コード例 #1
def gen_output_lines(args, fin):
    Yield observation lines, given a filtered pileup file open for reading.
    # unpack some relevant arguments
    reqambig = args.reqambig
    fill = args.fill
    errlow, errhigh = args.errlow, args.errhigh
    low = 1 if args.low == 'drosophila' else args.low
    high = args.high
    # create some state maintained across input lines
    filler = None
    chrom_name = None
    name_to_drosophila_length = dict(DGRP.g_chromosome_length_pairs)
    # define the default line to write
    default_obs = (0, 0, 0, 0)
    # process the input file line by line
    for line in fin:
        srow = line.split()
        if not srow:
        row = DGRP.filtered_pileup_row_to_typed(srow)
        obs = DGRP.filtered_pileup_typed_to_obs(row)
        name, pos, ref = row[:3]
        if filler is None:
            # set the chromosome name
            chrom_name = name
            # if appropriate, update the high value using the chrom name
            if args.high == 'drosophila':
                high = name_to_drosophila_length.get(name, None)
                if high is None:
                    raise Exception('invalid fly chromosome: ' + name)
                high = args.high
            # define the filler generator object
            filler = iterfiller.FillerGenerator(low, high,
                    fill, errlow, errhigh, default_obs)
        # check the chromosome name for consistency
        if name != chrom_name:
            raise Exception(
                    'conflicting chromosome '
                    'names: %s %s' % (name, chrom_name))
        # check for reference nucleotide weirdness
        if reqambig:
            if not filler.check_bounds(pos):
                if ref != 'N':
                    raise Exception(
                            'expected out of bounds reference nucleotides '
                            'to be N but found %s '
                            'at position %d of chrom %s' % (ref, pos, name))
        # process lines emitted by the filler
        for value in filler.fill(pos, obs):
            yield '\t'.join(str(x) for x in value)
    # process final lines emitted by the filler
    for value in filler.finish():
        yield '\t'.join(str(x) for x in value)
コード例 #2
ファイル: 20100202a.py プロジェクト: BIGtigr/xgcode
def gen_typed_rows(fin):
    for line in fin:
        srow = line.split()
        if srow:
            yield DGRP.filtered_pileup_row_to_typed(srow)
コード例 #3
ファイル: 20100202a.py プロジェクト: argriffing/xgcode
def gen_typed_rows(fin):
    for line in fin:
        srow = line.split()
        if srow:
            yield DGRP.filtered_pileup_row_to_typed(srow)