コード例 #1
                                 "TRIP_ID", "START_POINT", "GRID_POLYLINE",
                                 "START_POINT": lambda x: eval(x),
                                 "GRID_POLYLINE": lambda x: eval(x),
                                 "TRUNC_GRID_POLYLINE": lambda x: eval(x)

    # Loop through every trip to make a prediction
    for nr, partial_trip in validation.iterrows():
        # Select the last segment of the partial trip
        end = partial_trip.TRUNC_GRID_POLYLINE[-k:]

        # Create a DestinationGrid object
        posterior = DestinationGrid(N, M)

        # Match this segment with trips in the training set
        for i, chunk in enumerate(train):
            # Only look at trips that start from the same position
            trips = chunk[chunk.START_CELL == partial_trip.GRID_POLYLINE[0]]

            for idx, row in trips.iterrows():
                if match(end, row.GRID_POLYLINE, k):
                    destination = row.GRID_POLYLINE[-1]
                    posterior._table[destination] += 1


        # Export the probabilities
        dests = [id_to_nr(dest) for dest in posterior]
コード例 #2
        {  #"TIMESTAMP" : lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x),
            "POLYLINE": lambda x: json.loads(x),
            "START_POINT": lambda x: eval(x),
            "GRID_POLYLINE": lambda x: eval(x),
            "TRUNC_POLYLINE": lambda x: eval(x),
            "TRUNC_GRID_POLYLINE": lambda x: eval(x)

    # Select a partial trip
    partial_trip = test.loc[0]

    # Select the last segment of the partial trip
    end = partial_trip.TRUNC_GRID_POLYLINE[-k:]

    # Create a DestinationGrid object
    grid = DestinationGrid(N, M)

    # Match this segment with trips in the training set
    for i, chunk in enumerate(trips):
        for idx, row in chunk.iterrows():
            if match(end, row.GRID_POLYLINE, k):
                dest = row.GRID_POLYLINE[-1]
                grid._table[dest] += 1

        print "Processed chunk %d" % i


    # Plot the new distribution
    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    plt.imshow(np.log(grid.as_array() +