コード例 #1
 def parse_query(self, xml_dom_query_node, caltype, inputf ):
     Parses a query from XML Calibration File and returns a Calibration
     request event with the corresponding information. Unfinished: priority 
     parsing value
     @param xml_dom_query_node: a query XML Dom Node; ie <DOM Element: query at 0x921392c>
     @type xml_dom_query_node: Dom Element
     @param caltype: Calibration, ie bias, flat, dark, etc.
     @type caltype: string
     @param input: an input fits URI
     @type input: string
     @return: Returns a Calibration Request Event.
     @rtype: CalibrationRequestEvent
     import Descriptors # bad to load on import, import mess
     calReqEvent = CalibrationRequest()
     calReqEvent.caltype = caltype
     query = xml_dom_query_node
     if not query.hasAttribute("id"):
         raise "Improperly formed. QUERY needs an id, for example 'bias'."
     tempcal = str(query.getAttribute("id"))
     if( tempcal != caltype ):
         raise "The id in the query does not match the caltype '"+tempcal+"' '"+str(caltype)+"'."
     if type( inputf ) == AstroData:
         ad = inputf
     elif type( inputf ) == str:
         ad = AstroData( inputf )
         raise RuntimeError("Bad Argument: Wrong Type, '%(val)s' '%(typ)s'." %{'val':str(inputf),'typ':str(type(inputf))})
     desc = Descriptors.get_calculator( ad )
     identifiers = query.getElementsByTagName( "identifier" )
     if len( identifiers ) > 0:
         identifiers = identifiers[0]
         raise "Improperly formed. XML calibration has no identifiers."
     for child in identifiers.getElementsByTagName( "property" ):
         #creates dictionary object with multiple values    
         temp = self.parse_property(child, desc, ad)  
         #print "CDL112:", temp         
         calReqEvent.identifiers.update( temp ) 
     criteria = query.getElementsByTagName( "criteria" )
     if len( criteria ) > 0:
         criteria = criteria[0]
         raise "Improperly formed. XML calibration has no criteria" 
     #print 'Locating a %s for %s.' %(str(caltype), str(ad.filename))
     #print 'Using the following criteria:'
     for child in criteria.getElementsByTagName( "property" ):
         crit = self.parse_property( child, desc, ad )
         calReqEvent.criteria.update( crit )      
         # print self.str_property( crit )
     priorities = query.getElementsByTagName( "priorities" )
     if len( priorities ) > 0:
         priorities = priorities[0]
         raise "Improperly formed. XML calibration has no priorities"
     for child in priorities.getElementsByTagName( "property" ):
         calReqEvent.priorities.update( self.parse_property(child, desc, ad) )
     calReqEvent.filename = inputf
     return calReqEvent