コード例 #1
def send_email(s, lst, *args):
    # lst is one User with all the information
    # not a list of multiple users

    # compose.php?mailbox=INBOX&startMessage=1 otvaranje sablona za pisanje
    global r
    global url

    # recipient = '*****@*****.**'
    recipient = lst[0]
    subject = 'Zaduzenje'
    body = "Poštovana/Poštovani,\n\n" \
               "Ovo je automatska poruka koja Vas obaveštava da ste se zadužili za knjigu " \
               ""+lst[1]+": '"+lst[2]+"', signatura: "+str(lst[3])+".\n" \
                "Datum uzimanja: "+lst[4]+"\nRok za vraćanje: "+lst[5]+"\n\n" \
                "S poštovanjem,\nMilan Todorović\n\nBiblioteka Katedre za germanistiku\nFilološki fakultet\n" \
                "Univerzitet u Beogradu\nStudentski trg 3\nTel: 011/2021-698\nRadno vreme: 9.00-17.00"

    files = {"startMessage":(None, "1"),
                 "session":(None, "1"),
                 "send_to":(None, recipient),
                 "send_to_cc":(None, ""),
                 "send_to_bcc":(None, ""),
                 "subject":(None, subject),
                 "mailprio":(None, "3"),
                 "body":(None, body),
                 "send":(None, "Send"),
                 "MAX_FILE_SIZE":(None, "20971520"),
                 "username":(None, "milan.todorovic"),
                 "smaction":(None, ""),
                 "mailbox":(None, "INBOX"),
                 "composesession":(None, "1"),
                 "querystring":(None, "mailbox=INBOX&startMessage=1")}

    left_side = url+'left_main.php'
    right_side = url+'right_main.php'
    l = s.get(left_side)
    r = s.get(right_side)
    print('Loading left frame: ',l.status_code)
    print('Loading right frame: ',r.status_code)

    # time.sleep(1)
    compose = url + 'compose.php?mailbox=INBOX&startMessage=1'
    r = s.get(compose)
    print('Enterying "Compose": ',r.status_code)

    send = url+'compose.php'
    # time.sleep(5)
    # r = s.post(send, files=files, allow_redirects=False) doesnt work for soem reason
    r = s.post(send, files=files, allow_redirects=True)
    print('Mail sent: ',r.status_code)
    if int(r.status_code) == 200:
    # print('Redirecting to: ',r.headers['Location'])
    # r = s.get(r.headers['Location'])
    # print('Redirected to home page: ',r.status_code)
    print('User successfully notified about taken book.')
    del r
    del send
    del compose

    return 0