confirm Password").grid(row=5, column=1) Conpwd = StringVar(GUIFrame) Conpassword = Entry(GUIFrame, show='*', textvariable=Conpwd).grid(row=5, column=2) #Access Code NumberLabel = Label(GUIFrame, text="Enter 4 Digit Code").grid(row=6, column=1) Number = StringVar(GUIFrame) NumberTexbox = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=Number).grid(row=6, column=2) #Register/Back/Clear Registerbut = Button(GUIFrame, text=" Register ", command=Validations).grid(row=8, column=1) BackButton = Button(GUIFrame, text=" Back ").grid(row=8, column=2) ClearButton = Button(GUIFrame, text=" Clear ", command=clearButton).grid(row=8, column=3)
def login_Validate(username, passvar): Val_1 = "Validating UserName and Password" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) if username.get() != "" and passvar.get() != "": dbname, dbpass = DB.Uservalidations(username.get(), passvar.get()) hashpass = hashlib.md5(passvar.get().encode()) h = hashpass.hexdigest() if dbname == username.get() and dbpass == h: root.destroy() BF.buildFrame() else: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Login- Failed", "Username-Password pair does not exist") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable( "Username-Password pair does not exist", "Login - login_Validate") passvar.set('') username.set('') else: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Login- Failed", "Fields Empty") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Fields Empty", "Login - login_Validate")
def buildFrame(): Val_1 = "Opening Best Team Menu" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) global FormationVar, Condvar, root, select, GUIFrame root = Tk() root.title("FIFA 18 Team Selection") root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) root.geometry('1000x650') global FormationVar, Condvar # Add a grid GUIFrame = Frame(root) GUIFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S)) Condvar = StringVar(GUIFrame) #Headingx Heading = Label(GUIFrame, text="Welcome To FIFA 18 Best Team").grid(row=1, column=5) Heading1 = Label(GUIFrame, text="Stats").grid(row=2, column=5) DisplayCountryLabel = Label( GUIFrame, text="Below are the available Formations").grid(row=3, column=5) scroll = Scrollbar(GUIFrame, orient=VERTICAL) select = Listbox(GUIFrame, yscrollcommand=scroll.set, height=5) scroll.config(command=select.yview) select.grid(row=4, column=5) FormationLabel = Label(GUIFrame, text="Formation Selected").grid(row=3, column=9) FormationVar = StringVar(GUIFrame) FormationVar.set('') FormationDisplay = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=FormationVar).grid(row=4, column=10, sticky=W) AddButton = Button(GUIFrame, text="Add", command=AddFormation).grid(row=4, column=6) GenerateButton = Button(GUIFrame, text="Generate", command=createSquad).grid(row=4, column=11, padx=20) ClearButton = Button(GUIFrame, text="Clear", command=clearButton).grid(row=4, column=12, padx=20) setList() return GUIFrame
def buildFrame(): Val_1 = "Opening Compare Two Teams Menu" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) global select, root, Teamname1Var, Teamname2Var, Team1, Team2, AddTeam1Button, AddTeam2Button print("Start") #Build Frame root = Tk() root.title("Country Stats") root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) root.geometry('1000x650') GUIFrame = Frame(root) GUIFrame.grid(row=20, column=20) #Team1 Team1Label = Label(GUIFrame, text="Team_1 Selected").grid(row=12, column=3) Teamname1Var = StringVar(GUIFrame) Team1 = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=Teamname1Var).grid(row=12, column=4, sticky=E) #Team2 Team1Label = Label(GUIFrame, text="Team_2 Selected").grid(row=13, column=3) Teamname2Var = StringVar(GUIFrame) Team2 = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=Teamname2Var).grid(row=13, column=4, sticky=E) DisplayCountryLabel = Label( GUIFrame, text="Below are the available Teams").grid(row=11, column=0) scroll = Scrollbar(GUIFrame, orient=VERTICAL) select = Listbox(GUIFrame, yscrollcommand=scroll.set, height=25) scroll.config(command=select.yview) select.grid(row=12, column=0) #Header Heading = Label(GUIFrame, text="Welcome To FIFA 18 Player Stats Club Stats").grid( row=1, column=3) AddTeam1Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Add Team_1", command=LoadTeam1).grid(row=12, column=2) AddTeam2Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Add Team_2", command=LoadTeam2).grid(row=13, column=2) RemoveTeam1Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Clear Team_1", command=lambda: clearTeam(1)).grid(row=12, column=6, padx=30) RemoveTeam2Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Clear Team_2", command=lambda: clearTeam(2)).grid(row=13, column=6, padx=10) GenerateButton = Button(GUIFrame, text="Generate", command=lambda: PopulateData( Teamname1Var.get(), Teamname2Var.get())).grid( row=26, column=4, pady=30) Distinct_Club_Final = GenerateClubs() setList(Distinct_Club_Final) root.mainloop() return GUIFrame
def PopulateData(Team1, Team2): try: Val_1 = "Populating Data for Teams" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) print(Team1) print(Team2) Gen_Values = [] Gen_Values_1 = [] Team_1 = [] Team_2 = [] #Validate the Teams and Null values if Team1 == "": tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Team_1 Cannot be Empty") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Team_1 Cannot be Empty", "Comapare Two Teams - clearTeam") elif Team2 == "": tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Team_2 Cannot be Empty") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Team_2 Cannot be Empty", "Comapare Two Teams - clearTeam") elif Team1 == Team2: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Team_1 and Team_2 are Same") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Team_1 and Team_2 are Same", "Comapare Two Teams - clearTeam") else: Val_1 = "Populating Data for Team_1" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) #Extract Player overall stats from the file for Team1 Players_Data = ER.extractRecords() for i in range(0, len(Players_Data)): if Players_Data[i][8] == str(Team1): Gen_Values.append(int(Players_Data[i][6])) Val_1 = "Populating Data for Team_2" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) #Extract Player overall stats from the file for Team2 for i in range(0, len(Players_Data)): if Players_Data[i][8] == str(Team2): Gen_Values_1.append(int(Players_Data[i][6])) print(len(Gen_Values)) print(len(Gen_Values_1)) Val_1 = "Sorting Data for Teams" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) ##Sort values of each Team Team_1 = sorted(Gen_Values) Team_2 = sorted(Gen_Values_1) print(Team_1) print(Team_2) ##pass each Team values as a list for box Plot Val_1 = "Generate box Plot" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) data = [Team_1, Team_2] plt.boxplot(data) fig, ax = plt.subplots(facecolor='#d2f53c') ax.boxplot(data, widths=0.3, patch_artist=True) plt.xlabel("Teams") ax.set_xticklabels([Team1, Team2]) ax.set_facecolor("white") ax.yaxis.grid(linestyle='--') ax.xaxis.grid() plt.ylabel("Range of Players") plt.title("Team Comparison") plt.ylim(40, 100) Val_1 = "Box Plot completed" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) except Exception as e: print("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Comapre Two Teams - PopulateData")
def PopulateData(Player1_Name, Player2_Name): #print(Player1_Name) #print(Player2_Name) try: Val_1 = "Load Players data and Validate" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) Player2_Values = [] Player1_Values = [] Player1_Name = str(Player1_Name).replace(",", '') Player2_Name = str(Player2_Name).replace(",", '') if Player1_Name == "": tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Player1 Name is Empty") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Player1 Name is Empty", "Players_Compare - PopulateData") elif Player2_Name == "": tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Player2 Name is Empty") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Player2 Name is Empty", "Players_Compare - PopulateData") elif Player1_Name == Player2_Name: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Same Player Choosen") DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable("Same Player Choosen", "Players_Compare - PopulateData") else: print("STR", Player1_Name) #print(FetchDataSQL+Player1_Name) Val_1 = "Open DB and Fect the Player 1 Overall and Potential" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute(FetchDataSQL + Player1_Name) for overall, potenetial in c.fetchall(): #print(overall) #print(potenetial) Player1_Values.append(overall) Player1_Values.append(potenetial) Val_1 = "Open DB and Fect the Player 2 Overall and Potential" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) c = conn.cursor() c.execute(FetchDataSQL + Player2_Name) for overall, potenetial in c.fetchall(): Player2_Values.append(overall) Player2_Values.append(potenetial) print(Player1_Values) print(Player2_Values) Val_1 = "Plot Barplots for Player 1 and Player 2 and Format" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) y = np.arange(2) plt.autoscale(tight=True) Player1_color = ['red', 'green'] Player2_color = ['blue', 'green'] a = + 1, Player1_Values, width=0.7, alpha=1, color=Player1_color, edgecolor='black') b = + 5, Player2_Values, width=0.7, alpha=1, color=Player2_color, edgecolor='black') plt.xlim(0, 7) ##i is location, v is value for Legend for i, v in enumerate(Player1_Values): plt.text(i + 1, v + 1, str(v), fontweight='bold') for i, v in enumerate(Player2_Values): plt.text(i + 5, v + 1, str(v), fontweight='bold') plt.legend([a, b], [Player1_Name + ' Overall', Player2_Name + ' Overall'], loc=10) plt.ylim(0, 100) #plt.grid(True) #plt.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) plt.xlabel('Players') plt.ylabel('Potential') plt.title('Overall vs Potential') except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Players_Compare - PopulateData")
def buildFrame(): try: Val_1 = "Opening Players_Compare Menu" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) global select, root, Player1_Var, Player2_Var, Team1, Team2, AddTeam1Button, AddTeam2Button print("Start") #Build Frame root = Tk() root.title("Country Stats") root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) root.geometry('1000x650') GUIFrame = Frame(root) GUIFrame.grid(row=20, column=20) #Player1 #Player1Label = Label(GUIFrame, text = "Team_1 Selected").grid(row=12, column=3) Player1_Var = StringVar(GUIFrame) Team1 = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=Player1_Var).grid(row=12, column=4, sticky=E) #Player2 #Player2Label = Label(GUIFrame, text = "Team_2 Selected").grid(row=13, column=3) Player2_Var = StringVar(GUIFrame) Team2 = Entry(GUIFrame, textvariable=Player2_Var).grid(row=13, column=4, sticky=E) DisplayPlayerLabel = Label(GUIFrame, text="Below are the available Teams").grid( row=11, column=0) scroll = Scrollbar(GUIFrame, orient=VERTICAL) select = Listbox(GUIFrame, yscrollcommand=scroll.set, height=25) scroll.config(command=select.yview) select.grid(row=12, column=0) #Header Heading = Label( GUIFrame, text="Welcome To FIFA 18 Player Stats Club Stats").grid(row=1, column=3) AddTeam1Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Add Player_1", command=LoadPlayer1).grid(row=12, column=2) AddTeam2Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Add Player_2", command=LoadPlayer2).grid(row=13, column=2) RemoveTeam1Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Clear Player_1").grid(row=12, column=6, padx=30) RemoveTeam2Button = Button(GUIFrame, text="Clear Player_2").grid(row=13, column=6, padx=10) GenerateButton = Button( GUIFrame, text="Generate", command=lambda: PopulateData(Player1_Var.get(), Player2_Var.get() )).grid(row=26, column=4, pady=30) setList() root.mainloop() return GUIFrame except Exception as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Players_Compare - buildFrame")
def PlayersBasedOnAge(): try: ##Log Statement Val_1 = "Started Age Distribution" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) Players_Data = File.extractRecords( ) #Extract Record from the .csv file ##Declare variables for grouping players age Under10 = 0 Under20 = 0 Under30 = 0 Under40 = 0 Under50 = 0 Undefined = 0 age = [] #Run through for loop, 2nd index value in the .csv file is the age for i in range(0, len(Players_Data) - 1): #print(i) age.append(Players_Data[i][2]) #print(age[0]) #Group each age and increment the counter for i in age: if int(i) >= 0 and int(i) < 10: Under10 = Under10 + 1 elif int(i) >= 10 and int(i) < 20: Under20 = Under20 + 1 elif int(i) >= 20 and int(i) < 30: Under30 = Under30 + 1 elif int(i) >= 30 and int(i) < 40: Under40 = Under40 + 1 elif int(i) >= 40 and int(i) < 50: Under50 = Under50 + 1 else: Undefined = Undefined + 1 #Map it to the dictionary Age_Dictionary = { "Under10": Under10, "Under20": Under20, "Under30": Under30, "Under40": Under40, "Under50": Under50, "Undefined": Undefined } print(Age_Dictionary) ## Backgroud format colors = [ 'white', ] plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#AA0000' X_Axis = ('0-10', '10-20', '20-30', '30-40', '40-50', 'Undefined') y_pos = np.arange(len(X_Axis)) plt.ylim(0, 20000) Age_Distribution = [ Under10, Under20, Under30, Under40, Under50, Under10 ] ##v is y values, i is location for the legend for i, v in enumerate(Age_Distribution): plt.text(i - .25, v + 100, str(v), fontweight='bold'), Age_Distribution, align='center', bottom=10, alpha=1, color=colors, edgecolor='black') plt.xticks(y_pos, X_Axis) font = 0 plt.xlabel('Age Distribution') plt.ylabel('Total Players') plt.title('Age Classification') Val_1 = "Completed Age Distribution" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) except Exception as e: print("Error", e) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Age Screen")
def generateSquad(Def, Mid, Att): try: Val_1 = "Fetching Players based on the values" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) Defender = list() Midfielders = list() Attackers = list() GoalKeeper = list() Val_1 = "Opening Connection for Squad Creation" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) conn = DB.OpenConnection() c = conn.cursor() Val_1 = "Fetching Defenders" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) ##Fetch Defenders if Def == 5: DefSql_CB = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%CB%' order by Overall desc LIMIT 3; " DefSql_RB = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%RB%' order by Overall desc LIMIT 1; " DefSql_LB = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%LB%' order by Overall desc LIMIT 1; " rows = c.execute(DefSql_CB) for row in rows: Defender.append(row) rows = c.execute(DefSql_LB) for row in rows: Defender.append(row) rows = c.execute(DefSql_RB) for row in rows: Defender.append(row) print(Defender) elif Def == 4: DefSql_CB = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%CB%' order by Overall desc LIMIT 2;" DefSql_RB = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%RB%' order by Overall desc LIMIT 1; " DefSql_LB = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%LB%' order by Overall desc LIMIT 1; " rows = c.execute(DefSql_CB) for row in rows: Defender.append(row) rows = c.execute(DefSql_LB) for row in rows: Defender.append(row) rows = c.execute(DefSql_RB) for row in rows: Defender.append(row) elif Def == 3: DefSql_CB = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%CB%' order by Overall desc LIMIT " + str( Def) + ";" rows = c.execute(DefSql_CB) for row in rows: Defender.append(row) else: pass Val_1 = "Fetching Midfielders" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) ##Fetch Midfielders MidSql = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA WHERE PreferredPositions like '%CM%' order by Overall desc LIMIT " + str( Mid) + ";" rows = c.execute(MidSql) for row in rows: Midfielders.append(row) Val_1 = "Fetching Attackers" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) ##Fetch Attackers AttSql = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%ST%' OR PreferredPositions like '%RW%'\ order by Overall desc LIMIT " + str(Att) + ";" rows = c.execute(AttSql) for row in rows: Attackers.append(row) Val_1 = "Fetching Goal Keeper" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) ##Fetch Goal keepers GKSql = "SELECT NAME FROM AC_FIFA18_READ_DATA where PreferredPositions like '%GK%' order by Overall desc LIMIT 1;" rows = c.execute(GKSql) for row in rows: GoalKeeper.append(row) print("Defenders are ", Defender) print("Mid are ", Midfielders) print("Att are ", Attackers) print("GK are ", GoalKeeper) ## Listbox Formatting TeamLabel = Label(GUIFrame, text="Below is Your Team").grid(row=5, column=1, pady=10) scroll = Scrollbar(GUIFrame, orient=VERTICAL) BestTeam = Listbox(GUIFrame, yscrollcommand=scroll.set, height=30) scroll.config(command=select.yview) BestTeam.grid(row=6, column=1) ##Insert each players in the Listbox Val_1 = "Insert Players" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) #Fetch Goal Keeper BestTeam.insert(END, "Goal Keeper: ") for i in GoalKeeper: BestTeam.insert(END, i) BestTeam.insert(END, " ") BestTeam.insert(END, " ") BestTeam.insert(END, " ") BestTeam.insert(END, "Defenders: ") #Fetch Defenders for i in Defender: BestTeam.insert(END, i) BestTeam.insert(END, " ") BestTeam.insert(END, " ") BestTeam.insert(END, " ") #Fetch Midfielders BestTeam.insert(END, "Midfielders: ") for i in Midfielders: BestTeam.insert(END, i) BestTeam.insert(END, " ") BestTeam.insert(END, " ") BestTeam.insert(END, " ") #Fetch Attackers BestTeam.insert(END, "Attackers: ") for i in Attackers: BestTeam.insert(END, i) except Exception as a: print(a) DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(a, "Best Team - generateSquad")
def extractRecords(): try: Val_1 = "Extract Records from the source Data" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) data = [] print("Executing Extract Records") with open(Source_Data, "r", encoding="utf8") as DataSet: printData = csv.reader(DataSet, delimiter=' ') for row in printData: data.append(row) Val_1 = "Split Records" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) #Splitting ColNames into a seperate list for x in data[0]: x = x.split(",") ColNames.append(x) #Deleting the first row becuase we have written it in a seperate list del data[0] Players_Data = [] print("DAta", len(data)) print("Before appending", len(Players_Data)) print("I'm Here Now in Extract Recorods") Val_1 = "Splitting Player Attributes into a seperate list based on the whitespaces" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) #Splitting Player Attributes into a seperate list based on the whitespaces for i in range(0, len(data) - 1): if len(data[i]) == 8: x = (data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2], data[i][3], data[i][4], data[i][5], data[i][6], data[i][7]) y = (x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2] + " " + x[3] + " " + x[4] + " " + x[5] + " " + x[6] + " " + x[7]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) elif len(data[i]) == 7: x = (data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2], data[i][3], data[i][4], data[i][5], data[i][6]) y = (x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2] + " " + x[3] + " " + x[4] + " " + x[5] + " " + x[6]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) elif len(data[i]) == 6: x = (data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2], data[i][3], data[i][4], data[i][5]) y = (x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2] + " " + x[3] + " " + x[4] + " " + x[5]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) elif len(data[i]) == 5: x = (data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2], data[i][3], data[i][4]) y = (x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2] + " " + x[3] + " " + x[4]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) elif len(data[i]) == 4: x = (data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2], data[i][3]) y = (x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2] + " " + x[3]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) elif len(data[i]) == 3: x = (data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]) y = (x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) elif len(data[i]) == 2: x = (data[i][0], data[i][1]) y = (x[0] + " " + x[1]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) elif len(data[i]) == 1: x = (data[i][0]) y = (x[0]) y = y.split(",") Players_Data.append(y) else: #print("Not Empty") print(data[i]) print("Completed Extract of Records") print(len(data)) print("Here in Extract Records", len(Players_Data)) Val_1 = "Extract Completed" DB.InsertLogs(Val_1) return Players_Data except Exceptoion as e: DB.InsertExceptionStmtTable(e, "Extract Records - extractRecords")